Table of Contents - Celestial Inspiration...Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams...


Transcript of Table of Contents - Celestial Inspiration...Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams...

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1God Gave You A Dream

Chapter 2Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

Chapter 3How To Know If Your Dream Is Aligned To Your Soul?

Chapter 4Analyzing The Practicality Of Your Dreams

Chapter 5How To Break Down Your Dreams Into Goals

Chapter 6Further Breaking Down Your Goals Into Actions

Chapter 7Asking Archangel Sandalphon For Practical Help

Chapter 8HandlingDisappointment And Keep Moving Forward












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1Celestial Inspiration: Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

Years go on in the struggle as a cancer survivor, but Heather stayed kind, hopeful

and patient in life. Everything’s still on the game of fighting hard for victory.

Days of medical check-up’s and financial outflows splurged all of their family’s

resources but Heather has this high hope to always overcome everything at

the end of the line.

With James, her twin flame, always on her side, Heather found help, inspiration

and motivation to continue in life. James took care of Heather as his only loved

one and made Heather spinher cycle for James.

He was there for her every day, taking care, making her laugh and giving her

hope to live.It made cancer a little issue when James came into her life that she

even found a place to feel special, loved and found.

They shared life together, even the tiny details.

James was her everything.

And James is her healing.

To be exact, her world revolved in the nutshell of a name called “James”.

Because it was her reason to live, and to be at peace at the same time, that who

would ever thought that a poor, cancer patient could be loved and treasured?


Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

INTRODUCTIONMaking Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

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Celestial Inspiration: Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon2

Truly, he was her gift.

But to expect, the reward is not perfect.

Their love story wasn’t a pre-written, expected textbook with a glassy-sandal

scene chased by the prince charming. They’ve been together for quite five

long years but it was the last three was a pool of misfortune and tragedy for

the poor princess.

Leaving him unnoticed, James has a secret affair with another gal that left the

innocent Heather clueless and naïve. Heather was known as a martyr in love

and kindness but later, and in this, it ended as an abuse.

The abuse didn’t mean to be a physical trespass or oppression, but with

commitment, loyalty, faithfulness that’s said to be the most wrecking, bone-

killing heartbreak of all times.

Times passed by and James grew cold. No texts, e-mails and messages.

And one thing, James changed his password, blocked his account to Heather’s

access, and left Heather in the pit of survival.

Love was supposed to be an additional lifeline for people, but it was different

for Heather’s fate. It was a cancer extension to have a romantic relationship

with James.

Little did she know that James had some loyalty on the other girl because

for the last years of Heather in the world, James wasn’t already found to be

with Heather for months. It was tragic for the kind-hearted woman. Crying in

restlessness every day, in full heartbreak, and with her body in so much pain,

she still fought for months waiting in vain for the guy to come home with her.

INTRODUCTION Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

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But one day, Heather dreamt of something.

She was unconscious. And never expected things to happen this awe-struck


That night was a fraction of all her sleepless, tiresome nights of sorrow. But in

her dream one starry night, a white, bright light trances the cloudy aura right

before her. No wonder, it was a glimpse of heaven, an angel appeared to her. In

a garden, Heather was handed with a golden scroll.

She gazed over the scroll. And look out.

Inside it was a passcode of James’ social media account. The username, the

PIN, the account.

She got up. Immediately, with trembling and fear. Conscious in the real world,

with pounding heart and inner tension.

Desperately, with no doubts, she never tried the dream, but she did it. From all

cues given in the dream, Heather opened the account, used the password.

Big bang, Goose bumps. It was exact. Truly, she opened it! And scrolled down,

and down, and everything was... everything was a wreck of hidden agenda,

veiled love affairs with someone she didn’t saw everything coming at this point.

It was a dirty affair, a scarred journey after all. And found James’ unfaithfulness.

Thanks for the angel.

Though it was a confirmation of a wrecked fate along with Heather’s cancer,

yet her dream saved her from all questions. It was more than dying in physical

pain, but the sorrow of truth saved her through the power of a dream.

INTRODUCTIONMaking Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

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Dreams come into place especially when your heart is set right. No matter

what circumstance you’re in, but when your heart is in a proper condition, the

heaven and the universe will always signal you the right direction, even if it

hurts you.

Because after all, the game wins for you.

INTRODUCTION Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

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God Gave You A Dream

Dreams are purposefully put in our hearts for a reason, a gift and for action.

When God creates the dream inside you or a burden for someone or for a

nation, these dreams begin to make life and form. There comes inspiration,

ideas start to establish, and the journey of life begins.

The choice is in us if we’re willing to visualize it to reality. The limits that only

hinder our dreams are the limits we created ourselves in our heads–insecurity,

fear, real or perceived handicaps. But there are no ever boundaries as to how

God will nobly use our gifts and talents and turn it to reality.

We may say, dreaming big is enough. But actually, it’s not enough. Dreams are

merely theories if we won’t back it up and wrap it up with prayers, hard work

and determination. Yes, hard work! You need to make things and thoughts

alive by actions. If we won’t back it up, it won’t ever work because it has no

hands and feet to do it. Only us can relive it.

We’re done with the idea of acting on it. But, how will we know that our dream

is also God’s dream for us?

This is an important question. Since our minds are so limitless compared to

God, so our dreams too. If our dreams aren’t from the heart of God or they

aren’t aligned in the mind of God, then it’s not worth pursuing and waiting. It

will drain our energy and our times would be wasted, ending us with frustration

and depression at the same time.

It’s not always easy to detach ourselves from our fleshly desires and ambitions.

CHAPTER 1God Gave You A Dream

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CHAPTER 1 God Gave You A Dream

But it’s safer to know and realize the dreams God has for us so we can be

completely led to the greenest pasture we’re expecting.

So how can we know if our dreams are right before God?

All these things in the

world, including us, are

made for the primary

reason of bringing glory

to God. Nothing more

and nothing else. So,

with dreams, they are

meant to being pleasure

and glory to God Himself.

