t b.£. tn' m rt un b t -...

""'" ( ,\' tr • nil'. gono I 11 .. '11 gO lln I' THE MEDINA TRIBUNE. o .. I,; m, d ,1, 0 wo,,-.n. f. lling upon. hor •• n. b.£. m + b kneclbefort· MB. Montenhn, nnd bunting into a nood of tean. My poor hush,,"d ! th. t tn ' rt un t DuL he repented herore he died, Rud is blp. T iHtM S: ,. I , ' py I I •• ow h,;s! I f,, 1 ,I,.,;,;,.o!' ' , .. .. .. .. t 00 lOUrcO or comfort to tl.rouJ;h lift', to : I deemed of our Lord. lilly this hope chtcr 1:::::;:: :: : :::::::'1: ::::'Il:::::::::::: ::l V L X .l\IEDINA, ORLEANS CO., N. Y, NO. 31: you,.nd""yyoube ••• LI.dto .. y.'Tb. .. •.: .. 0 t . Lord gintb, and tLe. Lon! taketh ,,"ny. ",,,,,.,.,b, ... •• 11' ..... '''',,· .... ,., ( ... 11' .. ,,, '''0 ..... T"'''',I to I,." hoI'" .nd d'g,"dcd ,b. foul "'p,. " old 1.<1y k .. 11 down, .nd w;,b Dlc ... d .. n.mc o:ted Lo,d.' :u: my ..... •• "'cr' . a ou n try ...!!:.e 1" t i va B. whal my kind -.looL.I. held ou, '0 lh .. h; .. 0' '0 de. ,;'npl. blO' 'ouch;ng ,,0,01., olT",d up.n .. •n .. on U"XOW •• .'fI!'. u'Wlnohufel"t I •• Tnt: nl:U.lDU J' .. " of ,' ,. Churdlltl ·. ()lId.1'rom!. Oi. \""..,.ITI-n.oI ", ....... ,.,1 IbrT ."'Ibe MOo" ",fh;-.',·I JODTI u, .. :t. lb •• &"1 t. , _. "",/nr nd fa. ru: .. cc .. u. In 'MWQt) 1J, A 'AlA TAlAL I' A eERTAl1 CUll' ... J .' n>";lu"l .. rl ........ hr. Dr. Clillrd:!Il', 011 Co::atuopUOIl, tcrn.III" ..... t;lt.oc.1: .. ..... , .. ", r:r u.&b.- 1I':1I.o .. ",I:.t. u. 1oolil ,be t.."" I.n4C ':I.IC:oW ... HO OT!lt:t1. II G:' HUrNr.. D;- "lIh tb ... ,...ulkd .. . i/.wll lt lllu,..,n· ... T1ll1:rIll'l Ul"'.II"." ". I. WDaKDTEB. S8 lob Street. If . Y. WA.R! WARI WAlt! ORIAT BXO(UIlMT In tho Dool "" l!ihou Trndc. DU.!1A)f DENTON'! n.\L.>IAN clI,...1I ann.... a-- lao Ib. drab, Duru.nd nMlI_ •• ........ ndbMat. n. U.3AW nrf(O Chnb ....... ru'",ra'UtllI, ........... 111 II .ar f'II1 ollhbM,<>CmIllClfIoNlI. DE."iTflS'I BAl.", .. CIItH lIammer CompltJolI., " ·arm. III ehlldlu. ud CI.an_lblnlood. m iNTON'S MUll" ... "" ...... JlOIIllt.IontTbI"OllI, Wb"""ln,.ooulb,Croi" LoN ot A.pptm" enm. 011 lCIM,. nEN1'ON'8 BU.!!UI .. bfn '"SOITHwarm, Jl.t,..meclT (or bn •• III bO""1 tI." II In f..&. Thrn II. tMnf', tbt 11'11,11 18IMI _1I,I .... rld'N .. dCiiln.DlI.lolrI.,.. k'nll l liJ.tnmI'fl711 J)EJm)Jr" VEGETABLE RUJ.DlO lIAU1AK, .. llIdl for m.1I7 Tnn .... "un b .... · lIo t.n ,hla, .... od .. lJ>hrtloll l lll.n .. lto.f'IU.III ... LL,.aolbe_ IIId .. d Mtal.lI.bfd uUe! ..... 4tb.,."'