h J i t The Hickman Courier GEORGE WARREN Publisher DICKMAN KENTUCKY 1 1901 SEPTEMBER 1901 s so XOK SELL TOJirara1 nu I ar 1 23 4567 I 8 91011121314 151617181920121 22 23 24 25 2p 27128 > 29 30 I r OGOCr0000G0 f CURRENT TOPICS I Oklahoma has harvested a whcai crop of 30000000 bushels l cotnbinIs There were 5500000000 cigars sot 1 In the United States last year Prof W H Mace has declined n po- sition in the Chicago university Gen Wood has been made a member of the academy of science in Havana England now has seven admirals of the first tieet and nine field mar tlials Miss Henrietta Homeier of Ingle eidc L I dislocated her jaw chew ing gum Eggs of flies taken as food is said by an Illinois scientist to be respon Bible for epileptic fits Lord Roberts never smokes drink but little and is said to be most tem ¬ perate in his language During the last thirty years more than 2000000 Germans have cmigrat ed to the United States rtThe largest wroughtiron pillar ia I t Delhi in India It is sixty feet high and weighs seventeen tons Of fiftysix glaciers observed it 1S97 thirtyfour were found to be de creasing while five were stationary and twelve were increasing There are forty counties In Tcxa which have to seek legal advice out Ride their limits as they have not a single attorney of their own Goust is 1 the smallest republic in the world in point of ari It is i the Pyrenees is GOO acres in extent has 130 inhabitants and was estab lished in 1G4S The Pope pays a daily visit to the little menagerie in the Vatican gar lens where he rewards the parrots 1 loyal cry of Vive il Popa with a lioubl9ration i A telegram from Ponta Delgada states that the international meteor ological observatory in the Azore ° was inaugurated by the sing of Port ugal on July 10 Herbert Crowbie Howe for a num ber of years secretary to I > Fchurman of Conicll university has been appointed professor of English at the University of Oregon France with 21 gallons a head is the greatest consumer of wine the United States with half a gallon a- head yearly I the smallest Engliso people average a fraction more A movement has been started I c Sb t Louis for the raising of a fund of r 20000 for a bronze monument i in honor of the late Archbishop len rick t The method of canceling postage stamps in vogue throughout the world was instituted by the French government in 1830 but was not adopted until comparatively recent yearsThomas G Slmughncssy who sue i ceeded Sir William Van Horne as pres ident of the Canadian Pacific railway nystem entered the services of tb s t road as a general storekeeper as late as 1SS2 Work is almost completed on the statue of Gen John Egan Hoxvard the Maryland soldier and it is c xin He2n t in the autumn utI ¬ tired in his state clothes he is a most gorgeous ruler He wears gems worth 12000000 which sparkle in h crown on his epaulets in his girdle and in his cults For every man woman and child In this country there is an average of two farm animals There n about 10000000 each of sheep an swine about 45000000 cows and oth- er cattle and about 16000000 horses and mules Curse cards are being used in Swit rcrland and Germany to check pro- fanity ¬ People go aboit with t cards in their pockets and whenever they hear bad language present one to the swearer to sign The card has printedon it a pledge to obstain from swearing for a specified tt m oatit 1 i these curds Lave been distributed in Switzerland alone Judge James Humphrey who died B few days ago at his home in Wcy mouth nights Mass was the old active judge on the bench of Massa i chusetts lIe was born in Weymouth ou Jan 20 1819 He was appointed to the bench in 1SS2 o The maids of honor of the Empre reeruitex f from the daughters of superior ofil cers of high court functionaries and educated at special schools where they are surrounded with the rigid etiquette in which their future lives I < must be passed The pupils are sH t ti tressed r alit a in plain black fI fIi i L a NEGOTIATIONS OFF Last Efforts to Settle the Big Steel Strike Have Failed The SciitlOfllvinl Report IK That the I Uuttr or Arrnii int Fur n Settle nitlit flits Left With Ircxl dent Theo J Shaffer Pittsburg Pa Sept 10The last efforts to settle the steel strike have failed The general executive board of the Amalgamated association ad journed Monday evening without date and without either accepting any of the peace propositions which have come indirectly front the Init ed Status steel corporation or making any counter propositions according to the official statement The yemiollicial report is that te propohifion secured for the Amalgsi mated association through the inter vention of the representatives of the National Civic Federation was unsat isfaetory and that the entire mutter of arranging for a settlement wa ° left with President Theodore J Shaf fer The hoard in its sessions of three guys has been clamoring for a settlement but satisfactory terms and means were not at hand and the sessions resolved themselves into an informal discussion of the situation At the close of the meeting of the I national executive board Monday evening President Shaffer declared that lie hall no statement to make but subsequently saiduTIli board I Isis ndjourned and the ont aftnwt members will probably leave fur their homes Monday night JCo peace prop ¬ osition has been received and none made Still later he added that ho or r other member of the board would 1 go to Now York during the night to submit u peace proposition snying that he xvould be at headquarter as usual Tuesday The meeting of the board did not adjourn in high good feeling ye the members of the board WIll averse to making statements supplemental