T i.a.xti.'j JI y - Chronicling America › lccn › sn82014296 › ...wa blow n down, and a number...

I "''.. T .. i L.' . (1.akk:ic, Mem pi !r, Tetir, ' daily jouksaii. J. H.DKCRT ', late of Curtnieii a I ri;ry. One year, by mail tlO 00 ' Hix months, by mail .. .......... 5 60 ' IL Lv.!h JI y h-- h i.a.xti.'j , MV. i Three month, by mall. 3 00 v (Huccessors to Hy tbe weet. tavable to -- arrier 25 Cartmell A Drury.) TRI-WEEK- jUlJRSAL One year 5 7 00 BVANSVILLE,--1ND.- . APRIL 22. 1869. VOL. XX. ESTABLISHED, 1831. Washington News. Washington. April 21. Tbe fol lowing nominations were sent in to COMMISSION MERCHANTS y. 210 t it:T ktki;i;t. Bet. Waf-blngto- and Atlarns, IEM Pil IH, TEN N. Ky permi-Hio- n we refer to liranrt' ls A Crawford, Loalnvllle, Ky. ; Barton iV 'f.ii, Citiciunati, (hio; 1. Kulluer, Jr., A ( .. Evansvilie, Iud.: Ha.' liurt A Wb maker, KvuiifcVtLe, Iud.; (;jl- - Lrolhers, HI.. Louis. Mo.; Charles T. Ilinde, (,'inro, III.; F. W. H ml t b, President People ' Idmlj , Memphis Tenn.; W. H. Cherry, 1 'resident .Ieiebants National Hank, Mem )iis, Tenn.; .;urke, h.ly A Co., -- Memph'8, Venn.; Newton Ford 4 Co., Memphis, Term.; Htialtou, iuyer A Co., Mem puis, Tenn. .elt5if LEW. VASDEGlilFT, Forwarding & Commission Merchant, W HARfc'BOAT PROPRIETOR, And GKXKHAL AuEXT, M T. V EKN l IN, I N D. Prompt attention niven to uU busi- ness entrusted to his "i. re. in S il.;i,i Bix lionths.... ...... 4 00 WEEKLY JOURNAL.. One ropy, one year.- - - S 2 00 Five coplesone yar.. .......... ................ 7a Ten cordes. one veRr 15 00 , 'I KLKOKAPII (il'MMAKTi Oold closed in New York yesterday at 134. ' The steamers Halsatia and Doclne. from Europe and South America and Klo Janei- ro, have arrived at New York. A Brooklyn paper says Senator Fenton intend to Rue ilie Commercial Advertitir and. Ereniitft Post for libel, laying damages at hall a million. i The steamer Arizona, from Aspinwall, brings f.'VJi.rWJ in treas ire, aDd Panama date! to the 13Ui Inst., which contain no news. Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, writes .Torn Pana, Illinois, that the story set afloat recently by the papers thai be had died is untrue. He nay be still lives-Albrigh- t, a lawyer of Cairo, bad a per- sonal altercation with H. P. Goods 11, edi- tor of tbe Cairo THines, Wednesday af in which tbe latter was severely " beaten. J arn as Maher, arrested some months ago on a charge of complicity in tha Roger murder, was discharged from custody on Wednesday' An unsucceasful attempt was made on Wednesday morning to rob tbe Bank In Lima, ST. Y. Tte burglars were discover- ed and 0 red on, but made their escape. Tbe Memphis races are being largely at- tended aDd the luteiest is increasing. Among the aDiDsemeaU iatrodacwi wax a Veloclptde race. Hon. John L. Ketchum, a prominent citizen and attorney at-la- of Indianapo- lis, died Tuesday night from the eff ee of injuries received from a" fall through a hatchway that day. Tiie dwelling of John Durnin, at Rain- bow, was burned on Sunday tUhU Mr. Darnln perished In the fltmes while to save his son. The Grand Trunk Railroad track U en- tirely under watsr nfar Branlford. The exprcsi train which left BuTaio Wed nes-da- y ra rnin, was obliged to return, tso far th freshet nan not suspended travel on the Ortat Western iCii.roail. Harvey Lyon, of Hoboken, tosetber with Mrs. Uib-;o- a'.d her daughter, were thrown from thir carriage, while rldl )g in Central Park, New Yrk, on Tuesday, and ad were badly Injured. Mr. Lyon bad hl.Shkull fractured. Charley lionoes, a utile four year old boy, ou Wednesday jumped from the for- ward plattorm of a street, car in motion, in Nashville, and It'll and had one of his legs crushed just above the ankle, the wheel passing over it. Fortuualely tbe car was immediately checked, or tbe other leg wonlrt have been mangled also. His par- ent reside on AtcDougal Htreet. A wagon and team of horsus with three men were precipitated into a cellar Uv the giving wy of "a rtnor fr-i- which ruilsh wan being removed. The concussion caused the falling of a portion of the walls, which buried the men, one of whom w as kllied and another was borloua'y injured. The burning of the Illinois Blind Asylum Witt render it necessary for the Hfcnte L to l- aalu convened, and it is thought it will'bedoue at an early day. Movements are on foot to secure the of the Asylum at some other point In the State. ' The firm of Mayer Brothers, wholesale tobacco dealers, ot New York and Louis- ville, have failed. Tbe liabilities of the NewYorx l ouse amount to Jfl2),noo, and those of Louisville to $80,093, making a total of 82 0,iJO0. 14. Cunningham, a retail dry (joods dealer, has also failed. Tba watch case manufactory of Wheeler, Parsons & Company, New York, was robbed last December, of 517,000 worth of property, aud on Tuesday, Uttstave Keu-da- ll, employed by the Arm, and Eugene Kendle and A. Vanderwaer were arresl-- . d and chtred with bein? the burglars. ' Passengers arrived tn Chicago on Tues- day, elsjht days and thlriy hours out from San Francisco, lTie!dtng nine hours stag- ing and t!ih h'fuis delay in making connection, and three hundred and twenty miles slow run ntrisr, on oon-tructlo- a trains on the two terminal. Only fitly miles of road remained to be completed on the 17lh to perfect the line of railroad across the continent. This gp will be dosed by the lt or M.ty. ' The total distance Is abonl 3,503 miles. The westward bound train on tbe Nash-v- ll efc Northwestern Railroad ran through a tres'.le Tuesday morning, r ear Dres ten, killing the engineer, Wm. SUfi, anil fire- man Crista!. Several nassena rs wfic severely injured. About the same lunr the northern bound tralu on the Mobile A OhioRailroid raa through a tre.-.ll- e near Trenton, killiog the engineer, Noble Con-ove- r, and twi passengers, names Tin known., Tbe latter were ridltig on the r.gine at the time. The storm of Monday niglit had washed the earth away from underneath the trestles. A lerriiic storm of bail and rain, aoc by a powerful wind aud 'Winding lightning, passed over Ii l!annpo!ls. The li;tilaua Central Railroad freight depot wa blow n down, and a number ot other buildings unroofed. The watchman nt the Central depot, Alln McCutchan, was kilU'd,and Miveml other employes severely , ii.juied. Rev. Daniel Ballou, a Uui versailfct ''minister, from Uttca, New York, was i ask- ing the depot at thatlmoof lhaHeeident and toon stielter ru the depot, and was very seriously injured. Later iJispatches stay that Ilev. Mr. liallou will probably re- cover. Their. . Indian Commissioners were, on Wed lies lay. Informed of the arrival of their at Me licine Creek, Wachltt Mount ins, with g trdeu seods, hoes, Ac. He was heartily welcomed by the military and tudi ins. If t is putting the plan in mo ion the se'ectlon of the site lor Mis- sion Pcnouls. One hundred and fifty lodges of Cheyeu ne and Arrnpalio Indians were exp.icted to arrive dally. The Indians take great interest in what Is being done r hem, but more funds- - are wanted, ns the Iixtiuii appropriation has failed. Myr- iads of s have appeared ou the plalos. A late dispatch states that Jtoman Nose. Little Hi Mouth, Yellow Hear and Old (Storm, with CM Arrapahoes, b ve cone in. ready to go to their rescrva-tio'- i. They are willing to be taug'it to fol-- t w bo ways of white men. The st lal tr ilu which left Chicago ou Tuesday Tor falro. eoiilainiug two hue-die- d and twemv-iiv- e Illinois editors, th-i- r Wtvt-s- , si-tt- and sweettiearts, reached the larr. r pla.v Wedaes lay morning at six o'cl'M-k- . 'Ihey were es.;orlMJ to the St. 4'liar.es I loud uy the iteceptiun Committee, wn re they were form illy welcomed by Joii i II. Olxrly, M ivor of the city and Miror of Uij Hi'l-tin- . The tVn-Vtu'l'i- u tlien procee.l.td to bnsinew. The iuipirtnit re ;o!ut. ou oUered wsnu to la He Urtps to have all the perioral Ia' s pnbllsheil la all papers of the Ntale at 1 price miUelent to cover the cost of co u hwiIihi. The local laws to be pub-listis-- 1 io ivry in the locality Inter-frst- .e , at thus Hit-- ! rates. A committee was apo i n;.-- 1 to eud.-avo- " to h ive a eh ine ' fivufiili'.f to , under the libel 1. Tin As.KciatkQ were to go to Mjju I City, at two o'c:o :k We lue day a'ifiri'H-i- . on tilt- - Deueral Auderson. Af.- - v:sitog lh Na'ion-i- C metery, a hai!iJ-t- - v.--is teadere 1 them by Mouud 'i(y for t lis d ball glveu them by the City of Cairo. This moming they start on tbeexi:iir-.io- to Mobile. ' St. Catharines, April 21. The WeilauJ Canal, waa opened lor navi-g&ti- oa to-da- y. INDIAN 1 LKOHLirt i:K. Summary of Tuesday Procccdlags. In the Senate memorials 'and peti- tions were presented in reUtiori to amendments of the Common School Law; on Temperance; in favor of pay- ing off the Morgan Raid Claims." , ; A proposition was made by Xew. TV. Ilasselman to sell his residence, on Meridian Street, lor Governor's man- sion. ' . " i . . ' : , A resolatiou was offered to appro- priate fifteen dollars' worth of post-ag- o stamps to each, .member, which Senator Morgan proposed to raise to twenty-fiv- e dollars' . worth. Both propositions were rejected. ; The proposition of the North-We- st ern Christian University, to donate certain lands and buildings for.tha pur- poses of an Agricultural College, was referred to the joint Commltteo on Education and Agriculture. i Sundry bills were passed to a sec ond reading. ,';''-- . 'j ' V ''?' The Governor transmitted message, encdosing the generous pro- position of Hon. John Perdue, of La fayette, tendering a! donation 'of $150, ' 000 towards founding an AgrLeuJtural College, provided it be located io.Tip-pecano- a County. - Divers House bills were passed7 to a second reading,' ainong which Vas a bill appropriating $G0,000 to pay the expenses of this special session: A Kill in nrntpefc tti nitiypna t Tn. f diana from empiricism and to elevate the standard of the medical profes sion failed to pass, though Dr Mor- gan favored it. . I In the House the dajLwaa consumed chiefly in discussion,' with; no deSoite action on any subject, except the pis-Mag- e of the specific appropriation ,bJJ, and the completion of the appoint- ment of the standing efVmniitfeeB. ." ' 1 T E j."E"GBA: PH. News from Waslitngton. More ab out the ; Storm. Proceedings of the Sanato. Lata Nawa from New York. Railroad A ccident -- " Man Killed: General Xews. - '.'-.- ; NKW York, 'April 21. The Iler-nld- 's Loudou special says: It is un- derstood liere that, ,tbe American Minister, iu :iecird ince with instruo-tion- s received from hi Government, to day, lias made a formal demand on Lord Clarendon, the British Foreign Secretary, asking for an explanation in relation to the case of the Ameri- can ship, Mary Lowell, which was captured by t tie Spanish war frigate off one of the Bahani Islands, while in charge of the British revenue oiS-eials- , with the prial of; the Revenue Department on her liatchei. This fact, in eoiiiteetiou with the reported increase of tbe American fleet off the West India Is'ands, creates much sensation in commercial circles in this city It is thought it will very likely seriously affect the new Spanish loan now about to be put ou the market. The Tribune's Montreal special says the def-ir- e of the people of the New Donibiou to cut loose from their de ; pendence upon the mother country uas received a powerful impetus from one or two great eveuts, aud whatever course will finally be adopted, there can be little doubt that a great polit ical chaDge of some sort is not far distant. Several private meetings of influential persons have recently been held here lor the purpose ot consider ing the great question ot a charjga in the form ot Government, and the gen-er.