t Schultz,

SATURDAY, JANUARY 14. 1905 $1.50 PER YEAR New Jersey lawmakers Meet and Orgaolze GOVERNOR MURPHY'S MESSAGE Ex ecu lire Advises Thai Surplus of $2,940,918.98 He Used For Cora- monweaJUVs Present Needs [Special Corre»poin1on^«:l - * Trenton, Jan. 11.—Amid ii.givnt pn>" j fusion of Ditwprx itinl whit tin-, mil- juries In liou-fj^ iiml senate crowdtvl. iviflf lulnilrlUK 'votiMtHm'tttn tlitr 01:0 . linndrert and twenty-ninth session of •. lUe New' Jersey legislature wim-called lo order ?boi'll.v lifter 3 o'clock ycsler- -d«y •iiftcmoou--.--.The. lirgiinbcnttmi' in •(•iifli'lioiisc was cornpfetnl in Khort i»r : •"*Ieraiitt" without ii hitch. .Some of.tht' STAR FOOTBALL PLAYER ARRESTED. Drove fist Into. Backnun't.-Eye When Latter Would Hot Drive Bin Home. Henry Hop|t*. M local hnckujan, ntiue hi contact, iHBt^Fri(Uy *\'miinfc, "with f h the force which kndon the footlwllrleld to win" glorlotin vlctorie*, although in H Hoiuewbat different ntau tier from which tuiif] force in n«e<l nu thegridinm. And the Kentlentan who. K»ve tblf) exhibition caiiie fn contact, K few moments later, with the for«*e of Jersey justice mid hi* nDcketbook' wan comiitlerahly lighter when li« left, the .TnMtce'fl court tlmn it wa» when he entered. ^ • - .Hupp* wait HI hit IIHUHI stand «t tltt* nlHtiou. HII«1.~1IM nays; Iiml jtif<t agreed lo drive W. K. liudeau lo bin lmui**im Brtdean "iiveniie. when_ Charles <'Imd wick, the fonnt-r star Yale foothiill player, who i*wHIJ renmvned m mutt. mill Htnrv HI tliat of (enrmiin, ami now 1111 iisstsiunt district attorney junior I)i(*trii*t-Atft»niey Jerome, of New York city, t'aiiir upthe /roni fhe train which l l .re.Hhori!y lien from vU'W \ty th<MT^nil tributes of ('ity. the retiring secivti'irj-of thtTSt'ii-- iitc, fiillcd tliitt Imtly to "order. After -:i tWnponiVy nr^tiilKtitioii lmtl hecn ef- ftried tin 1 o:itli w;is iidmiufrttcnil u> tlic newly e!i*He«I si'initm'S^.wtio V.CII* call'ti-bcforo the liar of ilie Hfter # 7 o'clock, and a-«ked ve him home,- *~ \ Hopjis refnsed. mid .-tated'l for (hung so. aiid It appeared tors Hint a Teivwon!* |)HH-ei flie-'two' men,' wbicTi 'were cut short by ('imdwick sin right lUr 'straight into liopi to HOARD Of Tbe'annnal mewtiujc of the IJ»wtrd-o Uraith.wa* DFM "i a the City Hall on Wednesday evening, nulj. Messrs. Atter- eut. Dm. Risk and Lawrence atisent on^acctmnt of nickneiw. ' Mr Atterbnry wan chosen to preside. .. Tht* Htm mil re|>ort of the a*s and pininbing "itiftpcctor.' T. J. *Jeott WHS rend, mid contained many interest Ing facts, particularly in regard toth*» vital statinTics. - It showed .that during the year the total munlierof birth* herr WHK 1'W, a* II KM i nst ViT* tii.llHfci. Tlm nnmtter^of death*, in HUM wait eighty-five, and in I1MKJ the nriitiher Wa«' *\x. Of these "death* only two were fntin con mtl<*f the wr r^-mulf r—mir-yrjtr-«f—nj^v-t wrn I y thtVe' were lietweeii -.twettty-tivt* iilif IIIHII sixty live ynirs of I'"* The mini- »'ity 'W iiHi» 7 rtoiVs w «rk. ,i inWHi f „;„« ••f..rty-'tw.»' p Tor »s'- fm-e purpose. Tho orpiiilzatlon of the. w;is tlif-ll completed by tlic'eln-- tion of the following ofHfcrn s «t the Ilcpiiblicuu caitcns n few jotirtnii clerk. l' of I'nlnT Cross of I'niini. S. .Merchant tn ry, 1 Iowa re N. Tyler, t'llidlierlninl; lissish'uit MVVI tary,*I*ivis T. Stevens. L'UJIO Slny; si IK'nlsor of bills, Isanc II. I'lcrson. Mor rU; «*,iiM;iiit supervisor of hilts. S.im wl 'L:~(JnHiir~MoiuiiOHtij:",hlll clerk -Daniel A. Mclnlyro. Krtsex: assist tint bill clerk, .loimtlmn D. WntKon. iTuni den; per^iiint at urrasT^Iiiiuen O. Nor rin, Mem-r; aHulsljint Kci-^eaut ut uvms EJivu'ni 0. StmuKhten, IturihiKlon.- _ PfMWfii t C'n>Hi« iiiipointoU cpiinn It^ , tfeH to 'wiiH~"u|M>u th'(*'"K<»venior J "iiynl -tho-hoitj*. (Governor Murjdiy upon 1 llflrntlnn fmn^ J p o ' i-oinmlftoo senf in Mr. Itiidenii he have In* i tittle IIKIOW Hie eve. 'd («• Mdpps Unit iirrmttM. -which advice Ilie. Inickntaii folI<Ave»l. A" l)f for 1'itlice Heml<p)nrler-<. l'lm»l- bit third and limtuiiuuiil incssiKjc. Tlu tUndlns committee's iVorc luuncil hv tb« president. Presiiient CroMH annonnceil the np (•ointment of .lohti W. Clift. of Summit bin nrivate tiecretary. The bouse orgnnlxca ot tlie-Btmip tim*. Thb members wor#.nmnninneil to thtlr -dratar-hy Clerk Jninw I'nrkcr. Tbo roll wan then ctilleiK- Stamllnc ^ their HcvkK wlth.npriiJKtil hands, the oath was'ndnilnlKteretl to the of "the hnime. • • • " •' After UIIK c«'i-«'iinniy nil the forward niul xh^neil their nanies 'tottie luiivhuivut. JohnBoyiLAvis was - plau'&e wus eworteid to hl« cbtilr. In a •hort nddretn he urged promptness In IfgUlatlve work ami nutllnml generally thi work or the BPK«Ion. . _•••___ The following officer* w tre iheiLjtho- Ma to complete the organization: Clerk, |—Jnnw Parker, Pttswalc; asmiHtant ck-rU. J.Uptoa.T£, Jeffrey**,-Oamdpn; Journal lk £ y , ; J tlirk, Robert- STTerhune^KsBexr t<ftiit at ii tiJBJtt A t<ftiit at araii, i Atlan- , K_JBJ;, tic; Brit asKlKtant. Mrgettnt at anna. -WUliatn 8. D^r, Mlddleaex; supervlHor ; •Ttilli, <j«orte A. Grorer, Buftx;-bl1i' «ltrk, Edward F. Tottcn, Morris; auinl- t b •nt bill clerk, Frederick W. JIaloa.- • . • • . .:'•'•' • •. Governor Murphy then jwnt In his by bis prlTate secretary, A. X. Wbeu tbegovernor^a me* bad been W e i r e d and the stand' committees In each house named lt«Iihjtnre adjonrned to meet next night; -.-.•"' Xirfhr'i Mtuag*. Trenton, X. j., j - u . 10,-The third •nd lnst imnual message of Governor Fnmklln Murphywaa-dolivered-to-thc- "PHUture. it la in part as follows: ^Jje flnnnl-ial jiroKpcrtty of the stato bus »l In rwent year* that the ixIruordinary tltitb\ir*emi*nti« -.„--. relatively largo, but notwllh- unm'• I 11R J hI " the "urplua has Increaml It ,1 ir** T * ached * he " um °' t3.0M.0W.": "rany be that irow 1 and. tnen"a year will iT^. .5" tlle expenditures ot'lhc atnte, !* r r ,". vl(1 «I *y th« legislature, .will cx- «"u me incomn fpntn *>i> Btmttt for that no m wick remarked' that he w.tuld '•stay riffht here,'- 1 whieli IM-—^Inl, und .when Oflicers McNiiiniirji mid Kelley arrived lie iifcompHiiied them without In-ita tioii or rtr^ulnetit. (Jhndwiek^vat [niitiediiitely l-iken In- fore .liiHtice "•Ilieks. win*, lifter hearing tlie evidence of Mi>p[M ;Onl Mr. ltad>-aii. Chadw.iok'did nol: deiry ~ Chn«lwick cheerfully paid" ilie "line und went home, lint before doing so, told Hopjw that he ; -worth! payrnny nieiltcal 'clmnfen he_incurred, by IIIH lieiiiK nnahle to attend tn'tlfn n*nn| vmiitfon at t1i<*~Hbttioii. '- Justice Ilicka ijiieHtioneil-CliH«lwick ni trt \yl»Y IIM «ttpn-lr p^tijij t.t «'hli'b the former fimtliall-hem aimwiered that he "did not know .why." It in Hnp- po*»ed tlmt CliHdwick huil bad diftlcnlty In K«ttinK hackinvn to drive hint home, as they will unmet hue* plead u previniin eiiKiiKetnent to emiipea perstt»teiit JWR- Bender. — . ?yjl speciticiitio'lis hud Iteeil tiled. Thi» Hiinniil rejHjrt of- lle.iilth Ofticer Mi'Mane presented in detail the unin- IMM^ of- f»iii|>liiintr*. inve»itii(Hte<l nnd .tniis'incfs ulmteit, utid showed, tlifit at present there, was not n single Vime of coiitiigioiisiliHeiiMf reportwl. Tiie ofhVer suifgested that the IJn.-inl reeoniiiieild some iirtion" towHnl thetrit\*H n—'ii.niiiig the work of c.ilIei-liiHi imd ilt-po-jil irf if. itho rernmuiendeil Mint the -4«iildini:s IV funit^ntt'd unce n An ani>'i>>li)ieiit Ji!__tlie M was pasieil on seroml ntn'1 third rending, mid (he ' >ecr.'lnry was instructed in regtinl to -a permit for ftiJarging apri vate -ewer on \Yoo>]lund nvenne. The bomls of tin- several master piillnbers were accepted.- Mr Wiilhiee culletl attention to tlie condition of tenement lionseson Aubrey ftreet. which he Imd' iierHcmallj* ex- umiiifd. Tlie health ollicer stated tlmt he had endeavored to induce" (lie owner 1 'lo renutly. the condition, but wit lion t resnit. Mr. Wallace offered a utotfou tonen'e tiotict* on the owner to niakt* the t*hnnjre* dPimindM v:ithlu forty^eight honrs ttr-the ho declared nntetnintable-iind Y. M. C A. PARAGRAPHS. VJ4iihary 9 antiivemary Snnday of the Watch for further HnuoitULVinentA of the Kiiniversarr-aerVlw, wbit'lt-wlll hwhifn thttBrtptlut chnivh thin year. , W. H. Wonen. the Awretary of the Iloyn' Department at Newark, wilt tfpeffk nt the BoytiUJwu Mtjetin^ to- morrow afternoon,' at '£. l.V . Mr, Wones has spoken here neventl liiiic** Iwfore, mid ha« iimtjy friendft Hiiit\uir the .Sum-" tnlt boys.'"" Kvery. lx>y over twelve is invite,!. A iinniWr of the Iwys -of the junior department of.the. .Mndisnn anm>ciation will vi-iit.the Summit HH^H-lHtion "this at_which tin|M_ a «nme of will beplityed between teanm nf-the-tw«-HM»*ociHttrtn*.-^ Our Iwiys-Wfre" lienten nt. Mad!flOtl Inst-Sa'tlirdny: mid 'itLiuUirestiu«-gujitt!4s-»*x|»w^«l-^ ^— The next tiiree . Sunday-' ftfteriuKni. ineetin^H will be adtlresseil by the IIKMI pttsfors jisfollo\vs: ' jHiimiry l->. Rev. Jliiiot (,'. >Iorgnu; ilniinnry.'J*J, "Kev. W. Wiirrrn Uilen:' .btmiHrv *J1». Rev. A. H. Tultle. IX.D-. The. Hiibjccl of Rev Mr. Morgtut's address tomorrovy iifternoou will 'be "Kept- for .leitiis Christ,"" The iiieftint: will r be nt -1 '.'o. HIII] nil nieii mv rordiiiTly'invited. . —.„. Paper and Postak. AronntMhe-Hb'nirj-tabliMu - t he evening anjon* can do their own developing Hiid printing with a Kodak—Developing—Ma- chine andVeI6x t the "aftersnnpe-r paper:'* Ask for A Vclox Manual. Kod.lk Supplies. ' Souvenir rostatft I'iolnre KnnneH— Schultz, PHOTOGRAPHCR. 11 Mvi-j>: SiftKnr, .SrM\iir,-N.-J.' Doings Among the Lovers of Win- ter Pastimes and Recreation ALMOST EVERYTHING IN TRE LIST t Summh Hlyn-Scfaool Pefcatcd .Easf Or- an'ffc ai£h at Basketball Bow ling- —Hockey- Baseball A "Rough House •• (iamc. ROBBERV AT SHORT HILLS. Th Comedy On'Iit-Slni. "th« third entertainment in the Star Course, will (titettain in A—*ui'i;itlini Mall on Tiie?-day evning •coming. Thiw ii>in- |itiny WHS- formed with Ihe idea of giv- g ii»*w. novel ami thor- pleHsiii^"'- Id ilfe pTarons /of eiitertainrncnts. imlividnally- menihers' -;ire tliorongltJy good For tlie fonVth time within the hist six 'yean*. \Viilmin Smart's store at Short Hills- was-etitered -by 'burglars ainl his safe blown open some time" 'tirly Wcihiesiliiy i^oriiing. Knlnmce WHI effectetl-hy bivak'ing the jiliite n tlitr f'uirth wimlnw. , . When tiie 'burglars got ffiHide •m'ere<l"'lhe rntclf nriiiiinl (lie- oi of. tlie MIII'6 ilimr with simp, jiiut applied nitroglycerine. 1 . • -The safe \VIH iiseil, fur •keeping ai* count btMiks, amt was left uiilockt'ii, A i) of ice to thai etl'ect, with tin* eoinliiiia- liou, was pasieil upon tlie floor of Un- safe. Evidently the men ,]id nut' !-ei* then and have Jlie faculty of «p-. to nil mtisica] tastes by tlieir range -of— popular and. cla-ssitful . K. K.. I'a.gley. the baritone U yeatu with the (lie other - .wan- for nmoiiM Itustoniiins, and t are _ei|iiHlly Tickets, gmnl tor the three remaining ntertainmelits, will he #n\t] nt R<igers' sthre for^i/J'T "_ J _—^ •+• ' •----.— --• For Limited Franchises. 1L_ The Ni»\v ICngtatiiI"Soriety J _of Orange, Fihdtlltf lii!lluUK-in. the safe, tin- li ransiicked the. drawers in ' tlie ol>u-i- the back of the ••tort'. HIHI wel : e fijiui developefl ' -into it- d .liauitt* ".exhibition, the .Summit 1 High .School live, defeated tbv team- of the Krttl Oninge'High'St'hotil on the Y. M.'C. A. court, lust Satnrdiiy 'after- n o o n by^ii iM*hrt> (if 20 to 11; ' " •.. _L.The tirst' liiilf of the fuijtt^t "WHS. played with nt) uiorr* nJughneHH tlniu is twnil in' ii gaine of biisketbjttl. aild was very cIo 1 "'. mid proved'to'he very in- teresting- [o' HH> .spei'tultirs,' iv'liij liM'-iI tfic scuts jtrjulilnd in the iivililitM* 1 Rpnce nhwig the court. Tliis-hulf euiletl with—tin* -.'•nif'.JI to. HI in fiivnr_UJL* the Kn«t t inniir** boj-*. Trouble seemed |o bt> -i-fiiUul in tin 1 iiir when the vi-i^iT- !>-r: t.ln- floor for tlieir leu mjii'ilf-' ir-~t._ »•» they- i>-l'n—••! lo tin' 1»HUI»* lll)li"is .M.li.*:illll I.J(- r efe iveln*|> "vvajTil "•"- Kn 'T \\~\ l at | 1a i l"^t Knnn the ,«torc the ceeded to the railinail biirghii" pro- slniinii, wliete tin- Suiuioii—I'jtptnin. i •*htinge and _ L'tRiie 'w pip' niul jSt'!\fiihuii, ol fel'cree. Tli*- change se ahle, ar^nmt'nt. iii-*-nt."l to [he -jtnt in ilsuni-. they pried open the iloor lending 1'n.un"; thai the «iinn> wonld-b- the, women's wait ing r-mm jo the m ej tin ticket iiftii-t They secured ^1 7.V -The p.-iinv weigh- jeijiritf a- the-iir-t. ing machine hi -th'e .'wjutinn nntTu was j In this everybody ti> i n l i c i i t e in_g_oi»d- order iind the lii«t hair rmnid be HKWII prove a- iiiii'Vi-tthtii and ex- broken into und the hut;. <'ont«irihiK fifty eents. wan curried n "" 1 tbc 1 » where it'wasi-nt on Ihe H r "" n 'l" open aim" left with 1i»nenting vote, H iesolntitin-oppoiin^j-wJiicIi—4lw.y-l)Hti~usi*tl w^fre left nt the - Afteruiidliliix. several bilii* by the health ofticvr in qnnptuthie case*. the Itoard adjonnietl. BANK ELECTIONS. Injured and Frightened. Mitw Kathleen Harritt. 31IHH Kli/abetl Clmndler, MIM Anna Uacheler nu(' is Itache.ler. of Haiti Summit, -hail narrow ew*)ii>es from serious injury last Sunday evening whileon their way to attend chitrch. in Ihe main portion of Morris avenue, the. sewer in being pnt in, wlie.ii_they_weroovertakei by a, horse mniiewhat beyoinl' the con- trolof the two men who wen* in the liTendeavoriug-to get ont of the road, (there point)Miss Harritt ntUmlilefi over a pile of «tbne«and fen. httud aud otherwise Hnfferiug niimen»n» brnlnert. T ~IIach~e!er umitittNl Miss Harris to her feet nu<\ in-iloinpr no sank in mod anti water over his nhoe topn. The other uietultera of the- party encapei] injnry. !«-«.""•.— >"««r.-but It raunt be remem- ,„ r 1 "'^^-tnat-thfrTnirplnriSTir Iitinit ih. n . BWHI *»"»• deflcleucy. ami thai Ii UUR Xi. a " J I? rln Clpal 8fTVlc« Of n HUT- t»ln* IVO *°° large a surplus to ro- on f«V r hU P urtl( :ulor purpose. I hnve n tR. nl Bhpuld be' US<H1 Tor Of the ntnle, lon^ of . , . anil I rclttrnto nil Unit ? wild on that_MubJoct'and shall have .„_ In thla monsaRo lt» iimkfi llni> r**«»niniondaH»nrt along tliyn** Taxation * ""~~ : ' IUHU, who were evidently intoxicated, drove the horse down thenteepetubauk : uient along'the roadidde,_aml althDngfr aplug injnry, had their wagon pretty well sniHshed np. It is said that there Hairabseniw of snfflcietit light and jtber protection along the www trench mi] aronnd the piles of atoue and dirt bat evening, and that toned con Id not, hi addition to 'lightened, w* where to,go hence tliej urident. " •*'. ' COMMUNICATED. :, K. J;, Janttttry l:t.--lOitt. KPITOK SUMMIT HKHALO: ' 1 Dear. Sir:—Fleane call tbu. attention of oar Common Oonneil to the At the Himnitt election t>f oni di ret-tors of the Summit ltantToii j day tlip followlnj;. were re-elocted: President, John N_._Al»y; vice |irvsident. Williatn I (nil*. Jr.: direrlom, John~N'. May. William Ma IN. J r . WilliHin 11. Kisk. WilliHin 1:. lt«-uwi.-k, .l.tiiii N. ebi-es for terniM in excess of twenlyHve yt-Hrs. To i»ct the subject before the 1^'KistHtnre. Hoards of Triulc nudiill Hiinilitr civic iiftuochitions in'fjie State will be asked f.T pass resolutions re- •juesthi;; Ihe J^egi^liitnre toeinlMMly the {-jirfnciple of liiniied fnuichiseH in law. The action of the society is. in effect, the Hei|uel of the public agitation which compelled the_ OriiiigM Alder- tnen to refuse to rr J. P- Hmm. The Kintt NKtLomil Z. I*«nie»T: yice-pr«mid«n't, J. S. I'M liner: S5. I»«niriK' . .1. P. learned. William A. ljirne.1: c«*hier. II. Palmer..- ~ "' \v'ith_ their dently disj k-, us''th •ln.i<Tii;id>hllinu, Ulld and chisel along the \in\\ 1 11 uioiiH -fond on wreni;h" the oppti site side'of llie track from the. depot." Tin* police and railroad.detectives »re chise-to tlon. tlie l*itbli»* |H*riM>tnal fran- Service' Corpora- Orders.^ pcakers_for the V-_?|._C. A- Dinner. -Tim dinner «*oinnijtt«« of onr_Vutin^ OhriRtlnn AsMOciatiou'rliavtf i*e- piired three excellent speaker* for the sixth auunnl lunq'tiet. to lm held at the New Park House February 11, at'7 o>lo«k. ('Aiifield. LUIX. librarian of Columbia Willinm- M. Kfu^lry, vice president nf all jibe'' New York, city' -«1- aiit] F. -. R. Brpckniaiu-Ju chiirge Of the. work among college, men inThiilH, ami connidertMi the. l»e»it. Y. tbe'coiiutry. three upeaken*. with Hamilton Wright Mahle aa toast map ter. will insnre a nt flnwefwfnlaffair. Tlieominittee, Mcsara. J. R Galhtjcher, A. A. Ahenr and W. S.-Porter, who hare^Uad clmtxe of all the annual drnnem, pronjise that this 1 year'iifliteaker* will be the Amain of "a»try«ir'«,"aiid Mr. Kelly, proprietor of fie New Park Ilou-e. pmutliH^ an ex- iVJien ~m-. lill-'iiT^n'uisv'riptttjji it is till«-<l nreciseTjTaa "ihn dttctor intuii7Iutl L If we lack "an in'crntiient, or evcirtfic eiact—vanety ofa'riynedy indicated, wt- jjct.4hc'j>«aeily t>r. riMtisc l d ^ u y lfjjrce, is not Miumted hen.-. .The interests of our put run b arc idd fll p cart-fully usnaur own; the interests of Ixitli -of" us dctnaiul the higli. prade..$«-rvlc«r thai in liv dercd.— . -I ..... ROGERS' PHARMACY, TUB-HOME OF VIN01* .-•Kl'ltlNUFIKM) AVENUK— Adjoining the Snuimit Hunk. * .>*I)MMIT. Fresh Cut Flowers White, Pinkj-Red and Amtri- an BrautY_RoK3r SmiUx, Asparagus Fernit ".Etc., Etc. MORRIS AVENUE. SLEIGHS... and Carriages . . . , OF A|,t. KTYliKX-- T— F«r talc *r t* m l for Ibc tc«wa. . Al>oallflylcfte(wlit«rcarfiai». Carriage-Repairing -.,.'.. in MM Its As •HIIOII us tlje KJUin? i-otniiiein-ed for the—- secoii'l hiflf it liecjiine>ipp)ire[ltHint Ihe . Sniilniit lH>ys Imd - been- but liuiheriuc *"' up in the former Inilf mid lni'1 of l)\f btsi. an i They immediately Ire^u utrnek itip] if vr;\n l'"t f«v_ -seirondM before-1 litty -httd evened np th»- wore mul on top of this commenced h no f'lHt thiit tlm visitorn atnl xuifry, and fM^iuml to fet«l thiitihey w«ry destined to lone, the mHli'li. The thought of defeat no ex- HMpenile*Hheni tlmt thry h^itn " rnni;h hotiHH ''' tuciicM, thiukiiiK that an the. Summit hoy* wer>» eonsiderably lighter tluui they, they inl^lit wear theiu-uut and tlnin Hiuttt'h' victory, from detent. In thitt they wen* mfottabiui, «H thehonm not only held their _owu bnt^vi-nt them one better and i>nuie out of every, b - n i M were fildivi(!nnrtiutiraliorit lh« middle of tlie of both tenunMwemwl to be t tiKjth and nail and tb* ball forgott«» —— At thUjnnctare. Pbynical Director '-: beeii^abiwiit, eatni?~'"~ olT"tb«~c(in'rt-'"Ruil after a" glance >t. _ •'.' , orderedJjotlf teanm from the HelttTcnPTOTr as w w«pa,ratt»d. Mr.^5!flKl6y_— Miyn'tbaT~b'ii wonldnot have allowed tojioai (ar-ait it did'iiad IIH ~ wen in tbe roort earlier. We bare been importnned to " nuut" tlm.Eant OraoKO boyw for their oomlnct. . in the game, bnt thin vui_ara not fn . clined-todafartber than to say that we biive liot men, In a long tline,' a«i rongli 1i»: gHine M -they, played, .especially-; among aniateurii, and thAt In oar jadff* . ment, and we always'try- UI ll I MRHIME MAStlFACTURER, How Does He Do It? of oar Comm {ug annoyances, which are very con- stant, andshould he reiue*lied by law, since private pn»lKst« nre.of no.avail whatever.' First: Aunmber >if lim-kineu. lmtb public, and private, fmineutly d th oinp* «t l>otb th p npon the d poit ; fmily «t l>otb the depot lli f npon the ap p and poiit ; ottice. thus compelling foot to. wade thronr{li the anon* illit I* n«4it thr e a r- P ofth<. tell,.,,, \ HKai '" that tho propiTly rn| "" lll>w4l< - hot t»*arlnic 1m full in lo-a 1nnt ! PI«>»ni«i u t t b f t 1nt " I(Rl ' IftUl « « wwnmiiwlon to bj or the taxation of nil -Thin coinmlaalon hus for Ihe purr*""* 1 "' - of. all himla'uiwl will ir ont!nn«Von Second or mud in the Htreetrf, had to do several timeH of IHI*. Second: When, the, laiMrers tore' up 'Snuimit avenue hi order to lay some .p|pe»,_tbey left the crossitig at tbe sontb, -aide 151 Snniiii?ratifH4jirinK(leh:l ttvenne» ; in- « ' wretched ;-condition^ ground' most uneven, and fiton***, Iwtb large nnd HIIIKII. which, hnrttthe feet andent the shoes whenever a '•• - and rnt the show e Is Attempted by.nriyone. ("anaot tbft» yiHVj* IwjVinnvwir Sri hfllp a .Sri help a CITIZEN*. the \Vanl ads. for : .To 1 Abolish SprinsrElections A measure, which concern« and in to,l»e fntnxlnced in the f.eKiflI»itnre this winter, providliu; .for the Hlfolition of spring elections, thus lilttklliK nil. elet*tinn>* in »*very iiniui cIpaHty, or divifllon of eon 11 tit-*-eonIM in N'oyemWr. It will 1»« arune<l for the nieusure tliHi it \H In line with economy, that-the-expense of holding tffn^el^c^ tiotirt in on? year in _the_tuwiitfhip«* is nnjii«tly^burdenHoiin)^—Tim-cities now pny-bnL_oiie.election bill a yenr, while be no sprioj? election in Marcli- the Hprln^f election^ wonid result in .fucnthbentM of townnhip ofticeo hold- injfover , nntH their" miece««on*' were elected in the fill), and an it in a niatt«r f l for townflbluAainl bprflngbs they nhonld he given doe oonsideratioti in the mat - i t*r In-forp its adoption/ Whv H.'iirv, wll u'liicvcli ryrU* witli Hartford tiivs and host tion for . . ' .- j ,_ Wliy, lit' is IL U>tfi. ' . - . , ^io. In* would ratltrr lunkt' li*ss und Imv T-rn. IJOMH worry and uo dodgihg initlic Ktivft wltmi li t\u-u\ coming. ..H,ut.with tlm ]>roHt'iit incifiiri*' in tin- price o i*' th« jirifp on ltin hie vide to JJ'^O.OO in the IIOCH not'wjint to do HO if 1M» can li^lp it. p tUI toall. It wiKtthefrtnltof thflvisitora that th«eleinent of ronKbneAs was in- ntiltei! into the <!onte*t The liOfrnp. Kt'MMIT Illlfll. . K OIUNOKHIGH. ........ Fonda right 'forward, ^ . ..'.Meeker , ' " left fdrwtinl: " Demi Whfitnry ce.ntn* guard, left K»nrd. Wyman Totcy . I. liwt Orange— Fonda 2, Wbln ery 1, Wyjimn 1. From fouls: Snmmit— IIly 4. East Oranjre—AVywa'u It. Score at end of Hrwt luilf—BiMt Oranj(t* It. Snuimit 10. Filial Score-Summit !iO, .Eiwt Ortinjfct* 11. Itefereo and nut. pirc- -Ijiltnt*. Htiininit: SteVetHM«i. Kn«t The Y. M ('.A. live will hitve, aw_o|i-. |K>neiits on Tlmrmlay evening, the Htrong rive df Co. K. Kiftli lie.. Moutcluir. The noIifierlwyH are players, nnd the. giime will undoubtedly prove at jiiterestiiitf as uny \Vblch have been pluyetl on the_Y. M. <'.' A MI far this Reason. I^ist Saturday afternoon.' Director Mnrci^v took the Summit Y, ' .M. *'. A. Jruilom to Afiidinou on a strun- - rule, and while'in tlmt town the junior team engaged in n Fifth

Transcript of t Schultz,

Page 1: t Schultz,


New Jersey lawmakers Meetand Orgaolze


Ex ecu lire Advises Thai Surplus

of $2,940,918.98 He Used For Cora-

monweaJUVs Present Needs

[Special Corre»poin1on^«:l - * •Trenton, Jan. 11.—Amid ii.givnt pn>"

j fusion of Ditwprx itinl whit tin-, mil-juries In liou-fj^ iiml senate crowdtvl.iviflf lulnilrlUK 'votiMtHm'tttn tlitr 01:0

. linndrert and twenty-ninth session of•. lUe New' Jersey legislature wim-called

lo order ?boi'll.v lifter 3 o'clock ycsler--d«y •iiftcmoou--.--.The. lirgiinbcnttmi' in

— •(•iifli'lioiisc was cornpfetnl in Khort i»r:

•"*Ieraiitt" without ii hitch. .Some of.tht'


Drove fist Into. Backnun't.-Eye WhenLatter Would Hot Drive Bin Home.

Henry Hop|t*. M local hnckujan, ntiuehi contact, iHBt^Fri(Uy *\'miinfc, "with

f hthe force which k n d on thefootlwllrleld to win" glorlotin vlctorie*,although in H Hoiuewbat different ntautier from which tuiif] force in n«e<l nuthegridinm. And the Kentlentan who.K»ve tblf) exhibition caiiie fn contact, Kfew moments later, with the for«*e ofJersey justice mid hi* nDcketbook' wancomiitlerahly lighter when li« left, the.TnMtce'fl court tlmn it wa» when heentered. ^ • -.Hupp* wait HI hit IIHUHI stand «t tltt*

nlHtiou. HII«1.~1IM nays; Iiml jtif<t agreedlo drive W. K. liudeau lo bin lmui**imBrtdean "iiveniie. when_ Charles <'Imdwick, the fonnt-r star Yale foothiillplayer, who i* wHIJ renmvned m mutt.mill Htnrv HI tliat of (enrmiin, aminow 1111 iisstsiunt district attorney juniorI)i(*trii*t-Atft»niey Jerome, of New Yorkcity, t'aiiir upthe/roni fhe train which ll.re.Hhori!y

lien from vU'W \ty th<MT^nil tributes o f

('ity. the retiring secivti'irj-of thtTSt'ii--iitc, fiillcd tliitt Imtly to "order. After

-:i tWnponiVy nr^tiilKtitioii lmtl hecn ef-ftried tin1 o:itli w;is iidmiufrttcnil u>tlic newly e!i*He«I si'initm'S^.wtio V.CII*call'ti-bcforo the liar of ilie

Hfter# 7 o'clock, and a-«kedve him home,- *~ \

Hopjis refnsed. mid .-tated'lfor (hung so. aiid It appearedtors Hint a Teivwon!* |)HH-eiflie-'two' men,' wbicTi 'werecut short by ('imdwick sinright lUr 'straight into liopi



• Tbe'annnal mewtiujc of the IJ»wtrd-oUraith.wa* DFM "i a the City Hall onWednesday evening, nulj. Messrs. Atter-

eut. Dm. Risk and Lawrenceatisent on^acctmnt of nickneiw. ' MrAtterbnry wan chosen to preside... Tht* Htm mil re|>ort of the a*sand pininbing "itiftpcctor.' T. J. *JeottWHS rend, mid contained many interestIng facts, particularly in regard to th*»vital statinTics. -

It showed .that during the year thetotal munlierof birth* herr WHK 1'W, a*II KM i nst ViT* tii.llHfci. Tlm nnmtter^ofdeath*, in HUM wait eighty-five, and inI1MKJ the nriitiher Wa«' *\x. Ofthese "death* only two were fntin con

mtl<*f thewr r^-mulf r—mir-yrjtr-«f—nj^v-t wrn I ythtVe' were lietweeii -.twettty-tivt* iilif

IIIHII sixty live ynirs ofI'"*

The mini-»'ity 'W

iiHi»7rtoiVs w «rk .

, i i n W H i f „;„« ••f..rty-'tw.»' pTor

»s'- fm-e

purpose. Tho orpiiilzatlon of the.w;is tlif-ll completed by tlic'eln--

tion of the following ofHfcrn s«t the Ilcpiiblicuu cai tcns n few

jotirtnii clerk.l ' of I'nlnT

Cross of I'niini.S. .Merchant

tn ry, 1 Iowa reN. Tyler, t'llidlierlninl; lissish'uit MVVItary,*I*ivis T. Stevens. L'UJIO Slny; siIK'nlsor of bills, Isanc II. I'lcrson. MorrU; «*,iiM;iiit supervisor of hilts. S.imwl 'L:~(JnHiir~MoiuiiOHtij:",hlll clerk

-Daniel A. Mclnlyro. Krtsex: assist tintbill clerk, .loimtlmn D. WntKon. iTuniden; per^iiint at urrasT^Iiiiuen O. Norrin, Mem-r; aHulsljint Kci-^eaut ut uvmsEJivu'ni 0. StmuKhten, IturihiKlon.- _

PfMWfii t C'n>Hi« iiiipointoU cpiinn It^, tfeH to 'wiiH~"u|M>u th'(*'"K<»veniorJ"iiynl-tho-hoitj*. (Governor Murjdiy upon 1llflrntlnn fmn^ Jpo ' i-oinmlftoo senf in

Mr. Itiideniihe have In* i

tittle IIKIOW Hie eve.

'd («• Mdpps UnitiirrmttM. -which

advice Ilie. Inickntaii folI<Ave»l. A" l)ffor 1'itlice Heml<p)nrler-<. l'lm»l-

bit third and limtuiiuuiil incssiKjc. TlutUndlns committee's iVorc luuncil hvtb« president.

Presiiient CroMH annonnceil the np(•ointment of .lohti W. Clift. of Summita« bin nrivate tiecretary.

The bouse orgnnlxca ot tlie-Btmiptim*. Thb members wor#.nmnninneil tothtlr -dratar-hy Clerk Jninw I'nrkcr.Tbo roll wan then ctilleiK- Stamllnc ^their HcvkK wlth.npriiJKtil hands, theoath was'ndnilnlKteretl to theof "the hnime. • • • " •'

After UIIK c«'i-«'iinniy nil theforward niul xh^neil their nanies

'tottie luiivhuivut. JohnBoyiLAvis was

- plau'&e wus eworteid to hl« cbtilr. In a•hort nddretn he urged promptness InIfgUlatlve work ami nutllnml generallythi work or the BPK«Ion. . _•••___

The following officer* w tre iheiLjtho-Ma to complete the organization: Clerk,

|—Jnnw Parker, Pttswalc; asmiHtant ck-rU.J.Uptoa.T£, Jeffrey**,-Oamdpn; Journal

l k£ y , ; J

tlirk, Robert- STTerhune^KsBexrt<ftiit at i i tiJBJtt At<ftiit at araii,i

Atlan-, K _ J B J ; ,tic; Brit asKlKtant. Mrgettnt at anna.

