t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn...

·' ----, ,. ., .... .. . ·Per ·. ".lnnWQ . . 'to the of Ltnc91P , . ···'X .• .. ·i·t .: voLuA!E N. ·;· . ..· ,, ..• ·-· r: .. . .. '. . .

Transcript of t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn...

Page 1: t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll



·' ----,


ttatt~t3o30 ., .... .. . $2~­·Per ·. ".lnnWQ

. . ~~.:Journal Oe~oted 'to the J.~ter~~t.$ of Ltnc91P County~ , .

···'X e=~~==· ·~==; =~, ·=-~·-==~~~-=~" ·~~~-c~. A~:a~::l~~~~~· o~ .• ~. ;L~IN;C;O~L~.~;=C:O~tT;;.N;T;Y;_ ~. ·~·N~JD~W~M~.·E~X~l~C~9~• ·~F~~~-~~R~U~A~Ri~~ .. 2~8~,-~l9~l3~.=~=~~Ti=~.~. ===~~N~U~M~.B~Ei.R~li~) ·i·t .:

voLuA!E N. ·;· . ..· ,, ..• ~ ·-· r: .. ul.ilobiErininal;~flie.end--aP.clliinrof-weik on~~~~~~~~:- .

.. '.

. .

Page 2: t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll

/ . .

CAR~IZOZQ)_'U~WS _ Start. Yout;·J3oby_ -.~- j---, ~:: --With SoU:nd-~Heii1tl

.A •J3altlmorll ·S!UI!:fll'lJ~t d!lJil~JHl* .1•· ·. , f~lllse!leil.ln love. · lill.P!l!!!ll!leJ


·• . . Jta.'t'e ~ car~; ror );,Qur Jtealth, b4n'~

tqq' with a «'ld . pr mo~l(oy with. • ·~f~ .. t.,roll~, . . . .,

.'Nf!'l( 'fork hill ~ clog we~rtn~r e11r• .-lo&.s. J>r4l!!lbl,r the v.rov~.rly of lollle ot JIHt 1l!!Q _tJJIJI,Ill'.l.- __ .

Our 111tlmtiJo wa&tll'Ot Ia ll!.IYIJ11 · $20 cor11et flccal,lae. It Jdrea an qn¢orsoted. etrect. · · _ .. . ~

A . Now t~* .· tb(lqtrleal W!'nta a "mlltrlea chor!la/' them are--~n)' tl!llcll.

Tbero Ia grave 'danger that lnox• perlonced young Clilna wlll fall lntQ the hand• of Joan ebarka:

. · Mania Preferoneti. , Mlail ·l\1llla!l J:JUJ,, lllcturlng ·on !JU,

~rimtile,ll In CJeve!qM, a!\lil; , ··~t 111 11 «90d thing tor th(ibumal1

raeo tha~.bqauW c;ountslor more than· hltllllcct · Whlln Jt comllfl to J()vo, Jn~ U)IJeilt too Otten 'means nervea~fll• somniA-ll)');loC'bondrla, . .

moll)etet ce!l!les Uons ~;~t t!lmper•ture, · certatnJ;v 4 lllan ~- llish IP. tll~ n,lr tb•t ~he · c~l'tli IIi b•relt · dJ•cefll!ble ltJ Ue!lr~.r. tl!,e 11\lll tha~. We a:l'e, lf th!.l' 'Ilea~ be: 111i the -:aun vih;v doe$. ll~ l!Qt teel Jt morll · str<mtlr . tlliw tbo!ll! on the e~th'• 11Urtaee1 Tl!,e ·~emlllg bll8t m tlie SUO.' TRYJI' d(!(lS not cOII!O fro!ll the aun ·ltl!elt, bl.lt tr91!l· elep. trlclty. Lfsbt h1 tb.e ol!lnlpote~c~t f9tci,l, lt 111 .. tbQ. Jfeat aoUr<:e 9.t terr.estrJal ''Yes, It 111 a co' l tblog tor thll llu·

A man Jn. Vienna. JlQll&Pud. w.!Uln ......_+-~JJII~l--r1l!lfl- tllatT-••~Jln-.old•·JAA14-lnim lflarnfld that he bad won 13,000 on a vassar put lt<i'athor bitterly: ~~N~~~~~~~~,~~~~li:~~ hone ruco. At that, be wns Juatlned. "'Men prefer a well for!lled Jlrl to

Stalletlca ebow that thoro are onl7 G.~U divorced women In the United Htatca. Where can they 1111 hava cono7

Jfavlnc rt~nd "Yonro of Dlacrctlon," the aon of tho 'author provod that bo hadn't reut'bed tl)om by m11rrylng hr elsbtocn.