to that of President Shaller It was stated by some of the mem trne meat had left matters practically a theyveer before the meeting lud been enlled and that the strike mist go on as before leaving arrangements throughn a coxete l1l direct conference between the ivprewntivtiveH of the Iniitinl States steel corporation and Prcsi dent ShalTcr THE GRAND ARMYt The Tlttrtj Iirth Kiniimi > iiir > iit tit thet Vl <> rin t nt Ql v < luiiil thisi IKiiulIvully neun Cleveland 0 Sept 10Thc on equipment ion The public quarters eommiltee had assigned nearly 1001 I y preriaut l y the number I of army posts whieh I wire nt the schonlhoiiscR it was esti ¬ mated by the committee that at least 15001 strangers are within the city This somewhat exceeded thc expect t HUll of time commit tee An invitation to tLc vice president to review the G A IL parade Wednesday stud the renewal of the one to time cabinet members makes complete practically the arrangements of the executive l committee The city is magnificently decorat ed Till public square is filled with while columns 1 connected by banners streamers and garlands of green au will be lighted by 11000 intuulc tcrl bulbs I made into attractive designs chief of which are emblems of army corps or l1 U posts WAGON STRUCK BYA TRAIN et lark Yln Wore In time Vehlele Wtri Curried or n aleck < m the Illol of the HiiKliie r Chicago Sept l0ccvrn persons a wagon veer struck at a crossing of the Baltimore Ohio railroad at Sixtythird and Loomis streets Mot day night Two girls xxho worn in the xxagon were carried for a block on the pilot of the engine stud escaped uuluti shut terribly frightened Ant the others were injured and Mrs N Aardona sold Catherine lloniecril 1 may die Vrnr Ior nn Cznr reParr ¬ assid sination ni the czar of 1nssia during his Avisit to I Krause has seized the oil i dais til 1 Europe since the attempt 1 on the lire of President McKinley J widespread search for anarchists of prhe o gIe P grade Ilicotniilliiieiitiiry Iteninrkn Topeka Kan Sept > 10 Mayor hitches Monday night discharged U 1 poth cc yof President MeKinley preidlnt k Illcd n ItsivttiK Xlniilnc Nirs o man an insane farmer who had been uider a delusion that the people xvere trying to I lynch him for ln murder of President McKinIey died chit jass i 1 I I ssdonday SleArthurw Heeentinn ToMtiioned Washington Sept 10Thl tear Ie partment xvas notified Monday that tilt proposed reception at Milwaukee 1fl poned on account of the Shooting o the president = SHORT OF FUNDSI Coloialtlnx Kliuiiiclnl Strait Are Ex Irvine tolthe Colon Sept 9Time State battleship Iowa arrived at Panaam Saturday j Colon Sept G via Kingston Soft j nsor1nndforwardec1 point to obtain funds The Colom liian pupa is now worth less Than three cents and gold continue t O clghtriEErrcnt sympathize with the revolution an d err opposed to the present gOEm OJtfccount i t of tuxes and imposts and other Sx atious efforts to raise money This financial distress coupled with thjS tent of time revolution which monJln aril becomes more threateniij this being especially the case inlfhe Venezuelan entanglement it is As ¬ sorted constitutes the strongest rea sun why Colombia can not go to iWar with Venezuela with any hope ofsjjc ipThe Ol financial betterment and the people 1 become daily more burdened Forced loans are common and their dailnre eurrenee i is expected In some csc pcgllfIId for these loans and in other craes no security is given The I continua ¬ tion of rush pincrease prolongation of the J present situafionI will it i is believed increase the iSuer J 1The 1 he u iha e olicial employes seems strong etlo jfigh 1to prolong the present situation lIt to denl IDs rcvoluton a eifsh j ing effect he blow Time j nill strengthen the rebels posfijon throughout the country but inth actt j l leaders The government today owes the 100 troops on the isthmus i000 in j gold in bnelc pay Kuports are again in cireulatloH that the liberals are concentrating at hart ut on I he Pacific eonst 13 mills north of Panama Similar re ports have been current for tech I past r Kingston lnmian Copt 04TJic royal steamer Para from CiOIIt < ro ports rebel activity in the rieigKVor isi j J greports has tuketk lnlacQ at Itocns del Toro The goer 1Jflcnl rtpnlsethc tics of their intention to attack olon within a fortnight The goverjlnieut t V s conUiiimlly moving tToOIl1iJAl ipat tin rebel tiilvninvn Trade co tiSSes almost paralyzed n TWO TRAINS COLLIDE IIr Soren Men Kllleil mnl Tlirri O tier x Seriously Injured on tin Non Ii era IlioIIIc fund Jamestown X IX Sept 9 Five then were killed and six others seri i ously injured two of whom hat u since died i in a collision which oc- curred early Sunday A mixed train on the Northern Pacific railroad came in from Oakes carrying 17 wen ou11L flat ear As the train passed the station a road engine xvas struck and the force of the collision caused the Hat car to collapse Tho names of the lend ami 1Ltd hoardd Another Ilfcnrd Broken Xew York Set IC So Titus for mcrly of New Orleans now the senior scuJler of the Union Boat club of Xci v York city Sunday rowed a mile or the Harlem river in minutes S 25 seconds breaking the American title ¬ water record The former record was held by lohn humchr of New Yoe his lime being minutes and 27 sec ends Iugntrt y Milbnrn House Buffalo Sept J IAl- umor is current that in view of tl attack upon the president and the officialst of the country the Sehlc court of i in quirt will be postponed No otlirial 1 information on the subject is ob 1tainable as yet- ICItclifii Staff Mutinied London Sept 9TJt Constantino pie correspondent of the Times says paytncuti of s of the Yiltliz Kiosk mutinied