-WUliatn 8. D^r, Mlddleaex; supervlHor; •Ttilli, <j«orte A. Grorer, Buftx;-bl1i'

«ltrk, Edward F. Tottcn, Morris; auinl-t b•nt bill clerk, Frederick W.

JIaloa.- • . • • . . : ' • ' • ' • •.

Governor Murphy then jwnt In hisby bis prlTate secretary, A. X.

Wbeu tbegovernor^a me*bad been Weired and the stand'

committees In each house namedlt«Iihjtnre adjonrned to meet next

night; - . - . • " 'Xirfhr'i Mtuag*.

Trenton, X. j . , j - u . 10,-The third•nd lnst imnual message of GovernorFnmklln Murphywaa-dolivered-to-thc-"PHUture. i t la in part as follows:^Jje flnnnl-ial jiroKpcrtty of the stato bus

»l In rwent year* that theixIruordinary tltitb\ir*emi*nti«

-.„--. relatively largo, but notwllh-unm'• I11 R J h I " t h e "urplua has IncreamlIt ,1 ir** T*ached * h e " u m ° ' t3.0M.0W.":"rany be that irow1 and. tnen"a year williT^ . .5" t l l e expenditures ot'lhc atnte,!* rr,".vl(1«I *y th« legislature, .will cx-«"u me incomn • fpntn *>i> Btmttt for that

no m

wick remarked' that he w.tuld '•stayriffht here,'-1 whieli IM-— Inl, und .whenOflicers McNiiiniirji mid Kelley arrivedlie iifcompHiiied them without In-itatioii or rtr^ulnetit. •

(Jhndwiek^vat [niitiediiitely l-iken In-fore .liiHtice "•Ilieks. win*, lifter hearingtlie evidence of Mi>p[M ;Onl Mr. ltad>-aii.

Chadw.iok'did nol: deiry

~ Chn«lwick cheerfully paid" ilie "lineund went home, lint before doing so,told Hopjw that he;-worth! payrnnynieiltcal 'clmnfen he_incurred,

by IIIH lieiiiK nnahle to attendtn'tlfn n*nn| vmiitfon at t1i<*~Hbttioii. '-

Justice Ilicka ijiieHtioneil-CliH«lwickn i trt \yl»Y IIM «ttpn-lr p^tijij t.t «'hl i 'b

the former fimtliall-hem aimwiered thathe "did not know .why." It in Hnp-po*»ed tlmt CliHdwick huil bad diftlcnltyIn K«ttinK hackinvn to drive hint home,as they will unmet hue* plead u previniineiiKiiKetnent to emiipea perstt»teiit JWR-Bender. — .

?yjl speciticiitio'lis hud Iteeil tiled.

Thi» Hiinniil rejHjrt of- lle.iilth Ofticer

Mi'Mane presented in detail the unin-IMM of- f»iii|>liiintr*. inve»itii(Hte<l nnd

.tniis'incfs ulmteit, utid showed, tlifit at

present there, was not n single Vime of

coiitiigioiisiliHeiiMf reportwl. Tiie ofhVer

suifgested that the IJn.-inl reeoniiiieild

some iirtion" towHnl thetrit\*H n—'ii.niiiig

the work of c.ilIei-liiHi imd ilt-po-jil irf

if. itho rernmuiendeil Mint the

-4«iildini:s IV funit^ntt'd unce n

An ani>'i>>li)ieiit Ji!__tlie Mwas pasieil on seroml ntn'1 third rending,mid (he ' >ecr.'lnry was instructed inregtinl to -a permit for ftiJarging a private -ewer on \Yoo>]lund nvenne.

The bomls of tin- several masterpiillnbers were accepted.-

Mr Wiilhiee culletl attention to tliecondition of tenement lionseson Aubreyftreet. which he Imd' iierHcmallj* ex-umiiifd. Tlie health ollicer stated tlmthe had endeavored to induce" (lieowner1'lo renutly. the condition, butwit lion t resnit. Mr. Wallace offered autotfou tonen'e tiotict* on the owner toniakt* the t*hnnjre* dPimindM v:ithluforty^eight honrs ttr-the hodeclared nntetnintable-iind


VJ4iihary 9antiivemary Snnday of theWatch for further HnuoitULVinentA ofthe Kiiniversarr-aerVlw, wbit'lt-wlllhwhifn thttBrtptlut chnivh thin year.

, W. H. Wonen. the Awretary of theIloyn' Department at Newark, wilttfpeffk nt the BoytiUJwu Mtjetin^ to-morrow afternoon,' at '£. l.V . Mr, Woneshas spoken here neventl liiiic** Iwfore,mid ha« iimtjy friendft Hiiit\uir the .Sum-"tnlt boys.'"" Kvery. lx>y over twelve isinvite,!.

A iinniWr of the Iwys -of the juniordepartment of.the. .Mndisnn anm>ciationwill vi-iit.the Summit HH^H-lHtion "this

at_which tin|M_ a «nme ofwill beplityed between teanm

nf-the-tw«-HM»*ociHttrtn*.- Our Iwiys-Wfre"lienten nt. Mad!flOtl Inst-Sa'tlirdny: mid'itLiuUirestiu«-gujitt!4s-»*x|»w^«l-^ ^ —

The next tiiree . Sunday-' ftfteriuKni.ineetin^H will be adtlresseil by the IIKMIpttsfors jisfollo\vs: ' jHiimiry l->. Rev.Jliiiot (,'. >Iorgnu; ilniinnry.'J*J, "Kev. W.Wiirrrn Uilen:' .btmiHrv *J1». Rev. A. H.Tultle. IX.D-. The. Hiibjccl of Rev Mr.Morgtut's address tomorrovy iifternoouwill 'be "Kept- for .leitiis Christ,"" Theiiieftint: will rbe nt -1 '.'o. HIII] nil nieii mvrordiiiTly'invited. . —.„.

Paperand Postak.

AronntMhe-Hb'nirj-tabliMu- t he evening anjon* can do their

own developing Hiid printingwith a •

Kodak—Developing—Ma-chine and VeI6xt

the "aftersnnpe-r paper:'*

Ask for A Vclox Manual.

Kod.lk Supplies. 'Souvenir rostatftI'iolnre KnnneH— Schultz,


11 Mvi-j>: SiftKnr, .SrM\iir,-N.-J.'

Doings Among the Lovers of Win-ter Pastimes and Recreation


Summh Hlyn-Scfaool Pefcatcd .Easf Or-

an'ffc ai£h at Basketball Bow ling-

—Hockey- Baseball

A "Rough House •• (iamc.


Th Comedy On'Iit-Slni. "th«third entertainment in the Star Course,will (titettain in A—*ui'i;itlini Mall onTiie?-day e v n i n g •coming. Thiw ii>in-|itiny WHS- formed with Ihe idea of giv-

g ii»*w. novel ami thor-pleHsiii^"'- Id ilfe pTarons /ofeiitertainrncnts. • imlividnally-

menihers' -;ire tliorongltJy good

For tlie fonVth time within the histsix 'yean*. \Viilmin Smart's store atShort Hills- was-etitered -by 'burglarsainl his safe blown open some time"'tirly Wcihiesiliiy i^oriiing. Knlnmce

WHI effectetl-hy bivak'ing the jiliiten tlitr f'uirth wimlnw. , .

When tiie 'burglars got ffiHide•m'ere<l"'lhe rntclf nriiiiinl (lie- oiof. tlie MIII'6 ilimr with simp, jiiutapplied nitroglycerine.1 . •

-The safe \VIH iiseil, fur •keeping ai*count btMiks, amt was left uiilockt'ii, Ai) of ice to thai etl'ect, with tin* eoinliiiia-liou, was pasieil upon tlie floor of Un-safe. Evidently the men ,]id nut' !-ei*


and have Jlie faculty of «p-.to nil mtisica] tastes by tlieir

range -of— popular and. cla-ssitful. K. K.. I'a.gley. the baritone

U yeatu with the(lie other

- .wan- fornmoiiM Itustoniiins, and

t are _ei|iiHllyTickets, gmnl tor the three remainingntertainmelits, will he #n\t] nt R<igers'

sthre for^i/J'T" _ J _ — ^ •+• • ' • • - - - - . — - - •

For Limited Franchises.

1L_ The Ni»\v ICngtatiiI"SorietyJ_of Orange,

Fihdtlltf lii!lluUK-in. the safe, tin- liransiicked the. drawers in ' tlie ol>u-i-the back of the ••tort'. HIHI wel:e fijiui

developefl ' -into it- d.liauitt* ".exhibition, the .Summit

1 High .School live, defeated tbv team- oft h e Krttl O n i n g e ' H i g h ' S t ' h o t i l on theY. M . ' C . A. court, lust Satnrdiiy ' a f ter -noon by^ii iM*hrt> (if 20 to 11; '" •.._L.The t irst ' liiilf of the fuijtt^t "WHS.played with nt) uiorr* nJughneHH tlniu istwnil in' ii gaine of biisketbjttl. aild wasvery cIo1"'. mid p r o v e d ' t o ' h e very in-teresting- [o' HH> .spei'tultirs,' iv'liij liM'-iItfic scuts jtrjulilnd in the iivililitM*1 Rpncenhwig the court.

Tliis-hulf euiletl with—tin* -.'•nif'.JI to.HI in fiivnr_UJL* the Kn«t t inniir** boj-*.Trouble seemed | o bt> -i-fiiUul in tin1 iiirwhen the vi-i^iT- !>-r: t.ln- floor for tlieirleu mjii'ilf-' ir-~t._ »•» they- i>-l'n—••! lo

t i n ' 1 » H U I » * l l l ) l i " i s . M . l i . * : i l l l l I . J ( -

r efe iveln*|> "vvajTil "•"-• Kn 'T \\~\ l


| 1 a i l" t

Knnn the ,«torc theceeded to the railinail

biirghii" pro-slniinii, wliete

tin- Suiuioii—I'jtptnin. i•*htinge and _ L'tRiie 'wpip' niul jSt'!\fiihuii, olfel'cree. Tli*- change se

ahle, ar^nmt'nt.iii-*-nt."l t o [ h e

- j tn t in i l s u n i - .

they pried open the iloor lending 1'n.un"; thai the «iinn> wonld-b-the, women ' s wait ing r-mm jo the m e j

tin ticket iiftii-tThey secured ^1 7.V -The p.-iinv weigh- jeijiritf a- the-iir-t.ing machine hi -th'e .'wjutinn nntTu was j In this everybody

ti> in l ic i i tein_g_oi»d-

order iind the lii«t hair rmnid be H K W I I

prove a- iiiii'Vi-tthtii and ex-

broken into und the hut;. <'ont«irihiKfifty eents. wan curried n

""1 t b c1 »where i t 'wasi-nt

on Ihe H r"" n ' l "

open aim" left

w i t h

1i»nenting vote, H iesolntitin-oppoiin^j-wJiicIi—4lw.y-l)Hti~usi*tl w fre left nt the

- Afteruiidliliix. several bilii*by the heal th ofticvr in q n n p t u t h i e case*.the Itoard adjonnie t l .


Injured and Frightened.

Mitw Kathleen Harritt. 31IHH Kli/abetlClmndler, MIM Anna Uacheler nu('

is Itache.ler. of Haiti Summit, -hailnarrow ew*)ii>es from serious injurylast Sunday evening whileon their wayto attend chitrch. in Ihe main portion of

Morris avenue, the. sewer inbeing pnt in, wlie.ii_they_weroovertakeiby a, horse mniiewhat beyoinl' the con-trolof the two men who wen* in the

liTendeavoriug-to get ont ofthe road, (therepoint)Miss Harritt ntUmlilefi over a pileof «tbne«and fen.httud aud otherwise Hnfferiug niimen»n»brnlnert.T~IIach~e!er umitittNl Miss Harristo her feet nu<\ in-iloinpr no sank in modanti water over his nhoe topn. The otheruietultera of the- party encapei] injnry.

!«-«.""•.— >"««r.-but It raunt be remem-,„ r 1 "'^^-tnat-thfrTnirplnriSTir Iitinitih. n . BWHI *»"»• deflcleucy. ami thai IiUUR Xi. a " J I?rlnClpal 8fTVlc« Of n HUT-t»ln* • I V O *°° large a surplus to ro-on f«Vr h U Pu r t l ( :ulor purpose. I hnve

ntR. n l

Bhpuld be' US<H1 TorOf the ntnle, l on^ of

. , . anil I rclttrnto nil Unit? wild on that_MubJoct'and shall have

.„_ In thla monsaRo lt» iimkfillni> r**«»niniondaH»nrt along tliyn**

Taxation * ""~~ : '

IUHU, who were evidently intoxicated,drove the horse down thenteepetubauk:

uient along'the roadidde,_aml althDngfraplug injnry, had their wagon pretty

well sniHshed np. It is said that thereH airabseniw of snfflcietit light and

jtber protection along the www trenchmi] aronnd the piles of atoue and dirtbat evening, and thattoned con Id not, hi addition to'lightened, w* where to,go hence tliejurident. • " •*'.


:, K. J;, Janttttry l:t.--lOitt.KPITOK SUMMIT HKHALO: ' 1

Dear. Sir:—Fleane call tbu. attentionof oar Common Oonneil to the

At the Himnitt election t>f onidi ret-tors of the Summit ltantToii

j day tlip followlnj;. were re-elocted:President, John N_._Al»y; vice |irvsident.Williatn I (nil*. J r . : direrlom, John~N'.May. William Ma IN. J r . WilliHin 11.Kisk. WilliHin 1:. lt«-uwi.-k, .l.tiiii N.

ebi-es for terniM in excess of twenlyHveyt-Hrs. To i»ct the subject before the1^'KistHtnre. Hoards of Triulc nudi i l lHiinilitr civic iiftuochitions in'fjie Statewill be asked f.T pass resolutions re-•juesthi;; Ihe J^egi^liitnre toeinlMMly the

{-jirfnciple of liiniied fnuichiseH in law.The action of the society is. in effect,the Hei|uel of the public agitationwhich compelled the_ OriiiigM Alder-tnen to refuse to

rr J. P- Hmm.

The Kintt NKtLomil

Z. I*«nie»T: yice-pr«mid«n't, J. S. I'M liner:S5. I»«niriK'. .1.

P. learned. William A. ljirne.1: c«*hier.II. Palmer..- ~ " '

\v'ith_ theirdently disjk-, us''th

•ln.i<Tii;id>hllinu, Ulldand chisel along the


1 11 uioiiH-fond on

wreni;h"the oppti

site side'of llie track from the. depot."Tin* police and railroad.detectives »re


tlie l*itbli»*|H*riM>tnal fran-

Service' Corpora-


pcakers_for the V-_?|._C. A- Dinner.-Tim dinner «*oinnijtt«« of onr_Vutin^

OhriRtlnn AsMOciatiou'rliavtf i*e-piired three excellent speaker* for thesixth auunnl lunq'tiet. to lm held at theNew Park HouseFebruary 11, a t '7 o>lo«k.('Aiifield. LUIX. librarian of Columbia

Willinm- M. Kfu^lry, vicepresident nf all jibe'' New York, city' -«1-

aiit] F. -. R. Brpckniaiu-Juchiirge Of the. work among college, meninThiilH, ami connidertMi the. l»e»it. Y.

tbe'coiiutry.three upeaken*. with Hamilton WrightMahle aa toast map ter. will insnre a

nt flnwefwfnlaffair. Tlieominittee,Mcsara. J. R Galhtjcher, A. A. Ahenrand W. S.-Porter, who hare^Uad clmtxeof all the annual drnnem, pronjise thatthis1 year'iifliteaker* will be the Amain of"a»try«ir'«,"aiid Mr. Kelly, proprietor offie New Park Ilou-e. pmutliH^ an ex-

iVJien ~m-. lill-'iiT^n'uisv'riptttjji it istill«-<l nreciseTjTaa "ihn dttctor intuii7IutlLIf we lack "an • in'crntiient, or evcirtficeiact—vanety ofa'riynedy indicated,wt- jjct.4hc'j>«aeily t>r. riMtisc l

d ^

u ylfjjrce, is not Miumted hen.-..The interests of our put run b arci d d f l l

pcart-fully usnaur own; the

interests of Ixitli -of" us dctnaiul thehigli. prade..$«-rvlc«r thai in livdercd.— . -I.....



Adjoining the Snuimit Hunk.* .>*I)MMIT.

Fresh Cut Flowers

White, Pinkj-Red and Amtri-an BrautY_RoK3r SmiUx,

Asparagus Fernit ".Etc., Etc.


SLEIGHS...and Carriages

. . . , OF A|,t. KTYliKX-- T—

F«r talc *r t* m l for Ibc tc«wa.. Al>oallflylcfte(wlit«rcarfiai».

Carriage-Repairing-.,.'.. in MM Its

As•HIIOII us tlje KJUin? i-otniiiein-ed for the—-secoii'l hiflf it liecjiine>ipp)ire[ltHint Ihe .Sniilniit lH>ys Imd - been- but liuiheriuc *"'up in the former Inilf mid lni'1

of l)\f btsi.an i

They immediately Ire^uutrnek itip] if vr;\n l'"t

f«v_ -seirondM before-1 litty -httd evened npth»- wore mul on top of this commenced

h no f'lHt thiit tlm visitornatnl xuifry, and fM iuml to

fet«l thiitihey w«ry destined to lone, themHli'li. The thought of defeat no ex-HMpenile*Hheni tlmt thry h^i tn " rnni;hhotiHH ''' tuciicM, thiukiiiK that an the.Summit hoy* wer>» eonsiderably lightertluui they, they inl^lit wear theiu-uutand tlnin Hiuttt'h' victory, from detent.In thitt they wen* mfottabiui, «H thehonm

not only held their _owu bnt^vi-ntthem one better and i>nuie out of every,

b - n i M werefildivi(!nnrtiutiraliorit lh« middle of tlie

of both tenunMwemwl to bet tiKjth and nail and tb* ball forgott«» ——

At thU jnnctare. Pbynical Director '-: —beeii^abiwiit, eatni?~'"~

olT"tb«~c(in'rt-'"Ruil after a" glance >t. _ •'.', orderedJjotlf teanm

from the HelttTcnPTOTr asw w«pa,ratt»d. Mr. 5!flKl6y_—

Miyn'tbaT~b'ii wonldnot have allowedto j ioa i (ar-ait it did'iiad IIH ~

wen in tbe roort earlier.We bare been importnned to " nuut"

tlm.Eant OraoKO boyw for their oomlnct. .in the game, bnt thin vui_ara not fn .clined-todafartber than to say that webiive liot men, In a long tline,' a«i rongli

1i»: gHine M -they, played, .especially-;among aniateurii, and thAt In oar jadff* .ment, and we always'try-UI ll I


How Does He Do It?

of oar Comm{ug annoyances, which are very con-stant, and should he reiue*lied by law,since private pn»lKst« nre.of no.availwhatever.'

First: A unmber >if lim-kineu. lmtbpublic, and private, fmineutly d

th o i n p * «t l>otb thpnpon the

d poit;

f m i l y«t l>otb the depot

lli fnpon the a p pand poiit; ottice. thus compelling foot

to. wade thronr{li the anon*i l l i t

I * n«4it thr ear-P


tell,.,,, \HKai'"

that tho propiTlyr n | " " l l l > w 4 l < - h o t t»*arlnic 1m full

in lo-a1nnt! PI«>»ni«i ut tbf t 1nt

" I ( R l ' I f t U l « « wwnmiiwlon tobj or the taxation of nil

-Thin coinmlaalon husfor Ihe purr*""*1 " '

- of. all himla'uiwl will

iront!nn«Von Second

or mud in the Htreetrf,had to do several timeH of IHI*.

Second: When, the, laiMrers tore' up'Snuimit avenue hi order to lay some.p|pe»,_tbey left the crossitig at tbesontb, -aide 151 Snniiii?ratifH4jirinK(leh:lttvenne»; in- « ' wretched ;-condition^ground' most uneven, and fiton***, Iwtblarge nnd HIIIKII. which, hnrttthe feetandent the shoes whenever a '•• -and rnt the show eIs Attempted by.nriyone. ("anaot tbft»

yiHVj* IwjVinnvwir Sri hfllp a.Sri help aCITIZEN*.

the \Vanl ads. for

: .To1 Abolish SprinsrElectionsA measure, which concern«

and in to,l»e fntnxlnced in thef.eKiflI»itnre this winter, providliu; .forthe Hlfolition of spring elections, thuslilttklliK nil. elet*tinn>* in »*very iiniuicIpaHty, or divifllon of eon 11 tit-*-eonIM inN'oyemWr. It will 1»« arune<l for thenieusure tliHi it \H In line with economy,that-the-expense of holding tffn^el^c^tiotirt in on? year in _the_tuwiitfhip«* isnnjii«tly^burdenHoiin)^—Tim-cities nowpny-bnL_oiie.election bill a yenr, while

be no sprioj? election in Marcli-the Hprln f election^ wonid result

in .fucnthbentM of townnhip ofticeo hold-injfover , nntH their" miece««on*' wereelected in the fill), and an it in a niatt«rf lfor townflbluAainl bprflngbs they nhonldhe given doe oonsideratioti in the mat

- i t*r In-forp its adoption/

Whv H.'iirv, w l l u'l i icvcli

ryrU* witli Hartford t i ivs and host

tion for . . ' .- j ,_

Wliy, lit' is IL U>tfi. ' . - .

, ^io. In* would ratltrr lunkt' li*ss und Imv

T-rn. IJOMH worry and uo dodgihg in i t l i c Ktivft wltmi li

t\u-u\ coming. ..H,ut.with tlm ]>roHt'iit incifiiri*' in tin- price o


th« jirifp on ltin hie vide to JJ' O.OO in the

IIOCH not'wjint to do HO if 1M» can li^lp it.

ptUI toall. It wiKtthefrtnltof thflvisitorathat th«eleinent of ronKbneAs was in-ntiltei! into the <!onte*t The liOfrnp.Kt'MMIT I l l l f l l . . K OIUNOKHIGH.

. . . . . . . . Fondaright 'forward,

^ . ..'.Meeker, ' " left fdrwtinl: "

Demi Whfitnryce.ntn*


left K»nrd.Wyman

T o t c y .I. liwt Orange— Fonda 2, Wbln

ery 1, Wyjimn 1. From fouls: Snmmit—I I l y 4. East Oranjre—AVywa'u It.Score at end of Hrwt luilf—BiMt Oranj(t*It. Snuimit 10. Filial Score-Summit!iO, .Eiwt Ortinjfct* 11. Itefereo and nut.pirc- -Ijiltnt*. Htiininit: SteVetHM«i. Kn«t

The Y. M ( ' .A. live will hitve, aw_o|i-.|K>neiits on Tlmrmlay evening, theHtrong rive df Co. K. Kiftli lie..Moutcluir. The noIifierlwyH areplayers, nnd the. giime will undoubtedlyprove a t jiiterestiiitf as uny \Vblch havebeen pluyetl on the_Y. M. <'.' AMI far this Reason.

I^ist Saturday afternoon.'Director Mnrci v took the Summit Y, '.M. *'. A. Jruilom to Afiidinou on a strun- -rule, and while'in tlmt town the junior

team engaged in n


Page 2: t Schultz,


TIE STA1E UOSUTORE(ContiaaeA from First Page.)

.political _t»artl«Jn^th*1r pint forma havedemurd*4 a rhanc*. and fn my opinionIh* IrcUIalur* »lll he drt-cllrtinlt* dutyIf iriUmrG«tI»«>rloualy.caniil4>r th* prr«-rnt tlttmtlon ami a'rl npo»t K. Important.Interest* »r«- Involved, liopirvt-r. an'l muntnot fr- OYfflylc-l. «rw" th* flrut iimy of

slh« •tali'., Thf * t « t » r< vi*nu<-, far whichthe mortT nhnuAlty raflrtd from rall-

tf |jrnjM ft^,_ Inrluillns th" clmr-trr^l rlehtM of ili*~ rjillroini* tl"n*tn<«»'lvr'».•nd tti*-' bunl»n« of Ih*1 niun!«*h;i«lltle»mum oil lw k'-in in mlml. In my nplulonriot hint -»hottl<! 1H-- ilnne- which will »)«-<(•«•»•«• th*« r^v^ii'it*—tunr TM-rlvM •!»>• Iti*

. utat* from thl«' cotirc; or tllV»rl nny ofthat rcvpmn* In tlic local munU-liwlltirn.

t.-ik<n In titi*. frrimlnxl-lailon Ihfit Id" r*-

Care ntM* tlioiiM !«•of any<iulrrtn«*r>l<f <»f tlir «ot»i«( lint Ion nr" oh-

i\t> (MX r;iitn>Hi"

In ritaflliiK-iirep«Tty tliai willtkmal m*m1;tt«i« wyou allv

ttal tppropriatloaa for UM pnreH«M ofiratlnvjiuuhliMs, which bar* be«n «qulta-biy dbtrftwted tbrouchout tb« «t*te,Th«M machlnoi ctv*^ a* a. rule, excellentaatUfaction, llem-and.there, am ls-to be•xpoctod. Nm< UtUfl criticismhot-notic h i t e Alacea over the-old-form of-ballot-are-«o-great that 1 hope the policy of the aUte Inthis reipect wilt be continued until everypolling district 1* provided with a machine,.

Inervat* In School Fund Appropriation.

ptrurllonprison.' JIn th* «Ji!< th* a<POFM r>i

I nin t"iir*\ moketo ihl- r*-';ittnv of ilu.1 nuti><t., ' State'* Priton. • . —*1;itur**-:tl . l tx ' «« t BfXHlfiti m>-

t b r m i m (if tiVM*1" f o r th<* r m i -«.f a n inMHInii t<i X\f Mull-**

r#> t*_ln«ufTl«'I'-iit r>n.m wl j l t*for th.

"from a. linmclarpoiMiiot viaconsideration ot tliclwit UM to nxikc ofthe surplus Income. I hold tho opinionthat tho mrpina In the hnn«l»«f the rren*--urec la I "a Inn:*'. In a<Mlilon to certain 'needed iext**ii!il|'ii.f mid rnlarsrraenta -ofth* puhllc iimiltudonB tho state Ha* e*-Inlillnhiit ti. i«>tlry of mulclns an *p(H"uprl-_atlon of 5 p<-r rvnt of !»•• amount of then^ho/il • tns t«» lt« vnrlnuH municipal I lies. I .ntn of tt:«"iipinloK that ' th<; 'prwiit con-didoii of bur lUmiio-H Jiimiilett'lni-rva*lnf(thf upi>?o|ir)iit|fni rur thU purpose-to-J«-piT cent of r~J- tola I anmunt of the taic;.aud I rarln-mly *•*imme n d~~niTa~~itul;~~~**io'ito the cunidde ration of the leglslutur.

i A Constitutional Convention. -It Ii now more-limn nlxty years

1 lh«re lins ln-en ii constitutional ctmvtn-' lion In Hit* Mnhv Amendments were iniiilc

hy".vote of tin- people upon reeommfndti-tinn of II <-oiTinilfM|i»ti In 1v -, «ii<nnvm I<;K-Inlatlvc W'JfoIiitll'iii'ln . 1WT. 'Attempt* I'mveliot'ii uiadt> to eftWt other tlianK<'» fromtime to tlnif. lull h:iVf fulled. A•n-prt'-

ber, died toon after tbe election. Withtb«M death* tbe bouse contain* forty-flre' Republicans and thirteen :J>ento*«mts. Tim --death--of Auembl/mairDyckerrle^YfirHtBwwc connty now with

'Tlie two death* nmnnic the nwembly-meu cunt u RIOOIII on tlie

year—fourteen UfimMlcnii* nmlDemocrat*. Tlir limtKe. IIIIN luutle a de-ctded K«'H In-Kepnli'lruti member* overtliebotwe of liint winter,

Tlio legMiilloii nf the terni will 1H> ln-

ilitii'm i« inI:it.-K that thfbo coiJiK^tfd V, 111)

r.A tiinn"!.1 ll w»* <vl-

Im.lH on lli<" lunil nwn-M.itc fiiljolnluc tb<v pr»-Hi;nt

The - prison. nan I>feiiov-rriTOw<I«tl • fyr__*ome. time.. nnil It w;wthin fact that Imlureil th« Irjjljtlnlnre toprovide fur Its nlanrfmpnt, hul whenthe- l>oanl of pri^mi lli*ii*etnr* riinir to


PHMIII ».n.l-„,.„„,,lv,, iKMly

the malt; prlwn li-ilcnirjr-ZtkcjJiitrntiliiivr thf n>|(tit!<in

"nl t.y tin*prUon. jini|«*Tty.

rylrj- out th* ai lrY* of .t w*.iinaiiinnMi»Iy to tti''. e y t t [

the. objectlonil' t" the r*>n."ti iirtliut of the•wlnir connerliil liy-'n tiitirn-l uvrc !"rrous r.n i*> m.-«k«- It 1n:nlvl- il.!<*'n>. i f it I*- t»i<; w!*ii'..r iit.- fim i d t<* «'••• i>r.<>i>f fi<<'11l'l<-< fii> tli.- ^Itel i n w ih i -u | . I» i l l( N . . | n i n \ X'iilKHi''nt, H<V'«-n a r ) 1 !•• •!•. »!•• ; \ l i1n . i i t "id". iiiiiHirni-llMii "otn I*tnn<-1. . T h i n ••>nl<t t > fi.Stie b y Cikt i i ct h » |>n>tiiMl i " T i " n | i l « l (•>• t h e nrniftrynn<l . tmlMlt iK _ii- t i ' w .it-*ti.irv e l w w l i f r c .TVliH»* t i l l * !•';«ri ttt.rilit i..I«l c r e a l l y In l h «

ItistMuiInn ntCi*t«t. T in


y ••'H 1* <WTI-I'I'<1. an«1 n Inrsf nr** m :irt'-r»-«l hi tli. ™-nrrl«litr?<. N

mm*»llat«* i-nlnrf;1 ni"'"l I* urcenl .


State Homes.The S'uie H-mi. I'm I^i\n id .litiiU

continues to .1.. ltn -xi: llt-iit -witrk.ern »n • <le\nie«l. iimt ll liiimlyto thflr * Im* miiiiUK''in'-i>t <li:tt Itf

HK :• ri'fornuitury oiiitliim-n. Tli*boys are e<liir:it«-<l; t l iey nre_1;niKiit ntrade; they live a wtutlOHimo Iff*1 In th«country.-an<l-nio*t- of- tli*>m-Brnw- it)> to

i_rred!UM- elilzentililp. Hut IIIIH luitlln-lion, like wiine oilierw." In ovrrcrowtled,and tli* rmiMnu-tldii of iin inMlllonnifamily bclMJuic Is ree.1***!. - . , ._

In addition ti> the three Institution* 1harr menlltme.!. thr Slate Home Y*or <!lrl*should mil 1»- nmltteil In any st:itrmeiitof the «-x«^I|enl work tlu« «tate N doingIn Itft redinniitory IiiHtUntlini.', This par^iletilar In^titolton liaM.lx-eh tlie'fiilij«t't o[

' • criticism In the |MH( luiitime of (inn-plainti of Inemrft-nt-y |not to »»e n lmr«heiterm) of the ra:iimeeineiit. Under n for-mer •uprr!nlc'-«leiii_£lutrRe* *'•*•*. nwdtand Invent[*»'••»!. mxl tli* mUnaRemeitt-Qn-

. parently wax »II'>|MIII>-<I. lint so ninny re-. _ _ port*«uo*rto me of the .fitiliirn to nrmm1

i l h• pn«ti f u r the hom

tlMt I felt It linjK>rt*rit tTiiita chanc*) «hoiiM t>e nui.li> in the tnan.iRe-n u t . Thl> I 'n«ni'«<*«l«-«l;lii Hrroni|>ll»lihmdurfns the pitKt year, •iii't Die remiltM oftbm work under th* cure of the preiw^il•uperlateitdent half, I tlilnh. entlrt-ly-Jitu--tlfled the action taken.

Another elan*, of InstliyMonF" are th«sreat hojtpltat* ul Morrti l*lalns mul "HtTrenton, the »(.ll.|>tU- yllUsv nl Hkllimnnand th?. Home r» r Feeble Mlmled \Voinenand Children at Vlnelami. Tliene Instl-lutlotui reprei«eiil Ihe rlinrlllea of the•tote to the nn-iitJ*lly afflicted. The In-mate* appeal to all for evmpnthy and foi•upport. ' To maintain them In efficient

^rondlllon Is -clearly our duly. an«l I hopethat the time nil) Tiev*r come In thin statewhen 'money .expanded ' for their mipportwill be •beeni'lR'"! liy the people. ~~~~

Very tnueh. In tlie n;mn- c1;mn Is the newInatltt^tton nt <:i^n raplner. authprlxedby Ihe laWt—Ufiiet^uire wml now' underronstrurtlon. for tlie oonwumptivo poor.'

__•__ thla 'place' for tin* lo eiill your, attentionto a feellnjr-tbwt w m * to, find *ome ex-

•:~~ preaskm In th* *Kt«- that thfin* • vtrrloitf™—rtnTltaMe—anti reforfhainry tnxtlttitlonj.

' are co»tln«-lao_miieh moiwy ami that lha~—- 1«gUla(ur*ihiirt cait - ji"halt-a5 tn'fuitlier

appropriation. 1 wirnrt*l1>rb>g-«f you notto let this-M*a"m*fll* liuxaur niliii1wT~The^ip^nin*n of tli« ?tnt* for-imrpo««i"wf-tWs

\Mn«l"h«vr «reatl\**-lncr«t»«". It (" t rue ,r'tnit thr powi|aTT~iii fit \\\r Itntf "IIHH In-

trf^iMxi ultKi; and-thr n-l.iUvc perepnlnga—>f-co«t **• riO nwri' no»- thun

t>•"y«ar»_iurO-^th"n ilic «tat«* had _tilatlnn .The mrc of_jli£ poor, thr

lf«a ana th^'in-iiij*U>* »(T!U;lct]. !s. u dutywe cannot avoid an>| Mhoiilil not uttonipttO ulllrk. anit"~r Jinitf' lln»' <li«y. wilt ' IH-ViTCAoie wlini llif l«-t;i>l:iliin> of thinthe p* Ofiic of ttlln.xta k rare of Ili>- rl.i

people, with

tloii&l liiw'

y to "thf people dlon*'. hwn notIhe-wbnb- subject of coimWtu-ilriei'. I.HI). lu that p*!rli»l the

| p I I M S — n i u l t l | » l l e < l — n e w r l y — - llve-tlincn, tbe rvliitlotiH of the ntat« ftoyiTn-metit—to the fcli nil Kovernnwnt anil .tothe cltUeiV have. chanBei], buslneK!* 'con-dition* have Iteen revolutionised, t e n lmetho<lH nre.no l<>iiK<T tbe name, taxationla (n-enter nnd more varied In nppll'-:itlonand the Male n* our fathers kiu-w It liaii'altered In. all .respect*. It 1H 'my' belief1

that the tlrtie lias arrived-when V repre-sentatlve coiintltutlonnl convention shouldbe mimnioneil lo clvi'_ the'people thn~op-

N h i f ' d l I

opinions of tin* new unvcrimr. AH Uformer liieiiiht-r of Intli IIOIIHC uml itcn-ate lie 1M fitmiliar wllli tbe ilrtullft oftlie luwniiikhii:_i>riHTMM. He linn de-larod-llmt lie i« <letoruiliu^l .to keepxpenspfi of tin* Ntato down to' tbe mln-

I Imtini. (loveninr Ktoken will make Itplain In lilx liuiiieiinTl.nddrcfift and Inhis Biitmeqiient niefisjiyes to tbe leffiw!tnre JiiHt wlmt lie <lc*lrea stiall IK? done.

The plun» Tor the Itiiiiignratlon nextTupsduy will lie oomi'lcted hi n fewday«. It \H at prenrnt underntool tliatthe irt»hai-of the po\-ernor plwf willb« complied with, nnd only a stuhll mll-Itin*y~illi»play will be.paet.of tbe cere-

Tbe Trenton battalion of tlirrBT"iflnI~"iin(l tli(r~Ks8PX troop

will likely lie tbe Only mllilnry orpnnl-MitIons participating, altliougii therewill be thousand* of ch'lllims In line.