- il dissatisfaction with the present state of things is more openly ex- pressed. The newspapers are at last beginning to meet the question face to lace, and are giving utterance to the sentiment which has loag been widely dispersed among the people, although few have had tha courase to express this feeling public'. There is a party in favor of, independence, but there is a larger party, I believe, that aims at annexation to the United Slates, and will soon itself be promi- nent, !..;';.. The acquisition of the Hudson Bay territory has given additional force to the arguments of the annexationist, who felt that such a magnificent do- main as the new dominion now prom- ises to be ou?ht no' longer to be dwarfed and kept down by depend- ence on a transailantie Government. That the people of Great Britain shall surrender her North American possessions as a set off, against the Alabama claims, has created a deep sensation in certain circles. Mot a few regard it with decided favor. Senator Sumner's speech is copied in full by both English and French journals, and is of course the topic of much conversation. New York, April 21. Justice Bowling commenced yesterday at the Tombs the examination in the ease of the late forgeries upon Jay Cooke fe Co- - by which :;b,JUU was obtained from the National Bank of the State of New York. Afhdavits were sub- - mitred 'bv the Assistant Cashier of Jay Cooke & Co. and thepayiog teller of the Bank, declaring the checks to he f.irircripR. New obk. ADril 21. A Herald ppocial "savs: The Spanish Miuister called on Secretary Fish,-yesterda- y. and demanded that a proclamation aeainst fillibuteriDgshould be issued. . . IPL .1 11-- 1 a no everetary promptly aecunca '.ving mat as the insurgents had a rov.MOii'ii tjrovernment he saw no reason tor hindering persons from tatiog up arms iq their service. The Spanish iHiutster, some days s'nee prmu'-e- u iuu reparation torinsults to our nig oy tna Spaniards iu Cuba 1 esceraay ne imormed a ;cretary Fish that tie hid no- - heard trout his Gov eminent ou tne suujeet, wiieu the oecretttiy imuimct mm mat war would ensnc if an answer was not forthcoming soon. this administration. There had not been a uiugle man appointed, from Pennsylvania at his solicitation or of his recommendation. lis had, do doubt that nine-tenth- s of all t s appointed, were his friend-- , fr they could not make an appointment from Pennsylvania, out of the liopub-lica- n partv, without-appiiutiu- i; ' his. friends. Laughter. The - course pursued by the administration in this respect was a bad oae. Nevertheless the Senate and country had had toler- able evidence of it. Within a few days one man had been sent in from Pennsylvania, for a foreign mission, referring to the nom'n ition of A. L. Russell as Miuister to Ecua- dor, who was a constitutional drunk- ard. Neither himself or his colleague had been consulted about this, ap- pointment, and it was with, difficulty that they could convince the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations that it was an unfit appointmeut to be made. Another man had been nominated for a Consul who bad been a coastitn- -' tional thief. These were the kind of J appointments made from bis State, when the Senators wefo not con- -' suited. In olden times it was the .cus- tom for the President and the heads of Departments to send forSanitors nd consult about the appointments.-Ther- e were fewer blunders made, arid' bad men did not stand a chance g places. .. ' s ' ; 5 Abbott offered an amendment pro; Tiding tht the appointments shall be made according to St'ite papulations, which opened a wider range of debate, and caused a Jiseussion f th relative rights of North and South, " ; j tsawyer asserted that, the Detoo- - cratic State of Kentucky had received more ' appointments in the depart- ments than the entire representation of the South, and said he had been told by a member of the Cabiuct that the Senators from the reeon structed States must remember hAt the white representatives vote of tiie South was very email. The Senate, at 1:30, went into ex- ecutive scssiou. , ... , ...; Hi More Iboot the K torsi. ! Cincinnati, April SL -- V heavy' rin with lightning commenced here at 2 o'clock yesterday-morntrt.tr- , but it was not such a storm as was reported at the West aud South. "! At Fort Wnyne bridges and cul- verts on the Wabash Railroad were threatened by freshets. i Capitalists left Fort Wayne jes'ers da' for the railroad meeting afllri-- ; ry Illinois, to consider the prac:ttu:i-- ! ty of building a railroad from tha former place to Muscatine, Iowa. Jj ; The IndianaState Musical Festival largely attended, is in progress at Fort Wayne. B. Merkel, a batchrr of thrstiry, sent a man to the hank with a cheek for 1,000, yesterday, and the latter drew the money and decamped. Twenty-eigh- t students gradnated at the Cincinnati Law School last nivht. Port Henry, N. Y., April 21. Great daniago was done by ivinir away rf Ensign Pond, at the head of Mill Brook, eight miles from, fhU place, this morning.. Bridges, dams, bar os. &e , were carried uwiv,'aod much damage was don? nt Minoali Centre, where the pjst office, stores, Ac., were swept :iway.; . ;.;Port Henry, which is at the outlet of the brook water, it overfljwed the banks' and struck out ja a now eiiaotiel, " coursing down through the upper part of the village, doing great damage to the unfinished Maueah, Lake Cham- - plain. White Halt & : Plait-bur- g Railroad while the main b'idy of th: stream swept a wa.y the support j the high bridges, aud a large- purtvof the highway. It is thought the dinu'C will exceed $150,00-:)- . V " . - Montpelier, Yt., April "21 The warm weather and beavyjraies of the last night or two culminated ia the worst freshet know i here for year. Cellars and baement stores in many cases were fi'lei with witer and the streets overflowed at several points in the village. The bridges over iNorth Branch are seriously threat2nclv thouzh it is they may be pre served. The damage to private prop erty is quite heavy. Railroad Ac; ! dent Oae Ui-.- iillal 'three Severely I jurt d.. . -- j. ., Utica, N. Y., April 21. An rn-- " 1 1 gine, running in advance ot la-r- . night s passenger tram norto, on the Black River 11 ailroad, was jbro f n down the cmbmkmenr thnMi Mavilcs below Lyon's Falls.? llua;h Craekon, Superintendent of the Road, received injuries from which, he- - die! thii morning. Kli Hutchison, tiremirj, had his leg broken, and is Uadiy burned ; Thomas Smith, bruisj J an i burned; Lewis Lasvis wis tturn!. The accident occurred at ll:20."rMr. Lewis was able to reach Lyon's "Fall, aud gave the ah rm. . New Orleans. May 21. 'A heavy suit has been instituted in the I'ourth District Court against tha Directors of the Bank of Louisiana in JividmiHy, for the recovery of the deposits lost by the removal of the Bank into th ? Confederacy be for. tha capture? of New Orleans and the loans to the Confederate Government. The trial of Auditor WiekriTo. on two of the eight iudietments" ajaiasf him, commenced yes?erfav iu the First District Court, with thirty-fiv- e witnesses to be examined. ITALY. Florence, April 21. The Italian Budget is very satisfactory. The in- come is steadily increasing, an I ex penditures as steadily decreasing, con sequently it wnl not be. necessary to impose any new taxes for the current ' year. i Milan, April 21. The Govern: meat has discovered another formida- ble Maziian conspiracy iu this city. Papers which were concealed by the revolutionists, and which give the details of the organization, were, un- earthed and seizad, together, with a large amount of arms, fiiimiutiition, &a. A number of the leaders have been arrested. - ' San Franciso, Anril 20. The United States steamer Poasa ola sail- - ed for Mazatlan to day. Ths stcaiucr Kesaca Irom Lipiz proceeded to the More Island Navy Yard yester- day, and was ordered out of commis- sion. Arrived, the FraukliriT from New York, and Evaogile, irom Yoka-horn- a. - Nashville, April 20. Gov. Sin ter issues a proclamation so amending a former proclamation ordering julieial elections as to au- thorize the ehictiou of Prosecuting Attorney and J of the municipal Court of Memphis. j; ,( (, Convention r the Knights or St. Crispin. ": Worcester, Mass., April 21. The convention of the Kn;ghts of St.Cris-pin.'ofih- e United Slate's and Canada, was largely atteaded yesterday. Tbe proceedings were secret, but it 13 said they looked to a unity of act on of the various orders. Death of an , Richmond, Ya., April 21. Gen. T. L. Ilaymond, member of Congress from Virgipia before the war, died ' -- ' 1 - 1 this a. af. Memphis, April 21. The case of the tug Nettie ' Jones,' seized' by the authorities of .,'Arkansas. .'in connec- tion with., the seizure f arms some months since, was dismissed" in the United States Circuit Court at Little Rock, on Saturday. Halifax, April 2f. Hon. Jos. Howe has been elected to represent the county of Hants in the Dominion Parliament by a majority of 2SG. Messrs. Kellam and Leviscante, Abti-Unionist- s, are elected for Yar-mout- ji arid BAchmond. ' . Y ; ; Buffalo, AprilSl. The train will leave here to night for New York via the Central Railroad, on account of high water. Baltimore, April 21. In the United States Circuit Court this forenoon.. in the case, of Kimerly vs. Butler, Chief. Justice Chase sustain- ed the demurrer of the plaintiffs to the defendant's plea in abatement of the privilege from arrest as a member of Congress, and decided that the word arrest, as used in the Constitu- tion, means an arrest or detention by force with a view to imprisonment, and not extend to the process of a summons in a civil suit. The argu- ment was f.heii contioiifd on the other ' ' '' ' ' plea.,."-.,- ; i i I) 3 ETAI1Y & CiniHEIUML Sew tori, finriiet. By Te!eeraph.l New York, April 21. Cotton Without decided change; sa es of l.lioo biles at is.fi.'ic for middling uplands. Ki.ouii -- Kecf Ipls, 4 930 bbls. : Unit, heavy, iuiil il')u. lutei; ttles !' "'' bl.. aX j J Kit " .; for superfiuesstate a'iu Western ; liatQ 10 for. extra stale;' So tVri tit) for Weste u : ti ftVftS 00 lor white. wheat extra; to 7.a7 10 lor round 'boon Ohio; 17 (X8 ) lor extra SI. Louis ; S!l 00 is 1:1 oo lor (iooil to choice do., dosing heavy. I!v Hour litta.y; sales of barrels at M !) f 7,"i. Coitx M ka Li In fair request; sales of WO barrels at H ;iS lor Jersey, and il 7 for tlrandv wine. Whisky Nominal at !Jc for Western, 1're. '.VlIE .T Uecelots. 2. Ill ' hush els ; rin! I fnr ffpriiV.-,- ' arid lower; Winter tiearce and tn miy tteicf rsales of :t7,!W bushels at 81 .? il 7j for whit- - California, H 72 for a miter Mii'iiian, 61 K for wlnte Michigau, and VI Mi; t :;.S tor No. 1 Spring iu store, chietiy SI :iti. ll K I)u!l mill droApin; sales of (Wl lain-:- s sit. k"l ili for Western.' Hari kv Heavy; sales of 1.9J0 bushels ('ana la Weston private Jterips. - 11 A k ley MALT tiu let. C'OhN iteetdp s 2,01. bushfls; mstket heavx and lc lower; sales ot 44,1X11) btisheia a SO f r new mixed Western tn stor', elosiim at Sic; prime parcels lilaSic " for old do. In store ami i. fl ,a . tJATs iteceipts M.'iii bushels; tbe mar- ket ii wii limit flecd hi cliani;e; KiiU.'stif i i.DiO hu?;iej' .ai for Wcsteru iu store, and 77'4i7.Sc f.r do. all 'it. CoL. Do ne-t.- c lsse.liu? at t 0 l'X6 50 by t bw cai'i-o- ; foreign is w arce aud quiet. I.KAi Htu -- ll.jui ock ol iu moderate j-t unit unclHugsd in prices. WiKit -- lu!l ; Kales of l'W.oOU pounds at 4X-- tor iloii,e,l c fleece, aud JS a, ISc for puill. ! i i .... , ,, , , -- ClFFElC-Q,l!- et. . suo.i a tu 8 1 derate rrciuet ; sales of 300 bluis. Cuba at liyUc. Molasses Duil. Ho w Ciuift at 6 aloe for American. Puf KOLa-a-j at 81&ks lor refined bonded. - oils Linseed SI Oir-- d 01. PoKit Firm with a talr demand ; sales of 1S hands nt S.'H 12a;!l37 for new me-s- ; S iO for Old Uo. ; f- - "o.26 25 for iiriiiio ; sS r,i) ,i2S 7.5 for prime mm; a I so, n)j ba- rrel new iufsy, he.ler's May, atjjjl liJiAjp-li- uli liiid heavy ; sales of 125 bar- rels at t$jl4 for new plaitj mes: $12iilS for xtra mess; tl2nln lor new extra mess. Tierce 0t dull; aies of 15 t erces at SiScj for prime ram; 82ifj3.t for India mess. Hee! ham sloaJy; nates of H'JJ barrels at vMti:ii. ....... cut Mkat I Steady ; sa'.es of 225 pack- - Ht-e- i at 124.i I'Jc fr. sUouiders; Iti 41040 for bams; miviuies qalei; hales of boxes of lous; clear at 17'ic. vuo Quiet; sales ofl2 tierces at 18c for steam, and lylKc for kettle ren- dered. Hi'Tiint Steady at 283S5C for Ohio; 283 4:5' tor Mate. . - C11 stWK Ki mi at 1!),32Sc. St. Louis market. ',, V.j Telegraph.! St. Lofih. April 21, ,Toiuc i) SleaJy and unchanged. (VrTu.S Nomina! at 2t;:Jc for mi Jdling. 