Tai Freedom Vol. 6 April 2010

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  • 7/21/2019 Tai Freedom Vol. 6 April 2010


    yB.;Oef;qdlOfUqmwfjqdkifjwB; c.yfjclyfb 63yD: wDjvB.wB;vFif;

    Photo: taifreedom

    (07. Feb.2010)

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    3Vol. 6: April 2010

    eKL:puin]Paw],wn];Ti- 30.04.2010

    wn];Ti 22.04.2010 sw]:lW}maw]; hBw]pw]:lUc] SSA sum];kuit];Suik]; pWt]:hgc],' tp].sum];m}a3 El:tc];PU:mI;sn].km]:PWc]: Aup],AUw];kn]tc]; PU:kWn];tUic];Suik]; sQc],hgc],wn];AWk], (ymK) lL:SQw]:eStUk];lUc];hQt];tp]. pI,tusit].kCL,yw].' wn];Ti 25.04.2010n}. yU,tI:PU:kWn];tUic];(ymK) mL;KWt],PWt]:pn]pI,tusit]. tI:Sqc]kqw]. 105ekL.' tI:mUic];KUiw]; 120ekL.' wn];Ti27.04.2010n}. sum];7 lqk]:l}a: pQn]pI,tusit].eS PU:kWn];tUic];Suik]; pWt];AWk], (ypK) tWc],kYI; mL;KWt],PWt]:pn] kUn];290ekL.' sw]:law]kWn]; AWn]hBw]

    kum];sum];n}.w}.' etyU,Sw]; 13nL:tI: An]mI; nC];puin].tI: kLliEl: mUic];sac]"nC];sum];kum]; nUiw]pI,tusit].n}.mI;15ekL. sUiw];AL,yu50Kuin]:nUiw]" lWc]:kWc]:KUic]:yip];sum];pI,tusit]. An]luk].tI: SSAsum];kuit];Suik];pWt];hgc],nn].tp].Suik];man]:etmL;Em;KWt],PWt]:Tqc]:tI:P}a,lc]n}yw]."

    kuit];tp].sum];m}a1 An]sw]:pac],fL.AWn]hBw]w}. p},yWm];Aap]:pn]S}am}akWc]:kUn];' pQn]huiw]ekL: etsuk]; nUiw]SQn]:tac];sUiw]. sat]:eS etAm],kWc]lc]pn]kUn];mUic];l}:wL:nc],n}' l}:cin]; eKL:kCam];n}.pQn]tI: sC]yC],w}.yU,"

    Aic]nUiw]pUic]pQn]An]hBw]pw]:lUc]sw]:lW}maw];AWn]hBw]SSAsum];kuit];Suik]; pWt];hgc],eS kCL,tUk]; lUc];man]:nn].

    pQn]SQn]:tac];Pit];El: mUin]tac];kWc]lc]pn]sUiw].sat]: Aw]luk]:epL:Em:kUn];mUic];kCL, Aap]:pn]yan],SU,eS etAw]luk]:epL:Em:kUn];mUic];t};El: kUn];mUic];t};tuk].KkCL, Tqc]:kUv];p},epL; sac]:Aw]sUiw].sat]: sUm]h}a l}akCL,nn].yw]."

    w}a;eSMTA Kun]SL,AWn]hBw]wac];KUic]:kCL,yw]. kUn];mUic];t};sC]yC],muc]:mWc]; SSAAn]sw]:lW}maw];El: sw]:k}a,fL. AWn]hBw]n}.etpQn]pUic]lUc]' yum],ym]w}.wL: Kun]SL,MTAAm],mI;yw]. etwL;tin]wL;muiw];eS AWn]hBw]hQt];Sac]:kan]sUiw].sat]:wan]:mUic];kCL,' kUn];mUic];El: luk]:nWc].tWc]:Tam]wL:etKw]:pW};tuik];mUiw]: lC] eKL:tWp],ekL:wL:p},Tuic]Kaw];yam];mn];' sw]:kn];yWt]:tqk],AWk], MTA ekL: kCL,puic]:Aic]sC]yC], SSA ' sum];RCSS hw];KL:ekL: sC]yC],puic]:Aic]Kw]sw]:tL,AWn]hBw]Et.Et.El: Tuic]tI:l}:cin];Kw]wL:tUk];lUc];man]: hQt];pI,tusit].yw].n}nn]. tUk];sC]Et.Et.' sC]lQk].eKL;KUm]yWn]. kam],kYam],mL,mUic];t};Et.Et.nn]. yw].' sUic].huiw]ekL:lIKC]:lQn]:kan]sUic].huiw]ekL:yw].