• lo rcvi'i- their fun'dumcntul law.

"• , • , ' , Div«r«ion"Df^ Wafers . •I r <Mi1i>)''ii'1 th:tt inrnmircfj Iw tilK^n to

prevfrnt th*1 il|vr^li»ri «f thv wtit^r* of thinUtiitc ti» filh<Tft:iti'H for diinx-xlU' «'U>1>ly.I V.' 'iM xiilCKi-Ht 'tlrlo Ilmt.U limit Hliolllcl'bt pliKf^l iijmn tlif> rliihif* «f both prlvitt«nml miinlclniil rorpomitonx j o cxh.iinit,tlio flow "iif rlvc"rn. Tho fr>l»h""\vtit«T Howof the 1'iiMwtlf rlv<T l« Inlriff rnphlly « «huiinifilj rtti'l IL lilnturlr Htri'iLiii,' l>«'(Ui-llful. impftil uml tH-i-vuKury to th" wt'tfiireof great ctunmunition. IN twIiiR ilexIroyM.I iim tnfortnM that It In now propowd towl | tli* I'iidMdli-'H Wiit«'r« to ii timii ortowii*< mi Htnti*n Iwlunil, Now Yurk." .*Tomiil ihlo 'HVcrftiHi, tir^lhut 'ulrcmly mmlewould br futul tn tin- r l v r an<l f« uKulnntoitnnd pul'lle p*»llcy. . ,

T~~ Automobilo*.If the number "f in-jJil<-ntii from rffkl<-«»

nutomoMIc drlvlns nnil«l !»*» t-olleetfil, tlieirnumlx-r Mould IK: npiMiiiinR, ami I thinkIt In Hot Ri'htK t<MI f»r to nay Hint, hciw-vvr alhirhm ami liil*Tr*»tlnu n H)Mtrt may\u\ no onf IHIH ii rltfht tojiursm1 It ut theotMt of p"rniiiin-iir itr frTtiit'lnJtiry U* oth-'*>r-«. .1 Jitn hifornifil by those who »r*>•I'litlinfl. ln'Uiiow Unit If Hie law w«»r«"fully obiM'rvi'd mill no min-hliii' WHH overrun ut ,i."i*jM»e»i m i-'x«.•«•»! twi-iity mU'M an.lioiir nl leant «t l^r i t-nt rtt nil the pn*nent.iicrliU'iitf* woulil If n\ulilc(]. Ii m-i-tnw to,mo. iliprefure, to 1"* I'h-urly the tlnty of thetci;I*liitiirc to provlili* for the utrlct rn-ftjrccnifiit of tho law. which limits theM|K d to twenty mlU-n nn.hmir. ——-*'

Fortunately thin can hr done withoutthe 'ulla-htent illlfleulty. When the pr/-nt-nthiw wan pawned 1 HIIRUI-HI^I lliHt lli>' iffa-<-hlnoa ahould tn',-T4o trarcd that II wouldforirnpossible- that-thr »ncfd numtil couldhn PXC^H]<H1. At that time I wan Inform-ed that the'power noceiwnry to cmine amachine lo aVend the urudc* on ourntt-epeit Toads wan.auch AN wouldcaunetht-m to makf a much hlsher xpe*d onthe levfl. but Improvements have beenmmlc no thai a machine can be geared toattain a i>'ie«il not tn'exceed twenty mile*an liour-aml-»iilll have a r w n - » powerwhich will tak*> It tip the ntr*nest Erode,( earnfxtly ninmmi'iid, thoroforo. In theInt^rent at a rrlKhtt-neil and nufferlnic ha-man11y. that iln- pren^nt law be so mod-ified- that no iimchfni' Khali 1»' permlttnlon the rojiJit of thin mate unlrn* it nhnlllx> ccartil no a* lo make u n|><-<tl htj;ticrthnn-tm-euty-'-milew nn hour liiipunniDle.

—The pr»'W**nt law rwiuliv* a lleenpe of t lto operaf>' anniitntmilillf In thr Male, nnd,liaVinB onci* p»l<l the dollur. th>a prlvllctjacontinue!" IndHlniteljY Tho piunber of II-cen«o?« Ifstnil'itinmniiM t<i «ver 7.000,-—— r.

I thliiU.utli-i-nsi- fre o't"f> ti year can Wolitilltif*! wllhosit ferfouit oliJrrlUiii.raiid^I

qui r t (hl« anil that It he provided that"th* mini oliin'ini-d fn>m the sale of !lcpfise»'toaUtnnioUniKt»',__whtrh mayeaNlly rench-ttpwitrdof tai.oiN) per. annum. _HII.I1T~1H' <ix-,pctiiI*Ml <)i)-thu linprttveineiit- of-the tx>adi»of the Klnte UIHIT the, supervision of the

roudn. , ' ' . - •y J ^ ^ _

thin I?" juiilialily my last oommtmioitlonto yTFi. Mv nuccei'sor, fully QiiaFlfle<n)yliinp:::tn#,tciaM«ni-wHh- thfRovernmetjl -of*h- "tati*, b r i n e t'» tho_ office thf line,.Id«tW-iif lofty- purpoce. - Success attendJlllll,> :> • ' • -


Confimittass Announced—rFsw Changes_j_ In-Chairmanships. ' ' .

Albnnjv-N. Y., Jan. VL—Both housesof the Ic£[»lature ni^mvAVctriit H tOo'clock' itiMt 11 fallt, -lii'anl tlig. lint of^•ommltte^ and minor a|iiH>lntnientH,rrcolved n few bill* and luljutirneil till1*II n. m. today. — • -

-Thereare <!Oiu)i;trutfve!y fewIn the cbnlnuuiiHhl|i?4 of tbe com 111 (t-Ir-cH unnotiiKtHl, iuot*t,of the eutiirrr.onof lu»t yeur'rf JinjM»rtaut commit I t*cs

returned this year, but the feware Iiui*»ortiint.

- la tlie ROiuite tM-nntor I *»vJ« of Itocb-e«tor succeexls ( i w n of IMnKlininton011 taxation and retrriirhmentx. "\Vnr-nlck of—Jlontcoinery rrpluccs IAHTISon public ctliiciitloii. Ambler of Cohuu-blu beadn Marshall of Itt'ooklyu on lu-Hurnnce, Alld* of (.'liethmgo SIKHXMMISK. It. Ilrown on foreHtH. tlxh nnd pimp;<.'«rnc"l<*r 'rtiufwtlx McKwiui of Al-bany on village* rind .MvKwnn beadstile .prltitliitf t-oiuinlttec In platv ofSherwo<Ml. Hrowti «f <I|KOS» mtif«NilHAmbler on tiKi'lriiltnre. Stevens of W'y-

i I'l-inu* tm bankH.^ rhalrinnu »if the reti-

sion eomuUttei>, unit Tnlloy of Sieitlienrej>lnc«*M Stewait 011 iiulillc henltli.

-In tbe nHMembly Wade' of t'liautnti-qna BUMTIHIIK HU-khimm of Corfiand utthe heitd of taxutroiThnd retreiti'linu'itt,CitUlu of Symeu»e xucceedit IUMitxeu ofNew York on 4*oimnen.*e aiid nnvlcn-tlou, WielOoti of CnttaratigiiH HtiocecHlHNy«? of Hi'lmrler on public benltb. Tot-ton of Kint'H mieopetlM I*. 1^ Ihivix ofWurrou on military affulm. Coon ofAlbnny~«H«*ofMT8 flraeff on asrlcuUiire,Allen of Itrooine succeeds lt»bliiKoi)-of

on trades and _miinufac-of.Krle Ktici-oetU.I^imeti of

tlaltiw and Le^sett \*e-clialrnmii-of privlleuen mid elec-

tion* In place of CwtU. of Krte- 'Tbe nwweiiililv rnlvH <aotuuilttce «-on-

thititii_iincliiniuf<l fi-oin l:tMt year.

azaarfull line of Stationery, Con-fectionery, Magazines, Toi-let Articleb, Xfaa&y Boxes for

"J'mrlj1 Ia~i"or8t <stcr.__•"...• ••••.•! •

Agent for Parker Lucky-tlritve Fonntiiin Pen, -prit*-91.'*>0 mid up. ..'..

L. J. COOK,19 Maple Street—Summit, N. J.

GETTING GOOD POULTRYis difficult-' unless you favor us with theorder. What we sell-hnve that-.delido'US-tastc which is only'found in Poultry whichare freshly killcil. .An order.filled by usfur cither ' * ' '

FISH OR POULTRYwill convince you . that inferior goodsnever enter our store.


tlie Best"881 Springfield Ave.



Represents the leading:qreign and American

- insurance Co's.v Office Opposite Depot

York Office;WanhlDRton Life BTd-

141 Broadway.Sommit «*.

Tel. ( N. T. 468SCortUndt.

STOLEN JEWELS FOUND.thi«f Who Robb-d^Clark Estate Taken

With W* Plunder. _ •-. Nim:,V«trk, Jan. -1^.~.^PWOIK val.mM atf iiiniiy of tlii'ii) hvloiiKinK to

riTiin llV?".im«vH of tholit t-'iXiJHil-KHHv"ll.-XrrY-..-llSv*'-lMH»iF

foiititl, -They—liitil tHi'ir-bttrUnl unili'rrock nt Oi'ii1 HiuiiIml-mn1-J'lft»l'lflhh nnil Kl«litb-iivt|ii_iii», JIIHI Willliinf


HILL CITY-BAKEBY,Christmas 1 andNewYearCafces

o i«-x>

iMi1 very-U'\v-»t the li*i:ishi-Mtiiulii.y nl«lit.- tlie i»Vf of

ijr. of tIi** U-ijislutitre, TIMTP

I t * not to (»• con-•i<Icr^l. Tlie duty, iiin-l 'be dojie. wluit-e>-*.-r.the cost. 1 ll-Jnk If tb.-, ni'-nil»;rH. oftlie letrlxlaturc wuij,] tjiko tin- Irnutili- to»l»lt tht*»4 InMUtitlfitiit li'n.V nee Ilu1 nine-

-"nifieent' **i<«k they are il^liyt thf >-. wotitilhave what H i!>Mi1Tll«"Ci tluMr prc«i-utpo|nt of vl-w RTt-atly aireiiKtlieiiii].* Tli.'re'

. uri"- Form' tiil:i^K.rooriI~)ir<'i*louK'than inon-.ey. IM ni*l I n n

. Ilie question ofi

torn h«>nwill, h.-«ital.j_Jlo_! the UIK-IIof It's pwir ami I \vnj< liuQUim 1" nttnirt tin-in 1o the-»-jip-

llol. 'Htlll tlii'ri' 'were* eiioiiizU of tin-intO lUwlls* IlitUSlUL'S.'to

After '('olt'iunii^ was urrtwtcil sunn1"time «p» tnul fri'tVl IK^-JHIHC at » lm-kof evldt'ii'it* ib'lwtivcs ..coutluuiHl totmll him. I'n.lt'iuati unwittingly hvltlit'in lo Ihe t*jM>t .-.wliiTt* tli*1 loot




Insure YourEarning-power.A man insures hisproperty forjts; fujl



yet Hemonly insures hKearning—power--for-only a small fractionof its value. Do you.carry enough- LifeInsurance?

Write for-Information ol Policies. .

The PrudentialINSURANCE-CO.OF AMERICA. Hom« Otfic«, Wewmrk. N. J

as ;i Stiitlc Co'mpany l>y the Stalt* uf New-JvTt*vy. : '_JOHN V. |i|tYI»KS*. ITMltfent! •- ' "WAU «• ft*AICJ>, ** V. Ptw't.| ,mi , |K |t. WAIlI). Vice liMUtout. : .F0UBE8T Fi ItRVUEN.'Sd. V

v ~ -' ' EDWAUI* *JHAY, Secretary-J. T. K KU.V. Ntipt,. 5'tiin nml Centre S'ts.. Tel. 3oi-r, On»itjr*n X. J.

ciini*'ti^iformer yrjirn ilin iil^tit .Itofort* Itir oj»»*u-Uic «hiy U-JIS^IUI- <>r tin* hiiitWwt HICIUM

In Trenton in i l y *Yholi> .veiir. In- iliedays wlifii ih»> tiitt* (.'ciM-iiii St'Wfll ill-

oi"un.r rl.-h-Mill.-, i.t j pnr ty ' ln this s tu l r lie nlways kf|it U|HMI :

lnti-rfrr*' with

enli»n;enn-nt»t^t>. tho CUposi u* as ;

yof the lii-titutkiuH of the

.n.lnrt of wlik-li 1* ItUptiM-'tli ».iiTfi] duty. n—

In b

T h e iiriMJiicr was :irii*st«t nt Illslmiii<\ IiIU-Moniintt^iile (iviimi*, Itv ]itv.

I'iint (JiHUH-y jiinl is iiou- Inthe'.Totiilm-uwjiltlnp. lil« oxii'miiuuloit.•Inspiftor Mi-CUwky mi ls 'Col f i inni iinnld thno «;ni:ik. .His |>Ieiur<* it* I n t l i i '

nllrry. 11 In liHiiril ciiiilulusattiiinitN of 'mtilicrlfM nml tlie

nf •Jii.tcn stuff. •'


J .

Department of Labor. .The l»-*t l»'E'l-t:tfire_ cavp iniifh i-on-lil- j

•ration to,thr ti-il-fun j<f ihv l.tw KHVHII- ,I nc the ili'iurtttx-iit of I.iUn. ~Tli«;"ii;.-~iir"iwhtclrchlMtvn K" tt> work wan r;'ils>*il. tn '.ftmrteen j f a w . »«•! mniiynvide provI'liiiK fctr th*1 »•torj-

' forred.of—t

inieof ll»' i^-tolw. Ulltl IClultTH, IliiIitli'IllllM'lliIll T*trflt*JP~*IIHMI .iiillcil .tin him' t«r \n\y lln-n M>-spft'ti* unit III-I'UHH viirloits legislativematter'*. Tliosr wciv tin1 flji.vx'Jn \V1II<-1MItotli. (inrtlos held iht'lr caiu-iist't . i h e |

• before the - legislative MISMIUII ;.1. mul thin IIMUUMI to Wiii;r n jcrowd of iMtlilMium to tin* «i | | . ]

Unl, Non*. when lluwnm-iiNi^ nn1 lu-lil" l * i a month or more in iiilranci* of t•••- •*« -r,,- j KIOH. there l« llltlt^, tlolim lien> tin tlien» i ove of tin* o|k'iilni;.

' ' i Smalor K M K ' I llraplevllau I'rolxthlrf.ir.iiitmte In t»->it'tn« ihe ' AluouK tin* prhu-liml feiitur^Or the

.f ilij .1.- j loini will lw» tin* hiHUgitrntlnM. »f «!.»-.

i f - f i i i - -

whU-h hli.'^hl «\.'|vl iiUvntlort

Kongo. Mitsionariai Matiacred.-Henin, .Inn. Ii—Atvonliu^ tn private

ailvkvs riH-elved hero fromnmmv* »ti uprlrtltij: of natives ha«furrwl In tin* .Kongo I-'rtv State: Tin-ftK-tiH of tlie tnmhto is lu tiie npiwiniiielu*M «if tlit> Kongo .river,reported, all tinOorwl.

lie. rnh.'i;cially.

u iiiur-iulHiiloniirIt^'riinl"7uI»-

are suld to have miiTenil espe-

partmeni. nml tlw r^nlti* «l Ms IMIIHIII-"j o n m r i.;|,vt StoliCS next wwk tlio; IxtraUun undrr tin* ii<-w luw ni**-tnn-li—(Imlid* ln>p«ct(>n( nrtil lihii


tluitcondition* ihroiiutinut th** «uii'..wi fur.iintliey all M"I t!w «(»r«l I *»••*, li.i\»'" 1HT»in-uily Imjirovnt; tlm^ whit i«. lit 1'iiiiinlly

r iii jointt^>nator'.lolin Kent) .ntitl tin* re-

j plwlloti of Htnlr Treasurer Frank O.| Itrtfii-K uml Sluli* 4'omptroller J: Wll-! lunt MorKUtt. two of the moat hupor-1 tn.nl. ortk-en* of the wtnte "-overwriffni:

llknlly »ect>ti<I'l'i-liiiiM>rtitn<'* to ;iuy- Uw

^,^tTl^^t^ZX'^mmU^. • '"c"1*" Of "ntor Kran. Thr Ilepnh-with powir tn rr«iii«if the cotiitriK-iton ..r ' licann luire far more than the

niJrxi(itlrn[oBl im-M-n

, l*|n , irwoii*bl* miiilrrn•nd air. Fnlm tlil« tlni>'

L khiill IHV 1time withinC | l I n U K ) < > ;

on mi li-nt-

wilt tw n.nmnirltsl In ihr nt-'it"- of

•otiablr qiutniity of fr*«ti nlr for ••*fryli.mat« and «hfr« r.tmUl*-« in.iy live ttii'lrIlvr«

. VetiitgT h * mil*

votw required.norlf.T may put up 1'olonel Kdnhi A.Stevens of Hotiokeii.' but It will I *purely nun i-otuptlinnit to Oilmtet Ste-ven*.•Owing to the'ili-alli of A*«4Miih

Jacknon It. iVt-ker of HitMtex th'tbe ro f I^emocmtM JH «-m tlowu lu the!iOU»eby one. AxHeinliljinnii i^enrx*' II.,Kmlin*e of. I'nlitu. .n KeixilOfiMii mehi-

Lightning Fatal to Eleven.'Kiiiador. Jan. 1^.—While

WHK t>uterluu the.ratbollrnt i.'n.vitinlte. neur tjulto. u tliun-

derwtonu bittke. and tin*, nltur wit*"tnitk by liubtulut;. Kcttinj; lire to tbfrlutreli. A-priest mid elulit other per-•onH >vere mortally wounded. Two out-nlderw were killed'hjr lightning durlm;



EMIL FITTERER,375 Springfield Ave., Summit.


Hardware andHousefurnishinRs.

Flint Elected Senator. In California.^Sacramento, Cal.", Jau. VJ.-'Frnnk P.

^eoirclNtPd/UuItfti 8 to tea -senator tonuccoed Tbowat R. Bard, wbose Yenn«|tlr*8 on March 4,1005.

Daath of a Syracuse Lawytr.X. • V.'r Jan. la.—Jamii*

vliie, a well known lawyer aud nearlytWnty >eani ago a celebrated buae-bnll pltcber.

Heaten*(*"$31o0;Stove Boards, 35c. nnd upward;Stove Pipe, Sheet Zim\ Dump-ers, etc.

Warranted Buck SawH, 80cjh Best VarrantcHl Stfiel AxesIFurnace Scoops luul"" Fire

»7Glnzetl Fireproof Stoneware forcooking purposes, ami fnll line of

. Jvitchen UtensilH., Paints, Oils, White 'Lend, nmlWiudow GlasH,LOADED SHELLS; AMMUNITION.

Builders' Hardware a Specialty.

HIVE~- Sew Jersey'sShopping Centre. NEWARK.

Close f» p«Bi.; Saturdays 10 p. m.


OUK MUSLJXWEAi; comprise ALL the points that ARE^>pOD, HOXEST~~CUT, meaning generous sizen, widths,nnd lengths.- WELL MADE by Bkilled operators. ' BESTCLOTHS; the cambrics, muslinH and longeloths are- the bestlmtndK. EMBROIDEIEIES, AND LAQES are of the best; atone of refinement runs through the entire stock; not gandr-frutthe kind oyery woman of taste-will select. APPEARANCES,perfect, in laundering ami fininh. JSALES; our goods are notmade for sale purposes, nkimped, or gauge<l to sell at_a_price,Lnt all of oar standard make, regularly carried in stock. HOWGOOD: It is not a question of "how cheap" but "how good;"VALUES: The best advertisement we have is our values

p gVALUES: The best advertisement we have, is our, values.COMPARISONS^" We sliduld consider it a fuvor to compareours with other "so-called specials.*' BUSINESS: Our enor-mous businessdone in musliuweiir placeH iin in a positiou toget what others CANNOT reaclt—exceptimml-valnes for littleniouey.- •

79C Petticoat*—CtNKl o.nihri,:. fullflounce, tuclceil, Irininietl with widetorchon. liice, hmidsoinc petticoat,cheap at the regular pricv, at 58c.— Children's 45c to 63c Drawers—.Canton flannel. .. shirred at knre.trimtnrtl with pretty urn!iniitlfry, nizrsi In t'2 year}", at 25c.

*" Petticoat Pointer* , .6Sc pi-tticojit»; rej^ $1 on .9J"c-i>etticoats; reg. Si.^o . . _. \"51.28 |it-tliccxu»; reg. $1.50 & %2.im _

S2.90 iK-ttiltKits; reg. S4.00 • ;

$3 oo.pctticonis; r t ' ^ 45 00 & $6,0^1j i U ; rt*}j. $9.00 ^Sio.oo

S7.9 tT |K; i t ic«a ts ;22L" ,sliori ^ T T44r~!tliiiri [ ; . 59c 5r Gift?*

2Sc'CiinM*tJ»u,'er»;*re{j. 29c & g<:^St: ciirst-t cowru; rej*. 50c X: 691:44c corset c»vcn*: rt-g. 6g«- .6Sc o»r»ct"«-1nvers; rt-g (|Sc37yS9r*yi covers; rt'^.'Si.jO .Si.44 corset covers;' rcg. $2:75

. QlrU'. Children** Drawers.Sizes 1 to 6, 8c . 1Sizes 7 to 10, He-

ll to 14, -14c* \I to 6, 14c ; 1

Si?i* 10 years, 16c •Sizes 11 to 14, 19c \

Ki-g. 19c t<» 29c9 )

Choicest ChemUea.97c cliemise; rejj.~Sl.50 lo S2.o.».$1 90 chemise; p?g. J3.00

2$c <lmwemjngr 39c >44T- drawers; 5 ^ ^ 96Sc_Ura.wen»; rt-ji- qSefc Si.^5 '97c drqwer?; regrSr.5« .V 51.75$1:44 drawerji; rej;. 12;<>O ' .

' d ' 50 & $4^2


. 45t;. 69c

97c night gtuvus;'rt-jp1*! 50 " \/.TJ*L=? n'B'» B«wns; ng, $u6(« to St.75SK44 mj;iit j*tilvri!t;"re({.*$i.75 't»"*3-*Sii.90 nighr g.»wns; rrg. Ji.50 10 $3.75

GO., Newark.MAIL nK'DEiti* ;ot to ?-2i




Summit & Hadison Ice Company,Office KM "Kf^f>"Jw«>d ATOB., Summit; TeL 15b.

Office: Railroad AV ., Madiaon, N. i

Page 3: t Schultz,

AM EXTRA SESSION.President Declares Railroad Rate


-Question Mustby Congress.


Rtvifion Matter Will B« Prcunted, butInterstate Cpawrcm Question la Ro-eanfcd mm Paramount and In >J*td oflmm*diat« L*g<alation—Tim« of

. iny Session Und«cidtd. -

s . * Jan. V2.—the president.Iia* rleaml np tin* tariff atHl extra *v*-t loir sirnatf OHM tiy :IIIU»III:CIIIK to vl*:ij-<TS b'.i"!oicolii>u t o call IID extra *«•?»-»t«n to contidtT-tlie question of nill-Kurt-rat**: Whether tliln *o**loii An t-il-e Iifitf in the *]irfue or fall (ho |»r»-si-.!«-nt did iw»t delluitfly gay. Tlie Itn-I>n-Ks!(m left uii the inludrf of tliitse towhom lie spo te i* I lint It |*rolt;tlily willI*- c-.ilUtl Iu the *l>riug. ."

> The only way In wliUu an extra ipps-t-U'U can be slavi*l off ]M Tor coheres*to pa**, a Kinmg railntnil rate. Mil atl i i ' i S l I L i b d

nill l>e no rxtni m-sxiou. It c;miiot lA*il»n«\however^ without phirtlcuily em-

Ain;: off ilt-taie. Tliere Is ub time1 j*»rWtfiiilnl and tlmnmxli' c<msi<]<>rat:[:iiiof auytbinc lint' appropriation bill-.Tit*' rrjtat*? .NI1I would b v e to IK-"J;|niiintl thrmisir1 to l>e [iiiiiMtl at'tii**'

Perpetual Interest Bearing CertificatesO l -


.Vs to tlie t a tiff, the president's :it»i-tii«le Is Jnst the same as It \v.-is ;iL_tLin.nfereuee In Hie White IIIUM* <»n S;ii-t i n L i y / A l l l i n i »-iHi<Vrvint* tl^>; ]m«

in :iiiv iv:iy. i:tnm HH- lc.• ilii'iu .-it tl;e •t|n-iilii^-4»f-_itlcit I»* ICMI giitln'pi-.i IITTln-;ir ilit-ir vi iws :itnl HOTt»«n. !!«• iii»k__>»vy "liHI

t* <-milV*rt'itnn:«»tln*r-4tf i i fr i i i -c Iii

p:irl in HIP

• President Js Determined.TVe [»r«-'tiM-iii'w«iiM like in l iaie (lie

tnrilT revi^i l . lutt ht*_riiii«;iden* tills aqiit^tiini iiit'iiilrly I*-*-* iitijtoilnnt 1 halttin1 rt-lial'" it:atl«-r. To SjN'alirr 4-\mnoli, who i-;i;i<il uti IIH* prfsiclfnt. .MiIIiNt»eveIt siiil lie was willing t«t h\i \ ithe la riff i i imirr l«» wtixri-s*. It xvi*tw. the proldi-itt said. ivhi<-h the n iM*>*-nt:itires of Hie [MiiftV in the inIlimal If£E*faUire should d<-termini*, litsjilil th.it fifty years fnitn n.nv i:o1»wonlil oare whai the ' IjrifTof_j:«C. wen*. Imi tlial lli«*-iuttinnmen-r 't|iit?>ii<i:i involved aplf- of fmniru«<»-iiii|M»rt:]iiit> lo «>ver.vAnn Tit •an. S<t did the whole tru«t«ju»-;tSiiri_ he said, and hi* w-mlil ligfor that priiii-ipN* with all hi« niluht.

—Ta-llMvnfher-t the |>re*ld<'iit Maid Hitlie tarifT t|tn>sifnii was nu-rt-ly one <>f

wliiili would IN* r*ilve<- " . " * •

irtrlKtu laflwi-i-ii him :n.il «IIIIpress. Tliere vca*. he said, mi ;ptw*ilillitr of any • xenons dift'-n-iiifs \H\-IffH>n liim HIMI aiiti^ri-ss «m thattlon.

The pn**idfnt stilJ await* the n*snltof tlii" |tiill nf-the limtsf* »in the tartfl"

v*lU€-stIt»ii. n liiili wan inade.' it i nowknown, at his rip«iiie<tl It .Isfnotigh.. foni|ilt-t<it for it Co l»e 1that the mill intent'of the house If* *«ver-

i^ly apilnst revision.


German Mine .Strike Spread*.J a n . li.-N«-siriy-i««ijmm:*ti'ilH-

nf "the" \ t «-<t|iHa)ian *ti-itri<* havr-I.". . \ iiHt-lin^, «»f union 'haulers!»• hVld tn di-H*n»i!'«- wl:etlri't' Ti»<

•**-"*|I;I1|"|K» IlUlllt* ««*lHTaI. Till- *!*•l» s;l»-e thf i r preslim* ainoni; tlu

int1.it4-:i«-«-»l llu-ni to t:ike tiii<VThe'(»fi«>r:itorK a t Xenrmle. in tfuuH, dL-trii-f. luive refux-d the <Ie-< «>X •*.'»•_ m-iierw. iiesntintioiw IIHye

njr,.^in*|-tlip s t r ike is in full

ADDITIONAL INTEREST AGREEMENT of FIDELITY TRUST CO.,1 -7^=^ _At-110^and Accrued-Interest* .


Photography In allMU Brjnchc*.

rHt»TOtiKA|-H|i' - IMl . IKs .

Worh Called for Ctwry Day Duriitg th«\ - WciN.

•.Gray's Laundry..


t i n - P t i i m - H i i c J i n i s l i ,.:, S l . i rI ' n l l i t r s a m ! C u l t n . • . , ' ,

t i l i in t l .Tal> | f . . I , i i i i - i i i ; /« , j

3M-382 SprlRtficid Aicaae,

At.which pricf they will lift IhtM'mVttor

• . ',-Thes.o t 'ortiticates' ure • tlie ilirect-T-^ligatum .of T H E l'.UHI.IC fciEUYltJK

POilATIOX. O F X. •!., aiul \ver«> issued-iu payment for the HIUUVS uf the Xorth .Jevsoy

; ; .{Strcot"IiaihvaV™Coi»pany;:'.JerHcy Citj',..Hobokt;n' auil •J*ute.|>^uii .'^tji-t-t I.Iaihvj'iy " (Viinjtjiiiy)

Elizulieih, Pla in field" aiul Central Je rsey Uailwiiy •Company: Oniuye ainl Pussiuc Valley

•Street 11 Jiilwiiy Coinpnuy, aud the-United Electric Cbnipnny of. X. .I./-.purchased l>y tin?

Public Service C(trpnmtiaiv-oE-X. "J.; the piirclmsfil sliares heiii^ »lijp(tsit«*il with tin* Trustee

to secure' these Perpetual Interest IVarinjj C'erttficntes.

Uy the terins of these (Vrtifimtes, tin- Public {Service I'nipoiatitui a^rec's to pay^

. iiiter«*st-»nt a ^railuated scale -Ff^ l"*r •'i""Jiii' duriiij; the year 1!'()."», ami ii)creashij{-at' the

"rate of \\> per ioinuin until May, 1!(12, when and thereafter the• rate t>f infert'.st IN

SIX PERCENT. TFidelity-JJ-usf Comjmny endorses upon the Interest Bearing Certificates ln:reby

(iflered, its Aj;reeni(jnt to pay each year up to V,t\*2, an additional amount of interest, fhusimmediately li'rin in^ thft ag^jx^a'fe stipulated rate uf infei-est~irp-t,o SIX PER CENT, perainiuiu; payable semi-aimually. - -Zv. ' • •- ' -•- *

K TOTAL A l ^ T H O l U Z E D ISSUE of the lVrpetual Int.-ivst H

js $20,200,000, and the total amount issued and outstanding at this tinir is ^1!».(

1(70; the renfainder can be issued only for the purchase of furthfi- slmivs of tin* <'uiM|uiuii's'

before month>ued. "— . ^ 2 •

The Mort^a^t? and Agreement of PU*dgo~bntwemi Public Service ('ttrpimtl-toir-rFf—NV

J. and Fidelity Trust Conipany_provides as follows:

("Public Sei'vivt1 'Corporation agreesJlmt tliP~vntuiS power of I'ublu* ServiceT(-ni-|io-

rtltion 'iijMin *jiuy- of,the1 shares hereby pledged, Hhall not-lM^uswd-or-exerciMed forth** purpose-

an increase in the capital stock of any such company or the erect j|in of an_v_of

liewlien, security or charge upon its projierty (»r- franchises, excepting the lefuinlin^,

newaljii; con'tiiiUjiiu'e of any existing inor t»a^oV inort^a^es of anv HUCII Tuiiipany, oi-ulf

of itrt underlying o i^ubs id ia ry <lonipanieK7ii<'|- for any other pm-pnse inconsistent with the

^rjty .of this'pledge.'.* -" — • • . _ '.,.".. _ '....•;' ,^ .

Summit Froit & Vegetable


gg and t*oultry a .' Specialty, Also.-,Fresh Fish

, from New. York Market." ' • . . : . ; • • . « K S - - , • ' • ' . • , .

Milk and Creaiii 'Always on Hand•• • ' . • : ; » « « • • . — • • ' ; • • • .

A. A; Hennirig1.376 Springfield.Aye.. • - Summit.

TICLKI'HQNK ti.'i u.

uiM711 it.

i.', ,„ > .u..II ' .n.n.li >t . -Ti- ;i\ Mill l i i ini .Mml iv i i i . N . !.

J; S\ GRJAY, Proprietor.J

Qo WrongWV bacIrcV.rry shoe that K»>r* »ut

• oi this'aiorc with'a guarantee of c»od.ness restiiiu 611 a reputation of manyyears making-. * ••" • . ' ^ ~\

You know that , if a sh<,e- \yeisn't ri(;M that we make- it riyl.t. We

• ctmldn't buck poor shoes witlj Mit.h a\ ^tunintre. Woulilrt't stay in Uusi-

ness Jonjj if we did. , ' • .• Have you seen our-J^-QQ- lit.* it

Mcn'H fein Cal(f Box Call anil Vici K.i: ir.



E. JI Killer in • - Poultry. Guino.


CJvistruLt_Ai^nue, Suromit.-Nl-J.

Cornell Student-Missing,rj. X. V_ J;in. •!:!•-< •orne

'«tverK >I.v.irip<-:tniiH-<- of I tjivid

s. n rre^Iiinnu in tlie Veu-rl-. I n Nr\v

.l«rk eitrv. The voting min i IUIK_IMVIInii»siris Mm-^ nliont 9 oVl^-k Moinliix

i r . nlid the f-ii-tMlutt'ho h:i«* IMI'II.-lMdr sitiee ittiilenroin^- :in «|*J-r-ft>r H|k|M-iitlit-iti;t nh>mt. :i liion.tli

Klvrs r i te tiV sravo fe:irj« for his• '

Utah to Elect Sutherland Senator.Suit.-- I.ake ' ' i ty , J a n . Ill—At- a. joint,

r:ni.iiK i.f the K<i»iil>]Iraui* of the twol:"ii-"-i nf the leKislatun* "George Sntli-'•r.:iiitt u-;t< imminntetl miait!inon«ly f«»ri n;..rsi;>ti-< wnntor tn Kiti eecd TJiom-n- l\i-.nn-». .\s tlmre are only six I>em-•>-T:n*Mtl it,,. N^i^tatlire.the nomination^ '"»i'"^:iN'ti; \>t IiN-tion. „ The'hnii**"*• i 1 'TIIIMI ^ ;Mt-;i:Hy next Ttic-iday.•s 'iili.-r; ;iitil N :>..t ;i .M-.

'•.Mr.(Bryan to Appeal. •" •r SV-.x H:,V.-II. r...ni.. .Ian. 12.—Aclinj:"•' MWnuti.iiK fmiii tln-ir i-lieiit, c<imi-"•• t(>r WiUi:ti:i J . Urj'an' filed liMIcn of

"ll>-.it lo tin- vii|trt'inr-<-<,-.jrt fn^i^ the"Vj-'-'H of Jrtil^t- !toliiii^i>ii-hi tin- «u-r'rmr t-^urt in exi-Indin^ n*i evitlv"f*<*J1'" '•••al.-.l | , t t e r I»y Which 1hi: lateI'liii'i s, Jknii i i t nijiit^titl hi< willowJ'j nirti Aver to Mr. Hryan Hie siim of

Wife Slayer Sentenced to Death.•rMircti.n. X. J., Jan, 1 .—Tin- jury

«' limnlerr»iim! liiiu s

wifey of tunnh'r In



Four Killed In Freight Wreck,u^-fc. Arkw, Jan..l±-Fo«r

P n . t i | I M , n n f r o J p I i r w r o , .

>t!«n IMt railroad nt -'PlsTlie Ix^jps •w<ii» lmmeil In the

These Perpetuaf Interest Bearing Certificates canbe issued in any denomination thus making availably forinvestment dny sum of money and in consequence areparticylarly-desirable for small investors. . .

Copies of the forjn of a^iV y—:idditi(in:d * vi 11

\Woffer the above subject to-PriorjSale' and advance in_p£ice.

Jr" -


King78 JO^Broad Street/' Newark^ N. J.

HICKS BROS.Real Estate,

zn^Ilrisu ranee,

. - '"*.,' and JLoans.

Opposite Station,SUMMIT, X. I,TELEl'IIONK CAM. 5 a-



E. P. Burroughs^ Son,



Springfield Aye nn_o.SUMMIT, New Jersey.

