T WASHINGTON, C., TUESDAY, CENTST · 2017-12-26 · lan.r Mi.Htn:; ^bnatir, S»»t Olrt-ItmeI ri< k...

V1-- 61-y°- 9.3C8. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1883. TWO CENTST THE EVENING STAR ITBLISHFT* DAILY. Except Snnilaj, AT THE 6TAK BUILDINOS. Trr'.\ye't4 Ccra*T Ats- aw! 11th St,,St SfceEvening- Star Newspaper Company, GEO. W. ADAMS. ITes't. <ffrr rm rr, fta* is wrt tr fn ths f<, r T , »rn«r». on tl>'ir own account, st 10 cents r>er w»t> "cr *4 cents per month. Oip:es at th» «vuuter, J i u rich- By mai!.postage prepaid.60 cents a month, II. mr. $t), hi months, $3. fFr.t.fd at th«* Po<t Office at Waehimrt^n. D. C.. as eci urt < hi1* mai; matter. i Iff wrvkt.y Stab.published on Frtday-|l ay%r. >«rt'» » prepaid. Six months. .V) '*r~ AH naafl snbscrtptlons niii*t he paid In adrance. 1. raj : writ l<Bursr than In paid for. Ji'" ot artvertsklntf made inown r>n . AMUSEMENTS. SOHuOL OK < <H>KER*. 13-'3 H MREKT. Vnctal * r*t-. u la Brand juakinif wt-DNE&DAY, V ay M, at 2 o'clock p. m. AdiuMoo, "25c. It* Rational theater. MOHD4Y. ATRTL 30-EVE' Y FYFNIVO, WEDNE-DAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. JAY K1A1.M TVO OHKA1 COMPANIES CONSOLIDATED. TH» EI ROHAN' After an extended tour through Erin-land. Ireland and h < Uau.i, 'lav.nir Jnat rvturned aud t orisi lnialed with MI!. JAY RTAl.'S AMERICAN COMPANY. Fcnu.iiK. VjniidiirqDMtian, th>- Htr.'mfeet Combina;ion i)i.» h s rvpr prefiitwl I M'l. Tt'M* <ABJN.' Donlle r>raniH!i-- C"ni|»aiiy. Gran>l Scenic Fffectat lan.r Mi.Htn:; ^bnatir , S»»t Olrt- ItmeI ri< k Donkey. ' 'Eris© .tile M«irU' I.a Jul' ee SImrrm Ai d tlio tit ni.-lne 8 -rained Bloodhounds. Frs<>» Uoniif >h« entroreuient 15. 35 and SO cents. M -NDAV. MAY 7-A D A C.RAY. ap30 EW THEAiEtt COMlyt E. MONDAY, A1U1L 30. 9. 1 COLEMAN. FRANK I. FRAYNE. ©onibl. jtioii .11 Clilton Tayleui's thriiiing drama entitla.1 «T SLOCl'M; Or, Tbe Trapper an i U)s Doft. Valines Tneeday. Thursday and Friday. Admission 16, 25. 35 and 50 cent*. a: 30 ">^T B W PI MB MUSEUM. The Popular P.^H. rt of Ladies and Children. A till AN l> PERF RMANCE. EVERY AF'lEltNOON ANDSiGHC HIS ffll'.K! BoBbV N VU'OMIt .11. I LOANE. L INDON PI NCH AND JUDY. TUE BLIND M1NS1REI*. Li SL1E 11 OTH5.RS. And Ten Other star *rt:sts. Jn ar Fntert-alnmen* of over two f cure. Admission, all for 10 ceiit.--! af 30 »TMlfc SHOWMAN-CHIEFS GREATEST VICTORY. ONLY SHOW WIIICH EXHIBITS ALL rr ADVERTISES. P'KVI M AND LONDON (r K" BARNI M AND LONDON ^ UNITED MONSTER SHOWS ^ ^ U.N 1 i ED MON S 1ER SUO >\ S W-.«a WASHINGTON. TWO DAYS, WEDNESDAY AND THCRSDAY, MAY 9 AND 10. WASHINGTON PARK ATHLETIC PAKE HALL GROUNDS, OTutr 9ih an I S 0 PEKEoRM NC18 LVEi.Y DAY. DOOP.S t»P N AT 1 ANU 7. COMMENCES AT 2 AND* P.M. S GREAT RINGS AN I> UL'GE ELEVATED SiAGL. 300 ORKAT AR I 1S S AND A RACING HIPPOl'ROMF. TOURNAMENT. Where tbe oont^tt> art tr*aitin>- and run for canh i>rizes. SPLENDIO REALISTIC SPECTACLES. MO RARE RACE AND RING HORSES AND I0J OF FINEST DRAUGHT STOCK Ever inder rein. J TT V MM MM BBB OO J V V M M M M P R O O J U l-T M M.M M HBB O O J .1 V K M MM B B OO *. JJJ Cir M M M BliB OO THE BIfiGl ST BUUIE ALIVK. lad Mor- M ii.t B »ts, Pir.ls and Reptiles tLan any IliREF MENAGERIES OS EARTH. CHIEF RI LI.R ARASH KOI AND TRIBE OF N \TIVE NUBIANS. Fir-t t.n e ev.-r »-xhit:tfa anywhere. WHOLK TRIBE OF SIoCX INDIAN WARRIORS. RECKLESS OW BOYS FROM THE PLAINS. MUSEUM OF LIVING WINDERS. THE BAKNTM IDEA. T !tt!e r»-;>ple, Po».--fae. d Min. Wild Men of Aztecs. Lastof tlio Mont zurna*, ^ild Girt, Cirea^iaus, 1 at W' man, and 1,000 WoNDLKilL AND CURIOUS FliEAKS. THE l\350.00) STREET PARADE. AT ».30 A. M. WtDNLSDAY. MAY 3TH. Rei.- tt!. ail I-»r:: rtnufiopfcsi.f even this n atiajf Kent, nc. r;.a;^ r li «r t»>-f j.cfc ry and irraufyiiiif Uk'v inay have btren. POSITIVELY NO FREE TICK TS TO ANYBODY. TIi se who de ire to arosd the cmw ls on ttie grounds t the Pux i fli<* *h»u'd purchace RESERVED NUMBERED CHAllt OuUPOX TICKETS at the usual b^-ht advauo^, at lORDM OPERA HOUSE BOX OFFICE, Durlutr the davs of eihibdiun or .'jr. 20,000 -eat*. tVuerai ailmitwion, £>0 rents. Children nni'er 3 years oM. -5 < nta. Reserved naaibored tiiairs extra. BALTIMORE. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY 7 AX!) 8 : H. MART1XSBLRG. FRIDAY. MAY 11. ap'j8. myl. ijJ_l.A>D CONCE.rf^ In Aid of Woman's Work !n A?oensJon Parish, AT 111. CO>GRF.GATIONAL CHURCH, CrjTi«ri.f 10th and G ntreets, WEDNESDAY, MAY id. at8y.ra. Dr. B'»< huff. MS ceo Ewan. J"!in«on, Mr. Whipple and < ther ri« r.t taient »ill t«.k^ part. A<lnut>ei"u, So cents. i u Let» ran I»e hal al Mr. Drew's Drug' Stor.. corner «>f 'J.h ai d the AVeniu*. a: 2H-4t . mm. W< iRLD-Rh N. iVt NED i IsKE JI BILEr s] X who have sji v I* for»; rownt <1 lit ud» and crowded »ud)t-llie* m the Old W rUL tud been If reeU-1 Wltll grti.: i nt?:. t-: - :u all par> <>f i ur otirn land. w:ll irive Til REE C' >XCER I S AN D A M A . 1N EE. In the ('< NO FOATIONAL CHURCH, f'tiiniueiicinir FRIDAY EVE>1>G. MAY 4. MATINEE .-ATURDAY AT 2 P.M.. 6TH. Concerts Monday and n*-t-day Fvtnmtf*, Msy 7 and S. A iiu> «.' -u. n<h-. L. served 1 eats ai Ejhs'. v.il Peuii- i alv»Ai» »n!.iif, Saturday, XitK lnat., without ext » ^rve. j..initt>d t»> Matinee at '25c.. <- h f 1 r. ib .nUcauou to O. E. PUESBitEV. 52 7th atrMi-t a,.-i4 K,t W'AsULNoIUN AT 111.) TIC PARK. * » Vth am! s. BASK BALL. FRIDAY AND A IT KDAY. MAY 4 AND B, NAT ION *L VS. DEFIANCE. AiHni-»i"if n to I'ark. V> c ub. La<: » .u:.tUil s.' l'ark iree. Game cai! d at 4 30 p. ui. atT6-1m "VEW IMP1 11 1 DM1 HOD VOi. MNGING AND Xy l laiio, shortest to existence, at Pi.oF«.&boi; J - v%«>u )\\ ski's. fl2-Cifl 1HC M BUttrt northwest. > t «../ C .> 1 XMTBJT1W.7 iNo. J E f *>J) SAL»: at « E fctr*et.> V A R K R I T E If I Street ? i . f2f F »tT»et l orihwtKt, ( ne d or from 7th -treet, 1 cite l i; 1 si; 4:Lsf-, En»rra\lr»r», tint m *. etc. . , J i rjr* ai *1 < li' irt Sitfk t.| liiit-rl.sT i-iiv., Pirtur-J 1 Ttii t., i*i< tui» < » ;tf a?itl Ta^ht1:-, I <& » NaiLt, etc.,ar > arknter'n. Ti-nnjCii.ii. Free Art «i»ll«wv. o|f balls] parties,^ l^ok t\YEET~L 11 Altl 1 ^ hAKE. There «iUU a Grand le- Unnrui.] Bal' tendered >'r*. DEsNI.S !0»0VV>. at t ot. -i Ha . ;UIH!MY\ May 1 Ijtlo-t-. ad:nlttlmr r- "t! -nau and ljulit*-, f 1. 11u»h- by »\tln r'« baii(L ap28-3t* liOOKS, Ac. PICK'S BAD B*»Y. WHT HURSBIXE] Pt^ck'* Eun. Bill Nv»i' BtWii' ran/. F rty Li . « and ' ti.er L e-, by Bdl e. Ltct Kiln Club, by M. Oua.!. ba <1 and H Miia U bj J. W. Gaily. Reicular j r;ce 50 celits. only 31 at BAUM'R, r 410 7th street UO«JKS AT II ALF-PRICE. Ve have fr^in ou* shf'ves a larvre number of a». t-.iMlit-y rh. itworu. which we offer at Ual'.-pri.e and u: d r. A lot of Bihiw sr.d Prayer Books at one-fourth their ost. our i-to«. k iT Cro<iu t, Lawn i turns, and Arcbcry is low 1C^U> . WM. BALLANTYNE A SON, _ai>58 SrveNTH -trekt. N>W BiK'KR. Life offtai. Cidieu B yant, 2 vols., (flood win): Poems f Wni. C^tJao Bryant, i Hist-.rv i f CrtJiiliia) Law, 3 vol.-.. (Stej-benri; l,cttt uitl M'tuotw* of Jane w^eh Carlisle, (Frv ude). C«'rresjfond"nc*; Of < arUsle and tuieiwou, 2 to.s ; rconoiiilct. on Science «f Wealth. tSinrUjvan:). Rambleain W.mder!and,(St nW>, Real Acora. (McElxoy); eVcti»nafrooi P -etry > t RobC Browning: Story of Melctnt. (Ma<|o. >; \fr laaAcs. (Crawf Td>: Di» l al<s. Bfiauer); Colonel's fauarLt^r. (Kiuir). A Wroi;>r©d Mile, tEleiumin*); F«ck,» B*i Boy an l his Pa, The Ttito, a drt-utn of Wealth. ( Wittiington).'.'65 «'hoive I^ce-ptK collected by SktfUJwulInuij Church: Oolton'a < .eu«ral \tia« m e<LuOL^ *. H. HOUUlsON. , ai>® *7'' Pennxylvania aveano. Ar1T*IC1AL HIS, »». »13. 113. IUK*« A. ttlaiifl. $1 Boxwood Ther-nomt-f ; I'jit «7 Field (Mi f7. M) Pt-ai-1 oi'era. H t.Mpl.E!.'}* (i he Opuciani ©w PtaB'*, 45'J I s. *ve, 1c ei hoti'.c coi nv tie::, ai r- CSlfL. SPECIAL N()TICE8. fr*" HK BII.L OF PRICKS ADOP1EDE¥TH CI<»A" MAKERS' UNION 110. of Washington l». C., !) Arril 14. 1h.s3, w«< «co* nte<1 thin day bv th foliowinv firms: Meters. Well-r & Repetti. 1.. H. B. rt J. Rirecht, William < >ckersbatisen. H. Schraidtman F. W. I'ii.tfjfp, George Ockershaofcen. F. Dahier, o Pi:nper, W. U. 1 in kborsu A. Neuhau", M. Mi>ran a --'Ft-at i! ..ny snia 1 sh only employing one hand. The only ditlicu'ty s in twn nbnpp, which art* F. M Benrmau an l J. Eoe'jlinsr. 1 be Union has onlv tbre memli r-< out, on on .-t ike slid two on look out, an are sustained by the Union. By order of Work Committee. J K. tti- I SU, Vr M. LOEFF1.ER, GEOEGE F. JOHN STUN. JOHN ESTER. W. A. HAHNEH. It* f W A - HIN;lTON,D. C.. Arom, 26th. 1883.. t'«= mei-tinif f tin St<vkho!der» of TED. CONSoLl DATED MACHINE PRINTING COMPLY will li held *t 3 nV neb p.m. I UESDAY. Mav 29th, 1883, a No. 462 loui-iana avenue no tbwest, Washinirton city D.C., for the purp se ol e ectinir i rastecs tor the en Ruin.- year. A full attei.danc of the -tockholdors i requested, i a business of importance will be submitte u,«;en»; ,CHA>. T. MOORE, J resident. t i 1). W ROYrE. ^crtary. ap27-fAtulOt* ZZZZ SADIES' GOODS. 3XiIE. J, P# JP ALMEB, IMPORTER OF FASHIONS. 1107 F STREET NORTHWEST NOVELTIES IN LONDON HATS AND PARTS BONNET CONSTANTLY BEING RECEIVED THROUGHOtT sp24 1 HE SEASON. M R8. ISELMA lluPI'EP.T, 608 Ninth Street, Opposite Patent Ornca, Received a new assortment of IRISH roiNT, SWTS and NAINSOOK EMBROIDERIES; SPANISH TOKCHON. M >LrF.8E an l other WA-H LACEs, i; variety of patterns, at \ ery close prices. Lsive selecU »n of « hildrenV I-on^and Short DRESS ES, MARSEILLE SUITS, OL >AKS. LACE an SHIRKED CAPS, Pi KE BONNETS, and all kinds o CHILDREN'S FUitNISHING HOODS. apl6-lm M. W ILLIAN. Importer of Pattern lint* an Ri.h Millinery Novelties. Real Laces Tine Neckwear, Dr Triinningw. Parasols, 3 bes styles I rench < orsets, Handsome Wraps, Jerstjy Jack ets^ Jersey >uits. .Jtrsii Polonaise, M»uruing' Km to w h te Suits 1n a van- ty of styles and pr ces, Cue tinier Siikh. Mlk Suits for $30 and Mi, and a Cue. aasurtmen Of ^R»g ans and Jackets. i ii«' 1 revise. I"arts. 1*07 Pennsylvania avenue. A very durable assortment of Mantillas at 2ft pe t*nt discount. Feathers dy ej ai.d re-curied eoi;ai t< new one*. 2,, J UST R EC EIVED! Several Cages of ROT'UH AND Rt ADY STRAW HATS, In Ecru. Cn.bUtd Strr.wberrj-, and ail the lea.Un> ( hades. MRS. M. J. HUNT, 130U F STREET. Edmoxston & Co. ErLClAL OPENING OF LADIES' BOOTS On Ors PERFECT FITTING PARIS LAST, All Siits, from 2 to 0. Widths from AA to D. EDMOXSTON & CO., 13TO AND 1U1 F STREET. apl« SCHOOL FOR Ol ESSMAKING. Ladies sre h-reby info med t:«at Mr. WHTTF bar 0|v: eda Srlnv. for ore® niakin'-'at lllSFt-treet north**« Lc tra« the ail <jf Maktbif, i'littunr, au«i Ladle*' I'reflses, etc., tst eti'-nllv ami corrcct y. i he fii< ce*» Mr. Whit- mft with in thi* rity already ^ *1:;* to h!» thnr«»»ik'h ki:ow!^:^ot hin 'i*hf jy^teni ^lr. Whit«; t4 ». h< 4 uoivorpally ac-kuow educed to \ e tn<? The ystem by rneas reiuerit. Nc til x' or jmrt ot % cLart. bcUool ovcu day %u»tl Ltili*24 2ui 31R. (j EO. W HI'lE, LADIES' TAILOR, ' 1115 F STRKET NOKTIIWEST, Is Now Prrpare<l to lake Orders for EVENING. R1 CEP 1 ION AND DINNER DRESSES, WEDDING TROI'S EAUS AND STREET COST V M EH. london Ta;lor-n.ade hidinK Habits. London Tallormaoe Cloth < Dftuu ee. All the W( rk is done In 'ir»tclaso style, n ec'.e by Men 1 rassmakers an 1 Tai ors L< at fit iruaranteed Ev« ry L d>- ioaviiiK this ctfj -Hould take one ol Mr. W HI li'o celebrated Cloth Coetuiu>«. with her. fla-4>4m TjNDERWEAR!.DOUGLASS', imi AND F KJ STREE I S. .The bunness in this departm nt havinir wen lar in excess of our ex jactations, the sale will be continued until further nouce. Ea< h day we will bul ' arjfairii-, and" will on 1 HI I.SLM* be«nii with JIM) dozen more of those thorOMtrhiy mffde and trimmed CHEMiSE AND DRAWE! S at 23 oetife each. 1 he best chemise ever offered for the price. \V havt 50 dozen French Castor. 8 button lenirth. Mousquetaire Gloves, at $i i>er pair, rejridat price, $1.50. too do/en Schopper's best quality, m fraiii, oil bol.ert, solid colors l adies' Hose, at 48 cent* per pair. Another oU dozen of those 12 thread Chi drvn's btookmifs Just in. 100 dozen Misses' 1I<hm> at 37V cento, or three pa;r tor |1; fonnor I'rice 50 cents to 75 cen ta, accorouiK to size. ^'-3 DOUGLASS' 9th and F streets. Anton fisher. ~ ~ k-CHE\IICAL DRY n.EANTNO ESTABLISHjir.N 1, O street north vest. Thirty yearn' ext>crieni e i ai:.e^' and Oei.tlernen's Garments, also Cr.it>-: veils. Laces, etc., are perfectly cleaned by this snt«rior j too h». J jtdies hveninif Dresses a specialty. Opiuion > i DeJ-niedt. f fti. ta' chemist of the District of C f.umbia: >our chemii als are of the most effectual nature and harm;ess, and your i>erfect machinery is nol turi awed in Psiris, New York oc elsewhere." Notice urease i-rota sniaranteed to U thorotiKUiy removed.ati2S ^JISS ANNIE K. UUMFUEUY; ^ TENTH STREET JTORTHWEST. V; kfs COHSETH to order in every style and maler*iL Mid KuaraiiUee perfect tit and comfortHER SPECIALTIES ARHFr« rrb lland-tuaile I'tnien lothin^. Mwlno Underw<«r am' tmeet Import»-d Hosiery. P*t< nt Shoulder Braces and all 1'rean fir form Goo !«. rrtuch Corsets and Bustlis. The "Hercules" Hutv I-ortinjr Corset, for which Mli-s H. is si**>i:il a<jat. 11 Corset, her own make, that for the vnio* r*onot l«e <»« niian ?in^ Vraniwh %5 Iron \ akes. Chairs and Settees. RCSTIC ^rOOD VASES, CHAIRS. bETTEES AND HANGING BASKETS. GARDEN HoSE, tie. I 12 , HAYWARD ft HUTCHINSON. W ARNElltJ. KENDERDINE, TILE V. ARl ROOMS, 1320 I'knnsylvama avknuk northwkst. I'ltiE, Glazed and Fncaustic Tiles for Mantels, FacinKB, Fireplaces, Hearths, Vestibules, Conser\atorie« apl4-lm and Hall **loor». |>OIOilAC STEAMBOAT COMPANY. A DAILY LINE TO NOREOLK AND FORT HESS MONROE. Beyir.nlnir May 1st. 18*3,'this Company will es1«>,'tsl DAILY LINE of steamers between WASHINGTON, D. C., aud NORFOLK, VA , stoppinK at FttRT MOVR«>E, ALI XANDUIA. I'lNEV Pr. and PT. LOOKOUT, Koinif and returning. The e\er poyn ar palace Steamer GEORGE LEARY with new boilers, new st»te rooms, nev Ft UNTIL' E, CA: PETn. Ac., thorouifhly runova'txi and uj holi-tered throughout, a'id the maynllic. ni Steamer r Xt'r.LSloit, will be placed upon this route, one of which will leave dally (- tinday excepted) a 6 'Op-in., SATURDAYS at 6, froni7TH Sl.WHAUF 3hl» Company Laving secured the conn«« tion witt THE BoslON & P iO\ IDKNCE STEAMb'KS EXCH -TVELY. . after the above date, all freight for points east can tn only by the Steamers of this ilne. For further particu lare an iy at Company'sothce, 7 m a j KKET \\ HARF. L. M. HUDGINS, Supt. WM. P. WELCH. A*ent. ap30-10t I<K;K WOL TO IOUB URIBIVMliqi! ni J carefully examine the mertte of the M> tua! Rejv-rvi r un t Lite Association. It :s every man's dntv to pro vid. for his family m case ut his death. Our burtnesi lsrrpidly increannK. Fn in the 1st to the LMhofUui month we wrote over S2.i00.ltK) of insnrancc. Oui meti.Urthip now e*ods lu.tou, ann our total Imsi fK*8 1^0,0(0,000. I he plan adopted bj th s association, which is new, easily understood, safe, *' ? * r»-duction iu e-oaf. commends itseit to thluteLvctii e and cotunu u sense of all wiio xamme it. jn<L .n the wo ds of a ce.ebrated actuary, "wl 1 revolu tl< nize lift} insursa. e iu this country." OOh« ii Wfc»hi:urton, 100» H street. Ajrents wanted. Kt-lil 4 T. v7 KNIGHT. Maraw. Japanese scrolls fans, etc., end Dc. t ju*lv« Pictmts. J.JsyGottul, 121 Dtb nt. ndiii SPECIAL NOTICES. i £ ,io w 10 °®1 *:N a home e At a co*t per mouth no greater than you are now paling ; for rent. Fully explained in the pamphlets published by the ,i FIRST CO-OPERATIVt BUILDING ASSOCIATION, u OF GEORGETOWN. So favorable an opi>ortunity never before offered. ie Pamphlets obtained from any of the directors, or from d Geo. W. Kin*. Secretary. Subscription to second series 01 stock now received. Meet* first Tuesday In each month at Dashaway Hall, corner Ui»rh nud Frospect sts., Georgetown. my l-.it - M AS ON IC. A SPE CIAL COM MU NK'A\ 1-3? tionof LEBANON LO OK. No. 7, will be held at the Masonic Temple on WED V SPAY AF 1'KKe N< ON, May 2d, at 2:30 o'clock, f.