    tL,AWk],pUn].tUc],lWk];man]:l}:nn]. Am],muc]:hn]-tac];mn];lp];Sic],w}.yw].' mUiw]:kuit];Suik];mL; 20pI yU,hac];kUv];'man]:Am],mL;kum];km]Sc] yc];Am],hQt];Sc] l}: km];n}.Sm].etEk:tUw]wL: etpC].tUv];Kaw];yam];Tqc]:kWn],n}nn].pQn]kCam];lWk],lqn]kUn];mUic];El: kUn];AWn],eS Aw]hQt];pQn]hBm],lUm]:Sun],tUw]kUv];' hQt];tL,kUn];mUic];nn].mn];sUm]h}al}akCL,yw].' kWp]:n}pI:nWc]. kUn];mUic];El: Suik];han]tac];SQc]: lIAw]pQn]tWn]:SWn] tWc];kuim];Am],lIlUc]luim];mUiw];nL:mL;lUw],Sti kCam];wan]kin]t}alUim]:kUim]:' kUn];mUic];yQn];pQn] nUk].Kum]:mWc];hac] pac]t}a;mWc];nWk], kCL,pqt]:yw].'kUv];nL,wUt]: kam],wn];lc]mI;Et.yU, kin]Kw]:kUn];mUic];mL; sup],lUit]:kUn];mUic];Kiun];nn]. mn];Am],mI;tac];SUiw];sC]l}:nc],kw],' Sqt].sL,pQn]AQn]hqc]; Sqt].sL,pQn]JtL; Sqt].sL,pQn]An]mn]:kuim]; yum],ym]nc],n}"


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    4 www.taifreedom.com


    UN 4 1. 2. 3. 4. ( 3 ) ()UN 193

    () UN() ?? ()

    ? ()



    UN 193 ? ? ? ? 99%

    ( ) 19





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    5Vol. 6: April 2010

    1538-1854 ( 2081-2397) 316

    () 44 () 1954 17 1973 1975 () 1885


    (1888-1939) 2(1939-1945)


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    6 www.taifreedom.com


    (KMT) KMT 1947 1

    1958 (1888 -1947) (1948 1958)10 1958- 1962


    ( 1958 2010 ) 21

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    7Vol. 6: April 2010

    - 1962

    ZmifU 12th Feb 1947 -



    / 2008 /

    ( )

  • 7/21/2019 Tai Freedom Vol. 6 April 2010


    8 www.taifreedom.com

    1948 ?

    ? 2010 ?

    ? /

    ( 2

    AFPFL Shan State Peoples Freedom League

    ) ( 2)


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    9Vol. 6: April 2010

    (RCSS) 63

    07022010 9 2 1 2 KNPP KNU WNOPNLO LDU




    Oef;qdlOfUqmwfjqdkifjwB; c.yfjclyfb 63 yD@


    50 Rueters 10.02.2010

    >>> 11


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    0 www.taifreedom.com

    ( Provi-sional Shan State Congress 2



    4-6.02.2010 157


    2 2

    (LDU) (WNO) (PNLO) (SSWA) (SRDC) (TCC) (S.H.A.N) Shan Youth Network Group (SYNG) (SYP) (SHRF) (LWO) Lisu Democrat-ic Front


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    11Vol. 6: April 2010

    9 >>>




    ymifvldufjwifj nrfbrD;wDjy.ifboif ykefjwyfUodkuf;qmOf;cldOf;

    63 07.02.2010



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    2 www.taifreedom.com

    Karen National Union (KNU) Central Committee 27.02.2010 2010 KNU 2010

    KNUomefcwf;ymifvldufjwifj 2010

    New Mon State Party (NMSP)