. alfr\a4.lofU,ID&:ff" d,_orltatln_,. l'UIUliloboUI".,"I.Mentl_b. Or .... Impo.IUoa 1111111. ",," •• 1 Ca.Uoon 10' Pnreha .. ,.. Be Inn Iht",. Aun. of 8. Dtlltml'l 1I.lIa, 0.1_ \J I.JII"" 1ft Ul. botUro,IIII1 bllllh_""tht l"sonf.u" bottlr,u71111 In ... ,18111,. , l'aml,lIt", ... ,", .. ,UJI,..I..,,,, L JJ.","",,', u,llltn:bau and she pointed Ilruction by (ellow mnn I Aye! Ihillk enrn@lit prayer (ur 'be IAlvalion o( him wbo ment" , I. which Iho .. at, and of ii, lhuu rllm-cUer I 'rJ.ink or. tlll 'l mi lll: ry Iny d)'iTlg be(oro ber. 'Uo, oh! no! I Cllnnot t'At " Tnontl (ul,' CIU.PTla that en\''')opm her tlJOU 11Iut cau, t(1 ; nnd n cn .. , tho "i1ot I AIIII nnw will you ",nil to me " \I e re'pood"d .,w0man, ! hNking ,bn Tho rc ruler mAy imHKlne tho dllmllY o( 'A d tb ... " ' f' tpenLlhllt Eve to di .obt!Y the IRhl, "fter .be hnd ti. cn to her (eet. 'Ru.d IRdly:'1 feel as though t wHoted.to V'dnllyke I\t Ihe agnin eotered th e n. Divine commnud, &0 th' lll hnlit the l ins (rom tI."t Holy D ook ."I.ich I hare to 11Id· eat moro a. long n. I Ii"e.' pArlor. when IIhe heard (rom her moLIJer'. many W .1l5\\er rurl Murdtrc ra "IC ye 1, neglected; thAL book whicb my mo- 'Del" try and go 10'" IIlter.' Jaid aunt. lips lin Recount or whnt had tranllJir'(id.- nil. dr tile Mackesl die; (or not onl, do ye ihu', con. olatlon. Mary, whele isit?' NHncy, lending Ibo unresisting W(o' Bhe haJ uD. :1IUltl P'JIlS to make her iAAly, iiut lhe501'L. lhe immoltlll tl!o bcd_Id., nrd a mAn tu tlJ O bed; • h 'II de\., yew .. fi l lip or toUe. ulelKbol'llte al p, •• lbl.. ['he pAle. lilii,a luul I Ye tako the cruat from- mlt"y n 00011, ... 1,11:11 WIU tluckly coverd IVlth dU!!I, good .. I I cI,eek ... mnL we ... w a time hungry mOdLh;),f' Itril' tlit' littlu!.ivering " __ I" .. If, hAnded it to Aunt who IlS a ';'It'nril:!1 cbiltl,1toof Mr,. h .. bean "oodil rCully. transCormed by "Irlll nud leu\'o ),our \' ictiDJ' lind lIaklng lit tnrnl:d over tho leuve. nnll\ .hl!! Hun •• ht': \l 1""n tlut Itnd '.000 Lhe "pplicdion o( A liUlo c'Irmlne. And the BIAtlin .... and I J\nd (or clime to the 1:lIh chnpter o( SI• .L,;,kt. lind tI, e great fth! ntl o( mahkind, .. d lll::rlo .nic!:! l, Rrmn.rcli in glol.y "'r"id. !ruge cakc, with (ro41lng wt\'ltlild oYer it ",lilt? Gold! A t curscd bo goid wlwn it hrtnding bndo rend pAr". (orgl.t for Po "hilu IItt truuLIe!!. enclrchng ber hltt bp",d: She like R snow dri(t.: I,ickld. nnd" il Ihn price I .Antl hore. upon llli_ . ble o( tho lost .lir eJ! co . nt.'\lned.. ActA relntpd to ",olher c\'" nb WM adorned Wllh a pro(tI!uon o( plNle o( the nlce.t, lighlesL that 8,'cr benutiful Chri. tm,,1 morning. hf'Corc the In n IW .. ct, Ivw rOlce t!IOy?ung gl l rl thM hod tmnsl)ired. in fO n!fecling" nil"' , "nd the hen\'y (oldl o( her velvet rolks hung cn me out of the IIvell. I e}'tB o( good nuot Nancy, IV", tile teAd the com(ortmrr won s nero tLe tears s1:llted to dlla eJcll .pf in C"llIll eIIl symmetry