Tafe presentation1


Transcript of Tafe presentation1

5.3) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning . The student adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides to solve meaningful problems. The student is expected to:

a) use addition and subtraction to solve problems involving whole numbers and decimals

b) use multiplication to solve problems involving whole numbers

c) use division to solve problems involving whole numbers including the remainder

Rules to Adding Decimals

1) If you have a whole number and it does not have a decimal, you have to add a decimal at the end of the whole number.

2)ALWAYS line up your decimals.


314 + 783.121) Add the decimal at the end of the whole number.

314 314.002) Line up the decimals.

314.00+ 783.12___________

2 1.7910

2.) 578.50 + 243.141) Line up the decimals

578.50+ 243.14__________






Rules for Subtracting Decimals

1) If you have a whole number and it does not have a decimal, you have to add a decimal at the end of the whole number.

2) ALWAYS subtract your small number from your large number. (Large number - Small number)

3) ALWAYS line up the decimals.

Rule for Multiplying

1) Always start with your last digit from your second number.

1) 12 x 9

12X 9




2) 112 x 3

112X 3


Rules for Dividing Decimals

1) Large number goes inside the “house”

2) If your quotient does not come out as a decimal then put the remainder on the side

1) 24 .. 3

3 2408

-02 4

- 2 40 0

2) 61 .. 5

5 611



- 1001