    1958 15






    wMbc.wfbz.wfj wyfUygfUvFefvdefeBU nrfb[yfUvBj


    KNU 15.02.201025.02.2010


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    13Vol. 6: April 2010



    15 10 ? 19


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    UN NLD



    UN UN

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    15Vol. 6: April 2010

    RCSS/ SSA 9 2

    9 2 10.02.2010 3 9

    9 2

    RCSSqwf;[Awf;yB.;ymifvlif; umefo.efodkuf; qkyfj 9ymwfj 2

    RCSS/ SSA 10 1 18.02.2010

    RCSSydkwfbymifo.efumefodkuf; qkyfj 10ymwfj 1 10 1

    3 10

    3 10 1




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    6 www.taifreedom.com

    3 5

    RCSSqwf;ymifydkwfbumefo.ef zljrD;qefUn.efbqkyfj 5

    (RCSS)/ (SSA) 5

    5 20.02.2010 10

    6 1 2

    1 2 Taifreedom




    3 15.04.2010 3 3

    3 X2O

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    17Vol. 6: April 2010

    RCSS 10 22.04.2010

    1 09:30 2 RCSS 3

    RCSSqwf;ymifykdwfbzkpfbumefo.efiOfjcmrfbydkefU zBmb,lbvD qkyfj 10 wDjiOfqdkifj



    49 6







    4 07.03.2010 07.04.2010 51




    8 170

    2005 19 160



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    8 www.taifreedom.com


    20 8

    13.03.2010 1130 525 99 42

    3 20

    ()2 () 1 1

    MA1- 1 MA2 79- 1 MA2-2 M79- 5 60 -2 23 MA 675 10

    wyfUodkuf;qdkifjwB; rluf;,dkOf;odkuf;rmefj zBmb

    rmefjwBm 20 auMU rmwfbqAyf; 8 auMU






    3 10

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    19Vol. 6: April 2010


    UNDC 24.02.2010 16 /



    UWSA 2006 UWSA 1996 1996 2006 87% UNODC


    wyfUodkuf;qdkifjwB; w.yfbxAifv.ifj uAOfbc.ifj,MjrOf;urf edlOfzdkefvdufjvBm;imef;UNODC


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    20 www.taifreedom.com

    01.10.2009 100 510 30,000 30, 000

    23.01.2010 6

    60 35 25 6 5 2

    09.02.2010 525 25

    2102.2010 132 30 3 12000



    11.02.2010 518 - 1 4000 1 4000

    25.02.2010 09:00 9 45 - 1 3000 1 3000 1 3000 1 3000 1 3000 1 50000

    1 50000 50 28.02.2010 1 2010 28.02.2010 55 4

    1 60/70 Taifreedom


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    21Vol. 6: April 2010

    - 55 55

    25 3 09.02.2010 28.02.2010 10.02.2010 55 18

    28.02.2010 11.02.2010 35 28.02.2010 09.02.2010 55 18 13.02.2010 23.12.2009 8 510 60

    5 5 - 25 23 50 50 30 - 1


    1 4 1 1 8

    1 4 759 3

    16.01.2010 65 4

    35,000 12.02.2010 510 35 5 15

    5 2 200,000 28.02.2010 510 400 5000 3000 10.03.2010 525 99



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    22 www.taifreedom.com

    65 5 31 10 50 5 5 20000

    60 5 31 10 3015 30 20 40 15 29

    15 55 15 40 15 28 15 49 5 10 40,000

    22.03.2010 12 246



    20.03.2010 9 55 26 1 2 7

    402 50 20

    60 M79


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    23Vol. 6: April 2010

    30 2553

    22 2553 .. (S.S.A. ) (HGF) 28 2553 () (HGF) . . 105 . . 120 7 () 290 .. 13 . . 50 15 1 .. (S.S.A. )

    (MTA) (S.S.A.) .. .. .. (MTA) S.S.A. (R.C.S.S.) (HGF)

    ? 20


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    24 www.taifreedom.com

    >>>28 R.C.S.S./S.S.A.

    (S.S.A) (.) . (Shan State) . 20 8

    11.30 . 13 2553 (S.S.A.) . . . . ..525 ..99 42 ..

    3 (S.S.A.) 20 8 .. 2 1 1

    (S.S.A.) . 1. MA-1 1

    2. MA-2 2

    3. MA-2 M-79 1 4. 23 5. M-79 5 6. M-60 2 7. MA 675 8. 10 . (S.S.A.)


    S.S.A. . 20 8

    KIO (BGF) 2 28 2553

    : ( NEJ)

  • 7/21/2019 Tai Freedom Vol. 6 April 2010


    25Vol. 6: April 2010

    . (Shan State) 3 4

    . (Shan State) 23 2009 08.00 . ...510 60 . . 5 5

    1. 25 2. 23 3. 30 4. 50 5. 50 1. 1 800,000 () ()

    2. 1 400,000 () ()3. 1 ( )4. 1 800,000 () (. )5. 1 400,000 () (. )

    5 759 (S.S.A.)

    30,000 () 16 2010 . ..65 () 35,000 (

    ) 12 2010 . ..510 . . (S.S.A.) . 35 . 15

    50,000 () . . 2 200,000 28 2010 . ..510 . 4,000 5,000 () . 3,000 (

    ) 10 . ..525 ..99 42 .. (S.S.A.) . 60 5 , 31 10 , 30 15 , 30 20 , 40 15 , 25 15 , 55 15 40 15 , 28 15, 49 5 . 16 . 40,000 () . 65 5 , 31 10 , 50 5 .

    8 . 20,000 ()

  • 7/21/2019 Tai Freedom Vol. 6 April 2010


    26 www.taifreedom.com

    190,000 FBR Partners 190,000 Displaced Childhood , , , , , ..2009 (.) . ..2002 ..2009 580,000 110,000

    190,000 FBR

    ..1997 52 10 : ( Irrawaddy)


    . (NMSP)

    (.) (NMSP) . ..282 (NMSP)

    . .(NMSP) : ( RFA)

    . 25 2010 (Karen Womens Organization : KWO) (Walking Amonst Sharp Knives)

    . . , ,



    . (KWO) (UN) .