Aroum' ber (orm'-I • I anid Ihe oltllaA y I thillook.t the rum. ellcr ......:.hf.t miierablb vi ctim. 1- to tht dYlRg mltn. !Irs. Monlcalm. I O"ercome palliun "nd diellppointment. like Clrrj,.tm". nn1"1I0" I" Here "" - 1\ trembling, Ihivering (orm, ju.t he IflAko UJi .. parllble. unlo them How thll nk(III w'" .Lb'uld be,' .he Illur' ahe Rung 1,, ·I1 .. lf lipon tbe lo(a, and Cor a 'I long to leo Mnl. DeLi e. tn thAnk the brink o( II,e rA,'e i berPj the i Aying, IIIAIi or you . hnnn,; an Ilun· mured,thought(ullJ',' tb"t we are f10t pIa. whll" bitt" rl " . . A I d . I dred l!teell if"e lou oneo( tirt'm dotlt Ml Cfd in fuch circumdanctl, e,'en though wo , Wh .. OAK I" "'tAn-to ,,,,l me in ';0 chnd ..' 'Ly :; :;:;r ,,' Hmo. ,b., cur 10' very WilY" laid "I ongth. a(ter her grl.. (ur 01,1 da., by Iha CllnlCl or her (Ather, until h!; r . Ada nfJ W nuticl!J tl.nt little Cllhie WOA hlld lIuhli.le,1. ' It i. 'S",e here old heart hnd Illmo4t Io.t. the puritr lultl he hnlh (Il und Ite III eth it looking lit her ., ill lvr Lilla "ho b"d I I bel.l evo b lre IMa nil .nill liule advancIR timidly (or· innocel' ce o( childhood ; hert'. the gloomy on Iii! shouMer<t rrjoici n"" : ii WM ellting nil IIrplc, nnd to enj oy to 6' .. 011" Ingaro WI wardnndholdlnguphert11! Ilrelto"unt lurroun,lings o(pmocrtyiu its worst (orm, Ad h I tbh h Iltb the appnr t! nt longillgs ortlt (! p:i otchi ld. tbal 011 worn 'n I dlil I Nanoy'l .... , Like a gillutly corpte looked the dyinlZ • n .... co, lit come omp, e CI wilen e.,,,rybody il uut: The mOlt morh· My IHk"a I a palro(atoak na nnd Ihoesl man upon Itillllud bed o( atraw: aO(I liS ttclCllbors, 'Why, l.ilIal· IlI i.l Adn rcr roYi n:; I ,I' (yiug thing o( all ill, to 1I"to the ",rirll, wbo Why how good fJld Bllnty CJaus iI litlie Runt Nnncy .urtly to hil side "nd Inid un l.O ;11I .!rt!. }. I;le, (or [ ,"IIIe :i:a; you nut di\' itl c )'I/ur III'E,I .. wilh ell.,. ' would have giv n w,,",11 to bKvtl be!;n In dt ar 'ie'n\ he" .- her hllnd upon the ,It brown 1oc"'". 1I0lV (OUll '"1 · fl' IC Of.". I II '1 wOllld ir .h(! \\' n5 XcII), Dlotl'n, C nl1 :i:C my plnce. think thltt D.., LI.le hAl de.ert. lilpell th" 'cItrti!:-- t1l1 mp with the cnld a"eat or deuth. Ilrq irl ' '! lI;\y unto you, tlrat 1 .1 O WIIO JOy. 111 Nelly";1 R 'lOt l b lr l . Bll t (,lvnt like lI£n, ed,m,e.' .' , ; ; bn,ught Fann; Ind Rosa twJ pretty "!lrd!y murmured: 'poor man-poor m' aro'. ahe '\\8:1"'1' " 1m lI \lre my chll,I, laid M",. V!lndyko, dreSoiound me one,too. TI."y'Y8 got theu'l nil will llOOn . • r'..olls which need no re e!t"nclt! J 'Fvr .baOl o T .illa! \\'hAl 11 nnuglttylit. I kilO .... . we can do no" but to on, and Ilte,."