This doesn’t mean that our dreams must be a metaphor of crucifixes around

our home. That’s a no. it just means that our dreams, whatever it is, must not

poorly reflect the highness and sovereignty of God.

Example, a dream that flirts and seduces others and be famous in the world is

something unethical and immoral in God’s sight. God doesn’t get glory on those

dreams rather. He’s not supposed to use you that way. He intends dreams filled

with love, peace, excellence and joy because these things align to His words.

“For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his

glory. All glory to him forever! Amen” (Romans 11:36).

1. Brings glory to God ultimately

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If your dream involves taking advantage of others or capitalizing on someone’s

misfortunes, then your fortune will not come from God because He is not happy

with it. In return, you’ll only end up fooled and unsuccessful by life.

Instead, ask God to make use of you to meet people’s needs through you, that

He will bless you so you can bless others. This means you’re now a channel of

blessing and grace.

God’s paramount love

and kindness are on His

creation, His dearly loved

people, us. Any dream

that involves the good

and success of others

are surely dreams that

glorify God.

2. It will profit others.

Any dream that involves the good and success of others are surely dreams that

glorify God.

CHAPTER 1God Gave You A Dream

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Look for ways that can make God happy through your dream. Dreams that

benefit others, dreams that build, revive and put happines son others’ faces as

they come to God with thankfulness.

“Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of

orphans. Fight for the rights of widows” (Isaiah 1:17).

surprises us with the big one and when we received it later on in life, we’ll thank

Him for what He has done!

You may doubt yourself with how can you stand with it or how can you provide

or meet for its need, but trust God’s dream for you. You may look at it as

unbearable, but it will be completely meet us more than we asked or imagined.

The working will not come from us, but will come from the might of God.

Take a moment to see and evaluate your dream. Right now, in your heart, what

dream is inside of it? I bet it scares you a little bit. Doesn’t it? Yes, because it’s

big. But as you know, God has given you that particular dream in your heart

along with the increase of the level of responsibility and fulfillment He will

When God gives you

a dream, it always

impresses impossibility

in our hearts because

it’s “too big” to handle

and “too unreachable”

to behold. But the truth

is, God doesn’t give

little dreams. He always

3. It may look bigger than what you can bear

CHAPTER 1 God Gave You A Dream

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endow you!

Your dream is not childish. It’s important. It’s life-changing. It is powerful.

So, never ignore that dream inside you. Do not deny its power. Do not

underestimate God’s power firstly. Take a stand and pursue it. Your dream

matters the most.

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us,

to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).

CHAPTER 1God Gave You A Dream

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Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

Archangel Sandalphon is known

as the angel of music and prayer.

He has the reputation of being

very down-to-earth which makes

him an excellent archangel to

call upon when you need your

dreams, wishes and prayers

to be brought into earthly


He is regarded as a bridge to

Heaven, constantly transporting

our heartfelt pleas, prayers, needs

and praises to the Divine One or

creator as some will prefer.

He is also associated with nature and animals, and works on helping people

become more self-loving in the sense of being gentle, calm, patient and kind

to themselves and others.

His name is said to mean ‘co-brother’ but in reality, the meaning of his

name is manifold: it may derive from the Hebrew word for wheel, and other

interpretations have been “co-brother” and “he who wears sandals before God”.

Essentially, he is a messenger who can bring himself closer in vibration to us

here on earth as he reaches out to us via our prayers.

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CHAPTER 2Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

The functions of Archangel Sandalphon’s power include being our great

intercessor for prayers between humans and God, helping determine the

gender of a coming child, and acting as a patron to musicians, helping us

develop a closer connection to the divine One/Creator/God, helping us find

and increase our spirituality and healing us through the harmonious sound of


They say his ability to deliver our prayers from Earth to Heaven may be because

of his legendary height, which is said to span from Heaven to Earth. Many

musicians have benefited from calling upon Archangel Sandalphon for musical


His gracious and powerfully gentle presence can support you in developing a

closer connection to God and your spirituality. He will help you feel the love of

the Divine and the security of knowing that you are watched over and cared


His gracious and powerfully gentle presence can support you in developing a closer connection to God and your spirituality.

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CHAPTER 2 Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

people, our bodies are constantly mingling and interacting with other people,

places, and energies, which are around us, thereby dissipating and absorbing

energy in the process.

This is a natural process and a by-product of the energy of unity, which flows

between and connects each and every person we are in contact with. The

lives we do still live in is a realm of duality and as such there are bound to be

challenges with some of these energetic interactions.

Developing a closer connection to God is aided by special help from Archangel

Sandalphon. He understands what it is to live as a human so he knows how

earnestly we yearn for that connection with the Divine One because we need

it to move ahead.

He has personal experience with ascending through the physical realm to

higher levels of consciousness. He especially helps those who are dedicated to

a path of self-discovery, personal growth and ascension.

Developing a closer connection to God

Human beings are

tripartite beings; we live

in a body, we have a soul

as well as a spirit man.

Thus, we are more than

just our physical bodies,

we are spiritual and

energetic beings.

In every instance as time

flies by and with every

interaction with other

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CHAPTER 2Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

He serves with infinite compassion and personal understanding, devoted to

supporting us through our journey to developing a better relationship with our

creator through our words and supplication to him.

Archangel Sandalphon helps you to find your life’s purpose. To have him

assist you on this particular quest, you need to trust him and have an open

mind. You must not rely on your senses as they have a way on blinding us to

the true cause of our lives’ purpose.

Archangel Sandalphon has a very power yet gentle energy and through

working with him, you can increase your spiritual connection to God and your

ability to communicate with the angels. He will surround you with this loving

presence and bring you a feeling of safety, calmness and peace.

Finding your spirituality

We are often lost

and keep searching to

know what we are really

meant to do while here

on earth. There is that

feeling that there is

something more for you

but you have not found

it yet, reach out and ask

the angels to show you

the way. On our days

here on earth, we should

be happy, fulfilled, and

living in purpose.

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solved or how your prayer will be answered.