'lEAfe -- Dali; medium to ed soid lit $1 2Ut?l :iO; choice dressed iu demand at il 4(1 a,2 4. i'j. .uii Quiet an 1 tmchansel; snppr-fiu- c raiK-- . sai 54.5 23; XX ft 75j7 00; XXX S7 i5o.9 03; fancy JUll. WaiKir Kirm ; low1 grades In better deiuaud ; fiiir to strictly prime red Fail SL U,-i- l 70; choice to fancy SI 751 95; rtpi iU aciivs for choice at, SI 101 11; and trie,M- - chuicj soft at SI liigl 15 Cou.v ir'irna but inactive at SiVQTe for mixed and yel.ow in sacks; 5S;a;09c for choice white ,u balk. Oats-stea- dy with a good demand at C2 ftiti ic. :l j i . Barley Steady at fl 731 90 for prime to choice Iowa. I TKTB-jSte- ad v t $1 2r 2 ' , WntSKY Dd't at 87c. " HtwcumEH-Fir- m but. quiet,. SFO a K Q ti let at Wing HiiO. Moi.asse Louisiana uueaanged at 7.3ra s:c. , cokfke Plantation ranges at l!52.3Jic loKK1riai-- t hot tirm at s3l for round lots; id 2i;U 50 io a small way. Byi.K Mat a T- -i Held above tliio views of buyers; small salo- - of country pom bouse snouiders packed at 12c. Bacon Quiet but firm; sales on orders m idjatlio for shouuiers; ltji!jdlij,'ic for clear rib; ijc lor clear si les. LAKD-U- eld liriuiy at lTalSc for tierce; small sales of k g at 2oj. ... wHem)n!8 Market. By Telegraph. 1 , , Misrais. April 21. CtTrTosr-Midd'in- at 27e. Keceipts S3 bait-s- ; rxDorisoott balex. tOUlt -- 0 25. Cokjx 7i.Soc. Oath--7v..so- nd firm. Hay . s m. lVaK-- ill 75. ' Bacot-17;J- i-; Khotilders lo'c; sides are unchangi-'l- . lift.iv Mkavs-IO'-j- C; shoulders 13c, and sides dull. Louisville Market. By Telegraph. Looisyilli, April 21. To haci'.? Market firm ; sales of 125 hogs- heads; 6j 2i for lugs; tl i ,5i tor manufactu- ring Inat. . . Wheat 81 4o$l 55. l'OHM-ti- )l!. oa is i.'.miSc. H AY SO) iu ut 21 00. Fi.nUK - jo oO iiM CO. Mess Vokk i.ll LAKI-lfcl-!,lS- ;4e. haco.v in wooers UT'c; clear rib sides 1' ear sides 1 :c. S BOilC iiKATS- - Suouldersl2o; clear sides llil-.-- . i . WHISKY Sic. oiew t'ora Dry Hoods ttarKet. j By Telegraph. 1 New Yoke, April 21. ine lory unoos market continues inert ami nui e pan ckv, especially for woolen ij'.oil'. It Is euough lo give one instance of mod-m- i 1 coiidit on ot this market. Las.- weeii a commission hc.UMjsoid a lot ot fine wooteo kooiIs 1 i donb e width as low a-- il 50, which are now being; Jobbed at i'i 5!. If the purcn .ser's note ts kimnI, any otter Is iiow sure to command Hues or these g ..HiS. Iii Cotton f ibrle we hereby append the ! uosC noticeable, changes: Law.etice U, 30- - liieu mown .uu-iu- is sen at i,jc; no. tic; do. M.'UMnch. ,12c; Suffolk H, S6-in- slnrrings, bV;Orantviile Hlt.Jg Biowu, 13c; Trt-mon- l F., & do, PJc. '- - l'.liiiSonr Muslins, 12c; Rockdale 4-- 4 do. sell at 14;iJil5c; Clark's 4-- 12c; Bal-lo- u A Son, do. He, and Union Checks, .No. 20, two by two, 22V,o; Chicago, 21c. Sew Xork (ioltl anil siocfc .ttttrxfi. By Te!es?rarb. New York. April 21. MoXEY-- In liberal supplv and fair de- mand at 7 per cent, on call. Cu rency Js flowing here lr-el- and a new bank Ma has been called tor ry thet'onsl roller wh:ch will probably exeaud the ourrency K(in. 1'lscounts 9S10 p.r cent, lor the best names. Sterling Firm at 8ja8VJ, for Rixfy days, aud Su.ijg tor s'gijt." Bond bilUlu belter supply. , Ould Firmer; opened nt ad- vanced to 1Ub fell to the oppiiiua rate, and closed f. lJ4t 1315-5- . Rates pai t for borrowing 3-- :2 to flat, Clearances K5.KV Clio. The Hals.itla, from F'urope, brongbt 8170 fUMO, and the Arizona, fr m AS: iuWall, S5.',00il. . , OovsaastENTS-Stron- g, active end hiuli-e- r; Uermans continue lo be the buyers and beins; unable to reach. IarL-- e biocits, qaleily take odd lots as they find I hem. .b.verv Steamer lakes rnui.d auicuuls of bo-ds- , tbe heaviest shipments ling the 67s. 88 earlier Issues cannot be had. . short interest is dally increasing, nUl there was a larger borrowiii" dernaud to-d- ay than ever before; bonds lonued on the have nearly alt been actually sold abroad, and forwarded as fast as tb- - bilixcanbe sold against them. No bonds are comiti" from the country, ana operatris here are indisposed to Bell; blgeer prices re. therefore, predicted Quotailons lor Coupons: '8' 117Vall7?4; do. 121 ys: do. '64, li6VaU5: do. '6.5, in? nV; do.Dew,115i'4H:do. 'l7. li5;4u,lli; Uo. 'C3, nA&ViA-- , 10iJ5alijoJi . Chicago Market.' Bj Telegraph. Chicago, April 21.' Flour Market dull, but lather more actlvo than yestotdav , prices however, are without material cliauae; Half s of spring extias at 85 40oi 5 50, and Spring fctipeiliiie at 84 25. WHitAT-Firm- er feelliijt in the marK.-- t and priceR silshtly advanced; bales of N,. 1 Hiring at l lvia-i- l and 2 at 81 mv,r$l tHl4. closing at 51 01. CottN Market unsettled, but fairly ac- tive, both for cash and future, deli very, but without material change In values )or fu- ture delivery; No 1 eoid t ba buyer, and 5"ra57c seib-- r llav; o. 2 si .oe buyer, and 55' 4 co-'4- seller May; new sold at 4tl 47o buyer April, closing at, ca--U; saiwi in slore were at fsJiiA jle for No. 1. Cokn Quiet ; suiull sales ot No. '1 at 54c afloat. Uats-Du- II, receipts Jijjht, and bolder tlrui ; ul cIosiuk at o'ajle lor No. 2. Ryk Inquiry fair, and prices l(,l'4c bet- ter; Si 17'i 18; clOKiiiii at fl ltyjl is ... Baklky i 'lib aud uomluul, wltn .seijei'o at si .50 for No. 2. Highwines Dull and neglected; pi ices nominal at SS.,uN',ic. Provisions Market firmer md bli?hi-- r under a gooil demand to till KasleiD ud Canaiiau orders. Mess porit clo-o- at t.J 50, and sold lo the extent of Son barrels at and flK) barrels at 5 I cash, and 500 barrels, sellers' June, at t.il (so. I.arJ quiet but firmer; quot.iblo ab ljCa ISo; sales of 'io tierces of I at 17'ic and i rf Hetces of KtVamed, sellers' Muy, at Jho. Bulk meals active aud steady, 'i uc trans- actions inc.uile 60 0JO pouuits of dry sullel shoulders ul. ll'c loose, and l.5,(x)0 poumls of do. at llJ-j- loose; mid l(l(',0O.( pounds of do. at Milwaukee at lle ,ie d. Sweat pickled hams qui ia but rirm at WAi lw: sales of luO l.ierciiS at l i'c. , ,' ' i Fkeiohts-Lu- ll end weaker; chitiU-i- at Cr'4a lor wheat to Kill! Uo. Cincinnati XarKet. By Telegraph. ) CrrcrixwAi r; ApvilL'J. Cotton iuU; middling L7'fc; low mid- dling 2ti'!;c. ' T"HACt;j In good demand ; sales of ill hbds and boxes at l (W lo Sill li). Flou'u ani Oratx Finn ami in falrde-ms- n , wltiiout chaiiKM in price-- . i Whisky Finn at fM. . Pkovisi ns-tHii- but arllc'ei are firm-a- t full rates, though I hi; demand com mi in s liht, unit there was not iiuieh done; 100 t bis city mfss pork sold at t:;i, at whicij it Is Hrm'y held. Bulk Mkam Held at 12'i: for shoul- ders, HJ-g'- ! for sides, lsjc for clear rib and l.VJic for clear; lin,li"i0 iionoos fold a l i'o for sides, and 15c forebear lib hides, doltv-ere- d at ludianapoil.s, Iud. Bacon lied firmly at 1 .'..; for sVioul-der- s, I()'(il7c lor clear rib and c sides, but tiie uemaud is of a Joboinx na- ture. H AMS Sugar-cure- d nt lf'c packed acd first cisss nramls. . , Lakh Held at lSJic, but there was no demand. Butti..r Very dull and prices drooping ; fresu Hl-ft- 7c; there is no deiUAiid lor tiie lO'ver gra ins. K'ios Steady at lofjd'in. HKKns Unchanged; Clover at 810, and Timothy $ 50. HroAK-isteg- dy; N. 0. 13l.i'&15e. offkic IFnciianged ; Bales mi) bags ,'ood at 21c; prime 25c. Linskko Oil-Pu- II at 81 05105. ' ' Laki oil l 45'nl 50. PfcTaoLKUM &ti&:nt for refined. i ld At lai buyinn. , Money The market Is close, at 10,ai2 perct-iu- . . ; .., ,7, Kxciiange -- Is steady at par to ,00c pre- mium buying. ' ; -- O- - Nciv Orleans Marftet. By TeleKraph. Nbw Orlkans. April 21.' C.tto Middling senrco at 2' Jc; sales 2 WK bales; receipts CSJ1 bales, and exports Ki bales. Kxchanos Sterling 145; N. Y. Hlibt J.;n Jc premium. KLou-Lu- ll; duperfine 15 70: XX 0 12; XXX 6 50. i ork-Stea- dy; white 76a7Sc, and yellow Oats Declined to "On. Bkan Scarce at tl 60. ' Hay Firm: prime at i'oRK ti'i ii. ... Bicos Fir-n- , at 13V5!7';c. I.AKD. VHISh.Y AN'i) PhoVISIO? S lTn Changed. CINCINNATI -- .. GEORGE E. JACKiON & CO., Commission und yorttvrrtling Jfcrchuntu, Dealers in Grain, Flour, Pork, Lanl, I'roiliie.e, &e c.t ' " ' No. 52 Walnut Street, ' mbl7 3m CI V1 SVATI, OHIO. OXJnY J3A.GS. K S RATES EXTRA. IIEAVT J Ji J Uunnies arriving and iu stoie, " ' for sale by . , FOSTER SC0TUERS, 04 Wes t Socond '3 1 ret C.I N C I N NAT 1 ,7 O II IO. Ve desire to Inform the trade that we have been appointed agents for the largest 1 importer iu the United States, and are now prepared to nupply tbcra In any quantity. deisritf Bontc's Steam Cordage Mills. .TOIirV IJONTI, MANUFACTURBR OF IVJLaxnillsx Kojje, Hemp Packing, and Hemp Twine for Sewing Gunnies, MAIX ST., one door south of Front, de22dSral '"INflVN ATT. OTTIO. Romid I'lsrxicis, HEALER IS Chandeliers and Gas 'Fixtures. Gia and Steam Pipe Fitter, No. 21 LOl'VNT STREIT, feC.dly KvANsvrLLE, I.nn. dav: John H. Hulchinson, of . Ar- - kauas. Minister Rssident to the Sandwich Islands. Quaker A DiMintrueut3 Indian Agencies. Friend Howard White, Indian Agent atOaiaha; Friend Low-ri- e Fathem, for the Kiowas, Apaches and ComaDches; Friend Brenton Jarlingrt)n, Upper Arkansas Agency ; Albert L. Green, at' the Upper Mis- souri Agency; Friend Edward Paint- er, at the Upper Platte Agency; Friend Reuben Roberts, at the Shawnee Agency Kaunas; Thomas II. Stanley, for the Pottawatomie Indians. Kansas: Jacob M. Treat, for Pawnees, Nebraska; Thomas Light- - foot, for' Great Mernahar Agency; Friend Z.' McNeal, for the Sac and Fox Indians; Friend A. M, Janey. for the'Sante Sioux Agency; Edward Prayne, for the Pawnee Agency, J. A. lison.ior the Winnebago .Agency; J. Stanley, for the Osage River Agency; J. Richards, for the Delaware Indians M Kansas; Jos. Newson, for., the Kansas Agency; Enoch Hoge, Super- intendent of Indian Affairs for the Central Superintendency ; Sam'l. M. Janery, Superintendent tor the Northern Superintendency. - Assessors of Internal Ravense G. O. Dehee, Eighth District of In- diana; F: S. :Fonweh, Second Dis-trict'- of Iowa. Collectors of Internal Revenue Mat'thew Simpson, Eighth District of Indiana. Pension (Ageut S. S. Caldwell, Omaha. - . : : . 2 T- - I Registers of Land Offices Ed. W. Arnold, Grand Island; P. P. Mas- ters, J. S. Pollock, Little Rock, Ark. A delegation of a dozen Pannsvl-vanian- s, headed by Col. John W. Forney, had an interview with the President to-da- y. They leave an extended tour South to examioa into the condition of the country, its prospects, resources,wants and iU disposition towards the Gov- ernment. , .... . At out forty revenue officers In va- rious districts of the United States were removed to day. The commissions of a large number of collectors', appraisers, and surveyors, lately confirmed by the Senate, were sent tp the President to-d- ay for his signature. . Ofliee-seeker- s flocked to the Trea- sury and other executive offices to- day, having heard that appointnieut were being made. " Secretary Boutwell has authorized heads of bureaus In the Treasury De- partment to grant leave of absence to Odd Fellows at their drsoretion to at- tend the forthcoming celebration. Washington, April 21. The Sen- ate to-da- y confirmed the following nominations: J as. R Partridge, of Maryland, Minister Resident to Venezuela; J.T. Cappry, Secretary of Leg ition to Rus- sia; Adam Badeau. Assistant Secre- tary of Legation at London. Receivers of Public Moneys John M. Freeland, Detroit; J. B. Wake field. Winnebago; J. C. Randolph, St. J Peter, Minn.; J. C. Braden, Green-- 1 leaf. Miun.: J. Stourv Rois City; W. F. Chapin, Lincoln, Neb. Registers of Land Offices Chas. A. Oilman, St. Cloud. Minn:; L. K. Akin, Alexandria, Minn.; A. Smith, Duiuth, Minn. ; Robert Garder, Hum- boldt. Cal.j W. H. Stephen, La lirande, Orecoo; E. B. Freeman, Winnebago City, Minn.; W. Butler, Aurora, Nevada; Edwin Frey, Lew-isto- o, Idaho; John P. Owens, Tay- lor's Falls, Minu. Surveyor Generals E. S. Davis, for Nevada. Secretary to the President to sign patents J.N. Burrett, of the Dis- trict of Columbia. Assessors of Internal Revenue J. S. Carves, Twentieth District of Pennsylvania. ' . Jas. B. Harmstead, to be Coiner of the Branch Mint at San Francisco. Oscar D. Munson, Assayer of the Branch Mint at San Francisco. J. P Cochrane, Melter and Kefiner of the Branch Mint at San Francisco. Postmasters Thomas J. Sperwood, Marysville, California; Jas. A. Burke, Ottawa, Kansas; E. Beebe, Decatur, Michigan. Senate Proceedings. Washington, April . 