— : - ' " : 41b.

|)R.- H. W



.Kunduyn, 0.30 to 12 m.1 l<i ft.34 p. m.

| ) U . CHAS. U. UIVELKY,-

-=f—-DENTIST,if nn<1 rostdonw,

404 Springfield *««. Summit. N. J.Ofer Thflor'tt DniR^tore. • . _

j ) R . X. n. McIXTOSH,


1-1A I«NEHH XF A ICEK,( .Also Truiilts ami Sa

•' S»;N o r TIIK fJRAV IloRSK." -

39.-UjdiuN-r-t*ACr:, SUMMIT, N. I.

Vetcrtfaaryfjollogs,nrk C l t j , OOfct) » l t i d•HIM HprinjcflHit Avvwt*

oppoiin "SUMMIT, N.J.f*l(>|'l)<ji)(i Cull •#. i

Private Instruction;English, Mathematics and Latin. ' .Iei5oii8, $2.00 per hour

Sil f lHem] the1 HKItAMi wwnt

Special terms for long i-n a

MISS BLAKE^-: - 2 iysit*

Buy Now! "You can set aside yvurxriectivn'tit l,\trrf ~.


FURNITURE & CARPETSThe sale that makesjthings hum—immense

stocks.CUT PRICES, and the usual Van Hornaccommodating terms- It's to be "The"8ale:'at 1905 Dor t Skip It! 5 AcresoTSplendid:Ba_rgainsr—: 7*"""-/.. """" • '>• • : - z — - — ^ ^ - - ~ : ;

Extension Tables.' . P a r l o r S u i t s . : - —".•.;•

M.OO S u i t . s / u - . . ^ . . . . . . . . . 1 8 . 0 0 « ' « T . ib i t^ r r iow •"-• 4.P8jfrf.(nj Suit's for....... ._ i^,.28.00 Ill.ftO Tui.Tcs.iiow 7.49


T.foruuclies for.:".....-.-...i4;«8 RlOJlOOnithesfoj-.r : . - . . ' . . . . 769 LJ'J.OO Cliilfonicrs,

- ; I.Bedroom 5u i t s . .",',. China Closets.

2.'i.00's'iiits-for.''....;;.;-.t.18.6O j" *'.<'!> Closets.now.; : . . ; . . .

-8.1.00 Suits for . . . . . . ; 29.00* '-i-um Clost-is no\v:7...~..~. 18.98

',-"•'•—'... Iron Beds. - . ,! Dressers,

4-00 Heils for . . . . . . - . . . " . ::;".":2.98"i l - ' M l -Hrcssers ; f o r . . . . . . . . . 8 . O O7.0D licils for . : . . . . . . . : . . . . . 5 2 9 -r-4-V"° ' ' r t c r B . for.". . . . ' . / • J2.OO

:. • S i d e b o a r d s . ; . F a n c y Rockers . _ „ . _

' J7.00. PiUtcrns-for- 12 98 rjl.M Rock.-rs for.; ' 2.SO

aiOO'l'atterns for....... .M8.00 I .".00 Ko^trs for ."...-.3.Q"9

isfit Carpets & Rugs

lar valuej;,_ NfaHc —tip in" roomsizes from.. •brokc"nrrrojls..anci_iidropped"patterns—at -present prices,- you're notpaying a cent for the making! All*Wool Ingrains, "Axminstcfs, Tapestryand Body-Brussels—and other - popularweaves;


AMOS H.VAISLHORN, Ltd." Ile'tttsri) you tee "No. ?S" nnd fir*t rmrno •'AMOiili-l.ij.'ute rmriii:*; ujr »to«.

"ATS™ " ^ O MARKET ST., NEWARK, N; XEASY ~ 'g'^M X«rI»l»o»St.,We-tt'f BrwidSl.PAYMENTS- "' ' All trt*U\ t trmntfiT to


Page 4: t Schultz,

•J "X

J>, 8ATUBDAY, JANOABY 14, 1905

The Summit HeraldOfficial faatr rt CHjr aal

lMO«de%erratofllw. No. n . Union

Intarmu of t be City. Oonntr «nd Btmte.l d H l r i D o n i l n * i r o i n ttis


vlighteitt catwfMCtiou it Rives.People, nowaday*, merely **y,"Fudge," nnd pass on. Tlie~citi-y-ens of Summit, by bitter experi

local Democratic mHcliiiie-ttiid-it»

WHVM and methods. ~~~- r

(Chas. rrkwr-i. -bi«c.t.»Urnii!iiO-lPJk«:irtlne.s

Preserved and Canned Fruits

THE yPaid up Capital*Surplus and Profits,


$82.500.00,JOHN N, MAY, Prwident, , " ^ _ _ - « « . HAIXS, JR., Vfce;Pr*>ldeiIt

J. F. HAAS/Cwhier. _ •

SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAQErVAULTS.Safcs^Trait from $5.00 pci^annui^ a p ^ , ^^^^ 7

. _ Storage for Silverware, Jewelry, EtcDrafts issued on all parjs of Europe at Current Rates.

81x montlu,ThTM tttOOUlli<HLoclacople*.ttl6at«ltth< cpublication office .

EntemlatlhelVmtOfflce,Summit. X. J.. • •i l l matter



Tin; loirtil IK'HUKTittii1 iiiurliiite

|nuft**t'« 1<-•»« grout ly iliftttirlierl

in itn mind over nimt i f oil It* die

violent imrli^aiittliiji "of the pri-M-

unt Ct'tniuciii CYtui.i:il in Hit* mat-

ter 6f'ap|miiitmuiitrt to th* ltoiml


elector wat* required tt>

of K(lm*Hti<>»




Itoiud of

Aw ir1 tintltt'r ol fuel,


in HO w'iiiu. of .tlie

murk tlml it i» Imrdto uii<leratujid

liow even w> bed niggled.«« organ-

Jizntion HS-thM^jvliicli _riitli*__ili*elf

'•'Democratic -in :.tliiH_^i;i(y,. could

make it uitli'uxtniiglitTm'e. . TJie

1 on lliti Hoard

M i » m

ert.tr>.. -- 1 erci-

val.\ C'lintdt, .Hiir'Hfll Hii'iiiitn

IIIKI CliarleH If. -:VuM. Mr.

llIK freHmenti.it electors of

New Jersey met in the State Honee

"IL3r^ndaJLj*li*O*aHl the vote 'of

the State for K(Kit*ev?it and Fair

biinkr'. -_Si«*ciiilJy_eiiKraved ballottt

were turtnulitd each elector, which,

tifter b^iii); coiTtitedt were kept by

MIU'II t*lectoTaH a souvenir. There

win* considerable Ceremony attend-

ing'the canting of fli« ballotn, nnd

under .the federal ettittitei* eitch

/ <IAKL.\M>

All biinl*.


^ Tin- liui-aLXiigW^'?'- V.xUix b.-avy > _

IVacliest and I'rur», [RT du*. cans,' J35«; |«T can. Jjc.

Wry linv, lwavy ityrup. . I'l-adic^aiHl Tears, ptr <1««-


certiUi-iite til flectiitii in triplicate.

One ropy got*** tu United Shiteti

Judge haiiiiingt another to the

Secretary olShitt*, while the third

WIIH cent b


en 11», $2.25; p e r c a n , 2 o c .1 cfirii*,' $1.75; p«T t n n V 151:'.

* * • • • ' • • ; • - • - " . •

' \W al»<> liaVf caiiinilainl [ir

ItlutlH-rrietf, etc;. • .

. Itrcttxlii't! h"ruit!tj» Sjircialiy.

St-ml tor l*otiinIetK I'rict- I.iM

1'<-;M:I ;tu.l l'.ars.


y ('peeit'.i ment«etijxer to

, and delivered to the


ntt\ and New Jer**ev watt the first

State to file Tt« vote. -

tier; "Le Itonhenr est Cljowe- I^K*re,'.' hyy«lutHaen(»,wiib Violin obi ben to; "CbHU-HOU de.Tnllet." by (jodiinl; aud JofiKun

' ' W l 8 V l f S l ' "

—:T.iiir WiiHiiinpton'Stur-Hiiyt. tliat

|o keep iveli liiHiinKy "merely Yp

live properly,; lie t*ynteiniitu:- in

-eating and abntetiiictiiri in drinking,

; fvi(luiitl_v the Council

did not••fjin*.:- ho_ j» an etninvnlly

fit iiitin for tin- position, and tlnit

\va« iM!irti£ii.__.Mr. Uimiiaii i* un-

ilerfttood to l»f a l>etiiiH'rat, nnd

M i v l W l it Uf [itiUlicjui. So

for tliu Bniinl of I'Mu.'aticij r j j

r e it ni nly ^t•t•nis to In- no very

-^violent |iurti*ans]ii|> in tlic^e n[)-

pointinotit**. UinjiiL'titiotuiMy, n\\

three ^iMitleirnMi ue ro eliOMoti ^oh»-

ly lor Ihi'ir filtit'.-r.; ntnl-t^'«iyl>o<ly

rwutfiii/.t'ii the- lai*l tit (itice nnd

ap|i]iiniifd tlie iippointniont^: t*\-

coot llie. Itfin(M'nttic^iniit'liiiH*T'

l ' iver\lliiii^ iloni* by n Uf|Mi]ili-

can iidmiiiii»tration in riillud' "vio-

lently purti**»n".liy—tht* dear- old

DoiumTutir iiiiu-titiH- whun it ran*

not rnd^t'l a'tiy other vrjiiiMMn out

o| itf dear old ht'ljijldlefl iTiiiiintn.

Why, it even c;iye* of MM* Mayor's


able to pick a Jlnw in it and, in

fact, in obliged toi'uinnuMid it, tlmt

y)' Waltz8oiijc. '•

won Id «in ply iu»y. anyconsiders DR 8uInt-.HaeD«' fuuionc wm-l»«itioh;—the-Rondo" Oaprircioeo, rrn-ilernl.Mn tlie uiont t?xqni*ite. ptyle-liyMichnH "H«ni«*r. nor ' the ' n lWonderfnlly rendfrnl h\ tbe Qwbic-b \v\\\ incliulf the well known I>iniuor tinurtftte of ^cliiil>ert* The con-


in niid ejr al-

f ciiution in th'e


wayt* nil

(ace of- utiy unusiial t-ondition,"

For nil tlie anatomy ol" Ilio lnt*t

Ugnre of Vpft'trh is abnormal, the

^ hf; will retttin tl*e»tiin»liir<l

the Hrnt one: eneh IIMVUIIC iiflintrtin tlie hii;hfNt. nttikH oT t|n

d M U l

•The Male Patti." who admirably im-tiotet) oOtigblrd. and whoffoffers three, different cbantcn of «-I«b-

orate femnle costnme*. will present thinspecialty, which lmw^Hineil him foirtwocontioentB--? Israel ZMiiixWiirn 'Kmir**tury~ufthe V i l f I

advice in-j;ood ;ttnl the medical ex-

pert of the"?t»r ollice should be

entitle*} to all tiicrewurdt* ol' fjood

heiilth for Ijif cluver dicicnvorv."*"

in in* tea I world. . Mr UjiltHvhj.it*i tu iti»be

whieli •"tini** will

tnnl TieketH n o i !•»• i«eeiu*-<ldnitr i-tnTe.at i

ticket*1, iuelndiim rem*rvi-il sciitw fur the-•**• rie*>,


- • -Franchise-Laid Over.

The ii|i|>lk*titinij fur a fritucliine in

Mlllhiirn l>y the Morrin Connty TractionCorniinnv WIIH Iniii-nvfr iiiHt wet-k until

.lutinnry 10. The <>nuipHDy want* 11

per|)«tnal fnin'rhiMf, while the ehiinnif.

tt-e IIIMI eitizeiiM want to limit Itf) life to

fiftv venp«. . " ^

, ami Pjtfitu*!L.*oii!it i«HIKI retnrii. - $M!S T". Ticket^ ohihiily." Hetnni limit nine mnntliFt.

Itniiiiin«— tiuif four dayn. Onlyk



uf car* New York to California.v cheeked iiml I'M 11 man re*ertun'!*- tlinm^li to •U'«tiiintion.

utut rrtnrn.. ' . . $110.«(). i i yf'ol

Hut S|irliiio-. Ark.I'ho-inx, Ariz •


"itH political tone in

that of a piirtiphh.*' JUHI wlitit

that '*p»rtn*au tout*''of" ti .MaxorV

UlOHsuge ic, wi*—urt* at a Ions to

khmv; und-' ivliei e t here i-* any-

thing that has anytliihtf what over

to do with" **ppHtu'i*"" in Mayor,

we have

Cuiled, utter diligent t*xun)inatii>nt

to dUcoVfY. Ye^, snyt*

ord," it-in an excellent


—'i". l. lr tr~?* tm

H** 'Hi'JLL'.1'" *"tM* -^—*»"'iin-

takably—^|tiirtir<itn. W h a t — t h e

'llte'mild1'mmms i- tlmt it

aro excellent.bnl

farist —


writleti h\- u

*:ail ttii'j.e-O,, *>f I'OiirBi'.-it

. Milne" w»y, ._,bti^|nirtihaii

and niiHghty.

•. ' H o w tliP iiuor olct "Reco rd" and1 •• • I I i •

• 11B . pool* olil inaehuio

hard to inake -'politicn'* out of

.everything am] anything Uopul»-

lican. All ^of "'Tvlijpir it*' [ #i* su-

premely i>illy ii] city ufTairK,'wlieru

- true Republiciiim nnd- true Demo-

crat* Imvo only ono tl(oufrht, the

betteriiicut of tlie community in

.which they live.. : But the present

•Ao-i'idled Domocmtit* lenders Hre

not' even • Democrati*,;, they areq

MieVely" poltticid inurpIotH,' reiitly

to (jump anything for "politico"

and their own hcilitdi viiti* and

.-(leuirtitt. f

And then, thv i.*ppuMitiueinX to

Uiejioard of-l^ire • Chiefty* The'

Council appointed ThonritH ltuird,

•law Thrift:**1 ImprrmPil m tMity tbvFlrmt Tlwr Hbr ««» Tbrnt. .

• A liuly who H;iw fiM'krt ustsl for thefirst time at ti ^IIIIUT n r Ilinry III. ofFnincc records" Iuir' TTiiinj;eHslmw** ofthe oct'iiHliiD. I Ion ry hail In 1."I7I-IHH*Utendered n inii«niU«t'iiti m-eptlon in

Hun Antonio, *1V\; .'.' " . . . . IU «•"Deniinir.Sfw Mt*x. " *" \~~rrr. , !*"-inNew Orlfitiit. IJI " '* .V> <*fl

Al'l'ly li> A Ken!1*, u r adilresiT^'t ' . I',l lnrr^t t , D. 1'. A . N o )4!i Broad Hi..

nvurlt. N.. . I . . for Pulltnfiii tickt-tM »i»lfurther inT'irnmtioir

Vcnlcv. At this L-nlL-rUiIiiniLMit furkf*wcro-os«l.— The royal KUC»t olwervwlthem with much Interest ami InitiXHji-ntvly fntrodiMTti them to the Frenchcourt,

It 8ecmn fruiii llie iH-^mnt of the la-dy, wlio bail never IH»H! tln>m lii*for<\..thnt Borne othor>i wero hi lU11 cjinic JMV-(IKiiniontr Slii> .wrltt-s: .• "They never tqilcbeU tin- niiMt \vi\litheir misers, iVut wltlr forUs. whichthey cdHriett to their MHMIHIS, btMUlltit:their .necks nnd IHMIII'S over their i»lntrs.-

"There yeri'/Hcvornl s;ilmls. 'I'll'-**1

•tltey a(e wltlr-fol'KsTor It-IN' u«i't vm\-sldered proper to^tnieh-the food withtho finscry. llowevci* dllUcult It umybo to 111U11111.V it. It |s thought bottiT M

little fortwi" Instrument hi the



From W. H. Rogers, Our Well Known

peas aiuL[leans were bromzht.. It wns a pluimure

Tu Win.in II May Com-frn:' .Of lute tlierr luis Iteen a ^o<nl tlenl ofmMifxiun in Summit in rej^inl U> ml

vertii*Hl iiiwlieiiif* aiijl tln-ir value tin*p tire full of theiti — ;We want to -ny tn i-vrry man. woman

anil child itrWttinitiU Unit we twlievethevnliiHlile prr|iariitii>n of eotl Ifvrr

oil—;the l>ent toiiic rt-cniiHtrnetur. heiilth*resfnrernnil ftrpnuth crejitor.- -we ln»Veever cold in onr"ntore \* Vinnl. y •

VinoHp nrit a patent mwliefiityu enti'ing iioinjurtotiN drnp*. ainl iMn'tnully

does coiitiiiu all of ~thoniedii'fiml ciirtrs tttkejt fmm t\i$ frexli

liveri«7hiit"withont ailrnb'of-oil to upt t h t j i h l l i k

«|njtrtjcr.-of- IfOmloH. "Clitl-of'lb**(j|iel£p." pill-lie throfiVriuic

of the,.-rwn'tor St.H-k Oiiiiutny. »t theDue I inudmtnui l TwentyTifth StreetTht-Htrp tiext'wevk.' • -• •

The new tm-L itttu|>iiny ur I'rtH-lttrVKirty-eltflith Street Thfi*liv Innt week••(•urn! very wlrnn^lv wiili Miirif C<y

"TheliiiH.-~MiHl-ii*>jtt week thin•1 »t(K*b orfiniiiziit'iua' will pre

Wjllitiui (itllettt?*?* urpate^t nncre*is•"Sei*ret Service."• The rn*i will iuclndeMr. Sydney A>re^Oli!*n' Kihut I'hillii^.Willimit A. Mn*in. Itichunl Lyle midothers.- riinmiiiily UIKH! yanilfville williie (iretH-ntefl. ttuit~[iart of the (•n>^niinl>eili*4 headed hy ibe CniiTr linilherx,known to nil lover* of viiinlfvitlt* n* the"Mudtown Minstrel*.". " , "• • -

At TriK-turs NVwiirk TIie;iire the Im j((friii! .In[mut—eGimnl*. it inniix* of the 'Mikmlo's itoldterv; vvln» jTre on-;

The Morris County Savings Bank' / • -Assets, $2,688^34.15 Surplus, 250,205-55

D«i>o.H».r»ll • M I I . N U «v«r*i.eo«Ha'i«'**M mr liatora tti* Third Day orMonth 4tmm InUwit tmm th*t flrkt of •wch «w**tli.

dMonth 4tmm InUwit tmm th*t flrkt of •wch «w*tli.

THE Jlau wr«.of thif* Bank liave ordered iwfld from the eunlnan of the Ini• &rfUxmoDUinendtn(-Doe.«f.t.l»i,totbe Dcpwltomentitled thi-reto

Br-Laim. a ttotnl-Annua) Intcrert Dividend, as follows, vte.;Ui-*tt».-»_U.f TUSH «M0 OM-IUtf « « CIMTUM " J « " U " ? •

• "u n t s . ; . • . _ ,•ad—At the rate oftlin1* is) pe'rcentnni |>er annum on nnr excewt of n.ooo.ludloktheftumoflioiK) ' * • * " • ' ; ^

rillLANDKIl II. PIEKSON. PivRldent. : QUY MXNTOK.- DAVII) H. ItODNET. Secrotao*amiTreaxurer. .

• -Dtrr. IU. 1»M " M A N A G E H BntstBx c riTKEVFIIEDERICEjf. IIIJAEL'fiENE H. UU11KE;



50 YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN<*r«de Poni:

nlit once to prepare fortion» HH llookkeein?rn and S ^ p

- -with the'tiest.^firuw iu New \ o r k andNewark. The sen'icefl of onr two-New " .York Eiiijdoytueut Offii-ettHrefreetoonrStndentH. .



fietropotltan Bulldlns, Orange. N. J.• _ c . A. Le MASTER, A. B., Principal

dntv in tlie. Uuited St»te«. -tmd whohare entered vtmdeville.'.vill ^iveni; ex-1hihithm of the ntetltml-l of .Irillilifc nnd !will! ^calih^'ii!*e.l iu tlir Ji«iiaiiese Army. \KoseStahl, the imte-1 timidly utar. will jolji-r ii --ketrli by Jiune* Porin-t. entitleti—Tlie Clionifl LMIIJ-." Mr. aod< Mnc [(iitrdiiT Cntne will [in-scfit » sketch tot1

tilled "AMI I Vonr \Yife?'vand ijmuydtliiT!. will :njd t» thr effect of JIU an


I n ' t l t I H -M.Jon.-s. A

—minlxtnttur of WilliamHunt!. IV»-fa-«,tt. For Sato(if IJlllfl t" liiV lK-ht-.Alfred M. Jimcrt. A<Iiiiini>t

K--tfitt*-tif-\VXIHam—Ilnnd.—ttt-W-at; hav ing•whibluil t<> Hi it* Court, umlf f <«ith. a juatutnl trui'aix'oimt of tlie pt>i?4>iial*-.ttit>* ant)•IfbtH ol bald di'oeaM-d. irh«nrl>y it ni>p4>ar»tliat tlie jn-r>on(il c-hUxtt-of Kild decv*tM-d i»Insuniclfiit to far liLiiK'ljtu.and rv<im-*T>-<ltlifnfd of tlit* Court i i / t h e ITL-IHIMM: It (•*_on Uii-.f..iirtlit!rtyor>rniti]:irT. nint-twn hun-dred and live, (inltrml Hint all tier-*>ii-> In-torfstt^l In tin' tXmK It-neiiK-iits. ntid iv.'ilestate at >alil WUflam Hand. tH**>a-<mfcni>i('>arl>i'f((r«'tti«*(i>iin.at tli« O i u n Hou-e. In tho«'ity uf Klfz»b»'llt. on thf Kiuhtli day «»5lar.-h ntvit: at tt-n oVI.H-k hi the forfn<«<ijIn blifiiv *"W«?«*__.yi!j'"" nuioli wl tlu*

i(>itt>s lii'h*iillaiii«*uts.(>( th(y*-;tid WUHniii Itaixl. v M ^•nut U* s o l d i o wllr~r>f'ciiflMtMit t o i w j hisdnltlC, .>r tfif rr-idm* iti«*ri*<ir> n-« tin* fa*** mayn.i("lri'- And it is fiitHicr c n l . ' n s t tliat tliltwrdi-r i«sf.-t up and |iul<ll-Ii*^Mtt ^ni-i.f tliei(>w»i>iiiH.Ts ••( Hit-* Smtf. a- l.r tli-' -<;»t«T»-Hn-ctt'd... : •

thc.ni try to .'eat these wjththeir- furliH, for\uoft'ie. who were less

mnii.v on their p!:Hes and on the wayto the motith as they wen* nblcto-setto their lUOlltllrt. ~ =

a Hreut-sllverpi Ichor" ill" wiiti-r 'Wfio-the-fithwts. unshod their hiiud-t.It poems'us If thero-would iiot'tieiiruT'liscent of iucat mid Krejine on them, for y

t lo . ' labor "thoy'~had-tuuclied thole ftwd ouiyLttUlufie.vere.those farhc'I l!i.-*tnuii'iut1«»."

" " " t l d

pnet the utoijiaeh anil T«arjl_iii*. wnrkand. moreover, it" itj/dellejons. lo thetaste. - " • " ' „ . jT'.^' ~r—-'" ' '• •

ioJ "Het y-ttrwf-jViinn' the Stotimflr.-rip- tlir difceftive ornann, cTeiitet*-

nuiippt'titt1. purities and enriches theblood Htnr/trrtintheiw every ortjan in jthe U«lv_ i!» do itH "work-at*—nature in .i

New Swedish-American^_=^^x:EmpIoynient Agency.',.


•nnr-jrSuri'niitr N.J.",

2—1 111

OoldenJBrown,dclictouslv appetising toast is madewithspeed and nicety in the broiling oven of a"

Gas Range.There is no danger of a smoky kitchen

y tasting toast*. Under amedium heat the surface of the bread isqui'kly browned and its substance is notdried, to nothingness.

Ranges, $8.nO to $13.50


«iK«». T .

FREDI'l. Groceries. Butter, Eggs,Cdifee

world JtoyoU

\* reci>nnized tliron^liout tin*tht* fiieati"-! etretiKth creator

-oplei -weak, nickly woineii'iinduiip*iny iiioHterj".—mid-after it

- - • " Qalif n' niffrrtpni**. • /"Futiicr, ""wlintV the_din'i'n;riii«i. 1«

tween a 3unch_uiid \i-"iinK'liiMji':'*"About n dullar and-



A wbadowU'srt world would t'»* n .stin-!•»•« am\- C^blt'tniit Triltiiue.

res*' liackiim von^h-t. ehruiiic^Jirpnt'hirm nnd " nil throat andtrouble* -Uiteqimlled to (•mtte mi

nplietitt* and to tuake thone-who lire ti>othin. fat. ro«y-iind healthy. ...• Vinol fomtld i-verywhere on a positiveKiianiiitee that, if it doeM.uot iflve eatl-*-


Seaman L.-ArightGONIRAGTOE AND BUILDER !-HOWARD-HALL BUILDING/ Cor. Springfield Ave. and Boulevard

..«.«.M.aDd Tea Our Specialties.ANI»

12-14-BANK ST..-.1 nl» 1.in^_.Ji.>ne .

" i n - a l l 1

, of. Car .'

J .Tctcphooe 30 b.




i'taiwrnis,-.. •; -f u r -

Hera ld " W a n t Adds " A r e Prof i table ,



J. 0 . Cliryatal aii'l ClilfrleM Chiitii-ivmi \ un iiide-Iterlniu. Mr.

pendent DemopriitrrMTTiOlilry"*tnl

is n HeputdipKii mid Mr: Cluunlier-

liiin, ti Ili^imirnit... Kvjdently ttiilv

fitnt-Kp/iiupt'lUMi tlie**e nppoint-

"~ II(H; mid the lirvt (wo wvre tin-

vot« of the Fire Detnirtmetit,

It IH wreui-xrso e»i*y, lor n

Ky•of three concertH to lie ni*'en(in theLyre 11111 Iltttl. Morrintown. N. ,T;. whieh|iroinlwfH tiA-be of much intorent; infact, the nni*«U*iil ev^entn of .the HeanonThe date* nnd artintK nre \\* follow*;

Wednesday even 111«. .Tainiary i"i, llie

IfamnerKroiiold_StriuK Quartette HI*ttlntett by Mrtibtine Charlotte Maconda.the di»titifrnii»be*l i*oj>nino and Michael

! i l i i Mthe renowne*! vioilnlNt:1' Mr.at thf platuv _ - •

Ertdny ••veninKv. F^lTiiry 2-t. HH AT-»1: Uarrovv. the

tenor; Anton KHD. (*. H IVHIUDK vfoilnlut; HHIJ»«

Kmuold. the fiiiltonn 't-etin-l. anil - Sir.iiiauiflt ; _•

evening- March -*i. the

nearly defunct politioil iiiiuliinc

To cry |iiirliviint>lii|» »'. iiiiytliiiif;.

Thiil in iihont nil tliere t- It*It it

t o U(t; wt \vt» , fllltlHise We

•tinted by Mlw Eva W. H|[Ve»r. the onlyTjtrymjenl whft»tler known: Mr. Bald-win. piHtdrit. ttnd'M.eoprHtio yet ' to be

. Tlietw rtmef rt-t will l«* rare trvJttn toih? iKHtjde of this vifinity Hiid uo mn»icItivtrcnu uffonl to mitm one.of them.'llienuuilHTBof Madame Mncoudtt alone,

A very attractive hill \* olFered ati'rtH-ti'r'ti Twenty-third Street Theatrenext week, where the Six j Mn^U'itl(*ntlv!*. nUtrr- mid brothers, who pre-Metit a inut*ic:il specialty of the biitl)t*t*tI*1HB««. are awarded the iiliti'e of honor.Mr. and Mr-' W. (.'. Kobyimroffer aoncai't nielcHiri'iiiatii* comedy entitled"Sliore Folks" A Enropean noveltywill l»e .'nhown by Trol>tt..a j'i}*Kler of|ie»vy w'elirfit objei'tarwlm hHBcansgd~aMenwitMoii in Lomton. McCiiW. bablnemid Vt-nt '(.re-t-tit an excrndatinKlyfunny Nketvh.. "The Arrival of MlttyMrt'i*lrt«y--""• M»;Intyri» and Rice, In ncomedy ' rtketoh entitleil "Uninnitcsnand the leading Ijidy"^__.Kowin^kO-

titullU^^roiuedy acrobat»: LntzBrotberN. iu M nhootiutc andn|>eclHl t jvHud-ol her*.-w tl I -ronnd-on t-annlendid |ir\>fcniiit. ' • 'i .

"The 6nl*r Way." a iIraiuHti7j*tion of'—toncbiuK-'*toryr-i=A—^Tale-of

d fKy

Two Citie»." nnd one of Henry Miller'**ill b l d btrreHtet>t

ywill be protlnced by

C hp y

the I*roctor Stin-k Couipauy at theFifth Avenue Theatre next week. ThePhotiolMo*ci>pejai"oiHKnation of (ihouo-Kni|di and morion-picttire nmchinei'.ffinpositively .tjipear next week, as its in-ventor wrm anaMe to reach'America

not tu l .e^rtlt lge it t i l? . w'hicli will W: "I-ouit*e." by CbMrp*n- In tint- too*>*n.lMt Momlny.' Stnstt .

ON GUARD, to see that notliins is misrepre-

sented to you here. We have neverknowngly.let a ptece of Jewelry, aWatcli, or anything we (mn, go

. -out without .first hjving: told youhonestly abort it. •

~ Frankly, there's'no jnonej.in our-~ business tf conducted on principles

other than.these. .1 . . . .



Muchmorc Block* SpringfkU

Summit. New






E. C. HOLMES,i, Real Estate. Broker.


First Baptist Churchcomposing lot 68 feet o J jVlorrUavenue and 180 feet onland avenue, Church Edifice,

Bam. _Hall ol whichcan remalnf-

9 oii nortjeace.

Apply GEO. H. WILLIAMS,768 Spripprfi'eld Ave., Summit.


EMBALMERPer*otu1 Attentjloa Oay. and

Telephone 140 a.

Av»nue. Uuehm6r«» Block.

Page 5: t Schultz,

ipBc hrtrayil of LocalIntemtlog Happenings


Vtut Has Occurred Durinr the Past Week

and Some of the TtUncs Which Will

Take place In

Summit and New York directoriesami Bulllnger*sR.R. Guide, correctedweekly—»t yonr service on the little•Pnblic Desk/* GwupbellV Pharmacy,Agency for Hnyler's.- The celebration of the Holy Com-munion will be observed at Ea»t Sntnuilt

.-chapel tomorrow evening...

l colored, of. Westfield,l>«rifllied in a flre that consumed fiUThome wirly Monday morning^ He was

Vighty-Hve years old. " * '

• The announcement last week of the-,li««ilntion:Df.the firm _of_Ke*ye &VotL

(ey. mfpeiitera,' was. preniatnre, as- theiirticle* of dhwolntion "have net iieeuarranged. conseqnenUy i t > undecided,who will continue the bnaineen.

The npw telephone Bnibftcriltety amidian^es to the local exchange duringthe pa»t week were: i!44a. Thomas- It

Woodlaml avenue: 23Si,_

('Imrlett II. Blair. IB Waldron uvenne;M'7f. lieorge V. Miu*lmii>re,JMH Spring-Held avenue. ~~: ™ •

Mr*. Marguerite <*. (Jrattt. after JItimritliJiiKiLHt Clifton SpriugH, N. Y.,from her arduous work in connectionwilli the school for, girl* at Bundle^r"\vii. in wettteni North Carolina,

-aiuoii^ tlie Moniit»in Whiter, hurt rp-ntnl t<> II»T important. and hopeful

Held <»f-labor.. ~-Fratiit <*ltitlTtf. the uilwrtHing agent

— of (lit- New York'"mid New-leraey Tele-' phi'iit* Company, in. th r author of the

wonN of threeHoniCM recently pnhliHued.They iireiJ'Hood Night," "l>eurie," ami

• "Lady Mine." - The imito> wan coin*

Vorlt tenor, who ha* met with greutin drawing r«Wnii concert

wd year*.llie'

In continuation of the week of prayerfor the convention of the world, the.S<ttitioti 'of the' Central Prenbyteriaui*lmri#lr have arranged for three Hpecial

In l>e aitdreHped by the following; .lannnry Vi, Kev Stanley

While. iMiHtor of UillsiuV Presbyterianchurch of Oraime : -January, till. Rev.William It; Uennett. of the First Pre*liyteriim chnrrh nfc-Mnrrif-town :-Jan-

nary ',»;. Kev. John V. Patterson, of" theCentral PreHhyterinirrhnrcirof Orange,rtliil to^thene *j[>eciiil services all ret*i-iViit- of Summit ure_cordially invited.

. . The funeral of' Mr?*. F. .Wood Senior.nlio tlieil tit her home, 'Hi Morris ave-nue, mi Friday morning, of pneumoniHyyou* lield at tbe residence on Sunday

iif term ton. at !t o'clock The-.were conduct g<y~by the Rev. W.

Miw Lydia limb nell Smith, of Nyack.Umffnett at tbe home or William D.Porter, of 8prinjffield •venue.

MIw Grace V. Porter, of Springfieldarenne, ia vlwlHnK tri*™,}.Md.. and Waalilnytonrn r

-. Gnmud was.broketi-Tneadarrfor-iitwo-Ptory brick bnlldinn to be erectror-Dr^r-lJoyrt^Hiskron-BdKar place.'

~Oiy~Colleotor S. It. Mnlleu aUd Mr*.

_ K» leave ouuium.Toewluy fof a month'** trip to Anbvttler

The member* of lime Coinimny No.'i have tesqed Invitations to their amm'al^™?«. which in to I* held next Weduen-day evening. • •

The regnlar nieetiug^of~the Fort-nightly Clnb will be held at the Y. M.C. A. Hall on Wedneadiiy afternoon.

Make-Mnu Tablets are'making a retnarkable record in Smnmit, For theenre of nervonrf wpakneBM and manyfoniiR of catarrh they iirohably have noeqnal. Agency at <<anint>eirM Phar-macy. -

-Tomorrow iiio'riiiiiK at eleven o'clockin tbe Methodist Episcopal cbnrch,pastor. Rev. Dr. Tnttle. will preachfrom the topic "The Fall of Peter." At

o'clock in. the evening hlw anbjectwill be "Hidden fromyonrEyes."

The Democratic Conntv CommitteeOrganized Stolidity night by.tlie selec-tion of the following officer**: Chair-

P. MKIIOU, ofchftiriimii. ;Tndjie .ElizaWth: Mecretary—Fretlerickof Elijyihyii; treasurer." JiiJ^e .1. WilliaiuH Crane, of Union. and«etveant-Vit-ahiiH, J. H. R. Corliett. of 'BliKHitetliT." Continuing it« . nerieH 'of inontlily

. the Smnmit E|>wofthwill linlil it-* January

lit the home of Dr. .1. IMwurd Rowe..If.. 7' Wootllaiid .avenue. • on. Mou-lay

There will'lie a nliort Inmi-to-lie followed l»v a pro-

prepareil hy the roniiiiitteer Allyonnj; people of llie churrh.the

whether member* of lvni;iie or not.are invited to l*-.

Minn Harriet rVW-HSeetser. who forthe p»*t three yearn ha*refilled in Stini-mit with the family., of Ijemnel Skidinure, died Hiituninv, .Tunnary 7. at therenidenc** on Woodhmd iiveune. l-'nn-eral nervice?» were held M<mday after-nnyit. iimi litter the IHMIV WHH rtent to

.for interment in the family plotat Moiiul..Anhiiru. Miss S\veet*«er WHHthe-daimhter of thV*' late" SamuelSweetser. of Cambridge, MUM*.

Assemblyman Kdwurd S. Coyneelected clminimn of the Uuiou CountyRepublican Comiuittee nt ft

for. rr:organization 'inMonday ni^ut. He HiH-

Elizabeth, on

-fdi* HamiltonF. Kean. who II»H helil.-tlmtfor-the-pai*t—four—yeMTM. Vi

mani/ Frank II. Smith, ofTlainfieMTsecretary. Charles Iteed. of Ruhwity:treasurer. Junies <"'. Culvert, of ftltza-hetb. ami serueant-nt iinun. ibmiesWhite, .»r h

The literarv of llie1

Lutheran church held its annual meetiiiK •htut SatunbiV night and elected thefollowing officer* for tlie ensuing year:President, ReV. K -T. Krknnder;

president. i1-* (»nnternon: i*errehiry.