«r the purpose of ::tit I ten<*.!n>? the funeral of ran- deceased Brother, .Iosevh Rk he. M«u be.rs of Sister Lodjfes ure fra;erL,ally iu1- vited to attend. s It By order of the W. M., W. L. SEARS. d iPs*" GERMAN-*MERICAN B~ ILDING AS8OCI*>- ** ATION. No- 3. .'1 hi) third annual meeting of _ the above Ass'iclatlon will be he d Ht Witthsit's Hall " at 8 o'clock Till-l EVENING, for the pa>inentof dues and election of officers for the enmiiriir year. WM. WTTTHAF1', l>re*ident. P. VIFRBUCHEN. Secretary. It pT^ WOMEN'S" CMKI^TIaN Ti MPERANCE 1>"5s UNION.- Meeting Temple Hotel Pariors. *106 l»th street northwe-t, WEDNESDAY, at l:3u. Interesting accounts of th9 work. Members of the Union and stranirei'H invited. it PT^ NOIICE. .THE MASTKK MASONS WILL l»"w hold their regular meeting: THURSDAY F.Vi NING, May 3d. at 7:30 o'cl 0,-, at Mr. Bal's, No. 1837 E ( tret northwest. All Contracting Bricklayers are rospeotfully invited to attend. myl-3t* FIFTH lfc8UE OF STOCK. r THE EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING AS80CIA'110N Subscription Books are ojwn for th fifth issue of stock, the first payment on which is due May 2d, 1883. The 43d rc y'i ar monthly meefcms- for making advances and payment of dues will !* held on Wl DNESI)AY. Maj 2, 1883, at .Warini's Hall, E street, between 9th and 10th northwest, at 7 p.m. a THUS. soSlEllYILLE, FreBident. s JNO. JOY F.DSON, secretary, , 917 F street nort'iwest. sp30-3t ° SIXTH MONTHLY MEETING OF bforK^ t'*3 HO DKRs of the COLUMBIA CO-OPERA. 1IVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION will bebeldatC15 , 7th stree' northwest on FRIDAY, the 4th May, at 7 '' o'clock P.M. > ow is the timet) subscribe for stock, I as books will probably le cloned afler this meeting. Shares, (1.00 per share, on which an advance of J1.O00 - la given. CHAS. O. DUNCANaON, Secretary, M. P. CALLAN. Treasurer. ap3>-.it it R'&r'"WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 28, 1883. - X-'W Ibefirm of WI.,D80R & GRAYSuN has tbis day been dis.su ved by mutual consent, to date ftom e April 1st. 1883, D. A. WINDSOR retiring from said firm, t The business «i!l be continued by D. C. GRAYSON and CAl.ViN CAIN, under the namo and sty!o of GRAYSON ft CAIN, to whom all persons indebted to r 1 said firm will make settlement and all indebtedness of 3 said firm presented for payment. D. A. WINDSOR. 1>. C. GRAYSON. In retiring from the firm of WINDSOR ft GRAYSON I desiro to return my thanks tony friends, who wer» f former patrons thereof, and solicit for the new firm of OR XYSON & CAIN a continuance of the same. ap28-3t* D. A. WINDSOR. J "gr 1 HE PERPETUAL BUILDING* "ASSOCI Aft'w tion is the most successful now runnitiK. The end of the first year showed a profit of 6.69 per cent, per annum. The Perpetual is paying 5 pr cent, per annum 011 with rawal or on settlement of advance*, and at the end of the fir«t year and a half shows a profit of 7^ t er cent. pe.r annum 011 every dollar paid in as dues on stock, and thin profit is growing in amount every month, an t will, it s expccted, reac ' 8 per cent, per arm nm at the end of the second year. Its constitution provides that tho members shall have all the advantaKesof it-> lartro j rolits in the maturing of the ebures. when the tu!l $200 wdl l>e paid to each. lor 15 per month you will receive {1,000 in a shorter time than with anv other assrciation, while you can (fet an advance 01 $1,000 or oth' r sum on easier terms. All st«>ck shares alike in pr< iits whether an investor or a borrower. Shares can lie taken at any time, with'tit luck dues if desired. Next me. tin^ for payment ot dues and eeiliug avivances on Wednes tay e1 ening. Mav 2. at 615 7th BTrt-et. O. C. Duncannon, Pre-ident: E. M. I^awlvin, W ar l>* t'arUneat, Treasurer; John Cook, Secretary. fil8 ( 12th street. a2H ;(t A GOOl> THING IS THE ROCHDALE C<> OPERATIVE SOCIETY, wh'ise memlKirs are enabled to purchase everything they need at lar>re dls1 counts from the usual prices. New membe: e ure tieiin? i ' enrolie<l every day. The new trade ticket and trade cirs eulax are now r-ady for 1883 iiDd 1884; price 25 cents to I the old ii embers, an I to new members J1: can be had ) from the me'ubers of the Executive C'inimittee, or from JOHN C< »OK, rtecretury, 618 I2Q> street. ai>28-3t FEDERAL BE ILDIN-G ASSOC1ATIO N. -NOTIT The second annual meetintr «>f FEDERAL, No. 2, will held at its hall. No. r>16 7th street, opposite Patent Office. 1 UESDAY EVENING, Mbt 1st. at8 o'clock. 1 he Secretary and I reasurer will submit his annus! report. ofheers for the ensuiuK year be elected, and oth-'r bus.ness properly cowing before the stockholders will Le transacted. JOS. R. EPSON, president. JNO. A. PRFSCOTT, Secretary and Treasurer, 1416 F street northwest. apih-3t jTVp^N<JTICE To HOUEKELPEUt>: Beware of any Imitation of the word CERES, Which is the rmnie of the celsl/rated MINNESOTA PATENT PROCESS FLOUR. I.ike everything else that has gained renown, some person or persons are trying to take advantage of the reputation it has gained by imitating the name and brand, aiul by attempting "thereby to palm off au inferior article for the genuine. '1 herefore, fce sur-' and see to it that either Sacks or Barrels read "CERES," and have the imprint of two gold medals attached. None genuine without the two gold medals. WM. M. GAI.T & CO., ap28-Gt Wholesale Flour and Grain Dealers. ?~~£3r> THE GRADUATING EXERCISES OF THE WASHING"! ON 'iRAINING SCHOOI, FOR NURSES will be he d at the <'omrreKational Church, corner lOtn and streets, on Tt'ESuAY EVENING. MAY I. at 8 o'c.ock. Addresses will be delivered by Ltr, i A. F. A Kino. Mrs.MAitr cu.mmtit an 1 Dr. J.Tabkr Johnson, 'ihe public are cordially invited W attend. 1 ap28-3t arSr* THE RICHMONir TOOTH CROWN AND t i"j/ cOMBI NATIONS; ! OR ARTIFICIAL TEETH WITHOUT PLATES. ) I have eiura^red Dr. C. L. Anderson, »n expert iu Crown work, to introduce and take chartre of this style of fine I>ent 1 mechanism, which has met w.th such a larire measure of success in New Vork and other cities. Badly decayed teeth and roots restored to beauty and usefulness, and by use of the "bri<lKiu»c" process teeth can be inserted to fill up the spares produced by loss of the naturd ones, ir.th ut the unt »j 11 i>UUe. 'l he.-e ope1 ati' isis are clenuty, natural, in appearance and jifiliiantnU GEO. B. WELCH. Dentist, ap28-6t* 21U 4K. street. NOTICE! ALL THE MEMBERS"OF FIFTH ! t » Baptist Church are requested to answer to thf-ir names when the ro:l wii) be 1 alleil on KIItSTsUN- I DAY IN MAY. REV. JOHN H. BROOKS, 1 astor. EDWARD M. JACKSON, Clerk. ap23-12f FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY HAVE REMOVED to their NEW BUILDING, Comer 7ih street and l onisisna avenue northwest. * ARE ISSUING POLICIES " * OH REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AS LOW AS ANY FIRST CLASS COMPANY. Office Poomfl For Rent, ail front; heated by steam; j Otis elevator. &»'3-2w ! LLMill.it! Ll.rMBER~ WHITE PINE. MAHOGANY. I YH.LOW PINK, WALNUT, 1 OAK AND ASH. CHMtRY, OFAl.LKlNUS. Pl.PLAR, I!tO., t AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Our facilities for the Jobbing tratle are unequaied. , Estiiuates promptly furnished at WM. McLEAN & SON. pfi 13th street nc.rtbwest, corner B street. » TlAH FIXTURES ! THE LAFGEHT STOCK IN 'inr CITY TO b*.l EOT FROM AND THE CHEAPEST. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. : CORCORAN BUILDING. | W E. F. BROOKS. » ' OA^ F1X1UKE8\ LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE IA TEST DESIGNS SLATE MANTELS. LATROBES, r FURNAc;-s. RANGES AND <»HATES. \ PI.UM 1HNG, TINNING. And all jobbing piumptij done. i SAM'L S. SHEDD, n>2* 400 9ra stbtxr N'oarawMf. cr GLEN FI^ORA AND BETHESDA WATERS j FLESH FROM THE SPRING, W, C. MILBURN, Pharmacist, * *®* 142^ Pennsylvania avenue. Washington News and Gossip. Government Receipts To-Dat..Internal revenue, *2,6,649.04; customs, $644,118.77. Appointments by the Prvsident..The Provident to-<tiy appointed Jefferson P. Kidder, to be associate Justice of the supremo court ol D ikota; Wm. W. Henry, of Vermont, to be U. S. marshal for the district of Vermont, and BonjirninT. Martin, of New York, to be tuolterand refiner o' the New York issuy office. The Following Naval Boards have been appointed: Retiring board.Rear Admiral John L. Worden, president; Commodore 8. R. Franklin, Capt. I). B. Flarmony, Medical Director F. M. (Junn"ll, and Medical Inspector David Klndleberger. Examining board.Commodore B. R. Franklin, president.; Captain B. Harmony and Commander F. V. McNalr. The boards held their first meeting at the Navy depariment to-day. The Demand for the Gciteao Trial Record.. It appears that only eighty copies of the record of the Guitenu trial "were preserved by the government for distribution. This number did not begtn to supply the demand which came from all parts or the wo^ld. Every capital of Europe, it IS sail, has applied for copies, only to be Informed that none have been provided for general distribution, rubllc libraries, law libraries, and other institutions, as well as Individual", have asked for tlvm on account of the great number of opinions oi experts on the question of Insanity which the report cont ilnc-d. The few copies preserved were carefully distributed by the Attorney General to law libraries and Judges In this country. A resolution was offered in the Senate authorizing the printing of a large number of copies, bnt it was defeated. Not Satisfied with the Jkavnette Report.. It has been reported that the friends of the late Mr. Collins, of the Jeannetto expedition, are far from satisfied with the report of the Jeannette court of inquiry, and It Is lull mated that the matter will be brought to the attention of Congress ut the next session. It la thought by some that the relations of Collins are d-sirous of receiving a pension, as It was glvn out to the men, by the commander of the Jeannette, that Mr. Bennett would take care of their widows and orphans if they should never return. Secretary Chandler upon being quest oned about tho matter this morning replied that he had heard no complatnts from Collins' people;* that he had taken every precaution to have the investigation as thorough and open as i>osslble, so that there should be no complaint. AtK>ut the matter of a pension being expected he knew nothing. Naval Orders..Surgeon Joseph B. Parker, ordered to the torpedo station; Assistant Paymaster James S. Phillips, detached from duty in the bureau of provisions and placed on waiting orders; Surgeon Wm. J. Simon, rrom the torpedo station and placed on waiting orders. Mr. Keim's Commission..Up to noon to-day Mr. Dn B. Randolph Kelm had not received his cornmission as examiner for the civil servtce commission. Still he was not at all apprehensive that it would not be fort'icoailng. The Civil Servicb Rules..The consideration of the civil service rules will ba resumed at the Cabinet meeting this afternoon, and It is thought likely that the President w'll take action upon them to-day. Tho Cabinet officers have been making an examination of the rules from a standpoint of practical bureau work, and in some instances they have been assisted in the examination by the heads or bureaus of their dep irtments. The Cabinet officers will probably submit the result of these examinations at the Cabinet meeting to-dfiy. It is understood that promotions under ho rules are to be made by the commission upon competitive examinations, and not by the heads of the bureaus. There is some objection to this, as it is thought the latt< r officers are necessarily much better able to Judge of the qualifications of th' lr subordinates than any one > lse. It Is thought, however, that the rules will be approved without any material change being made in them. ... Thb Vacant Commissionbkship..The impression now is that a western man will be appointed Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The distilling interest in all sections of the country have united 1 In numberless telegrams to the President urging .e appointment of Mr. W. N- Ilobart, of the firm of Maddux, Ilobart & Co., of Cincinnati. Mr. Ho- 1 bart Is a heavy taxpayer uuder the internal revenue laws, and It is claimed in his behalf that he j has a complete mastery or the system. The fact , that Deputy Commissioner Rodgers has been designator! to act as commissioner instead of being appointed is construed generally ns an indlc Ulon that he is not to receive the appointment, otherwise Jt would have been made before this. I Miraooane, Havti, Blockaoed..Mr. Langsfon, i the United States minister at Port-au-Prince, haareported to the Departtn> nt of Etate, uuder l j date of Anril 18, that., in consequence or the recent. ( Insurrecilon in Haytl, the port of Mlragoane has been declared blockaded. The Reduced Tobacco Tax in operation..The j clauses of the new internal revenue law making i reductions In the tax on tobacco, cigars and snuff, went Into effect to-day, and the manufacturers ' aud wholesale and retail dealers were busy in many parts of the country last night taking stock, for the purpose of claiming rebate ontheun- . broken st amped pncKages. The larger manufacturers had all their hands at work, aa the idea was ' to have the Hta'oments made up between mid- i night of April 80 and the opening of business on May 1. Each package with the stamp of tho old 1 charge affixed had to bo labeled, and an inventory made of all the goods'on hand to which rebate for the difference made by the reduction was to ba allowed. Two witnesses or undoubted integrity were required to see that the goods In each place 1 were properly labeled and inventoried. The ex- i animation of the numerous claims for rebate will j probably not he completed in the Internal Revenue bureau before the 1st of January next. j Pehsonal..Senator Harrison left for his home ! in Indiana last evening. Tewflk Pacha, the new Turkish minister at Washington, arrived at 3 New YorK from Europe yesterday. U. S. Marshal Keoph, of North Carolina, Is at the ; Arlington. Prof. A. Graham B.