  • 7/21/2019 Tai Freedom Vol. 6 April 2010


    27Vol. 6: April 2010

    R.C.S.S./S.S.A. 9/2 (R.C.S.S.)/(S.S.A.) 9/2 09.00 . 10/02/2010 3 . (S.S.A) .. (R.C.S.S.) (S.S.A) - .. (R.C.S.S.)



    (4) 8 2553 (4) .. WNO , PNLO .. . 6 R.C.S.S./S.S.A.



    (KNU) 150 , , ,

    ..2008 KNU ..2008


    1 7 2553 7 2553 ,


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    28 www.taifreedom.com

    (R.C.S.S.)/(S.S.A.) 5

    10.00 . 20/02/2010 6 . (S.S.A.) .. (R.C.S.S.) (R.C.S.S.) (S.S.A.) (R.C.S.S.) .. (R.C.S.S.)


    KIO (BGF)

    12 2553 (KIO) (.). . (KIO) KIO KIO

    8 KIO .( ) . KIO . 2 5 53

    (BGF) . KIO


    8 2553 (Register) : ( Irrawaddy)

    .. (R.C.S.S.) .. (1) .. (2) (R.C.S.S.)

    3 5 (S.S.A.)

    24 >>>


    R.C.S.S./S.S.A. 5

  • 7/21/2019 Tai Freedom Vol. 6 April 2010


    29Vol. 6: April 2010

    April 30, 2010

    Statement on SSA-Norths Transformation into Home Guard Force

    On April 22, 2010, Maj. Gen Loi Mao, Chairman of Shan State Army-North (SSA-N, cease re) and some top

    leaders accepted the proposal of Home Guard Force offered by the Burmese Junta at a meeting with Maj-Gen

    Aung Than Tut, Commander of the Burmese Armys Northeastern Region Command at Lashio headquarters.

    As a result, on April 25, the Commander of Northeastern Region Command formed the HGF units with 105

    men at Seng Kiew, HQ, Hsipaw Township and with 120 men at Murng Khur tract, Hsipaw Township. On

    April 27, the commander of Eastern Region Command formed the HGF units with 290 men to be active in 13

    areas of Kali tract, Khung Hing Township and Murng San tract, Murng Hsu Township. These units are under

    the leadership of 15 Leading Committee members led by Col. Lao Kwan.

    Only the Brigade No.1 commanded by Maj. Gen Pang Fah is still refusing to transform its troops into HGF

    as it vows to continue ght for its peoples birthrights and not abandon them. Thus the Brigade No.1 gives

    us hope.

    The action of Maj. Gen Loi Mao, the Chairman of SSA-N, that led SSA to accept HGF proposal is wrong.

    This means he handed the sons of Shan State people over to the enemy. It not only makes Shan State people

    to suffer more but also pushes our nation to disappear.

    In fact, after Khun Sa surrendered to Burmese junta, Shan State people put their hope and reliance in theleadership of SSA-N led by Maj. Gen Loi Mao and Maj. Gen Kai Fah. They believe that after Khun Sa had

    gone, SSA-N would take the role of leadership and lead our people to ght for our birthrights. But it would

    not happen as the leaders of SSA-N said that it has not been the time to ght yet.

    When Col. Gang Yawd broke away from Mong Tai Army (MTA), he relied on SSA-N. Also RCSS expects

    the SSA-N to take the leadership role as well. Therefore when we heard the news of SSA-Ns acceptance of

    the HGF proposal, we were really shocked and feel sorry for the sake of our Shan State. Whatever political

    game they play, they will be trapped by the Burmese Junta, which leaves them no way for escape.

    During the past 20 years of cease re period, SSA-N could do nothing even without the interference of Bur-

    mese Army. This time, if they say that they wait for the time, they will deceive both people and their followersby persuading them to be their personal security force. There is nothing they can do for our people. Therefore,

    all Shan State people and all ghters should take this event a lesson and be aware of it in the future. Now our

    Shan State people feel that they are in a hopeless situation. Those who act as the saying bite the hand that

    feeds you will never enjoy happiness. We believe in the truth which is the power, justice and long lasting


    Central Executive Committee


    Restoration Council of the Shan State (RCSS)

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    30 www.taifreedom.com


    The above picture shows the signing of the Panglong

    Agreement between Bogyoke Aungsan, who repre-

    sented the Burmans, and Leaders and Princes of Shans,

    Kachins and Chins. It was agreed that different ethnic

    nations would join together as the Federal Union of

    Burma and ask Britain for independence. The principles

    being that all nation states should have equal status and

    opportunity and work together in peace and harmony.

    Therefore, the Panglong Agreement and the Constitu-

    tion based on its principles became the foundation of

    the building of the Federal Union of Burma.