Kiniiia_yfHierhern; linijiifittl .itecretary.15. F. Andvn«on:' miditorwr Anderxon.

Olof ami A:hl; Anna-UUIK trea^urer'n reiMtrt

<-W\iimu. i»r the Kasl Summit*The~ifst or-MrfiiFyinau**'

vwl re-which

devoted to the "line of the" local

eipti* for the year of

.w«* j

•_Ih£itlr..A-».r.lT.- A7. M . of whit-h~Mr7" *'"""~ Sfiilm- \\jis~7f nienil>er. a t t e n d e d t h e st-r-— vjrr.itr-it Koilv. tin friend-* of tlie hus- Text anil ah"

\"r_k. Tim.Orange* will be represented

\Vn>ennIt«on. who willtenor HOUJJH.'"Since Weifmnp of J

Ptirted." by Frances Ailitcen; "IVnrip.''w-t!TdH_bjL_Knink ChafTee. iiiritdc byF Winjc Riker; and "Ich Lielie

word* by Iliiron von

The .Tiininr Christian Kmleaviir No-/ iety .»f ii,P i^nrrnl—'rjHbyteriRtr••linn-h. or which" MiftaCatTirine Fai'k-

J'_?r-iH_Hui>eriuteudeut, and-Miiw

Weher the uresident. and whichon~JSnnary 1,1904. held

Hf)tirnt anniversary on Tuesday after-uooii. obseninR the occasion with ap-propriate sinRinjr. recitations. Bible

j,n,t H n nddresn by Rev. Minot

nuder 15 yean- of »ge, a meeting•very Monday afternoonthe year with a weekly

', or which •50 has beeuthe chnrch work, |20 for

MuKnerlte Grant's girls* school inSJTT North Carolina, among the

™nnjaiff)White«..and f 10' for' localcommendable showing

~ thls-new-bnt tlior-

; \V. Warren (files will prem'limorning anil .evening »l_.tlie Fir*tllaptftt ehlmllr' tomorrow. MorninirMiil»ii'fU-XLAn_l'niii-i

insbaud. Mit.. Senior {:{mi^"Sapiration."•i- •«.irviveil-br-n-T,Hby. one year ol.l: j_..Thl;('lever*Spewh of a Clever. Tube-Lhe inreriiieiit wan-in Fairrnoiint ••••'"^Jjj^ver," The eveiiinir wor-mln will he

^.l-iy. Ktmiley. " - ,

* -A unii|itf ct)iit:ert'.will_be niwii at tlie.' I'liiiiiimwejiltli Chili, fit—ilontcbiirMuOH latter part of January. ,All'of theiiuiulifrf. will .be ^iven by telephnitfrtiifltithin;* mate quartette, .from I on r

. nr-uifh:- instrumental • trio, violoncello

'"i'l piiuio.'Paierf'Oii: -itconp .°f' teiitir.-"in--, |.;nM( Orange, anil a half'hour- t*;u*lfsiif viiii'leville. with the Orphemu.

Hlld Weber & Zie«felds New

preceiled-liy « nervicv nf prayerhin^'jil * p. in . rondiit'twl by.tin- Ctiaii Knib-av'or Society. Mid W H ^vice Weduefibiy ••vciiintf lit. * pan-,dlifted by thepii"tor. Htllidny -^cl

It 4."i it. in.. ViinUyke.1 r*upp'riTn"

In another cohinni will !«• fonml theannouncement of the wile of •J.in bond* of the Pnlin«-^lion: Thewi boudw are oiTerediti'nt accrued iiTterewt. Hiibjcct to priornale mid advance in price. The' rate ofTnttfret*t iHffnidiuttfil by tht*-c<iriH»rHtion


from jiow.until liU'i. but by a ^incut with tin1 Fidelity Tnint'froin'paiiythe rate will iietl'the purchaser abont<> per cent, on the investment. Thebonili* can be i-sued . in any itmonnt.

making ,. them available- for

Mm. Sarah Elizabeth Kiiwey Day,wire or Wilbur F. Day; or Morristowitrdied at her home. In'that place Friday

. after an ilhietw of over twoJjlif wits one of the liiont ajtive.and philanthropic women of

BIorriBtowu! not oulr*TiT»Qclety workof tlieMet^odiHt^Epiwopal chnrch. ofwhich Bha was a ineniiwr, but in ptUilic'nd private lienefacHomu ~Beven~Boitff

and a danghter anrviye her." TEeTfrTueraBenices were largely attended from theMethodist cbnrch on _Tnesday_Httet

; in -which six-Methotlistmen, former pantors. ofiiciated. the ad-

drewen being by Dr. Adamn and Di1.

Colta«.. -• - , .Fre»-h Sugar. Fruit and. Chocolate

"Belle Mead Sweeter Bon Bonni andChocolates-on nal** at RogetV Phar-macy. » ' ,

A. P. Wbltlock. of WaWrourin*, hi spending some time In Syracme.N. Y. — _ . ": •

Mr. and Mr*. C Ar t^irran. Whobeen stopplmc at

Virglniii. . - •;.-...-.-

The Alnuiui A«HH*iatfon ofmit High School I* arranging toau Informal dinner at the New

Home time iu Febiuary.—-•-I'nrk

imctuvnies.(Oontinoed from Flrrt P»K** >

with tbe jnniont of ibr inwoHatUm «fthat town. Thv Sninuit boy* c*meont_of the tcaute wiUi Ihe Ut(|r end «f

u a return game willon the local amtictattoi! court.

The lot era of tbb* indoor *p>Vrt wererather di«appoluted to lenri* that the

j wliednietl l>etwmiMrTaiyl Mn». Charlew-M.-JJet'-W-r.-of ta«*iH'iMtion~ IMIM and the


met defeat a r t.SebtM»l

luent, of their daughter. Mint* .May -j cancelled.Decker, to Rev. Wendell Prime Keeler.pnMorT of~the~l*re*'bvtpriini"_ctiun*h ofMaiitftou.

Mra," Kate I , , wife of W. M. Clark,died Hiitlileiily at her home. 18I> Itonle-vard. yesterday morning, abont 0o'clock, from apoplexy.' resulting from-in accident in New York on Tuesday,by which (the fell from H trolley carMM. Clark was "tf yearn of a«e. :

City Clerk C. C. Henry hit* received [the reftiguationbf Charlen CltaniherTafii7|who—vrat appoiuteil by the.CoinnionConncil to tlie office of Second Aiwi^tanlChief of Hre department, and the va-cancj will lie Hlli;d_at_the regular

of lhe_Coiliicil-inej(t_TneHday

Two tonne* were playetl on llie Y. M.u


b** baiiii-ltiy

ht At the Si. *NlcuoIa«;rink. Jfrw Vt*rk...ilntf It I"L?;U1IH«1 l lmt 'their victory *1enintif>tratHl tliat thet n u M t b f t>tn>tiicn>t which ha*united Ibr culleRe fnr..*ev«*ra1TljV&iort Hllln orveti. nltbonuh


CHVW:U,,' The Rev. Dr. A. H. Tnttle.' pastor.

Morninjc.s*rvicf at I i o'clock. Evening:•ervlce at H o'rlock, pmr«1«l by Ep-wnrtb Leatrn** v«ipersenic*at T U'clocfc.W l d l ' ^ i - at -

.i ii H o clock,

tlcmu i* t eh till v. i

d i I ionthr-t*

to nnfrtvtimhl*Imve l*een pnip* n^mrtnl t«» l»e Inexcelleiit «»n-

.The gnme will take pine** onml Ininwn •*• XoMti and Sionth

Hnudayh i


America,\'lVL the_ we*teni wl lon _of^liort Hilbt. rl^t*. (^v.ytine, of.Wood-iaittl aveune. tht»»j:Jly,Je tlielcBpialiLuttbe Short HilUteaiii. and Holklim Pitt-uter null Kilwanl l^arnetl nre HIHO nietii-

yLeattne_^ervice at 7ut ?. in

p. Vi.Xh* U

nW SP .

OoeyniHn.___MId-week prayer wrvlw? onTnesday eveulnK at 7.41; Junior L

ie^ti ng- on—We«liic*dayV n t 4 JiClaw-meeting Friday vvenin* at 7.:t0

o'clock, followed by lllble clrtn-»*it Ho'clock. •"> ~"'

-of the playrr*-iup?i—

** baud* of the Newark •t ion til «»vrr fttrwaril

t h eThe mttnd game witivbmid teanm of the name * b o o K a m l thelocal five came out tictorionn by the


in.it iiAtmsTCiiritt n.ellcal Luthemn Bervice« \vijlln».

held every fin»t mid thin! Snndny ofHit* iiionili, "at~TTI5~p, m". Geruniii

wore of 1."»»..


, , , . . . • preHcbing tir«t Sunday and Kntflinlr theAfter faaviUKrh-wti » .leal, with tin- j , , j i r i l Sumlay. All conlinjlv w^l«»ni-

excepliou of xigniug the lcane, tlieSuiu- jmit Athletic. Awociotion was to have

leawd the land of tbe John Kellej^e*tate ou Morrin aveuue for «, baseball

The MetbodiMt and Catholic tmutsrolled three gamen In the irmgnvWrie*on Hi** 6th inst.t and the former firetoolt two of the three. Realf bad high

The water tank which wanere*:ted bythe. Itailroad'ComiMitiy near Maple streetfor temporary UHe; lattt fall, ha*

n ahaiidoued. ami will l»ereniovwl awtjobii an.potwllile: The new water tiiwernear Sniiiinit avenue wan put "Ih "opera-tion th'ls week. The ml I road! employ em-have been engaged this.week in layingswitches ami ballasting the uewly laidtrackrpreparatory to" nuiuie the depres-sion nuder the Springfield avenue cfom1

Ing* to morrow.

The i.'oinpletion of the new ittutipii afew feet east of the old Im-ation withthe approach by the incline driveway

the-; CttbollcH—IS2-mretmge for tbe

CavnuangU forReiilf also hadthrew games for the. Methodists—171.while Manuion, Sr., had this honor for

ReeveGrow ....":•-.LocusRealf

Totals . -

•;..' ir*.

. •.:.,.. IVJ




Moyimgh 1.17Cavimangh.. . . . . . . . . 14::Manuiou. J r 1 VZl

from Summit avenue.placet* the^baggage..Mannion.-Sr.

room beyond the .d is tance for whichthe Railroad Company ' are required todeliver the mails a t the post office, undwill nndoubtetlly—nmk*-—it—nwcaHMiry jfor - t he -Governmen t to contract- forcar ry ing the maiU between the JKWI'ofhVe and the Mtatlon. The mat t e r i*>JIOW lieiug 'cotiitidered' by the Itovern-inent authorit ies nt Wa-«lilui,'ton.


tenl «I Ml17".






t mi

gronnd for a-terui of thtee years, it innow anuoimceil that the deaDta? beencallnl off by Joseph KHIev^_who hati re-fo^eti to sign the leaw. The.inabilityof .th«> awioHatipu to lease thin groundnow uuikett it. Very doubtful if gronnds

KWKIM8U CliritCII.The Hwediah EvanuellcHl

Salem chnrch, Morris avenmrevery Snnday at :i W p in.



The Rev. Minot C.'Morgan.-pattor.Sabbath services: Public wornblp 11a.m. and H p.m.; Sitbbath nirliool, U.4Aa.m.; meeting of Christ bin KndenvorSociety, 7 i».m."; mid week wrvice, W«l-nemlay_at M p.m.

field, and consequently the. prort[teci/>r | The Uev. W. Warren Hi lest, paator.the .town iu Prrachln» ctrviceft at II a.m. nnd't* j * .

in. Christian Endeavor praver m a t -ing a t ; 7 p u i . : midweek service on-Wediiemlay'evening aVTr-rTcliwk: .Sun-day school at-''lt.-4*r.:i."in77^Tlieoilcri*' F-

baring , * ftrong-. nine Inx

very remote. With tlie Inability of

iMimmit to have a team of i i r <nvn,y- whereby

ywith i'VutiTiyke, superintendent. ' . .•.-. ..' h a t - ! - v r ' I ' A I . V A l t Y . O t l f l t o i l . - . •'•:".' ' • •

a ' conAolidation . can l>e .effecMadiiton;'orrtheigiiiie plun as the.iluuu-Mofri«towucombinationT 'With a Tlif • Rt*vr~\VHlki;r '<4\v,ynneV ret-tor.boarxl of m a n a g e r who have only the s n»di iy n T.IW - HMII 11 ,y in.. A p.m.:

> * i nuirtiiiig inaver at w 4-» n J I I ; ou tlm1 ! i r , S m H | y " \ r th • ' t f l Smidy

Totalu • 7»H

Richard Rettlf~uow ha*fi.~fr>r—the" bowliim 1«11 «n*er»-«l by

Young for-the highest mrore mnde on

IUM Park 'nvennFliowIing alleyn during «i<ith l»*mi|net of cHniHtioti pink

the nnuith of .lammry.


Robert .1. Moiniev. of Spriligtield ave-nue, met with quite a tterioiirt acciiteuton. .Wednesday • evening. HH -W«»detH-emliug the Mtait-s iu hi* home wheniu mime unaccountable nmtiiier henlip|>ed und fell. Htrikiug the ton of hishead ou the step* and cutting a deepgtmh In his scalp. Ur. .1. W. Hray wan•ntliiiiMMieil and attended Mr. MooueyVinjury, takhnc eight Htitchen in' tRFwouml. .bimet* Mobney. a soirof Rr.ll,

interest of the team* at heart. KIICII HHarraug«*tneiit tntuht itroveiulvHiitKiiecin'sxml prutitnHt*'to Iwth leaUit*. . -

• . . m.-^-^ -—^—. X-Flowers for Cross, Coyne and TUlman.When ;Seiiator Crofi* and Anfenilily

JHeilJU'grTTgHTnHl'illlUHii took their ••eat-*iu the aiweiuhly cliHiuWrw iu Trenion.

af|frtitHui," they fninul theiratlonietl with magniticeiit int^ketr)

of. flftwws. the nift «f the McKiulcyClub. Elizxl^th. On lite «!ei-k of Stunlur t'nuw. who wa« eb-cteil President oflite Senate, there WUH al»<* n uiaiu-

f coinhi** frieudtt in Sniiiioit. whicn IVHH cuii-wved to Trenton umler tlie special«*wr«* of 4V**i!iia**.ter A. M. .Innen. ,

lirnt Sunday "of the ' uiotifh; Sundayi) ift n,ni.. oil nther

• nitil Fridtiy, I W \VIA* u.\i''i'i"*T »ni?i{c;u ur,

There wit! In* rieruian-nt :t


Y. M. C. A " !Methotlislt


WILI.Altli HALL. "" '

Stimlrtj-whofil for bnth cliiliireii.nn-tlitlult** from it tn-4-it'i-lock. (iuipellTitVt-iuu from S to » uVlnck. Jo whicii.evi«ryXhotly i" cov<lially iuvited:

- " - — t'lllMSTlAN SriKNCl-Clirjitiau Scieiici' Meivice** are lieltl

at the (*hrlhtutn Scieiuv reniliug nKUii",Fir-t Natioimr1- Itiink hitilding, everySumlay morning, at 11 o'clock: Sunday fi'lmul itt 1-. A tt-stiiuoniiil umlexpji'rie'llfH-ineetilig if held every \V«*d-iicKday evei:iinr at M o'clock Tlit-K*-rooui)* are Dpeti dtiily to tin: piiMir fromI \n •"», excepting SUIMIHV*.

• U


4U • i


while on hin way h> Kecnre uieiliciil a*» '.three gwwawiHtaiirer^lipp^l~on^^he-ice.-i*iitMu^Th««-S4»ninit-aiw>-iv;u"illufalling.-1'iit hi« f«ce in neveral plm*es. • [ the match: l-e»ch had high neon*, for

Features of a Great Sale.

i The JMumtry I^iririiiu Suit* of{ Pl.'iui A: Co., Newark, i* wi npp<nitli iii)u*>unl lu'r^itltit* fnun every de-

I |Mrttu**nt th i t it JH not eiiwy io pick off-„,, , . , , , , , , , hatnl the mo*t iirominent featiir**.1 be league watch Ht-hed«l«l for J IUI : T , 1 J H Kn.Ht n I I I i n i | , _ i ) , , e n f t | | e , , M , n i v ( ,

nary •*() in-between the Pref»hyienmi i , really iimny HM1*-». all occurring «tand tbe five of the Y. M. C. A. . j the fame-tiiiie. Ktieh department fur

. - — ! ui^hei* l«anpiiiiM JH> large in number-HIM!visited Millbnru_im Wt-ilnes j Un;e in' -mvinpi tliHt they nre really u. Hiid engaged in a nmtrh «i[big w»le in theiiHelvcn The iiuiHlin.ten witli a team of that town. | »rj»" «•<*• «" » .ti.erclinii.li*«e event that

lea-fa nll.otuen* of the.-kiiid iu Newarkiu iinanlitT tit- tf


(MiThnwthiy evening next an enter-tainuient will lie given in HeecliwoodMn-tic Hall, under Hue nunpice^ of Summit Council. 7*1, Knight-" ofColumbiw.Among the entert«iner«'will-b-*-LittleWalter Murphy, who han tilted eilgilge-

at Proctor'N for the .pant twoWiimii*1 and Casaler. fiiu7'>iif**"uiii-

nic'til entertainer-*, and many other?will bf neen. The orchestra wiTl-lie.under the ilireirtioii of P. 1. l)?iguau. ofOrange.. /The .committee in charge in:Robert Brown. ,l-m..F. _Moonej'. Win. II.S,wnin,v,lolin K (Siiuu..Martin Ii.aiM Ralph .1. Malay.

• At the meet Ing oCllieJiimriLur Fret*lioMers iit


the visitorw—ilit, and HLHO high— UK, For Millbnm. high manLynch with 1S4, and he n{-*i> luiilaverage—IW. The *w*iire*«:




I . l u l l KAI.K,—Onk sjiln-Ibtiin). K<HH1 a- now." l'rlf'.'S.ii' C J I I I ' a - i n l " l i . - - . NM.I. 'I" Iftinli'-

vnn l . Hiiiniuit.

W ANTK1)-Y«nintiL ll

tu to IIK0.11O\

t«w)k —


( iKNTS WANTKli-^Ainuil** ••inttliuly nml iniiri'. *H'lllnir"Talkiiii;

• • H ' I H Miiminil iiiul tu-Ii;lil'<<rfni: tnFj.r inf..rnmtloli <-ull or write In TIIK HOSIF.i'iioN<ioit.\rii co., ixi si'iii:AVKSi:E. NKWAItK. N. 4.

*n-vtifWy i . .in mentor gariuei.tMan.l the lowuesH of, f ^ i . - o , , Frt.Iny !..«•! n. January <LMI.the | i n w . , Tbe t«Jite of Hheet*). pillow } | j .S|.rliu.'llc1il avi'iiin-. lietwefii New >ntf='

mid l*e.l-|.rea»ln easily *>titu<l*> lir*-t. . "iimi itvi:mii-;in.l M'.nrisii\,>nui-.o htrxi'Minkt m l t i i h d M rMuff. KirnliT wilt-Ju'-


.• t nnd th«- * *l»- liart attractions utronu'•f I emiu^Ji l<i tlraw record lnviilciiitf

• ihtoti-r* Tbe Kale* 'of women't and' I'liiMtci*'* yannetitrt ami of .turn, me

^..- j hoMin^ puJtlii* ftttitrtioii in it mn(j^i t l iat s-h-tvy-t liii itppreciatiiili of the *•%

tntonliuxry (Mrgaiiis they .utter, not tomany items for men too And

i thtffr-tlit'-jHtliiiuht be continued HIIIKMI ,.,.mitMl. will In*,' indetiiiitelv. '• Siirn'tflile, imil

_i<tr|ilnin«' CMIHI

Muff. T w i l r i n i ln t c i NKW KMUiANU AVKStrK.

a hxiMinkliy |i-n\tui; it

liM'iitii.n. -y«\ S|,ilncfl"M UVfr Hul.urt av>-.. Kuiuiiilt. 21 f



I t " '

d mid for M

stnl«<i l>y>ttli'ni»iit

l'f r M t t l n i i i t t« tint

d i m i t y «>f l. 'ni"ii,ouf K l

n i l f mity f i i , o u, tli<- llrsl <luy uf Kcliniary ncnt.KI . I /AI IUTH KIX<i WAKKMAS.

to reliii((ui*ih,i'ouiriil HIK!

nnfy^ntrttl-l-lH'tHigh Sunnurt i vi/.•Al'MTit*- avenue fnun tilt; c i tv

Ktint • S t imi i i i t~ ta -Spr iu ' r _jilnl S|iringhe|il -avefiue—.f roll1..there tothe West Sniillilil htiltiotr a l i t t le over


Patents Issued.lo Jcrscymcii.r . . t t -o t> t a i l e d ' i n JfTsryi i ie i i (In-

iLiy nt | : .nu .»iy . m o ^ , . ri-pitrtrtl l"i

UetirdonLynch .WilsonWittkoi


( )!ru.til and>liutil.i»r protL-«.nir_liir_iirfariii«t;.J»y*Hi>n. t - ih l Or.iHi;-

1 n; ;*pitfnt-I l i t '

lltlf'•'-'•J : i * **• T .

proptll.-r. C.

heiviilitT l.iok artel- Hiid'keep in repair.

A tejitn-ff*nn Morrif-town luet ilrf«it I the - UIUHIM—(if it Snniinit leitm <.Youiig'M-alli'y** on We*lnewlay"~evT-'ninFor Snniinit . h igh man ,\vu*» tt'i;r4*-



FreehoMers Cmly »iwd Swain protestt-.l. vvftu | S , Morri.-towrrH high man WHS!ami voted against jthln action., ln.it lhl:v i Dunn.- with MCI., n'llrien a l - . had i'

no support. • Proposals . to- re lu^ | J |^i1 averugj-.for the Snnnuit iVST.T. l»»i.r

itHii C.

«piinh. roads in Kliy.nbeth and ltnliwttywere laid over upon the mjii

tt* from tho*>e..citie(t.

nul DunnCores . •

of the New Vi»rk^^iolmiCo., who IIIIH the snb-rontract for put*,1 •Maunioii .lr..ting-the roof on the nevv_U!lHi.lintr-for! O'Brlt-n .-'. ,T-

fell from the roof of thHl.uildink'ilK»n'tTM"-v"Mtili<:

two weekft-ago. nwiug to the giving .Toti'o.'iway of one of' the lio.intinn -tupimrtw. s

; 'which he Itnd erec'eiK- He sustafned' iimni . ~.~'~....severe injuries, 'which reunited'in bin -Lynnn.leatiiat Orange, Memorial Hiwpital last j nempw-y . . . . ; . .week, where he wan at mice taken- in ;-r*.'t7...ii-' '•-*-'——r -'-'-*-an ambiiliiiice. His uiiiiie wa» M. Uor. ilou. and he resided "iirNewwrkrwhere fne leaveH a wife, and several children.

the visitor*.' 1.1:



\V. liuw.II. Ncwaik;

;.]«;i iil»*. J.-*M,il'«tt lihin, JVr^vy ..(.ity;"s l a t ! ; , l l ! P. MrlJiMtiil.f, . ji . ,- j t r s r y• *V'>r!a]> jititiiiig tii;irlmi*', I I . ! - " -

•iniNiirT. iMiwinitlniry; null relilfal'Ir* l«it-l le . f>. 1. ,'vltjiiclc. Nt-u-jtrk^-ijilt I

Eye Specialists,on Thursday afternoon, Janu-ary 26, between 3.30 and 5.30 p.m.


« • ; •




' IW



Total ^ 7 Mi;

Oordon had beeir1irtlre*Bmploy-nf tbej *Onh •«»».«» «•*«'•» frame--!•New, York Hoofing CoL.for inaiiy yearn, i K t • "*' - • •






M-IMJKI .ami j«>tt;ililt:, SlcVcn-. h-i^l Oiiin^e,. N«*w,-ir«; v.tr. 1'. I*. SturuVvant^.

" " ' ' ' s'"'*"t. V. 'Tai t . •Nloniclair; sa m i jMiltshin^ u ta t l i i i i ' ' . !'*•> L ' rban,ilt-n*; liur^<•alnM'T;iHi, K .l'i»>o-«wkli. s i^rui l t t i^ i i rui i i t tn r r a i l w a y s .\ . ' j . W I I M U I . WVsttii-lil; di*t:i<:li;ibk*p<K:ht.-t

for «;;ixitti*iit*t, I". I i .* Va|i-->. N e w a r k ;liifuiil ' fa i t i i .^ |itiN«'hs, (

ODD FELLOWS;. >k, M._:-— -Ov.-r Tuylor'n Drug Si

.WfTr.»'m'.SM.A! 402 SPR1NUFIEL0 A\E» SLMMIT.in! A. N, UriiiiiK-r.


It nmy lie of intereut to tiinw who fol-! ° » Weilnemlay evening coining, theplayfrs, to Algohquin'Jrs.. will n»lla*>*rie«of three

learn that. John Kaiuney; Mtar gamett with the Y. M. C A Jrn

twlrler of la«» jwir'it. tmiiehuil teHiii ot I Voung'n l»ark avenue alleyi.

th(i city, was married-ou~. .Weilnemlay,at-Aunandale. to Miss Louise Berk in an. Hockey at Short Hills.

ilanght«rof-Mr^iuaiH~"The ceremony tookplace. at _ the

home of the brlde'n parents.iian q n 11


having twirleti two yean for the ntromrHigh Bridge team, and bud a trialwith the Jersey City Eastern Leaguenine"last spring previous to his comingto this City- Manager Mnrpby is » •deavoriog to obtain Ramsey's signatureto n, contract for thecomlngwawu.

Hockey Clnb ban necnretl an an attrac-!(

tion in thin line of tiport. the strong jj

for an exhibition gamp_on Satnrday af-ternoon., next. The Colombia boyn!|played at Short Hills three years ago.!)

!and met defeat at the bauds of-g!the!<

j jhome team tn a stnbbqrnly played con j jtest. Colnmbhi defeated Princeton in|jthe Intercollegiate Hockey Tonrnament'the Intercollegiate Hockey Tonrnament

• A •-•

Greeo'sCough Syrup


j ; ratkinj;rt'licl you so

are twti It 11111»Itiuil,

atnli*f ttiuj^li fcyruji. ttit! tlitaptliruwn H-grlher rurt-k-sslywithout iiterit; tlie ol1it-rK I<in<l y«<uwilHiud at . -


over theCounter

Keproaentstif*.HuiUIoll.N. J.

PHARMACY|irr|L-ir».<l from

drug**. Worth double 'tl*c (nice and your money back if it*f a i l s t o c u n * . ••••-•—-•-:••" • \

Pbone. 76. - SUMMIT, X. J. !Fonr doors from Pott Office. •

H. HANN.Dentist,


Hold's Hotel,n West 281b' Street, betven

iad «lb Avegae. New York City.

All Mutt' Guest*.,

Page 6: t Schultz,

6 14, 1905

JHIMr. McCarter*s Views Freely B -

roadbed a fcnrttv.! f«Tt In velAth thatv a n Imposed op-usi tufuniUnud |>nnwT-ty-Jn_»nr monlcliialilr. In **nUv ton u k e aMuniDc« utility-', mirr..Im*l«»zl#-kitnrv-on t he natue d a j lluit tlK? jrvitiT-a t-railrwwl law trn* *

ItKid propt-rlyT« HlTlleilTA h JIITI (Y^Tft ft^UaU Jtt«t .nik** fir ilig taxation of mil-roei*>*i>n».>raii<m* nml to Iii'liK'«*_acreptum-eami milf<«mi,-ad3i»tl<»».


The *o <*nlW-.I Voorhf«"fram-li[»< t a rHrt wns lu tbe mfntitlnie iutroiincedaii'l iu ISftO |iaf>«>d, bjj^ which the ncrul I<Kiilltlc< (nml jmt Hie *tnte) annu-ally ren-Iv©' from c;»nxjnUl<m*, w Iilu>*o Hie imlilk- "irti'lH and ltl(rUtv»>"K-fl

RUM •.viurii in run mN lliP" HtHti- mllwN till*

morwy. It II.KP* not n't "In n dullur of Itl udwl - l t luny-JjCLJiald-lliat. It Jib it l>e

f<»r ilm- JtK*ul comiuU

finality Better orPrice-Lower tbairi n New .-•• York-,Hahne&GoIhe Great IwW

km Store, Lo-cated in the Heartof Newark, NewJersey Broad, New.andJHalsey Streets.

.X:pressed Before the State--.-. Commission.

ffr rt-iit upon tbfir ci»ftt amith-. property of any *urh mail

tuore of HIP revcum* wlilHi tin- Muttlinn licrptofiHf t'lijnyi'il mill moil fyt

tlint ntf to'I ML* ni:ii!f* to tfi |" '«

iix-mnlly amount* to

x iiuOvniKTrnr

Tlie fpll<nvhi;j mldn-Ns was iN'liv<*r«*.I•y'the Hou. Hohert Jkl'uiter. iitto.niey

of NeiV Jfix'.V, hefm-e llit*tax couiinlfHloii: ~~~

4ioiitleiiien—A 1-0111 III nn I'M t Ion fromjour nM-ivinryTtlHteiTllii; i:Jth day hi

r, iiivitrd nip "'to IK- pn**eiil at»f the S<*\V. Jersey t;l\

•uoinDllKilon to pre--eiit IIH* «ni*-**ll*r»i* -t"in tlie eoninil!'*tl»Ti~~rri5ii~tli'

value »IM1 p i t on .Is t^mt, but I la* Kialetut \vii< rfcoj*?oml5; maintained, tlif net

11KU, owing to uutiMitft] (•Iiviitiit4t;tiico«.


' Inic for "Kitf ' taxr* onthe inon* fVevtual collection

!__Iu |SM ilu-pr*>went law, n«

t h e HIIIII of *<:w>Kl.";i:J. \nw*."jiltm-k l iv. t l ie lot-ill rom-

npdti t he Hlatv'f* rrvi-ni

In is»». va.<* and of cnttnM- itthe fanillUir

. 1 . .

ntiiN tf

ftUU>*« lMiInt of view." 1 IIIHI pri'vloii-*-ly revvlvnl n'rviiiuvt frortrthp-^ny.Tii-or that 1 MbotiUl Hfi-c|il nikb ;ni Invitn-,tlon nbouM It' iHj pxtn.Jnl. mid 1 *!ullthtirfOrP iivull iiijKi-H ur tliUnlty t» ilriiv, t'j your nltfiitluii

l.)je intt^rfttlliif undV

tix iit*Hw^ltalt uf'l " | i ^ r 1 t V n t " i M«1*»1I.ir «»f v.-ilimtlnu." IlicM , w , f «,-«• u,r~fcT~iipjiUn1' vt.. tlicj ^ s n f ih<* -r»l^.". . .

N r t ,.„,„. ^uur.t.-trtrv n^unif-of tliNtn.|(tpr.«-m-.iK^r«tiital lluin

liuhject JlMI llllVt* tlllllcr intelligent tiill;,•Blu>mU1>ii wlili-li iwirluii"* linn' uut*i)«.fiiprominently *l>efore y«n'r mind*. Jmtwhich W of tlK-KtciKpttt liupiirtamt*.. I«j*e the Wotti "pel-hups" ailvlwilly. IM*Ciiune.'f- have not tnnl the <t|i[Mtrtunily•of attenilJnK un,v"uT your previmts.se*-nions, nor Imve Ivveu rend u eunipli-t-.*report of yonr pruvectliiiKN;. 1, have.

LT, .lu Nome, wny ltf-.-*mn* p o vOf- the Idi'il tln'it nil(*K'"*ttnIfi

iw-ii iiimli'1 to you I<»,ikinti to itlu tli.'* present yu'tlunl of luiply-:

.Ing wo.nun'h of IJIP tiixti* upon rnili'iKidproperty ot now con* t lime mi Ini|>or-timt pitrt^of tin* revenue of tlie^-.tate-luto ollnv (•lisiiiiteK-nnd my only pnr-

In Air. JuMUf IViri;*T*H opinion in tin*mint «f prnto*.-tiUM-iirrlns' vvlth_lliemajority of tlrt" e«tiVt. In the view t'li:itthis art It <nititvly f:»ir ami <"mi*titM--|

of the ntnt4* remain tin* HIIIIIP.lint when, we learn how they nre prop-erly iitul ii<'i*tf»Niirlly Inci^nslnB It 1M~

n HPrliHiK nnitier. Tlif followingti'lde-tvUl-show tlie InereiiKe In the en ftto the wtnte iif the miihiteiiniire of It**penal. eleemn*yiinry inul other Intttltii-tloux •duev tll<? pa*saue of the_aet .ofI S M : ' . ••"'•. .- . . .

lSXL,- • » • •

Inmnt«v«. Coat. _pr tnon • , - . . . ; . . . ; . «1* *i:r7.1*f«

giifountv T*i7 tJ '

f, ilumTi. hlimt in• mlixltii'ihn m-hwit. itilvH



**ll> (In* infiin<-y 4if this of

of l:i.V |1»M!,to.pay 1li!n l!n> Klatr! Hiiu.II. Thr-tflU> fuvorctl tliviii-liy liui-I itln^ ||t»* stimuli t.tx IMIK* paltl l\v siu-hi"wr|'*irntl<tii^, t'i tlip »»ne h;tlf ot I per

; cent on llit1/' i-«*"*l itj" Ihfir • it*>|«H-tin'| r >;t«lt. Tlii* taje'trart fur stale ptl|-]i;irti"«,: rmtd tln-y \r.»n* Hot ^-i-yw-iil f"h lifc-:il! taxes. Tin* \v:-^* ami lilx'-ml pulleyHil'.pto.) l.y TM-— t;ite w=is foittitltil hipart on !!••• f:*< t ilmt tlie enterprise^ Inwlila-Ii -iii-h •-»i>tp:ini«-s wen* t'lisjiijfe.ltvi'ie .-.t thiit lirne i>f iIiMiIilfnl Htn-tfx-*1

protest In the uio«t vljtonnw- uiiiiim-rpossible itgnhiKt the itdi><»tluti <>f tiny

_Btich__courfte. The mini ret'elvetl l»y tlientate for Ktnte puri>OHeH from pil!m:ttNit ml c.innlH In the yenr VMKl WHK ?*'N»T.->'t*.14, or Ie>* Hum *l,rt«J In exii-** *>rthe nniniint rewlviil frijin the snxxu^sotirce Of supply hy the lucitl eninintinl-tles, while the utitte expenditures imvelncreiifttl fully fourfoM liriween thoseycitm*. , _

It:iilri):ids luivc,-ii» I NIIUII pnhit out.from-the time of their or^;ibeen t h e om> wonrco cous|»h' iulyon by the nt;it<- fur Its nwfiMiirymm, UP«1 wlilUr tin* liifr«M«e In it lon nud In tin* ai-<'omp;ii'iyit>KOf till i l l tHlfwut (Msnilc Imve add t t l h:o u r stittf t'Xpciiit'lin-o*. "» t h a t In tlify e n r l'to.1 t h r y it'iu-lntl tlif KIIIU o($4,r»l",MM>, tlip fuihli to HHH't t lu- 'c "Hi-lay* n o Tar :m rullroml-* iiri* «-OIII-ITIIISIh n v e pra^tk 'nl ly n ' innlu^l » t JI_!*IIII»I-

n>HUlt WIIH hroiu:hl aNni t ,Hf

iliitl Iu.iiaxt.oii the lielief tlutt If «ue*ccs^fnt lli*-v uiMiUl i-ontriliiite vastly t<»tin- |nil>lli- ii"">1- . • • .

"As itiiM* pr«»^t>-s-eil tlie<e e<Mii<>ni-tlnlix eMi-u.)t-«l I heir I Hi nines* II]HT;I-tloii-i .tTid ;nii»;r\>| :idiiitlon»l projMTiy.often .tf r»*;tl i:ilue. iiulll ill Monte iMf-tioti< of the >t:ile^esi*«vialiy ill the ell-fes. the exempti<\ns from Iwiil taxationbevitine mi sn'sit :i» to Im-iuiilwr ll»«

j prupetly tif ••ili7.eii« liable to t«* taxe.t"iWith a Iie;ivy liiinlcu.

njttstfi-c arishiR'fiMin lu-ll Um nrnl to rtpiallre asthe public himle'n* |he

i-ollfgg;'tioi jitHMii-_,increnno In tlto' iiiuoiitit pnldl«y IInr

Tallrontlft lu that time. l>ut lMv.iu-fprnctlcnlly nil that Iiicri'aKc lnis 1»vu

. nppllodjo the iDunlt-lpnlitli'H nud iitit t»the i tit to'. It 1H iny tlnn hWIef tliTTrtln-

"time-.linn corao to mil a luilt nud to in-BlaE~tiriH"no further fnrnaitH »tmll Iwbindo "upon the Mtii(p'>i -rrvonui' fnnii

..railroad'* unless the people of thin state

*"Topr*v*M»ty of l.-i

fur :IHon the ^il «Uiy of April.