21. Wilson called up his resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy, with the cousent of the Colombian Govern ment, to cause further surveys to be made for a railway or ship canal across the Isthmus of Darien. After debate, the resolution was laid over, in order to put it in a more acceptable form. Anthony reported that the Uotn- - mittee on Printing had made a con- tract with Bailey & Rives for report- ing the Congressional proceedings, and explained that it Ayould effect a saving of $13,000 yearly from tha present rates. Carpenter called up his resolution calling upon the several heads of De partments for information as to the number of clerks employed by them, where they came from, who recom- mended them, &c. The resolution gave rise to a lively debate about the general question of appointment. Trumbull said it was time some- thing was done to correct such abuses, which had grown up relative to office- -seeking. We had witnessed tor the past six weeks the melancholy evidence of this fact. Senators and members had become mere solicitors for offices for their constituents, and might be seen hanging around the doors and ante rooms of the Secreta- ries, like so many beggars. lie gave notice that at the next session he would introduce a bill making it a renal offen?e for any member of either to solicit office or attach their names to papers recommending per- -' sons for positions. - Fessenden did not know that there was anything unusual in the pressure for office. He had been here thirty-thre- e years ago, not in the Senate, but in the House, and it was the same thing at the change of an administra- tion, lie would like to seo the evil stopped, hut he did not see how it was to ba done; for hioisell, he made it a rule to sign very few papers of recommendation, and those only of such as. were known . to him. He never went near the Departments ex- cept when he could not help it, and he dis'iked as much as the Senator from Illinois the hanging round the doors and ante-room- s of the heads of Departments. Cameron deprecated the appoint- ment of persons to office vithout the knowlii.lue and recommendation of Senators or members from the State from which the names come, but it had been done to a great extent under J. V.. Ohekn, F. L. OliKEK. s. 15. oicmsrv s& oo., CAR11JAGE. "'. HANITFAGTURERS, IrunsferOruarnects t Cincinnati prices. Mnn Street, hi t. Fifth and Sixth, lnnlifKswm tVANJiVILLF. Iftn. GKO. THOESUILL. , WJl. TOORNU1LL TIIOliNHILL & SOX, iS'JF CTTRERS cr nml Harness SKt'OXa STUEET, near Main, EVANSVILLE. INI). All kinds of fine Haddles and Harness ooustantly ou baud. REPAJR1NO done In the best manner and at short wotiee. fmho dom i , ;.'! No. 1,497. United States Marshal's Notice. ITnilcd States of America, District of In-- j dlana.s.S: -- vjrrm;st raj, a Mb k t. v i iv. mV- - I mtioii was filed iu thcliistrict CfMirtot the United States for thellstrtct ol Juciiaiia.ou Uie v.7th d .y of March, lHt.W, by tieoige W. ItsBon. by his proctor, Charles Alar.-- b, Ksq.. atatist tbe steamer "Pet. oh a No. 2," her emrlnes. ta-- e, npparel, and furniture, seized nt said ciMi'lct in a, cause ol damaues civil and maritime, nnd c!;ilmi-J- t damages in t lie sum of (;.;i, and prailug process against said vessel, and that tne same may be con- demned and soll therefor. Now, therefore, lo pursuance of the mo- nition under the seal ol said Court tome directed and delivered, I do hereby Rive public none toRll persons claiming said floods, or any pa i t I hereof, or in any man- ner itteresu-- therein, lliat they be und appiair bulore the aid, tlij District Court ol the United Ktalcs, to bo oeld at tbe eily of Indianapolis, in aud for tne liistri.-- t of Indiana, on the lirst Monday of May next, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that day, thfU aid thore to ii,lerpoe their claims ,i;U make their alleyatljus in that befa-if- . ' I5F.X. Kl'OONER, Marshal, U. . Attiist: J. D. Howxani), Clerk, at ivi dl It, : . BUSINESS CARDS. AV. WAOHS, STATIOXKIi, I1I0K UlMJKi;, 4iiZ ISUi'ik Hook Manxijtteturtr, And Dealer in Bchoo! Hooks, Pic- ture and frames, Ailrroi-s- , LKk s, Fieucli tiiass, inc., 41.I IHXIKN I.i:-tt4ir- y O. 70 MA -- V A" TR Kh T, ; tHKJHtliKKlil'! KLCK'K,) I : VA V I L I. K I .MH AM. Lov.'i ly liilii. A. lUTTKOL.aVJ'f DlAtBU IN WATCHES, JEWELRY Gold Pen. Sr eit ales, l:yee lasses, .ilver und I luted Ware, Watch and C.ttcm Material, Ko. Ct MAIM St Jlet. .Second biid Third, . KVAMlVIiLK, Ind. WafolK-- and clocka atepaiied Will wrrnniiP. i'HAH. AiiTrt, wit". Oeo. A. J!Ml-roli- f. ocf dly !S Ii VIEULINCi , DRUGGIST, And Dealrir ia PaiLts Oils. VATiXISHEN. HYK fSTCWti. HIMIixy 4.. AN- -. LitUit.L INSTIll'MK.VrS, I'oie Willi H nnd Itriindi' N, Aud ail popular Patent Medicines ot the ii!e. NO. 3 A'oni M ulrr KlreH, tVANVH-bt- ; I.MIIt.Vl fKi:) ly DFi. F. L, DAVIS, Ilomceopalhlc Physlclan.- Offlcc on Hecond Street, between Mum aud iocusf. oc2S dly ' DR. fc. J. EHRM AN, Uonia-oyathl-c Physician. Orlce No. 19 Becond Htrei t, be- tween -- Maiu and Locust. 0'Ve Hours From 8 A.M. to 12 M., and 1 to 5 P.M I At hit residence, comer of Hev-- S enth and t.btHuut afU r nlybf-- (.o2.S dly AllcillTSCTS. . IL IIURSINNA, AltClIIT X3 o rr. nice No. n CHANDLKK'S BCILUINO Corntir fc'irst lu.i Lo-u- t fstreets, Kvansville, I ud. Ii l'isoi anil speolrtcal.lous lor ail kiudR oi tuiidiit'i.s luruished at short noiire, and oa refunk.ijle terms r I mch 15 d.lm O A li. 13. r.OHKRT BOYD. OTIS WOOD. BOYD & WOOD, A OR C II ITEO T S, No. 7 ( handler's Block, Corner Fir ot and Locust Htreets, .' .KVANiiVILLE.INI). Plan and KpeciftcaUons prepare"! on bhoit notice and reasonable terms. Jauiadtf ' THALOS'S "PAPniAX L0TI0S M for GfauUfl!;?: the Skin and torn- - Jill'XlOIl. Kemoves all Eruptions, Freckles, Plm-pl- e. Moth Blotches, Tan, etc. and renders I lift skin o'i., ur, ami blvoininf?. For Ladni in the .Nursery il is luvalti a'de. ,For Gentlemen after Shaving It liaa no equal. ' Papblau Lotion" Is the only rellabl remedy lor diseases and blemisues of tbe Kkiu. VliAl.yH "PAl'lIIAN NOAP'MM ttio Toilet, Nursery, and Bath, will not chap the sk.iu. Price Z't cents per cake. "t1.0SS II K MAYO," A New Per I'u nr. e lor the Handkerchief. Exquisite, Delicate, Las tin:; Fragrance. PHALON HON New York. Sold by all dru jists. ly d EAGLE OA llll I AO K W0KKS. KASUfACTCKBR Oi' LiUt Oivrr-iagrcH- , . Fancy Trotting Buggies, Nlitrtiiifr TP I. listen, (torUnways, Biit priiG W'ajfous, '('Oil. OF FOUiril AND LUCUVr STS., KVA.NSVIt.LE, I XI). ay fspec'al alaent ion elven to repairing of all kinds, and at tho istioi lest notice and on tho most liberal teiuis. A (j'ettrral Assortment of Work Comlanttij on Hand. Soa, bnt tUe Itet Workmen Km-liioyeil- . apr5-d3- m IlARLoW J. PHKI.l'S, Of New "l'lenlls. J.li. MoCrLl.ot'H. of Louisville, Ky. F. Norr, of New Or. fans. Phelps, HcCuIIorh C. io., PR OD UCE, PR O VIS I O .V, AM) OH EK L CoraraiEsion r.Ioroli?Hit3, 112 (JlMVIKl; Miir.f.f, nov24 dtf J'.Z'.V .)K LEA XH, J. C. PUrtOUCIIKT. 1). Id soi I II I. J. C. DUSOUCJKT fi. CO., CJ X T O Ar 1' A V TV II Produce and Provision Islerchar.ts, Sa SOilTU WAT Kit &TUKET, EV ANVJLLi;, IM. Orders and consignments sulifltisl. el.5 S II,!! V A I I'Alll, K MAIN rttlt PltOl'KK I V Tliat. S,iHnilld properly known as the J".,;l r to ..pL-r- y , s luateil on tiie west l Mam aiid Si.Xlli Hirer-is- , Iroiain 7 i'v Je. t on .Miuil Mreeland lnli.t on x t i i sir.ri. i n pioperly Is oII.-iim- I b.r sale m low li,;tiie.s ou easy terms. Apply o J. I. KLU.il T A SON. il.-- I ale A ..III s, Corner Locust mid Third !S i tel. felUdlf FOR SALE AND FOR REM, a ii :a ! ita ii.i! i t.oi. JL2 J Dwellil'tj Houses, mid h in !.i. Ten tnousand acres of n Lan-.i- I buy aud m.ll ICeul F.iate. ALVA II Jtm.vso:,-- , i.eul Af i.t, Third Street, Pva invUic., LuHann ' deci If Great Western FAST FREIGHT Llf.' n tl.ViTKO STATES IJII'jrE'jS (if., 1'ltol'ltl K'.'OKS. Agents Eria Railway Coinp:i,ny. JVoticc lo MalpjK-rM- . m ii k i it k A t xt i: s ! i: i: . r r- - JL "sPATt;il, on the I, .III l .Mau b. looii charge ol ( be ent ir- - 1 II i: M ti 1 n i I ( . I ( f ot the K I K KAILVVAY and s I i :ukh-- :. The ii It KM' WKsTKIlN Hr.-i'A- K II, as a West l!ound Freij.bt, Line, ha- - beioi lavoi ati y k no wn lo oui m ci . ii . n s ! o- t lie iHst Twelve Yeiirs, mid Us m a lingers, now offer to "shippers their Inciea-e- d laeiliins, ruaanteeiU4 as lavnrible rules mid as puck lime us can bj oi Cured by any other lino. Ti e ftdditlornl f.H't, that the (IIIKAI' WKJSTKItN ilK-PAT- l.'il tsoln-- by til.. United ntati'S t'.xpicn Comnaiiy, wlio icuuraiitee nil lis adlls ol Lading. ut;lit liin. to be lost Kilit ol b ,' i fj i s. For rates, nnd the Keltii iiieiit ol' ell claims, apply to E. N. UIXHY, A Kent, apr!7 d'liiil Kvansvilii', Iro. OHIO RIVER LAM) FO'; i.'i OJ ! '"jTT K OFI'l'Il , .!,'; I ll Vw iraclsof la ud, mi i in pro '.!, In-:- v I ly timbered and i Udi s.l ,. i I u .; i , I in- - i.niii.s of Lite Ohio Hi vol, nnd a ijoin im- - tin- - lands of I be Messrs, WiiIIik- -, in 'i County, Kent, cky-ea- i'li tract foiMai uliti-abo- 0 acres, and adj. in I lit- i.tliir. Also, one tract ot Inn I 'Jmih iiIhuiI I '..j miles from the above, b.ielt tun I lie river, well I lmben if, unl m jo i.ved, an I medium soil, containing atiout ") acres 'i i e land on Ihe river, wo will se I ut ti er aoe, and that liiuiK from tie river id i'i, per acre one-tliir- d cash In hati !, a id ba I'.ice in one and I wo years, v i: ti leds inteiest at the rat-- , of I. er c !;'. un- - rjinn, and secured by lien on tin- - I unl or (food j.l'ISOIIIll MCllllty. Me is. i'. II. mi I Win. Wallace, who I i ve near the i i d, w ill point out to puich;i-- e s II- I- Im- i' i'Hi. Ad dress .1 Mlvt P WKi'ii, Dvcii-hinu- '. Ky., or HA N f Hi'. I) D1JNCA ,Cl uci mi a 1, Oinn. apilJ dim (lit 15 AT LAND SALlv Henderson County, Kentucky. Authorized ly Act of th Kcutncky lS67-'i- S. Seven Klcli am! Hldly Ins-prov- ed Ohio I her Ho'tar.i Farms, an A 501 Town I.qIa, to he Disposed of in Shan-s- . First Prize "loO.OI.ii Second Piir.e.. ........ ;.f Third Prize 7, 'M Fourth Prlisu j:;,vi Fifth Prize l:i,7Vl Klxth Prizo 1 ',7,(1 Hevent h Prize. 11,7 9 2S0 IV TOWN 10 IS, Valued at 31 JO each. Il PP.I7.ES IN TOWN LOTS Valued at fh each. Hi PKI.ES IN TOWN LOTH, Valued ut t t each. TICK i; T w, rr-tii- i: lit- - A t l(J IV I I. I. T A u t: JL place at .Mas""''- T'einide, in L.si vule, Kentucky,"" tiie 1st day of H pie lll- - ber, lft. J-l-. nts will furnish pamoil. !s ulvir,., description f the property, and eont um-lii(- ? tiio act of the Leldalure ; lUtiunzauj ttif mile. , Commissioners who w ill mai, i jro lin eu- - teri'iise are named in II. e act ,' tin. .:i aul tlieir lulegi ity mid re-- u .i are endon-- t d I 1 tho eei I ii.ru les (winch will be fouim in !i,ij p-- i m ; a i. I si nt liovernor John W. Hlevensou, linns. Oarrelt Iavls and Thomas C. M ( i . to Ciiiled H ta tea Heuat'.c s, Hon. .it.tm i . Lunch. Hiieaker of the Kenuickv iiouso of K.preHenta!lves. 11. t . Archibald loxoi:. Joseph Adams, Preside it. H tun Fai in-i- V lluutt, I.. . aiadam, Pticeul. n the Ma. I lou a I I. ask,. I ob u II . Ii n ret a no id ;e is. .if Henderson, K. y. ; Hon.. F. I 'arret t. .! nd . of the Circuit Court .f lie l.'ill.-e.s- ! n Judi- cial District, and M. H. .Iniuisun, Ju l. .. nt Hie Uiiirl, ot l (iluinoii Pleas, ot Jnoiana; Hon., Win. H. Walker, Mayor, .."iim .s Hopkliifi. President Fust N it mo it Kau k , aim others, of Kvan lllo, Iu liana, umi many ot lier' gent leine i ol position sua prominence in Kentucky and lndiaiui. TICKETS can be pur.-hax- i o d L. H. LYNE, Farim rs' i'ani-- , Men U-- on, Ky. ; it. U. ALEXANDER, Coin mercial Kunlt Loulsvilie, Ky. ; THUS. K. A. miOCn.-s- , (!ov!twton, Kv.; JOHN C. LATHAM, Pres.dent K.ink .1 Hopklusville, liopklnsville, ivy. James L. Dallam, Coi 1 luercial i'.ank, Ky. r Looks opened at tlieso p i!ilsoti !he 1st, f tlciober, l.siiH. I'll LIP HOItNiUl. OK, IN, , V.i!er K( reel., between Mam aiil Hycuuue, ami SILMuNtN. D1X.O.N A to., N ). First street, will outer licHet.s Ir.no tho Aisents at lleiidersou, Ky., for tho- -. who Jtslre- - to porcbase. s..:'SilLt