    In 1962, the Burmese military seized state power in

    a coup and declared the Union Constitution abolished,

    and thereby, destroyed the foundation of the Union. The

    Burmese military, therefore terminated the only exist-

    ing legal bond between the Burmans and other ethnic


    Since then, the Military Dictatorial Regimes have treat-

    ed the Shan State as if it is their property. Its forcedassimilation and Burmanization policies, gross human

    rights violations against Shan citizens, including ethnic

    cleansing, genocide and all kinds of crimes against hu-

    manity have devastated the Shan homeland and its peo-

    ple. Many children are orphans, and many more have

    never experienced a place called home. They have put

    Shan Leaders, and Burmese leaders, like Aungsan Suu

    Kyi who support the Panglong Agreement in prison.

    Many ethnic Leaders have asked the Generals to have

    the 2008 constitution reviewed and adopt the basic

    principles of the Panglong Agreement. The answer

    given was the Panglong Agreement has long gone

    and forgotten.

    Nobody can change what is already written in the

    Constitution, was also said to be stated by Lt. Col.

    Than Htut Thein.

    What about the 1948 Constitution, a constitution which

    was agreed by all ethnic nationalities to be drawn based

    on the Panglong Agreement? Who changed and ab-

    rogated this Constitution? The 2010 Constitution is onewritten solely by the junta by forcing the people to vote

    Seated in front: Bogyoke Aungsan, Sao Hpa of Yawnghwe, Sao Hpa of Mong Pawn. The

    rest: Shan, Kachin and Chin Leaders, Sao Hpas and other signatories of the Panglong


    To All Sons and Daughters of the Shan State

    Please be warned

    THE PANGLONG AGREEMENT, 12th. February 1947

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    31Vol. 6: April 2010

    and accept it without being given any choice.

    The Generals seem to consider themselves as supreme

    beings with absolute power over people whom they

    forcibly rule.

    How can the Generals claim to hold a free democratic

    election when the opposition leaders are still in prison,

    and with a sham constitution forced upon the people?

    The election commissioners are also being handpickedby them? The political party registration law is also un-

    just and unfair.

    It is obvious that the planned election has no prospect

    for any of the ethnic nationalities. They will lose any

    say or involvement in the future of their homeland. Au-

    thoritarian rule will continue with gross human rights

    violation: destruction of society, culture, language, re-

    ligion and most of all the soul of the people. Lands and

    natural resources which belong to the people will be

    claimed ownership by the Generals and their support-


    Looking at it from the ethnic points of view it would

    be sensible and justiable if peoples of the Shan State

    were to boycott the juntas election; and work with Daw

    Aung San Suu Kyi and, her supporters and other eth-

    nic nationalities until if and when the Generals release

    all political prisoners, consider the rights of ethnic na-

    tionalities and grant all people of Burma the freedom to

    voice their opinion.

    Some of you might think that you will be able to al-

    ter things by working within the system. If you do you

    will be offering your services to the devil and will die

    regretting the mistakes you have made as in the case ofthe Shan Activist, Khun Htun Aye as stated by his son

    Henri-Andre Aye.

    ( Soon after World War II, U Htun Aye, U Htun Myint

    and other activists in Shan States became strongly in-

    uenced by the Burman left wing politicians AFPFL.

    They were anti-feudal Shan State and the British. They

    formed the Shan State Peoples Freedom League and

    put great pressure on the Sao Hpas; only to nd later

    that the Rangoon Government, and later the Military

    Regimes were much worse than the Sao Hpas admin-istration).

    In his book , The Shan Conundrum in Burma (2nd.

    Edition) Henri-Andre Aye, wrote that his father tried

    to work with the system, however odious he realised

    it became, to create a better government with a degree

    of autonomy for Shan State; he realised in the end that

    instead of a socialist welfare state, he had supported the

    entrenchment of the fascist military dictatorship.

    This year is critical for peoples of the Shan State. Care-

    ful and sensible thinking are essential. If we give in to

    the Junta we will lose everything; our ancestral land and

    everything we hold dear and believe in. The Panglong

    Agreement will become a thing of the past. Please do

    not be tricked by the military Generals and their sup-


    The Shan Activists and our Leaders had made history

    for us and we are now bearing the consequences; Please

    make sure the history we will be making for our chil-

    dren and their children after them is something that both

    you and they can be proud of .

    Please visualise Victory S.N.Oo

    Shan State Army (SSA) laid an ambush on a joint Bur-

    mese column in Nam Zarn Township which left 20dead Burmese troops and 8 were wounded. SSA seized

    a large amount of arms and ammunitions.