You will just let the Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and Creativity to work for you,

to solve your problem. The answers to your prayers may take many forms: you

can hear words repeatedly; you may have repetitive thoughts, feelings, dreams

or signs. Just be open and you will understand the answers to your prayers.

He also gives guidance and direction to those who seek him. Some prayers said

to him reflect this category of power he has as he asked to provide the wisdom

needed to avoid deception and discern what’s really true in every part of life,

from relationships to work.

The prayers are also said to help those who seek him see each situation they

encounter from an accurate perspective, set the best priorities, and make the

best decisions in their life each day.

Align yourself with God’s purpose for your life through prayers

Archangel Sandalphon

carries our prayers to

God and brings us His

answers, in various

forms. Whether you are

troubled by worries or

fears, just ask him to

undertake your issues

and leave it to him to

handles them on your

behalf, without worrying

how those issues will be

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They believe he gives them the guidance they need to be courageous in life, to

align themselves with God’s higher path and to stop attacks against them in

the spiritual realm so they can enjoy their lives in peace and confidence.

They further ask for him to urge and motivate them to pursue spiritual disciplines

like prayer and reading sacred scriptures that will strengthen their faith in God

and passion for truth and divine assignments. Archangel Sandalphon is the

great intercessor helping you achieve your purpose at every point in your life,

and in the lives of everyone.

CHAPTER 2Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

configuration (body, soul and spirit) we are wired to connect with someone

or something as often as possible to create and foster a healthy and organic

spiritual wholeness. It may very well be a higher power or divine deity who

can identify with our personal situations and share in our everyday lives and


Prayer is that communion that cuts across traditions and religious practices

Archangel Sandalphon Prayer

Human beings are

tripartite beings. We

yearn for spiritual

inspiration as we are

not only defined by our

physical bodies and

we need to constantly

experience a refreshing

within our spirits.

Due to our three-

d i m e n s i o n a l

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CHAPTER 2 Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

Prayer is undoubtedly one of the most ancient and perhaps the most mysterious of all human experiences.

and without a doubt is the personal experience and intimate connection with

our spirituality and to what we believe in.

Prayer is undoubtedly one of the most ancient and perhaps the most mysterious

of all human experiences. People believe that there is an actual science to prayer

because the combination of prayers with some feelings creates a powerful

connection producing even more powerful results.

Since prayer is tested and trusted to deliver results, it is therefore a great way to

connect with all your angels and cultivate a sense of openness and receptivity

with them by doing the following:

Light a turquoise candle while holding the turquoise crystal in your hand.

If you are attuned to Reiki symbols, draw symbols on candle and crystal for

concentration and grounding. Sit comfortably and relax. When you are totally

relaxed, call upon Archangel Sandalphon.

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CHAPTER 2Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

Simple invocation that I personally use is “Dear Archangel Sandalphon, please

assist me in (my situation here). Heal my heart chakra and let love flow in my

life. Thank you for your assistance”. Take deep breathes and relax. Let your

thoughts flow. Don’t try to stop them. Let go of bad or unwanted memories.

Keep a watch on your thoughts or any sign from angel.

Sit in a comfortable position and take several deep breaths focusing

on the intensity of your inhaling and exhaling;

Allow yourself relax while releasing all forms of tension intentionally

all over your body as you exhale;

Visualize yourself as you are seated surrounded by turquoise light

and allow your body, mind and soul be soaked in the healing energy

of Archangel Sandalphon’s divine light;

When you are fully relaxed, feel his closeness and talk to him either

loudly or silently as your mind directs you and thank him for the

life you live, give him appreciation for his guidance, and ask him to

protect, encourage and sustain you each day;

Then light your prayer candle, and proceed in more specific prayer

requests asking him to send you the help you need from him and

the blue ray angels who work under his supervision.

The turquoise angel light ray represents gentleness, calmness, love, power and

overwhelming assurance that all prayers will be answered. Therefore, when the

turquoise prayer candle is lighted to pray, you can focus your prayers on asking

Archangel Sandalphon to help you in taking up all your prayers to the Divine


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CHAPTER 2 Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

This is so that you can be guided on the right way to pray, what to pray for in

details and to clearly understand your life’s purpose to enable you base your

priorities and daily decisions around pursuing those purposes.

Therefore, as you pray, ask specifically for spiritual aid that will elevate your

body, soul and spirit in order to pray right and be specific about what you

want to be done in your life, and for the faith and courage you need to follow

wherever you are being led by the angels. Pray as well for the strength you will

need to overcome challenges, to act on your beliefs with renewed vigor, to do

good in the world, to take the risks you are destined to take, to harness and

develop outstanding leadership qualities, and to counter and replace negative

thoughts that do not reflect spiritual truth with positive thoughts that really

reflect the truth.

as you pray, ask specifically for spiritual aid that will elevate your body,

soul and spirit in order to pray right and be specific about what you want to

be done in your life, and for the faith and courage you need to follow wherever you

are being led by the angels.

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Body: focus your prayers regarding the good of your body so that you

can enjoy overall health in the improvement of the central nervous

system function, lowering blood pressure, relieving pain throughout

the body, reducing fevers, fighting infections, staying healthy, eating

well and keeping fit.

Mind: putting your mind at ease while erasing anxiety and worry,

clarifying thinking, eradicating fear completely and gaining

advantage over self.

Spirit: elevating your spiritual self while completely removing all

deception and guilt that disturb your outlook on life, discovering the

truth about God, yourself, your angels, family members and other

people you encounter so you can go through life with an accurate

and eternal perspective while learning how to surrender your will to

God’s higher will. Also pray for courage to express and hold on to

your convictions steadfastly regardless of any situation you may find

yourself in.

You can also tailor your prayer requests for healing for yourself or a loved one.

As you pray for motivation and direction from Archangel Sandalphon in your

life and that of your loved one(s), it can help to keep these guided focuses in





CHAPTER 2Archangel Sandalphon And His Ability To Make Your Dreams Come True

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How To Know If Your Dream Is Aligned To Your Soul?