XST.I. \Kts*v*l an act tlif avowtil olijii-tof whk-li Wii«i to CHtaldltli J.iwt- riiltnfor the luxation of railroad propt-rty.TliU net madc_:i_rndi«-al In thesystrai. It uot*ohly that mll-rottd .cutii|tiihi<** should paycost, -r<|iilpiiit'tit und apiMMiduui^ oftlu'tr roads a.xtnte tax at siicti rate a-*

j by iaw.atl rnil I>n»i*ert\* of Kilcllon~nt.it by ihein (exc«iitiiiz the

ui!iiii~Ntriii. "not ^Ytwdlux; a hutnlnilfeet in width), a county and municipaltax for^lhe IMMM*IU . of the t-ountit^

-; ainl cities of tin" «t;tle i-e-nhci>* the samt* wwy situ-

atiil nftiT'tbt: t-.U*\ of 1 !«v «*i*td, i--vns. Intwoer. front siiih ta^lamlxotilfns tMI. at*n*i* lying In oiu-l :il th«» t«*nninl of tlit'.-cf^lwvilvc

-. - - ^,r. . ; i1893. ' • ..

Bl;ilf prl«;iti . ^ . . ; ; "Kflit.- )iii»']ilt.iiK ;. . .- l ." l l

Cnutiiy WiHtine MHvInnia-yi.. l . l i l.if.' ihiiul.. liHml" imif Tti- ,"i« nittititif : ; M»r . inn Hi-'nt.tl. IMIVOI . . . " Wtliixhi:il HL-im-.l. KIrlu SO

All the _ne\vest Woods, Designs,Shapes and Upholsteries spreadthroughout, two acres; nothing re-

served, every article reduced to prices which prevail only inJANUARY and JULY; _L__ . ^ ~ - f

Portieres, ^Curtains, Curtain Goods,»"Bed Sets, Screens, Wiadow Shades,"•in Newark's only full .and cornplete

line at severe price? Cuts. -" 131,111. r.:t.r;i

•15. W


-Hlltul nml tV'l'l'1Siitti- liiniii' for 1<t*t;»l<- Imiii*' f'<r «N. J. t"-li<«ol for il(Niw) VflUJCf of(Ni-*) ViiiHttuil

• U.TH. i-1»'




(Niwl riiinviiy ri-foptnjftfiry a'.i<N--w) Ki-litiiil ft.r eolHrttl -

jimttiM (it Itiinli'iitown . . . . 121




in EveryCrade, - and everygrade thoroughly

^xcelienHn Weave. Texture, Pattern and Color, a grandandbeautiful-showing, three, times biggeii than seen anywhere .elsein the State.] [ Prices heavily reduced. . —

Slut*1 -•^rStutt?' T

OF Ctrt'tlTS, KlMIl.lTlA.

7.JT7 JI.+C'.W.


..,.$113,1*31 r e -

Conrt i'Xp«'iiniXlilltlaumi n;i

m*r\«KJut'utlon „

Ther'*-iire nut liichnlnl hi thethoenftt of votiiic nuu-hliics. of tho rte'wneiLtte_ehumlier, the war with Spulnand "other Hlmllnr eXptMiKCH,—btvaiwethey piny l*j?_e.iijl«*il"extiiaoiilluiiry, hillevery yenr seeniw hi bring lt* quota "(•

HOUSEFURNISHINGS:. . —~\—~ ~r : ! ~^— paper of tacks

to-a stove. Everything in Cooking Utensils, -HouseHConven-iences, Dining and Bed Room Requirements, Tin, Iron, Wood,"Willow, Glass and Porcelain, Ware, China, Brass and—ethergoods, all reduced in price lower than at any time since oursimilar sale of a year ago. v ••

enlleil extriioi-jllijnryIn 1:K>* an appmi>rlnii(in fur an v\UA

is t j tlie slate iirlson WHM aullmr- A Magnificent Display of the Most Beautiful Store of

a r c remly t i > — j ^y r n r s niul contrl l iuto fntin tholr iu-li-v ldual fUi^tMt towaril II utah* tax .

H' bt'Kitu to 1[P r l iur t i -n i l .In


theTrevlous tp_UiuL_tlnn' tht

_ . \ H I* m-il Lniinrii. ilusta^ art of l s s |hiiito-fd - -t« »n irr, Imnli'ii onth. i i i i t i t \v b.id'''••!•«•»•'1 Mtrui*. :tml

very suiitll ami I it w;i< vi*j«ntii-ly'ii'ttaektsl hy I hem intho Btutr hail l><\vere~Hiet by tln'hiip*>'*li!iiii »(taxes, the nvelpln fmin-lhu-s. ft>rMi- ' wi-ilni: of.tires, otc. The prifiperlly ibut lnmn

fiilliiwotl the lutro'liitLl'tii •'

the «t»urt-«. Tin* •iiipr>*nn*" JltMitViunl.

!»l<Lit i*» ?*c nii'^nfithniimial. 'I'IIP <-<»»•It lncrr:iN|HK_exiwn*u>Sr~Miil Hie *tnie 't rrnry juiliiin.-ntdf ihe.i-i*urt *»f error-promptly lni[Mt*leJ :uprtl( IJMi nilln>a<l-. j ;nul apjMiiU^a^-nrti ^.n^urnsl in-.Ityto whlclr.ItHsifve^vnlit'O*!** franWil•*!•-*. L,iu»t|rr-rnf«»*«\iir.i Chief Jifiilt-i'Hvptie.1

ilU'lmtii'K-'.thp. -power l» exi'trlse t'H'-t~'"Vttl:l1 -«l*ih* I he law~n-as'ultima lelyrl»:lit Of Jinlneitl domulit-lhc duly -oH-ijit-itntnriil-^t—tlt<l-utflr-»s-»lv«^-tl»^-in>-

~ ' "for «tnte pnrpj^ei_Lpxuvai »f7ic>nit--iTp=*HirJT;n-.ii<' t jniisis '1'kli*4i-imU>peuil'"j__Tlu*'•;u-r-<X3K-*lr.i'.vii l>y thi? al.Ie^t Isi.uv

>1. IJiatthat Home <if it-* celN have'fuur iu-uiniett.. Two huiiilrtil iiml tlfty thtnt-smul tlnlhii-f* was set ri"**l'Ie for the env-tlon of iln* tultorciilouK hoK]tital.. muttlie UUIUJIKOI-J* of the Ituhwuy refornm.tory nrc ilcninndlnif uu inMUloniil winsto {iccnlmnotliite'tlio Ininntea wiio areiiow-overerowilini; It, thereby Interfer-ing with tlie ntttiluiueiit of it* beiH-li-.

-cent pnn*)»'"'-~The'enrotliueiit e-f ehililron lu tli«

pultilc srltnitN slin_*e IS!_C!- h;m IneriMse Ifnmi tJHt,.*t*i>;-t*> :i4l.t."t7 jiml the iivi-:-IIK<* altemliiiii-** froni l " ' t -T" to •Ji'.i'.Ts.;.T h e .iiuninit expended hy the «*t!ite f<>lP»;I<N in I S i t i w i i i yjo.ft1.)!!; in line; iiwas" S*—'tii.<XK>.^Annual p'rovTWInn, -winitei'L'JLfH'.r I'e re<iiiiie<l~filu_lhc* tnnhiti 'luHi«-e-«f UH* tulM'rriilous'li.Kpltiil. Mi*


Hahne ®Co/s Greatest January Sale, Newark.


ih i i t j j i e aT nl lij j p p pvotliitf"rniM-liiiii***"TVl11 coiithm** iniii

i»v'oryTT\-othi'r "pVccliirt In tin- stalTvi-i one. On . the o t n r r liund

Oysters, Clams and 'Fish.


-nn dnmml tax of'.cut of. ainl wlilnmt ret-'iinl t« the reve pyersjiml iriisjli^icni^l t<*'aiid dltl ma-nue iT'luVml Ity. the t<K*ar niuulflp^U-'i terinlly •IIUT.MM* the' tvvenne—*»f- tlrrties. H It* Itetleved. Ihnt Imt n utiisle i jr.tn.te. 3l:*ny " O h e rallnunK hniini.clutrtcruwfls.^vitiiteil to ti rallmadivjimi- f ins tSe 1Viui«yli-aiii:i system.-havepnny that did" not I'jmTnln some pn»vi I'pald the rax»7*. iun«v-tNl a^alntt them

-itlon-itf thitl Ulinl. Tht'ie was then "lie *- uinler pn»te^i. rhiiinins lh:il iheit-coiiHtltutlonal provision nijuirtn^ ta \ ' char te rs «*\empte,i them fruni the shl-e* to bo ttrCip—>«sl llJMin tlie. true yalu*-^jlltlnnul eAav-ti-'ii*. Twenty yeaix have

_of property, ;iinl hence we lluil that \ passnl. howi-Nir. -nn'l 1 Ibiuk the view

lo eiich county f.«*- ili«.care of pati«*nlM in Ilio'statr hu^iiitnl-from J.'l to SJjitTHrvvtrftT-iin aHi|lll»naI

ninny oftlio -.•ompanle* were by theiri to pny ti» the ' i

-alike aitH.it:; the niilr*».nl "«-<»tn-•etinrtcn* rnjulietl to pny t*» the state j paiile<. the -i;iie,.j|iii,•;:•!* ainl «*'ver\« mio

state purposes nn niumal tax *ta«.e 1 rise \vlm ti:i> pi\i-u'ilie >tilij«t-ir:iny at-npon .tho ci***t of . tlie n»;id. 4>thei- , 1«*itIi>>n thaf ;i fair ainl.tsjitahit* ^ysteiiiitKitlll were eotiipelletl t<» l»:ty a percent w:it thereby*trv]<M>l f.*r rai*in^ ;t lartrnso of ttielr nnt'lpti frmti the'enrrlaire ,.|»:trt >»f tin- >r.n'e"< ne--es<ar.v H-venn.-of"pafsensors ntul fnMKht or ti trim-ii;. 'rhis nventy- \Vur-* :iiM»uii**i-«*ii,-e Ii..-

jannuitl ex|M*iH*> to the nl;ii<* of al-onl

T i has coutrlltn'rd-sithM»»')a year inoif-to^vurd the uiaintriianrV'~iVfliospItaUfor tho Insaiii* lu ilir.roaniieK__Turn.now.for.n uionifiiL.itt thcTmr-niie. As l)ofore'stai«il% tlu* tntal n1-'celplo by tho st;:t*' for Mir year. ]'.*•*'•'•\vcrr; ^l..'l".S*»rt. ai»d tli" tntnl ilNluu-st--nieutri won* *f4.:n*».!»i!»S. or a illffcijoiice'of. ubont s-jmi.iiim," vriilswivvcii':'wan. however, liiordin.i'rly swollt-n !iythe rCwIjiLfxim'Ljjit'.T.r'j'jIi'i'ar •inveriiineiit o'l* .*ls»i.o»«f :i-» Innv^i .m tln-clv'lwar- buiils. so tli:*t if it'ltad ii it 1 it

Two Deliveries a Day - toJ " Short HillsT*:w HI'lllNGtIKI.n AVE"T: ._rti>:•..!• l-.'J


duty, "and T have heeii ulile to i.lnd l-ntfour charters out"of several si'ort».tha.i dou>>t> :iI hnvo ex.tuilniil In whU-Ji t»w*jtl tav;» ap]»Iii-'n.i]tlon of rallloiiil nrrtperty .wiin pro\ i.l.-.l ..etir#*. 'I'ti,

^ar^jUluVUllzcacll^fjilM^t* U"wn^-(MMynteitin,UtrI Kill if* Hi'll

t!,0":i.-l i.lid ili^ipated t!u-t» if- e»n*l:t :iltonality* nr

y> S.> in:i.-]i at. lo;i«t I-* M1^•\pr.r;ene.« with th.it net hit-i

ws. le^al-ainlpormKtM while tlie , » t h i » m i - » * . -nr

itiiil l»rft*tv. of ir l.iw W'IU'ITKiulin^ tjfe onwill wiih^i;tiitlatijii'\

aii-1. ~; . . ' .LU :HJ i'»r .» tin l'fli:iirthey \vereoperatlii-r tlii'in. an.1 In pi•tlailly-ttH^or them the t j i^e^th tK_ .jio^etl were Vxpri'ssly ^tiii.^l tn t»i* in d-p-iriRrr*—fn*nt-rtte plan and s m p e ntUnit *if i411 i*ih»*i' C;\\c* whatever. Whi!-- . tlutt at t In* nii ' i innenile,! , you ^eriitii<;vn diversity In. the mcilt'M nf .hnp. is in j .itin^'nJiT th>* le^.»I :»nd pnnti . - .d dii!it n x w thus osWcd . nu oniire unifiwip. i«-"uiiu-t-iii iT:-.- wjjr of «*n.nt"«'.fnity_e->-lty nbtiihieil in "lhe'*i|'iilkMtltiu of t l i - ; tn-tin^,:r'*uli-*ffi;»»''/t_ l»t»_i_i«t m'tsund*;-proceetln of til*1 n^feminent t«< »t.:!Le *t.m.t \>u\ ""1 'In* prt-U-nt sitll:'l.j**n eall-

lu •l*-r,:t theleui-iatt ire *uii:itt ; fi>r i-**ct:t;n ntXIiuVatiiM*-*. 1-ut 1 Vvntuic

for lh.Tl Uiie\l I 'll iKivnielH ilui'i iwoulil li'.'iliy lrivi* IHM'II ;III i'Xir-is i»rs l a t e expi-iiiiitui'e over re.-.i|iW. Tl;.

: 1:ilitc> will -Jlluw how the :.!imial iH-hurseiiieiils li.V tlie~stilie I.T ',

e f.;jtie.piiriii»M'»—It-.Uiwpir.M '. iii:t!<Mji-i, prisons, iiriiinrif-i. rn.i.-iI I H T !i*'!'^'l*'en( iiKlltulion-*—h,, v«i-ed'in '!"• l:'^t iliviulefl

GUSTOI^:- TAILOR,_. 47.1 Si'RlN(;riK!.l».AVEXl-F, •

. "Sl'MMIIV N.i.K' .

t^idifti* ;inil (•• tils' Suits mail" tn onliT.

•"I atiif!** atiil (Mills ' I'lothiDK ;tlu-ri-ii.

ilra'K'il.'iiV'-'d ;*'nl rt'imiri'tl.

The Summit Express Co.

i ; • *


by tli(*_!jH ••ilnili-liius t l i iht l t dmie<_•/•! • t^t u.irii! ' y . n i \ ; i » ; i i i i * t fuiidati tei i t iFf-'MM'-i\lIll,ti. iuiil*iiirii||t,y--l'ii-."

i<|thiKi »f-; rii:'Ti"f-ji|f . ' ~ " N ^ ' -i m ......-litipit-iHpH—)ij-—Milt-MMllili'^-a i<- |iiU»* | It i . 7i IS * •> \M-;1 hinHVu. llt.it. I>Hi^u.i)iitneiit that t!ie roads p;*y t*> the1! t^iti* :i "• to tlL- t»s- •irinieinLilioiKoi* tl te eonuulsa

r j sJpn ai>p.*iiii"l- hi-lSdtvorn Kliilenieiils from I'thVfclN t» IM* j

-ntiim:iH,v-pr»'si'i!ted-i*»-tlu' s t a t e , h i ; t h e - r e v e n u e"1873 Ttn»—Ei'lTtTai—ritilii'iiil' \nm—u-.i.x 1 ymtTce.br:_tr

In ISi»«f \lw s t a t e m»ui tltii

I l x : .y—4 .. r : i . : ^ i ;I livl : , 4.S»T,tflT(JtjIirXn«'Tnnj~t'"'iily n-axou. that a stall1 tax

on tin1 pi-oiii'ily of liullvliltiaK-Uai* bivu.;iv«flibti i-; in fa i i sc o f i l n * rtMCiuii1 tie-r ived by llip-wt.itP^J'iii'T-lSS ( f r o n t t lit*t a x oil inisr i ' l lnucout t-otporatimm ot!l'-'•or. than raliniatls. Ttiii 1' f(*ar lln-le J,-*

••tbipHfth-wbieli t hewhich there was a provision for a state j run ,t fnu-tS.'iial part of tlie snm nttrli*-

* • - • - - • - on 'tlie l,nt:ibl<* to the.»tuto under the :wt oftnx of one-hnlf rf 1 ^cost, t^iiipineuL ami :i]i|n-iuU^i'*. lu-

rort«H*ttlrH»f-stiiy coinpaii|k-d tlii'MMimliM1'. Thi- -••«-.tI«iii

*- iti.'ut the

SI. with die result that-tji.** -natoVrevenue tr««* and tin-* -sine** 1M**U' aiuuially ivdm^l .iliont ,$-Jnft.»in«t. Tin* dif-ferent l<H-:tlitl«'~i hxvr mtirlvo*! this In

\n the ta^rtx paid by

- t l n n a n r e — m — ^J.ersey. n* j*on nre nil awarip, wast l iep(one»>r In" the adoption of n Hhrralcode for tlie forma lion :inj couilik-t ntcorporations (other than railroad*). aif»lcompntilcs- fnint till over the worldliavo taken out charter* uiulor. its laivnund v^ntTilrtU-rd ~faVi»1y'"lliroiitfh the


pFurniture iimvt'il to nil

country.' .byino'It-rate p

Daily cxprecH h^twern New York.- . Nfiviirlc ainl Siiiiiuiit.< -

--Flint'(.']«Mt-*rnb. ami .L

hntnlled nircfully

city orrnen, at

PATENTStsend model,

GASNOW,?bppo»ltft U. S. P«tentX>fflcoJ< WASHINGTON D. a ' *


. • . - BOdKS. ,

f ."'•Plloto "SITO1B.

— :• KODAKS.* ' : • . . .


RDD0LPH4MRS0N,Furniture andDecorations..

1EI -*3«F . " " " A Ifl-LKVARD,



I T ^ I U ^ jPOLISHING* AND' FLOOR FINISHING.Cuitains, SlijiiCuvurit, Shades ••{iti'il Awn-

ings nijidtf'to bnlrr or_*JuL-Up. C

Oilcloths ami Mattings laid;, :«lso Mat-tle and rwinade," 5 2 U



1'rompt ;itttntioti a

'ili'ltii .lip., Tiin-t t i - i i i io luickl; al

Wri l r pi ..ii.r f»r invatll»t »ln>«liiiJ imajiluni* «ivcn with

Th* lirrutT*rnl*n.,'lH--jil.JH. I*

1'. *>. Boiwi, X,w Yuri*.

w. R SHAPTER:-Electrical Constniction-

Ehvirir Mjjhtiiig,"' . •/ *'-'•• • • Electric Bells;: ; .

~~_ "~ _ K e p a~i r i n_. POSrOFFICE-BUILDING-Siimmit, Nr.t

T ELEPIJON E", j « ; ' l _ -

J.0HN R. CR00T;



in and sheet iroriwurkrV : ' ; :

mj Jobbing promptly attended to.•Estimates cheerfully given. • •

22 Maple Street, Surom"..•-'. . TELEPHONE I45F .

f •• '•

Page 7: t Schultz,

, " 'r

- _ " - ' . . ' ' , ' . ' - r

m -m . • * _ - r s + v .v

> % > • ; „ - . ' * ' ' - - . » ' * ?£;--^:^^^m^^^m^^^^^^^^m



ient of fr»ndito» « « . • « « « tow.renoe. Tni» Income has beenmnmiailr daring tb« last fewthe formmtton trader onr Iaw»

•— which for


Jbc period f o r t I i e f o r m n t t o l i o f

has nbout pushed andno" lo i i f f 1 ^expec t the

from tb:it s o u r c e Slean-

oturronvlous ejcMheTHrj:* rov-

oripled, our corporationlliplr"nn'ii m o r e . l l be ra l i j_ j »»•'••

The result In thnt In M n l w . NeT«*uiul AVest Vlrpinhi. not

e „,-..„.... IMVII .«.; inNi-cHiiueoMJ* conwnitlons tluit

, . n , i lmoi l to be quite aa-nvnilnbh* »*!™i even moro so tlwn our own: A.l-

1 Hl • been distributedthe attention; of

fmiH>— tncon'orators to the mlriin-,-imd even book* bave.1>reii wrliteti

them. The natural result,M1, nnd I am Jnfornnil by

[ ,h(. n«n'nify' of Mate W r there liasbwri a divided decrease In Ihefomin-thn- of -ordinary—uot ^oxtninnllnjiry—Joiporatloiiii ami n marked Inerenxe InJhf nnmlif r of dfowltiUoim of Hu> WHIM;

of 'ciHimanips. <\t rourse the reve-.v'ttiit uiiitt' hsi»t "suffered* mul. In

,r JiiiitttnMit- I* I l o l l l u l t o «*<"lttmi'v t<»u-n-T-tiitfly siiflVr on this l i r iomit . ami

ini.1 »f Iiiir iH»ft(B-able-to n-l.v oil tin-in"i"nie 'w« Imvt 'mrelvwl for tl«» pant-

t i n



for tbt» pn*tfrom mince! hmooU!* c«»rpotti-,

I iielleve "it will muterjiilly <le-W a w l» the near future. . *

ritiiroi^t". however, nre. liero..rtuunU- location - o f - t h e s tmejt'an'eutn'iMit for s mu»y trunkilipy cannot nnd Uo notdi^Irt' toway. They liuve hevn our reli-

aitr«for utatere'vounefor over hnlf n

'little I«« than *1,(MH»,O(*O a year fn»mijiem for stale purposes. I t has lcpi»tMOP with the time nnd heen ennbleiltiprpct a sj-stem of schools and publicinstitutions. In my Judgment, sm-oiul to-•noiip In this i-ountry. These ranhot unilslioiilil nnt ho nlmhdoned. I believe the•;tx*\ iKflpliLOJLthln stiite would nrlw Intbrir mldil.nml <iuell uuy profHwltliHito illspenv wltli liny of them. TliA-eirotild be. iIiiHin-r of n «lmlhir ouHmrstit ,1 «tate tax on the pr»|M*rty of hull-vlilimU should l>e nii2se?*t*iL_umL..vt'-i li

no iMwikkwitcr'to two thnt, withonlliitirv ilis1mn»emeiitt4 of the mute

thry 01<l In l t t t t over tlifyear nearly luilf a inllllou tlol-

jrs. and then* Uflue uo ho|M> of ihe•ontinuanee of any fiwli extraonlhiiiryrttfipts ni> the IntPn*Ht *>u civil wnriflnilvnniomitluR to f4WMH)0. or thethn-efold IiiL-reatM? In f*>llnteral' Inherit-"

tax. whU-li.oreiirml In• t l ieosac .

\m owing to the HCttk'inent or thea Ktate tux I* luevltnhh1

pn-wnt n-venue frotit-ntlt-

- • - -

- • - —

-«S3-7tnlIroad taxes•clfarif'f


»;. „ . . „„Forelcn Insurance cvra-

panics .......Tr^T.......... 4-tS.mTTaJt-_.on_rallrutt<l»_.

Tax "o'n riiiacclUinieuiu, cor-porations SS.C1***

TTnx.,on_ mllnmili*. .ft.n;.*M_l>fiuf. ttuc tu lm-;illty , .

ry rInir-t-hm!-r»

yiiiai TIIK niwTa**iX.TJt\ er-

; Oil Stove1 He

OilHTVaniishert anil HruslicH; Solert-<il;iss,*\\'iiMlo\v (J1«KS JUHI

Guns, Rifles and AmmunitionniiXTrw*"" Tulis;

aim LiplitM. • • . . ;>

410 Springfield Avenue. Telephone 108 i.


J*ORt H»lt THEocr. 31, lint*. . . .

• The. state .fuiul shows iiWlnir*eiu«Titsover receipt'* dtirliii; the y«>r ammtiti»i; to ?Ht.Tlsj:». a U«trre-Ji > inof .'$Ktu.!rJts. .~i mill iiu hn*r»-.»Kr iu »!(•«-burwnieutx of Si^TtiKsr. uswith those of tin- i>iftt-il1ne \t--ir.,Totnl uppmi'iriatlnns av-ull:il>I<- '

durlntr_i_tn-'-ii;n-sil y w r fiOct. r.l. lt«'. ;Mtltunhil r-'L-l!'1" f r i " " ;|>1 "Himn-.H fur. ftjiH- IIH*-H fi.r ttt^I1J«*»I year ••n>lltis «X-i. 31. i:««5. 3.3»^<

• tlRlHifi!In .^xi-**^

yl l

rndincaviillulile tluriritf thf IO t : ^1. 1MT.. will be BItloiiw muil>> f»y th t t*>Bfi>tittilri». **tvn toconvene. In wlutt U known us. the ***up>I l t l iipjiruprlalion Mil,"

•fh'e 'IixiHIiitHiit fiirmer itjaltl pot nn^derstuml how" HO urmlwh a. nation asthe Kii^tbdi could liave atlopie-l tbepjrter and the tmth an the -titles of itshlKbMt ordem. \VItli reganl to tbebath there is a" greater pnzzle. Wen-Knlghtrf «f-the'Itath nr*t <T*atr<l OQOft. lo," l.tK). at the coronation of Hen-ry IV. and merely revived by i>onr I.;In 17i"i after lony: dormancy, or werethere ho Knl^htn of the Bath i«CoreKins tieorse.T The solntloa t* prob-ably to be found ID tbe oripn of tbetitle, the eoinlition—namely. tSit- thecandidate for knighthood most takr a

solemn bath, instnu-ted and roun-Keled while tu the bath concerning Ibrorder and feats o f _ehlralry by t w ograve and ancient knights. Bat a s ibt*appears to have, been part of the fn:iceremony for ordinary knight bache-lor)*. It h* possible that Henry's a l lecnlKnights of the K i t h w e r e / n o t h i n gmore.—

CRAZED JY_HUNGER.Survivors of Wrecked American

-Ship PickediJp After Fourteen

Days of Suffering.

roadi Is pnwrveit to the Htaie. TblnrcTPnae the Ktnte I'OIIIN-IH pr»mptly.The Itw provklc* iiiitixnul renuMllf« furIM recovery. Not «i»> »t*nt_TU« revemw him liuit* for l'tnlion nnd th«-coin-tw f»r HH iiulorwincnt.Tbli revenue the. rnHrTmtlM nre foniintt-inl to. The phin «r taxlnc the tniilu*icm by the mat** ami fi»r the iitnie Inrftnro for tin- right of eminent thniuiliio acquire It is IIK ohl tin the hillnmilMiliptnnelre .—'1'ln* two have jjoiit* huml

"In hand. There In n louhiil i>uiiiui*lionMween them. Thi*i;e nnwt .be HHIIU*

4lmlt to the ih'iiiaiulM of Ui'e ItH-iil nun-nmnltltttupim iht'-Htnli>'H. revenm1. l*rl-nurtly nil tuxon nre ntnu* tnxe*. mul

Im-nlarOr-iii fiift. tliHinlUm* fnnn tin-

•tat? to ihi' KoveraL-i^uuMnniltliw. .\«JR(<fteu-t|i4L«-;iKi>. the Ki'aul"*** of "favor*1-rttownl IIIIH . hct'OUM' "imiiU'iiisI. anilHow lyctnalh; ilotnamls more. The rest

jrriatlon-of tin* Iiiterewtn. 's*iTi'te"tiiitT l'v'-il. Mmiilit not tie ovrHmifciil.—Tin*lul<* In ;iot aHkltiK-faviirs." . It

etJiln nnd prpte»-t Its myn,the commission. i(>r nn-

apln iirj*<« .voiijlo_jio_.KliV\v In ntiiklui:Rl'.v. recoraiiif)'\lnt)im that .hhiiTr'lii;•Ttlicc .UJH>II tlib preMeittniiTTfiiHl'of t;i\'In; rnilrorulH for titafo revenue.. ThtsPlan Jm'iift iW the cnnntli(>i*I- ronn^t. Xo one win tell wlmi

Ifciinic of a HiibtttltiitP. The rull-innj- with laetluMl n<'<i'nU'nf<> Jn•iiinry rhiliiigM fn hoju^ oT re-,ihc ]indent law niul of HWMir-

of a new oue thatwllli.thVrfr-

Bu't thai.tl.cy would bc-'thrown luu-Uio tlic ijw< KlrhiBo.iit provisions -liuilet

_.T\1IMI-iiKiily |Of them were Inc6rporat-*>»• The state cannot afford to risk nn-fllUfr comes). The principle of the

». «»«tiilnwl n« It WIIR by'tln*mid W mnlntnlueil. nnd no

should l*einaile upon thi-nf tho^tiito. for the ln'iiclit 'nf

« or BTATK'Hcountlr»


M>1« and Twcnty-on* MciTLost S*baAfUr V*ss«l Foundered:—Tha RasWFamished by Long Fast. Wtr* Pre-paring to Slay and Eat Ona of Th«irNumber When Rescued.

AVaterJttril. Ireland. Jan. 12. — SoWorn by thi'lr territde exiMiiemv thatthey- were tiMijtveak tt» walk. tl*r «-ap-tain and eleven men of tbe .Atuerh-nutttealu tiredteer Tcsav arriveU-hen" In'the HtealnshIi»-Zeno._Tliey were pu-krfUp In an open b ta t Tu which f«»r f««ir-

they hud beenby, iimiimainoils~iM>;ii*. _

lu^lhe |aHt~Hls.ii»yi< of theithey* were wltlTo'ut f'H>«l and walef.

iH' «f theiitli-mau who^teft the

tji_ the itozen vrh" Hiirvivnlfrom Inniuer ntul c*i!d. Their


K iiiml "'!i .mul

'"•0-TniTn.il .II••*'IVM.-IH1M- (Cum.lon

....1a lit)


atiil Itiirltim .,„.f*7.^.3.«0Tra,uUdml.'H.Cum-

•t-TT-rrna -Amboy.. 87.17( 00

tueti. vi**rt* ilfit\\iieil Iii two bHwaiupetl t*i ">ii .lifter putting "IT frmfi"tin1 Texiitt.^'l'he tUIrTy-ItT*1- tt»4i •!« il>»»Itiiatrt when'tho (iretlser _ f«iiiMli'«M a t

[irlMUii;!* eve.\ It 'was tlii? VJ*SS*?1V .maiden- rayacr .Sin* was hound from l'liiitzic for llal-vi-ston and It'rr^KU1! on Nuv. 'J*. st«i»;[ilnp a t Ilnlienttiu to have her propH-ler ineiidiHl; -Xothiiig m«rt» wa««"ii«inlof her exrl'i'l •Unit '»he was r^Mtnnlpivsslns.the Nf*«iles tin IK**-. J—i- • •

Cait Lqtt For ths^Victim.The twelve iu t l io^ r s t tKWt_w«iT

picked Up barely In time l<» w .» thelife of one of them, for all were «ofamished by tl.elr lone ps|io«iii¥>. with-out nnythlnc to cat or drink, thai mostof the sailor* had determined t* drawlots to dccMTe~^ilch nhonld die thaithe rest might live. It" wo* when ibefnte of the unfortunate roun na.l I*™deterinlneil by the terrible te*t thatthe Zeiut was sighted. •

—-He was i!eliriou«_wben_be wa^ takenthe sl»'iian*hlp, and it was

lie afferteil


A y V P Lt^Vl BTN Q,Steam, Hot WakrrlWdHotJ\ir \-\j- .Heating. All work given personal


• •: ; • —-4—— .* . Satisfaction Guaranteed.


F. Rv



-Telephone «t».. .-

N. a.

GEORGE V. MUCHMORE,Lumbers Coal, and Madona' Materials*


N ewark's _ niost ;s«ensational; -!)ier;chan-

dising movement. A sjratid elearin" of

all surplus stocks'ancl-odll assbrtmejits. -

Mail OrtlerM Filled Tor K

(loods I >elivere<l Kre«t


Sa«U, BlimlH, DoorH,~JMouMfiigis"Triiat Eta; Plai{i andFancy Brick; Dmin Tile. EHtiinateH Fttrniflhed on aTl>

of Building. MaterinlH. . Best GIWIPK Hcranton,i, American and EngliHli Canuel ConI, , .


Branch Office, Opp. Depot; • Yard, Park Avenue, Summit, N. J.- . - TICUEl'IIONK CAL.L 2U A, - -



Shingles j3Esh/BHnd.s, Uoors,Trim, Etc. Lime, Cement,PlasletJLath; Flagging, Curb-,ihg, Pier Cap_stLEtcL

Tb<re ia n o EXPERIMENTING;when yon b n y . y o n r ' • t..---—


from The Vienna Baker.







Sleighs, Skates, HockeyK«*roKciie by the lian-fl or, allnu, OH HcateiH, SimwSliovplH,.Stovcs, WVatlicr Striji, Mattrt*Hs»-K, Iron Eimin'l

Thomas Bairdto Itnitxl &

House Painters,Paper Hangers,

and Decorators.


Hardware and Housefurnishing Goods.


«J"tfc«. New Jersey

, Pateraon-

• 24..VC.0I

-permanently. T 1 * patient bad a daxedlook when be w n » broncht •Rhore. H e

n hiM*ptttiK where- It wasran iiece«.>*;iry to r*-*tnrr.

. itiH mental balmn-e. '—Tit wm with extn*me dlffimHj- tbat; tlii' starvlnK men ,wew «.tten into the

Bolllnff'm* *ntz'"& on alltiny craft, and the bie rtw-

w\ plU-hed M> tliat I t J W dflnemm»to_lower one of her own boat*,ter—'

united railroad* and



A ent-

The dredger'* boat wa<most under w»ter when tbe b«i~«rpMoat of the fl

to tl.r Zfnnr»men

They fell exhau*t«l wu«i « * * / * *arm footing A lnr« time —fbre'ony of them banUtThe men were Invuli-f"der of the

^•tiinmtcs famished and jobbing"promptly* attended to. Best, of work



William S. Post,

Mason s Builder

Orders by mail will receivemiaedtate attention '. .' . .t. O. Box M. Be»ldeoc«•— SUMMIT

FranklinTlitw.» Fran

N. i.


notiumentai|Gor.Springiield Ave. aodBoulevard,Summit.and



*JIonumentis IIoadston<'«. Tublt-ts. I'imt«*ami (ieneral Ocrtlntory Work Donn. Illu«

titlKLIhItCtm©ti t lKLIntAh. t iIIt>nnh HtonoH. Coplnir,un-l F l l

JebblBf Profflptir Attended to.

" Vani and~R^denceTSUMMIT. N. J.

jobWNS Pfomptlf 4tt«nd«dto.

IWmne:Brick, iitone; Tito »nd~^t^JlV|-^r S H I P M A NCetnent Wcvk



Builders and Contractors,AndGeneirml Jobbing Carpenters.".


$20,000 lias been Spent OQ this beautiful hotel propertyalterations and- repairs. Severalin new private

baths, steam heat and electric lights have been added.

is under >tlie-personal management of

MORTIMER M.KELLY. Prop.Formerly Manager Hotel Empire, Now York City.