·o gono III Mrs. oro .... n·A Adn kindly inqUired oflhe I( ahe p Adrt reau tbrou b tho ter,and "hen 11 0 girl YOIl nrc! D: j.l 1t)\1 know thnl poor let t!' elr You kno.w room a little whil.·, to see Nelly. Do you do "nything (Of there, anu I( ft ho IIad Ihe II hoI calm Carr:o. hns s ot 110 nn", l' .. n! al'iulmg a., well .L' I do. he I. know N .. Uv' Bhtl 's Nelh' Drown .' I take a liule . . 1 • Ne, I, IIA'II L ",he 'l Poor Jiu l.: drl l' lin I 100 pltilKnthrop;c-JllwAY· rl!RI', to Ii.len to • Nu. I gil !!" nol, dell'.'" removing lbe tbingllbo illd res,l;ns !lrn n lit e the I.C:l rt u( tho cI,ilt1 wa. luucltl'd wit h " :r. \' But I' ll Wllrrllnt J:ou 'Nelly'!! a good lillie or m:l ",rmld'nt tho baakot. lind placing them ve ll r::I: '. Vity. I \\ III b ' Ick or It berore he g"ts throu).:b I let UI go to le(; her. She dOll'L clunrrel n. shel( "bich anlwcred thtf purposo r g • You .hnll IU1" u 1111 n( my Jl.1,O dont gi.,e ,. 11 ""pe (ur orlWCRr. liko the ·of till' liule I-{irh Il llIbl o. g.o unto rathff IntI lay, FnlLer, I Lln'o uid, hAl)ding it to Iler, 't.\'I! IY Lit. Alln I nov"r tbink v( marrying Ada Mvnl· ",hat lives in tldllwUS6. There', C"rriu 'No, no I' rcplied the womlln, "hile her Iluned ,RI:Hlml heaven and bt(ure thet.nnd 'II give me anoth er billie bye, I gut'u.' I know I , Uull,Ihe ... ,ellT'S re,,1 hlltl. bUll .'poeo . h6 ("CII bure Ihe trHcM or ... tlled dO!lpAir; JIm :'nore to thy Ion i' With 1\ cry or Iloli!;lll the Hlmolll (aul' 'Out lie i_ , mAking a pt'r(ect rool o( Ihat c"n't. h II) it. 'caute be-; (athn'. Il wicked Ite'U ne\'er need Ilny more, neYer, never! and .lIke returoed prod'gllt Isball be ished child tonk thu npple, lind CVmnWR' 0111. '''Ollllln I:, ' . tJ ld dru".Ard.' It'" 100 IlIto, Ad" Moutcalm I too late I' . ,, ' . I) ce!1 lh ll' ouril1S' it greedi ly. • Yel. to bo lure he" I but weeant hf'lp 'Lill" LiII , \!' lAid ber molh"r, repro. . 'Ihu rocked to Rnd rro in her Yes, )OW wlll--) ew \\111 . I[lid nunt it r .11 •. ,1'111 do nl bo is" inlll,. ; (ihl'lIt 1011 ,1'"uw it "'nl\ wrollg to with hllnds clll.Apo{1 ill her Infl' a Ilic . NnncyenrnCll tiy, I CIIAPTt:n I:t . 10, Ifhe tlunk, tlillt Wf' OPll(lla 111m, tRlk 10 1 YOII ahould·ut. cltn nmnl!ll ;'t\len tllre 01 tfll rl es, agony. • Mary,' he continueJ, turlling his eye' Pour :\lflI. lIull nwvku ( et: lillG' Ilime"h:lt why i.t "i lllllRke IIfTllirs 110 tl,a vtofta turnini! to AdlL, sl", continued : AI th e 80rt blind o(aunt Nnncy touchcd wL:ch werc (Ml(becoming gl:r.l' n in dcnth: n (rl'llttd. Tilt tllhl" \\' 111 ,pr ,. .. ,I , (or us. The?f1 .ore, although IL . ma.v 'yu k . now how r. '1. hrow or the dying mAn. 11\11 li p" tnO'/tJ w;i.,-cI'n Y '.I" rOI\;.h·o ma I nd ... , 'tho hud Jlltll\r;II:' ollr (lIul",,,, III .10 .ol .,. .. t. it .. m ite oAt.jDJtr .... " hI) utk,6J the tt'OI"d>! ·":mot.bl!r: Ob t how 1 b.ve you I KI'I hRd ", en 1i.11',,:n:; to (orii ' !