last week The sulr j 1tan ordered the payment of wages but nt the same time had several cooks imprisonedA lint t ii ii Up Nety York Sept 9Thl steamer Yimeira which arrived Sunday from Progrevso reports September I latitude tM2i longitude O1 7 pass ed a vessel 1 apparently a schooner of r100 tons bottom up coppered and yellow floathl d amTupper nr I r i > A Sixnvmorni fVj t j Mt Washisigton X 11 Sept to J Monday morning time first snowfall of the season reurred accompatued bv eoutnnF tic cif roached a temperature of 2S degree chore KniidM Roe Uedriiiiit Sou 10ationnlOOnJ redemption i fIOJih1ttJJl11 ir custaitfUlJi2 t < J v t r uvuditurcs IGlJOOu < t Cz t tirrYin rt Trait rf tr tSfigrtaSaEQft r a ipLt tf a > tit rI I STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST I b II 33aMl i S5M fcft a S I 311 ASPHALTUM IN KENTUCKY A Company AVhloIi Controls lied In lOiir Counties OrKuitUril With u Cupltal of rO0OOO Louisville Ky Sept GThe Fed ¬ eral Asphalt Co which controls the asphaltum beds in four counties of Kentucky has just been organized with a capital stock of 5000000 3500000 of which has been paid in The company is to be incorporated under the laws of West Virginia 1m mediately and it has already put urea at work in the property in Gray son county The company is otHcered by M D Coffeen president Joseph llulfaker vice president A II Loeb treasurer F L Warner secretary and Azel F Hatch general counsel All of the officers and directors arc residents of Chicago with the excep tion ot Mr HufTaker the vice presi ¬ dent who resides here The company owns 2t000 acres of land in llardin Grn son Hdmondson Hart and Warren counties which it i agos AFTER GRACE ELDRED Thomiin AV IIIYVMUII Otter Chnrlen I Marvin SO UO Kor the Buy Ill I y Lexington Ky Sept 0 Herbert G turey 1v Lawson who arrived here Sim Leys 1 burn the Lawson candidate for the three yrur old Kentucky Futurity xvould remain in the hands of Clem Heachy who has always trained her and will be driven by him in the bi stake Grey is negotiating for a can dicislore 1 of the stake and is said to have of fered Charles Marvin 5000 for his bay filly Grace Kldred by Ceeiliun 222 dam Kldred 1 by led Wilkes This trotted a mile in 227 as a your ug and last week negotiated tin distance in 210 SENATOR BAILEY lie KUTnra lrnlHlnllon Tlint Vonld Prevent nnrchtKtx 1roia Coin IIIK to ThlM Country Lexington Ky Sept Ihian inter erview here Sunday night United States Senator Joseph Bailey earl that he favoml legislation that would as near as possible prevent anarchists from coming to this country which AvouJiLnot allow those here to be n a 7l11 Unufn lffivoTHftt g < time destruction of all governments i is lit to be a citizen of this republic lie said that he had always favored strict naturalization and immigration hjws und since paupers and criminals i wlro intended to be excluded anarch is s should also be prohibited from citizenship lie wbnld not say whet I ¬ er or not he would originate any iieudmt > nt to cover the ease liTHE ORDINANCE INVALID r IooIrooiiiM of LoulMvlIIe Gained IL Cuniiilfte Vlo lory Indue hack ley Ileclnlon Louisxille ly Sept GThe J local poolrooms ga ned a complete victory theI city court handed down his opinion in the eases based on the warrants Ii i issued under the general councils poolroom ordinance Judge Huckley sustained the demurrers of the de tense and quashed the hundred 01 more warrants that had been issued Burned the Trestle FarlinJ ton Ky Sept GThe tipple of Carbondale Coal Co was fired into at 1 oclock Thursday morning some 30 shots being fired Time shooting ltwas done with Winchesters Two rut 1 road trestles were burned Wednesday night destroying the connection ofof time Crabtree and Carbondale ta with the main line of the Illinois Cet tcteal railroad Tuesday these min CM were closed for the want of railroad connection Big Hurrel IMniit Richmond Ky Sept 5the fac- tor being erected in this city by E JJ S 31 and W S Hume will be the largest in the world for the inanu fncturc of xvhisky barrels The pLa will employ 200 hands and have a capacity of 1400 complete barrels every ten hours It will be equipped to supply either hand or nmchit work as the distillers may prefer Sew CumimnleM Frankfort Ky Sept GTime fol- lowing ¬ companies filed articles of i in corporation with time secretary of state The Paris Electric Light Co capital stock 30000 the Kentucky 111 1pitalr sModb Uardstoxvn Laundry Co ca P ital 1iOO the Cynthiana Electric Light Co increased its capital stock JOOJOOi i 1SRloonketp r SuIeitleM Qxxensboro Ky Sept 5d Hay den a saloonkeeper at Stanley this county committed suicide 1Yaluesd night by shooting himself throng erthe breast This was his second at tempt He was unmarried Exces ¬ sire drink was the cause Struck the Wrong flare Lebanon Ky Sept 7A strnn elmamlmg I el oil TO MEET IN FRANKFORT The Democratic State Central and Executive Committee AVIII Com Together September 10 MH H Louisville Ky Sept 6t the re quest of the four democratic candi dates for United States senator Chair man Mile W Young has called u stateern 1 be lucid in Frankfort at the Capitol hotel Tuesday September 10 Ac cording to the call Congressman Charles K Wheeler and D H Smith exGo v James B McCreary and Judge Tames 1 E Cantrill the four candidates for senator want the committees to consider the advisability of selecting the democratic candidate for sen at or by a primary election in the state The plan would toke the election of the nominee out of the hoods of the members of the general assem ¬ bly stud time caucus would not be necessary FOR THE THIRD TIME fleeleu Out of Work at lliiekwnl terM Sawmill Induced Thooe Employed