-ll and George 1 H. Lemon, of Washington, were registered in < Philadelphia last evening..Representative White and his bride (nee Harris) are at tho < Rlggs. District Attorney Corkhlll will deliver J an address on "Insanity as a Defense for Crime" ' before the Medioo-L»*vral Society in New York tomorrow evening.. Ex-Senator Wallace, of Penn- sylvania. Is in town. The report that Repre- < sei'tatlve Tucker Is dangerously ill In New York is erroneous..Senator Hawley is to be the guest or the Civil Service Reform Association, at din- ( ner, in Boston "this evening. Kx-Presidont Hayes was called suddenly iwme from New York laai week by the alarming ill:,ess of hl9 wife; but < at last accounts she had quite recovered. Sen- 1 ator Bock leaves for New YcK*r: to-day, and after a 1 brief visit there will go to bis home in Kentucky. J Secretary Teller and Senator Hill, j the letter of the latt3b criticising thb SKCRBTArfr. * The letter of Senator Hill, of Colorado, to S^cre- , tary Teller, briefly mentioned -n yesterday's Star. ] complains bitterly of the litter's behavior toward him, and vigorously attacks lir. Teller's manage- ; ment, or, In Mr. Hill's oplnlt* mismanagement, 1 of the department. Beglnnfjj. vith his personal 1 grievances, senator Hill in hte letter charges Sec- j rotary Toller with atteinpti&g to place him in a ' false and unpleasant posltlw by causing to be 1 published unfair and Inaccvate reports of his statements aud requests. Siter reviewing the part taken by Secretary T'H-r in the last cam- palgu lu Colorado, Senator B«J takeB up the Secretary's administration or »he affairs of the In- terior depariment, and subjects it to detailed criticism and censure. R Herring to the 1 lea.se of the Yellowstone National Park, he says Mr. Teller devised and dlctuttl its terms, and then ' allowed htsAsaistantSecretarvtotakeallthe blame and public disapproval which followed Its execution. After Congress bad restricted the lease to ten acres the Secretary evaded both the letter and 1 the spirit of the law, and practically geve the J Rufus Hatch syndicate a m mopoly or tue entire ' park. In dealing with the questions which have 1 arisen lu connection with the puWlc domain, and ] particularly those growing out of the lapsed land grants, he charges Secretary Teller with acting in the interests of the great monopolies, and against the Interests of the government and the 1 people. what the secretary bats A Star reporter this morning asked Secretary { Teller lr he had anything to s&y In reply to the ' letter or Senator H11L lie replied: "When 1 have lime to read over tho letter I snay take occasion to . say something in regard to what Ite says about the j management of the affairs ot this department and the Yellowstone Park. The test «T the letter.the personalities-1 will not repl\ to, as I do not care , to dignify such a letter by answering It. By reading tne letter a person can sen tbavthe writer was < in a passion." i what assistant secretary jl(8lvn sats about TH TtLI.OWSTO.Nt l'AKK iBSTKACT. I The .\s-.atant secretary. Mr. Jfltdyn, said in"a ' '.okIns way: "l""don't ltke it thai. Mr. Teller ba induced Senator Hill to write that letter, taking \ the credit of the Yellowstone Park contract from ] me. He stole from me my thunder. I want to ] have all the credit of tbut matter for myself." In 1 r more serious tone Mr. Josiyn said that the Sec- ] rotary had nothing to do with this contract; that 1 he was in Colorado at the tuue. ] ; * The scar Route Trial. mr. bliss c0ntin17rs his arc i'm est. Mr. Bliss this morning continued his a'ldres* to tbe jury In tbe star route trial. Mr. Bliss, after presenting to tbe Jury some of the facts connected with rorged petitions, observed that Brady, while pretending to be fighting tbe railroads in tbe interest of the star route, promptly expedited routes at the suggestion of the ndlroad presidents, and Dorsey secured free passage lor his agents over these railroads. Mr. Bliss began before recess a rapid review of the testtmony r^latlug to the mutes, bringing out In strong relief tho acts which he considered flagrant. after recess. After the noon recess Mr. Bliss contiLued with his review of the testimony. Mr. Bliss was speaking when Tne Star's report closed, llfi expects to conclude his address tomorrow. . ... Jledical Department Georgetown I'ni cr»ity. toe asspat commencement last night. The thirty-fourth annual commencement of the medical department of tbe University of Georgetown was held at Lincoln Hall last evening. The stage was elaborately decorated with flowers. Rev. JarneB A. Doonan, 8. J., president of the university, In conferring the decrees, made a brief address to the graduates. Dr. Charles E. Bronson delivered the valedictory; Prof. J. W. H. Lovejoy, M. D., delivered the address to the graduates, and Prof. S. C. Busey, M. I)., presented tbe prizes. Tnc graduate's were Louis Koliplnskl and John J. Darby, District of Columbia; Charles E. B on on. Ohio; George If. Sliouiters, Nuw York. The undergraduates, to whom certificates were a warden were C. M. Rawllnes, District or Columbia: F. W. Hart, Virginia; G. E Harvey, District of Columbia; J. P. Chambers, Pennsylvania; D. A. Smith, Indiana; D. P. Hick 11 rig, Jr, and B. F. Madison, District of Columbia: T. \V. Burke, Ireland. Tiie following tvissed a satisfactory examination and were advanced to the second class: c. R. Luce, District of Columbia; John .1. St iff ird, Maryland; J. Dudley Morgan, District of Columbia; Henry Wagner, New York; Elwin Buchanan. Virginia; F. T. Chttnberlln, New Hampshire; P. E Henning, I) strlct of Columbia; J. C. Bossidy. New York; J. S. Sessford, Jr., Dbtrict of Columbia; S. B. Muncaster. Maryland. The nna'omy | rlze was awarded to J. Dudley Morgan, of the D.-trlct; the phy siology prize to 1). A. Smith, or Indiana; and the faculty prize of a gold medal to Dr. Louis Koliplnskl. District novcrument Affair*. police changes. On the recommendation of Major Dye the Commissioners yesterday approved tho following po- lice changes: Chap. Lonibardv, John V. Sallkcld, B. T. Rhodes, Samuel Wilson and D. C. Lamb, promoted from fli^t to second cl iss, vice W. c. Aider dismissed, and Geo. I.usKey, J. V. Grant, Jas. MeGreeney and W. E. Skelly honorab y discharge'!; and John C. Costello, Phillip Mansfl-ld. J. T. Flizgerald, Samuel P. Trimble and Chas. Klnnev were appointed privates of class one; that Caleb Sebastian. Jas. Mulloy, John T. Flndley and P. H. Harbin be reduced from second to riot class, and Geo. W. E l wards, Daniel Williams, II. U. Fish.-r and J. T. Thompson were promoted to fill vac incies thus made; O'o. N. Nicholson and B. F. Shanks were promote*! from class one to class two, vice z. R. OfTutt and Adolphus Miller honorably discharged. tax collections. Receipts through the office or th^ collector of taxes for the month of April, 1883. amounted to *f;9/)i4.96, or which amount f2l,4rti.°T was on account, oi general tax for June 30.'iH83; l«95.tr personal tax for same time; $15,944 04, arrears or general tax; 151, arrears of personal tax; $19,125.06, arrears ot lice\s's; $3,4*9.22. arrears or witer rents, Ac.; $8,6t'8.85, Police Court flnee; 1774.72, market house receipts; f474.60, from sale of fl-h wharves; $1,900 from sale of engine-house, «nd 11,621.9a was received on acconnt of miscellaneous Items. miscellaneous matters. Lieut. Cornel,us Noonan, wiio, by order of the Commissioners, ha«s been reduced to th<* ranics of the police, coatluues at his post at the Police CjurL The Outrage on Harriet Robinson. reynolds and m'nultt again in cockt. In the Special Criminal Court, Judge MacArthur, to-day, tho case ot James ReynoIJs and Patrick McNulty was taken up.Mr. Cburles Pelham for the first named and Mr. H. II. Wells for the other. They were charged, with Maurice Conners, with having committed an outrage oil narriet Robinson, in elderly colored woman, not rar from the gov?rnment printing office. In September last Last i November they were tried, C'onners being convicted as principal and the others as accessories beiore the fact. Couners was senten. ed to ten (rears Ir. the penitentiary. Mr. Pelli^m. Tor R ynolas, flle la motion in arre9t or judgaient. anl Mr. Wells filed a motion on behhlr or his client for j u new trial and in arrest or Judgment, which mo- | Lions were granted. A new indictment has, how- L-ver, since been round, charging them as accessories, and this 1s wh t they were called to answer. Mr. C. S. Moore having made an opening statement, Mr. Pelham said that If the government made out thecase as stated the court would charge them that under the Indictment they could not be convicted. Mr. Mo ire replied that he proposed to try them under both Indictments. the acccsbd mkn di-ohargkd. The court suggested that this could not be done, tor there appears to be a jHdgment on tbe motion In arrest of Judgment, and he suggested that a aolle pr^s be entered. This suggestion was adopted, and the accused were d ischarged. Death of DUbuniuir Officer Joneph. Dr. Richard Joseph, the disbursing officer of the Interior department, died early this morning, in :.be flfty-tlrst year of his age. He had been sick 'or the past five months and a half of valvular ifTectlon of tbe heart, and his death has been exacted. He was a man of sterling character, of ittractlve personal qualities, and h's death will be i great loss to a large circle of friends. To his sister, with whom he has lived for a number of rears past, this loss comes with a heavy weight. He was president of the reform school and one of the founders and managers of the Widows" Hume. He was a m raber of the vestry or Ejiphauy ;hurch and a prominent Mason. The funeral will take place Thursday evening at [ o'clock from Epiphany church. A meeting of he employes of tbe department will be held to take appropriate action. It Is probable that Mr. George W. Evans, who jas been acting disbursing officer, will be appointed to till the vacancy. Names for the New Vessels.. Secretary Chanller said this morning that none of the proposed lew n ival vessels have been named except the jrulser "Chicago," but that seleetIons of names ivill be made at once, a long list of suitable lames was submitted to him, which he referred to the President to choose from. The law requires :nat the vessels shall be named by the Presld-nt, md the Secretary thought he would attend to the natter to-day or to-morrow. Toe Pcblio Debt Statsmknt Issued to-day shows the decrease o: the public debt during the Month of April to be *2,851,402.65; cash in the Treasury, J3i9.159.401.35; gold certificates, $81,}8S,<WO; silver certificates, fso.771,331; certificates ar deposit outstanding, 110,105.000; rorundlng certificates, SiM)#.950; legal tenders outstanding, W4rt.6Sl.0l6; fractional currency outstanding, f7,00s,973.81. Total reduction for ten months of the present fiscal year, $114,8S4,675.81. The Alleged Irish Mtrderers in America.. rhe Washington correspondent of the New York Herald telegraphs that the statement cabled from London to the effect that negotiations are pending tor tbe extradition or a dozen alleged murderers Is understood to mean that the British minister will isk the State department ror warrants tor the arrest ot the accused, just as was done In the case ot Sheridan; that the statement that secret negotiations ai\» proceeding with the view of the extradition of the alleged murderers of the lnfonners Kenny and Bailey Is said to be without foundation, is the State department cannot conduct secret negotiations. It must, under the treaty,, issue warrants when requested by the British minister, but the department has the right to review the svidence, even after a tribunal has decided that the parties sought should be surrendered, but at no time can the hearing be secret. CowxiBsioNS have been Issued to Nancy Clements, postmaster at Carter's Mills, Va., and P. H Shaw, postmaster at Homeland, va. C. Lister alias E. Lester, of 23 New Church street, New York, has been placed on tbe fraud list by the order of the Postmaster General. Resignation of Patent Examiner Freeman.. F. K. Freeman, tbe principal examiner In charge 3f electricity, United States Patent office, resigned this morning to emrage in patent business with C. E. Foster. This is the second examiner that has resigned, and the thirtieth resignation in all since January 1st in the Patent office. Mauriagb Licenses..Marriage licenses have tteen issued by the clerk of the court to J. R. Perdun, of Montgomery county, Md., and Sarah A. Hall, ot Baltimore; James Ahernand Isabella A. Malone; Chas. Brown and Ellen Mount; Andrew Wilson and Mary Elizabeth Strutter, both of Fairtax county. Va.; R J. Hough and Novella Sir,cum; Franklin Shane and Willisana. ............... Procrcnllnt Ihf 1inm (nmpnnv DISTRICT AIT0RNKT CO KK Hit.I, ElAWINIMi TUB I'AFIKil A Star reporter asked District Attorney Oorfchill to-day If any steps had be n taken looklag to the prosecution of the gas company under the United S'ates laws. " The papers are all before me," said M*. Corlchlll, "and I am nnktng a thoroa;jh examination of the law as to the tv st means or pontshln<j violators of it. The oarers wit> only referre I to n.e yesterday, and a careful ex rn'nation is bel-.jj in <1 to find the most effective way of rneetln.; Ui * uubll'* demand." Atomey Riddle lias offered to assist District Attoruey Corktilll In the prosecution. WUaT SECRETARY BAILKT, OF TUB OAS COMrANV, SATS ABOCT IT. Secretary Pulley, of the Washington O&s Light company, tn response to Inquiries by a m-ar re- porter to-day, said the comp my had not receive 1 I any formal notice of su ts against it toy the UN- trlct tor failure to comply with the requirements of the law ores-Ttb'.nsr the standard of i;as that sflall he ^uppliiHl. He addtd: "We hnve heard i nothing of the m.itt*r. except what we have read In the papers." He said the company does Us best to comply with all the requirements, but that all the dellgenrs In the world would not avoid an occasional lap^e. It fr.-quet.tlr occurs. . he remarked, that In coal of apparently uniform quality thero would be & defective v in and this would depreclJte the gas. He nnlntulned th it whenever the cats h id fall-n b-l.w the l»<gal stand ird It had been from accidental and perhaps unavoidable causes, and intimated that he regarded the talked-of suits as too frivolous to be actually pros<vu'e I. TOO MICH AMMONIA TV THE OAS. Tiie reporter visited the office and laboratory of . Gas Inspector Ford aud was permitted to examine the records he had kept Of the gas. These showed that for several days In January the gas feu J below the required illuminating power; but the default did not continue long, an I the average for that month was 17.45 can-tie power, whereas the comp mv is required to keep it only up to 16 can lie power, hi nee then it has btvn kop; up to and even above the required standard. one or the complaints Is that the pas oi late lias contained an excess of ammonia. The law prescribes Ave crams of ammonia In each 100 cubic feet of gas is the maximum. The records of the in.->p>vtor show th it on April igth It ran tip to 5.1, or one-tenth excess. This was promptly reported to the commissioners, ;ind also to the gas company, and the record tor the n^xt day shows that the company corrected the fault, as the quantity of ammonia f 11 below tlte pr. - scribed limit. Again, on the 23d of April, the gas registered 8.07 ft ,1ns of ammonia to the 100 cubic feet. This excess was reported, an1 again the lol- 1 lowing day recorded the correct on. as the am- ! monla then fell to 3.95 trains. For the mouth of April the average of ammonia was far below the limit allowed, aii3 during March the average whs , but -57 of a grain for ltf) cubic feet. The annual reports of the gas Inspector all specify, with d ites and figures, the times during each y-ar when tlie tras fell below standard, but no notice has beeu ' taken of sucii lapses before. The Washington TOonument. WORK OF COKSTRCCTION TO Bit RESUMED NEXT < MONDAY. The work of laying stone on the Washington monument will bo resumed next Monday. There Is sufficient stone.marble and granite.now on , the ground, cut and ready to be laid, to ra^e the i monument 80 feet, but it Is thought advisable not i to begla placing it In position yntil there is a bet- j ter supply on hand. The laying of the stone can bo pushed much more rapidly than the stone can ' be supplied. Fifteen courses could lie laid In as <. mauy days, but then there would be a delay f ,r r ruitlier supplies. Hugh Slsson. who has had the « contract for furnls'ilng marble until th's year, r yesterday sent his last load of marble. The pres- r ent contractors, the Lee company, of Massachu- i setts, are to 6end th« lr flr-.t shipment irom th<dr quarries on the 4th of this month, and it Is oe- jr sired that ft gool supply of this shall b- on hand before tiie work Is resumed. As the iie:ght of the \ monument lncrei&esthe need for granite dnnlu- i l-h%s, so that w hen the monument Is a bun lre l t feet higher no granite backing will be necessary. X* ill* Filed To-day. < BEQUESTS OF ALFRED P. POLLARD AND FISHER A. 1 FOSTKR. The will or the late All red F. Polltrd, nicd to- ] day, bequeathes to John P. Clarke, or Alexandria, , Va., ail of Ills estate In the District and elsewhere, c subj ect to the payment of all d-'bts and legacies; t to Rebecca Morrison, sister of toe deceased wife ( of the deceased. fcWO; to Rebecca Donaldson, a t niece, f:V0; to William and Charles Goo .m 'n, sons t of Win. H Goodman, $lv»o each. M"s*rs. Joha P. i 6 Clarke aud John W. Eastsy are name J as execu- t tors. , The will of Flshor A. Foster. Bted Wday, names Judge W. B. Sneii as executor. He leaves the rur- 1 nllure of his room and other property to Ella H. Williams; tlfiy shares of Allen Paper Car Wheel Company's slock to Lydla L. Foster, of Denver. CoL, s and the residue of the estate to sophy Foster r Byrnes and Alice Foster Sanger, of Denver, CoL s The Waple-ilud»on Case. r To the Fdttor of The Evkmino Star. You have me charged, 5th February, 1«*1. with f disappearing from Washington, carrying on seven e or eight thousand dollars belonging to my partner (' and creditors, which I am prepared to prove by I f1 irreproachable evidence Is a prorouud slander in j 1 every partlctflar; and to this end I have returned s to the city to meet any party or parties. As to c ilr. Waple.he dare not face me with »u h & charge. . K. 11. Hudson! Affairs In W'e»c Wa%hi»cton. The Dasliaway club held an interesting meeting 11 last night. Addresses were made by Mr. Allen, a the president oi the Soldiers' Temperance assocla- J tlon at the Washington arsenal, and Messrs. Lee '' and Rohrer. There was singing by Misses Cathell f1 and Beall, and Mr. Noyes. 