People have many dreams, but the problem is, they don’t know what they want

to do in their lives. So, if you’re reading this right now, I bet you’re a personal

development junkie who aims for self-awareness more than an average person.

And purpose is incredibly important to you.

But the exploration of your real calling doesn’t happen overnight. They require

time and depths of essence to figure it out.

If you’re still wondering what your life’s purpose is, here are several reasons why

you should fix them.

How to Knowif Your Dream

is Aligned toYour Soul?

Why is your soul not aligned with your purpose?

CHAPTER 3 How To Know If YourDream Is Aligned To Your Soul?

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This is hard. When you’re forced to do the dream you’re not supposed to have,

you end up unsuccessful. This can be your parent’s dream, or maybe you’re

mimicking your favorite celebrity’s life and so with his lifestyle, then you’re on

the place of falling.

You cannot copy others’ destiny. You can dream for it but totally duplicating

everything is never a good point, it will not lead you to your true calling. It’s like

the stepsisters who tries wearing Cinderella’s glass slipper... it won’t just fit in. if

you’re trying to fit the size of other’s dreams, you’ll end up hurt. So don’t waste

your time copying. Be unique and follow your passions and purpose.

Journal often. Meditate your life. Visualize yourself to a higher level.

Engage yourself in activities that lead you to crystal clear purpose. Take time to

explore your vision in life and help this ingrain deeply into your psyche.

1. Trying to fulfill someone’s dream

CHAPTER 3How To Know If YourDream Is Aligned To Your Soul?

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Faith without action is

dead. If you’re afraid to

take action because you

think it will not create

a jouney, then you’re

wrong. Even if it’s just

simple baby steps, once

you’re clear on what you

journey want to do in life,

then the universe will

2. You have no action

“I want more in life but I

think this is OK now. I’ll

stay here.”

Do you have these same

statements? If you’re

rolling all over again,

then you’re miles away

from your calling. Living

in mediocrity means

you’re living under the

3. Settling for less.

help you conspire the things in your favor. Your actions mean a lot for your

dreams. It’s up to you if you dream big forever but without your one single step,

it will not make a difference. Rise and act

CHAPTER 3 How To Know If YourDream Is Aligned To Your Soul?

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23Celestial Inspiration: Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

best of what you can do more in life and you’ll end up frustrated. Your dreams

are excellent, and so must your thinking and actions should be. If we settle for

less, life will constantly poke you and tell you “go out from your comfort zone!”

Greater things will come if you learn how to be excellent.

If we drift about in life without following a particular purpose, then we’re out

of direction and we can end up dissatisfied and disillusioned. It’s a must that

we will identify our life purpose and living on that purpose is simply a very

satisfying journey.

The question is, “How do you find your life’s purpose? “

To begin with, you can go deep within yourself and ask a few questions.

Ask yourself his interesting question. What do you think you will do that at your

worst is better than most people? Sure, all of us have strengths, even if they are

not immediately ostensible to us. They can be unveiled after deep evaluation

or meditation.

Some of us excel in academic strands, while others advance in music and

theaters, the arts, or social interactions which rely on building and heightens

people. First, you must need to identify our strengths to figure out our life’s


Second question is to know your success behind. What things you would be

doing If you knew you would not fail? What are the things that you could so

that you think failure is impossible? What is it that you already enjoy doing

and the things that excite you the most? These questions are aligned to your

Finding Your Life’s Purpose

CHAPTER 3How To Know If YourDream Is Aligned To Your Soul?

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passions, hobbies and interests because it will not fail you.

The third question to ask yourself is how your strengths and interests intersect

each other. When these two combines, they become a powerful force within

you that drives you highly to your purpose.

Remember that your path and journey is how the soul cultivates and evolves.

Take the opportunity to enjoy the process. As you maintain this healthy mindset,

the journey and process will become rewarding and satisfying.

Truly living your life purpose connects joy, devotion, satisfaction, and everything

appears to be effortlessly beautiful. You will experience the harmony and peace

and find the meaning and purpose of life. You will get to acknowledge these

things because you are in tune with what God designed you to be.

through all its previous stages. To realize its highest purpose, it has to furthe

revolve until it becomes conscious to the highest calling he is designed to be.

Soul Purpose

Self-Realization is the

ultimate purpose of

soul to experience life.

It has many stages and

systems as we arrive

our way to realizing our

true calling and Divine


A person’s soul goes

through different stages

of where it is grown

CHAPTER 3 How To Know If YourDream Is Aligned To Your Soul?

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The ultimate purpose of one’s soul is to elevate themselves and set itself free

from all bondages and strongholds.

Every human soul is possible to evolve to its ultimate purpose in this lifetime

only if the mind, body, and soul are aligned. Being just fully aware of its signals

and acknowledging our ultimate persistence alone is enough to advance our

levels of consciousness. Setting an aim to realize the soul’s purpose leads and

established the person on the trail to self-realization and meaningful journey

of life.

For example, there is a wrong notion that an individual needs to abandon all

worldly and secular relations and involvement to attain freedom. This is distant

from the truth. If one runs away from what they are made-up to do in life, there

is that unfulfilled sequence or stage in their lives.

Aligning Life and Soul Purpose

One important journey

of our path is to align

our souls to the life

purpose. It is the key is

to pattern ourselves to

the design of God for the

world and for eternity.

This alignment has

been often overlooked

and ignored without

knowing that this is

important to one’s

growth and cultivation.

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This alignment brings into balance one’s worldly pursuits with their soul’s

journey and advances the evolution of both simultaneously, and it brings

fulfillment and harmony into one’s life.

Our life purpose is our legacy here on earth. Without knowing this purpose,

we’ll end up wandering and unfulfilled of our missions. Definitely, this is your

ultimate purpose and aligning your soul in it takes stepping stones to start.

When this materializes, one is accurately on the way to Self-Realization. In fact,

our whole journey becomes a ride to knowing your Self-Realization.

Think of your soul’s purpose as your end and ultimate goal. Life purposes are

our life-long objectives and the means to achieve the true success.

