Tairua School Newsletter

Global Citizens of the Future TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 14th February 2012 Week 3 of 10 Kia Ora tatou We have had a successful start to school with loads of smil ing faces and enthusiastic children eager to meet up with friends and establish themselves in the classroom and school programme. I would like to thank everyone for their patients over the past two weeks as the idea to open a fifth class room was floated and discussed. The Ministry has set out clear guidelines to determine how a school roll translates into numbers of classrooms, and 101 students must be enrolled before five classrooms can be in use. We currently have 103 students enrolled at Tairua School. I would like to welcome Hazel Shephard, who has picked up our interim Rm 2 posi tion. The Tairua School Citizen profile, will once again form the fundamental building blocks of our school curriculum. Our seven themes transcend everything we do within our curricu lum. We are preparing future generations to take leading roles in the way our world moves forward into the 21st cen tury, and our profile provides us with direction. School Swimming Programme The 2012 Tairua School Swimming Sports will be held on Thurs day evening from 5:00pm6:00pm on the 6th of March and the interschool swimming championship is set for Tuesday the 13th of March at Whangamata Area School. More de tails regarding these events to come. Tairua School will be running one afternoon of extension swimming this term. The purpose of this initiative is to further GHYHORS WKH FKLOGUHQ·V VZLPPLQJ WHFKQLTXHV HQGXUDQFH and competitive spirit. Notices will be sent home with those children selected to participate. Junior extension from 3:00 3:30 and Senior extension from 3:304:10. If you have any concerns regarding this programme please feel free to con tact me. Junior Ext Swimmers: Libby Hughes , Jade T, Samara Elliman Durling, Darnika Urlich, Cooper Bennett, Otama Rob erts, Jade Lurman, Georgia Land, Maika Rhind, Jenna Keyte, Bronte Hemmings, Bryony McNabb and Gabby Hughes. Sen ior Ext Swimmers: Samuel Kinzett, Rhea Schmidt, Ahi Garrick, Vita RoweSmith, Lily Scott, Flynn ClearyMorgan, Sam Styles, Cade Eliot, Ruby Heath, Madeleine WightmanGould, Tara Raymond, Grace ElliotBrown, Rebecca Reid, Denise Kahui, Karla Styles, Bayden Williams, Henry Laycock, Jack Zimmer man and Abbi Bainbridge. TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Year 7/8 Manual Our senior children headed off to Whangamata Area School for their first manual training last Friday. Our students depart Tairua School at approximately 10:45 and arrive EDFN MXVW DIWHU HYHU\ )ULGD\ 7KH FKLOGUHQ·V EHKDYLRXU on the bus throughout 2011 was fantastic and I would like to congratulate them for their efforts. Once again high expectations have been set for students both in transit and in the classrooms at Whangamata Area School. Just a friendly reminder that this years Manual fees are $30 for the year. This is a reduced rate as the school pays half the yearly fee. Closed footwear is essential regardless of the students activity. Waterwise / Sailing Programme: Our school waterwise programme kicked off today with kayaking for 8 enthusiastic students. We have a dedicated group of parents and helpers eager to extend our students and provide a valuable experience for all involved. I would like to thank Jenny Hemmings for organising this seasons programme and all those parents that make up the in structing team . Copies of the timetable are available from the office. Here is the waterwise programme for week 3. Tues 24th 12:001:00pm Yr 5 / Rm 4 Wedn 23rd 11:00 1:00pm Yr 5 / Rm 4 Those children participating in this programme will require togs, towels, hats and possibly a warm sweatshirt to put on after the session if cold. The waterwsie programme is for all children in Year 5 8 with additional sailing instruction for year 7 ² 8. We have pencilled in our sailing programme to start in week 6 for our senior students. I would like to wish everyone a safe and exciting waterwise season. Walking School Bus: Our walking school bus is in operation 5 mornings a week. Here is a reminder of the routes that we have in action. Main Rd, which starts at the corner of Beach House %DFNSDFNHUV 5G PDNHV LW·V ZD\ WR wards the hall and then travels along the water front to school. Pepe Rd, which starts at the corner RI /D\FRFN 5RDG PDNHV LW·V ZD\ towards the hall and then travels along the water front to school. Win dsor/ Hinemoa, which starts at the top Hinemoa Terrace and travels to the corner of Windsor and Gallagher Drive. From here it PDNHV LW·V ZD\ WRZDUGV WKH KDOO DQG WKHQ WUDYHOV DORQJ WKH water front to school. All buses leave at 8:15 from their starting points apart from the Hinemoa Terrace/ Gallagher Drive bus, which leaves at 8:10 from the top of Hinemoa. If you are able to assist or would like to get involved in some capacity, please make contact with Lianne on (07) 864 8754. Ruben the Road Safety Bear will be visiting Tairua School this Thursday. The reason for this visit is to congratulate all those children that participate in the walking school bus initiative. Additional drink bottles and pencil cases will be given out to those new students using the W.S.B this Thurs day. The Week Ahead at Tairua School Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Newsletter out Surf Academy Ruben Bear Yr 7/8 Tech Rm 5 Assembly Steph Mowarts last day