Transcript of T i.a.xti.'j JI y - Chronicling America › lccn › sn82014296 › ...wa blow n down, and a number...

  • I "''..

    T .. i L.' . (1.akk:ic, Mem pi !r, Tetir,' daily jouksaii. J. H.DKCRT ', late of Curtnieii a I ri;ry.One year, by mail tlO 00 'Hix months, by mail .. .......... 5 60 ' IL Lv.!h JI y h-- h i.a.xti.'j , MV. iThree month, by mall. 3 00 v (Huccessors toHy tbe weet. tavable to -- arrier 25 Cartmell A Drury.)

    TRI-WEEK- jUlJRSALOne year 5 7 00

    BVANSVILLE,--1ND.- . APRIL 22. 1869.VOL. XX. ESTABLISHED, 1831.Washington News.

    Washington. April 21. Tbe following nominations were sent in to

    COMMISSION MERCHANTSy. 210 t it:T ktki;i;t.Bet. Waf-blngto- and Atlarns,

    IEM Pil IH, TEN N.Ky permi-Hio- n we refer to liranrt' ls ACrawford, Loalnvllle, Ky. ; Barton iV 'f.ii,Citiciunati, (hio; 1. Kulluer, Jr., A ( ..

    Evansvilie, Iud.: Ha.' liurt A Wb maker,KvuiifcVtLe, Iud.; (;jl- - Lrolhers, HI.. Louis.Mo.; Charles T. Ilinde, (,'inro, III.; F. W.H ml t b, President People ' Idmlj , MemphisTenn.; W. H. Cherry, 1 'resident .IeiebantsNational Hank, Mem )iis, Tenn.; .;urke,h.ly A Co., --Memph'8, Venn.; Newton Ford4 Co., Memphis, Term.; Htialtou, iuyer ACo., Mem puis, Tenn. .elt5if


    Forwarding & CommissionMerchant,



    M T. V EKN l IN, I N D.

    Prompt attention niven to uU busi-ness entrusted to his "i. re. in S il.;i,i

    Bix lionths.... ...... 4 00WEEKLY JOURNAL..

    One ropy, one year.- - - S 2 00Five coplesone yar.. .......... ................ 7aTen cordes. one veRr 15 00


    Oold closed in New York yesterday at134. '

    The steamers Halsatia and Doclne. fromEurope and South America and Klo Janei-ro, have arrived at New York.

    A Brooklyn paper says Senator Fentonintend to Rue ilie Commercial Advertitirand. Ereniitft Post for libel, laying damagesat hall a million. i

    The steamer Arizona, from Aspinwall,brings f.'VJi.rWJ in treas ire, aDd Panamadate! to the 13Ui Inst., which contain nonews.

    Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet,writes .Torn Pana, Illinois, that the storyset afloat recently by the papers thai behad died is untrue. He nay be still lives-Albrigh- t,

    a lawyer of Cairo, bad a per-sonal altercation with H. P. Goods 11, edi-tor of tbe Cairo THines, Wednesday af

    in which tbe latter was severely"beaten.J arn as Maher, arrested some months ago

    on a charge of complicity in tha Rogermurder, was discharged from custody onWednesday'

    An unsucceasful attempt was made onWednesday morning to rob tbe Bank InLima, ST. Y. Tte burglars were discover-ed and 0 red on, but made their escape.

    Tbe Memphis races are being largely at-tended aDd the luteiest is increasing.Among the aDiDsemeaU iatrodacwi wax aVeloclptde race.

    Hon. John L. Ketchum, a prominentcitizen and attorney at-la- of Indianapo-lis, died Tuesday night from the eff ee ofinjuries received from a" fall through ahatchway that day.

    Tiie dwelling of John Durnin, at Rain-bow, was burned on Sunday tUhU Mr.Darnln perished In the fltmes while

    to save his son.The Grand Trunk Railroad track U en-

    tirely under watsr nfar Branlford. Theexprcsi train which left BuTaio Wed nes-da- y

    ra rnin, was obliged to return, tsofar th freshet nan not suspended travelon the Ortat Western iCii.roail.

    Harvey Lyon, of Hoboken, tosetberwith Mrs. Uib-;o- a'.d her daughter, werethrown from thir carriage, while rldl )gin Central Park, New Yrk, on Tuesday,and ad were badly Injured. Mr. Lyon badhl.Shkull fractured.

    Charley lionoes, a utile four year oldboy, ou Wednesday jumped from the for-ward plattorm of a street, car in motion, inNashville, and It'll and had one of his legscrushed just above the ankle, the wheelpassing over it. Fortuualely tbe car wasimmediately checked, or tbe other legwonlrt have been mangled also. His par-ent reside on AtcDougal Htreet.

    A wagon and team of horsus with threemen were precipitated into a cellar Uv thegiving wy of "a rtnor fr-i- which ruilshwan being removed. The concussion causedthe falling of a portion of the walls, whichburied the men, one of whom w as klliedand another was borloua'y injured.

    The burning of the Illinois Blind AsylumWitt render it necessary for the Hfcnte L

    to l- aalu convened, and it isthought it will'bedoue at an early day.Movements are on foot to secure the

    of the Asylum at some otherpoint In the State. '

    The firm of Mayer Brothers, wholesaletobacco dealers, ot New York and Louis-ville, have failed. Tbe liabilities of theNewYorx l ouse amount to Jfl2),noo, andthose of Louisville to $80,093, making atotal of 82 0,iJO0. 14. Cunningham, a retaildry (joods dealer, has also failed.

    Tba watch case manufactory of Wheeler,Parsons & Company, New York, wasrobbed last December, of 517,000 worth ofproperty, aud on Tuesday, Uttstave Keu-da- ll,

    employed by the Arm, and EugeneKendle and A. Vanderwaer were arresl-- .d and chtred with bein? the burglars.' Passengers arrived tn Chicago on Tues-day, elsjht days and thlriy hours out fromSan Francisco, lTie!dtng nine hours stag-ing and t!ih h'fuis delay in makingconnection, and three hundred and twentymiles slow run ntrisr, on oon-tructlo- a trainson the two terminal. Only fitly miles ofroad remained to be completed on the 17lhto perfect the line of railroad across thecontinent. This gp will be dosed by thelt or M.ty. ' The total distance Is abonl3,503 miles.

    The westward bound train on tbe Nash-v- llefc Northwestern Railroad ran through

    a tres'.le Tuesday morning, r ear Dres ten,killing the engineer, Wm. SUfi, anil fire-man Crista!. Several nassena rs wficseverely injured. About the same lunrthe northern bound tralu on the Mobile AOhioRailroid raa through a tre.-.ll- e nearTrenton, killiog the engineer, Noble Con-ove- r,

    and twi passengers, names Tinknown., Tbe latter were ridltig on the

    r.gine at the time. The storm of Mondayniglit had washed the earth away fromunderneath the trestles.

    A lerriiic storm of bail and rain, aocby a powerful wind aud 'Winding

    lightning, passed over Ii l!annpo!ls. Theli;tilaua Central Railroad freight depotwa blow n down, and a number ot otherbuildings unroofed. The watchman nt theCentral depot, Alln McCutchan, waskilU'd,and Miveml other employes severely

    , ii.juied. Rev. Daniel Ballou, a Uui versailfct''minister, from Uttca, New York, was i ask-

    ing the depot at thatlmoof lhaHeeidentand toon stielter ru the depot, and wasvery seriously injured. Later iJispatchesstay that Ilev. Mr. liallou will probably re-cover.

    Their. . Indian Commissioners were,on Wed lies lay. Informed of the arrival oftheir at Me licine Creek, WachlttMount ins, with g trdeu seods, hoes, Ac.He was heartily welcomed by the militaryand tudi ins. If t is putting the plan inmo ion the se'ectlon of the site lor Mis-sion Pcnouls. One hundred and fifty lodgesof Cheyeu ne and Arrnpalio Indians wereexp.icted to arrive dally. The Indianstake great interest in what Is being done

    r hem, but more funds-- are wanted, nsthe Iixtiuii appropriation has failed. Myr-iads of s have appeared outhe plalos. A late dispatch states thatJtoman Nose. Little Hi Mouth, YellowHear and Old (Storm, with CM Arrapahoes,b ve cone in. ready to go to their rescrva-tio'- i.

    They are willing to be taug'it to fol-- tw bo ways of white men.The st lal tr ilu which left Chicago ou

    Tuesday Tor falro. eoiilainiug two hue-die- dand twemv-iiv- e Illinois editors, th-i- r

    Wtvt-s- , si-tt- and sweettiearts, reached thelarr. r pla.v Wedaes lay morning at sixo'cl'M-k- . 'Ihey were es.;orlMJ to the St.4'liar.es I loud uy the iteceptiun Committee,wn re they were form illy welcomed byJoii i II. Olxrly, M ivor of the cityand Miror of Uij Hi'l-tin- . The tVn-Vtu'l'i- u

    tlien procee.l.td to bnsinew.The iuipirtnit re ;o!ut. ou oUeredwsnu to la He Urtps to have all theperioral Ia' s pnbllsheil la all papers of theNtale at 1 price miUelent to cover the costof co u hwiIihi. The local laws to be pub-listis-- 1

    io ivry in the locality Inter-frst- .e, at thus Hit-- ! rates. A committee was

    apo i n;.-- 1 to eud.-avo- " to h ive a eh ine' fivufiili'.f to , under the libel1. Tin As.KciatkQ were to go toMjju I City, at two o'c:o :k We lue daya'ifiri'H-i- . on tilt- - Deueral Auderson.Af.- - v:sitog lh Na'ion-i- C metery, ahai!iJ-t- - v.--is teadere 1 them by Mouud'i(y for t lis d ball glveu them by the

    City of Cairo. This moming they starton tbeexi:iir-.io- to Mobile.


    St. Catharines, April 21. TheWeilauJ Canal, waa opened lor navi-g&ti- oa

    to-da- y.

    INDIAN 1 LKOHLirt i:K.

    Summary of Tuesday Procccdlags.

    In the Senate memorials 'and peti-tions were presented in reUtiori toamendments of the Common SchoolLaw; on Temperance; in favor of pay-ing off the Morgan Raid Claims." , ;

    A proposition was made by Xew. TV.Ilasselman to sell his residence, onMeridian Street, lor Governor's man-sion. ' . " i . . ' : ,

    A resolatiou was offered to appro-priate fifteen dollars' worth of post-ag- o

    stamps to each, .member, whichSenator Morgan proposed to raise totwenty-fiv- e dollars' . worth. Bothpropositions were rejected. ;

    The proposition of the North-We- stern Christian University, to donatecertain lands and buildings for.tha pur-poses of an Agricultural College, wasreferred to the joint Commltteo onEducation and Agriculture. i

    Sundry bills were passed to a second reading. ,';''-- . 'j


    V ''?'The Governor transmittedmessage, encdosing the generous pro-position of Hon. John Perdue, of Lafayette, tendering a! donation 'of $150, '000 towards founding an AgrLeuJturalCollege, provided it be located io.Tip-pecano- a

    County. -Divers House bills were passed7 to

    a second reading,' ainong which Vas abill appropriating $G0,000 to pay theexpenses of this special session:

    A Kill in nrntpefc tti nitiypna t Tn. fdiana from empiricism and to elevatethe standard of the medical profession failed to pass, though Dr Mor-gan favored it. . I

    In the House the dajLwaa consumedchiefly in discussion,' with; no deSoiteaction on any subject, except the pis-Mag- e

    of the specific appropriation ,bJJ,and the completion of the appoint-ment of the standing efVmniitfeeB. ." ' 1

    T E j."E"GBA: PH.News from Waslitngton.

    More ab out the ; Storm.

    Proceedings of the Sanato.

    Lata Nawa from New York.

    Railroad A ccident --" ManKilled:

    General Xews. - '.'-.- ;NKW York, 'April 21. The Iler-nld- 's

    Loudou special says: It is un-derstood liere that, ,tbe AmericanMinister, iu :iecird ince with instruo-tion- s

    received from hi Government,to day, lias made a formal demand onLord Clarendon, the British ForeignSecretary, asking for an explanationin relation to the case of the Ameri-can ship, Mary Lowell, which wascaptured by t tie Spanish war frigateoff one of the Bahani Islands, whilein charge of the British revenue oiS-eials- ,

    with the prial of; the RevenueDepartment on her liatchei. Thisfact, in eoiiiteetiou with the reportedincrease of tbe American fleet off theWest India Is'ands, creates muchsensation in commercial circles inthis city It is thought it will verylikely seriously affect the new Spanishloan now about to be put ou themarket.

    The Tribune's Montreal special saysthe def-ir- e of the people of the NewDonibiou to cut loose from their de ;pendence upon the mother countryuas received a powerful impetus fromone or two great eveuts, aud whatevercourse will finally be adopted, therecan be little doubt that a great political chaDge of some sort is not fardistant. Several private meetings ofinfluential persons have recently beenheld here lor the purpose ot considering the great question ot a charjga inthe form ot Government, and the gen-er.- il

    dissatisfaction with the presentstate of things is more openly ex-pressed. The newspapers are at lastbeginning to meet the question faceto lace, and are giving utterance tothe sentiment which has loag beenwidely dispersed among the people,although few have had tha courase toexpress this feeling public'. Thereis a party in favor of, independence,but there is a larger party, I believe,that aims at annexation to the UnitedSlates, and will soon itself be promi-nent, !..;';..

    The acquisition of the Hudson Bayterritory has given additional force tothe arguments of the annexationist,who felt that such a magnificent do-main as the new dominion now prom-ises to be ou?ht no' longer to bedwarfed and kept down by depend-ence on a transailantie Government.That the people of Great Britainshall surrender her North Americanpossessions as a set off, against theAlabama claims, has created a deepsensation in certain circles. Mot afew regard it with decided favor.

    Senator Sumner's speech is copiedin full by both English and Frenchjournals, and is of course the topic ofmuch conversation.

    New York, April 21. JusticeBowling commenced yesterday at theTombs the examination in the easeof the late forgeries upon Jay Cookefe Co-- by which :;b,JUU was obtainedfrom the National Bank of the Stateof New York. Afhdavits were sub- -mitred 'bv the Assistant Cashier ofJay Cooke & Co. and thepayiog tellerof the Bank, declaring the checks tohe f.irircripR.