Remain Op«n th« Cntlr*

Page 8: t Schultz,


• r . McCarier's Views Freely Ex-pressed Before the State



The foll-nvlujf mMri1** w«Hdeliveredb j thuilou.' Iiufoi-rt-McrurUT. uttu.'iu'.vgeucral of Now lct>oy,- licfon* - the

roadbed * huadrcl /rot In width thatwon lmfK»ttl upou urmniflroiiil proper-ty ' t i r ' any municipality.- lit «mler tomnke u**urabct drmbly Mire ituIntlire on tli« iwm«* «lny Mint.thent-mil road \t\vr www IUI-Hri pcncn>TTnTr~r(tr~fTiirtuxatli>n of rail-roaiV property, « »tiil«V"An iirtIlith Ju*t rule* for tlie taxation of mil-

eorftyrutluiw-iiml tu.iiidiiee theiruniform lulaptloti." iiri»-

•tiila tu.T-ot.otic liiilJ uf-1.|>or t-ent u;>uil their votit millIII*? proi^rty of any *m-h rtmil (ex<-<* H

l W l l ltract of. ten ncrrn a t the teniihilImprovement*- ihen'on) to lThlsbiw wiw In 1K70 intMlIlleii to I-«III-piy wltirthTconStltntl'Miarreiinlrviii eiiTthat properly itliould be taX^l on itt

i—A t'oiiiiiniiii.-iilloii fromjour Been'tur.v, dnt«tl the—loth day ofDecember, Invitr-d '.Hie "to be pjt-*eni atthin uieetlui; ..of the Nrvv .lerne.v ta \

to^pri'M'Itt tlie ipii-Mlimi oftaxation loathe commission froin "the

..»tati*V|ioli)t ol vli'W." l_litut pri'Vloii-*-ly received a. ret[iie*t from--tin''govern-or that I tdjoulil net-'fp.t.Hiieb nn Invltn-tlon HboUlll It lK/'CXtCl"J^I. IMUl 1 Klllllttherefore nvull niywli «C thto.oppuriu-

-ulty. to draw' l<» your "titrentlon . oneof tlie Inter*** ting-mul Impmitt'iit

unvj> under Intelligent ton-Biderntioii which'perliup* IHIK not beenprominently. Iwfoii* your mind*, hut

tlie. wonl-."pi;rhflps'> mlvlKiilly, IHVhave tint had*" the. opportunity

: of. attending imy of your -pre'vlmi** MW-'nlona, nor have I eYcn rend a complet;1

. * report of your proceeding. I have.uowover, lu Home "way iMvonie \w-t-

• • BfsWtl. of the Idt'H tluit. MUKKftlloii": liavc been-.madi: tu ymi tonkin;: to it

change in Uio'pr*'1"'111 method ofIng BO much of the taxi* uponproperty CM now count Unto mi Impoi-tunt part of. tlie revetvjmof the MiiteJiito other channels, nnd my only pur-pose In xvlmt I "hull now nay. will he in

. protest In the tuo»t vigorous _ mannerpossible against the adoption of auy

__ such couniR. Tlie RUin receive*! hy tlie

HtateJoiLHtatP purpoH*1* from railroad*. nnd canal* In tlio ymr UKKt wat* $'t»7.-

934.14, or le«s tlliitl fl,tMN> In MiWHnfthe amount received from the same

, sonroe of supply hy the local eoininunl-tlec, while tho HtntoexpemHture^-hiivfIncrcnKPd fully fourfoltphctween tlnu<oyearn.

Itailroadw hnve, as I nhall point nurrfroin the. time of theirbeen the om* wuirce connlntently reliedon hy tlio state for Iboiecesmiry t-eve-line, ami while tlie lin-re-ise In pojuikutlon nnd In the ncctiinpnuylng demaud-of nn Intelligent people have added icoiif Htnlo %*i|MMid'lur««, no that In tin'year 1003 they reached the Biun" of

' $4,r>17,SOO, tlii« fiimli to meet these unt-- lays'Ko"~fnr IU* railroads aiv ]»-oin-erui'd

bave practically reiimliiedat nBim." Thin

value iiu,l a/it on Its c-ONt, but Ilirtax «•«» rl^oroifly iiialntaliietl, the at'tbulbil IM'IIIJI *ntitl«r"Afl ni't provhl-lim for Ht;itc tHXett on nillroadrt amiifM inon* i'lrpLtiuil.collection

In 1SS4 the pm*ent law. anIn IKKH. WII»* paxKct]. mul of cour?i- ItalK;> t'oiirufnetl tin* familiar |irovl»l'<nre«ii]lrlnjc nu-li i-ouipany *'to pny tn tli"


~\V1IH iMUUKltl lllMMII, ii(coitnte, not Iteeatl f1 thfto has* heen noltlerenwj hi the ninnunt paid hy Hiernilroitdii lu "that turn*, but IKM.*:IUM->.practically all tliat inorniKo ha« heennppllcil to the miiuU-lpiiIllU'n nnd "nt t>*the state. It IH my tlrm IM-Ilef that tlu>time has come to onllji halt and to In-slat that, no fnr'tlior*luroailH'*Hhtill bemn<le upon thp f*tate*« rrvrtnit' rniinrai lroad unless the i»onpk* of thM wtntearc ready to wtop haek tneniy.ilve

-ywirn-and fonlrilmte fnini llielr iinll-yhlnnl |Hihn*»» tmvarri a »tato tux.' Itallroiidx liepin'tn he fhurtrred In

ttio Uocado iM-tweoii \K'A* unit is in.,1'rcvlous.to that ttnu* tlie-pxpeimes oftho Btnte had hm*n ver.v-»*iii»H-"-'an'dwere met by the •Imposition itf Mnictjixes+_tlio iti-elnm from linen, -forfelr-

~iire»7~etci~TbC iiro«ppritJF-ttiHi-^ln»nn^-•llately follo>vrd_tln» introdii.tlou oftrnnaportntiou by steam .bronchi with.

tax of oite-huir "T 1 per i-ent upon <(lnlhir of valttiitiou," (he ]i]m-twhereof were to he nppl!"'d "toiisitt'iif the "tiite.'* - '- Nn uuire witl^ftu'tory re_»*iiiiie of. thisUinltrr Ciin.lic foiiinl (linn i«'eouralliei|In.Mr, Jubilee Tnrker'n opinl"»-I»-llt»*-coiirt of ertni'x, i-oiieUirln^ with the,majority of-tlif* Vonrt In the -vlfw.'iln't.this nrt IH entirely fn)r andtirtnal.' He sijyH, Hpi»;iklii« of-

"In th'1 infintey of till** e.hn*-* of c'.trpi*-mtlmin. wlii'H striiireiriif: for exluieitnvthe aiuoitiit i>f ,l:ii t th 'y 'were rei(iiii't*«l.to pay inlii -tlii1 iKtnle treasury- \vasKtntill. .'Vhe stntf fnviired them hy lim*itlnu the anmiiil tux to he paid Uy nix'h(N>r|MM'iitloii!« t«> the oue'hal*-of .1 perrent on jh»' i-o^l- of Hielr-miidn'. Thl« hiX wan for whi'lianil the,v*%vcfi* not uawxsed. for liupnltnxpj*. Tht!—wise :nid liheral pulleytnh.pt«>il hy itn* s tate wjLH.fouinhil hipart -tii tl'i- fni't that the ('iilerjirlses in,whli'h >*Uilt fiHiipiinieM were euun^<vlweu*.::t Unit .1 ilinr of douhtfnl Hiiccei"*ninl In Dart on Iht* iR'llcf Unit If *itot-essful they Wtillhl t_-ontrlhut<; vastly ttithepuhllf ^I«H|. " •

"AK time procivsseil • these eotpora-tloiw fxtemlfil their liiiKiliesx ojiem-tlon* jitui ai-<|ttlretl nddltlonnl property,often ;>f grent value, until In some nee*tious of tlir Htitlc, cs|iet:ially 111 the clt*'leu, the,exempt limit from loenl taxationbeeame so urent :iH-to Ineiiiiilier tin*property of eltlzens Hnble tu ho taxedwith a heavy burden. ' • •••• ,

»r«v«'iit Injustice arising from In-equality of-taxntlon ami to tS|iinli7e »*far as possllilt* Hie public- burdens thi>|u«l«laturi'-ou the ^d day of April,1ST.I, piinmil mi u«;t tlie avowed .ohj^-tof whie.li WIIH to estnliliwh Just ruMfor the taxulhiii of railroad property.This act made II nidlciil-clmnt'c In (lie8ynteni. It provided not only Hint rull-rond coinpniiii-4 xtuiuld ]niy upon iliecoijit, Ofiul|tiiioiit—itnd—appendage* ofTnrtrrnnii

The no ciillM Voorlw"' fttfuelilte taxncVwa» lu. the tneniitliiic iutrwtncedami lu 1S00 j)fln«tl, by* which the m*>**rul locdlllltM (mul not tlie xtnte> utinua\ly-r«i«li-e fmih c.>ti>onitUiiu»-wUl

atrrt-ts nmlTlilginrrtywBlitn which lit liiOCt amounted'3M.W. Wlill . ' the Htitti.money. Jt *h*r$ nut n't tin » tlollnr of It

It may lip wUil that-It ha* IIRI.i for the Ineaj comnai

inore of the revcune which tin* mateban heretofore enjoyed mid u-eil Toi

elTnrlK tbnt-^ro/to'lio iiinir»» to .reqiiln.UieflintribtitiHI of the (idlntfrnl lulier-ii11^00-!??.^*!'1'1'!1 l l ' i r I l l I '".v anionnl)* ton little niiorV«f"?i-!('(M'*l<>. but "whleli" In

it-iintlMUal cln-iiiunt ;inres*.the Hillil of >4:g*.ii;t.'i.1». Now.

thin coiifttjint attack by (lit* toenl.comluunltle* II|MHI the Htaie*n reveinlt1

would h e n iiintter of cmuvrn ditl lluex|M'iitseK of Ihi* Htate remain tbe.Siiine.but when we~leiirirb"ow~inoy~irre~pntpcyly IIIMI iteifHSitrlly- Imrrj*;iHlnK It 1H--eoinert n writnm mutter. Tbe-followifmtable will xhow the Jiii-rcano In the en-tto the Ktate of tlie iniiinti'Hiince of Itx|H-IUII. e|e«*niiwynnry nnd other limtltii-tlotiM HIHIV tho- pjifsate of the iict of


iltiit«> h it T p t y liiwiiin- iiwilI>riir.'«lttml). litiiHl

I.U- nitniii-itIli*r<trin

( « • * -


rtirtihad befori! been llxoil by law, hut alsoupon nil rent property of such eonipa---nleii owned' by them (excepting ihe

i ' not <*xcmlhii: a hundre<t

nnil ttw-promptlyto d

upon iho. Ya11r<iad".K«ve valuable

of^Jtududlnc. tho- riubt of 9inlnoiililoinnIii^Jb6 duty

pnyJiiij_toMlie stntc'for state purp»*"***_ n n annual tax of some kind ludepeud-"~rnt,of niMl whlmiit 'recuril to.the reve

ties. "It IH bHl't'VMl tbat.not.;n KlniMe. vhprtor wo8 j;riitite«l to a railroad. »-otn-

did not' oiiiitnln some proviKlin].. There was jhen_tij*

.coiiMtituflonti! provlxloii.rtHiifirluK 1i|X

tn to bbimse-M»d upon the true vahn" of - property, and'ltcuco we" tlml thatninny of Uie riMiipnnTc* were by .their"charters re'iuhetl to pay to the statefor stnte puri'usi^ nn annual tax biinelu'pon the co-it of the rond.V Otber:

ncaln were couipeH«M-iN>-ppy a peiyeut"TlCO~of"ttlPir~recplr(tH'from tho euri;In^ect pntisenpei-s iiiul • freight or a' truiwitduty, nnd I bave'l'wn able to ilnd hutfftnr 'charters o'ut of several seon-HiatI'linvo ex,inilue>t-iii wjiluli local taxa-tion of railroad property,wns providedfor. nud lit t»:nili of tln'so"it was onlyperniittetl Avhilt* the*. cinupauit'-J w.-ie

.«un*tructlng tlii-Ir* roads and I'l-fnrethey were opei-iitlu'j thorn, and hi pr.ie;llcally nil of tjiem the fnx'e-* ilm^ in*

feet In n-jilt In, n omtuty and munlolpajtnx for the benefit of tlie cnuniles.townshliis mul eltles of ihi> state re-spectively.' wJicre-tJie snnie were silu-nted itfter Hit rate of 1 ;KT crnl. e\-empthm, Imwever, fmULsiifh tax landnot exctuNlhic ten ai-n-w lylns In onepared ii| the termini "f tin;..respectivei o : u l s . " . • • ^

AH is well kutiwn, "(lie tax act,of IS^Ilinposetl a hiuvier luirden-on railroadsthairthe^Hiad hel'ore !»<»ine, ami hcin-fIt w7Tsr\M"«nfniisJy i4tiH'kV'iri»y iltehriiithe-courts. Thi> supreme court, con-Hlsllu^ of Vhlef -.hwtli-e lte;ish-y.-.lit«tii-t'H-Kn:i|t|^ and-.Mimle.-Hic Iatli»rnow l>t'Iii^_||HiT'h;iiiieIlorj»f tfie stat


•1SM.« __

I'.-.if. iliiitih. Miiui tuul U*-


Rtiito prisonShit-;- hot<|i|lalj»('onnly |us.*UP ii-ylumHllmi nml .fi-tli|f infiiilSlJtr<? liomy fur Imyj*Stun- Itiini**1 tnr tiirlsN. J. Ki'tnxil Tor ikiif i(Nf\v) Vllluiit'-of vjilli'p(Ni'W) Vlm-houl liiimi'

'IINTK.- etc.'.(Nt\v) Itiihway M-r<.rm



a*.-: iGO.T

II ?•:3T.2

youth* atcoinmls-

sluri ~Stute' ncAyi'rriTiib»>rcMiloiin


ij|v» iKfl'l. l*hC*Court ex|wnn<>8 . . . .J l ia , l i3 tl'O.CK 41W>MMilltlu utitl iiuvul ror

RiTVo; « . . . „ CJ.SS7 117.I3S 1M.:.S>••••••« w*^ti»4 V ^ U M I l i i . s m

it Included hi (lie forego I it ytho cost of votiiigiuacbinw. of the newKeuato fliamlMT, the war1 with- Spainand olher similar expense, bet.-ntwethey may IH> calhnl extraordinary, butevery'year soeiim to bring Itthcisc so viilhit-extnionllnaryIn 11MH mi iipproprlallrm fur mi extra


trar3r-.lndt;iiii'iitof tut' eon ri of-nnd-npp"eaN-wa*Jimf . lry

"HoTTiiii-jviille Ilierlaw . wan nhjmhie)ynu«tnine\r it rtli'l ngt'iei-efve ihe-jip-"

were-e.\|n»l'JKly— nljititl—io-lleu of nil nihflr laxea whatever,n diversity in' Oic method nf imtnxes thus existed, nIty ohtaliie.) in the application of ili<>

.nrocccilk-Luf.:ilie,.ansp!*smeiit to statei*.- In |M;:I t'lielek-isliitUfesiniulrt

Thy act wan dnnvirhy tho ablest law-- Ty-tn s and .wiiM >ile<sjgui<il to mnr did ina-

torhtlly luerease the "revenue of ' i ln ;

»tn1e. M:in,v, f»f tlio ralfntrtils, hir.linlIns ttu^ JViiuoylvmila system,- liavt>palil -ibo tiiSeM 'ImpoMiI n iHtiMt theiitumler- li'nihsi, . (•hibnTng Unit theircharters ext'iui'led them front the inl-ilitlonnl_c\iU'th»iH% .Twenty ycaw liave

liowever, :nid I thlulc tin* viewalike iiinoiig the railroad com*

| pniiles, the^atejiilh'litlH ami every 'nil?*; else Who luih given tlie suhjii-t any at-rtenttoti'tliat n fnIt- niid e<|iiali|i> system: iy:iM thoivby dovl-iil for ntlslni: a-lari:*'j'liart of tin* slide's'lioeessarv levenue,I . . - * '

twcniv yiMrs* ar<iule'<t't>n>-e h.i^lliKyil ttio ai-t and UNitipaied, tlie

as loi Its i'oii«it i t ut tuna lily ornpplicaL'i'llty. t<ii milt'ir ;tt .least Is se-cure. Th»M>\p.TlfMieo.\vit!i that act ha-;denuufstratiil th r dlltlctiltie.*, ]cj;:il almlothiM-wko. ^iiVr-mndiiiir the cn:icttnoittof ii ' law wliieh.witt~Avtthst!ind atta<*.*.tiuil, yp'MkiliL' I'nr and «>u helialf ofslrtt*. I- uryri'Thiit~li0foT0" jiny male,

an. and m>poled you' serioii1

I'L'al niid praetii-ilwav of siii'ceasfdtlv'Ci

H t-.> tlie state prison Wna aiittinr-Izotl.'tliut'-hiMtiiutUMi h'tlug so vrowih*r|-that Houii- of Us -tflh have four Iti-ni.-iten. Two hilndi-eil nnd Hfty Hum-.snnil dollni"H w.an set aside for tlie ercn-.UQn.of the luhorculous hospltaj, niultlio imrnugfWbfrilie Iluhwuy rcformatory nro demandluir au additional wjn^fo nccomuiotlato tbd Inmates who arenow overcrowding it, thereby Interfer-ing with the attainment nt it-Tbeneiir

The euri'ilhiieiit of children hi tin*ptiUlic M'hoiils since lWC has hieriiise Ifrom I'l'.i.r^i io :ui.tr.7 mn\ jhe ave;-ago attondaiico from l.'l.'JT.'t to ISSi'.TS:;.'The ailloiint expended ,hv the si;itf f.nroads'tti isii:i-w:i!< $I.'O.uMi; lu i!«i;: uWas Si'ii;,(H)it. Amnial provision wit"

he required for the malnii-

IJhe Gnat Twelveline Store, to-catetl in ihe Heartof.Newark, NewJersey

Hahne&XBroad, New and Halsey Streets.

•finality Better ;orPrice Lower than


FURNITURE. All the newest Woods, Designs.Shapes and Upholsteries spread

^ throughout t\yo acres, nothing re-served, every article reduced to prices which prevail only in_JANUARY and JULY. ^

DRAPERIES.line at. Severe price cuts!; ,

Portieres, Curtains^ Curtain Goods;Bed Sets, Screens, Window Shades,in Newark's only full and complete

The Best in EveryGrade, and-^every

d thoroughlygyexcetienl in • Weaver^exture, Pattern and Color, a grand andbeautiful showing, three times bigger than seeni-anywhere else

!in the State: j ^Pricesjieavily reduced. ' ~ :~~Z~

HOUSEFURNISHINGS. Every kind of, supply from a

~ ' : paper of'tacksto aTstove. Everything in Cooking Utensils^ House Conven-iences, Dining and Bed Room Requirements,"Tin, Iron, Wood,Willow, Glass and Porcelain Ware, China,. Brass and othergoods, all reduced in price lower than at any time since "our"similar sale of a year ago.

Magnifinent Display «f the Mo»t Beautfftrt

NewestWhiteGoods.lncluding'05IVIodelsEVERY MAILORDER

Hahne ® Co.' s Greatest January Sale, NewarR.

cost ofItbut whicli will uefeHHiirIly.be lary

Js-UhuljMlial Hie aimmJUpurondutliiiiLfor vothm niaeliliip-t ^•l|l_eoiitlniie uiiii'every, votirt^ ]ire)-inct:;Iii the state is-fmpplieil w'ltli one. -On'the other luiinl.-«liiee -isUr Hie sliUe Ii.rm decreaKt'ilili..imioilllLc!liil»«l lo oaTfTTT-olUH. f-.r tin'eiire. of-iRitieitts hi. tbr^stntr- liti^iiiliii-

lfroin_?{l_t(» »L* per wcciTTlili aililillonalIttllllial expense, to the Hdtte oi: alionl912,"i,(M)*l, ami li:>n enntrilnHcti SUMMUMn year more toward the uuiinteuance oihowplial-* for tlioinsiitVe In nie'coanth's

- '•Turn now for a nioment lo ilw-V»*venue. .Vs'ltoforo ftnteil. the total ae-celptc by the st:;te for tin* -yp.ir' r.«c.were.?l.niT.SlMl. iiutl the totnl disburs*--

i ,\voro .fj.llio.ii-jr.. or. a iHfTTivof about S^IMUIHO, 'rii^'-iv-vuuiiu

was, however,- [noplfiiiitclj" >wi>U>-u Uvthe i rrreipl. from the n-leral «nvprn 'IUOllt of StS". lNh) ; i -»l l i terc- . [ .>n t h c i - i v ' lw a r b . ' i n t ^ . »t> t ! i : i t if i t h i td n it bci -nf o r tliiU u in >\ p e r i i t ) p i i y n i c i i l t h e n -w o u l i l I .MI1<- I I - IVI- b e e n a n i>xcc«i «»fB l a t e e \ | ] i ' h i l i l i i i e o v e r r e "c i j i t< . T IM"f o l l o w i n g : t i i h l c . w i l l Jlunv l t o \v t h e j.pi««m i n i d U h i U M f i i i f n t * ; liy tlk> stnt<> i . . rr ( ' ^ i t l n i a t i " - ; i t i e p u r p o s e s — I t s hos ] i l t : : t <.

relorniat«ni.••*..prisons, arniorie-i. r


iJeef, Veal , ,Mutiw. Lamb,and Turk

Oysters,d W»r«'.dbje» in

Two- Deliveries—a" Short i

. • . •• *


Dfiv/ to


191 h

-A. Q. AHL,


- I-iditV atul (Writs'^

I adit's' and Grills'*

lvfuifd, tlycil and re

m,ut<-' IIMTIUT,


tlnit act

culliesu a1 snhsiituu*. Ho not

for i'i«rt:i|n nioilitU-atlons, Imt I ventiue

Kh'int* n Ul;e'iiiiiroiitiity In" inethotl oflmpn-.ltIon hy suh-illUlIng a require-inent that llie roads pay lo the Mute a

sworn stateiiicnl-* fnun iillletal< !•> beAnnually presentr-l i" tlit*• state. In

^873 nie" genvi'al I'ilitmiTTt 1OT WiT?"pas«od. hi the iilncttH-uth K(*ct1on~-ofwbloh tbere"wns a provlslouXir a 8tatetnx of one-half of 1 IHT jfent <»n thecost. tHiUlpiiiPiiL and sipju'iidayes. Jn-cluUlug the roadbiil. of any coijipnuy1ncori>(»riitM tliereundrr. ThI- .si-«'tlou

imtln>r!zoil the name n«.-esv:nt

It N a|-,t» well known that,"to thriV.iiiimendatltm of Uie"Fton~lVPT»nlnti'( 1- hi-1Ssubject, the ]eylH|ature In-lthe revpiuti1 »f tho *>tat



tinotijiji. which tlie-nttlroatKrun n ffireil.jnal part of tire sum.ntirll*titnble^ta (|»« state under' Uie net or1584; with the result that the ntuteVrovenuo WRB and IMI* «inee l»een aniiii-all^ retlm*l nbout $11K>.(KH1. The de-ferent localities have received, tbts jt>

to tlie tn««« pntd by raHtna*b*

Now. llif cnly miMin'tliat ablate taxon the nrupci'iy t»f indivlili/aN has bwnavoided i because of. tin- rexenue *le-'Ttvciniymie slate »*TiT?e-ISsi-riWirtT^tax on miscellaneous corporations oth-er-than nilli-tiad*.."Hut I fear there hno ftuostauital rwisou nT"e\pcvt :t eou-tinuaiice of that In rye Income; N*ewJersey, a* yon n're all uwttre. wan thepioneer in the adoption of a liberalvotltf for thr formation and. cpudiu-t qfcorporations (other than railroads), niidcompanies from ^XlPover. the worldiiuv<Miifct>u out charter* mnU;r Its lawsand (.oiiirlbutdl latirely throuch the

The Summit Express; Co.'Office 76 Railroad Avenav. "


Hiii;c>t«t» and 1'rcight bundled t_*nand rapidly—

Furniture minvT to all parli>i>(city orcountry; J»y expcrifiice'it nieji. at

betweenNewark iintl Summit.

— First (_'lni«(t Cab mid Livery!1


PATENTSaewl tDQdel,sketch or



GASNOW,_ Patent







Furnifure andDecorations..


nmi|<tTf uli(*lii v. 6. wd'k'ou-ixn.

Curtains, Slip Covers, Shades and "Awn-

»J'l;>Je;to order or. put-up.—Carpets,

Oilcloth, uod Mattings laid; : , l w Mat.

trrssca made ami remade. T*^*


1'ruiiipt litti'iition ;issur«d. '*

3c». N'-*_V»rk. ;

W.rEIectrical Construction-


a i r-i n ^



Steam-and'—Gas Fitter,

and sheet iron worker

Jobbing, promptly attended tov

Estimates cheerfully given. *T'- '•

22 Atipfe Street, Summit-

Page 9: t Schultz,

" ;• TJ


~ d a Income Itms beenr dnrlnff the tait few

theformatSoa trotter our lawscompanies, -which (or

tfZ\. imagine. However,• ^ J e " period for the formation of

I ronipanles has about passed and

ipt* from Umt suurco. Mcnn-U h a v e • oh-

•time Other1 I with riivliitw eye* the

l W n s K t C tliey linroooplcl our corporation lair or

i.M tlirlr « « » more lllicnilly.lhniiTlie £ml i I* thai in Mnln*. New

v A I^-iwiirp niul Wwt .Virginia, liot*OI~0,,k. Of iitiuT states, there 1m v*

passed lawn j;«v-

Ulmctl-to.be <!"»« a s nvnllaMr .«*t I m U P n r - 0 W I 1 ' - Al1'boon dMrlbntcl

^ t . l r a w l - the iut*mlou ofs !ncoq>«.r»ton> to the nilnin-^ose l l lWK- n n d nlJ>Pnzl1"' n r t l "fven l»ook* have 1H*II written

pl them. The n:iturnt resultM , rolU>w»Nl. and I nm Informal l.yJ l trcT*-Uxry of mate that there hasI n divided decrease In the fwiiiu-l i on of ordinary—Hat extnionihiiir.v-rt>momtlnii« «i«I « marked. liHwnw hiJi* nnml*r of <1l*Kolntlmi* of the MIIIH*mfl of .-.MiipjinieX Of <-nnr*e the reve-niw "f tin- *t;it«-. IMW HiinVn-d mitl, In

meiit. i* lwmid to «*putliiiif t«>,iimly tmiryr mi this nccOimh uml-

.«f »'«" !M ' i l l f : ? l l l c *° l r I 'V OU t h l '«>• liiivtvrtvelvwl for.the pn.i»l


I iiellevc it wilt materially tie-„ „ ,- iu tbe near future.

I'Tbc ruilromK However, nre here.fortuiiate locution of the utiite

it an eutrcpot for manV tnnik.Theveannot nnd do not deslre.toaway. They have liven our roll-

-xbite revenue for over hnlf aofntury. The otute I* now revelvlnfc alittle l«w than *l.«tW.<K>0 a ycur fromxlaa f«>r state purposes. I t has keptn2* wllh t ue i ime and l«*en tumbled

a system of scbooU anrt piibllc.'in-litnitons. In my Judgment, second to

i this i-oimtry. Tlie«e vannot ami*hPiiItl not 1K» nlrandoned. I believe the

,1 ]icopl*> of thU state would nrlne Inm igh I -HiMl-qHell-imy—ntoimaillojL

io dbptiw with any of them. Tlu'rewould be daiiatT.of a similar mitiniptt"if a utate tax on the piSi|M'rly of iirtli*vliliwl* BIIOHM bo•miBRe^titi. nnd ,v*it_H1.ik<H UO iHMikfcWfHT tO WH* HUlt.-Wttll?lir ordinary disliiirnenii'iiti* of tlte nhiteinnvanInK.ai* they did lu.l!«« over theiwtous y«"ar nearly linlf a million dol-iirx and then* being uo ||OIM* of the

| «oatinnance of nny Hitch extruonlliuirym ipU OR tin* interest on civil warloafe amounting to $4K0,000, or tliethreefold lutreamf In collateral iuherll-

'"Sw-e tar. which oeeiinvd In the .yearttttt owlnp to'tlie nettleiiient of the

w utalp tux l»tbe prw»ent revenue from nilK

roadi Is pn-wrvwl. to the stale. Thismrnoe the Ktnt«* voHivtit promptly.The Uw provide* mniKiiul rMiieillt-* forIt* recovery. Not oiu* cent e-M-apes.TUi reveiHir linn time for_ itn vindh-a-itoirandthe.coiirlH for UK lnilon*ement.ThU revenue Hie milrotiilH are commlt-iM to. Tlie'plnii of taxing the miilu*wa bjMlic otate ami fur the atateJn.Mom for tlif right of emiiieunimnuliito ncqaire it Is'Vis oliUas_the_rallroailnihrmselres. The twq huve gone liuiulid band. There IK n loglnil cttltn^ctlon!*twwn thpiii. There •iiniNt In1 Hitinelimit to the tbriituiiilM of-the local cum-nmnitiw up.HI Hit1 ntjttt''« rcveiuu1. I'ri^mxtily, all t;ixe?« «re xlale ti|X<1H.™"nnd

we c-oniinonly-look-uiMm IIH ioculare. in fiii<f. duiuitiuim frnin~tlir

•Mte lo tin* wvenil fOiuiTmitltTtM. .As»•. c:iS4\ lhe_gi':iiit<*e of fnvoiv'lius become hiihleneil niul

demands .more. The renlio-luterefltH,~Ktnt.c mill lo-

»M nol bezroverlookeil, .The;:iol ;iwklus •favtn-H.""!! "only

rc'inlu nnd proteci-itK-'o^n.of the cominiMsIon, let 4n»*-


taxes .. . . 297,S«J»

Bute tnxt* ,,. . . . . . .Insurance - com-p c a

KB—Tax on rallruut]Tax O

,CqUatcral itlnrll.-iiK-f tux..WB—Tax on rnilr<»iuti«..4l>lIT,%4

• L v u tnx to liK-iilliy_ (JIK'HIH;.Oil Store Heutei*H;

tiasH, Window (ilasM uml putting

Guns, Rifles and Ammunition.........Flower 1'otM nntl Tree Tttlm; Klectiif nclln

410 Springfield Avenue. Telephone 108 i.


' ——.— 'WCftT noMlsccllAiicoua • corporation* 2.1TS.KW.O0Bccn-lnry nr utato for ill—



OCT. 31,Tlie state rinni sjiows

over receiptM.dtirlnj; the yesir nmmiiit-inff to ?1U,71S.1II, a decrease in recelptwof $i:iO.l>3l/2.~ iiml nu im-n-iiHe inbursemenrs' of ^S«;,TiQ.sri HA c«iutiwith those of tin" prcccdliiK \»-nr.Total "upiiropriiittmis ovulliiliV

durlnc tin1 iir>i-nl y«>;ir fiullntc.Oct . si. ii»u . . . . . . ; ; ;..._..$i.4Ti«iir

lp r>'-<i<t|lt fmni nilfor fiific tm»-H r«.r itmJir cinllliK Ool. SI.'!!•!£,-3.TK»,S70.00

" In ut «•-"tl muted *n'C*1tpts~77

SCOTK.-To , Hie total jtppni|»rJutJon«aVidinliltf (lurliiic the llncul year flittingOt-t. 21, 1W.. will IK- iidil.il nil u|>i)rupri»-

mactc~'hy. t(»e frjzI JntLii-**, *(nm M; In -"What 1M known UH the !'iup-

fldll /*

. F l n t KnlKhta «* the Balh.'.-The' Inlplli^fiit furmer.couldnot un-derHttind boir.ito* priidlsli a nation.anthe English could have ndopted thegarter and the bath n» the titles of Itshtfiheflt ordcro. With regard to thebath Jhere Is a-'grenter' puxzle. -WoreKuiehts of the Until flr*t created onOct. W. VRV*. at the coronation of Ilen-ry~IV. nnd merely revive*! by Ctntytee I.In, 172."i after lony dormuocy, or werethere no Knights of the Bath beforeKing Georpc? The Holutlou la prob-ably to-be found- In the origin of thetitle, the condition—namely, that thecandiduto-for knighthood muKt take asolemn bnth. iK'lng instnicteU and couu-Beled while In the bath.co'ntvrnhij; theorder nnd fcuti* nf c\\Wn\ry b y

gravt and undent knight*, put as thisappears to have lieen part of the fullceremony for ordinary knight bache-lors. It Is posulhle that Henry's allegedKnights of tbe- Bath were nothingmore1.—

CRAZED BY HUNGER,Survivors of Wrecked American

Ship Picked Up After FourteenDays of Suffering. .


-_£plii_«rgi' you. t o . j i o s l t iw In mnkliii:/uJ;~T*?PJnnioi;dntIon thut shall ,"Trr•'rinse upon the present iniMhod of tax'.', -In; ranro:iirH"ro1r"state.-reveiiue, .Thls-j•pUn li.is pny^wi the gauntlet of. Jit'iII-•iil.cnt<^T; No due can tell what

-32lildJjcaiiiie of a Kubxtltiitc. The rall-ftwk inay srltli motlMHl nc<|ul<'>»cc In.

l fn lio)H>s of it*-'

Mats and Twenty-on* Man t-oat ftoonAftar V«as«l Foundarid — Th« R«*t«Famithad by Long Fast, Wara Pre-paring to Slay and Eat Ona of TheirNumber Wh«n Rvieuad.

Water fonl. Irelaiul. Jan. 12.— 80worn.by their terrible experlemi* thutthey Wi'i-e iou weak t<» walk, the cup-tnlu ami eleven nien of the Americansteam dredger Texan,nrrlveil hen* iuthe Kteittnsbip Zeno.They were jtk-kedtip J n an open boat in wlileh_£ox_fnut.teen, dnyw they hud Jw-n tossed" aboutl>y inouhUiinuiw seiiH. • ' -'- • •—-•---

In the liiHt HIX dnyn of their exposureIliey were without^ fowl and .water,aiid-ont1: of tlie-Iwit^t—pasj»enthirteenth uiiiu who h'fl th(with "the dozen : who >*urvlveil, died

• nnd cold.^-Tlipli*". other1 ' 11 t.-ile mid twenty-one

iltuui-iH^l In two lioiit'KJhiit>i>n nftcr puttlnt;

the TeSiiM. Tlie thir.ty-tivelioatK

j>.i1!ii2 tbe'.prOHent law and of'ns tlit> eiKictmeut of if new oiif thui'w'l! '*, iinroiiHlitutlaiml, with the re-fill t lu i t^ tuy would be.thrown burls10 tin* ]<•« "striiiEOut provlrt'loiw limit1*!

y of them were lncorpomt*The Mute ennnot aftord to rlsknn-

< oniest. The principle of the*!!^"' l inv- RI)Rt«hied as It wns by the

be maintained, nnd noOH-


^ por the Htalo for thebeuellt of

IO I liethe dnnlKer foundertil-.-nt

on (•hrI*tiuiiK_eveJ-J t was the vi'rtWjPH maiden voyiise.

She win* bouinl"from Unnt/.li: f»r_iial-vestoniiiul left-Kiel on Nov. 1M, *ntop-plTifr*iit"II«lteiitnii.to hiive her propel-Jer tneiuled. Notliing more wan heardof her ex.-ept thut 1*he Was reportetl

VAXS POURCEn -Or-KTATK'B I**(V»MK.from countloH

n • capital fttoclcH r n i H l

The .twelvV in'tiie tlrst-hoat .werepicked up Imrory iii time to save'thelife of one of them, for nil were nofanijfthed hy tl.eir lonn, exposure, with"out nnyfliliie to etit or drink, that montof the BiHlbrs had determined to_drnwlotfl to decide-whlch-Bhonid-'He^thiitthe rc«t might live. It wiw when thefate of the unfortunate man hud beendetermined by the terrible tout..-that

l i e

nd Amboy.. ST.l'G.OO '

.Sil"! t_dutles..Ccntrat..«.- iliOLM

'. . . . . . . . 2t«7I.M

when he wu» takentin* Hieauwhtp. nnd It wan

feared hit* i*e«noii imlffht 1* nff«rt«l.pcnnnHPutlyi_Tlif_|mtlent hnd n dazedlook-when be WH» linnicht nahore. Hewns sent to a InwpHiil. where It wasfin(d lone rent van necessary to restorebis mental balance.

I t -ram wltll extreme dltlhulty thntthe dlnrvlnff weii were tiiken Into thentPiuwhlp. .•nolllnc wn." «wrB«l on all•pjiii» i>f llip-tinr craft, and the big vew-sel pitched w that It van danReraivrto lower «i«» of her own' Iwatn. A cut-ter wad cot nwhy nrter several at-tempts. The dredger'* bont was al-most under witter when the IHHI of 4ta

panennam *«• H'«^ l n t 0 t!l* T'^lMost of the reneiietl men lind to 1*

They fell exhausted when JJiry Mtfirm foothiK. A Ionic. tlm> P««« "^fore any of them could take nolid fuotl.The men w e « lnv.ll*. f..r the remain-der of the yoyimr. 1'

SAN ITA RY : P L LJ M B I NO,•'•' Steam, Hot Water,and Hoi \Air

Heating. Allwork-given personalattention. t . , •


'• —•»? —: *—; r^i • —Satisfaction Guaranteed.