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Analyzing The Practicality Of Your Dreams

No one in earth has no dreams. Even dogs dream to be with their owners when

they’re away from them. As simple as it is, it’s still a dream. Much more with

human beings.

Deep down in us, there are ambitions within us on whom do we want to be,

what we want to do in life and where we want to be someday. These vary

from person to person, but it does not mean that there is solely one without a

thought of a dream inside his mind.

Time passes, many let firm dreams die in exchange of new ones. But it should

always be stimulated to chase their visions and passions. In doing so, one must

Analyzingthe Practicality of your Dreams

CHAPTER 4Analyzing The Practicality Of Your Dreams

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not disregard that we are living in a real world with real costs, and in a real

world and no matter what your dream is, the practicality of your dream should

be anchored by taking an action as a part of a success.

Even if everything else is ready and okay, including our financial status.

Not all dreams are worth it and not every dreamer is worth his dreams. If one

isn’t ready for a paradigm change, it is doubtful that they will ever achieve their

dreams, goals and targets in life.

Taking many factors into consideration, if one has the determination and the

dedication to face the practicality of these matters, any dream can be made

into a reality that is well worth it.

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How To Break Down Your Dreams Into Goals

One thing we’re not confident to reach our dreams is because we’re

overwhelmed by the size of our dream. We forgot to first look at the details

and step by step finish them so we can land on success. If you’ve always

focused your eye on the big picture, then it can be difficult to stay steady and

firm in the day-to-day doings. Holda vision for one then you can proceed to

the wholeness of the other thing.

Allowing yourself to dream big rises another problem. We must know how to

break down our big dreams into sequenced goals.

How to Break Down your Dreams

Into Goals

CHAPTER 5How To Break Down Your Dreams Into Goals

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Make a mind-map of your life vision. Visualize it right now. Write your company

name (your dream) in the middle and make a web with different bubbles. Do

not edit yourself and expect you’d go wild and active for the moment!

Use a sheet of paper to do this. The point is for you to plan out your vision and

see what the table offers in front of you. If you want to save this somewhere,

then the better will the result be because you’ll be able to refer back to as your

dream starts to come into reality and fruition. Do this as this helps your brain

start shaping the different parts instead of having it all topsy-turvy up in your


Step 1: Create your massive mind-map

CHAPTER 5 How To Break Down Your Dreams Into Goals

Do not edit yourself and expect you’d go wild and active for the


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31Celestial Inspiration: Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

After creating your

mind-map, then you can

start creating your plan.

You may spend few days

and think of ways to do

this but prefer finding

the components that are

both easy and fruitful in


Step 2: Search for your logical step

Once you know your next

logical step, it’s time to

break that into smaller,

bearable targets. When

we do this, we make

things a lot easier and

achievable. Encourage

yourself to keep it simple

and straightforward,

otherwise you may

Step 3: Break the next step into smaller targets

overwhelm yourself in doubt and impossibility.

In your next logical step, try to find a mentor, then yourmentor will teach you

the right things to pick and reach out what is needed for the goal.

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We gain power and

confidence when

we leave room for

flexibility. We learn more

experience and we gain

more knowledge as we

keep new information at

hand. While we want our

vision to look a certain

now, let’s keep in mind

Step 4: Remember to always be flexible

that it may change later on down the highway.

Oftentimes people generate plans and rigidly fix unto them even when it’s

clear that they shouldn’t. In order to avoid this thing, permit some space for

flexibility and changes in the journey. It may come that you may not want the

same things five years from now and that is still completely okay.

Even if we were to break down our big dreams into smaller steps, it’s helpful to

have a little extra help because this is advantageous. If you feel the need to ask

for a coach or mentor to guide and direct your decisions, then you’re on the

right track.

Coaches keep you with accountability and they will teach you from their

experiences that is somehow applicable to your present condition. It will

definitely increase the level of your learning curve in half.

Final Thoughts on big dreams through small steps

CHAPTER 5 How To Break Down Your Dreams Into Goals

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Further Breaking Down Your Goals Into Actions

“I want to be a good parent” or “I want to be healthier this year.”, we often

say that in ourselves. Businesses too have goals: “we want to lead the market

demands and achieve the company goals” or “let’s be the cutting edge”. And

even trainers have teaching goals for their employee learners: “I want them to

be motivated at work” or “I want them to love their jobs so they can do well.”

Of course, the point of having goals is that we want to advance, elevate and at

the end, we want to meet all of them. But it can be strenuously hard to meet a

goal if we don’t really know what our goal means. Consider my examples above.

Further Breaking

Down Your Goals Into


CHAPTER 6Further Breaking Down Your Goals Into Actions

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How can a person know if he’s a good parent or he’s healthier now? How does

a business know when it’s an industry-thought leader, the cutting edge, or a

lean on the market? And how do trainers know if employees are motivated or

passionate in their jobs? These goals are merely given ideas instead of being

concretely real.

This is the five-step process for analyzing our goals and making them concrete.

These steps are:

The five stepsof Goal Analysis

Write down the goal

Write down all that a person should do for you to meet the goal

Review the matters you listed in step 2 and revise them

Write a comprehensive sentence that defines each of the items on

your list after step 3

Test the sentences you wrote in step 4 to be certain if they’re complete






Start by putting on your paper your dream down to your goal.

Don’t worry if it’s a whole sentence or a fragment. Just get it down. You don’t

even have to worry the performance on the line. The important thing is just to

make sure you’ve written it on paper.

Analysis of Goal Step 1: Write Down the Goal

CHAPTER 6 Further Breaking Down Your Goals Into Actions

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35Celestial Inspiration: Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

Take some time to write

down everything you’d

have to see so you’ll

know that the goal had

been met.

Write the ideas down as

this is most important.

It’s OK if they’re not all

good ideas for now. But

Reviewing your list from

step 2 is what step 3 is all

about and innovating it

becomes much better.