    New obk. ADril 21. A Heraldppocial "savs: The Spanish Miuistercalled on Secretary Fish,-yesterda- y.and demanded that a proclamationaeainst fillibuteriDgshould be issued.. .IPL .1 11-- 1a no everetary promptly aecunca

    '.ving mat as the insurgents had arov.MOii'ii tjrovernment he saw no

    reason tor hindering persons fromtatiog up arms iq their service. TheSpanish iHiutster, some days s'neeprmu'-e- u iuu reparation torinsults toour nig oy tna Spaniards iu Cuba1 esceraay ne imormed a ;cretary Fishthat tie hid no- - heard trout his Goveminent ou tne suujeet, wiieu theoecretttiy imuimct mm mat warwould ensnc if an answer was notforthcoming soon.

    this administration. There had notbeen a uiugle man appointed, fromPennsylvania at his solicitation or ofhis recommendation. lis had, dodoubt that nine-tenth- s of all t s

    appointed, were his friend-- , frthey could not make an appointmentfrom Pennsylvania, out of the liopub-lica- n

    partv, without-appiiutiu- i; ' his.friends. Laughter. The - coursepursued by the administration in thisrespect was a bad oae. Neverthelessthe Senate and country had had toler-able evidence of it. Within a fewdays one man had been sentin from Pennsylvania, for a foreignmission, referring to the nom'n itionof A. L. Russell as Miuister to Ecua-dor, who was a constitutional drunk-ard. Neither himself or his colleaguehad been consulted about this, ap-pointment, and it was with, difficultythat they could convince the Com-mittee on Foreign Relations that itwas an unfit appointmeut to be made.Another man had been nominated fora Consul who bad been a coastitn- -'tional thief. These were the kind of Jappointments made from bis State,when the Senators wefo not con- -'suited. In olden times it was the .cus-tom for the President and the headsof Departments to send forSanitorsnd consult about the appointments.-Ther- e

    were fewer blunders made, arid'bad men did not stand a chance g

    places. .. ' s ' ; 5Abbott offered an amendment pro;

    Tiding tht the appointments shall bemade according to St'ite papulations,which opened a wider range of debate,and caused a Jiseussion f th relativerights of North and South, " ; j

    tsawyer asserted that, the Detoo- -cratic State of Kentucky had receivedmore ' appointments in the depart-ments than the entire representationof the South, and said he had beentold by a member of the Cabiuctthat the Senators from the reeonstructed States must remember hAtthe white representatives vote of tiieSouth was very email.

    The Senate, at 1:30, went into ex-ecutive scssiou. , ..., ...; Hi

    More Iboot the K torsi. !Cincinnati, April SL -- V heavy'

    rin with lightning commenced hereat 2 o'clock yesterday-morntrt.tr- , but itwas not such a storm as was reportedat the West aud South. "!

    At Fort Wnyne bridges and cul-verts on the Wabash Railroad werethreatened by freshets. i

    Capitalists left Fort Wayne jes'ersda' for the railroad meeting afllri-- ;ry Illinois, to consider the prac:ttu:i-- !ty of building a railroad from thaformer place to Muscatine, Iowa. Jj ;

    The IndianaState Musical Festivallargely attended, is in progress atFort Wayne.

    B. Merkel, a batchrr of thrstiry,sent a man to the hank with a cheekfor 1,000, yesterday, and the latterdrew the money and decamped.

    Twenty-eigh- t students gradnated atthe Cincinnati Law School last nivht.

    Port Henry, N. Y., April 21.Great daniago was done by iviniraway rf Ensign Pond, at the head ofMill Brook, eight miles from, fhUplace, this morning.. Bridges, dams,bar os. &e , were carried uwiv,'aodmuch damage was don? nt MinoaliCentre, where the pjst office, stores,Ac., were swept :iway.; . ;.;PortHenry, which is at the outlet of thebrook water, it overfljwed the banks'and struck out ja a now eiiaotiel, "coursing down through the upper partof the village, doing great damage tothe unfinished Maueah, Lake Cham- -plain. White Halt & : Plait-bur- gRailroad while the main b'idy of th:stream swept a wa.y the support j thehigh bridges, aud a large- purtvof thehighway. It is thought the dinu'Cwill exceed $150,00-:)- . V " . -

    Montpelier, Yt., April "21 Thewarm weather and beavyjraies of thelast night or two culminated ia theworst freshet know i here for year.Cellars and baement stores in manycases were fi'lei with witer and thestreets overflowed at several points inthe village. The bridges over iNorthBranch are seriously threat2nclvthouzh it is they may be preserved. The damage to private property is quite heavy.

    Railroad Ac; ! dent Oae Ui-.- iillal'three Severely I jurt d.. . --j. .,

    Utica, N. Y., April 21. An rn--" 1 1

    gine, running in advance ot la-r- .night s passenger tram norto, on theBlack River 11 ailroad, was jbro f ndown the cmbmkmenr thnMi Mavilcsbelow Lyon's Falls.? llua;h Craekon,Superintendent of the Road, receivedinjuries from which, he-- die! thiimorning. Kli Hutchison, tiremirj,had his leg broken, and is Uadiyburned ; Thomas Smith, bruisj J an iburned; Lewis Lasvis wis tturn!.The accident occurred at ll:20."rMr.Lewis was able to reach Lyon's "Fall,aud gave the ah rm. .

    New Orleans. May 21. 'A heavysuit has been instituted in the I'ourthDistrict Court against tha Directors ofthe Bank of Louisiana in JividmiHy,for the recovery of the deposits lostby the removal of the Bank into th ?Confederacy be for. tha capture? ofNew Orleans and the loans to theConfederate Government.

    The trial of Auditor WiekriTo. ontwo of the eight iudietments" ajaiasfhim, commenced yes?erfav iu theFirst District Court, with thirty-fiv- ewitnesses to be examined.

    ITALY.Florence, April 21. The Italian

    Budget is very satisfactory. The in-come is steadily increasing, an I expenditures as steadily decreasing, consequently it wnl not be. necessary toimpose any new taxes for the current

    'year. iMilan, April 21. The Govern:

    meat has discovered another formida-ble Maziian conspiracy iu this city.Papers which were concealed by therevolutionists, and which give thedetails of the organization, were, un-earthed and seizad, together, with alarge amount of arms, fiiimiutiition,&a. A number of the leaders havebeen arrested. - '

    San Franciso, Anril 20. TheUnited States steamer Poasa ola sail- -ed for Mazatlan to day. Ths stcaiucrKesaca Irom Lipiz proceeded tothe More Island Navy Yard yester-day, and was ordered out of commis-sion. Arrived, the FraukliriT fromNew York, and Evaogile, irom Yoka-horn- a.


    Nashville, April 20. Gov. Sinter issues a proclamationso amending a former proclamationordering julieial elections as to au-thorize the ehictiou of ProsecutingAttorney and J of the municipalCourt of Memphis. j; ,( (,

    Convention r the Knights or St.Crispin.

    ": Worcester, Mass., April 21. Theconvention of the Kn;ghts of St.Cris-pin.'ofih- e

    United Slate's and Canada,was largely atteaded yesterday. Tbeproceedings were secret, but it 13 saidthey looked to a unity of act on of thevarious orders.

    Death of an, Richmond, Ya., April 21. Gen.T. L. Ilaymond, member of Congressfrom Virgipia before the war, died

    ' -- ' 1 - 1this a. af.Memphis, April 21. The case of

    the tug Nettie ' Jones,' seized' by theauthorities of .,'Arkansas. .'in connec-tion with., the seizure f arms somemonths since, was dismissed" in theUnited States Circuit Court at LittleRock, on Saturday.

    Halifax, April 2f. Hon. Jos.Howe has been elected to representthe county of Hants in the DominionParliament by a majority of 2SG.

    Messrs. Kellam and Leviscante,Abti-Unionist- s, are elected for Yar-mout- ji

    arid BAchmond. '.



    Buffalo, AprilSl. The train willleave here to night for New York viathe Central Railroad, on account ofhigh water.

    Baltimore, April 21. In theUnited States Circuit Court thisforenoon.. in the case, of Kimerly vs.Butler, Chief. Justice Chase sustain-ed the demurrer of the plaintiffs tothe defendant's plea in abatement ofthe privilege from arrest as a memberof Congress, and decided that theword arrest, as used in the Constitu-tion, means an arrest or detention byforce with a view to imprisonment,and not extend to the process of asummons in a civil suit. The argu-ment was f.heii contioiifd on the other

    ' ' '' ' 'plea.,."-.,- ;i

    i I) 3 ETAI1Y & CiniHEIUMLSew tori, finriiet.

    By Te!eeraph.l New York, April 21.Cotton Without decided change; sa es

    of l.lioo biles at is.fi.'ic for middlinguplands.Ki.ouii -- Kecf Ipls, 4 930 bbls. : Unit, heavy,

    iuiil il')u. lutei; ttles !' "'' bl.. aXj J Kit " .; for superfiuesstate a'iu Western ;liatQ 10 for. extra stale;' So tVri tit) for

    Weste u : ti ftVftS 00 lor white. wheatextra; to 7.a7 10 lor round 'boon Ohio;17 (X8 ) lor extra SI. Louis ; S!l 00 is 1:1 oolor (iooil to choice do., dosing heavy.I!v Hour litta.y; sales of barrels atM !) f 7,"i.

    Coitx M ka Li In fair request; sales of WObarrels at H ;iS lor Jersey, and il 7 fortlrandv wine.Whisky Nominal at !Jc for Western,1're.

    '.VlIE .T Uecelots. 2. Ill ' hush els ; rin! I fnrffpriiV.-,- ' arid lower; Winter tiearce and

    tn miy tteicf rsales of :t7,!W bushels at 81 .?il 7j for whit- - California, H 72 for a miterMii'iiian, 61 K for wlnte Michigau, andVI Mi; t :;.S tor No. 1 Spring iu store, chietiySI :iti.

    ll K I)u!l mill droApin; sales of (Wllain-:- s sit. k"l ili for Western.'

    Hari kv Heavy; sales of 1.9J0 bushels('ana la Weston private Jterips.- 11 A k ley MALT tiu let.

    C'OhN iteetdp s 2,01. bushfls; mstketheavx and lc lower; sales ot 44,1X11) btisheiaa SO f r new mixed Western tn stor',elosiim at Sic; prime parcels lilaSic" for olddo. In store ami i. fl ,a .

    tJATs iteceipts M.'iii bushels; tbe mar-ket ii wii limit flecd hi cliani;e; KiiU.'stifi i.DiO hu?;iej' .ai for Wcsteru iu store,and 77'4i7.Sc f.r do. all 'it.

    CoL. Do ne-t.- c lsse.liu? at t 0 l'X6 50 byt bw cai'i-o- ; foreign is w arce aud quiet.

    I.KAi Htu -- ll.jui ock ol iu moderate j-tunit unclHugsd in prices.

    WiKit -- lu!l ; Kales of l'W.oOU pounds at4X-- tor iloii,e,l c fleece, aud JS a, ISc forpuill. ! i i .... , ,, , ,


    ClFFElC-Q,l!- et. .

    suo.i a tu 8 1 derate rrciuet ; sales of 300bluis. Cuba at liyUc.

    Molasses Duil.Ho w Ciuift at 6 aloe for American.Puf KOLa-a-j at 81&ks lor refinedbonded. -oils Linseed SI Oir--d 01.PoKit Firm with a talr demand ; sales

    of 1S hands nt S.'H 12a;!l37 for new me-s- ;S iO for Old Uo. ; f-- "o.26 25 for iiriiiio ;sS r,i) ,i2S 7.5 for prime mm; a I so, n)j ba-rrel new iufsy, he.ler's May, atjjjl

    liJiAjp-li- uli liiid heavy ; sales of 125 bar-rels at t$jl4 for new plaitj mes: $12iilS forxtra mess; tl2nln lor new extra mess.

    Tierce 0t dull; aies of 15 t erces at SiScjfor prime ram; 82ifj3.t for India mess.Hee! ham sloaJy; nates of H'JJ barrels atvMti:ii. .......cut Mkat I Steady ; sa'.es of 225 pack- -Ht-e- i at 124.i I'Jc fr. sUouiders; Iti 41040 forbams; miviuies qalei; hales of boxes oflous; clear at 17'ic.vuo Quiet; sales ofl2 tierces at18c for steam, and lylKc for kettle ren-dered.

    Hi'Tiint Steady at 283S5C for Ohio; 2834:5' tor Mate.

    .- C11 stWK Ki mi at 1!),32Sc.

    St. Louis market. ',,V.j Telegraph.! St. Lofih. April 21,,Toiuc i) SleaJy and unchanged.(VrTu.S Nomina! at 2t;:Jc for mi Jdling.'lEAfe -- Dali; medium to ed

    soid lit $1 2Ut?l :iO; choice dressediu demand at il 4(1 a,2 4.i'j. .uii Quiet an 1 tmchansel; snppr-fiu- c

    raiK-- . sai 54.5 23; XX ft 75j7 00; XXXS7 i5o.9 03; fancy JUll.

    WaiKir Kirm ; low1 grades In betterdeiuaud ; fiiir to strictly prime red FailSL U,-i- l 70; choice to fancy SI 751 95;rtpi iU aciivs for choice at, SI 101 11; and

    trie,M- - chuicj soft at SI liigl 15Cou.v ir'irna but inactive at SiVQTe for

    mixed and yel.ow in sacks; 5S;a;09c forchoice white ,u balk.

    Oats-stea- dy with a good demand at C2ftiti ic. :l j i .

    Barley Steady at fl 731 90 for primeto choice Iowa.I TKTB-jSte- ad v t $1 2r 2 ' ,

    WntSKY Dd't at 87c. "HtwcumEH-Fir- m but. quiet,.SFO a K Q ti let at Wing HiiO.Moi.asse Louisiana uueaanged at 7.3ras:c. ,cokfke Plantation ranges at l!52.3JicloKK1riai-- t hot tirm at s3l for round

    lots; id 2i;U 50 io a small way.Byi.K Mat a T- -i Held above tliio views ofbuyers; small salo- - of country pom bouse

    snouiders packed at 12c.Bacon Quiet but firm; sales on orders

    m idjatlio for shouuiers; ltji!jdlij,'ic forclear rib; ijc lor clear si les.

    LAKD-U- eld liriuiy at lTalSc for tierce;small sales of k g at 2oj.

    ... wHem)n!8 Market.By Telegraph. 1 , , Misrais. April 21.

    CtTrTosr-Midd'in- at 27e. Keceipts S3bait-s- ; rxDorisoott balex.

    tOUlt -- 0 25.Cokjx 7i.Soc.Oath--7v..so- nd firm.Hay . s m.lVaK-- ill 75. '

    Bacot-17;J- i-; Khotilders lo'c; sides areunchangi-'l- .

    lift.iv Mkavs-IO'-j- C; shoulders 13c, andsides dull.

    Louisville Market.By Telegraph. Looisyilli, April 21.

    To haci'.? Market firm ; sales of 125 hogs-heads; 6j 2i for lugs; tl i ,5i tor manufactu-ring Inat. .. Wheat 81 4o$l 55.

    l'OHM-ti- )l!.

    oa is i.'.miSc.H A Y SO) iu ut 21 00.Fi.nUK - jo oO iiM CO.Mess Vokk i.llLAKI-lfcl-!,lS- ;4e.

    haco.v in wooers UT'c; clear rib sides1' ear sides 1 :c.