11 Gonk to Nokpoli..A delegation from William * Louis S' hley Loilge, No. 4, I. O. M., left this evning for Norfolk In the steamer Lady of the Lake, to attend the annual session of the supreme lodge h of that order to-morrow. The representatives to f the supreme lod^e are P. 8 Ruler, J. E. Wagner; a P. G. Architects, Wm. Dohcrty, 11. G. Wagner, s. A H. Gladrnon l, A. C. Brummel and J N. F trr. Wm. G. Connkli. has been appointed overseer on v the Georgetown dlvlslou of the Chesapeake and »i OhUi canaL See a dtertisemknt of First Co-operative Building Association. 1 Port..Sailed.Schooners nelen Benedle, Mason, coal for Boston, and Maria Parsons, Asa, coal for Fall River. agent. .. Condition of the Water..Gr-^at Falls, turbid; J receiving reservoir, slightly turbid; distributing n reservoir, clear. Fish Market..Ten thousand herring sold 3 at $7 to tu per thousand; 800 tailors sold at |i to |1.50 per hundred; 100 shad sold atf f»to $25 per hundred. Reported bye. E. Harper,wharf, si Alexandria Affairs. ^ Reported for The Evenjso 8tab. n Cei ebration..The conference of St. Vincent de h Paul la this place has made arrangements to eel- ft ebrate the weml-centennial of that society hv re- « llgious services on the mornings of F'lday, Satur- n day and Sunday next; also, bv a pulil.c meeting w next Sunday night, at which Rev. Father Dennis and Edmund Mallet, of Washington, have been invited to speatc. The society has also. In honor of Its anniversary, doubled its help to all the poor tt families that It naslsts. . a Still at Larok..James Burnett, who escaped r Sunday night after cutting Lawrence Bayne at a a lager beer garden. West End, has not been arrested. Mr. Baytoe will, It is now thought, survive his Wounds. . Accident..Peyton Billemrer, a yountr son ot Robert Ballenger, broke his arm yesterday atterLoon *»y a fall while playing near the Midland , depot. 1Reporter's Notes-.The police are stopping the 9. playing of ball on the streets, aud on yesterday * two lads, C. Mason and R. McGulre, were flued SI L' each for indulging in this pasi line on the street. The public school teachers snd Janittirs will be 11 paid off Saturday. Mr. Christian 8chaffer was burled yesterday arternoon, the Freemasons and " many or the Alexandria Odd Fellows attenllng " his remains to the trrave..-The funeral of Mrs. bl Bridget O'Sulllv&n took place yesterday afternoon w, from Sl Mary's Church. The hoicarriers here 11 are asking fl.75 per day instead of $1.50, the pres nt wages. Mr. J. W. Taylor will be mail carrier, on a new contract, between Vienna and Fairfax C.H., after the 1st of July next. Oysters are as Illegal d here as unlicensed whisky In every month thut has 11 no "R" In Its name. The dairymen here have fixed the price of milk next summer at 8x per <5t quart. They supply Washington with 1,500 galIons of milk per day. Fishtown is now at the & height of the season, but not as busy, extensive or prosperous as ot old. The Washington and western railroad will be sold again next week. All the hands on the Midland railroad and all the city officers have been paid off. The clerk of the school board granted three permits yesterday. ^ Anothrr Mores Breaker Sentenced..In the J" special Criminal Court, Judge MacArthur. to-day, a't Charles R. Williams, a colored man, withdrew a U piea or not guilty on a charge of bouse breaking in hi entering the house ot Samuel Uodgklas, and rob- ',6 bing the hall, and pleaded gulity. Mr. E. P. Phelps, for the prisoner, appealed to the court to m be lenlenj. In passing sentence. 'The judge remarked on the enormity of the offense, statin? ct that It very nearly approached murd°r, and lm- u posed a sentence of Ave years In the Erie countr < (N. Y.) penitentiary. ^ A document which urges a speedy rising against the oppression ot Russia Is belag circulated ^ turouguout Bulgaria. Ma i ^ Telegrams lo Tli* Star. 8ENATOK nmiMis IN Illtlro | THE MURDER TRIALS IN OUBLIi. SKULL FRACTLRtD IN A PRIZE FtGMT. LATEST LAROK KTUIKR MCW9 Rig Dh) In llir I lmlihurj iobn<<« I'rndc I.T«.rn«rno Vt, Vav l -Th* pwnt^Kl iwn*. nietit In tn.tnufacttj >s| r<i|>*-co | lace bfff » <day that wuh ever recorded n th his ry ..f the cltv. Xearly ftft.of) in *i.tmt-s were i^>u 1 to-dar, an » thin \ -si* car kudi or ioh » > o, acgrecat ng boat fwpooo pound-1, v n- - i, p d to v itr po iitH. one flnn stitpp d i^>.oni i numH Kn tor til* damagnic Mnk«.o o>-r liven, the shipin"Ot rruUi this |»"lut woul J e\ » J poilUtlS. Mtlinv Hull Uotnii lo Inrmlnff. fT.l,*ri.ViN\-.,Mit> l Inf <~ma'h>n has r> *. h"4 the department ii«*u!q"i*rt r- thit on f»>iumii»v list the ste»m.r w .i. Ji n n jeit r ti Km lull for Stan ling Rock, having "ii t r.I lv* men, ^oiufn .md oil liUen oi Sit tine Fu Is l>..idof 1 ucapnp* Slot:*, the old w .rrlor be.nguf U)^ potty They * 11 r-ach Port Yale* on PMd >y « at, uiihK-tho low KUgo or water In th" Missouri t-lmuid dels? the boat. Tin y propone to engage in farming. Senator V.dimirid* and 1'nrty In lr« Or*rM«i>, Mix. May l. A-o n t il train arrived her y.«st*rd i> morntne, Hnvinc on ird s.nator Kdtnun«is, h « wire and dan i.t r, M;s*. Arthur, a meeeof President Arthur, :il part? of ladlea and jfiif leoi'-ti fr> in tic e.ist. i h j»»r > made an excursion around the hirmr. To-|jy" tuo citizens will call upon Senator K lmuuda. V.ynched bv Vi(llan(p«. Trcsov Am; .. m y j.-.Tno. WjWi, th" nmr* d'tt*r of Thro, ft ivan, wis ta ,e;t trom jhii ut Lordsburg on Saturd iy an 1 lynched by vigilante*, bfarral Foreign >< by Cable. tut DAT IX LONDON. I okdov, Mny l..The fl st v uUr dav of May l«'ng r0" of th.' seml-ann al dsyson w hh*h tno Bunk ot England makes up Its b .lsneea. to-day Is a holiday iu the hank an<i on the stock ndiuiu|(k AX RNTOT OK TMK KING OP ANNA*. Loxpon, May 1 .A teli :am from P- klti «tav>8 th.«t mi envoy fr< tn the K nc of Ann ,m has art V'tl th"re to obt.un tlx consent of the t titii'-m rr.Tfrntt'.Pnf Ui the openluc of the |{.-d ilv»>r to forei<h «r. «ud to Indue < hin t lo .ft >r<t ^tich Uiplotuatlr and iitntcrinla-tslMatioe hm tn iy t>< net*8rtary. The Eni|K't-or lias onhred li Mung Chanu to return tr» his p,)st orjt r to '>11.«t Ui* requebt of the Ring or Ann in. THE DF.AX OF VIMIgftR 1>F»D. Lokhon, M iv l..Tl»»* »< r\ l< v. («< <:. Ueun t*oo> DOr, M. A., Dfan or Ulnilsor, l- de ,<L WATTHIXa IKISB *MCRir4XH. Ix>\r»ov, May l It undergto-M iliaf on tho ocejslon of the enthronene ni of th<- tn iiblstiop of ranterburv the poii.^e of th.it lownclo eh w ,t. ti'd the movemenis of etrt tln li 1 i - Mo. ri.- .n-, w ho wetr acttnc tn a stispi«-|«ms ta .nn«'r, .»nd who t)eatno ahirm^d and quilted the Mwn. It Is believed th.it one of the-e men whs \\ i*on, onn 'f the dynanitfecou.spirators,tn whosecases :i hearin({ Is procwdln^ at t U>- Bow street polli-c cotiru Axr.TiirK prr:/ taxai rnrr *r.n. The Thi e.«h.H\s a mertiiif of le d'.n^rowners of iteamstiips win b> held on the loth tnstto talc* «'eps tow jr is r.<lslnjf caplt .1 ft.r tb»' ourpose of fnaildlng anotuer canal acrons the Iaihujus of Su«z. rhe Striking I ignr linker* In l.ynckbnrg. I.TNTTTBrpo. V*.. v,ij 1..Th" elsrar nrmufaetorlea are all closed lo-d.-y. In « onsi-utiene<> of tbrt strike or the clg«r m k- TK Th" Inrrei-.'d sebedulo )f prices wris wubrn;tted to the ni..nnf .. tur. rs and ic epted t.tn the lutter reaent the ntt» mot of th« r tuakern' uulou to r gulatc the vUii l<o meat )X apprentloea. " The Dnblin Mtird*>r Trlal« ACQl'lTTAI. OF TRK tab DR1VKH, K1T7.HAHMtIL Dublin, May i..The cab dr.v r. Pit/barns, ttha tv«3 placed >m tn.«l ye^venlay, on the <-|i inre of »elnp one of thtf principal* lu the I'Uoenlx 1'am nurjen., has !»een at'q'ilif-d. No wltncs »»« were called by th*1 defense. Th® t[ jence an-tlnsi Fttzharris wa-that ifivn by luonuers. fle was t- sldes id i.tiil -l T.y m,i peod* ;nt witness, s, w|io-wom^ «i y >,tw. him in ibe park >n Mny fl. Mr. M. lticroev ooeiied the artrumettl or the defonw. His address wo . I mju ii!. Ho Iwelt on the fact that th" arru^.tlon that tho >rlaoner was lu the p irk with u krenvb dc >f tho rr n'l of the murd *rerfi r>-^t»-d o:i the evl :enee iHorm.'ts alone. II - pHrii"iil <tlv p .tni' M out flint illhough Petvr Carey swore lUat the pn-(n. r httil >s?ounted th" clr^umstan -es of th" in'ir i> r* to Mm, his narr tlveor the asaa^dnatlon had ! T? red rom asoertalnel faeis. He elo^.-l w ttl & >atheUc appeal to th" Jury to re-toro he po<ir mtu to hip SJarrin^ family witlj i fjood nnrnc, which wis U!H £ule j o^. S|OD, I'he Judge in charging the Jury pointed >ut that no evldeuce ha t been < dduced to show hat the pfimcr wn aware of the plot against Mr. Burke before Mqy Sth. The eatll-r ne --t in-'d A-h . h he had attend d, the jud^e s id, w.-r h I! o plot agalust theUieof « x-S Or' tary F.-rster, uid there ore had no coni eetl >n with the . recent :harge. The faet was cl» ar th it Kit/h trrl- vv as in he park when the murilot- M-enrr- d. t>ut if th© ury doubted that lie w is guilty or knowledge of he mi8sli»n of tn.' men h.- dr -ve. they wr- hound o acquit him. After the v.-rdlct had be»*ti r"nler-^d Fit/'aarri* was uk-n back to jali to .wait rial on a charge of c«'iu»plraty to munb r, tuo penalty tor which Is ten ye rs' ju ual aei\ito Je. Hie Striking Cigar 'Inker* of Ohio and Wc»l Vircnua CtxriyvATl. May 1..Th"re will be no disturbinee here among cigar makers on aceount of tho edu tlon or the tax on t b.ieoo. Th« y -irucfc ome time ago for an ad tit on to th :r wages, and ucceeded, as also dll the < i^n packers. There cmalns but a single question unseuled between mployes and employers, and that will not pr"ent ltf-e'f till r.Al, wh» n cas is burned. Hereto* ore workmen have been required to pay tnlrtr eats per niouth for paa eon tune I while at wort aoriilugs and f-ventngs. Strikes for an a.lvati.*o ave b-*en ma le at X -wark an i Portsmouth, 0:iia tie demands of the workne'ti at \Vh «'UnW.V i., teubenville, Ohio, and l"rl>un i, Oulo, ha\e bot'n omplled with. ten Injured h) 12*plosion of a soda Foil main SvRAcrsF. X. Y.. M iy 1. . A s'»da water fountain n Howlan 1 and Young's dru.- store h»>r" expl »le<l t noon ttvd «y s -verely injuring three per&ons. laranee Howiaul, the proprietor, had his l«»g roken In two places and his jaw fractured and fcelved other Injuries. It Is thought he is fatally urt. The other two persous will recover. I'holeiaie Nliooiiitir tn a Kcntntkf Saloon. Stanford, Kv., May 1..N ws bis b«"n received ere that three smith broi , *rs;tn l Han y and Youm on one side met three Cain brothers tu a rlnklng house at >1 Kinne>, when a ipiirrel ro-.e between tlie parties during which rorty hots were exchanged. Peter ami James Cain rere seriously wounded. We < a!n was shot arou^h tho head, and Robert fcmlth shot In thtt ioulh. 'o be Iiiiprlkoiied for llritiing ^It-uibers of (he Ohio |y«-cislatnr«» Oor.CMBpg, O.. May l..Th" supreme court to-day ^lused u> grant the ni"tv>:i for petit on In error in ne, case of J. l>. \\ ut-on, convicted of bribing icmbersof the legislat-ire. The sentence or tho ourt to Imprisonment will now be carried out. io lore Pauper (.rnven tor ^oldiern In Srw York . A t B a NT, X. Y., May 1 -iiov. rirveland ha« Igned tne hill whlcJi provider that the hoards of uitervl-wrs of the counties in this stale shall proIde for the burNl of d»c".is"d s ildlcrs, sall »rs or urines, and sliall also provide uu approprlato eadstone. Tht- a t will pp vent the burial lit tho iture of aay soldiers In pau:»er gr ives. The blU as drawn by Lieut. L"wls E. McLaaghllu. <-omlantler of D"Vln p.#t, G. A. R., or Biooklyu, and :us proftiptly passed by the legislature. A Strike Averted. St. Pati, Minx., May 1..The cigar man ifaoirers held a meeting here yesterday and asked n advance or fl per one thou -;lDd from the nianoiciur. rs. The latt»r ac> <-J >1 to their demandad therefore no strike wiu oo ur. Desperate l*riz<> Fight. OTH MEN' bA t'l.V PINifMSD.«lNk OF TUB CO>:BA1^ ANTS fatai.lt isji ::ed. Chicago, Iu., May 1.The police learned tat* ist ri ght that a prize ti^'ht occurred In the towtl f Lake on Sunday tetween John Kelly, a New ork hruis. r, and Rodney alias "Yank" cunnlagam, a bartend r for Alderman Applrton. Tho a:ht was a slugging maich fr>>tu the beginning; light rounds were fou :ht la t weni>-slx minutes, oth men being dreadfully iiunibhed. Kelly had is lace cut aud his nose broken, while cunning* am lost four teeth, and. It Is believed, had ht« tuil Iructured. The fight was awarded to K"llvt hoin tho i«illce are looking tor. Ills thought iat Cunnliighuiu will die. Telegraphic Brief* At Mlddletown, X. Y., Lo. kvood Lake, a con ictor on the Erie r dlroad, leil le'twe«n Ue oh.r» Us morning an-i was Instantly killed. At VVaxahatchle, Texas, a nreon Sunday night eslroyed nve buildings. Including a grain eleva>r. Los« $40.<X«); insurance iU,~>0Q. The fire Ut scribed to an incendiary. The .Varaet*. BALTTMORE. May 1..Vinrlnli fi«, ronaoilAate.l. Mi aw 10 40a, S«; new 3n, Irtd to-d»\. UAX.TIM*iKK, May l.-4>»tn.ij brh-r and firm. Jd'111 Dir. Ui>4. Kkxir uni tui el kn-l guiat 1* lifwt. (utliern L'*-l)ci and active, urotern b'j'her, Bou;ii»-ra -I. 1.3Bal.22; do. amber, 1.2.'vaI.'iC, So. 1 Maryland, 24k bid; No. i wenfcm wiuu-r. r<-d. siiof i.'jlit . il\: M«y. 1.21\«l,.a; Jun«. 1 2Slk«1.2,M\; U<rn-wutlwru loch,: and a°ti?e. »Mtwn trher aud quiet; aouUu-rb white, 65*o7. do. )«1><iw. *67, weetern uiixod, «|«'t, ti7«67V. May, C.'>Wa657*me, 6&\«S6, July, Miib.d; Auiruat, 6TWa*tf.' uSm ill.aoatbera. S2«M; VMtejs wntto, ftiUfti do. lx«st, fiU»S2. PunnaylvaniK live g irt 7u*?i* iy flric and uni'hmsre!. ProTUtaM firm ai d oul amr«d. Butteir firm western packed, 17a29 ; roji al«. Eifirfc Btea !y. l(Val«. l>'jnlcuiu nominal. OofSa 11.Elo ranroea. ardlnan to fair, t**ta9M. Rum* "fe **L; ««ri«er refined ataady. 14\al». hiakj Wlid atoajy, I. l6Val.1T. KreWtiu U&: anired. R«c« pto -flour, S. K40 Iwrrali; wheat. 100. I*>q iahel». oom. 4ft.o0o ItnHwla; o-tn, 1 nnn brr+*l* e-rmcutt- -wheat. f>,00*i huaiu*1.*. corn.W,0®0 UaaUeia-' ian.whoat, t uabcit. liu.MW . . t M * <-JM