Jt II now AJJnounrf'd t1111t lb6 F:ng­Jiah 11parrow Ia nnn tor rood. Watch tho market prlco or apurrowa 11:0 up from now on.

fl weU 1n.torme.d .one.'" . ___________ _


Dl•o camo on ·my -lictilp. lt<lh and l began to l!Crat<:b. For eighteen or twenty )'cart I could not toll what I pa&~cd through wltll tbat awtul lt<lblng. J would scratch unUI tho blo04 would soak tllrougb my un· dcrwear, 'lllld I couldn't t:a1Jc to· my trlonda on tlio street but I would be digging nnd punching that spot, until J waa veri much lllhamed. The ltcb· lng wna so lntcnoo I could not sleep llfter once Jn bed nnd wnrm. l cert!lln· ly eutrered torment With thnt CC:ZCIDJii 1t on Ute country undurnenth. vnya for many yearu. Odd t!fi'A nro 1111 tho DIYio In ,(..on­

don town nowndnya. One of tho .e.o­rl.,ty lnndura munt bnva ongngcd In a ntallcutr tHgtmu-nt'

"1 b the Popular Mechnnl<:J, Wlum uaed . c ..tJ.f!od nr!ru-_jtl'fl'Ylhln,; I over on Ut!l grouna. n te~u UJ!1ili- i\ ...,., . ..,...,.h,n••tbth

bcnrd. or, but nil to JIO n-valh I -saw nod Is nlmcd at tbn obJect tn tho tho ndvertlacment for ~uUcura Soap and Ointment and Bent fpr a oample. In much thll _lln_!llll war o.o a lmaglno. my delight wb11n 1 lll>Plllllt'llr~ U!l.Pl'!Nl,r(l Kll.!h ___ _ 'T'be prtro or 11lver •poonll batl ed•

~cwc"d 1n11 I"'' r"tll l'robably 10 1n11ny bn.blllD won't bo born wttb them In tbnlr nmllthn now.

A C'lot-tnnntl mnn l'mploye hiD doll to nwak"ll blrn In thn morning. l.ucky mcu•• Many of un rt>ousln ownko all llllbt from A Jlko l'OUDC

Tb11rn·• n mnn In Nnw Yorll wbo aar• bo ron o1n1 ll coo old aonga. lt'l A earu atAhlfll"nl IJo'IJ nOYill' ftnd &

bod7 ICJ hour 111m tbrouch.

A roan WAD ktllt>d In liD AtlantiC C'lt7 hotel. l'roboblr coon hunttn~e will now bo tultrn up na n midwinter dlnralon by tbo am11rt 101.

tlrat doso to tbnt ·awful ltclllng firo on Jil)' leg ..and 11calp. Jn lesa than mlnuto tho ttchlng on both titace1 ce111cd. I sot aomo moro Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment. After tho nceond day I MVot had anotbor- ltch1ng npcll, and CuUcurn Son-p nod Ointment com­plot.oly cured me. I waa troubled with nwful dandrntr o.JI ovcl' my acnlp, Tho Cuttcuro. Soap baa cured that trouble." (Signed) L. n. Fink, Jan. 22, 191!.

CuUcurn So1p nnd Ointment aold tbrou&bout tho world. Snmplo of each

Wllh. 3ll·p. Skin Dook. Addr.tl poet-cud "OuUeura. Dtpt. L. DoltoD. .. AdJ.

J.h'<lll or ~;rllllt men mi\J romlnd us tltnt It Ia r:omctlmo11 bl!tler to rt:~Jilllln abr.curc. J. rlnrlnnall Jthf&lt'IAO hill lnvent•d

a mnt'hlno that will do onu brnathlnr automottr.nlly. Now wiJI bocomt a Ul' hnJlltr. tllo# Rt'tl <'m•• Dog_ nice; r ... lltJ Lbo mnn wbo 11 too lasy to · much b4'Urr thnn liquid ·bill>!, Doliabta broatbo the laundt\'11•. All itf'Odrl. Adv,