    S BOilC iiKATS- - Suouldersl2o; clear sidesllil-.-- .

    i. WHISKY Sic.

    oiew t'ora Dry Hoods ttarKet.j By Telegraph. 1 New Yoke, April 21.

    ine lory unoos market continues inertami nui e pan ckv, especially for woolenij'.oil'. It Is euough lo give one instance ofmod-m- i 1 coiidit on ot this market.Las.- weeii a commission hc.UMjsoid a lotot fine wooteo kooiIs 1 i donb e width aslow a-- il 50, which are now being; Jobbed ati'i 5!. If the purcn .ser's note ts kimnI, anyotter Is iiow sure to command Hues or theseg ..HiS.

    Iii Cotton f ibrle we hereby append the! uosC noticeable, changes: Law.etice U, 30- -

    liieu mown .uu-iu- is sen at i,jc; no. tic;do. M.'UMnch. ,12c; Suffolk H, S6-in-slnrrings, bV;Orantviile Hlt.Jg Biowu, 13c;Trt-mon- l F., & do, PJc.

    '- - l'.liiiSonr Muslins, 12c; Rockdale4-- 4 do. sell at 14;iJil5c; Clark's 4-- 12c; Bal-lo- u

    A Son, do. He, and Union Checks, .No.20, two by two, 22V,o; Chicago, 21c.

    Sew Xork (ioltl anil siocfc .ttttrxfi.By Te!es?rarb. New York. April 21.

    MoXEY-- In liberal supplv and fair de-mand at 7 per cent, on call. Cu rency Jsflowing here lr-el- and a new bank Mahas been called tor ry thet'onsl rollerwh:ch will probably exeaud the ourrencyK(in. 1'lscounts 9S10 p.r cent, lor thebest names.Sterling Firm at 8ja8VJ, for Rixfydays, aud Su.ijg tor s'gijt." Bond bilUlubelter supply. ,

    Ould Firmer; opened nt ad-vanced to 1Ub fell to the oppiiiua rate,and closed f. lJ4t 1315-5- . Rates pai t forborrowing 3-- :2 to flat, Clearances K5.KVClio. The Hals.itla, from F'urope, brongbt8170 fUMO, and the Arizona, fr m AS: iuWall,S5.',00il. . ,

    OovsaastENTS-Stron- g, active end hiuli-e- r;Uermans continue lo be the buyersand beins; unable to reach. IarL--e biocits,qaleily take odd lots as they find I hem..b.verv Steamer lakes rnui.d auicuuls ofbo-ds- , tbe heaviest shipments ling the67s. 88 earlier Issues cannot be had. . shortinterest is dally increasing, nUl there wasa larger borrowiii" dernaud to-d- ay thanever before; bonds lonued on thehave nearly alt been actually sold abroad,and forwarded as fast as tb- - bilixcanbesold against them. No bonds are comiti"from the country, ana operatris here areindisposed to Bell; blgeer prices re.therefore, predicted Quotailons lorCoupons: '8' 117Vall7?4; do.121 ys: do. '64, li6VaU5: do. '6.5, in? nV;do.Dew,115i'4H:do. 'l7. li5;4u,lli; Uo.'C3, nA&ViA-- , 10iJ5alijoJi .

    Chicago Market.'Bj Telegraph. Chicago, April 21.'

    Flour Market dull, but lather moreactlvo than yestotdav , prices however, arewithout material cliauae; Half s of springextias at 85 40oi 5 50, and Spring fctipeiliiieat 84 25.

    WHitAT-Firm- er feelliijt in the marK.-- tand priceR silshtly advanced; bales of N,.1 Hiring at l lvia-i- l and 2 at81 mv,r$l tHl4. closing at 51 01.

    CottN Market unsettled, but fairly ac-tive, both for cash and future, deli very, butwithout material change In values )or fu-ture delivery; No 1 eoid t ba buyer,and 5"ra57c seib-- r llav; o. 2 si .oe buyer,and 55' 4 co-'4- seller May; new sold at 4tl47o buyer April, closing at, ca--U;saiwi in slore were at fsJiiA jle for No. 1.

    Cokn Quiet ; suiull sales ot No. '1 at 54cafloat.

    Uats-Du- II, receipts Jijjht, and boldertlrui ; ul cIosiuk at o'ajlelor No. 2.

    Ryk Inquiry fair, and prices l(,l'4c bet-ter; Si 17'i 18; clOKiiiii at fl ltyjl is ...Baklky i 'lib aud uomluul, wltn .seijei'oat si .50 for No. 2.Highwines Dull and neglected; pi icesnominal at SS.,uN',ic.

    Provisions Market firmer md bli?hi-- runder a gooil demand to till KasleiD udCanaiiau orders. Mess porit clo-o- att.J 50, and sold lo the extent of Son barrelsat and flK) barrels at 5 I cash, and500 barrels, sellers' June, at t.il (so. I.arJquiet but firmer; quot.iblo ab ljCa ISo;sales of 'io tierces of I at 17'ic and i rfHetces of KtVamed, sellers' Muy, at Jho.Bulk meals active aud steady, 'i uc trans-actions inc.uile 60 0JO pouuits of dry sullelshoulders ul. ll'c loose, and l.5,(x)0 poumlsof do. at llJ-j- loose; mid l(l(',0O.( pounds ofdo. at Milwaukee at lle ,ie d. Sweatpickled hams qui ia but rirm at WAi lw:sales of luO l.ierciiS at l i'c. , ,' ' i

    Fkeiohts-Lu- ll end weaker; chitiU-i- atCr'4a lor wheat to Kill! Uo.

    Cincinnati XarKet.By Telegraph. ) CrrcrixwAi r; ApvilL'J.

    Cotton iuU; middling L7'fc; low mid-dling 2ti'!;c. 'T"HACt;j In good demand ; sales of illhbds and boxes at l (W lo Sill li).Flou'u ani Oratx Finn ami in falrde-ms- n

    , wltiiout chaiiKM in price-- . iWhisky Finn at fM. .Pkovisi ns-tHii- but arllc'ei are firm-a- tfull rates, though I hi; demand com miin s liht, unit there was not iiuieh done;

    100 t bis city mfss pork sold at t:;i, at whicijit Is Hrm'y held.Bulk Mkam Held at 12'i: for shoul-ders, HJ-g'- ! for sides, lsjc for clear rib and

    l.VJic for clear; lin,li"i0 iionoos fold a l i'ofor sides, and 15c forebear lib hides, doltv-ere- dat ludianapoil.s, Iud.

    Bacon lied firmly at 1 .'..; for sVioul-der- s,I()'(il7c lor clear rib and csides, but tiie uemaud is of a Joboinx na-ture.

    H AMS Sugar-cure- d nt lf'c packed acdfirst cisss nramls. ., Lakh Held at lSJic, but there was nodemand.Butti..r Very dull and prices drooping ;

    fresu Hl-ft- 7c; there is no deiUAiid lor tiielO'ver gra ins.K'ios Steady at lofjd'in.HKKns Unchanged; Clover at 810, andTimothy $ 50.HroAK-isteg- dy; N. 0. 13l.i'&15e.

    offkic IFnciianged ; Bales mi) bags ,'oodat 21c; prime 25c.Linskko Oil-Pu- II at 81 05105. ' 'Laki oil l 45'nl 50.PfcTaoLKUM &ti&:nt for refined.i ld At lai buyinn.

    , Money The market Is close, at 10,ai2perct-iu- . . ; .., ,7,Kxciiange -- Is steady at par to ,00c pre-mium buying. '

    ;--O- -

    Nciv Orleans Marftet.By TeleKraph. Nbw Orlkans. April 21.'

    C.tto Middling senrco at 2' Jc; sales2 WK bales; receipts CSJ1 bales, and exportsKi bales.

    Kxchanos Sterling 145; N. Y. Hlibt J.;nJc premium.

    KLou-Lu- ll; duperfine 15 70: XX 0 12;XXX 6 50.

    i ork-Stea- dy; white 76a7Sc, and yellowOats Declined to "On.Bkan Scarce at tl 60. 'Hay Firm: prime ati'oRK ti'i ii. ...Bicos Fir-n- , at 13V5!7';c.I.AKD. VHISh.Y AN'i) PhoVISIO? S lTn



    Commission und yorttvrrtling Jfcrchuntu,Dealers in

    Grain, Flour, Pork, Lanl,I'roiliie.e, &e c.t

    ' " 'No. 52 Walnut Street, 'mbl7 3m CI V1 SVATI, OHIO.

    OXJnY J3A.GS.K S RATES EXTRA. IIEAVTJ Ji J Uunnies arriving and iu stoie," 'for sale by . ,


    04 Wes t Socond '3 1 retC.I N C I N N A T 1 ,7 O II IO.Ve desire to Inform the trade that we

    have been appointed agents for the largest1 importer iu the United States, and arenow prepared to nupply tbcra In anyquantity. deisritf

    Bontc's Steam Cordage Mills.


    IVJLaxnillsx Kojje,Hemp Packing, and Hemp Twine

    for Sewing Gunnies,

    MAIX ST., one door south of Front,

    de22dSral '"INflVN ATT. OTTIO.

    Romid I'lsrxicis,HEALER IS

    Chandeliers and Gas 'Fixtures.

    Gia and Steam Pipe Fitter,No. 21 LOl'VNT STREIT,

    feC.dly KvANsvrLLE, I.nn.

    dav: John H. Hulchinson, of . Ar- -kauas. Minister Rssident to theSandwich Islands.

    Quaker A DiMintrueut3 IndianAgencies. Friend Howard White,Indian Agent atOaiaha; Friend Low-ri- e

    Fathem, for the Kiowas, Apachesand ComaDches; Friend BrentonJarlingrt)n, Upper Arkansas Agency ;Albert L. Green, at' the Upper Mis-souri Agency; Friend Edward Paint-er, at the Upper Platte Agency;Friend Reuben Roberts, at theShawnee Agency Kaunas; ThomasII. Stanley, for the PottawatomieIndians. Kansas: Jacob M. Treat, forPawnees, Nebraska; Thomas Light- -foot, for' Great Mernahar Agency;Friend Z.' McNeal, for the Sac andFox Indians; Friend A. M, Janey.for the'Sante Sioux Agency; EdwardPrayne, for the Pawnee Agency, J. A.lison.ior the Winnebago .Agency; J.Stanley, for the Osage River Agency;J. Richards, for the Delaware IndiansM Kansas; Jos. Newson, for., theKansas Agency; Enoch Hoge, Super-intendent of Indian Affairs for theCentral Superintendency ; Sam'l. M.Janery, Superintendent tor theNorthern Superintendency. -

    Assessors of Internal RavenseG. O. Dehee, Eighth District of In-diana; F: S. :Fonweh, Second Dis-trict'- of

    Iowa.Collectors of Internal Revenue

    Mat'thew Simpson, Eighth District ofIndiana.

    Pension (Ageut S. S. Caldwell,Omaha. - . : : . 2 T- - I

    Registers of Land Offices Ed. W.Arnold, Grand Island; P. P. Mas-ters, J. S. Pollock, Little Rock, Ark.

    A delegation of a dozen Pannsvl-vanian- s,headed by Col. John W.

    Forney, had an interview with thePresident to-da- y. They leave

    an extended tour Southto examioa into the condition of thecountry, its prospects, resources,wantsand iU disposition towards the Gov-ernment. , .... .

    At out forty revenue officers In va-rious districts of the United Stateswere removed to day.

    The commissions of a large numberof collectors', appraisers, and surveyors,lately confirmed by the Senate, weresent tp the President to-d- ay for hissignature. .

    Ofliee-seeker- s flocked to the Trea-sury and other executive offices to-day, having heard that appointnieutwere being made." Secretary Boutwell has authorizedheads of bureaus In the Treasury De-partment to grant leave of absence toOdd Fellows at their drsoretion to at-tend the forthcoming celebration.

    Washington, April 21. The Sen-ate to-da- y confirmed the followingnominations:

    J as. R Partridge, of Maryland,Minister Resident to Venezuela; J.T.Cappry, Secretary of Leg ition to Rus-sia; Adam Badeau. Assistant Secre-tary of Legation at London.

    Receivers of Public Moneys JohnM. Freeland, Detroit; J. B. Wakefield. Winnebago; J. C. Randolph, St. JPeter, Minn.; J. C. Braden, Green-- 1leaf. Miun.: J. Stourv Rois City; W.F. Chapin, Lincoln, Neb.

    Registers of Land Offices Chas. A.Oilman, St. Cloud. Minn:; L. K.Akin, Alexandria, Minn.; A. Smith,Duiuth, Minn. ; Robert Garder, Hum-boldt. Cal.j W. H. Stephen, Lalirande, Orecoo; E. B. Freeman,Winnebago City, Minn.; W. Butler,Aurora, Nevada; Edwin Frey, Lew-isto- o,

    Idaho; John P. Owens, Tay-lor's Falls, Minu.

    Surveyor Generals E. S. Davis, forNevada.

    Secretary to the President to signpatents J.N. Burrett, of the Dis-trict of Columbia.

    Assessors of Internal RevenueJ. S. Carves, Twentieth District ofPennsylvania. '. Jas. B. Harmstead, to be Coiner ofthe Branch Mint at San Francisco.

    Oscar D. Munson, Assayer of theBranch Mint at San Francisco.

    J. P Cochrane, Melter and Kefinerof the Branch Mint at San Francisco.

    Postmasters Thomas J. Sperwood,Marysville, California; Jas. A. Burke,Ottawa, Kansas; E. Beebe, Decatur,Michigan.

    Senate Proceedings.Washington, April . 21. Wilson

    called up his resolution authorizingthe Secretary of the Navy, with thecousent of the Colombian Government, to cause further surveys to bemade for a railway or ship canalacross the Isthmus of Darien.

    After debate, the resolution waslaid over, in order to put it in a moreacceptable form.

    Anthony reported that the Uotn- -mittee on Printing had made a con-tract with Bailey & Rives for report-ing the Congressional proceedings,and explained that it Ayould effect asaving of $13,000 yearly from thapresent rates.

    Carpenter called up his resolutioncalling upon the several heads of Departments for information as to thenumber of clerks employed by them,where they came from, who recom-mended them, &c.

    The resolution gave rise to a livelydebate about the general question ofappointment.

    Trumbull said it was time some-thing was done to correct such abuses,which had grown up relative to office--seeking. We had witnessed torthe past six weeks the melancholyevidence of this fact. Senators andmembers had become mere solicitorsfor offices for their constituents, andmight be seen hanging around thedoors and ante rooms of the Secreta-ries, like so many beggars. lie gavenotice that at the next session hewould introduce a bill making it arenal offen?e for any member of eitherto solicit office or attach theirnames to papers recommending per- -'sons for positions. -

    Fessenden did not know that therewas anything unusual in the pressurefor office. He had been here thirty-thre- e

    years ago, not in the Senate,but in the House, and it was the samething at the change of an administra-tion, lie would like to seo the evilstopped, hut he did not see how itwas to ba done; for hioisell, he madeit a rule to sign very few papers ofrecommendation, and those only ofsuch as. were known . to him. Henever went near the Departments ex-cept when he could not help it, andhe dis'iked as much as the Senatorfrom Illinois the hanging round thedoors and ante-room- s of the heads ofDepartments.

