T HE M OVIE R EPOSITORY By Sharada Sri Perumbudur Rajat K. Bheda.

THE MOVIE REPOSITORY By Sharada Sri Perumbudur Rajat K. Bheda
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Transcript of T HE M OVIE R EPOSITORY By Sharada Sri Perumbudur Rajat K. Bheda.


BySharada Sri Perumbudur

Rajat K. Bheda


• This project provides you with a specialized search with all the details you need about a movie.

• We don’t have a specialized site which gives you all the details such as description, images , trailers , reviews, plot summaries etc. at one place.

• If you enter a movie to be searched then you get all the details about the movie i.e. its description, reviews, trailers etc. Also if the movie is new you get the locations of all the theatres near to your location which have the movie running in it.


• If the movie is relatively old then you get all the geographical locations near to you where you can rent the movie e.g. RedBox locations, blockbuster locations etc. Also the plot summaries of the movies is provided.

• To get all these details we scrape different sites search as Bing, Imdb, Msn, Redbox, Blockbuster and YouTube using Perl to get the required details.

List Of Software Used

• Perl• JSON• HTML, JavaScript,CSS• Apache Tomcat

Geo IP Matching

• To do this part we used the free services provided from www.Ip2location.com which gives the zip code of your location.

• This is limited to 20 queries/day

What we planned Vs What we achieved

• We planned to give all the details of a movie like trailers, images, reviews, synopsis, plot summaries etc. This is being done but limited to imdb, msn, bing, YouTube. If these sites don’t have the values then they are not being displayed.

• The IP matching is limited to 20 queries/ day

• Also we thought of providing the online resources of sites where we can buy the movie. This is not implemented.

• Rest all features are achieved as planned.

Comparison to other search engines

• We have compared it with Google and Bing.

• We have taken few movie names and searched for them on google, bing and our site.

• The results found are as follows.

Search for Inception on Bing Movies

Searching on Google for Inception

Searching for Inception movie on our site

Continued from previous slide

Comparison with Bing Images

• Searching for Titanic movie

Images for Titanic on our site

Comparison with Google images

• If you search for a movie name such as arthur, then on both google and bing you get images for King arthur as well.

Searching on Bing for Arthur

Searching for Arthur on Our site

Future work

• We only have the trailer for the movies. We would like to extend it to music videos, scenes from the movies etc., in the videos section.

• Also now we are giving only six images, would like to display more.

• Have a better user interface.• Extend it to other language movies.