Method of Tran1mlulon "' lnfantllo P.aralyall. Olacovored b)' Protc•

•or of Ha!"4ard,

lnfllntllo pnrnlynto, the exact cauoo nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll b)' tho 11t4blo lly, ac­cording to Prot. )L .t. 1toocn11U, of 1111rynrd unlvernlty, llllYII tho llt'<'lumlllll. IJo hao nppatently ouc­cccded In· tmnomltUng lhlo fatal dlo· eaao from alclt to well monkeyu by Ulo bite of the common stable fiy. Uo aU owed 11dlnm\)er or thoao ftleo to blto ruottkll)'lf tn varlout iltt\cbe ~t tho dla· e11ae, and tbelf lator rrllowl'.d thum to blto 12 well monkeya. Ot tho latter, ohc beentno m wtlh wol1·111arkCld IYtlll!­tn!lln ot lnfo.!llllo paralrala, and three .11J.cd..-. -

STEAM BATH TAKEN P,T HOME Dlachargo Pipe of Tub 11 Lert Open

to Let Water Out Without Fill­Ing Receptacle.

From Germtuly, wbcro tho number or. medical batba Ia Joglon, comcll an Invention · thllt enables tho avcrqo man to tntro a alollm pr bot air bath nt borno. A hood, wllh a bolo at tho top tor tho head to eome through. nta over ono end or the tub and forma

"I aaked your fAther aJ!d ho aal4 ro.u wero old enough to know your own mJn4."

"lie didn't tell :you how old I wu, 414hat" ------

Touching tho Cardinal. . At the Demoerntto <:onventlon 1 DalUmoro last su!llmer two Q{ tho lltlJ geants·at-nrms wero Ohioans, Col. Job Bolan ot Toledo nnd · Capt. J()jjllfl

t-u<~w•m5· of·Dayton.- Bolun la tho wl who Iald down tbo maxim that "anQ man whq llllrtl' ·}Jin lmtMWthll'-ml!WI Is no Dlmmycrnt."

When Cardinal Gibbons bad jtriliJl ed_iho. opening pruyu~. ho _ .dCJ!cende from the rostrum nod made his -wa toward tho door. Au bo nClU'ed th oiir wncro; lbo two Obiod.Iiil were ·o, guard, Dollm wblupcrcd;

"Joe, touch him wb1n ho PlUIBe yc ...

"All right. colonel." rep UrAl Dowlln~ with o.n lnocent nlr. "What pock•· biUI ho cot It fn?"-Popular M'llb I


Rootecl In tho Human Heart. Thoro Is B amellln our naUvo cartl

ltotUlr Unm aU tho pcrtumoo 1tl th• caat. There ln nomctbfng In a ~otbN though :never oo tulgry, thl!.t the cbL dren wm more naturally truat h• ' than tho. atudJed clvllltlca ot ~atiunrN·• lot· them be never llb hoapltabltl ·Lotd H&Utax.

~ftm~·~·~~~•nr;;;rt·in·~·~J.J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ta~~~~~~~~~~~~i~JI,~~~~~--------~--~1-~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~it~i~nn~it~~~~~~~~ au Cllr lb.,•o <lllfO to lnarn bow the ' ever, not In law 11 lldmlnlat•rl'd Pcrrhapt they i Jtlvo nnd let llvo ta o. Jl!>Or mo_llil {frr ~ ta en a llTt or proeedlitn:a ror butcbero. · · - ··· -~ homo rolo. I~-!"!!!"~--~~~~~"!"""~~~

Sir 0110~ ,;Jrdwood como• lo bAt I Dr. H~~~-Says: · with thl! advlt'C! t!JAI to ~Will II An OQo ~ ~ .. _ ~ .. , toarmarlan, like hlmat>lt, nono need Write to Peruna Teltlmonlala It You wort;' about bia h"Mith l!o1l people,. want to Know the Truth, doo't-whllo tb07 bno ll Tho tollowlnr Iotter wu rc<:elu4

--·---·- 1 by Ur. Uu~man throucb hta reautu Kanau C"'ltr h11o dlaeovored that ' corrqpondenco:

Yell' row marrlrd ml'n are In lU char>J "I noUc~ tho te.Umonlal ot ?.Ita. ltabln tn•utottono lt mn7 bo an 1 AllCG Doatc.•. which }'011 ,tdYo Jn )0111' unJu•t tnforenco that tbo marrlod ; la•t arllclo. Jr I 1hould lfwtlto her do men aro bttlna aupported h7 their !YOU ilUilflOflll llbt! wolild ~vo mo fut'­wlna · lbcr ll&ttlcultitt1' I bti.Ye bOard lllald

A DCJW nlckol ll to ba minted 'T'bero ma7 be the naual <"rlllcl•m• upon tba nCJw daalan. bOt to tbn larao maJority n 11 not Lba dulgn, ~ut the qnalllr or nlckt>la whlt"b bold• vtt.al lnteroal

A labonor tn a C"'o'bnet"Ueut~own r-.. r•nt17 dug up en Iron~~ 0 lid wttb pteee• o' el;ht Moat havo bc!e burled b7 a llllnman of Woodon DUtml'&ll.