to Strike Owingsville Ky Sept 5Time xvorkingmen at ISuoKwalters sawmill t Farmer have gone on a strike for n third time this summer About two weeks ago they struck for a ten hour due and semimonthly pay days ISnekxvalter refused to grant their de mantis UHf a striker attacked Buck xxnlter soul broke two or three of his fingers anti injured him severely 6laier the then returned to work Buekwalter having agreed to their request Uuckxxalty discharged the man who had assaulted him The nin later returned to work when the strikers received short hours and Sewe eta arrests have been made and se ¬ rious trouble is feared- FATALLY INJURED Sitiitre Janxa lend nh Father nt 1sventy1 out Clillilrcu Xun Thrown From Ills horse rTusallrille While Jamesd Jeads horse stepped into n posthole > nd stumbled throwing its rider h heavily to the ground and probably squiret fjh i arF old I tltt father of children nil living mind all 11 his jiresent wife The children reside in various parts of the country Col Xapper Ilndly Hurt Lancaster Ky Sept GCol J C Nipper a prominent and iniluential republican of this county and for merly iepresentatixe in the Jegislu tore while returning home from Louisville fell from L N passenger train Xo d at Paint Lick Thursday morning and was seriously hUrt Struck the Irlaoner- Vanceburg Ky Sept fiIkc Smith was Thursday morning sentenced to the penitentiary for an assault on John Brown As lie was leaving the iMiiirtrooin in charge of the sheriff Brown struck him n terrific blow on the head knocking him down Much excitement prevailed Xo arrests Ieneemnker Sinus Oln Ky Sept 9At Stonega Va Sam bonds tad John Franklin be came engaged in a pistol duel at the home of Dick Young of Columbus 0 who acted as peacemaker Young teas slain ChllifH Hotly Found In a Well OxVensboro Ky Sept 5Lon Stevens living four miles from Hart 1ford Wednesday found the body of a child in a stock well on the farm John Long Officials at Hartford tawill investigate the matter Ajjed Ulver Inn Dead Newport Ky Sept 9John Mc irenry aged 92 for SO years connected xxith Ohio river interests died Sunday at his home in this city He was born near Wheeling W Va and at 12 be ¬ gan his boating career on a flatboat IndlKiiatloii Meeting at lonUville ItLouisville Ky Sept 9A public meeting to express indignation at the attempted assassination of President McKiuley has been called for Monday tonight Drew Knife Lit Court Owens oro Ky Sept 7 Common ¬ wealths Attorney J E Itowe lest his knife on City Judge Stirman in court Friday then the latter called him a liar They were separated unshed to Death Hodgenville Ky Sept Glile netting out sate logs near here Thurs ¬ day Edward Scott a lad of 16 was caught between a log and a tree and mashed to death Literally Ground to IMecea Lexington Ky Sept i1 T Mar ¬ ton home unknown white aged about groundh j freight engine nigbtTIe and was en route to Ashland Ky Itefuued to Indict 7Jltng Maegher who killed exMagistrate W J MiNtimara here three weeks Po was dismissed Friday The grand jury refused to indict him as he actor in selfdefense f l Letting Him Down Easy That was a pretty harsh thing you wet about me on the witness stand What Why when they asked you about rojl reputation for truth and veracity you said I anyYes has troubled me a good deal eince then but honestly old man I want ¬ edto let you down easy so I lied about it I should think you did But you ought not to complain Sup pose I told them what your reputation in that line actually isChicago Post FlUlhlou s Neiv Fad What is the nature of this newfangled malady which they call the golfing spine 0 That responded Cynicut is easy i Golfing spine 1J what the old man used to have after a hard days plowing but he called it the bach3cheX Y Times how lie Knew Oh you cruel boy to take those eggs out of the nest Think of the poor mother bird when she comes The mother birds dead miss How do you know that J i tee it in yourlmatPunch One tattle Iloon Asked A man whose wife passes the winter in Florida the sprinc in Europe the summer j in Newport end the fall in Lennox is en ¬ deavoring to get her to spend an old hon e week in ostonno8ton Saturday Eveninga Gazette Xo Tithe Lout 1 Hawkins I tell you what Sellers reached the top in a hurry Bobbins Yes he must have made pretty good time for he has been blowing ever since he got ther Smart Set You can find almost any kind of a boy except the one who e sympathies in alight betxveena cat and dog are xxith the cat Atchison Globe o o This curious language of ours A man I that is down on his isaid to beup H against it Indiauauolis News Theres always life in the old land The trouble is you have to dig to find itAt lanta Constit- utionABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine Carters Little Liver Pills Must Bof Signature c1 4 e See FacSlmlle Wrapper Below Terr small aid AS A CUTf f to take as CARTERS ITTLE IVERPILLS FOR HEADACHE FOR DIZZINESS rOftIIUDUS nSS FOR TORPID LIVER FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN FOR THE COMPLEXION OJNINB YYTSAY IIATUa 26 Pdc elm I Parely VegetUIe G CURE SICK HEADACHE Half Rates Plus 100 DAILY- TO Buffalo r AND RETURN v1Ar BIG FOUR R ROUTEv Affording an opportunity to visit the Pan American EXPOSITIONAND NIAGARA FALLSa Return limit Fifteen days from date of sale STOPOVER ALLOWED at BUFFALO and Niagara Falls On tickets to New York Boston And All Eastern Points Union depot connections in Cincin ¬ nati avoiding omnibus transfers 4 Trains Fast Daily 1 4 Hours Quickest betweexaCl BStermers FourSor trains circulars of the Exposition etc OEPPEOfnPaMTktAet 4 1 E REEVES Geal Ss Agent ATt0S ffYP1SfAILCIilATT AkBestlovalt 17r1a ONSUMPTJON A