Transcript of T WASHINGTON, C., TUESDAY, CENTST · 2017-12-26 · lan.r Mi.Htn:; ^bnatir, S»»t Olrt-ItmeI ri< k...

Page 1: T WASHINGTON, C., TUESDAY, CENTST · 2017-12-26 · lan.r Mi.Htn:; ^bnatir, S»»t Olrt-ItmeI ri< k Donkey. ... Pi.oF«.&boi; J-v%«>u)\\ski's. fl2-Cifl 1HCMBUttrt northwest.

V1-- 61-y°- 9.3C8. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1883. TWO CENTST


AT THE 6TAK BUILDINOS.Trr'.\ye't4 Ccra*T Ats- aw! 11th St,,St

SfceEvening- Star Newspaper Company,GEO. W. ADAMS. ITes't.

<ffrr rm rr, fta* is wrt tr fn thsf<, r T , »rn«r». on tl>'ir own account, st 10 cents r>erw»t> "cr *4 cents per month. Oip:es at th» «vuuter, Je« i u rich- By mai!.postage prepaid.60 cents a month,II. mr. $t), hi months, $3.fFr.t.fd at th«* Po<t Office at Waehimrt^n. D. C.. as

eci urt < hi1* mai; matter. iIff wrvkt.y Stab.published on Frtday-|l ay%r.

>«rt'» » prepaid. Six months. .V)'*r~ AH naafl snbscrtptlons niii*t he paid In adrance.

1. raj : writ l<Bursr than In paid for.Ji'" ot artvertsklntf made inown r>n.


Vnctal * r*t-. u la Brand juakinif wt-DNE&DAY,V ay M, at 2 o'clock p. m.AdiuMoo, "25c. It*

Rational theater.



After an extended tour through Erin-land. Ireland andh < Uau.i, 'lav.nir Jnat rvturned aud

t orisi lnialed withMI!. JAY RTAl.'S AMERICAN COMPANY.

Fcnu.iiK. VjniidiirqDMtian, th>- Htr.'mfeet Combina;ioni)i.» h s rvpr prefiitwlI M'l. Tt'M* <ABJN.'

Donlle r>raniH!i-- C"ni|»aiiy. Gran>l Scenic Fffectatlan.r Mi.Htn:; ^bnatir , S»»t Olrt- ItmeIri< k Donkey. ' 'Eris© .tile

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Frs<>» Uoniif >h« entroreuient 15. 35 and SO cents.

M -NDAV. MAY 7-A DA C.RAY. ap30EW THEAiEtt COMlyt E.


FRANK I. FRAYNE.©onibl. jtioii .11 Clilton Tayleui's thriiiing drama entitla.1

«T SLOCl'M;Or, Tbe Trapper an i U)s Doft.

Valines Tneeday. Thursday and Friday.Admission 16, 25. 35 and 50 cent*. a: 30

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lad Mor- M ii.t B »ts, Pir.ls and Reptiles tLan anyIliREF MENAGERIES OS EARTH.

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CrjTi«ri.f 10th and G ntreets,WEDNESDAY, MAY id. at8y.ra.

Dr. B'»< huff. MSceo Ewan. J"!in«on, Mr. Whippleand < ther ri« r.t taient »ill t«.k^ part. A<lnut>ei"u,So cents. i u Let» ran I»e hal al Mr. Drew's Drug'Stor.. corner «>f 'J.h ai d the AVeniu*. a: 2H-4t .

mm. W< iRLD-Rh N. iVt NED i IsKE JI BILEr s]X who have sjiv I* for»; rownt <1 lit ud» and crowded»ud)t-llie* m the Old W rUL tud been If reeU-1 Wltllgrti.: i nt?:. t-: - :u all par> <>f i ur otirn land. w:ll iriveTilREE C' >XCER I S A N D A M A . 1N EE.

In the ('< NO FOATIONAL CHURCH,f'tiiniueiicinir FRIDAY EVE>1>G. MAY 4.MATINEE .-ATURDAY AT 2 P.M.. 6TH.

Concerts Monday and n*-t-day Fvtnmtf*, Msy 7 and S.A iiu> «.' -u. n<h-. L. served 1 eats ai Ejhs'. v.il Peuii- i

alv»Ai» »n!.iif, Saturday, XitK lnat., without ext »^rve. j..initt>d t»> Matinee at '25c.. <- h

f 1 r. ib .nUcauou to O. E. PUESBitEV. 52 7thatrMi-t a,.-i4 K,tW'AsULNoIUN AT 111.) TIC PARK.

* » Vth am! s.BASK BALL.

FRIDAY AND A IT KDAY. MAY 4 AND B,NAT ION *L VS. DEFIANCE.AiHni-»i"ifn to I'ark. V> c ub.La<: t» » .u:.tUil s.' l'ark iree.Game cai! d at 4 30 p. ui. atT6-1m"VEW IMP1 11 1 DM1 HOD VOi. MNGING ANDXy l laiio, shortest to existence, at

Pi.oF«.&boi; J - v%«>u )\\ ski's.fl2-Cifl 1HC M BUttrt northwest.

> t «../ C .> 1 XMTBJT1W.7 iNo. JE f *>J) SAL»: at«Efctr*et.> V A R K R I T E If I Street? i . f2f F »tT»et l orihwtKt, ( ne d or from 7th -treet,1 cite l i; 1 si; 4:Lsf-, En»rra\lr»r», tint m *. etc. . ,J i rjr* ai *1 < li' irt Sitfk t.| liiit-rl.sT i-iiv., Pirtur-J1 Ttii t., i*i< tui» < » ;tf a?itl Ta^ht1:-, I <& » NaiLt, etc.,ar> arknter'n. Ti-nnjCii.ii. Free Art «i»ll«wv. o|f

balls] parties,^l^ok t\YEET~L 11 Altl 1 ^ hAKE.There «iUU a Grand le- Unnrui.] Bal' tendered >'r*.DEsNI.S !0»0VV>. at t ot. -i Ha . ;UIH!MY\May 1 Ijtlo-t-. ad:nlttlmr r- "t! -nau and ljulit*-, f 1.11u»h- by »\tln r'« baii(L ap28-3t*

liOOKS, Ac.PICK'S BAD B*»Y. WHT HURSBIXE]Pt^ck'* Eun. Bill Nv»i' BtWii' ran/.F rty Li . « and ' ti.er L e-, by Bdl .» e.Ltct Kiln Club, by M. Oua.!.ba <1 and H Miia U bj J. W. Gaily.Reicular j r;ce 50 celits. only 31 at

BAUM'R,r410 7th street

UO«JKS AT II ALF-PRICE.Ve have fr^in ou* shf'ves a larvre number of

a». t-.iMlit-y rh. itworu. which we offer at Ual'.-pri.eand u: d r.A lot of Bihiw sr.d Prayer Books at one-fourth theirost.our i-to«. k iT Cro<iu t, Lawn i turns, and Arcbcry islow 1C^U> .

WM. BALLANTYNE A SON,_ai>58 SrveNTH -trekt.

N>W BiK'KR.Life offtai. Cidieu B yant, 2 vols., (floodwin): Poemsf Wni. C^tJao Bryant, i Hist-.rv i fCrtJiiliia) Law, 3 vol.-.. (Stej-benri; l,cttt r» uitl M'tuotw*of Jane w^eh Carlisle, (Frv ude). C«'rresjfond"nc*;Of < arUsle and tuieiwou, 2 to.s ; rconoiiilct. on Science«f Wealth. tSinrUjvan:). Rambleain W.mder!and,(St nW>,Real Acora. (McElxoy); eVcti»nafrooi P -etry > tRobC Browning: Story of Melctnt. (Ma<|o. >; \frlaaAcs. (Crawf Td>: Di» e« l al<s. Bfiauer); Colonel's

fauarLt^r. (Kiuir). A Wroi;>r©d Mile, tEleiumin*);F«ck,» B*i Boy an l his Pa, The Ttito, a drt-utn ofWealth. ( Wittiington).'.'65 «'hoive I^ce-ptK collected bySktfUJwulInuij Church: Oolton'a < .eu«ral \tia«m e<LuOL^ *. H. HOUUlsON.

, ai>® *7'' Pennxylvania aveano.

Ar1T*IC1AL HIS, »». »13. 113. IUK*«A. ttlaiifl. $1 Boxwood Ther-nomt-f ; I'jit «7 Field(Mi f7. M) Pt-ai-1 oi'era. H t.Mpl.E!.'}* (i he Opuciani©w PtaB'*, 45'J I s. *ve, 1c ei hoti'.c coi nv tie::, ai

r- CSlfL.

SPECIAL N()TICE8.fr*" HK BII.L OF PRICKS ADOP1EDE¥THCI<»A" MAKERS' UNION 110. of Washingtonl». C., !) Arril 14. 1h.s3, w«< «co* nte<1 thin day bv thfoliowinv firms: Meters. Well-r & Repetti. 1.. H. B. rtJ. Rirecht, William < >ckersbatisen. H. SchraidtmanF. W. I'ii.tfjfp, George Ockershaofcen. F. Dahier, oPi:nper, W. U. 1 in kborsu A. Neuhau", M. Mi>rana --'Ft-at i! ..ny snia 1 sh j» only employing one hand.The only ditlicu'ty s in twn nbnpp, which art* F. M

Benrmau an l J. Eoe'jlinsr. 1 be Union has onlv tbrememli r-< out, on on .-t ike slid two on look out, anare sustained by the Union.By order of Work Committee.


f W A - HIN;lTON,D. C.. Arom, 26th. 1883..t'«= mei-tinif f tin St<vkho!der» of TED. CONSoLlDATED MACHINE PRINTING COMPLY will liheld *t 3 nV neb p.m. I UESDAY. Mav 29th, 1883, aNo. 462 loui-iana avenue no tbwest, Washinirton cityD.C., for the purp se ol e ectinir i rastecs tor the enRuin.- year. A full attei.danc of the -tockholdors irequested, i a business of importance will be submitteu,«;en»; ,CHA>. T. MOORE, J resident.t i 1). W ROYrE. ^crtary. ap27-fAtulOt*






M R8. ISELMA lluPI'EP.T,608 Ninth Street, Opposite Patent Ornca,

Received a new assortment of IRISH roiNT, SWTSand NAINSOOK EMBROIDERIES; SPANISHTOKCHON. M >LrF.8E an l other WA-H LACEs, i;variety of patterns, at \ ery close prices.Lsive selecU »n of « hildrenV I-on^and Short DRESS


M. W ILLIAN. Importer ofPattern lint* an Ri.h Millinery Novelties. Real LacesTine Neckwear, Dr s» Triinningw. Parasols, 3 besstyles I rench < orsets, Handsome Wraps, Jerstjy Jackets^ Jersey >uits. .Jtrsii Polonaise, M»uruing' Km tow h te Suits 1n a van- ty of styles and pr ces, CuetinierSiikh. Mlk Suits for $30 and Mi, and a Cue. aasurtmenOf^R»g ans and Jackets.

i ii«' 1 revise. I"arts. 1*07 Pennsylvania avenue.A very durable assortment of Mantillas at 2ft pet*nt discount. Feathers dy ej ai.d re-curied eoi;ai t<new one*. 2,,

JUST R ECEIVED!Several Cages of

ROT'UH AND Rt ADY STRAW HATS,In Ecru. Cn.bUtd Strr.wberrj-, and ail the lea.Un>

( hades.MRS. M. J. HUNT,



On Ors

PERFECT FITTING PARIS LAST,All Siits, from 2 to 0. Widths from AA to D.


SCHOOL FOR Ol ESSMAKING.Ladies sre h-reby info med t:«at Mr. WHTTF bar

0|v: eda Srlnv. for ore® niakin'-'at lllSFt-treet north**«Lc tra« the ail <jf Maktbif, i'littunr,au«i Ladle*' I'reflses, etc., tst eti'-nllvami corrcct y.i he fii< ce*» Mr. Whit- mft with in thi* rity already ^*1:;* to h!» thnr«»»ik'h ki:ow!^:^ot hin 'i*hf

jy^teni ^lr. Whit«; t4 ». h< 4 i« uoivorpally ac-kuow educedto \ e tn<? The ystem i» by rneas reiuerit. Nctil x' or jmrt ot % cLart. bcUool ovcu day %u»tlLtili*24 2ui


1115 F STRKET NOKTIIWEST,Is Now Prrpare<l to lake Orders for

EVENING. R1 CEP 1 ION AND DINNER DRESSES,WEDDING TROI'S EAUS ANDSTREET COSTV M EH.london Ta;lor-n.ade hidinK Habits. London TallormaoeCloth < Dftuu ee. All the W( rk is done In 'ir»tclasostyle, n ec'.e by Men 1 rassmakers an 1 Tai orsL< at fit iruaranteed Ev« ry L d>- ioaviiiK this ctfj -Houldtake one ol Mr. W HI li'o celebrated Cloth Coetuiu>«.withher. fla-4>4m

TjNDERWEAR!.DOUGLASS', imi AND FKJ STREE I S. .The bunness in this departm nt havinirwen lar in excess of our exjactations, the sale willbe continued until further nouce. Ea< h day we willbul ' arjfairii-, and" will on1 HI I.SLM* be«nii with JIM) dozen more of those thorOMtrhiymffde and trimmed CHEMiSE AND DRAWE!S at 23 oetife each. 1 he best chemise ever offered forthe price. \V havt 50 dozen French Castor. 8 buttonlenirth. Mousquetaire Gloves, at $i i>er pair, rejridatprice, $1.50. too do/en Schopper's best quality, m

fraiii,oil bol.ert, solid colors l adies' Hose, at 48 cent*per pair. Another oU dozen of those 12 thread Chi drvn'sbtookmifs Just in. 100 dozen Misses' 1I<hm> at 37Vcento, or three pa;r tor |1; fonnor I'rice 50 cents to 75cen ta, accorouiK to size.

^'-3DOUGLASS' 9th and F streets.

Anton fisher.~


k-CHE\IICAL DRY n.EANTNO ESTABLISHjir.N1, O street northvest. Thirty yearn' ext>crienie i ai:.e^' and Oei.tlernen's Garments, also Cr.it>-:veils. Laces, etc., are perfectly cleaned by this snt«riorj too h». J jtdies hveninif Dresses a specialty. Opiuion> i DeJ-niedt. f fti. ta' chemist of the District of C f.umbia:>our chemii als are of the most effectual natureand harm;ess, and your i>erfect machinery is nolturi awed in Psiris, New York oc elsewhere." Notice

ureasei-rota sniaranteed to U thorotiKUiy removed.ati2S


TENTH STREET JTORTHWEST.V; kfs COHSETH to order in every style and maler*iLMid KuaraiiUee perfect tit and comfortHERSPECIALTIES ARHFr«rrb lland-tuaile I'tnien lothin^. Mwlno Underw<«ram' tmeet Import»-d Hosiery.P*t< nt Shoulder Braces and all 1'rean fir form Goo !«.rrtuch Corsets and Bustlis. The "Hercules" HutvI-ortinjr Corset, for which Mli-s H. is si**>i:il a<jat.11 Corset, her own make, that for the vnio*r*onot l«e<»« niian ?in^ Vraniwh %5

Iron \ akes. Chairs and Settees.RCSTIC ^rOOD VASES,





1320 I'knnsylvama avknuk northwkst.I'ltiE, Glazed and Fncaustic Tiles for Mantels, FacinKB,

Fireplaces, Hearths, Vestibules, Conser\atorie«apl4-lm and Hall **loor».