One lndiKDant motber IDJ'I thAt aho doe• not wlab her eblldron tauabt pot· tery In •ehoola. u that I• what elt. frlond butbt\Qd, wbo dou notbtn1 but pott.-r aro~'Y:~·,..-.... __

I bill baa boon lntroducl!d at Wub. lnrton domandlna that lmltaUon boer be labolod. smt. there aro tlloao tiotil lliit ii mlili ~l!o cnn"f tali real from tho Imitation doo•n't clo­''""llrotactJon

Oerman trelentlstl declare thilt a miili or nttr n n lltt anil me1itallJ. tt n 11-· but u llnotbor knO<'k at the Oalettan tbf017, It will ~ve one ot the cor­d~al welcomes oi the ltatoa.

'flie '"'al pracUC* o1 lliti'tUn&~ 11-P ehh:kt~ua ~n tho turret or thO< Kalbil· citt\ •ud tllen Ctlni bt. KUn• at It t• a_ laJcblt Ci\ltubroul Y!a)' or ldllln« thl<!k• ella. lt tee~tll• tho t~ro?•tbt•l "11r.

mAny Urnes tb11t aueh te'11Umonln11 aro fakee; tbnt they aro either abaotUtt!1y ncttttoua or aJao tho pcoplo bnl'o been hll'tld to milo them. I havo been In~ tllilecl to wflto rou· •. p-eat. many tlme:t but 1ht:IIT 1turtc• -.~ ],Jatrmt medlctno advctUJOOtontl havo ell• conmged ma fro!ll doing 10. I amlcted -with. eatarrb: and- :tbould Vlli'Y muCh to tineS a rmuxtr such •• your arllclo dcacrlbt:a."

To tho ai»To hitter ·nr. Hattm!ln mndo tbo totlowlnl ropty:

A!;y dcat MlldlUil:-1 do that you tuo confiiana all t4Uh tn -•thttlfiM Tbero bat heron eo much iald them.· 110 much conttovctiiJ concern• lng tbem. l am nc.t., IUI'Prl•e4 that. !!<!~.~ pwplo h":,YO· JGII't C()ttlld®ce In tlll'lm.~".1l'. ·.flO.. "'

t wnll · W6ullf wfl:m•1Ll1i: · · lUI

~:. &~:;too~u~>w~elili Proteeaor Roatmau concludes tlul.t af· ter tho vlrua 'Ia takon Into tho ·body of tho- Oy by blUUc an lntoctad llDimal «'· =PHIOlh 1101llfl- -tlJltO<- ltl!tl~ botoro the fly ta eapab' l of trune­mlttJng tbe dlaeaao, but tbnt tbe period lo probably l~ia Ulan l!l ~aytL

•i •

VENT~LATOR f-OR A WJNDOW App1ratue Arranged to Withdraw _Foul

Air Frnm Room-Keep• Out Rain or Slnt.

Tbe venUiator whleb le abown he1'6-wlth Ia arranse.d :not to admit alr Into 11 l'OOrtJ .• but to withdraw the tout air from -tho- roolll< 'l'b~ ~nnHCCtlonat vlov Fig. :l, ebowe how thla Ia done. A small oox ·PrOJects from the u!Jper llat\ of tbtt wlndw-at-uto--outflao. ond.a of tho box are open. eo aa to per• mit tho air to dow t1lrousb In either direction. An opelllng tbroush tho Cf'tlter Of the boX COmmunicates with tho Interior ot the room. Dy an M­l'llni&IDOOt 41 baffle .platlll In tho box,

&tum Batli fol' TUb.

an fnelosed cll1.1nber to hold' tho eteam ln. 'l'lie u.eer alta on a ICII.t wblcb banta oYer that .md ot the tub and a tubo connected with tho hot wnter aptrot lead• under hbn. Tbla tube Ilea •loti&' tho bottom of tho tub and

&-:wldo,.~tl•t-noute~r --Wrntd--Up. ward. Aa the bot water flowa out tho ateam that arl&cia envelops tbe 1m11T~ttlRJ-pemm ftHbn.trood and hu tho tWno etrect llll the atcamroom ot a Tutltlab bath. The i,llllcllllrge 'plpo of the tub 1!1 left open, 10 the water can ·tun without flnlnc the recep.. tnclo.