    On March 13, 2010 at 11:30 am, a patrol of SSA ght-

    ers laid an ambush on a 42 Burmese troops of joint

    column from IB 525 and IB 99 led by Capt. Tin Aung

    Moe in the valley near Wan Kyong Loi Kan village,

    Hai Pak tract, Nam Zarn Township. A battle broke out

    for 3 hours in which 20 Burmese troops were killed

    and 8 were injured. The bodies of Capt. Tin Aung

    Moe, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal and 1 radio operator were

    found among the dead bodies.The captured arms and ammunitions were 1 MA as-

    Battle News

    20 Burmese Troops Killed, 8 Injured in

    SSAs Ambush

    sault rie, 1 MA2 with M79 grenade launcher, 2 MA2

    assault ries, 23 magazines, 5 rounds of M79, 2 rounds

    of 60mm mortar, 675 rounds of MA assault rie and 10


    There was no loss from SSA side and all SSA ghterswere safe.


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    32 www.taifreedom.com

    Human Rights Violations in Shan State

    Murng Kerng Township

    On December 23, 2009, Burmese soldiers from IB

    510 shot the villagers of Wan Nam Tao village, Murng

    Ywan tract, Murng Kerng Township who were working

    at paddy led of Wan Nam Kway village. It left 5 vil-

    lagers injured and 5 horses were lost.

    The victims were Sai Pi 25, son of Loon Lwat Mae and

    Lwat, Sai New 23 son of Paw Khur and Mae Khur, Paw

    Sam 50 son of Paw Oo Mae and Oo, Khein Loi 50, son

    of Paw Lan and Mae Lan and Sai Saw 30, son of Paw

    Mat and Mae Mat.

    The villagers who lost their horses or mules were

    1.Khein Mu Lain lost 1 mule worth 800,000 kyat which

    shot to death.

    2.Khein Khu lost 1 horse worth 400,000 kyat which

    shot to death.3.Sai Zern lost 1 mule worth 800,000 kyat which got

    wound at its leg by shooting.

    4.Khein Kyong and Pa Nay lost 1 mule which worth

    800,000 kyat taken by Burmese soldiers.

    5.Loon Aw Wa Ta lost 1 horse which worth 400,000

    kyat taken by Burmese soldiers.

    The 759th brigade of Shan State Army (SSA) has pro-

    vided each injured villager with 30,000 kyat for medi-

    cal treatment of their wounds.

    Na Kong Mu sub-township

    On January 16, 2010, Burmese IB 65 based in Na Kong

    Mu sub-township, eastern Shan State extorted 35,000

    kyat from Nang Sur San, Chinese nationality of quarter

    4 in Na Kong Mu sub-township.

    Ho Pon Township

    On February 12, 2010, Burmese Armys Infantry Bat-

    talion (IB) 501 gathered all man of Wan Na Pin village,

    Murng Lan tract, Ho Pon Township and interrogated

    them about the supporters of Shan State Army (SSA)).As the villagers failed to answer the questions, Sai

    Mong, age 35, son of Loon Htoon and Pa Mo and his 4

    family members were forced to move to Murng Paing

    tract by IB 501.

    Also Burmese soldiers arrested Sai Lu, age 15, son of

    Loon Su and Pa Sein. He was released after his parents

    paying 50,000 kyat for his free to IB 501.On February 28, 2010, IB 510 forced to buy rice in

    low price from the villagers of Murng Lan tract for 400

    baskets of rice. The current price of 1 basket of rice is

    5,000 kyat but Burmese soldiers paid 3,000 kyat only.

    Larn Khur Township

    On February 2010, Maj. Kyaw Win, commander of IB

    525 ordered 25 households of Wan Nong Kham Nur

    village to move to Wan Nong Kham Tua, Larn Khur

    Township as the villagers did not provide the informa-

    tion of SSA troops to him.

    Mwak Mai Township

    On February 21, 2010, 30 soldiers from IB 132 led by

    Capt. Nyan Tun Tun robbed 3 viss of chicken, worth

    12,000 kyat from Wan Mai Nio Jan village, Ho Loi

    tract, Mwak Mai Township.

    Kung Hing Twonship

    On October 1, 2009, 100 men from IB 510 demanded

    money from Kean Kham village, Wan La village and

    Wan Sai Len village, San Ha tract, Kung Hing Town-

    ship. Each village had to pay 30,000 kyat to them.

    Ho Murng Sub-township

    On January 23, 2010, because of Burmese Army op-

    pressions, 6 villagers from Huay Khan Mun village, Ho

    Murng Sub-township move to Loi Tai Leng IDP camp.

    They were Pa Shwe, age 60, Sai Ngo, age 35, Nang

    Khong, age 25, Nang Seing, age 6, Sai Lu, age 5 and

    Nong Lurng, age 2.