Term 1 Week 3

Transcript of Tairua School Newsletter

Page 1: Tairua School Newsletter

Global Citizens of the Future


Week 3 of 10

Kia Ora tatou We have had a successful start to school with loads of smil-­ing faces and enthusiastic children eager to meet up with friends and establish themselves in the classroom and school programme. I would like to thank everyone for their patients over the past two weeks as the idea to open a fifth class-­room was floated and discussed. The Ministry has set out clear guidelines to determine how a school roll translates into numbers of classrooms, and 101 students must be enrolled before five classrooms can be in use. We currently have 103 students enrolled at Tairua School. I would like to welcome Hazel Shephard, who has picked up our interim Rm 2 posi-­tion. The Tairua School Citizen profile, will once again form the fundamental building blocks of our school curriculum. Our seven themes transcend everything we do within our curricu-­lum. We are preparing future generations to take leading roles in the way our world moves forward into the 21st cen-­tury, and our profile provides us with direction.

School Swimming Programme The 2012 Tairua School Swimming Sports will be held on Thurs-­day evening from 5:00pm-­6:00pm on the 6th of March and the inter-­school swimming championship is set for Tuesday the 13th of March at Whangamata Area School. More de-­tails regarding these events to come. Tairua School will be running one afternoon of extension swimming this term. The purpose of this initiative is to further

and competitive spirit. Notices will be sent home with those children selected to participate. Junior extension from 3:00-­3:30 and Senior extension from 3:30-­4:10. If you have any concerns regarding this programme please feel free to con-­tact me. Junior Ext Swimmers: Libby Hughes , Jade T, Samara Elliman Durling, Darnika Urlich, Cooper Bennett, Otama Rob-­erts, Jade Lurman, Georgia Land, Maika Rhind, Jenna Keyte, Bronte Hemmings, Bryony McNabb and Gabby Hughes. Sen-­ior Ext Swimmers: Samuel Kinzett, Rhea Schmidt, Ahi Garrick, Vita Rowe-­Smith, Lily Scott, Flynn Cleary-­Morgan, Sam Styles, Cade Eliot, Ruby Heath, Madeleine Wightman-­Gould, Tara Raymond, Grace Elliot-­Brown, Rebecca Reid, Denise Kahui, Karla Styles, Bayden Williams, Henry Laycock, Jack Zimmer-­man and Abbi Bainbridge.

TAIRUA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Year 7/8 Manual Our senior children headed off to Whangamata Area School for their first manual training last Friday. Our students depart Tairua School at approximately 10:45 and arrive

on the bus throughout 2011 was fantastic and I would like to congratulate them for their efforts. Once again high expectations have been set for students both in transit and in the classrooms at Whangamata Area School. Just a friendly reminder that this years Manual fees are $30 for the year. This is a reduced rate as the school pays half the yearly fee. Closed footwear is essential regardless of the students activity. Waterwise / Sailing Programme: Our school waterwise programme kicked off today with kayaking for 8 enthusiastic students. We have a dedicated group of parents and helpers eager to extend our students and provide a valuable experience for all involved. I would like to thank Jenny Hemmings for organising this seasons programme and all those parents that make up the in-­structing team . Copies of the timetable are available from the office. Here is the waterwise programme for week 3. Tues 24th 12:00-­1:00pm Yr 5 / Rm 4 Wedn 23rd 11:00 -­1:00pm Yr 5 / Rm 4 Those children participating in this programme will require togs, towels, hats and possibly a warm sweatshirt to put on after the session if cold. The waterwsie programme is for all children in Year 5 -­ 8 with additional sailing instruction for year 7 8. We have pencilled in our sailing programme to start in week 6 for our senior students. I would like to wish everyone a safe and exciting waterwise season. Walking School Bus: Our walking school bus is in operation 5 mornings a week. Here is a reminder of the routes that we have in action. Main Rd, which starts at the corner of Beach House

wards the hall and then travels along the water front to school. Pepe Rd, which starts at the corner

towards the hall and then travels along the water front to school. Win-­dsor/ Hinemoa, which starts at the top Hinemoa Terrace and travels to the corner of Windsor and Gallagher Drive. From here it

water front to school. All buses leave at 8:15 from their starting points apart from the Hinemoa Terrace/ Gallagher Drive bus, which leaves at 8:10 from the top of Hinemoa. If you are able to assist or would like to get involved in some capacity, please make contact with Lianne on (07) 864 8754. Ruben the Road Safety Bear will be visiting Tairua School this Thursday. The reason for this visit is to congratulate all those children that participate in the walking school bus initiative. Additional drink bottles and pencil cases will be given out to those new students using the W.S.B this Thurs-­day.