IJic eal\li.Oil •l •ntpn ht a hlctnrtntt:;•t!~~~~l~~~~r/"J~~;;{;~~~~faf~R;:t~~,~;~ij~~j!~~~~~~~~~~]L~~~~~~~ 11r-~-u: 1a,R_e.c--

Jta Popularity. "Whnt public board le moat ln '

vor In o. municipality'?'' ..,t-'f'lltber think'·· 1t·i.trtht'F"'fllllttv1


Extremea. "Wby Is AJeundor so cut opr

ilU!Ir'"l"el~l11JI!d~ ~llltlt'""Ullid&l:Jlal~'l "*Bt!t::lU-11J. ul&r,reehtut-jUil' ~ em; iiOWJL .....

Queer Sex. "Yea," said lhe IDI1D at the end of

the bat, lUI be orderecJ hla aeeo.tld drink, "women sure are queer etea· turt.s. t cnmo home tonight tliouglit. my wire looTietl nlfltlo clown In the mouth. So I aaJd: 'After sup. per Jet.'.& go to the. theater.' .And abo burst Into tCll.rs and liald: flte btiiy an day doing up preserves and you tome home llDd aak me to &O to the theater.' She was aWl ~g when I cume out. lt beats all, doean't. Jlf B.'lrtendl'.r, I think I'll take }net ono more.•

'l'be detective may be an 'urn"" aooter. but he doean•t always tlntL

Page 3: t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll

.. 1 l I.


White Oaks . -~.. "'""--~ _,_ __ <_""""' """'=~

. '.

.·.·. ·Ar~ Rea<lyJor,you:No.w~ We've ~ . brof.!gbf tqgether a. very_won.~·

:derful :Une of ~.uits made espe.: cially for ·u.s . . r· '

·- --~~-;--."' .. ~ .. . ~- '

., 0 . . .. ,

. New models·.foryoung. mem uew.fabrics and , I patterns; . fine w,eaves from the best sources in

· ·tP:~~~~_ci;:~tyles created by.the muster <le.$imters; · · . tailored in ·the .most Pedect-Mnnnei; the Best·

' -----"~.; ~::=o~Ctotlte~"-fo7oyou:~t{) b\l,Y.'.c·~~-·~ ~~,;;-~.:.~, ::"~- ·~

.. NeW. Styles in Hats very Latest Styles In soft.and stiff hats, ne-w colors and blocks• .. .Stetson aud Thoroughbred.- See- them t()d~y.


floresheim Shoes and Oxfords ·•For the Man '\\ 11o Cares••

A .swell line of new ones in-all Ie~thers ·and toes. · :OS~e ttJe J3uli~ the Beaa· and the Owl.. They're

here awaiting your lnspecti~n. Floresheitn Shoes $5 and $6. Other Brand.s at. $3 to $4.50


n·lacltsntitbing nud Hurdware .. --·~ ~~'C:-'Iili•ioiu a wiilfll 041>.~-----~=· ""•.ooc=:"···~~~·--·-·


Tin\\ttr(', Pt~tntn, Gln$!1, Oil!\ of all kiUtllh

· Hurnca!l, ~\ m111unihon, Jt:tc.

ttnd all.tlte ntticles. usually 'fqund in Ilti -- ·up.tf.klate Ufl.ig shop.. We believe in the ·

Good $ervice :Idea n.ncl wlU give. you tile best we· kttow how. ·Call. ·.


COW•tlO\' fl!lO'I' ~l\11\ Kl!tt; . w~ oftet ate·'""•""' ... ,,..,_,..,., .Onli -fir&i-:Ctti!jg~ lealti~riiil~iC~---. ---

,· oHint qtt:.Ht..r. ;~ud in b.e:~mmtl '· toltdititos •.. Otd"ets lot a~~ ·"~·"''·""~ -wilt tteeive: m~' ptumpt .and .... ~ ... -......... ~·~,.~. · tlil att~ution.. · ·

·· C&tdtoto Meat M4tket

lf.it Jusurc(l~ T~ruts_. · s.c;.oo (h .. ._. ... ..,.~ .. tm-l;Jut~ when tM.ivernf.

· si{).oo t<t eta.oo.\) ·: · · · li· o-. 1lOX z. :

!'if,;nt·. • : ltew M~tJ. ~ · . ,• :1'

Page 4: t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll

T·'·: . ; ..... r" P....' •··

~. ....... - ... . ;. ... ·. ;·

. . . ..