“Making it better.” This is


So, here’s how to start

to make it concrete and

Analysis of Goal Step 2: Write Down the person you would agree to meet the goal

Analysis of Goal Step 3: Review Items You Itemized in Step 2 and Revise Them

you’ll need to back track in step 3 and take note of that. This time just write

down everything that comes to your mind.

CHAPTER 6Further Breaking Down Your Goals Into Actions

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Who does it? What that person do? How well they do it?


Delete any items that duplicate other items (the redundancies)

Cross out or delete the items aren’t good indications that the goal has been


Place check or done marks next to items that represent processes (your means)

instead of outcomes or results (the ends)

Begin with step 4 in your list of performances from step 3.

The presentations listed in step 3 might be a single word, or a short phrase, a

fragment of the sentence. The trick in step 4 is to take those statements of and

turn them into a complete sentence. That sentence should include:

Analysis of Goal Step 4: Write a Complete Sentence That Describes Each of the Items on Your List After Step 3

CHAPTER 6 Further Breaking Down Your Goals Into Actions

- Who does it?- What that person do?- How well they do it?

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37Celestial Inspiration: Making Your Dreams Come True With The Power Of Archangel Sandalphon

Congratulations, you’re

done with step 4.

Now, step 5 is all about

built-in double-check. In

this step, you’ve got to

ask one simple question

for yourself: “Will the

goal be met if every item

on my list occurs exactly

as they’re described?”

Goal Analysis Step 5: Examine the Sentences You Wrote in Step 4 to Make Sure They’re Whole

If yes is your answer, then you’ve met you goal completely, and you can have a

goal analysis. Pat yourself on the back!

But if your answer is no, there’s still some effort to do. If you responded no

to the question above, ask yourself another question like“ What else should

happen before I’d agree that the goal has been met?”

After answering this question, add that new item to you list and ask yourself

the first question again: “will the goal have been met if every item on my list

occurs exactly as they’re described?” If you can answer yes no, you’re done. If

not, keep repeating this cycle until you’re finished, and you’ll realize afterwards.

You’ve finished analyzing your goal and you’ve got to move forward to see that

the goal is seen.

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Asking Archangel Sandalphon For Practical Help

Personal and spiritual development has several techniques; some of them are

easy, others are more complex. As you call on Archangel Sandalphon, he helps

you choose the right music you need for relaxation, healing or meditation.

Music is a therapy and in fact, this can help you feel more relaxed, to breathe

with techniques according to the rhythms of the nature and of wind and to

connect to your spiritual guides as you meditate deeply.

Special musical sounds in general are created by special gifted people working

through channeling with higher entities and trying to transpose in accessible

notes that divine music they perceive from the celestial worlds.

Asking Archangel Sandalphonfor Practical Help

CHAPTER 7 Asking Archangel Sandalphon For Practical Help

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CHAPTER 7Asking Archangel Sandalphon For Practical Help

Ask Archangel Sandalphon to guide you to the right sounds you need or to

those close to your soul, helping you to reach faster and easier that state of

inner peace necessary for accessing the higher realms. And don’t forget to

send to him all your prayers in order to get fast answers to your problems.

Imagine, if you will invoke to him, a presence of pure light and love will shortly

appear. As this loving presence begins to move towards our midst and slowly

starts to apparently manifest into a solid and physical form, then you’ll feel a

penetrating energetic sense of gentleness, endurance, love, and power.

This energy instantly fills you with a vessel inside of calm and amity, security

and safety.

You’ll realize that nothing from this presence will be concealed from you nor

damage you in any possible way.

You appreciate that goodness and integrity in their truest form is surrounding

you and consuming you.

In the combination of the gentle and loving nature of the vigor that originates

from this energetic presence, you feel as though everything in life will be easily

accomplished and achieved!

Bathe with this purest form of energy, and start to feel consumed by a desire to

sing admirations and worships of love and honor to our Creator for the amazing

life you have been enjoying here on earth and for what awaits you in Heaven.

The loving and gentle company begins to be evident into a complete human-

like physical form. You may see a man ringing a staff, a wizard, a princess dressed

in lovely crystal blue insignias, a man cloaked in the clothes of Jesus’ time, a tall

angelic presence, or many other possible forms. What an exciting encounter!

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Whatever physical form this presence reveals, it only assures to fill you with a

sense of love, joy, power, enablement, and the desire to celebrate life, the earth,

and the Source of everything.

You have just met the beautiful Archangel Sandalphon.

This is the imagery which may differ for you, but many of the bases used for

this article describe the presence of Archangel Sandalphon which is similar of

a gentle, loving father.

Sandalphon has an energy of gentle, loving authority on humans. A teacher, a

parent, a counselor all packed into one outstanding presence. He makes it feel

relaxed and safe to look at the deepest darkest portions of ourselves, to face

our darkest sentiments and fears so that we may release them.

He gives us the bravery to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions and

create necessary change in ourselves in order to follow our life’s path and grow

spiritually according to our divine purpose.

The Archangel Sandalphon cares intensely for the well-being of all of God’s

children and for the earth and its residents and inhabitants.

It is thought that Sandalphon’s physical being before ascending into the

angelic realm was the motive God put him in charge of the well-being of the

planet Earth and all who reside upon it.

Because cares so deeply, not just for the planet, but also for humans like us,

he is the one who receives and transports our prayers once they have touched


He guides us humans to pray with the right words and tone of our prayers,

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he supports us in manifesting our dreams and inner desires, processing our

emotions in positive and healthy ways, and enables to take responsibility for

our actions, thoughts, and passions.

Archangel Sandalphon is also thought to be the one who helps determine

the gender of babies prior to their birth and conception as he also rules over

commencement, pregnancy, birth, and growth and parenting.

In Heaven, Archangel Sandalphon leads the music ministry of Heaven and the

angel whom to call upon for anything concerning music or performing arts;

including playing an instrument, singing, dancing or acting.

When you’ve got to experience a song that pops into your head or plays on the

radio that wondrously answers the question you have in mind, this means the

divine message specially made for you through the ministering of songs or

music. Then you can be sure Archangel Sandalphon is near with you.