<, pre,:nd to (1111111 with. m-'! lio. n:t; ·,t abt gofnk CUlllu her",' 'Hid &.be old lad,. beckon· me-Unr1-wl(e. There--good bJo- the account (rolll A! la's iii'S urtlrc nff . cling view$, I (Illl r you 111m. to k e. prdly aoon. }Je _"" T'lry I..,w yt'" -lilli-going.' &(ene nnrnt t. d in nll r IAot cllnpter. Ft'I.' lin:; I I you, mother, &aId Au- lerolly ,t;nnmiug. In enjoymeot o(our 'Oil! Harry!' "nd no,., Iha wbich thllt it IMIIIUl li.:;hl (or I,im 10 1xI li n iltlru. gU!!tll. I I cannot heur own goud furlunJ ti JIIlIY" (orgo tten to look hnd '1.1 long refu aed to fl ow, slrtameu (rom dtr nt lIuc h n time, li e ,., ry cumiderMtely Ihuughto( 10lmg lu:u i and 1Il 00.t "lti P CloJ. artpr lh e comfort oC ot hcflJ i "tut l "IOOr Mf1I. the Iw,mnn'l i nl ILo bent O l' cr li nd took hil len I'e to rei urn (or aUllt Iy •. tlt e 'I' me hft m". I Hllllnel!dll very mucl,. 1 will presf ed h .. r ]i1)S 10 his in an agon, o( Nnncy I .. (ort! Iligl ,l. almOflt up .my mind rwt &., n"t let. dli!! blell' ed dlty "",,,r my hend g'rief. ,. I. l' Mrs. Hull "t fj ;'AL Ix:wilJercd nl liud. him to our Nll w rCAr. p"rlt, bUl I 1IIIIIk whltollt Ibaring 'ullle of our giftI with tbal Wilh A (eehla effort ho railed hu !lmll in:; heuelr in" Joltal1l{e plnct', hut ClnllulIl. I hlld better dter all, lint! (Hnrllt- ' And tri ed to. plnee lli t' m around her neck; Iy the !tOrrulv ful realilY dlll\Jll-d upon Itt'r nets may cllllnge towuJ me If I talk In . 111" • Thllt ill right, AlII" (or .urely 'it is h t- ut ItIl'Y !lod \vith 000 minll. lI er dc('p Righ c., n' lI l 10 Lurn own Ityle KooUt poor (olb. lind helpmg more to give lhall to receive," "1\1 !igh 110 uIJired. . ,'1' Ler cy.,! IOW AUlll I ;(.,!, who, Jl tl r('t:i ., iu, .:' our fellOl., l'r· Hluro '. &0. It i. "IWR}'S her molher'1 teply. AUlit N"ncy the eyt., Cvl d, J Lh:.L Imd IIwnlo" re.J, g"luly it lltuitell il dRrkHt bc(orednwn you know, m,oL,bt'r, 1I0d Ad" lel ecled one of thtl /lnd a I when ho ,..t\-, all tenJtrnen, oil duo IlilI hont.llucrclt (It. Lrll:Yc, nnd 11, 0 hud 11' .. 11. mu!C not d t'lpll ir A Iittld cloud or liyht brel&d, Jlod flluchtg tltem io n vuLion' whcn nona hut kind t:! \'cr .lto nnt! AUfl mingled their terln whh '0'". r ell !' \f/iS til e su rrOll (iii . .. nl.1n o,er th e bright o(my C?;ere.d Ihtl a...ktld auut Nnncy it pl\!ll.'d ilis lipl; .... 1,1.'11 t\ woru or thlJ5t' or tlte Itrickon wi(IJ and chilJ. Poor I tTuuld to 11(':\\'I'n 111111.1 IIHrr "w/lLl'nld ! 