' --·~-'--~":_-~---- ....

• .•. , , ·, . •.' ', • . . .~ ' , • ,· ,·· f l,' . ', , , .. ,.•.;; .. ,. "' , ' ' , . , ~-~c- .• ·-" .'' ,. ', ' ' •• . . ' . '. ,· "

·Oenuine lJilJ.ted .Stat~s: Army Marc~iug Sb~s ht.B~acks·_ftnd_~ans,-J6r ·m~n·waP~llll .. . . I( .

· · · · _ing the·. best, . Positively the: -best Shoes i~ ·Li·tt~oln County _ · 't ;__ . ~' '.t} ,. • 1 • • .• , . .t • " -~'""'' , 0

~~F.,=:: .. ::::=::::~~~~~~~~-.~on~,:.;·.-~c_.-~tbJgg:~~n.d' A~b~ :W.t~Tm~;ao~s;~~ke:.~_ ~~~~~tack~-::~~--~-~ -----:--11-'--

·~~----, _fi\ncy~.ana ... staple ·_a~roceries~w~~n-:· Hand. • •• . • : ' '¥ • FREE . DELIVER.¥. :TO·. ALL ' POINTS. . . . . ~- .

·'"' «<I

. . . . '! ' . . . -· ·.~ • ' ' . . . . . . . . ·. . . . . . . ·. ·'· ' .

,: . ; '· ' ~

. . ~· ..

_. . .... ._:-.~~-~ .. , ..... :.~:;~=! -~_:::··_•" .• ca. rt·iZozO ·. ;Itamn.~ g =-:c.--.. Qm.=_. ·P-_-an. Y.~~~.H •. ~-~~--~~~~----~~-··· __ :. ~~~---·-·------· -~·-···--~~-:-:t:"?2'::::::::::.::=:.:::::::-:::::.;.:. ,;.;;~--"·.:·-~·-. - ..,, -; ..... , .• ,q-z.:•

4 ' ... ,•

·Livery Barns-·- -~ • ,._..... -- - >

Mctin Street . . ::~~~~~~=~~l.u•~·~quti~ue-tt~l...st?~mr~-:-=-h~ariermrmrrllt»>~ero'iii~~~Wj~f·-----i ---~--:,_------~~~-----~~~,....-~-•· ··"'···

om, Hacbancl Ham• ~ >«--" : ""'. -~~ ,<.,...,-.=.J/: ..

flU· For Saltt

[J.;OUJtl1 Rcnu:dv • trf•lud "lr'~t )'OU wiJI litttl it 'Vtt1 .

~-~Co . .'•~·tProcluct• -Auto Repair• and Supp/le•.

•nd -coutinue to Ust :it !OC«!lton · rfl{Uirer ·foe· t~ars ·

. b;Jlii:l.t others ltave done. T~~-:-~"""-!-'Ti'""'""......,.......,-~-~~;;,_--~ lf~.r:t!!~t P.r 11l tl.eakm•-·"·~-~-4·1~t~~-~~n;;r1t::::r--


''Tlle 61

)GOlf Aal> ~~ WHISKifS. SSIPP'.S ~~ ~UDWI.SER

Bf:ER~ ·--· tiir•ttJbl\~ *W:;. I'INii' ~- ... J!tllL fOAlll,~ An!U ·T-\IVJ.r~-~--

Page 5: t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll


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f~Y'""·!s.~ll t Till'' ·n•w· Mathodl!l!cih

·· . vour .stilH: W:illk .. \. -_ -~-~- -~-~-----~--·

, . . ~mv.hmutaqd_ tor~ ft.-.~·····"""" re!l!II~J· Then; aluik.e· . . tt ·a tlmo, 1!-nd •lltoad out per­!lar~J Ql.\ tho· l)()atd, :rllth~ 1!11)1.' .~ fltretcllhH~ tM f!<;lOdll. NUll"

· : 1ld .b!l JroM!l ilra~ on tM rl&llt· · 1n em ~e wroPI!l !11lll ba¢k · ~11t llotll 'q\i.no dr;v. .. ·

)ni:Jgrljmmell11apklnlt.ltQn th~ m rrom the wront 1$l«Jq .aud :1 tllO mimogr,UU 911- tb~ O\lt•

-' aMuld never \Ul !lalted 1.lnUI )ma_l h. eat _111 out. 'J,'IH! <!Url»Ji; ' 11hoUid begin trom 24 t<1 iS

after aii~\IRhtcrlng, Tbla of thlle luaurea pctteet. co<~l·

.d frcshuen. JC.. allould nc>t llo 4 to. -treezll. _ . tro a cl!ll.n~ tight ll!J,rrel, If ll · -'mollnt of meat< ta to bo cured• )l88CI$ or B)'fUP barreUoei ;.emllll nmoun~ ot meat