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He also generates a connecting vibration between Heaven and Earth within

our mind, body, and soul that helps us feel a strong and powerful assembly

of the divine within us. You can be sure that his ability to connect with your

earthly nature will be possible in many wondrous ways.

When you call upon Archangel Sandalphon, he helps us:

to back us up in any musical endeavors

to live with truth

to mature in our spiritual gifts of prophecy and healing

to voice out your truth willingly

to grow with self-confidence

to escalate and make life all the miracles and victories you prayed for

to notice and fully develop your hidden talents and spiritual gifts

to bring and respond to your prayers

to impart you the right way to pray

to help you with a spirit that knows how to receive

to feel relaxed just as how the stone turquoise can give us peaceful

breathing and heart rate

to understand the deep emotions

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to teach us with positive thinking

to recognize fears that holds us back from creating the kind life we

must have

to forgive others

to fortify and maintain your strong connection and relationship with


to assist with your security and protective activities

to support you in your spirit of being gentle and kind yet overcoming

in all time of life

Use the subsequent essential oils to attach and connect with Archangel

Sandalphon that boosts your work with this angel.

Sandalwood and mix of wood:

Use for preparation, grounding and deep thoughtful states in ourselves. It

also reduce emotional negative thinking and eases emotional pain. This helps

unleash concern and creates feelings of calmness and serenity inside.

Frankincense: Use for deep contemplation and prayer. This balances emotions

and comfort feelings of loneliness, loss, grief, and frailty. Use this daily to assist

combat against physical, mental and emotional stressors and to be able to

overcome negative stimuli.

Essential Oils to Help Connect with Archangel Sandalphon

CHAPTER 7Asking Archangel Sandalphon For Practical Help

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Pine: Increase confidence down into your inner-strengths, skills and private

power. This helps produce a way of grounding and building emotional balance

whereas increasing energy thus you’ll be able to achieve all of your goals and


Vetiver: This ignited feelings of calmness and relaxation. You will enjoy a great

night’s sleep after grounding this in your center. You can use this during

meditation, visualizations, and affirmations to increase effectiveness and


Rose and Blend of Rose: Encourage feelings of comfort that will uplift your

spirit while also easing feelings of loneliness and depression. This mixture

brings about feelings of love, care, and comfort while it provides harmony and

balance to the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.

Other associations for Archangel Sandalphon:

Color: aquamarine, turquoise and white

Crystal: Turquoise

Element: The Earth

Chakra: Earth Star which is located just below the feet

Astrological Sign: Pisces

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Handling Disappointment And Keep Moving Forward

Sometime in our lives, we’re not really successful of our missions. We have

two choices. Either we’d feel motivated for the next time and the other,

disappointment. But mostly, we feel down and disappointed by the results and

we can’t help thinking about it.

We held high expectations that something would work out in our favor, but

unfortunately, things didn’t go our own way or the planned way. There comes

the unsatisfactory outcome and we find it difficult to deal with frustrated

promises and expectations.

HandlingDisappointmentAnd Keep MovingForward

CHAPTER 8 Handling Disappointment And Keep Moving Forward

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Disappointment, of course, doesn’t feel nice and uplifting. However, if we reset

our mindsets, it can actually be quite beneficial. But unfortunately, we don’t

see it that way and we need a way out.

There are steps to take the whenyoufeeldisappointed:

One of the hardest

things to do in a world

when we are walled

under external pressures

and inner confusions

is to just let yourself

experience the present


He fact is, human beings

1. Let it go.

are not well-versed at embracing the emotions in full without trying to speed

up the pain process. The only time we have this special ability is when we are

young who has no care to what society thinks of us or what society sets as


Children begin to tantrum and cry, or laugh until it runs out and they are

genuinely ready to move on because their hearts are not yet so masked with

“what if’s”. They are secured.

But it’s time to rejuvenate your secured self. Without any agenda of speeding

up the processor whatever feeling that may be, take time to just hear with your

emotion and experience it without moving or changing it.

CHAPTER 8 Handling Disappointment And Keep Moving Forward

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Genuinely embracing emotions, no matter how painful it becomes, is one of

the hidden beauties of life. Don’t deny these journeys. Never shy away from

these moments. Be present with them and learn from them.

Letting go is like treating

yourself like a best

friend, giving yourself

what you deserve –

space, attention, time,

breath. And as you have

done this, the more

peace and harmony

you could breathe in

against feelings of


2. Have some perspective.

Once you’ve done it, it becomes much simpler to get some perspective. After

giving yourself space to sense, you’ll be able to give the more room to inhale

positivity and exhale unloved emotions.

Perhaps, the one whom you feel disappointed by doesn’t even comprehend

what thing they’ve done to make you upset. Maybe because they’re strained

out and have less of emotional bandwidth to think about with themselves.

Give yourself space to be as you are train yourself to allow the same feeling to

other people. Have a broader perspective than your own opinion on a particular

situation as this is helpful.

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Disappointment can

wrinkle the deepest

of your core and it

somehow destroys you.

If you don’t fully know

what your core values

are, you may not have a

framework or skeleton

to support you when you

are filled with negative


3. Hear your heart.

Example, one of your core values is open-heartedness. I desire to keep an open

heart and be prepared to share love and kindness with others who need it,

irrespective of how they might behave towards me.

Remember this core value of yours, then pause and make a choice to surrender

every negativity and listen to your heartbeat. Perhaps, these negative feelings

are temporary, and they will pass.

CHAPTER 8 Handling Disappointment And Keep Moving Forward

Always listen to the value of your being. This is your automatic savior.

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Knowing your heart with your values gives you the liberty from false choices.

You can directly choose a choice that is in line with your principles. Always listen

to the value of your being. This is your automatic savior.

As human beings,

we’re too sensitive of

imperfections, even in

ourselves, that we begin

to judge and condemn

who we are and others

as well. We’re not always

willing and bound to

accept them so we end

up disappointed always.