1I1I1I(,ll'ollonA. Ih, did not wilh to Dccoml , .ny her. The " '" nlwllp reHd, (or thmo who'tt.k. CUlrie! it welqur Out I IUU'!' gv to II Mrty 1I0\f;' alill As DeLi- Ie drove up be(ort:! the old 'H,I, of CQul'!le ac;reed t.Q IJropolnl holYlulmu in l'nin.' But intempt! rBnce IJtw thal ho Iwd g'1 1IIt'. (or hen ce rurlL II put er "rQSO (rom tin! bllt!. h?UHl m Mil. Mu, tcalm Ih:ed, AUI .! and wt'nL whh Ada upon erraud o( IlIiJ lu'" I,ii OIl W mllnly (urm,ltlld IJ oiJQnet.l lire b to he lltit,e I . "Vait. UftC mom,.."t,' A.I,,; • yuu ll ul cJ; nOTIced U. e Irncko( a I IClgb thut merc,. by tho twu or Iii. well.h.'dal1ced miod. at III ,t ho 'I' ll ttf.i !!et med to r .. lic,·e .. omau, lIIu,L I",va n cup or tel"it "'ilI dll YOIII ;;uul.' had IU' !!fO.1 up elt"''' to th! gate. t1Jfee rot mi, they,.t lenglh - C.1R1e to olle lOll ,ht. l!Hught but. til e "orkcN o( il.iflUi. burB ting (or a "hll e • No, no! I du o .t wallt nny.' '1 gU(!JlR lomebody hilt! bt-en here ahead upon which Ad" ml,ped gtlntly. t1 ,!:I nnd millgltd in their midnight revel" more clllm', aut! belldmg onr • Htil r ahuli upon it !' snitl Atl l\ 011 .111' remnrked .to Ed",.,d. It wnl oloenid by A wom"n wi th disor· "ililll CUNCI not! b1 1l111hf' my poured (rum child slood hy her lid!'. gftllli:c .• Sit dvwlI In lha t:11J1 .. \ljdl • Yea, I Icnt Julin a.I .ong l'arl1tlllll Dlorn· Jt'rt'd gAlmonts and ullcum\)(!d 1'lIil·. who bis Iii>!!' And nJ Ihu thought. tlru Leart III upon the lunt' . l it e IUllr· Ilnd by nlhl byc I will So with YOIl. ' " ith Ivrne II "J IJch com- I dd '.. . ,( enlot- red Two lIlu reu' , . I I ,. \' L " Lo I a I h b mere y no . eu U wy o( tho pnlo aad woman I\'II! &tineu ,¥itltin liltl u Cllrri d I you nr'e nil i ha ye II p Ih.' e 01 sen .. •• utl Au re"l(!u H loT'. t broken ltooll offered her, lind (or Ihe fi t I' time i.n OlAny. Inllny io 101'0 no,,", Ood Itei p muto dU.IY1 duty.' upon" cvul ']O o( IitoolA whi ch "'Nm. '.,'" "'" . ! f . lellt·. Imat weHry mUlItlr5 B tear stood 111 IJer eye Ilud A no lV 'piriL \'rOls dawuing in tI,e wo. the p"rrosoJ ,cry el l. " ' ithoul (urthcr !., ;;;',:; i,;v.; ;;; ;;:;:i, Ih .. w"" ,hi . <lr !lhl" ,lrllel, hllotOClu Ii I n<lrlb IIr !I'o M.dh .. "'1 ell! bl l The "';,111 were a 8Gb libook ber from!!. Slowly tlte "'i1J IlIAII', 1\ ddi re to live for lomething, lH! rsuMion, lin. lIall IAt d01\' 11 willt tltlt er t e Hnd .. d witb .moke dHrk ep:!a o( tho opencd miugled wi:b .eIC'r{'proach . (ur., bor mi.. rnf. l\1'ti. ch ll ir wa. I\OW II) . g ' f' anJ tnbacco JUice. tho wtodow, wblch Wtu gnte,l, firsL upon 1111 ,ur" nlld then Illcut lif' And ther" o"er thc .t ill (urm "hcele.1 up Le f un! lile Cui Ie, "lltl ... ,.h w ... III "I Ihe b"al . 