· 'In a alcmo ,J,n•; .OJ! en a :r 4!1.8 !1-n opportuunr ~o • .b1,1y

·- a; plcco Of lU_I)Rt •t® largo fi)r . -ookln~. 'l'hl• may bocurcd !or

use. . .. ;, 11U;ar and JilolatlllcB ~al'cl • Uul

-~----- ~ ··-

•o Pr"vant Mould on' Plcklca. u~t\.fb\lr tub ot -plt!dca. hi bulk 111

· :nla~t " pret to tlUl attnek of a rr 111 u alsu or ueenlvo dtnnp­ln tlto cellar or atorG>room iilH:tl!

:plact!d. To •PPlY a tl.rnplo .bill. plll<ttl OPI'Il Vcl!IICII of un•"""'·' tmo abo\l~ Ultl lloor. ·e:uanclng or " wtng u. ccmlonnttr wlt~m n ti'e­)Jt molllt and lbaell ltl llrllllitb. To t41 11te .mo\lldr pl<:ldca, 11klm ott y particle• ot moulll wttlcb llJI"

. -;r on tim top..1t wlU ~ntcclt btl • d claewl1eru Jn tho c:ontcnta or

-------~~---~-- --·-··-·-~·--------· ~tub-Ud draln--olf an11d-:_,·1..f6.-rcw-~--l i>11ll!il:&htt*~~ratdnlt~a· ldY~pTi\ffiif·tt-witlt

oasties inct.. . .... qeam

~c.TEA~ Jotci b1 .sntab\. W1l ODlt ............ ~

Page 6: t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll

... ... . .

odical wbicb Jl._s a. larger cl'rcl.t:

- LOOAL AND PERSONAL tatlon· tbaQ. .any other it Lincoln Cm.:~ but •

The 'l'ots~ 'l'hmnb wedtlb1g ;1!>·

fRtl~ kUftd· \tt' ~•cbe•- l• ";·'·-· -~-" ·--- ·'·· ~----4~--

····-·. -'--~


!lchot>l, . ·· : •• · The Arbot Day wHl be to · ·or. Chas. M •• Iilgltt, Pre~sdent arranged by the tcacher~;fin con· rug-•. of tbe New Melttco N.ormal School junction with the Civic .League }Ion. A. }{. Hudspeth c•me and ,!111 educator of. more. t ~ 11 n and ihe Commercial ptub, and down frotn White Oak$ Weclllel$•

· · itate widP. tepgtqhO~ Will be. il'~w-iiJ inchtde beside tne·literary (l~y .afteti10Qt1 and left tbat night guest of the associ•ttou and 'Ylll · of trees for Sl).lltl\ Fe.. ·Re goe$ to .attenit;;

; -Tbe fxcb•nte Bank, tarrlzozu; New Mexi{o. ,. .


... ''

. ~

,, ' '"" '' ;.



Page 7: t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll



" ......... L.~ BREAK .OR aNAP QR!!iP.!. Y


N!!W Aec\p~• ·for ~~e Prepatatlon of \ .V,arlo~•\VIIII~tt~lea Tboit Are Woll ·

.. Worth Trylno-$uggeatlon• · · . · ': ,., · <:lo9klng. · ·

---· <

F.. M.. Min· • t'n •he R•pubrio Prop•r Wav ~o, l~oh Tabl• N~nklnl .. m!l.U.t ... , .. ilo . . e,. . . , . ,. . . ., ~ _ ,. ... · of ColpmbiA Prod\1¢1'1 Plnet~t • · -TrY '!1111'· N•w ·Metb!ld l!l'l· ' ~~mt. · · : Yo!olr ..Shirt Walat,