    Cameron deprecated the appoint-ment of persons to office vithout theknowlii.lue and recommendation ofSenators or members from the Statefrom which the names come, but ithad been done to a great extent under

    J. V.. Ohekn, F. L. OliKEK.s. 15. oicmsrv s& oo.,CAR11JAGE. "'. HANITFAGTURERS,IrunsferOruarnects t Cincinnati prices.

    Mnn Street, hi t. Fifth and Sixth,lnnlifKswm tVANJiVILLF. Iftn.



    iS'JF CTTRERS cr

    nml HarnessSKt'OXa STUEET, near Main,


    All kinds of fine Haddles and Harnessooustantly ou baud.

    REPAJR1NO done In the best mannerand at short wotiee. fmho dom

    i , ;.'! No. 1,497.United States Marshal's Notice.

    ITnilcd States of America, District of In-- jdlana.s.S:--vjrrm;st raj, a Mb k t. v i iv.mV- - I mtioii was filed iu thcliistrictCfMirtot the United States for thellstrtctol Juciiaiia.ou Uie v.7th d .y of March, lHt.W,by tieoige W. ItsBon. by his proctor,Charles Alar.--b, Ksq.. atatist tbesteamer "Pet. oh a No. 2," her emrlnes.ta-- e, npparel, and furniture, seized ntsaid ciMi'lct in a, cause ol damaues civiland maritime, nnd c!;ilmi-J- t damages int lie sum of (;.;i, and prailug process againstsaid vessel, and that tne same may be con-demned and soll therefor.Now, therefore, lo pursuance of the mo-nition under the seal ol said Court tomedirected and delivered, I do hereby Rivepublic none toRll persons claiming saidfloods, or any pa i t I hereof, or in any man-ner itteresu-- therein, lliat they be undappiair bulore the aid, tlij District Courtol the United Ktalcs, to bo oeld at tbe eilyof Indianapolis, in aud for tne liistri.-- t ofIndiana, on the lirst Monday of Maynext, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of thatday, thfU aid thore to ii,lerpoe theirclaims ,i;U make their alleyatljus in thatbefa-if- . 'I5F.X. Kl'OONER, Marshal, U. .

    Attiist: J. D. Howxani), Clerk,at ivi dl It, : .


    STATIOXKIi, I1I0K UlMJKi;,4iiZ ISUi'ik Hook Manxijtteturtr,

    And Dealer in Bchoo! Hooks, Pic-ture and frames, Ailrroi-s- , LKk

    s, Fieucli tiiass, inc.,41.I IHXIKN I.i:-tt4ir-yO. 70 MA --V A" TR Kh T,

    ; tHKJHtliKKlil'! KLCK'K,)I : V A V I L I. K I .MH AM.

    Lov.'i ly

    liilii. A. lUTTKOL.aVJ'fDlAtBU IN

    WATCHES, JEWELRYGold Pen. Sr eit ales, l:yee lasses,.ilver und I luted Ware, Watch

    and C.ttcm Material,Ko. Ct MAIM St

    Jlet. .Second biid Third,. KVAMlVIiLK, Ind.

    WafolK-- and clocka atepaiiedWill wrrnniiP.

    i'HAH. AiiTrt, wit". Oeo. A. J!Ml-roli- f.ocf dly


    And Dealrir ia PaiLts Oils.VATiXISHEN. HYK fSTCWti.HIMIixy 4.. AN- -.

    LitUit.L INSTIll'MK.VrS,I'oie Willi H nnd Itriindi' N,Aud ail popular Patent Medicines

    ot the ii!e.NO. 3 A'oni M ulrr KlreH,

    tVANVH-bt- ; I.MIIt.VlfKi:) ly

    DFi. F. L, DAVIS,

    Ilomceopalhlc Physlclan.-

    Offlcc on Hecond Street, betweenMum aud iocusf.

    oc2S dly '

    DR. fc. J. EHRM AN,Uonia-oyathl-c Physician.

    Orlce No. 19 Becond Htrei t, be-tween --Maiu and Locust.

    0'Ve Hours From 8 A.M. to 12M., and 1 to 5 P.M

    I At hit residence, comer of Hev-- Senth and t.btHuut afU rnlybf-- (.o2.S dly


    AltClIIT X3 o rr.nice No. n CHANDLKK'S BCILUINO

    Corntir fc'irst lu.i Lo-u- t fstreets,Kvansville, I ud.

    Ii l'isoi anil speolrtcal.lous lor ail kiudRoi tuiidiit'i.s luruished at short noiire, andoa refunk.ijle terms r I mch 15 d.lm

    O A li. 13.r.OHKRT BOYD. OTIS WOOD.


    No. 7 ( handler's Block,Corner Firot and Locust Htreets,

    .' .KVANiiVILLE.INI).Plan and KpeciftcaUons prepare"! on

    bhoit notice and reasonable terms.Jauiadtf '

    THALOS'S "PAPniAX L0TI0S Mfor GfauUfl!;?: the Skin and torn- -

    Jill'XlOIl.Kemoves all Eruptions, Freckles, Plm-pl- e.

    Moth Blotches, Tan, etc. and rendersI lift skin o'i., ur, ami blvoininf?.

    For Ladni in the .Nursery il is luvaltia'de.,For Gentlemen after Shaving It liaa noequal.

    ' Papblau Lotion" Is the only rellablremedy lor diseases and blemisues of tbeKkiu.

    VliAl.yH "PAl'lIIAN NOAP'MMttio Toilet, Nursery, and Bath, will notchap the sk.iu. Price Z't cents per cake.

    "t1.0SS II K MAYO,"A New Per I'u nr. e lor the Handkerchief.Exquisite, Delicate, Las tin:; Fragrance.

    PHALON HON New York.Sold by all dru jists. ly d

    EAGLE OA llll I AO K W0KKS.


    LiUt Oivrr-iagrcH- ,. Fancy Trotting Buggies,

    Nlitrtiiifr TP I. listen, (torUnways,Biit priiG W'ajfous,

    '('Oil. OF FOUiril AND LUCUVr STS.,KVA.NSVIt.LE, IXI).

    ay fspec'al alaent ion elven to repairingof all kinds, and at thoistioi lest notice and on tho most liberalteiuis.A (j'ettrral Assortment of Work Comlanttij

    on Hand.

    Soa, bnt tUe Itet Workmen Km-liioyeil- .apr5-d3- m

    IlARLoW J. PHKI.l'S, Of New "l'lenlls.J.li. MoCrLl.ot'H. of Louisville, Ky.F. Norr, of New Or. fans.

    Phelps, HcCuIIorh C. io.,PR OD UCE, PR O VIS I O .V,

    AM) OH EK L

    CoraraiEsion r.Ioroli?Hit3,112 (JlMVIKl; Miir.f.f,

    nov24 dtf J'.Z'.V .)K LEA XH,J. C. PUrtOUCIIKT. 1). Id soi I II I.

    J. C. DUSOUCJKT fi. CO.,

    CJ X T O Ar 1' A V TV IIProduce and Provision Islerchar.ts,

    Sa SOilTU WAT Kit &TUKET,

    EV ANVJLLi;, IM.Orders and consignments sulifltisl.


    S II,!! V A I I'Alll, K MAINrttlt PltOl'KK I V Tliat. S,iHnilldproperly known as the J".,;l r to ..pL-r- y ,s luateil on tiie west l Mam aiidSi.Xlli Hirer-is- , Iroiain 7 i'v Je. t on .MiuilMreeland lnli.t on x t i i sir.ri. i npioperly Is oII.-iim- I b.r sale m low li,;tiie.sou easy terms. Apply o

    J. I. KLU.il T A SON.il.-- I ale A ..III s,Corner Locust mid Third !S i tel.felUdlf

    FOR SALE AND FOR REM,a ii :a ! ita ii.i! i t.oi.JL2 J Dwellil'tj Houses, mid h in !.i.Ten tnousand acres of n Lan-.i-I buy aud m.ll ICeul F.iate.

    ALVA II Jtm.vso:,-- ,i.eul Af i.t,

    Third Street, Pva invUic., LuHann 'deci If

    Great WesternFAST FREIGHT Llf.' n

    tl.ViTKO STATES IJII'jrE'jS (if.,1'ltol'ltl K'.'OKS.

    Agents Eria Railway Coinp:i,ny.JVoticc lo MalpjK-rM- .

    m ii k i it k A t xt i: s ! i: i: . r r- -JL "sPATt;il, on the I, .III l .Mau b. looiicharge ol ( be ent ir- - 1 II i: M ti 1 n i I ( . I ( fot the K I K KAILVVAY and s I i :ukh-- :.

    The ii It KM' WKsTKIlN Hr.-i'A-K II,as a West l!ound Freij.bt, Line, ha- - beioilavoi ati y k no wn lo oui m ci . ii . n s ! o- t lieiHst Twelve Yeiirs, mid Us m a lingers, nowoffer to "shippers their Inciea-e- d laeiliins,ruaanteeiU4 as lavnrible rules mid aspuck lime us can bj oi Cured by any otherlino.

    Ti e ftdditlornl f.H't, that the (IIIKAI'WKJSTKItN ilK-PAT- l.'il tsoln-- by til..United ntati'S t'.xpicn Comnaiiy, wlioicuuraiitee nil lis adlls ol Lading. ut;litliin. to be lost Kilit ol b ,' i fj i s.

    For rates, nnd the Keltii iiieiit ol' ellclaims, apply to

    E. N. UIXHY, A Kent,apr!7 d'liiil Kvansvilii', Iro.

    OHIO RIVER LAM) FO'; i.'i OJ !'"jTT K OFI'l'Il , .!,'; I ll

    Vw iraclsof la ud, mi i in pro '.!, In-:- v I lytimbered and i Udi s.l ,. i I u .; i , I in- - i.niii.sof Lite Ohio Hi vol, nnd a ijoin im- - tin- - landsof I be Messrs, WiiIIik- -, in 'iCounty, Kent, cky-ea- i'li tract foiMai uliti-abo-

    0 acres, and adj. in I lit- i.tliir.Also, one tract ot Inn I 'Jmih iiIhuiI I '..jmiles from the above, b.ielt tun I lie river,well I lmben if, unl m jo i.ved, a n I mediumsoil, containing atiout ") acres 'i i e landon Ihe river, wo will se I ut ti er aoe,and that liiuiK from tie river id i'i, peracre one-tliir- d cash In hati !, a id ba I'.icein one and I wo years, v i: ti ledsinteiest at the rat-- , of I. er c !;'. un- -rjinn, and secured by lien on tin- - I unl or(food j.l'ISOIIIll MCllllty. Me is. i'. II. mi IWin. Wallace, who I i ve near the i i d, w illpoint out to puich;i-- e s II- I- Im- i' i'Hi. Address .1 Mlvt P WKi'ii, Dvcii-hinu- '. Ky.,or HA N f Hi'. I) D1JNCA ,Cl uci mi a 1, Oinn.

    apilJ dim

    (lit 15 AT LAND SALlv

    Henderson County, Kentucky.

    Authorized ly Act of th KcutnckylS67-'i- S.

    Seven Klcli am! Hldly Ins-prov- edOhio I her Ho'tar.i

    Farms, an A 501 Town I.qIa,to he Disposed of in Shan-s- .

    First Prize "loO.OI.iiSecond Piir.e.. ........ ;.fThird Prize 7, 'MFourth Prlisu j:;,viFifth Prize l:i,7VlKlxth Prizo 1 ',7,(1Hevent h Prize. 11,7 9

    2S0 IV TOWN 10 IS,Valued at 31 JO each.

    Il PP.I7.ES IN TOWN LOTSValued at fh each.

    Hi PKI.ES IN TOWN LOTH,Valued ut t t each.

    TICK i; T w,rr-tii- i: lit- - A t l(J IV I I. I. T A u t:JL place at .Mas""''- T'einide, in L.sivule, Kentucky,"" tiie 1st day of H pie lll- -ber, lft.

    J-l-. nts will furnish pamoil. !s ulvir,.,description f the property, and eont um-lii(- ?

    tiio act of the Leldalure ; lUtiunzaujttif mile. ,

    Commissioners who w ill mai, i jro lin eu- -teri'iise are named in II. e act ,' tin. .:iaul tlieir lulegi ity mid re-- u .iare endon-- t d I 1 tho eei I ii.ru les(winch will be fouim in !i,ij p-- i m ; a i. I sint liovernor John W. Hlevensou, linns.Oarrelt Iavls and Thomas C. M ( i . toCiiiled H ta tea Heuat'.c s, Hon. .it.tm i .Lunch. Hiieaker of the Kenuickv iiousoof K.preHenta!lves. 11. t . Archibald loxoi:.Joseph Adams, Preside it. H tun Fai in-i- Vlluutt, I.. . aiadam, Pticeul. n the Ma.I lou a I I.ask,. I ob u II . Ii n ret a no id ;e is. .ifHenderson, K. y. ; Hon.. F. I 'arret t. .! nd .of the Circuit Court .f lie l.'ill.-e.s- ! n Judi-cial District, and M. H. .Iniuisun, Ju l. .. ntHie Uiiirl, ot l (iluinoii Pleas, ot Jnoiana;Hon., Win. H. Walker, Mayor, .."iim .sHopkliifi. President Fust N it mo it Kau k ,aim others, of Kvan lllo, Iu liana, umimany ot lier' gent leine i ol position suaprominence in Kentucky and lndiaiui.

    TICKETS can be pur.-hax- i o dL. H. LYNE, Farim rs' i'ani-- , Men U--

    on, Ky. ;it. U. ALEXANDER, Coin mercial Kunlt

    Loulsvilie, Ky. ;THUS. K. A. miOCn.-s-

    , (!ov!twton, Kv.;JOHN C. LATHAM, Pres.dent K.ink .1

    Hopklusville, liopklnsville, ivy.James L. Dallam, Coi 1 luercial i'.ank,

    Ky.r Looks opened at tlieso p i!ilsoti !he1st, f tlciober, l.siiH.

    I'll LIP HOItNiUl. OK, IN, , V.i!erK( reel., between Mam aiil Hycuuue, amiSILMuNtN. D1X.O.N A to., N ).First street, will outer licHet.s Ir.no thoAisents at lleiidersou, Ky., for tho- -. whoJtslre- - to porcbase. s..:'SilLt