Transcript of t The Hickman Courier NEGOTIATIONS OFF STATE ITEMS OF ...



tThe Hickman Courier



1 1901 SEPTEMBER 1901

s so XOK SELL TOJirara1 nu I ar

1 23 4567 I

8 9101112131415161718192012122 23 24 25 2p 27128


29 30 IrOGOCr0000G0f


Oklahoma has harvested a whcaicrop of 30000000 bushels

l cotnbinIsThere were 5500000000 cigars sot 1In the United States last year

Prof W H Mace has declined n po-

sition in the Chicago universityGen Wood has been made a member

of the academy of science in HavanaEngland now has seven admirals

of the first tieet and nine field martlials

Miss Henrietta Homeier of Ingleeidc L I dislocated her jaw chewing gum

Eggs of flies taken as food is saidby an Illinois scientist to be responBible for epileptic fits

Lord Roberts never smokes drinkbut little and is said to be most tem¬

perate in his languageDuring the last thirty years more

than 2000000 Germans have cmigrated to the United StatesrtThe largest wroughtiron pillar iaI t Delhi in India It is sixty feethigh and weighs seventeen tons

Of fiftysix glaciers observed it1S97 thirtyfour were found to be decreasing while five were stationaryand twelve were increasing

There are forty counties In Tcxawhich have to seek legal advice outRide their limits as they have not asingle attorney of their own

Goust is1 the smallest republic inthe world in point of ari It is ithe Pyrenees is GOO acres in extenthas 130 inhabitants and was established in 1G4S

The Pope pays a daily visit to thelittle menagerie in the Vatican garlens where he rewards the parrots

1 loyal cry of Vive il Popa with alioubl9ration

iA telegram from Ponta Delgada

states that the international meteorological observatory in the Azore °

was inaugurated by the sing of Portugal on July 10

Herbert Crowbie Howe for a number of years secretary to I>

Fchurman of Conicll university hasbeen appointed professor of Englishat the University of Oregon

France with 21 gallons a head isthe greatest consumer of wine theUnited States with half a gallon a-

head yearlyI the smallest Englisopeople average a fraction more

A movement has been startedIc Sbt

Louis for the raising of a fund ofr 20000 for a bronze monument iin

honor of the late Archbishop lenrick

t The method of canceling postagestamps in vogue throughout theworld was instituted by the Frenchgovernment in 1830 but was notadopted until comparatively recentyearsThomas

G Slmughncssy who suei

ceeded Sir William Van Horne as president of the Canadian Pacific railwaynystem entered the services of tb s troad as a general storekeeper as lateas 1SS2

Work is almost completed on thestatue of Gen John Egan Hoxvardthe Maryland soldier and it is cxinHe2nt in the autumnutI ¬

tired in his state clothes he is a mostgorgeous ruler He wears gems worth

12000000 which sparkle in hcrown on his epaulets in his girdleand in his cults

For every man woman and childIn this country there is an averageof two farm animals There nabout 10000000 each of sheep answine about 45000000 cows and oth-er cattle and about 16000000 horsesand mules

Curse cards are being used in Switrcrland and Germany to check pro-fanity


People go aboit with tcards in their pockets and wheneverthey hear bad language present oneto the swearer to sign The card hasprintedon it a pledge to obstainfrom swearing for a specified tt moatit1


these curds Lave been distributed inSwitzerland alone

Judge James Humphrey who diedB few days ago at his home in Wcymouth nights Mass was the oldactive judge on the bench of Massa

i chusetts lIe was born in Weymouthou Jan 20 1819 He was appointedto the bench in 1SS2


The maids of honor of the Emprereeruitexf from the daughters of superior ofilcers of high court functionaries andeducated at special schools wherethey are surrounded with the rigidetiquette in which their future lives

I < must be passed The pupils are sHt titressedr alit a in plain black





Last Efforts to Settle the Big SteelStrike Have Failed

The SciitlOfllvinl Report IK That the I

Uuttr or Arrnii int Fur n Settlenitlit flits Left With Ircxl

dent Theo J Shaffer

Pittsburg Pa Sept 10The lastefforts to settle the steel strike havefailed The general executive boardof the Amalgamated association adjourned Monday evening withoutdate and without either acceptingany of the peace propositions whichhave come indirectly front the Inited Status steel corporation or makingany counter propositions accordingto the official statement

The yemiollicial report is that tepropohifion secured for the Amalgsimated association through the intervention of the representatives of theNational Civic Federation was unsatisfaetory and that the entire mutterof arranging for a settlement wa °

left with President Theodore J Shaffer The hoard in its sessions ofthree guys has been clamoring for asettlement but satisfactory termsand means were not at hand and thesessions resolved themselves into aninformal discussion of the situation

At the close of the meeting of theI

national executive board Mondayevening President Shaffer declaredthat lie hall no statement to makebut subsequently saiduTIli boardI

Isis ndjourned and the ont aftnwtmembers will probably leave fur theirhomes Monday night JCo peace prop ¬

osition has been received and nonemade

Still later he added that ho or rother member of the board would1

go to Now York during the nightto submit u peace proposition snyingthat he xvould be at headquarteras usual Tuesday