The Week Ahead at Tairua School Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Newsletter out Surf Academy Ruben Bear Yr 7/8 Tech Rm 5 Assembly Steph Mowarts last day

Page 2: Tairua School Newsletter

School email addresses: (07) 864 8590

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Roger Elliott B.O.T chairmen. [email protected] 07 864 7006.

Term dates: Term 1 01/02/2012 -­ 05/04/2012 Term 2 23/04/2012 -­ 29/06/2012 Term 3 16/07/2012 -­ 28/10/2012 Term 4 15/10/2012 -­ 15/12/2012

Surf Academy: A notice was sent home last week with details regarding our Tairua School Surf Academy. The programme commences this Wednesday the 15th of February starting at 3:30 at the surf club. Those children participating will meet out in front of the surf club at approximately 3:30 with all necessary equip-­ment. We have some initial housekeeping matters to go through before we hit the water. Times and venues will change to suit conditions and tides throughout the season. We once again require a large number of parent helpers to assist us with this programme. As always a ratio of 1:3 is re-­quired, so helpers need to be prepared to get in the water. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at school. Cades Surf Report: Hey Groms, Cade here, back for another year of great surf. There will be a lot of activities to get into this year, but of course the best one will be surf academy. Sooo Surf condi-­tions for this week... Clean micro conditions this morning with just the very occasional 1ft set hitting. There is a light offshore early that will swing NW later this morning and affect surface conditions. Very little swell on the way for the week, but be patient as the weekend arrives with some swell, so make sure you have your board waxed up for the weekend. Please check my surf report every week throughout term 1 for surf conditions.

H.P.V and Year 7 Booster: Chrissy Baird, our public health nurse, visited the Tairua School yesterday to talk to our year 8 girls and year 7 stu-­dents about the H.P.V Vaccination and Yr 7 Booster. Stu-­dents have been given a consent form to take home today. It is your choice whether or not your child receives this vacci-­nation. I would encourage you to educate yourself and learn more about these vaccines before making your deci-­sion. For more information on these vaccines phone 0800 IMMUNE (466 863)

Major School Events for Term 1: Surf Academy Starts -­ Week 3, Wedns 15th Feb Extension Swimming Starts -­ Week 4, Tues the 21st Feb SurfAid International Talk (Senior) -­ Week 5 Wedns 29th School Photos -­ Week 6 Monday 5th March. Sea Week/Beach Day. Week 6, Wedns 7th March. Tairua Swimming Sport -­ Week 6, Thurs 8th March W.A.S Inter School Swim-­ Week 7, Tues the 13th March Beach Hop -­ Week 9, Thurs 29th March. Life Education Truck -­ Week 10, Tuesday 3rd 5th April. Good Friday -­ Week 10, Friday 6th April.

Junior Art & Craft Classes: Classes will be starting back for 2012 on Thursday 16th Febru-­ary after school. Projects for the term include flax weaving, crystal growing, chalk pastels and creating a miniature gar-­den. If anyone is interested in finding out more please call Melinda Rapson, 021 442 770, [email protected]. Te Reo Classes: Free Te Reo classes will be held in Tairua if there are enough people interested in learning. Classes start beginning of March so please phone Lianne asap 864 8754. Musical Theatre: Musical Theatre program with Kat Vaughters (BA Theatre). Monday afternoons 3:15pm -­ 4:30pm. Confidence, singing, acting, ages 6 -­ 12 years. $50 for the term with scholarships available. Starting on Monday February 20th, limited spaces. Please call Kat 0272 306016/864 8040 or email coroperfor-­[email protected] to reserve your spot. Music Tuition: Flute, sax, recorder, clarinet, keyboard/piano and music the-­ory.

Qualified and experienced teacher Individual or group lessons $20 -­ ½ hour, $25 -­ 40 minutes, $35 for 1 hour. Weekly or fortnightly by arrangement

Please phone Katie Wigmore 866 5181/027 524 9346. Thames Junior Rugby: Thames Junior Rugby weigh in is on Monday 20th February 3:30 -­ 6:pm at the rugby club in Rhodes Park. Children's Touch Rugby -­ Years 3 to 8: Starts on Thursday 16th February 5:15 -­ 6pm at Rhodes Park in Thames. This is run by Kiwi Sport, same time same place you just need to turn up for a bit of fun. Thames Swimming Club: Thames Swimming Club is having a fun carnival day on Sun-­day the 26th of Feb. Anybody can enter you don't need to be a member of a club its a fun day to give everybody the opportunity to do some racing in a relaxed environment. Food and drinks available, should be a great day at the Thames Centennial pool. Entries need to be in by Thursday the 16th, for more information contact Rachel Duncan on 07 867 5444 after 5;;30pm or [email protected] or call into the Centennial Pool.

Global Citizens of the Future