11.1 , ... ed 'York nn III 1·,lee.l ... ult e"""m .. r a. !:II Ie'" come r: e•. I tlt e only olle in lhe room, ex· aunt Noncy nn.1 Atl : l, who were o( her she n:entlllly "o\ted tbllt hcr I.Alllb <I "ou1IS , tLe in\'"lid Lle,,!cd • r .·". you .lloul gti t ncql1lunll'( ".It I Cl!pt fry e·obnb4.whlch .110 10 pityingly upun IJim. heren(tt r ahe try to Ih'e (or gOfKi, 10 Goo (or tho boulltiful su pply leL bdvrtl P.nryll' w"nu"C an<1 :th .. wlll.l" well 1" la, II... rl:.\· !'TON.t CO. l"oIll1.,Jutr,ISGtI. if T. lb. OUlz,: u. ar:tlf'dlnn.nd (lauUI"J', .A. ••• ba bOIl.bl. l'lIu 11''' 1U,lblnl' I" Ibl BOOT ANI> SIIOJ.; LINE ! Yr,'"' ...... <1 1l .lfll (Nt 1u"".l1I CbUd·. tibnOIrl.ol" .1o" ...... !U"",h.llt1 ,,.OIlK ,,, . 'URANTIID. "ou,.. n. M. III'T A •• nl. "II'" itllLLINlCllW lI1'I'QlllU ANO NE'IV 000081 ""blla .... 11 my 1II0thl't, (or I . know you wlluld Irke corot'r, 1' htl fluor WH, we!1 CovereJ WI\ ,"I 'Hlwl' you come Ill',ck me" itc ",:rid. tim' .he 00\1 lillie might entcr 1lu'm, rmd A" O Mkedl hi. to fe. L. ellch I Shp. II good dirL and ruldre-.olillg them iu n hu,ky tonI'. into .t llu IIhe,. pl old IIlId be clasped io the upon t"o.e whu I\lId· be .. " 10 kiml to tho . 'do '.dm:t! ;:""11 ltove-:-A. roor tulty lhmg "llIch ltood 111 'No, 1\(,11' IIUllt Nunoy, ',vc I ofilia GuoJ SI,epl:eld, She could widoll'lInd the (lIll,erld... Nor did _"u " ' , . I ) . t Ihe mlddic o( the room, Lew bo your (nelldl. Poor boy! poor IIOt bllt tlilit il l.' r hUJh.and I\'8I Ilal" pt)(tr \1 ORlII IY 11"110 S:lt '\\ hb It.cm , , B. A.:VI7.mNS you,llom a With me '?me he A milemLle Hpolugy, (or A btd "" . tIS to boy I' 1\1. ,,1 with motherly tenJ"fll'"' s .. ; (ur II "wect I mila relted upon tile but.llrll)'ld I:llrlllltly tlIat III" might find ,t, "lid tll.en yuu Will an °rportuot· one coroer, and upon 1\ I")' n ftgUft'. the ImootheJ back tbe dllrk luck, (rom l,u countennnCIl. It. h(\11 beeu aercrul thAt Il:uce whicL a' OoI ulOl!e can gh' (' . t) or I ach ottl.orl " li/.tIlL of wllich .tlnt 1\ IJJe hearts brow. , Ir u Llld Iflltl!d Il dlol' o( liquor, '1'll e I.neal cattn in ftil.r ncl" l'nch Anll' NHncy.felt het Ir cRrtlwelhng WIth orbolh Ad,. md lunt NNII.. .0( , vu,' he uiJ, •. !ttul\J t' r IInu t.o to hi" iunbilit 10 rocura it; hUi, OWn Icl'lectl?l1s. Arter Il moth"rl, Rff.:ctlon tOl .. nnl the )'Uung man Tbi, wna Hllrry Hull, tl,e 10'" ""to, now J.O. Keel' your band upon my bro,,, I Y P I b d wnl finl.h ed, Ail;\, (IccompJallt!(1 MflI, Hull who hnd l>ecn sn kind Itnd Hltontj.,e to her, lying upon hi l dI:Olia:llttl, no ebe!r· tire throbbing Imin .. Aft poor :f' to It tl r lonel ): dliul' rl t:' u rl.lOlil . Two und Ih" th"tlght to lug prn.pcc, bu(u re 111m, hop"s HuIY to IMy : I ,11""th,-delhium tll "ru 1i'IIO had bC"1) :It '>Iork ,lUttHlI-:' He II tew good-tew good for Gusly, (or lhe (uturt', but. nll.eemlll; hiS men· am pr(ouJ u( 1 hal;" 1_ I.ell v n Nl&nc anu Ada tbou;,; ht it btlil It In •. n .. "".1 Jill!. tLei coull.l, 1 \ smltll "or W"y, I . hould (eel lorry i( 11.