The meeting of the board did notadjourn in high good feeling yethe members of the board WIll averseto making statements supplementalto that of President Shaller

It was stated by some of the memtrnemeat had left matters practically atheyveer before the meeting ludbeen enlled and that the strike mistgo on as before leaving arrangementsthroughn acoxete l1l direct conference betweenthe ivprewntivtiveH of the IniitinlStates steel corporation and Prcsident ShalTcr

THE GRAND ARMYtThe Tlttrtj Iirth Kiniimi > iiir > iit tit

thetVl < > rin t nt Ql v < luiiil thisiIKiiulIvully neun

Cleveland 0 Sept 10Thc onequipment ion The public quarterseommiltee had assigned nearly 1001

I ypreriautl ythe numberI of army posts whiehI

wire nt the schonlhoiiscR it was esti ¬

mated by the committee that at least15001 strangers are within the cityThis somewhat exceeded thc expect tHUll of time commit tee An invitationto tLc vice president to review theG A IL parade Wednesday stud therenewal of the one to time cabinetmembers makes complete practicallythe arrangements of the executivel

committeeThe city is magnificently decorat

ed Till public square is filled withwhile columns1 connected by bannersstreamers and garlands of green auwill be lighted by 11000 intuulc tcrlbulbsI made into attractive designschief of which are emblems of armycorps or l1 U posts


et lark Yln Wore In time VehleleWtri Curried or n aleck < m the

Illol of the HiiKliierChicago Sept l0ccvrn personsa wagon veer struck at a crossing

of the Baltimore Ohio railroad atSixtythird and Loomis streets Motday night

Two girls xxho worn in the xxagonwere carried for a block on the pilotof the engine stud escaped uuluti

shut terribly frightened Anttheothers were injured and Mrs NAardona sold Catherine lloniecril1

may die

Vrnr Ior nn CznrreParr ¬assidsination ni the czar of 1nssia during

his Avisit toI Krause has seized the oil i

dais til 1Europe since the attempt1 onthe lire of President McKinley Jwidespread search for anarchists ofprhe ogIe P

grade Ilicotniilliiieiitiiry IteninrknTopeka Kan Sept > 10 Mayor

hitches Monday night discharged U1poth ccyofPresident MeKinleypreidlntk

Illcd n ItsivttiK XlniilncNirsoman an insane farmer who had beenuider a delusion that the people xveretrying to Ilynch him for ln murderof President McKinIey died chitjassi 1 II

ssdondaySleArthurw Heeentinn ToMtiionedWashington Sept 10Thl tear Ie

partment xvas notified Monday thattilt proposed reception at Milwaukee1flponed on account of the Shooting othe president


Coloialtlnx Kliuiiiclnl Strait Are ExIrvine toltheColon Sept 9Time State

battleship Iowa arrived at PanaamSaturday j

Colon Sept G via Kingston Softj

nsor1nndforwardec1point to obtain funds The Colomliian pupa is now worth less Than

three cents and gold continue t O

clghtriEErrcntsympathize with the revolution anderr opposed to the present gOEm


tof tuxes and imposts and other Sxatious efforts to raise money Thisfinancial distress coupled with thjStent of time revolution which monJlnaril becomes more threateniij

this being especially the case inlfheVenezuelan entanglement it is As ¬

sorted constitutes the strongest reasun why Colombia can not go to iWarwith Venezuela with any hope ofsjjcipThe Olfinancial betterment and the people1

become daily more burdened Forcedloans are common and their dailnreeurrenee iis expected In some cscpcgllfIIdfor these loans and in other craesno security is given TheI continua ¬

tion of rushpincreaseprolongation of the Jpresent situafionI

will it iis believed increase the iSuer

J 1The1heuihae

olicial employes seems strong etlojfigh1to prolong the present situation lIt

to denl IDs rcvoluton a eifshjing effect he blow Time j nillstrengthen the rebels posfijonthroughout the country but inthacttj lleaders The government today owesthe 100 troops on the isthmus i000inj gold in bnelc pay

Kuports are again in cireulatloHthat the liberals are concentrating athart ut on I he Pacific eonst 13

mills north of Panama Similar reports have been current for tech Ipast r

Kingston lnmian Copt 04TJicroyal steamer Para from CiOIIt< roports rebel activity in the rieigKVorisij Jgreports has tuketk lnlacQat Itocns del Toro The goer 1Jflcnlrtpnlsethctics of their intention to attack olonwithin a fortnight The goverjlnieut t

Vs conUiiimlly moving tToOIl1iJAlipattin rebel tiilvninvn Trade co tiSSesalmost paralyzed


TWO TRAINS COLLIDEIIrSoren Men Kllleil mnl Tlirri O tier x

Seriously Injured on tin Non Ii

era IlioIIIc fund

Jamestown X IX Sept 9 Fivethen were killed and six others seriiously injured two of whom hat usince died iin a collision which oc-

curred early Sunday A mixed trainon the Northern Pacific railroad camein from Oakes carrying 17 wen ou11Lflat ear

As the train passed the station aroad engine xvas struck and the forceof the collision caused the Hat car tocollapse Tho names of the lend ami1LtdhoarddAnother Ilfcnrd Broken

Xew York Set IC So Titus formcrly of New Orleans now the seniorscuJler of the Union Boat club of Xci vYork city Sunday rowed a mile orthe Harlem river in minutes S 25seconds breaking the American title ¬

water record The former record washeld by lohn humchr of New Yoehis lime being minutes and 27 secendsIugntrt y