Tel. Call 1 2 b ; - - - SUMMIT, N. J.







N. J.

GEORGE V. MUCHMORE,Lumber, Coal, and Masons' Materials*

HHHII, BlimiH, Doora, MouldiugH, Trim, Etc.; Pliiin andFancy Brick; • Drain Tile. Estimates FurniHhetl-on all • "kinds of liuildiujj; MaterialH. Best Grades Scran ton,Leliigh, American and EngHHh Ctinnel Cnnl. .'

Branch Office, Opp. Depot; _ Yard, Park Avenue,. Summit, N. J.» A . £ -

^f-th^GreatJanuary Clearing

, Newark's1, most sensational tnerchan-

dising movement. "7\ grand clearing oi

alLsiupLas^tocksjind odd assortments.

Order** Killed for Kv

I >e live red Free





From he Vienna Baker.YOU GET THE BEST GOODS


MATERIALS. — - — —

Shingles, Sash, Blinds, Doors,Trim, Etc.- Lime, CementPlaster, Lath, Flagging.Curb-


Sleighs, SKates, Hockey Sticks.LEA.VE YOUR-ORDERS AND .


___ liv the Imrrel *»r :^jillou. Oil liyatei'H,' S imu :

WAGON! S i 10\$\H, S(f*ves, WVntlinr Strip, Maftr**HSfs.- Iron Eii:iim:l_inLr, in aililition t«»

Hardware and Housefurnishin^ Goods.

Thomas Bairdto Itttin) &

House Painters,~ Paper Hangers,

and Decorators.

Estimate a furnished and Jobbingpromptly* attended to. ' Beit of' workguaranteed.-


William S. Post,

Mason s BuilderJobbing Promptly Attended to .Plastering, Brick, Stone, Tiln andCement Work —

Orders by mill Aill reefcive . .Inmedlate attention . . . . '. -. .•

I-, O. JJox 1H. B«sidetic« 39 Franklin Tlmctr.. ./.. SUMMIT Ni J.

John j . McClure & SonSTONE


rionumentai^ and

Building Work.

WALL INCor. Springfield



^ u . . .v u v-. noadstonot. TitbI«>U, 1'iwitnnmi General Ct'inotoryWurk Done. BlueI.LIntfiHnnrth Htonen, Cuii'l Flnfrglnu.

pH,C. Tier t

• - T ^

Jobbtflj Promptly. Attcaded to.


Yard and Residence, 68fiaiiroad Ave. @t;-xixiirr9 :v. j .SUMMIT. N. J /

LUM iSHIPMAN——SncceMorn to—'-

GEORGE E.:. LtJM, :''

Builders and Contractors,And General Jobbing Carpenters.

SUMMIT, N. J. . '

$20,000 ba» been Spent ou this beautiful hotel-property-_jn alterations and repairs.. Several new privatebaths, steam beat and electric light's have been added.

-The house has t>ee& newly furnished thronghout, and, in under the personal management of

1 \ ^ V1 MORTIMER M. KELLY, Prop..\ Formerly. Manager Jtotrt. Empire," Jfew York-Ciiy. '

Opmn th« Entir* Year..


Page 10: t Schultz,

s * *1

- . - • • ' • I " " " ' • • ' , • i . ' ' • • • ' ; ' . . . , \ L . . . . ' - , . * ' • • • ' • • • : . " " " " • " . , : * " . ' • • • ' • [

Jh flATTTRTVAV 14. 1Q05

News^ofA; Week

Ftaptphie Photographs of U»" '• -World's Doing*

y of former Millionaire Bro-tit'.i*.'iiiike,'win iitft wwiihtul himpfared In n New Yorlc naniitnrliun, »tre•eeklnc to nn mil bin rewnt tniirrlajM* lo

IirWrbbonthe BTonnd of fntiHl,-tbnt lie bun no recollection of

inch a ceremony. Kxcewtlve Itfdulnem-eIn rtlmiilnntK Inim^ilniply pmrlim« In

tbe date of hla nuirrfegc on lMt\ 1!* IManid to be the cauitb of Mr. I>iikr'» ac-tion. .

The Delaware letflHlnliire IK ilendliM-k-td on orKimlxnlliin: I'nlon ttcputiMi.iinleaden declare they will n«M out im-111 tbe ontl-AiIillckD. or minority! fat-Jtlori bmryleliUiI to tliein the right t«tthe. flint YhftU'o of the officer*.' Tin*

,Rei;nI:irs-continue. In their dctermliui-tlon not to jElye_over the preMhlPiu-y <>ftlic senate tojhc AdillckH men. • -

. On sensational .chare*1**. f» which tes-timony refitting to tbe OourlMlilntc of arevolver, an lii*itlthif; butler, a threatto kit] imp her "Hiljilreti ami n life «tftnlM'ry n|>j>ntn«. Mrv. KUzn Mutton >!<••K<-€ lviiM on Momliiy, In I*ltt*liiin*,emitted h i lwrwof divorce- from her

.1I.II.SIIU.IH1. .?• Hart MeKeo. a nillllniiairc.

oW, »on of M. J. TJ» wrence. * wealthyaewapaper n » « f , Cleveland,'O;r-«•hot: and Instantly killed on Orangelake. Morida.- tYWoyv -while-ilncfc hunt-b u r . :'...;•. .'. . ' . . . • . ' . . . . __:_. _ - _ „ _

In Loodon lu 1ZM, ht anuoum-ed.

two others Injured on Wedn*«d*ty-n• sluitt which Is lieliiK «ink at ItiN-k-

Mlrh.. hjr ,tli«» Victoria Mliilnj:for. a hydraulic power plant.

New* from Manila tells of an atteuni'0T~HlW>ur ouu convict* «t HllliW prim*!to break JalUt I* rmuUwl In ltl(* kmIng of Nlxteenfof_tbe nrJHOMe_r iwounding of forty other*. * ... _^_

Wlllinro Hnemvr, n mulatto, wiin pnto dentil In tlm eltfetrlc ebnlr nt Wing

tbe iiiunlerof Charles 8. McFarlanc in New Yorkcity biTJuiie ir», 10(0,—Thir-totnl number-of pcnwnn killeinn Xen- York «tate railways duringU*H Avn» IBS: Injured. 2 B«». Only ISof fliTMe killed and 410 of thone injur-ed \veru ptiMwiifrcnr.

Geome W. Keeker, a farmer, northof Elnilm, N. Y.. on Sunday pertain*!In a lire uiili-h .destroyed hi* hum*with twenty-three <*mv«, other stocand Implements. • •___ _ „ . ;

At riwMiip*'iiki« City. Md.. TilewlnyKtiltli Tiiniey. iiil'O*""!^ Foster, ejicltwelve yi-nri*' "M, • rfturnliiR frimifrliool. fell Into a i-reek ami weredrowned. ' . '

A freight train of fnrty 'l.ia<I«*ilwrevktil mt-Frhluy nl IJIFIMW. Vn»

oil the ltnltlniore and Ohio rnilncid,nnd live men'.wen*-killed. •'

Ton )KTHotiH ont l ie Mlaui* *>( the M«<l-loitsp. Ill New York.

'triiKf ciixc, niik'U rank.t Iti

wvrv ln-ynnlIi'reiid,nii|H it ml

(ory IIJIS ji;«t_ilisc()vi-riil a s ix i i i <nii'l-Utf of .ltf['!U-r hy tiii-:ins (if nln.crv:i-t l w K M M I I ' t!ic I 'n i ' f i l iV n'ili-i-'tur, "I'lit*n.tN'HUi- - it* . i h i * - n r s!x ( l ines frirtliih w a y f rom lln> )>!;iriel I h n n . l lu- « t i le r

" (i\m .0 ,i!.(- ni'W r«>f>>riiiM to h e n t t tu t -eil h t t i i ' l i -w in Kitiis:)^ Is t o jmiv id i 'for Kvi'plyliiL' t h e lu.iKitt s fhoDlin inviswi l l i uri'rfi s!i:nl»-i' ami ' '»••(-• e u r i a l i H .TeiH'hers jiri1 ndvm-a'tlliK ' t In t h e inter-es t . (»f t h e In-iillli .•m*1 eyesl i r l i t of t h e

That life I* tin* ri'siilt of purely pity**-Ic-tit »ml" cliciiih'al for'i'N, lrrcsp*viiv»>of tiny fliviiii" or vllnl forre, 1I:IM IH-I-IIih-ttlnrtil Iiv Professor Albert 1'. Malli-e n s m' tin- Universi ty of Chleajro tohl^.cIawK In pliyKlolotfit'll 1 A-lu'iiilwtry.

The South l>akotu JcKlbhiture, It IHniio<)iiin'«'t1. will piiKt n law this minionthi-i will wipe ou t the divorce culuny.The i v w u i i e from iftvorce milt*. It Ufelt by niiiuy ft(l7tMin. i«-not wor th noinih-li JIM Hie slati-'a IZIHH\ inline.

f o r m e r S«iTclary of W a r Elllm K<H>tnnd former ' *hief .1 nutled (Andrewnlinfc, lievu •t;HjiliHHt In the m a t t e r of

York l.dtti ton lmo;e canal iii-tly pfliwdby the leplt«Ifltnpp. - ' •

Thff_ h4)JUti of Kflrvtineii of Hyderark.Mnm.; tlimtiRli nn ptn ml nationof tho trcaHinvr'ft Itookx nnd the townnccotiutf*. huy> rcit beU.-.tlic.LHuielitHluntbut the t»wu ban f I<to,o6o nmre t>> l u

The Colorado legislature, on Satuidny.In Joint .Keto«i[>ii dvcliletl tlmt on thefaco of the rctnrus .Vlv« AdaniH lmdbeeft elected jiover'nor. The Ilepuhlie-nni will douTitlcftJi content.

(JeorRe B-t**ortely«m. i-halrnian of thenational Itepuhllcnn. fommittee, nmlMm. Cortelyou nailed from New York.Bat unlay, for a -wren week*1, triji .tn

-^__' Tbe breaking of- njliim"Tin~yatunlaycaused n flood'lirpatenmn. N, J.;- whifh

- - «leBtreyetl-iMw-«rlil8e over the IM«Niiic;uiver ;nnd •Hiinpeit nnother m>-tbut traf-

tie p] 7The <thinl .annual l*orto ltKiiii le«li«

la live tiKHetuhly' oiwneil In Knu Juntt tin^ Miftlenzo Clntroiuvu* elect

ed tpeaker.'-fiovpmor-Wlntlirop'Ji Jnek-•age was rend. '

ItodniacrWanuiuukcc-ofJ'hllailelphlii..•oo of the merchant prlnVe, IH tb«jn.iN«t

• heav(ly Inanred-tuan in Amerh-ii. tllx' pollde* amount to »a.2t)0.000.—;Tb« auprenie court of N>linf»ka ha*

declared unconatltutlounl; tlie'tteet *UK-ar bounty Uw enncted at the IcglMlHtlvr.


cRiuesArJD '

froiu a i r tbemine In«pci-tor« In theantbrucltc . renl6n of

CASUALTIES. IVniwylvania for-theytar 1004 show that tHH .mine workerswere kllTed In the region,widows. --"ft Is fhiir^ctl that the'o>itlh of

Van Clenf, (he noted swimmer of 1h«New Vork Athletic club, of typhoid fe-rcr, QB well ns the deaths of three oth-er perftons, is.trnccnble to the stagnant

-Insmlng pool Tit jhe_BtAJ.o|tli"L_falr_Iiiwhtcb -therOlympIc^swImmlnff^contewt^were held. , ~\ With a pistol and razor John'Miller,a .Chicago cook, killed bin wife and In-

- - fnnt-dnngl)ter Annie; fatally woundedanother dandiler," Mar thn, two and, a

'~~TuHf~yean*~oM,. nnd tthen, after nhoat-Ing himxclf tlmm^h the l>re;int, cut lit-i

r.ownjUroat; '__ _• _, .In nn encnucmcnt with ' refractory

"• Moron on the lulnnd of Jqlo .LieutenantJamc* J. Jewell nnd"one private of the

_ _ Fourteenth 1,'ni ted'States cavalry werekllletl and three ofllce'rH nnd th^ee prl-

One workman wan kl1ted"nnd abouta dozen pan»enjteni more or le«a^ lnjur-«l~ln~n~c511[Slon. In~wlileh three trains_wei«Jn_volyed,-on the Ninth AvenueRlovatcd rnllrond. In New York. Frl-d a y . — . ' - • • : . : \ f - r < . • - • : ' • -

It lrty menilicni of Adlrondnck coun-cil jof tho Iloyn) Arcanum were bndly'Injured ht a trolley crnitti in Itrook-lyn!,«rly Saturday tnorslnf;. - •

M.. Percjr. Lawrrnce, stevrutt-vu >«*rt

|il:ml t hpTHE FIRE v;,,,;,1;;;RECORD. •• ;„ ,„". ] . ' h | . ,,,..- .....lit-

Wl'.-ttTll sectl'iii of rilIhliU-lphl:t; S:|t-unliiy iil^ht.-tlirfi '. hir^t* i):inillhi miltatnru nml Ki-vt'iMl sni^Il liilH-iciitlnt: nil

_tiiiikn nml stor:iLr<" slicils wore t i i ' s t royctl. Tin- loss is fs t i iualc i l .a t WirtUNHi.

The city h:ill In SprlngtlrtiU. Man*.. :ilivii-k Htriii-tin-f, cuinpli-tttt hi 1S.V1 :ilii cost of Tri.iKKl, was di-:-ti-oyitl Friihiyufclit. Tlic sixty pcnpli. in th<> Ititllu-Ing, forly'of wlinni were on the sft-ntulfiucir. hiirely csi-jipcil w i t h ' t h e i r HVIM.. In Ohi'Isca, Muss.. <m \V4'ilin's«laynl-^ht. a to«s I'Htimati'il nt .^(MI.IMMI wn?cniisc'il by a ilri* \vTnVli yutl«*il I InAciidciiiy of Music imildhiK »i"l " » 'Suvoy hotel, ailjuliiliiy; badly da iua^i i ltlic I 'ark hott'l mul huni i i i thrci* nuiall

AVOOtlCIl bUildlllKK.

An early Suuthiy morning lire In.SprintfllulO, Mans., K»ttMl lln> four up.jwr Ktorieit of one huihlliiKJinil-llif lw<iupper flour* of an adjoining live smrybuilding owned byh\ Ii. Taylor. Theloss In estlnmleil «t $,10t>,tM>. -; ' . ,

One of the larurHt-buildlnus oi'-thrplant of the l-'tirr & ltalley coinpaiiy,ma nu file furore of oilcloth and liimlc-iini, at Canidcn, N; '-T.; 'waft'destroyedoh \V4tlne«ilny. involving a loss .i*stl

The four htory estahllshinent» of ..the(Jeort.1* I». Zlej;ler A- To,, confectioneryand ltenjamlu Yonnp^t wholesale *m\-dlery In Milwaukee, \Vk, >vi'i-e di*stroy-eil on Wediifidiiy nltfht. The h»s« U

Tho Hnrnnm j:rain elevutor. tn-nsuburb of KunsiiM~T*lty, wan on 1'ridii.vilentroye«l. with 7,1*** hn»hrl« of wht-nt.The loss.on the huLIdini; 1M *I^I,IX*I.-A—hotel, thret1 rt^lilenct^ and' olhrt

it mill] bulldltiRN '»t iteniiiKtown. 1'n..were d<**ti*oye<t inr.Saliiplii.v. The l.ws

SPOBTTNO l l | i R i t n i-''"'"''"-'*-'''"^AFFAIRS l I n > ' I l W l t ' ' r h " " " 1 '. w'^^Jiiikliw-Wjni the catch'

wr>>«tllnK-rhituii>lonHbJp UysTraljfhtJLbrowlns

falls. .Tenklns won the Jlrut fall in 17minute? and_^fl second* wlthr a bat

-wrist anil Jb5If~Nelsori: hold. He wonthe second-falLJn .4 nitnute*~tft»1 4."seconds with a balfNeixon mul IMMIVholiL ,. ^ : . -—-

At West .T.olnt, X. V.. Siiturdity,* <>»lumbla defeated tbe cadet basket ballteam hi their auniul^j^nuc:b7~r~kc^irfof 20 to £V irwa* a hard foiifht conteat, the score being n tie when onljfour minutes of the second peritxlrtvmalned. ' . ' '* • .

The ad vert I wine men'* International,golf tournament at IMneburst. N. C.Tuesday, ended' lii u victory for thtchief* cup by Jsmes « . Battenum olNew York over I'uul Hnrriran of Mont-

N. Jn 4 up and (I to play.-W. Barry Owen of Vineyard l^avrn

ttrtUO for tlftccn white

book containing tbe text of Hhake^ printed

Satmniay. reported1. jatwttirr. fl^btitwera the nnltau'ii and thetroopa near Oiidja. Tlie nultan wandefeated, bin trooi» Mii*talnlns 4U0 cas-ualtlea. ^

It U announced at BL. Petenthtnxthat-all oBTclal jrayetle*: "will lie-til*'-"pwwetl^VJtb ihUwlnter-owInic taf thewar; Nnd.htil1n ami othertlotw have been nbamloned.-- An «Mrlnl re|W>rt Bays*r twenty per»MMi*J have, been killedduring tbe lal>or disturbnncpit in theoil region* of Asiatic Htt*»ln HIUI forty-fotur oil tower* bnrned.

An experiment Is beinp timde Jn Knc-land to provide^ beef for .the BrMHLinarketi~froin a e n w Iie'twera .theNorth American. bison uiul hlsblutvt


the r-urloii*. "If r°o liav« bot." It willnot. t ak r y«Hi kni(Mo_tijfure HH; tlihu:oat If you "ltai>l»eirTo'"kii6»c " r lalwut thr Illble.

r<-of ;lN«titt*riirirtiny,.wc flud.' thenliK-bjwIIJ give ua the clew-

to th«> orhVin of tlie i*trl|tc* as n luidt:rof infamy: *lf tlicre l»e a controversybetwt^eti men MIH! tliey come*unto Juilji"uicnnl i . i l iKe Ju«l(jet* n u y JudgenheinrUH'H they nhaH-Jtwtlfy the ,riKhteoiwaiMl tiittileiiiii I lie wicked. And it shallU? If tlie'-wtckfd niau M worthy to l»ebcatei* lluit UM' jud^e nlull I-UUW himto lie down und to lie beaten beforebis-fuce. uit-nnliuj;. to bin fault, by :icertain U'IIIIIKT. Forty-4ttri|»es he may

him and uot exi-eed; lestt If hei. HIHMIUI es<t*eil and beat him above

Twenty-four pernon* are reported to j tUew with tunny utrlpcs; then thyhave lout their live* In the mountain* { |>p>thcr uliouM KCVIII vile unto tbec.''" Switzerland during u blizzard hint, - \ ( > w hmtiiul of loflictiiiff these phyH-

Ical xtrlpos we put strlpx-d clotbcii. onThe" strike' of flertmia ctml IHUMTS iho uivn r.-liiv-titTond tlie-Iaw or.wli>

T-hr number Idle In about


ban spread.35,000, o rone^ lch th of tlie total.

EtUfMla will hi>end f_100.0f)0.on0 In tin-reorganization «Wier navy during tin-next-three-yearH,- - •" •- • • -^

France- and .Morocco have^ Mettledtbelr recent niistiiHlerntainiinic.

niny cbnie nnti» Judgment tlmt theJndgeH nuiy Jndzc theni, nit it in put hithe text. Of course you could go muchfurther back in history If yon cared 11trace. the origin of'triark*-of Itifamy.

iFor Saturday, Monday ® Tuesday

Sliced Ha m,-

—poundLean Boef forStew. 3 lbs for

25cIo Slumps ivitli

New Honey, jai

20cl>ury<ni woitTil Und tlmt jiltyMlml. nintl-|ntl«m of satin* K'irt In a ninjority of Iii-Bt;»n«i« afToniiil IIM* inejiiiH."—New-ifr-ICllUH

Aftcr-a coutcsit" cover •lnj: tliree years l»r. W.DOINGS or

l»eeii conllrmcjil. by. the senate .as col-lector of the port of Charleston. S. **.I'nwlilrrit Itniisinelt b n s appoint t i l l»r.t ' rn iu Hlx l i m i - i - t h r e e tiliH's wlu*ti conp-css uu*\ .-tint tbrcf- ' t luics ' itiiriu^ n -

isi-x. Js«'ii)itor 'I iliiiinn tinallytha t it WMi* II hopeless contest .

Tl ie h'Hise. cointttiltcifnii's luis completed tlie Imliaii ;ip]T<>-pri-iilon Mil. it i-arriesj.i total of ST.-I I.II'H*I. T1M> appr>ipri;iiion for tin* cur-rent yea r N Slt.sTS. (Sit.

on indLin .nf-i l";rn»arlK-r.


Sniiii- T h i n s - Tbnt I he Slaw :Whn. yhnrrn llhitMrlf ShoMlil KndW.

• *"Th»* Jivt-iai;*1 man wl ion t i avcs hini-H*If d<H*>n't know* iiow ti> UiUv care titlil-t. razor des'j.He all the ndvl-t) thathas" IK-CII sivc.n to him in •.(ho puhllcp r in t s fnun Jjjui: to.thmC^-siiy-* an c.\-

Curtioe Jams, allkindsr 6 bo t's80(



3rick*s Mince

Meat, pail


Fresh Tripe, *3

lbs for 20c, Ib


" c:*n

12cto Stumps .with

Fancy CaliforniaWhite Cherries


All Kinds Bo-togna^Ib

12cNew Mixed


t! on ' ;ip|tn>prhititnis luis re;n»rtcil the ]ien<M»ii ;ip|in»:

irlaiioti i.ill. carryinc Si:w.iVt,nni. Tlii-thon llie cnnvnl :ip

• > » ' ' •

DEATHS ' ^ l l t I l ' l ' l l I>" a t


PEOPLE. n H T , ; , ) V , . r n o P .Lowmles, II^IH! slxly ye:irs.^OWTid^d wii.-t <'tni.s])Icilo'iis for cl>lc_niHl plilljintlintpic work and

a ^IKKI nizor nnd use itday after tiny. tU'it wonder, why at tht-1

cuuVof-O—KluTt Iitut' It loses Its edj;e,even tiioii^h ho strops it inost care-fully. A mzor iie -d-* l>rief Intervalu ofiest.,01: it will j;row dull, no matlerwluituiTuri.? nri'iiiiide to ket'P-It-aljarp.If you li:iw> ;i ^OIHI mzor and It; up-

' |«-ars to l.i> losing-its ed«e Just try :iI rest for It !u«t<>iitl of hnvliiff It shan>-; oiic«l up aiTiiin. The cluuters are that

l:r>ini' "'lii'ii you put It Into use AfinlD^At.tliei e e or1 four Uays^It. Will

••'iivt"- a t rfiiirpi a s If I t lmd been core-.ll i ' iTri l ' ' *' ' " "'• : :'

Good Frnnes

^ pound

PreminnuChiliSauce, bot:


a Ice-Mihlican leaderi-inenflier "oT

in the state.iln>_Forty-tliIrd

H o

nd governor of Maryland fr,um isiiTt tc



ltin^liiinitoil, X. Y., on WMiss Fanny. Mnn»li, known to

ix" ihi-oin:hont the country aijd

nt ,her home In Hint city, ji^edty-slx yean*. For tnunr- yt-jii>

Mist Marsh wiis hit Invalid mid


fully**.V tiiitn who stmves Uimself oiigUt to

have at IftisLtwo rnzont and nsd thc^e.on nl(ernat<?i.tnorrilnss?'{betvff hla raVzon« are all irixlit, Jio.wlll i ^ t ttle (ro«hlc;wltirtlrem^lt is~ato©ulldc', to Htrop.-tb.riuwr-. too much.

not" tieVtroppexl for mowminute IWi>re-«havft]j£~and

slionld lio-'fnkeh ueVer to bear beavllyon Uie turoii while- dninK tills. I-ct therazor-rest lightly on tho lent her, midiiifr^M^tTwiinr^w nn»c~"sn int^ir^XfRTllnlslihiz :i sluive. "strop the nixor o'neeinure for a few Mviimln. tinil this willitiHiirea nim-h Itcilcr »-<iinliti(»ii for It."

7In a New York hospital, Sunday.

fro,m the elTectH of Int em penile livingItcttlun (Jlratd, act res* and once a w>lety IM-IIC o f Washington, at'ed thirty

tlvo yearn. She wan the dntiRhter ol!enem 1 Onlwiiy nnd had U^n married


. ' Tb«> Capital.T h e c.-ipi::il or the 1'iiltcd SlatLM Inis

bct*n located In different clUeii ns'Tol!

lows: At I'liitadelphlit from' Sept. .1.1774. until Iteccmltcr. 177o*; nt Balti-

JO, 1770, to March.March 4.




At CrippleColo..' I-'rWlay


nSMttrhttc- eininsel otrrosceiitor Sain 1*.. Trump, net-

at-orney'H i>ilitt». •iiuWheil the

ttt—mtmlcr\Ventern feileratloii

Imrien. II.- .Moyt'iTpresiilem: N-. U

IMymouth Itockn nt tbe inmltry sli^uIn MndlHou Hojinre Onnh-u. New York

• • •

FOREIGNfrozen to

I'nwsla nnd Piwen, Germany, durliit:tho_rcc<3it cold |ierfort.--Indudhig tw«;_lottor ciirrlern, the driver of n jm-itwagon, a poitccninn and lUtecu ilshet-men.

A tldul ilotHl on thc-cjiHt vojiMt ofGreat* . BrltiiIu"._8aturdiiy._ciuiH«l anenormous amuuut of damage at waterIng places from Scnrlwroimh »?* farsouth «» Itover. Klght hnndrcil feet ofthe plcr~nt—Scnrtrorottglr.- which^coxt

"$125,000, were nwept awiiy, and thuprouleniideK on'tlic'Heii front were bro-ken up. _Nenrly airpa'rts of the townof~Ynfniout!i were Inundated.

I.QllIi'e MIchish-.prondneDt nn a «imi-inunlutlUVtl revolutloimry nKitntor'fovtlie Ia«t tldrty-flve yourn. Is dead'inMarseille*. Fmm-c. iiBe*l seventy-liveyearn. ..l>eath followed an attack' ofdouble pneummdn contmclttl while. »ma lectnrlnc tout • ' .

The dW'Ovef.r «t_ I.ilu.d. Sjvi-ih'U, of •

IMMI. Kii-tvinry.-uiid nloflth/iWXiVullvr 'cwiuitilirei*

_Ktrikr"of~(ln*' unionIrivcriii at'^yrm. Mami., was on Friday

decliin^i' off. Tbe_th-niaiiiLuf_ UICTUIMI-forn nine houritay wns otin' Hr-tl, Thestriken* mutibt-mni.'iU. anil uiien liieywent ont tl»e <!elivery-of-i'«jil pfmTli-nl

Ten tuouftauitl/skilled uiei-lmiilctheir fnmiUca arc salU to^he^iu tltcTerse of, uTeSflnuTon In Sew York citybecauw the emuioyen* filled ' thHtphkeert durlnjc laWt •ununer'i Rtrlke withnew men; , .'• — --



A N0Ta-8collatrain, from llridjfrwa-ter rmcheil llullfaxon Saturday after hav-

ing been.xiiow hound near Alpennxtittlon-for fortyelglit'uonrg, during whlclitime the hunilntl passcnpi'ti- »uir«>mlInteiLxely from colcLand huiiner. T l

A inlxeil train on the Hrmkvllle.WestiMirt ami Xurthern railway ivw.dltche»l nt l.yn, <»nt., Monday niklif. bytlie rails- Hprpa'dinjr. TheeortehfcoiitiHulnc fifteenover the emhnnknient. All Ih^tliccarwere Injured.—Ttio-V'uuiiiilan—govei'iinu-nt has di'cldeii to. t*cin| un cxpeillliou io .ilicLabrador-conKtra/hundred miles northof ltdle hie. on the IM)th of Atnnut t»'witness the double tHllp-.*» uf tht' HUH.

The_collcKe of _tbo Jesuit fathers atCIeiifucj;os, Cuba.' was «ni Tuesday de-stroyed by tire. Several tlrcnien wcrvInjuretl. Tlif loss I* M),-*)}), on wlikhthere was no Insurance.~A"t7\\'rim1pe"i^~Mim.. oi) Ti'ie^lay ilrvdestroynl the factory ami warehouseof tin1-Hoover 'ManufncturinKny. mnkcrw of overalls and i

at riillailclphla fromI m . to^Seplciubcr, 1777; atter. Pa., from Sept.-2rr-1777^to Sept.:VK 1777; at York, Pn.. from Sept <QO,1777.7to -July. 177R; nt riillndetptilafn»in July mJ, 177S. to Jnne.TO. 17^!; atlYIm-ettiii.'.X. .1.. froin June :a». 17K!.lo ' .Nowai . 17s:;: n't -AnnopoliK-fromNovelldjer^lTS!. |r» Nnveniber. ITS

Faiicy Prunes'3-lbs for

Mason's A-l5anjQeSpeoial,bot


American. Mixed—Candyrlb1—


Catsnp, special

French Mixed


Smoked Beef, box

Sweet Oranges,


19cfanoy Gold MedalButter, 3 lbs 80c

28cFRESH OPENED OYSTERS - ~35c per qt






V 0 |



S3t l

Arr. jKew'kJ

l"iw'fl Sll7 »3

7 4«7 41M uu

Trenli in fmni N«)V4-iidM*r.-17HI. t o J an -York fruni.Jitti.,11.Hie «*at o

.inenr_wherewhich tiui»-||

t-lumirpil to-.PtilIt .'fcniaiiii'it until 1S0O. «lnee_

>u :it~\Vn><hlnirioii.

.- AH hoiuir t'ujhi- iiiun or woman .whoknown no »ncli-wonl ns defeat, whofollow* thr-pathn-ny of a connhttentpurpose a ml; In tlie, line.of duty, erenwith tbe diirt xlmdow of failure on-•curinjt the way. To havf the courageof one'? conyk-tlonit at all'Omen andnnder all <*lrcu'nuitance« require* no•ma^l. degree of character and deter-mination. It It better to go down tonltkoate (jrerthrow-'ln a canar wblclromr ttrlieveii to be Jiurt ami right thanto profit by -any compromise with con-•clencc or ttnffer the lowerlnj of tbemoral tone whlcli iiiiiitt come to nilwbo lose the cotucclouxneM of adhf-rence'to their faith rather than ,wenrthe Innrel* of 'linnfnt defrat. '


H 5 8

*10 30

-11 3XI*. SI.11 (ii

1 37-3 3U•J 44

•:> 233 33

)3 33

•5 30IS 3-J0 000*4

17 417 M•4 it


111 U)io r,it i»*12 HI1*. M.na;13 OU

" 1 »7 30«P3X1s sir< in« IKI330ft Ua »8 W .7 218 17BMH Sf>

Arr.N. Y.A.M.

•j 1 1

H IB 's asH U.1H X,

i nor.I — g •* - I -


. 1 1 (Nl

II *nP.' SI?

.1 1"1 *»-1 in1 B01 1 1 .3 SO

4 3U4 4H5 30fl tU.fl 407 m7 HAS .130 littl -J3

WEEK DAVS.Krotn_ Sew York.I^eave I Leave I Arr.N. Y. I N«w'k I HumA. M.

4 30ft m)a oo

*7 10H 10H 30(• 30It »t

Hi'10II 111I1. SI.I J (JU

1» i n , • W 4-JId 1:1 > lit Xi11 14 > 1-J i l

111 litI It 33i u u

i nnljr.

•12 3)l-J Hi• I Vt

I 3(>JOT

:-j aow •»3 30

14 in4 00

14 304 30

114 5013 in!»_*).

_ »3 10• 3 40fl (X)< 307 3dH <ll•J IS

III 4.1

A . SI.6 toC 32<l 487 4'J8«0 039 3>t

10 US10 IK11 *n

r. si.-12 I I

1 (Mt1 XX1 4U

""aw3 333 Wn M4 174 314 3Hft 03S O S5 IC

G 10s ic

- * S 2

-3 OCI. . f t (Mi

\K *1•t 1.1


1 IM

A.3I.3 M7 0B7-srH 139 IB9 IS |0 63

10,4511 30tJ 30

I*. 31.1 ')4i aol ti3«1X IB

. -J 4fi3 0S»-

3 B2'4 W4 W

. * • «

in8 31800a 435 tl0 386 SS6 67

ft t s9 IB

ii toi »iI M-


1'IumbiDg, Tiooiiig and Metal-WorkingSealers lntuil npmiren ofStovea, R ^

TnTnaoe*.- All work promptly avUendfld to.

ColonPIsoo. S«vu Butldlof. 8UWM1T.N.


t un In y.

• - - ' Sl.'NIlAY



A.M.' 9 2Blit SI

I'.Ji.13 U9-1 Ol• -j 37 -337

13 15A 37 .tin*'7 an:.

' 7 4<l9 30



mmn io

r. si.13 S31 393 IB4 11ft <38.137 23

• l i t".31

•10 D9111 13

I Arr .

I MX-A. M:

•J 3 1 ..10 as1.UJ»V. M.

1 2.1-2 111-a ui 40

"6 10

7M8 40

10 40t l S3

N.Y. I Nnw'kATT7

Mnra.A.M.. 4 30

9 3U



-irtMfl 308 00It 309 15

11 3(1

A. Sb—A: il,• a lu KMttJC-i. -9 13-9 3D.

io ca IU 4JS

4 306 »7 OS


11 no

1 I.13 133-lft.1 IS7 147479 10

U1Q3713 43



PANITS, OIIS AND W A L l PAPER.WorkSoUdted. • EaUmateir'urnUhed.


Lackawanna LocalSTORAGE

BRICK STORAGE WAREHOUSF; Cor. Hiiuuuit Ave..*utl Bank Street,

forniertyy anK^njOwMin &Knrk,.biuib«'eii thoroughly ren-:

n t 1 R <f;V) t o f ? p«-ruiontBr



Dclt«>r T h a n T*»l*'A~* *5"«teni tlmi (lf\rlopM a fine

of-bonor. I*-wortti^iijore than oil tlietext _tx>ok-t can teach. It Is more Talua-We than calctilun or loparithmn, 8»u-

or Uomaii history. Ilonor tueans boue»tr, fearlessne«to the standards wet byoollepc can" t«u*b any thingLISIKT.—New W

No"I>etter or

Tim Itoj-'« War.S>nk>r rartiHT—IHdn't you heiir that

new office' boy. call you "Jones** thinmorning? Junior I'artner—Yes. but be'tonly b«?u Iirnrn \v«iC. Give him time:he won't bcpln to call me B I l f !next t rwf , - Ezchinge. —..

The trcutjr. of pca<« nml nmiiy I*-t^xen Chile rtntl Bolivia tina been an-proved by the nenate mul ctumilM-r ofdeputies of .Chile.

Tbe agriculturist^ of the entire i-ountry of Mcklco are to be furnished withforecasts of the weather, ns in tinUnited

Xordy—Washlnstou could not tell a,Ue.. Botts (mournfully)—I wish" my

of mine a mile* off.—I»nlsvlllo Conrler-Journal. • - . . - .

'• it-

A man couiios home at 3 o'clock JuUi| mornlnp can be as'quiet sneakingUpstairs as be can be colsy with hi*jp-owK tlie tjp»t momlujr.—New YorkPre^s. . . "

— •^t~TM-f^-

Advertise in tbe HKHALD.

Do You JYour Home? ;

and you won hi.


jtlan ofTer«l hy tht*

Summits Bailding; and-Loah—

Write to


. • - • • • -• • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • •



High Grade Lehtgh andCumberland Coal. ^

Post Office Building

You NeedMONEYSines i8aa. wo have been lendingmoney on_ Diamonds, watches,.7,°wclry and Silverware. Thoseliving out ofjown ,can with perfect.safety send articles to us by express«na receive money by draft ormoney order .

»IPl0MAC(K.1S1Oon«r BradtM BtnM.