Beyir.nlnir May 1st. 18*3,'this Company will es1«>,'tslDAILY LINE of steamers between WASHINGTON,D. C., aud NORFOLK, VA , stoppinK at FttRT MOVR«>E,ALI XANDUIA. I'lNEV Pr. and PT. LOOKOUT,Koinif and returning.The e\er poyn ar palace Steamer GEORGE LEARY

with new boilers, new st»te rooms, nevFt UNTIL' E, CA: PETn. Ac., thorouifhly runova'txiand uj holi-tered throughout, a'id the maynllic. niSteamer r Xt'r.LSloit, will be placed upon this route,one of which will leave dally (- tinday excepted) a6 'Op-in., SATURDAYS at 6, froni7TH Sl.WHAUF3hl» Company Laving secured the conn«« tion wittTHE BoslON & P iO\ IDKNCE STEAMb'KS


after the above date, all freight for points east can tnonly by the Steamers of this ilne. For further particulare an iy at Company'sothce, 7m a j KKET \\ HARF.L. M. HUDGINS, Supt.WM. P. WELCH. A*ent. ap30-10t

I<K;K WOL TO IOUB URIBIVMliqi! niJ carefully examine the mertte of the M> tua! Rejv-rvir un t Lite Association. It :s every man's dntv to provid. for his family m case ut his death. Our burtnesilsrrpidly increannK. Fn in the 1st to the LMhofUuimonth we wrote over S2.i00.ltK) of insnrancc. Ouimeti.Urthip now e*ods lu.tou, ann our total ImsifK*8 1^0,0(0,000. I he plan adopted bjth s association, which is new, easily understood, safe,*' ? * r»-duction iu e-oaf. commends itseit to thluteLvctiie and cotunu u sense of all wiio xamme it.jn<L .n the wo ds of a ce.ebrated actuary, "wl 1 revolutl< nize lift} insursa. e iu this country." OOh« iiWfc»hi:urton, 100» H street. Ajrents wanted.

Kt-lil 4 T. v7 KNIGHT. Maraw.

Japanese scrolls fans, etc.,

end Dc. t ju*lv« Pictmts. J.JsyGottul, 121 Dtb nt. ndiii

SPECIAL NOTICES.i £ ,iow 10 °®1 *:N a homee At a co*t per mouth no greater than you are now paling; for rent.

Fully explained in the pamphlets published by the,i FIRST CO-OPERATIVt BUILDING ASSOCIATION,u

OF GEORGETOWN.So favorable an opi>ortunity never before offered.

ie Pamphlets obtained from any of the directors, or fromd Geo. W. Kin*. Secretary.Subscription to second series 01 stock now received.Meet* first Tuesday In each month at Dashaway Hall,corner Ui»rh nud Frospect sts., Georgetown. my l-.it- MASON IC. A SPECIAL COMMUNK'A\1-3? tionof LEBANON LO OK. No. 7, will be heldat the Masonic Temple on WED "» V SPAY AF 1'KKeN< ON, May 2d, at 2:30 o'clock, f.«r the purpose of ::titI ten<*.!n>? the funeral of ran- deceased Brother, .IosevhRk he. M«u be.rs of Sister Lodjfes ure fra;erL,ally iu1-vited to attend.s It By order of the W. M., W. L. SEARS.d iPs*" GERMAN-*MERICAN B~ ILDING AS8OCI*>- **ATION. No- 3. .'1 hi) third annual meeting of_ the above Ass'iclatlon will be he d Ht Witthsit's Hall" at 8 o'clock Till-l EVENING, for the pa>inentof duesand election of officers for the enmiiriir year.WM. WTTTHAF1', l>re*ident.P. VIFRBUCHEN. Secretary. ItpT^ WOMEN'S" CMKI^TIaN Ti MPERANCE1>"5s UNION.- Meeting Temple Hotel Pariors. *106l»th street northwe-t, WEDNESDAY, at l:3u. Interestingaccounts of th9 work. Members of the Unionand stranirei'H invited. itPT^ NOIICE..THE MASTKK MASONS WILLl»"w hold their regular meeting: THURSDAY F.Vi NING,May 3d. at 7:30 o'cl 0,-, at Mr. Bal's, No. 1837 E( tret northwest. All Contracting Bricklayers are rospeotfullyinvited to attend. myl-3t*

FIFTH lfc8UE OF STOCK.r THE EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDINGAS80CIA'110N Subscription Books are ojwn forth fifth issue of stock, the first payment on which isdue May 2d, 1883.

The 43d rc y'i ar monthly meefcms- for making advancesand payment of dues will !* held on Wl DNESI)AY.Maj 2, 1883, at .Warini's Hall, E street, between9th and 10th northwest, at 7 p.m.a THUS. soSlEllYILLE, FreBident.s JNO. JOY F.DSON, secretary,

, 917 F street nort'iwest. sp30-3t° SIXTH MONTHLY MEETING OF bforK^t'*3 HO DKRs of the COLUMBIA CO-OPERA.1IVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION will bebeldatC15, 7th stree' northwest on FRIDAY, the 4th May, at 7'' o'clock P.M. > ow is the timet) subscribe for stock,I as books will probably le cloned afler this meeting.Shares, (1.00 per share, on which an advance of J1.O00- la given.

CHAS. O. DUNCANaON, Secretary,M. P. CALLAN. Treasurer. ap3>-.itit R'&r'"WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 28, 1883.- X-'W Ibefirm of WI.,D80R & GRAYSuN has tbisday been dis.su ved by mutual consent, to date ftome April 1st. 1883, D. A. WINDSOR retiring from said firm,t The business «i!l be continued by D. C. GRAYSONand CAl.ViN CAIN, under the namo and sty!o ofGRAYSON ft CAIN, to whom all persons indebted tor 1 said firm will make settlement and all indebtedness of3 said firm presented for payment.


In retiring from the firm of WINDSOR ft GRAYSONI desiro to return my thanks tony friends, who wer»f former patrons thereof, and solicit for the new firm ofOR XYSON & CAIN a continuance of the same.

ap28-3t* D. A. WINDSOR.J "gr 1HE PERPETUAL BUILDING* "ASSOCIAft'wtion is the most successful now runnitiK. Theend of the first year showed a profit of 6.69 per cent,per annum. The Perpetual is paying 5 pr cent, perannum 011 with rawal or on settlement of advance*,and at the end of the fir«t year and a half shows a profitof 7^ t er cent. pe.r annum 011 every dollar paid in asdues on stock, and thin profit is growing in amountevery month, an t will, it s expccted, reac ' 8 per cent,per arm nm at the end of the second year. Its constitutionprovides that tho members shall have all the advantaKesofit-> lartro j rolits in the maturing of theebures. when the tu!l $200 wdl l>e paid to each. lor 15per month you will receive {1,000 in a shorter time thanwith anv other assrciation, while you can (fet an advance01 $1,000 or oth' r sum on easier terms. All st«>ckshares alike in pr< iits whether an investor or a borrower.Shares can lie taken at any time, with'tit luck dues ifdesired. Next me. tin^ for payment ot dues and eeiliugavivances on Wednes tay e1 ening. Mav 2. at 615 7thBTrt-et. O. C. Duncannon, Pre-ident: E. M. I^awlvin,W ar l>* t'arUneat, Treasurer; John Cook, Secretary. fil8

(12th street. a2H ;(t

A GOOl> THING IS THE ROCHDALE C<>OPERATIVE SOCIETY, wh'ise memlKirs areenabled to purchase everything they need at lar>re dls1counts from the usual prices. New membe: e ure tieiin?i ' enrolie<l every day. The new trade ticket and trade cirseulax are now r-ady for 1883 iiDd 1884; price 25 cents toI the old ii embers, an I to new members J1: can be had) from the me'ubers of the Executive C'inimittee, or fromJOHN C< »OK, rtecretury, 618 I2Q> street. ai>28-3tFEDERAL BEILDIN-G ASSOC1ATIO N. -NOTIT

The second annual meetintr «>f FEDERAL, No. 2, willheld at its hall. No. r>16 7th street, opposite PatentOffice. 1 UESDAY EVENING, Mbt 1st. at8 o'clock.1 he Secretary and I reasurer will submit his annus! report.ofheers for the ensuiuK year be elected, and oth-'rbus.ness properly cowing before the stockholders willLe transacted.JOS. R. EPSON, president.JNO. A. PRFSCOTT, Secretary and Treasurer, 1416F street northwest. apih-3t

jTVp^N<JTICE To HOUEKELPEUt>:Beware of any Imitation of the word

CERES,Which is the rmnie of the celsl/rated

MINNESOTA PATENT PROCESS FLOUR.I.ike everything else that has gained renown, some

person or persons are trying to take advantage of thereputation it has gained by imitating the name andbrand, aiul by attempting "thereby to palm off au inferiorarticle for the genuine. '1 herefore, fce sur-' andsee to it that either Sacks or Barrels read "CERES,"and have the imprint of two gold medals attached.None genuine without the two gold medals.

WM. M. GAI.T & CO.,ap28-Gt Wholesale Flour and Grain Dealers.

?~~£3r> THE GRADUATING EXERCISES OF THEWASHING"! ON 'iRAINING SCHOOI, FORNURSES will be he d at the <'omrreKational Church,corner lOtn and (» streets, on Tt'ESuAY EVENING.MAY I. at 8 o'c.ock. Addresses will be delivered by Ltr,i A. F. A Kino. Mrs.MAitr cu.mmtit an 1 Dr. J.TabkrJohnson, 'ihe public are cordially invited W attend.1 ap28-3t

arSr* THE RICHMONir TOOTH CROWN ANDt i"j/ cOMBI NATIONS;! OR ARTIFICIAL TEETH WITHOUT PLATES.) I have eiura^red Dr. C. L. Anderson, »n expert iuCrown work, to introduce and take chartre of this styleof fine I>ent 1 mechanism, which has met w.th such alarire measure of success in New Vork and other cities.Badly decayed teeth and roots restored to beauty andusefulness, and by use of the "bri<lKiu»c" process teeth

can be inserted to fill up the spares produced by loss ofthe naturd ones, ir.th ut the unt »j 11 i>UUe. 'l he.-e ope1ati' isis are clenuty, natural, in appearance and jifiliiantnUGEO. B. WELCH.

Dentist,ap28-6t* 21U 4K. street.NOTICE! ALL THE MEMBERS"OF FIFTH !t » Baptist Church are requested to answer tothf-ir names when the ro:l wii) be 1 alleil on KIItSTsUN- IDAY IN MAY. REV. JOHN H. BROOKS, 1 astor.EDWARD M. JACKSON, Clerk. ap23-12f



to their

NEW BUILDING,Comer 7ih street and l onisisna avenue northwest.







Office Poomfl For Rent, ail front; heated by steam;j Otis elevator. &»'3-2w!LLMill.it! Ll.rMBER~


Our facilities for the Jobbing tratle are unequaied., Estiiuates promptly furnished at

WM. McLEAN & SON.pfi 13th street nc.rtbwest, corner B street.



| W E. F. BROOKS.»



And all jobbing piumptij done.i SAM'L S. SHEDD,

n>2* 400 9ra stbtxr N'oarawMf.


* *®* 142^ Pennsylvania avenue.

Washington News and Gossip.Government Receipts To-Dat..Internal revenue,*2,6,649.04; customs, $644,118.77.Appointments by the Prvsident..The Providentto-<tiy appointed Jefferson P. Kidder, to be

associate Justice of the supremo court ol D ikota;Wm. W. Henry, of Vermont, to be U. S. marshalfor the district of Vermont, and BonjirninT. Martin,of New York, to be tuolterand refiner o' theNew York issuy office.

The Following Naval Boards have been appointed:Retiring board.Rear Admiral John L.Worden, president; Commodore 8. R. Franklin,Capt. I). B. Flarmony, Medical Director F. M. (Junn"ll,and Medical Inspector David Klndleberger.Examining board.Commodore B. R. Franklin,president.; Captain B. Harmony and CommanderF. V. McNalr. The boards held their first meetingat the Navy depariment to-day.The Demand for the Gciteao Trial Record..

It appears that only eighty copies of the record ofthe Guitenu trial "were preserved by the governmentfor distribution. This number did not begtnto supply the demand which came from all partsor the wo^ld. Every capital of Europe, it IS sail,has applied for copies, only to be Informed thatnone have been provided for general distribution,rubllc libraries, law libraries, and other institutions,as well as Individual", have asked for tlvmon account of the great number of opinions oi expertson the question of Insanity which the reportcont ilnc-d. The few copies preserved were carefullydistributed by the Attorney General to lawlibraries and Judges In this country. A resolutionwas offered in the Senate authorizing the printingof a large number of copies, bnt it was defeated.

Not Satisfied with the Jkavnette Report..It has been reported that the friends of the lateMr. Collins, of the Jeannetto expedition, are farfrom satisfied with the report of the Jeannettecourt of inquiry, and It Is lull mated that thematter will be brought to the attention of Congressut the next session. It la thought by somethat the relations of Collins are d-sirous of receivinga pension, as It was glvn out to the men,by the commander of the Jeannette, that Mr.Bennett would take care of their widows andorphans if they should never return. SecretaryChandler upon being quest oned abouttho matter this morning replied thathe had heard no complatnts from Collins'people;* that he had taken every precautionto have the investigation as thorough andopen as i>osslble, so that there should be no complaint.AtK>ut the matter of a pension being expectedhe knew nothing.Naval Orders..Surgeon Joseph B. Parker, orderedto the torpedo station; Assistant Paymaster

James S. Phillips, detached from duty in the bureauof provisions and placed on waiting orders;Surgeon Wm. J. Simon, rrom the torpedo stationand placed on waiting orders.Mr. Keim's Commission..Up to noon to-day Mr.

Dn B. Randolph Kelm had not received his cornmissionas examiner for the civil servtce commission.Still he was not at all apprehensivethat it would not be fort'icoailng.The Civil Servicb Rules..The consideration

of the civil service rules will ba resumed at theCabinet meeting this afternoon, and It is thoughtlikely that the President w'll take action uponthem to-day. Tho Cabinet officers have beenmaking an examination of the rules from a standpointof practical bureau work, and in some instancesthey have been assisted in the examinationby the heads or bureaus of their dep irtments.The Cabinet officers will probably submit the resultof these examinations at the Cabinet meetingto-dfiy. It is understood that promotions underho rules are to be made by the commission uponcompetitive examinations, and not by the heads ofthe bureaus. There is some objection to this, as itis thought the latt< r officers are necessarily muchbetter able to Judge of the qualifications of th' lrsubordinates than any one > lse. It Is thought,however, that the rules will be approved withoutany material change being made in them.


Thb Vacant Commissionbkship..The impressionnow is that a western man will be appointedCommissioner of Internal Revenue. The distillinginterest in all sections of the country have united 1In numberless telegrams to the President urging

.e appointment of Mr. W. N- Ilobart, of the firmof Maddux, Ilobart & Co., of Cincinnati. Mr. Ho- 1

bart Is a heavy taxpayer uuder the internal revenuelaws, and It is claimed in his behalf that he jhas a complete mastery or the system. The fact ,that Deputy Commissioner Rodgers has been designator!to act as commissioner instead of beingappointed is construed generally ns an indlc Ulonthat he is not to receive the appointment, otherwiseJt would have been made before this.I

Miraooane, Havti, Blockaoed..Mr. Langsfon, ithe United States minister at Port-au-Prince,haareported to the Departtn> nt of Etate, uuder l jdate of Anril 18, that., in consequence or the recent. (Insurrecilon in Haytl, the port of Mlragoane hasbeen declared blockaded.