Milbnrn House Buffalo Sept JIAl-umor is current that in view of tlattack upon the president and theofficialst ofthe country the Sehlc court of iinquirt will be postponed No otlirial1

information on the subject is ob1tainable as yet-

ICItclifii Staff MutiniedLondon Sept 9TJt Constantino

pie correspondent of the Times sayspaytncuti ofs of the YiltlizKiosk mutinied last week The sulrj1tan ordered the payment of wagesbut nt the same time had severalcooks

imprisonedAlint t ii ii Up

Nety York Sept 9Thl steamerYimeira which arrived Sunday fromProgrevso reports September Ilatitude tM2i longitude O1 7 passed a vessel1 apparently a schooner of

r100 tons bottom up coppered andyellow floathl damTupper

nr I r i >A Sixnvmorni fVjt j

Mt Washisigton X 11 Sept to JMonday morning time first snowfall ofthe season reurred accompatued bveoutnnFtic cif

roached a temperature of 2S degreechore

KniidM Roe Uedriiiiit Sou

10ationnlOOnJredemption i


custaitfUlJi2 t <

J v t ruvuditurcs IGlJOOu < t

Cz t tirrYin rt Traitrf tr tSfigrtaSaEQft r a ipLt tf a> tit


33aMl i S5M fcft a S I 311


A Company AVhloIi Controls lied InlOiir Counties OrKuitUril With

u Cupltal of rO0OOO

Louisville Ky Sept GThe Fed ¬

eral Asphalt Co which controls theasphaltum beds in four counties ofKentucky has just been organizedwith a capital stock of 50000003500000 of which has been paid in

The company is to be incorporatedunder the laws of West Virginia 1mmediately and it has already puturea at work in the property in Grayson county The company is otHceredby M D Coffeen president Josephllulfaker vice president A II Loebtreasurer F L Warner secretaryand Azel F Hatch general counsel

All of the officers and directors arcresidents of Chicago with the exception ot Mr HufTaker the vice presi ¬

dent who resides hereThe company owns 2t000 acres of

land in llardin Grn son HdmondsonHart and Warren counties which itiagos


Thomiin AV IIIYVMUII Otter Chnrlen I

Marvin SO UO Kor the BuyIll I y

Lexington Ky Sept 0 HerbertGturey1v Lawson who arrived here SimLeys1

burn the Lawson candidate for thethree yrur old Kentucky Futurityxvould remain in the hands of ClemHeachy who has always trained herand will be driven by him in the bistake Grey is negotiating for a candicislore 1

of the stake and is said to have offered Charles Marvin 5000 for his bayfilly Grace Kldred by Ceeiliun 222dam Kldred 1by led Wilkes This

trotted a mile in 227 as a yourug and last week negotiated tin

distance in 210


lie KUTnra lrnlHlnllon Tlint VonldPrevent nnrchtKtx 1roia Coin

IIIK to ThlM Country

Lexington Ky Sept Ihian intererview here Sunday night United

States Senator Joseph Bailey earl

that he favoml legislation that wouldas near as possible prevent anarchistsfrom coming to this country whichAvouJiLnot allow those here to be na

7l11 Unufn lffivoTHftt g<

time destruction of all governmentsiis lit to be a citizen of this republiclie said that he had always favoredstrict naturalization and immigrationhjws und since paupers and criminalsi

wlro intended to be excluded anarchis s should also be prohibited fromcitizenship lie wbnld not say whet I ¬

er or not he would originate anyiieudmt >nt to cover the ease


IooIrooiiiM of LoulMvlIIe Gained IL

Cuniiilfte Vlo lory Indue hackley Ileclnlon

Louisxille ly Sept GThe Jlocalpoolrooms ga ned a complete victorytheIcity court handed down his opinionin the eases based on the warrants

Iiiissued under the general councilspoolroom ordinance Judge Huckleysustained the demurrers of the detense and quashed the hundred 01more warrants that had been issued

Burned the TrestleFarlinJ ton Ky Sept GThe tipple

of Carbondale Coal Co was fired intoat 1 oclock Thursday morning some30 shots being fired Time shooting

ltwas done with Winchesters Two rut1

road trestles were burned Wednesdaynight destroying the connection ofoftime Crabtree and Carbondale

tawith the main line of the Illinois Cet

tcteal railroad Tuesday these min CM

were closed for the want of railroadconnection

Big Hurrel IMniitRichmond Ky Sept 5the fac-

tor being erected in this city by EJJ S 31 and W S Hume will be thelargest in the world for the inanufncturc of xvhisky barrels The pLawill employ 200 hands and have acapacity of 1400 complete barrelsevery ten hours It will be equippedto supply either hand or nmchitwork as the distillers may prefer

Sew CumimnleMFrankfort Ky Sept GTime fol-


companies filed articles of iincorporation with time secretary ofstate The Paris Electric Light Co

capital stock 30000 the Kentucky1111pitalrsModb Uardstoxvn Laundry Co ca Pital 1iOO the Cynthiana ElectricLight Co increased its capital stock