4. Practice the culture of acceptance.

Every time we are disappointed, we become overwhelmed by emotions.

We’re persuaded to withdraw and blame people, wanting to stumble in


We have to accept the times of disappointments—they are part of life, part

of being human. They may be tough, but they are actually opportunities to


This step is a challenge and essential to approach with disappointment and

setbacks. I will be disappointed, you will disappoint, you will be disappointed,

and we will feel disappointments. Life will be disappointing—but it will just

pass. It’s a matter of acceptance!

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This is just a part of life, but all fragments of life can help us grow, rebuild and

shine. Practice the culture of acceptance and we will suffer less as we become

more conscious and noticing of the good things in life around us!

Normally, life is full of ups and downs and the problem with overcoming life

is our mindset stuck on the focus of challenging progress. It’s hard to focus

that way. It’s even difficult to be motivated when we’re clouded on the hardest

times. Life is full of up and downs, and sometimes it can get so difficult that it’s

hard to press on positivity.

But along these lines, we’re called to never give up.

Never, Never, Never Give Up!

CHAPTER 8 Handling Disappointment And Keep Moving Forward

Life is full of ups and downs and

the problem with overcoming life

is our mindset stuck on the focus

of challenging progress

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The most effective way to pick yourself up as you go through a difficult time

is to remind yourself why you’re in that road in the first place? Why are you

willing? Why does it matter to you the most? Is it because of your family? Is it

because you want to uplift the situation of the lives of those around you?

Whatever it is, put it mind that your goals are bigger than what you presently

need, because as you do this, you’ll draw on them for strength and hope when

the odds of life are against you, which they unavoidably will at some point. This

is the cycle of life. And the way you face challenges definesyou.

Get back to your goals – stick to it

Stay motivated even if it means not to. It’s your strength. Courage is your power

to do the things you’re limited to because it drives you, it makes you persevere,

and it assures you of a rewarding action.

Like building a mansion, building courage is a gradual process. The bigger your

house, the bigger the construction, the longer the process! One brick at a time,

and soon enough you will have a foundation.

For example, you can build your courage as a writer when you write everyday

from the purest of your thoughts. Another, if you’re a student, you can build

your courage through motivating yourself by practicing solving problems or

reading in advance. It helps you stay at par.

Even if it’s just for 20 to 30 minutes, you’ll soon find your skills improving and

Build up your courage

Here are a few tips to help you stay motivated:

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over time when you constantly work for your courage. This rings true no matter


Remember that as soon as you start moving in the direction of what you want

to achieve, your energy will alsostart changing and your atmosphere is driven

to a momentum that ultimately projects you to soar high. It brings you closer

to the intensity of your higher self and that grown courage will lead you closer

and closer to your goals.

A lot today are like these: “People sacrifice health to make money.” And after,

the cycle goes tosacrifice their money to recover their health.

What a poor lifestyle. You don’t have to get bedridden first before getting rich.

Please, it’s all about reaching your dreams while topping the optimum health

of your life. Health is wealth after all. What are billions when you’re on the road

to six feet below the ground?

Take away from the lifestyle or idea off or getting to take care of your health

because as often as t is being said, you won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of your


Take Care of Your Health

To stay motivated is to also be willing for challenges. Remember, in every

forward, there is an opposition. Like a war, when you’re ready to battle, then

expect for an enemy and keeping up the motivation doesn’t discount the battle.

It is also tested! We all have fears, for sure. but it’s just part of living a human

life. But the truth is, those who achieve their goals and dreams have the ability

Face Your Fears

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to face fears.

Facing your fears can help you discover more about yourself, to what extent

you can fight and your fulfillment of overcoming them will show what strength

you have inside.

Most of the time, our fears do not actually exist. They are just self-created by us

in our heads, they are monsters living inside our thoughts. But when you face

them confidently, you will be empowered inside and out.

Look around. You don’t own all the challenges in the world. You don’t even own

all the ideas in the world so don’t close yourself from being taught by others.

Insights, realizations and lessons can be freely shared by others whom we trust

and look up tp. When you’re down, reach out to your support system, especially

your mentor or family. Remember that the people who make things happen in

life don’t do it alone.

They have counsellors who guide them towards their goals so if you’re blessed

enough to have a mentor then call on that resource when you need it.

Take a look at your circle of friends. Are they helping or hindering you? Surround

yourself with winners, choose for champions to teach you and soon you will

become one.

Seek Help from Others

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We all have our dreams and aspirations in life. We want to manifest our wishes

and prayers to come to existence. We want our experiences with many things

to attain and sometimes we make many ways to achieve those.

We may sometimes become discouraged because of the frailties of the things

in our list, but as soon as we remind ourselves that we all take different and

unique journeys, we get to know that our Creator has His own mighty ways in

leading us.

In reaching these dreams, there are certainly ups and downs. It can be in the

form of people around us, emotions, physical conditions, or other internal and

external elements that affect us. It can be very tiring to think of and disparaging.

If we immediately give up from these circumstances, we will never experience

the worth of every single blood and tears from our hard work. Our dreams need

a resilient partner for it to come true and it is our selves.

As we continually face our fears towards that goal, we are slowly becoming

strong and we are building up more courage inside us. The monsters that live

in our heads must not be lingered, but it must be fought against to increase

our will to achieve.

Alongside with the help of Archangel Sandalphon, his mighty presence will

give us a creative medium in approaching these visions. His practical help in

this need can be relied upon and will surely touch our heart as we remain to

believe also in him.

Other people also play a great part in us and so we must acknowledge our



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weaknesses and know that there are significant others are always willing to

guide us. We must continue to stick to our goals, work on it and go beyond our

limits and comfort zones to reach our wishes.

The generation today is indeed competitive. Nevertheless, we have our eternal

guide to our objectives and a positive help in every endeavor we step foot in.

There are surely adamant situations but if we still believe in ourselves, exert the

best we have and trust and meditate to the One who is more able than anyone

else, nothing can be impossible and assuredly all our dreams will come to pass

in the right place and right timing.