The Reduced Tobacco Tax in operation..The jclauses of the new internal revenue law making ireductions In the tax on tobacco, cigars and snuff,went Into effect to-day, and the manufacturers 'aud wholesale and retail dealers were busy inmany parts of the country last night taking stock,for the purpose of claiming rebate ontheun- .

broken st amped pncKages. The larger manufacturershad all their hands at work, aa the idea was '

to have the Hta'oments made up between mid- inight of April 80 and the opening of business onMay 1. Each package with the stamp of tho old 1

charge affixed had to bo labeled, and an inventorymade of all the goods'on hand to which rebate forthe difference made by the reduction was to baallowed. Two witnesses or undoubted integritywere required to see that the goods In each place 1were properly labeled and inventoried. The ex- ianimation of the numerous claims for rebate will jprobably not he completed in the Internal Revenuebureau before the 1st of January next. jPehsonal..Senator Harrison left for his home !

in Indiana last evening. Tewflk Pacha, thenew Turkish minister at Washington, arrived at 3New YorK from Europe yesterday. U. S.Marshal Keoph, of North Carolina, Is at the ;Arlington. Prof. A. Graham B.-ll and George 1H. Lemon, of Washington, were registered in <Philadelphia last evening..RepresentativeWhite and his bride (nee Harris) are at tho <Rlggs. District Attorney Corkhlll will deliver Jan address on "Insanity as a Defense for Crime" 'before the Medioo-L»*vral Society in New York tomorrowevening.. Ex-Senator Wallace, of Penn-sylvania. Is in town. The report that Repre- <sei'tatlve Tucker Is dangerously ill In New York iserroneous..Senator Hawley is to be the guestor the Civil Service Reform Association, at din- (ner, in Boston "this evening. Kx-PresidontHayes was called suddenly iwme from New Yorklaai week by the alarming ill:,ess of hl9 wife; but <at last accounts she had quite recovered. Sen- 1

ator Bock leaves for New YcK*r: to-day, and after a 1brief visit there will go to bis home in Kentucky. JSecretary Teller and Senator Hill, jthe letter of the latt3b criticising thb

SKCRBTArfr.* The letter of Senator Hill, of Colorado, to S^cre- ,tary Teller, briefly mentioned -n yesterday's Star. ]complains bitterly of the litter's behavior towardhim, and vigorously attacks lir. Teller's manage- ;ment, or, In Mr. Hill's oplnlt* mismanagement, 1

of the department. Beglnnfjj. vith his personal 1grievances, senator Hill in hte letter charges Sec- jrotary Toller with atteinpti&g to place him in a 'false and unpleasant posltlw by causing to be 1published unfair and Inaccvate reports of hisstatements aud requests. Siter reviewing thepart taken by Secretary T'H-r in the last cam-palgu lu Colorado, Senator B«J takeB up the Secretary'sadministration or »he affairs of the In-terior depariment, and subjects it to detailedcriticism and censure. R Herring to the 1lea.se of the Yellowstone National Park, he saysMr. Teller devised and dlctuttl its terms, and then 'allowed htsAsaistantSecretarvtotakeallthe blameand public disapproval which followed Its execution.After Congress bad restricted the lease toten acres the Secretary evaded both the letter and 1the spirit of the law, and practically geve the JRufus Hatch syndicate a m mopoly or tue entire 'park. In dealing with the questions which have 1arisen lu connection with the puWlc domain, and ]particularly those growing out of the lapsed landgrants, he charges Secretary Teller with actingin the interests of the great monopolies, andagainst the Interests of the government and the 1people.

what the secretary batsA Star reporter this morning asked Secretary {Teller lr he had anything to s&y In reply to the '

letter or Senator H11L lie replied: "When 1 havelime to read over tho letter I snay take occasion to .

say something in regard to what Ite says about the jmanagement of the affairs ot thisdepartment andthe Yellowstone Park. The test «T the letter.thepersonalities-1 will not repl\ to, as I do not care ,to dignify such a letter by answering It. By readingtne letter a person can sen tbavthe writer was <in a passion." iwhat assistant secretary jl(8lvn sats aboutTH TtLI.OWSTO.Nt l'AKK iBSTKACT. IThe .\s-.atant secretary. Mr. Jfltdyn, said in"a '

'.okIns way: "l""don't ltke it thai. Mr. Teller bainduced Senator Hill to write that letter, taking \the credit of the Yellowstone Park contract from ]me. He stole from me my thunder. I want to ]have all the credit of tbut matter for myself." In 1r more serious tone Mr. Josiyn said that the Sec- ]rotary had nothing to do with this contract; that 1he was in Colorado at the tuue. ]

; *

The scar Route Trial.mr. bliss c0ntin17rs his arc i'm est.

Mr. Bliss this morning continued his a'ldres* totbe jury In tbe star route trial. Mr. Bliss, afterpresenting to tbe Jury some of the facts connectedwith rorged petitions, observed that Brady, whilepretending to be fighting tbe railroads in tbe interestof the star route, promptly expedited routesat the suggestion of the ndlroad presidents, andDorsey secured free passage lor his agents overthese railroads.Mr. Bliss began before recess a rapid review of

the testtmony r^latlug to the mutes, bringing outIn strong relief tho acts which he consideredflagrant.

after recess.After the noon recess Mr. Bliss contiLued with

his review of the testimony.Mr. Bliss was speaking when Tne Star's reportclosed, llfi expects to conclude his address tomorrow.

. ...

Jledical Department Georgetown I'nicr»ity.

toe asspat commencement last night.The thirty-fourth annual commencement of the

medical department of tbe University of Georgetownwas held at Lincoln Hall last evening. Thestage was elaborately decorated with flowers.Rev. JarneB A. Doonan, 8. J., president of the university,In conferring the decrees, made a briefaddress to the graduates. Dr. Charles E. Bronsondelivered the valedictory; Prof. J. W. H. Lovejoy,M. D., delivered the address to the graduates, andProf. S. C. Busey, M. I)., presented tbe prizes. Tncgraduate's were Louis Koliplnskl and John J.Darby, District of Columbia; Charles E. B on on.Ohio; George If. Sliouiters, Nuw York. The undergraduates,to whom certificates were a wardenwere C. M. Rawllnes, District or Columbia: F. W.Hart, Virginia; G. E Harvey, District of Columbia;J. P. Chambers, Pennsylvania; D. A. Smith, Indiana;D. P. Hick 11 rig, Jr, and B. F. Madison, Districtof Columbia: T. \V. Burke, Ireland. Tiiefollowing tvissed a satisfactory examination andwere advanced to the second class: c. R. Luce, Districtof Columbia; John .1. St iff ird, Maryland; J.Dudley Morgan, District of Columbia; Henry Wagner,New York; Elwin Buchanan. Virginia; F. T.Chttnberlln, New Hampshire; P. E Henning, I) strlctof Columbia; J. C. Bossidy. New York; J. S.Sessford, Jr., Dbtrict of Columbia; S. B. Muncaster.Maryland. The nna'omy | rlze was awardedto J. Dudley Morgan, of the D.-trlct; the phy siologyprize to 1). A. Smith, or Indiana; and thefaculty prize of a gold medal to Dr. Louis Koliplnskl.

District novcrument Affair*.police changes.

On the recommendation of Major Dye the Commissionersyesterday approved tho following po-lice changes: Chap. Lonibardv, John V. Sallkcld,B. T. Rhodes, Samuel Wilson and D. C. Lamb, promotedfrom fli^t to second cl iss, vice W. c. Aiderdismissed, and Geo. I.usKey, J. V. Grant, Jas. MeGreeneyand W. E. Skelly honorab y discharge'!;and John C. Costello, Phillip Mansfl-ld. J. T. Flizgerald,Samuel P. Trimble and Chas. Klnnev wereappointed privates of class one; that Caleb Sebastian.Jas. Mulloy, John T. Flndley and P. H. Harbinbe reduced from second to riot class, and Geo.W. E l wards, Daniel Williams, II. U. Fish.-r andJ. T. Thompson were promoted to fill vac inciesthus made; O'o. N. Nicholson and B. F. Shankswere promote*! from class one to class two, vice z.R. OfTutt and Adolphus Miller honorably discharged.

tax collections.Receipts through the office or th^ collector of

taxes for the month of April, 1883. amounted to*f;9/)i4.96, or which amount f2l,4rti.°T was on account,oi general tax for June 30.'iH83; l«95.tr personaltax for same time; $15,944 04, arrears or generaltax; 151, arrears of personal tax; $19,125.06,arrears ot lice\s's; $3,4*9.22. arrears or witerrents, Ac.; $8,6t'8.85, Police Court flnee; 1774.72,market house receipts; f474.60, from sale of fl-hwharves; $1,900 from sale of engine-house, «nd11,621.9a was received on acconnt of miscellaneousItems.

miscellaneous matters.Lieut. Cornel,us Noonan, wiio, by order of the

Commissioners, ha«s been reduced to th<* ranics ofthe police, coatluues at his post at the PoliceCjurL

The Outrage on Harriet Robinson.reynolds and m'nultt again in cockt.

In the Special Criminal Court, Judge MacArthur,to-day, tho case ot James ReynoIJs and PatrickMcNulty was taken up.Mr. Cburles Pelham forthe first named and Mr. H. II. Wells for the other.They were charged, with Maurice Conners, withhaving committed an outrage oil narriet Robinson,in elderly colored woman, not rar from the gov?rnmentprinting office. In September last Last iNovember they were tried, C'onners being convictedas principal and the others as accessoriesbeiore the fact. Couners was senten. ed to ten(rears Ir. the penitentiary. Mr. Pelli^m. Tor R ynolas,flle la motion in arre9t or judgaient. anlMr. Wells filed a motion on behhlr or his client for ju new trial and in arrest or Judgment, which mo- |Lions were granted. A new indictment has, how-L-ver, since been round, charging them as accessories,and this 1s wh t they were called to answer.Mr. C. S. Moore having made an opening statement,Mr. Pelham said that If the government

made out thecase as stated the court would chargethem that under the Indictment they could not beconvicted. Mr. Mo ire replied that he proposed totry them under both Indictments.

the acccsbd mkn di-ohargkd.The court suggested that this could not be done,

tor there appears to be a jHdgment on tbe motionIn arrest of Judgment, and he suggested that aaolle pr^s be entered.This suggestion was adopted, and the accused

were d ischarged.Death of DUbuniuir Officer Joneph.Dr. Richard Joseph, the disbursing officer of the

Interior department, died early this morning, in:.be flfty-tlrst year of his age. He had been sick'or the past five months and a half of valvularifTectlon of tbe heart, and his death has been exacted.He was a man of sterling character, ofittractlve personal qualities, and h's death will bei great loss to a large circle of friends. To hissister, with whom he has lived for a number ofrears past, this loss comes with a heavy weight.He was president of the reform school and one ofthe founders and managers of the Widows" Hume.He was a m raber of the vestry or Ejiphauy;hurch and a prominent Mason.The funeral will take place Thursday evening at

[ o'clock from Epiphany church. A meeting ofhe employes of tbe department will be held totake appropriate action.It Is probable that Mr. George W. Evans, who

jas been acting disbursing officer, will be appointedto till the vacancy.

Names for the New Vessels..Secretary Chanllersaid this morning that none of the proposedlew n ival vessels have been named except thejrulser "Chicago," but that seleetIons of namesivill be made at once, a long list of suitablelames was submitted to him, which he referred tothe President to choose from. The law requires:nat the vessels shall be named by the Presld-nt,md the Secretary thought he would attend to thenatter to-day or to-morrow.

Toe Pcblio Debt Statsmknt Issued to-dayshows the decrease o: the public debt during theMonth of April to be *2,851,402.65; cash in theTreasury, J3i9.159.401.35; gold certificates, $81,}8S,<WO;silver certificates, fso.771,331; certificatesar deposit outstanding, 110,105.000; rorundlng certificates,SiM)#.950; legal tenders outstanding,W4rt.6Sl.0l6; fractional currency outstanding,f7,00s,973.81. Total reduction for ten months ofthe present fiscal year, $114,8S4,675.81.The Alleged Irish Mtrderers in America..

rhe Washington correspondent of the New YorkHerald telegraphs that the statement cabled fromLondon to the effect that negotiations are pendingtor tbe extradition or a dozen alleged murderers Isunderstood to mean that the British minister willisk the State department ror warrants tor the arrestot the accused, just as was done In the case otSheridan; that the statement that secret negotiationsai\» proceeding with the view of the extraditionof the alleged murderers of the lnfonnersKenny and Bailey Is said to be without foundation,is the State department cannot conduct secretnegotiations. It must, under the treaty,, issuewarrants when requested by the British minister,but the department has the right to review thesvidence, even after a tribunal has decided thatthe parties sought should be surrendered, but atno time can the hearing be secret.

CowxiBsioNS have been Issued to Nancy Clements,postmaster at Carter's Mills, Va., and P. HShaw, postmaster at Homeland, va.

C. Lister alias E. Lester, of 23 New Churchstreet, New York, has been placed on tbe fraudlist by the order of the Postmaster General.Resignation of Patent Examiner Freeman..

F. K. Freeman, tbe principal examiner In charge3f electricity, United States Patent office, resignedthis morning to emrage in patent business with C.E. Foster. This is the second examiner that hasresigned, and the thirtieth resignation in all sinceJanuary 1st in the Patent office.

Mauriagb Licenses..Marriage licenses havetteen issued by the clerk of the court to J. R.Perdun, of Montgomery county, Md., and Sarah A.Hall, ot Baltimore; James Ahernand Isabella A.Malone; Chas. Brown and Ellen Mount; AndrewWilson and Mary Elizabeth Strutter, both of Fairtaxcounty. Va.; R J. Hough and Novella Sir,cum;Franklin Shane and Willisana.


Procrcnllnt Ihf 1inm (nmpnnvDISTRICT AIT0RNKT COKK Hit.I, ElAWINIMi TUB I'AFIKilA Star reporter asked District Attorney Oorfchillto-day If any steps had be n taken looklag to

the prosecution of the gas company under theUnited S'ates laws." The papers are all before me," said M*. Corlchlll,"and I am nnktng a thoroa;jh examination

of the law as to the tv st means or pontshln<j violatorsof it. The oarers wit> only referre I to n.eyesterday, and a careful ex rn'nation is bel-.jjin <1 to find the most effective way of rneetln.; Ui *

uubll'* demand."Atomey Riddle lias offered to assist District

Attoruey Corktilll In the prosecution.WUaT SECRETARY BAILKT, OF TUB OAS COMrANV,

SATS ABOCT IT.Secretary Pulley, of the Washington O&s Light

company, tn response to Inquiries by a m-ar re-porter to-day, said the comp my had not receive 1 Iany formal notice of su ts against it toy the UN-trlct tor failure to comply with the requirementsof the law ores-Ttb'.nsr the standard of i;as thatsflall he ^uppliiHl. He addtd: "We hnve heard inothing of the m.itt*r. except what we have readIn the papers." He said the company does Usbest to comply with all the requirements, butthat all the dellgenrs In the world would notavoid an occasional lap^e. It fr.-quet.tlr occurs. .

he remarked, that In coal of apparently uniformquality thero would be & defective v in and thiswould depreclJte the gas. He nnlntulned th itwhenever the cats h id fall-n b-l.w the l»<galstand ird It had been from accidental and perhapsunavoidable causes, and intimated that he regardedthe talked-of suits as too frivolous to beactually pros<vu'e I.

TOO MICH AMMONIA TV THE OAS.Tiie reporter visited the office and laboratory of .

Gas Inspector Ford aud was permitted to examinethe records he had kept Of the gas. These showedthat for several days In January the gas feu Jbelow the required illuminating power; but thedefault did not continue long, an I the average forthat month was 17.45 can-tie power, whereas thecomp mv is required to keep it only up to 16 can liepower, hinee then it has btvn kop; up to and evenabove the required standard. one or the complaintsIs that the pas oi late lias contained anexcess of ammonia. The law prescribes Ave cramsof ammonia In each 100 cubic feet of gas isthe maximum. The records of the in.->p>vtorshow th it on April igth It ran tip to5.1, or one-tenth excess. This was promptlyreported to the commissioners, ;ind also to thegas company, and the record tor the n^xtday shows that the company corrected the fault,as the quantity of ammonia f 11 below tlte pr. -

scribed limit. Again, on the 23d of April, the gasregistered 8.07 ft ,1ns of ammonia to the 100 cubicfeet. This excess was reported, an1 again the lol- 1

lowing day recorded the correct on. as the am- !monla then fell to 3.95 trains. For the mouth ofApril the average of ammonia was far below thelimit allowed, aii3 during March the average whs ,but -57 of a grain for ltf) cubic feet. The annualreports of the gas Inspector all specify, with d itesand figures, the times during each y-ar when tlietras fell below standard, but no notice has beeu 'taken of sucii lapses before.


MONDAY.The work of laying stone on the Washington

monument will bo resumed next Monday. ThereIs sufficient stone.marble and granite.now on ,the ground, cut and ready to be laid, to ra^e the imonument 80 feet, but it Is thought advisable not ito begla placing it In position yntil there is a bet- jter supply on hand. The laying of the stone canbo pushed much more rapidly than the stone can


be supplied. Fifteen courses could lie laid In as <.mauy days, but then there would be a delay f ,r rruitlier supplies. Hugh Slsson. who has had the «contract for furnls'ilng marble until th's year, ryesterday sent his last load of marble. The pres- rent contractors, the Lee company, of Massachu- isetts, are to 6end th« lr flr-.t shipment irom th<drquarries on the 4th of this month, and it Is oe- jrsired that ft gool supply of this shall b- on handbefore tiie work Is resumed. As the iie:ght of the \monument lncrei&esthe need for granite dnnlu- il-h%s, so that w hen the monument Is a bun lre l tfeet higher no granite backing will be necessary.


FOSTKR.The will or the late All red F. Polltrd, nicd to- ]

day, bequeathes to John P. Clarke, or Alexandria, ,

Va., ail of Ills estate In the District and elsewhere, csubj ect to the payment of all d-'bts and legacies; tto Rebecca Morrison, sister of toe deceased wife (of the deceased. fcWO; to Rebecca Donaldson, a tniece, f:V0; to William and Charles Goo .m 'n, sons tof Win. H Goodman, $lv»o each. M"s*rs. Joha P. i 6Clarke aud John W. Eastsy are nameJ as execu- ttors. ,

The will of Flshor A. Foster. Bted Wday, namesJudge W. B. Sneii as executor. He leaves the rur- 1nllure of his room and other property to Ella H.Williams; tlfiy shares of Allen Paper Car WheelCompany's slock to Lydla L. Foster, of Denver. CoL, sand the residue of the estate to sophy Foster rByrnes and Alice Foster Sanger, of Denver, CoL s

The Waple-ilud»on Case. rTo the Fdttor of The Evkmino Star.You have me charged, 5th February, 1«*1. with f

disappearing from Washington, carrying on seven eor eight thousand dollars belonging to my partner ('and creditors, which I am prepared to prove by I f1irreproachable evidence Is a prorouud slander in j 1every partlctflar; and to this end I have returned sto the city to meet any party or parties. As to cilr. Waple.he dare not face me with »u h & charge. .