    Murng Nai Township

    On March 10, 2010, 42 men from IB 525 and IB 99

    based in Larn Khur Township led by Capt. Tin AungMoe arrested, beat and interrogated the villagers of Wan

    Nam Kaw village and Wan Kyong village, Loi Waut

    track, Murng Nai Township. They accused the villag-

    ers of sending their sons to join with Shan State Army


    The victims from Wan Kyong village were:

    1. Long Nay, age 64 was beaten 5 times.

    2. Sai Ganna, age 31 was beaten 10 times.

    3. Loon Ti, age 50 was beaten 5 times and he lost 5 viss

    of chickens worth 20,000 kyat.

    The victims from Wan Nam Kaw village were:

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    33Vol. 6: April 2010

    1. Loon Tar,age 60 was beaten 5 times.

    2. Sai Ain Ta, age 31 was beaten 10 times.

    3. Sai Nan Ti, age 30 was beaten 15 times.

    4. Sai Kay Nay, age 30 was beaten 20 times.

    5. Loon Mong, age 40 was beaten 15 times.

    6. Sai Gan Hta Kaw, age 29 was beaten 15


    7. Loon Tar, age 55 wan beaten 15 times. 8. Loon Aw Zae Ya, age 40 was beaten 15


    9. Sai Moun, age 28 was beaten 15 times.

    10. Loon Ti Ya,age 49 was beaten 5 times and

    he lost 10 viss of chickens worth 40,000 kyat.

    Murng Nwang Sub-township

    On February 25, 2010, 45 men from IB 9 based in

    Murng Nwang Sub-township looted chickens of vil-

    lagers from Wan Pa Khi village, Murng Nwang Sub-

    township. The victims were:

    1. Nang Aong lost 1 viss of chicken, worth 3000 kyat.

    2. Nang Noon lost 1 viss of chicken, worth 3000 kyat.

    3. Sai Ti La lost lost 1 viss of chicken, worth 3000 kyat.

    4. Pa Aong lost lost 1 viss of chicken, worth 3000 kyat.

    5. Long Janda lost 1musket, worth 50,000 kyat.

    6. Long Kaw Lein lost 1musket, worth 50,000 kyat.

    Murng Kerng Township

    On February 9, 2010, 60 soldiers from Brigade 55 of

    Burmese Army detained Long Kyong Taw, age 55, son

    of Long Nu and Pa Kham from Pan Len village, Wan

    Huay tract, Murng Kerng Township, Long Ar Liya,

    age 55, son of Long Sein Dar and Pa Sar from Pan Lenvillage, Wan Huay tract, Murng Kerng Township, Sai

    Nandar, age 25, son of Long Aw and Pa Own and Sai

    Joi, age 18, son fo Long War Lein and Pa Phone for

    failing to give the information of SSA troops to them.

    On February10-11, 2010 the same Burmese soldiers ar-

    rested Sai An, age 18, son of Long Nar Lein and Pa

    Sai from Loi San village, Yang Loi tract, Murng Kerng

    township and Sai Ja Lein, age 35, son of Long Lai Kham

    and Pa Nong form Wan Mai Loi Phra Kae village, Yang

    Loi tract, Murng Kerng township for the same reasons.

    On March 20, 2010 at 9 am, some men from Brigade

    55 shot a hunter group which includes 26 villagers in

    the jungle between Nam Kurm village and Na Lwan

    village, Pan Kae Tu tract, Murng Kerng township. One

    villager was wounded and 2 villagers were beaten. 7

    muskets of villagers were seized by Burmese soldiers.

    The 5th military ofcer training was conducted by Res-

    toration Council of the Shan State (RCSS)/ Shan State

    Army (SSA) on February 20, 2010 at Loi Tai Leng

    headquarters, Shan State.

    RCSS Chairman Lt. Gen Yawd Serk, Maj. Gen Sao

    Gang Zit, Vice Chairman 1 Maj. Gen Sai Yi , Vice

    Chairman 2 Col. Khur Ngern, senior ofcers of RCSS,

    heads of departments, instructors and trainees attended

    the opening ceremony that held at 10 am in the mainhall of training camp 6.

    RCSS Opens the 5th Military Ofcer


    General News



    At the ceremony, RCSS Chairman Lt. Gen Yawd Serk,

    Maj. Gen Sao Gang Zit, Vice Chairman 1 Maj. Gen

    Sai Yi and Vice Chairman 2 Col. Khur Ngern made the

    encouraging speeches to the trainees, the non-commis-sioned ofcers.

    In his speech, Lt. Gen Yawd Serk pointed out the aims

    of the training which includes improving capacity, tak-

    ing the duty, loving the nation and obeying the army

    rules. Sao Gang Zit focused on the weak points of the

    resistance groups and the mindfulness in his speech.