1SRloonketp r SuIeitleMQxxensboro Ky Sept 5d Hay

den a saloonkeeper at Stanley thiscounty committed suicide 1Yaluesdnight by shooting himself throng

erthe breast This was his second attempt He was unmarried Exces ¬

sire drink was the cause

Struck the Wrong flareLebanon Ky Sept 7A strnn





The Democratic State Central andExecutive Committee AVIII Com

Together September 10MH H

Louisville Ky Sept 6t the request of the four democratic candidates for United States senator Chairman Mile W Young has called ustateern1be lucid in Frankfort at the Capitolhotel Tuesday September 10 According to the call CongressmanCharles K Wheeler and D H SmithexGo v James B McCreary and JudgeTames1 E Cantrill the four candidatesfor senator want the committees toconsider the advisability of selectingthe democratic candidate for senat or by a primary election in thestate

The plan would toke the electionof the nominee out of the hoods ofthe members of the general assem ¬

bly stud time caucus would not benecessary


fleeleu Out of Work at lliiekwnlterM Sawmill Induced Thooe

Employed to Strike

Owingsville Ky Sept 5Timexvorkingmen at ISuoKwalters sawmill

t Farmer have gone on a strike forn third time this summer Abouttwo weeks ago they struck for a tenhour due and semimonthly pay daysISnekxvalter refused to grant their demantis UHf a striker attacked Buckxxnlter soul broke two or three ofhis fingers anti injured him severely6laier the then returned to workBuekwalter having agreed to theirrequest

Uuckxxalty discharged the manwho had assaulted him The ninlater returned to work when thestrikers received short hours andSeweeta arrests have been made and se ¬

rious trouble is feared-


Sitiitre Janxa lend nh Father nt1sventy1 out Clillilrcu Xun

Thrown From Ills horse

rTusallrille WhileJamesdJeads horse stepped into n posthole> nd stumbled throwing its rider

hheavily to the ground and probablysquiretfjh i arF old I tltt father ofchildren nil living mind all11 his

jiresent wife The children reside invarious parts of the country

Col Xapper Ilndly HurtLancaster Ky Sept GCol J C

Nipper a prominent and iniluentialrepublican of this county and formerly iepresentatixe in the Jegislutore while returning home fromLouisville fell from L N passengertrain Xo d at Paint Lick Thursdaymorning and was seriously hUrt

Struck the Irlaoner-Vanceburg Ky Sept fiIkc Smith

was Thursday morning sentenced tothe penitentiary for an assault onJohn Brown As lie was leaving theiMiiirtrooin in charge of the sheriffBrown struck him n terrific blow onthe head knocking him down Muchexcitement prevailed Xo arrests

Ieneemnker SinusOln Ky Sept 9At Stonega Va

Sam bonds tad John Franklin became engaged in a pistol duel at thehome of Dick Young of Columbus0 who acted as peacemaker Youngteas slain

ChllifH Hotly Found In a WellOxVensboro Ky Sept 5Lon

Stevens living four miles from Hart1ford Wednesday found the body of

a child in a stock well on the farmJohn Long Officials at Hartford

tawill investigate the matterAjjed Ulver Inn Dead

Newport Ky Sept 9John Mcirenry aged 92 for SO years connectedxxith Ohio river interests died Sundayat his home in this city He was bornnear Wheeling W Va and at 12 be¬

gan his boating career on a flatboatIndlKiiatloii Meeting at lonUville

ItLouisville Ky Sept 9A publicmeeting to express indignation at theattempted assassination of PresidentMcKiuley has been called for Monday

tonightDrew Knife Lit Court

Owens oro Ky Sept 7 Common ¬

wealths Attorney J E Itowe lesthis knife on City Judge Stirman incourt Friday then the latter calledhim a liar They were separated

unshed to DeathHodgenville Ky Sept Glilenetting out sate logs near here Thurs ¬

day Edward Scott a lad of 16 wascaught between a log and a tree andmashed to death

Literally Ground to IMeceaLexington Ky Sept i1 T Mar¬

ton home unknown white aged aboutgroundh j

freight enginenigbtTIeand was en route to Ashland Ky

Itefuued to Indict7JltngMaegher who killed exMagistrate WJ MiNtimara here three weeks Powas dismissed Friday The grand juryrefused to indict him as he actor inselfdefense



Letting Him Down EasyThat was a pretty harsh thing you wet

about me on the witness standWhatWhy when they asked you about rojl

reputation for truth and veracity you saidI anyYes has troubled me a good dealeince then but honestly old man I want ¬

edto let you down easy so I lied aboutit

I should think you didBut you ought not to complain Sup

pose I told them what your reputation inthat line actually isChicago Post

FlUlhlou s Neiv FadWhat is the nature of this newfangled

malady which they call the golfing spine 0

That responded Cynicut is easyiGolfing spine 1J what the old man usedto have after a hard days plowing but hecalled it the bach3cheX Y Times

how lie KnewOh you cruel boy to take those eggs out

of the nest Think of the poor mother birdwhen she comes The mother birdsdead miss How do you know that Jitee it in yourlmatPunch

One tattle Iloon AskedA man whose wife passes the winter in

Florida the sprinc in Europe the summerjin Newport end the fall in Lennox is en¬

deavoring to get her to spend an old hon eweek in ostonno8ton Saturday EveningaGazette

Xo Tithe Lout 1

Hawkins I tell you what Sellersreached the top in a hurry

Bobbins Yes he must have made prettygood time for he has been blowing eversince he got ther Smart Set

You can find almost any kind of a boyexcept the one who e sympathies in alightbetxveena cat and dog are xxith the catAtchison Globe o


This curious language of ours A manIthat is down on his isaid to beup H

against it Indiauauolis News

Theres always life in the old land Thetrouble is you have to dig to find itAtlanta Constit-




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