K. 11. Hudson!Affairs In W'e»c Wa%hi»cton.

The Dasliaway club held an interesting meeting 11last night. Addresses were made by Mr. Allen, athe president oi the Soldiers' Temperance assocla- Jtlon at the Washington arsenal, and Messrs. Lee ''

and Rohrer. There was singing by Misses Cathell f1and Beall, and Mr. Noyes. 11Gonk to Nokpoli..A delegation from William *

Louis S' hley Loilge, No. 4, I. O. M., left this evningfor Norfolk In the steamer Lady of the Lake,to attend the annual session of the supreme lodge hof that order to-morrow. The representatives to fthe supreme lod^e are P. 8 Ruler, J. E. Wagner; aP. G. Architects, Wm. Dohcrty, 11. G. Wagner, s. AH. Gladrnon l, A. C. Brummel and J N. F trr.Wm. G. Connkli. has been appointed overseer on vthe Georgetown dlvlslou of the Chesapeake and »i

OhUi canaLSee a dtertisemknt of First Co-operative BuildingAssociation. 1Port..Sailed.Schooners nelen Benedle, Mason,coal for Boston, and Maria Parsons, Asa, coal for

Fall River.agent. ..

Condition of the Water..Gr-^at Falls, turbid; Jreceiving reservoir, slightly turbid; distributing nreservoir, clear.Fish Market..Ten thousand herring sold 3at $7 to tu per thousand; 800 tailors sold

at |i to |1.50 per hundred; 100 shad sold atf f»to$25 per hundred. Reported bye. E. Harper,wharf, si

Alexandria Affairs. ^Reported for The Evenjso 8tab. nCei ebration..The conference of St. Vincent de h

Paul la this place has made arrangements to eel- ftebrate the weml-centennial of that society hv re- «llgious services on the mornings of F'lday, Satur- nday and Sunday next; also, bv a pulil.c meeting wnext Sunday night, at which Rev. Father Dennisand Edmund Mallet, of Washington, have been invitedto speatc. The society has also. In honor ofIts anniversary, doubled its help to all the poor ttfamilies that It naslsts. . aStill at Larok..James Burnett, who escaped r

Sunday night after cutting Lawrence Bayne at a alager beergarden. West End, has not been arrested.Mr. Baytoe will, It is now thought, survive hisWounds. .

Accident..Peyton Billemrer, a yountr son otRobert Ballenger, broke his arm yesterday atterLoon*»y a fall while playing near the Midland ,

depot.1Reporter's Notes-.The police are stopping the 9.playing of ball on the streets, aud on yesterday *two lads, C. Mason and R. McGulre, were flued SI L'each for indulging in this pasi line on the street.The public school teachers snd Janittirs will be 11paid off Saturday. Mr. Christian 8chaffer wasburled yesterday arternoon, the Freemasons and "

many or the Alexandria Odd Fellows attenllng "

his remains to the trrave..-The funeral of Mrs. blBridget O'Sulllv&n took place yesterday afternoon w,from Sl Mary's Church. The hoicarriers here 11are asking fl.75 per day instead of $1.50, the pres ntwages. Mr. J. W. Taylor will be mail carrier, ona new contract, between Vienna and Fairfax C.H.,after the 1st of July next. Oysters are as Illegal dhere as unlicensed whisky In every month thut has 11no "R" In Its name. The dairymen here havefixed the price of milk next summer at 8x per <5tquart. They supply Washington with 1,500 galIonsof milk per day. Fishtown is now at the &height of the season, but not as busy, extensive orprosperous as ot old. The Washington andwestern railroad will be sold again next week.All the hands on the Midland railroad and all thecity officers have been paid off. The clerk of theschool board granted three permits yesterday. ^Anothrr Mores Breaker Sentenced..In the J"special Criminal Court, Judge MacArthur. to-day, a't

Charles R. Williams, a colored man, withdrew a Upiea or not guilty on a charge of bouse breaking in hientering the house ot Samuel Uodgklas, and rob- ',6bing the hall, and pleaded gulity. Mr. E. P.Phelps, for the prisoner, appealed to the court to mbe lenlenj. In passing sentence. 'The judge remarkedon the enormity of the offense, statin? ctthat It very nearly approached murd°r, and lm- uposed a sentence of Ave years In the Erie countr <

(N. Y.) penitentiary. ^A document which urges a speedy rising againstthe oppression ot Russia Is belag circulated ^

turouguout Bulgaria. Ma

i ^

Telegrams lo Tli* Star.8ENATOK nmiMis IN Illtlro |THE MURDER TRIALS IN OUBLIi.



Rig Dh) In llir I lmlihurj iobn<<«I'rndc

I.T«.rn«rno Vt, Vav l -Th* pwnt^Kl iwn*.nietit In tn.tnufacttj >s| r<i|>*-co | lace bfff »<daythat wuh ever recorded n th his ry ..f thecltv. Xearly ftft.of) in *i.tmt-s were i^>u 1 to-dar,an » thin \ -si* car kudi or ioh » > o, acgrecat ngboat fwpooo pound-1, v n- - i, p d to v itr u«po iitH. one flnn stitpp d i^>.oni i numH Kn tortil* damagnic Mnk«.o o>-r liven, the shipin"OtrruUi this |»"lut woul J e\ » J poilUtlS.

Mtlinv Hull Uotnii lo Inrmlnff.fT.l,*ri.ViN\-.,Mit> l Inf <~ma'h>n has r> *. h"4the department ii«*u!q"i*rt r- thit on f»>iumii»vlist the ste»m.r w .i. Ji n n jeit r ti Km lull forStan ling Rock, having "ii t r.I lv* men, ^oiufn

.md oil liUen oi Sit tine Fu Is l>..idof 1 ucapnp*Slot:*, the old w .rrlor be.nguf U)^ potty They* 11 r-ach Port Yale* on PMd >y « at, uiihK-tholow KUgo or water In th" Missouri t-lmuid dels?the boat. Tin y propone to engage in farming.Senator V.dimirid* and 1'nrty In lr«Or*rM«i>, Mix. May l. A-o n t il train arrivedher y.«st*rd i> morntne, Hnvinc on t» ird s.nator

Kdtnun«is, h « wire and dan i.t r, M;s*. Arthur, ameeeof President Arthur, :il part? of ladleaand jfiif leoi'-ti fr> in tic e.ist. i h j»»r > made anexcursion around the hirmr. To-|jy" tuo citizenswill call upon Senator K lmuuda.

V.ynched bv Vi(llan(p«.Trcsov Am; .. m y j.-.Tno. WjWi, th" nmr*

d'tt*r of Thro, ft ivan, wis ta ,e;t trom jhii utLordsburg on Saturd iy an 1 lynched by vigilante*,

bfarral Foreign >< w« by Cable.tut DAT IX LONDON.

I okdov, Mny l..The fl st v uUr dav of Mayl«'ng r0" of th.' seml-ann al dsyson w hh*h tnoBunk ot England makes up Its b .lsneea. to-day Isa holiday iu the hank an<i on the stock ndiuiu|(k

AX RNTOT OK TMK KING OP ANNA*.Loxpon, May 1 .A teli :am from P- klti «tav>8th.«t mi envoy fr< tn the K nc of Ann ,m has artV'tl th"re to obt.un tlx consent of the t titii'-m

rr.Tfrntt'.Pnf Ui the openluc of the |{.-d ilv»>r toforei<h «r. d» «ud to Indue < hin t lo .ft >r<t ^tichUiplotuatlr and iitntcrinla-tslMatioe hm tn iy t>< net*8rtary.The Eni|K't-or lias onhred li MungChanu to return tr» his p,)st ;» orjt r to '>11.«t Ui*requebt of the Ring or Ann in.

THE DF.AX OF VIMIgftR 1>F»D.Lokhon, M iv l..Tl»»* »< r\ l< v. («< <:. Ueun t*oo>

DOr, M. A., Dfan or Ulnilsor, l- de ,<LWATTHIXa IKISB *MCRir4XH.

Ix>\r»ov, May l It i» undergto-M iliaf on thoocejslon of the enthronene ni of th<- tn iiblstiop ofranterburv the poii.^e of th.it lownclo eh w ,t. ti'dthe movemenis of etrt tln li 1 i - Mo. ri.- .n-, w howetr acttnc tn a stispi«-|«ms ta .nn«'r, .»nd who t)eatnoahirm^d and quilted the Mwn. It Is believedth.it one of the-e men whs \\ i*on, onn'f the dynanitfecou.spirators,tn whosecases :i hearin({Is procwdln^ at t U>- Bow street polli-c cotiru

Axr.TiirK prr:/ taxai rnrr *r.n.The Thi e.«h.H\s a mertiiif of le d'.n^rowners of

iteamstiips win b> held on the loth tnstto talc*«'eps tow jr is r.<lslnjf caplt .1 ft.r tb»' ourpose offnaildlng anotuer canal acrons the Iaihujus ofSu«z.

rhe Striking I ignr linker* In l.ynckbnrg.I.TNTTTBrpo. V*.. v,ij 1..Th" elsrar nrmufaetorleaare all closed lo-d.-y. In « onsi-utiene<> of tbrt

strike or the clg«r m k- TK Th" Inrrei-.'d sebedulo)f prices wris wubrn;tted to the ni..nnf .. tur. rs andic epted t.tn the lutter reaent the ntt» mot of th«

r tuakern' uulou to r gulatc the vUii l<o meat)X apprentloea. "

The Dnblin Mtird*>r Trlal«ACQl'lTTAI. OF TRK tab DR1VKH, K1T7.HAHMtILDublin, May i..The cab dr.v r. Pit/barns, ttha

tv«3 placed >m tn.«l ye^venlay, on the <-|i inre of»elnp one of thtf principal* lu the I'Uoenlx 1'amnurjen., has !»een at'q'ilif-d.No wltncs »»« were called by th*1 defense. Th®t[ jence an-tlnsi Fttzharris wa-that ifivn by luonuers.fle was t- sldes id i.tiil -l T.y m,i peod*;nt witness, s, w|io-wom^ «i y >,tw. him in ibe park>n Mny fl. Mr. M. lticroev ooeiied the artrumettlor the defonw. His address wo . I mju ii!. HoIwelt on the fact that th" arru^.tlon that tho>rlaoner was lu the p irk with u krenvb dc >f thorr n'l of the murd *rerfi r>-^t»-d o:i the evl :enee o£iHorm.'ts alone. II - pHrii"iil <tlv p .tni' M out flintillhough Petvr Carey swore lUat the pn-(n. r httil>s?ounted th" clr^umstan -es of th" in'ir i> r* toMm, his narr tlveor the asaa^dnatlon had ! T? redrom asoertalnel faeis. He elo^.-l w ttl &>atheUc appeal to th" Jury to re-torohe po<ir mtu to hip SJarrin^ family witlji fjood nnrnc, which wis U!H £ule j o^. S|OD,I'he Judge in charging the Jury pointed>ut that no evldeuce ha t been < dduced to showhat the pfimcr wn aware of the plot againstMr. Burke before Mqy Sth. The eatll-r ne --t in-'dA-h . h he had attend d, the jud^e s id, w.-r h I!o plot agalust theUieof « x-S Or' tary F.-rster,uid there ore had no coni eetl >n with the . recent:harge. The faet was cl» ar th it Kit/h trrl- vv as inhe park when the murilot- M-enrr- d. t>ut if th©ury doubted that lie w is guilty or knowledge ofhe mi8sli»n of tn.' men h.- dr -ve. they wr- houndo acquit him. After the v.-rdlct had be»*ti r"nler-^dFit/'aarri* was uk-n back to jali to .waitrial on a charge of c«'iu»plraty to munb r, tuopenalty tor which Is ten ye rs' ju ual aei\ito Je.Hie Striking Cigar 'Inker* of Ohio and

Wc»l VircnuaCtxriyvATl. May 1..Th"re will be no disturbineehere among cigar makers on aceount of thoedu tlon or the tax on t b.ieoo. Th« y -irucfcome time ago for an ad tit on to th :r wages, anducceeded, as also dll the < i^n packers. Therecmalns but a single question unseuled betweenmployes and employers, and that will not pr"entltf-e'f till r.Al, wh» n cas is burned. Hereto*ore workmen have been required to pay tnlrtreats per niouth for paa eon tune I while at wortaoriilugs and f-ventngs. Strikes for an a.lvati.*oave b-*en ma le at X -wark an i Portsmouth, 0:iiatie demands of the workne'ti at \Vh «'UnW.V i.,teubenville, Ohio, and l"rl>un i, Oulo, ha\e bot'nomplled with.ten Injured h) 12*plosion of a soda

FoilmainSvRAcrsF. X. Y.. M iy 1.. A s'»da water fountain

n Howlan 1 and Young's dru.- store h»>r" expl »le<lt noon ttvd «y s -verely injuring three per&ons.laranee Howiaul, the proprietor, had his l«»groken In two places and his jaw fractured andfcelved other Injuries. It Is thought he is fatallyurt. The other two persous will recover.I'holeiaie Nliooiiitir tn a Kcntntkf

Saloon.Stanford, Kv., May 1..N ws bis b«"n receivedere that three smith broi , *rs;tn l Han y and Youmon one side met three Cain brothers tu arlnklng house at >1 Kinne>, when a ipiirrelro-.e between tlie parties during which rortyhots were exchanged. Peter ami James Cainrere seriously wounded. We < a!n was shotarou^h tho head, and Robert fcmlth shot In thttioulh.

'o be Iiiiprlkoiied for llritiing ^It-uibersof (he Ohio |y«-cislatnr«»

Oor.CMBpg, O.. May l..Th" supreme court to-day^lused u> grant the ni"tv>:i for petit on In error inne, case of J. l>. \\ ut-on, convicted of bribingicmbersof the legislat-ire. The sentence or thoourt to Imprisonment will now be carried out.io lore Pauper (.rnven tor ^oldiern In

Srw York .

A t B a NT, X. Y., May 1 -iiov. rirveland ha«Igned tne hill whlcJi provider that the hoards ofuitervl-wrs of the counties in this stale shall proIdefor the burNl of d»c".is"d s ildlcrs, sall »rs orurines, and sliall also provide uu approprlatoeadstone. Tht- a t will pp vent the burial lit thoiture of aay soldiers In pau:»er gr ives. The blUas drawn by Lieut. L"wls E. McLaaghllu. <-omlantlerof D"Vln p.#t, G. A. R., or Biooklyu, and:us proftiptly passed by the legislature.

A Strike Averted.St. Pati, Minx., May 1..The cigar man ifaoirersheld a meeting here yesterday and askedn advance or fl per one thou -;lDd from the nianoiciur.rs. The latt»r ac> <-J >1 to their demandadtherefore no strike wiu oo ur.

Desperate l*riz<> Fight.OTH MEN' bA t'l.V PINifMSD.«lNk OF TUB CO>:BA1^

ANTS fatai.lt isji ::ed.

Chicago, Iu., May 1.The police learned tat*ist ri ght that a prize ti^'ht occurred In the towtlf Lake on Sunday tetween John Kelly, a Nework hruis. r, and Rodney alias "Yank" cunnlagam,a bartend r for Alderman Applrton. Thoa:ht was a slugging maich fr>>tu the beginning;light rounds were fou :ht la t weni>-slx minutes,oth men being dreadfully iiunibhed. Kelly hadis lace cut aud his nose broken, while cunning*am lost four teeth, and. It Is believed, had ht«tuil Iructured. The fight was awarded to K"llvthoin tho i«illce are looking tor. Ills thoughtiat Cunnliighuiu will die.

Telegraphic Brief*At Mlddletown, X. Y., Lo. kvood Lake, a con

ictoron the Erie r dlroad, leil le'twe«n Ue oh.r»Us morning an-i was Instantly killed.At VVaxahatchle, Texas, a nreon Sunday nighteslroyed nve buildings. Including a grain eleva>r.Los« $40.<X«); insurance iU,~>0Q. The fire Utscribed to an incendiary.

The .Varaet*.BALTTMORE. May 1..Vinrlnli fi«, ronaoilAate.l. Miaw 10 40a, S«; new 3n, Irtd to-d»\.UAX.TIM*iKK, May l.-4>»tn.ij brh-r and firm.Jd'111 Dir. Ui>4. Kkxir uni tui el kn-l guiat 1* lifwt.(utliern L'*-l)ci and active, urotern b'j'her, Bou;ii»-ra-I. 1.3Bal.22; do. amber, 1.2.'vaI.'iC, So. 1 Maryland,24k bid; No. i wenfcm wiuu-r. r<-d. siiof i.'jlit. il\: M«y. 1.21\«l,.a; Jun«. 1 2Slk«1.2,M\;U<rn-wutlwru loch,: and a°ti?e. »Mtwntrher aud quiet; aouUu-rb white, 65*o7. do. )«1><iw.*67, weetern uiixod, «|«'t, ti7«67V. May, C.'>Wa657*me,6&\«S6, July, Miib.d; Auiruat, 6TWa*tf.' uSmill.aoatbera. S2«M; VMtejs wntto, ftiUfti do.lx«st, fiU»S2. PunnaylvaniK live g irt 7u*?i*iy flric and uni'hmsre!. ProTUtaM firm ai d oulamr«d. Butteir firm western packed, 17a29 ; rojial«. Eifirfc Btea !y. l(Val«. l>'jnlcuiu nominal. OofSa11.Elo ranroea. ardlnan to fair, t**ta9M. Rum*"fe **L; ««ri«er refined ataady. 14\al».hiakj Wlid atoajy, I. l6Val.1T. KreWtiu U&:anired. R«c« pto -flour, S. K40 Iwrrali; wheat. 100. I*>qiahel». oom. 4ft.o0o ItnHwla; o-tn, 1 nnn brr+*l*e-rmcutt- -wheat. f>,00*i huaiu*1.*. corn.W,0®0 UaaUeia-'ian.whoat, t uabcit. liu.MW.


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