·~t thp na1iltl~l 1tanll ror 11oo;u) tim• b!l'f<il'l.l 1Jfei!iill11f. . Tl\e!l' Blill:kll tlnlJ.ll nu~• on~ at !\ time, and .I!Vreail out.l!er> tectly ·llQUilrll on. the b!la.rd, rt~:~4t side \lp. A:vold ·stretchhUI' tlle ,;ood!l; Nav­~na ahguld )ll! irou!ld llr~tt. 011 H1e .. right 1lde,' .ib11n on th$ wrottg an!l· baqlt to the rlil:ht unttl.qulte dry, ., · · . For lllOMtramn\ed nallkhlll lrou tll!! monogram from tho 1\·roog ·~Ide a.11d told wHil thO .monogram on· thll out·

whllo ,;JfitM :Uln'IC!hdlahc .. ·Yllll!:.cl:tllLc.110l:dl!.f;f:·lnilrtrli~'<l•1tit~--lult 4fuw1J.mt::a:·::1:abla"llill!lc:j::c:c~~--; e~~·:·· ;pczt 1'uiiel& _or \'IIU!gll' ptckl(!lf• Ill · lOOn lOJel Ita ltf(lngtb and ttllldl to !orment. • ·

1\lclt t'l"o~ tabh.!llpOOIIfula td buttl!r, Ldd t011r Jevet t.«~pooncuta Qt 11otlr. !lne.fottrtll of a lf/allpOilfUI. or l&lt. lllld

'Tlnm liUr

. "'-~ Propel' -Htlp.

'~--,11::::-:~-:e-Un~ ~~.zr~c!-~!1!!1~.,-.ltt. !'J!S-.! t;;;.;~;,t;~~~~j;i='1id::: l,;~t:::tt;l;t:nJJ~f:!~1h!~~~!tJ -,,..1 n · • n · Ullti7 Ulte, thM <:toP tho com ••,~.~ cl •• emlJ•OT .ant be b!lo:ta!'' :MI:a: with two c.Uptulli ot thlll a ~P.

.. Handy Brea'klaat

t\11-0f. milk, to :111'.hlch 7011 ht.va .added. a p(ueh ot IIOda. a tablespootlful ot melte,S · buttl!r. two ·beaten eig•. two t!~l~119Q1Jfuls (lf_dour_ and_ aalt and pepper to Ulte. Drop by ffie flpOOD" t\11 Into boiUng -tat, drain on brown paper· Jaid 111 a colander and aeno bOt.• .•

%t! bill tor When the

palm -ffiider fotgo_t btt Utndoo an­ceatol'l! and a atrl!l\m ot pel'fect Etlt;• Ush sww wdtdll ]loured tram hla JJps, ., . . . . "a.

"A b." tald lUke; •.strt!Unar, "ttr g;en· 2:elman 11ounifs mom URo -ze lndiadil llvllnlui un xo Hhiilo'O.''-Jud!a.napoUt ~ew~· • ·• · c:

..,. Every mattlM. mali J!l.iOtlld kl'e}:l a

ot tl:!!ldf'·n:llide · exculiew tin

Page 8: t. ttatt~t3o30 .,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-04 · nnd lhn methodu or tranornl111lon of which llau hitherto bllfDcd phyolclano, llll1Y tl!i cairll!ll


·its wa~·h;y service·· f ~ ' .

.~,_:-·- ·------ .:~--...-..........:-·--__:___~ ---- ·~-~__c ___ •• ': -~.~--~·~-··

'J1V buying (I fi"'CW(ltel'• ~·ou wn;:t (I s:UlS(lll:t.Of}'~QOSWCt.tO rhre~ qu(.:stlons: .• ; . . ··· · · • · ••· ·

r W1Jat.Wlllitd::>f;;,rme1' . llobJ We/6 r;,JJJI.it d~ It? L

. IioblJQiJg fJ!III it df? it? .. ..... '

_By.l!n~w~rJna. rhc~e qu_erl~Sl'~iJh. the needs o~ t!Je typ~wrlter · owner and ui~r1il~lnlm!; me I;; C. Sirtffif&Uroi.~ypewrTter·. Company hns lllfaincd tbci fro~t rnnk In th~ rypewrher field.


BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED .. ...._.,_.._,.__*~w-"~---·""· <

.. ..

WARE • for the htl)li.' ntlcls to U1e wcnltl• of your 1sogpital• ity tutcl to tiJ(• lmcury of yout homt:. ~rhi! t~l~gant dinner .sels ot 4Z t•ie~ell tbl\l w~ ure now uft'erihg

..!! ... • t • • u( .. ;;o:\.t.!i WII be nppr('CI" ntt'tl b\· nlJ ~1\ocl IJousi'".;


-· .. '.

'$1.7.5 {l<!r:.Quart .. · · .. so. per~Q1t11rt • · .so·per Quart~ $14,00 per .G'all()n •.

Notl~e '1-r: J'11Wicatlo• ,. ---.1MT~e ·Noill'.!rota

A)ipiiCIIIl{ln tu'r l'atu11t · Villted ~tllf1>11

.l ,:·