    After all participants saluting the ags and the ones

    who sacriced their lives for Shan State, the opening

    ceremony of the 5th military ofcer training ended suc-


    Col. Khur Ngern

    SSA ofcers

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    34 www.taifreedom.com

    The Opening Ceremony of the 1st Round

    of the 10th Series of Military Training

    Held at Loi Tai Leng

    Restoration Council of the Shan State (RCSS)/ Shan

    State Army (SSA) held the opening ceremony of the

    1st round of the 10th series of military training at Loi

    Tai Leng headquarters, Shan State on February 18,

    2010 which was attended by senior leaders of RCSS,

    instructors and trainees.

    Lt. Gen Yawd Serk, Chairman of RCSS, senior lead-

    ers, heads of departments, invited guests, instructors

    and trainees joined the ceremony that held at 10 am at

    the training camp 3.

    Lt. Gen Yawd Serk, Chairman of RCSS and Maj. Gen

    The second conference of Provisional Shan State Con-

    gress was held at Loi Tai Leng, headquarters of Resto-

    ration Council of the Shan State (RCSS) where the new

    Executive Committee was elected for 2 year term andthe decisions and plans were made for the future.

    The monks, the representatives of Shan State nationali-

    ties, the representatives of ethnic organizations, the rep-

    resentatives of Shan organization, the representatives of

    Shan people and individuals altogether 157 attended atthe conference which was held on February 2-6, 2010.

    New EC elected at the Second Conference of Provisional Shan State Congress for Two

    Years of Tenure



    Gan Kang Zit, a veteran gave

    the speeches that focused on the

    advantages of the training to the


    After all participants saluting

    the ags and paying homage

    to the ones who sacriced their

    lives for Shan State, the open-

    ing ceremony of the 1st round

    of the 10th series of military

    training came to an end suc-cessfully.

    The basic military tactical sub-

    jects and other course will be

    taught at the training.

    SSA ghters

    Second Conference of Provisional Shan State Congress

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    35Vol. 6: April 2010

    The attendees reviewed over the tasks that done by EC

    of Provisional Shan State last year and suggested and

    discussed the future plans.

    The EC of provisional Shan State also presented its re-

    port to participants for analyzing and approving.

    The 9 members of new EC were:

    1. Kya Pho Long LDU Chairman

    2. Sai Lao Hseng RCSS Secretary3. 1 Representative PNLO Member

    4. 1 Representative WNO Member

    5. Sao Purn Kham TCC Member

    6. Sai San SYNG Member

    7. Sai Jo SNSG Member

    8. Long Pan Nu SSWA Member

    9. Sai Kham Sai Individual Member

    The organization attending the second conference

    were Restoration Council of the Shan State (RCSS),

    Lahu Democratic Union (LDU), Wa National Orga-

    nization (WNO), Pa-O National Liberation Organiza-

    tion (PNLO), Shan State Welfare Association (SSWA),

    Shan Relief and Development Committee (SRDC),

    Shan Group(Japan), Shan Youth Power (SYP), Tai

    Coordinating Committee (TCC), Shan Herald Agency

    for News (S.H.A.N), Murng Fan 3 Townships Group,

    Shan Youth Network Group (SYNG), Shan Human

    Right Foundation (SHRF), Shan National Supporting

    Group (SNSG), Lahu Women Organization (LWO),

    Lisu Democratic Front, Shan Youth Peace Group and

    the representatives of Lahu, Arkha and Shan at home

    and abroad.

    The Celebration of the 63rd Anniversary of Shan

    State National Day Held in Loi Tai Leng

    Restoration Council of the Shan State (RCSS) held the

    celebration of the 63rd anniversary of Shan State Na-

    tional Day at Loi Tai Leng, HQ, Shan State on February

    7, 2010 with grandeur by holding military parade and

    press conference.The celebrations was joined by the Monks, top lead-

    ers of RCSS, the delegates from Karenni Progressive

    Party (KNPP), Karen National Union (KNU), Wa Na-

    tional Organization (WNO), Pa-O National Liberation

    Organization (PNLO), Lahu Democratic Union (LDU),

    Shan Organizations based in exile , the foreign report-

    ers, civilians, SSA troops and honorable guests.

    Sao Pai Murng, a veteran gave an opening speech and

    Sao Pong Khur made a speech that focused on the brief

    history of Shan State National Day.

    The delegates of KNU and KNPP read out their mas-

    sage sending to the 63rd anniversary of Shan State Na-

    tional Day to the audiences at the celebration.

    Sao Kang Zit, a veteran addressed a conclusion speech

    that he vowed he would join the RCSS if his health con-

    dition gets better.

    At the celebration, SSA ghters marched in the military

    parade and showed some military exercises.

    After the celebration, Lt. Gen Yawd Serk, the Chair-

    man of RCSS held a press conference and answered the

    questions of reporters on drug issue and current politi-

    cal situations.

    TaifreedomShan leaders and ethnic leaders attending the celebration

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