台灣使用手冊Taiwanese Manual



我們將台灣的食衣住行編成台灣使用手冊,透過訪談在台灣生活的大陸人、日本人以及美國人,我們彙整出他們感受到的文化衝擊,藉由他們的雙眼來讓外國朋友認識台灣。對外國人來說,台灣的特別之處是我們認為再平凡不過的生活文化。台灣使用手冊不是一本旅遊書,但這本書將會帶你更貼近生活,讓我們一起重新認識台灣吧! Taiwanese Manual guides you through cuisine, clothing, living, and transportation in the country. It also offers foreign vacationers’ a general look at Taiwan by covering the experiences of those from China, Japan, and North America (among the largest tourist groups in Taiwan). Rather than the island’s icons, what makes a deeper impression on foreign sightseers is how Taiwanese are leading their everyday life. Taiwanese Manual is not a travel book, but one will lead you closer to life. Let us rediscover Taiwan.

Transcript of 台灣使用手冊Taiwanese Manual

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