(1 got tnl .itiun Ihe bhtcknef! of d'e1tplur. , .btl ditJllot \i,'u to!; lee lI",r Loy , ' ;0 prf' nro th u dend rur buri. 6r" WII S ·. tl lf! ,to'·c. ,.bup •• .1Ie wIll 8 11 •• Va..,. LDW' Prler:.. r,nlllb.r Innl' "roe,l.nr.ln 111& bllll" .... h.l. .Grlllll.,.be lin .. ,1I11L1t mOfotf .. lhU" .... 1 .• ,11"" Mm, even iC it made him my lI t'pltew.' be Ilad Lten hont'i l. itlllultli ll UI nnJ 1." com· lion! Oh J my r. tl;llrdtrr, cttlkd'in n couJllc ILe o( lI l t Lwwmil, .' You may go ill Inid DeLille. (ortnble circunul llnccs; huL in Hn ev:) Lour th"t I Bill, ('v(, r ml'\' I Jer In tlJ,O IJllrltlund. uf NU,, 1t hull,ones t men, ,;bo an.d rtJllg'tltltt gatc:d uJlon Ihe eorl 'A"' . after helping hlr Crom the cutter, ' ond I tha H'ml1ler hnd pLu> d thut'ntic:inll cup to Alas I I 110\ '. their f:ruili ca upon ti;e L'Itr:o floor n;' her. .. hnd brud;ed smoothly fr(ont will be Krouod b.·Cure loog.' _ hi. lip!; nn.lno'\' .ho was going I I No. no I' noLo 1:1117 3u. I3td aunt 101( . Illt I",. fvMed rtIllHJlI "lIe'.lall,.n"rnll.".lIh.ulh . .. ortl ::: aad ma,l. iltdllla,"17., lsat. IT .A(kr "unt Iltltl AlCenue,1 til,. down unwl'ptAnd uohonored.lnto adruck· Ntlncr. " prill,..' . \nd n01'l" lui I she gellt". to lltt! L e. upon h:s Lilcn· t. no tWQ women havlOg' l il.ir. -. "lie wmll lItet in thu IJAli by AJa nrd' .. dll YU. II think i.i hOfe suc.II rea:'cd •• ;.ou mUll t tTith u, 10 prolnlllN rl!lIM iu with Mrs. llull unl il who, with A bri;.:h f •• mile o( welcllme, blld,. Hi. wi( .. hnll. once gay, thooght. as I ,. he c,ngerly .questloncd: turnm;;- "" our room Alld lio dowlI. (or you need relt: dnrk , Ada '001\' 1, Ct, LiJJing MI l. Hull t'J her ,"o.rulng. nnt! a' Mt'lry Cltri.-l. lesl girl: indulent "nd • II!. no en ergy to 1 •• dark t1yt!-' uporr her. ,Db! tel! mil 'OllllOw ron Il ea.ve hiill'?' sbo murmur. in :md pas.., th u Idgl,t ill her lUulhet'. __ Orleans Nursery. /111111. A bngllt chl:t:r(ul 6re wa. blalin. t: withltaud tlte lturm o( boublo Ih"t IUld wbat .h"n I du to , be! BaTed '1 ed. 'T"m lIuL bo t:lat J' upon tlto beRrth fli Ihe the little come upon ber. She WI" nu'" n ''flu!' good 6001f'lt),, :- God 10 loved ,., f. wi!1 10,' J..ui J tho IlOOr \\'OIlIA". 'b 0",1/_. O.un. GO'llllT't',N. Y. room, "nd ll,ings lookt!d (nr more cum(or· do"n womA.n-pale. liknt aDd sad. At the world gil!? lJii bc1:otlen IOU inUit go , .. ilb us I' Adtl aOO'ri as" it : il d"tk.' tublu tllAn Lh ey hnd dune upon tho preyi. Iirl1the cunes alld abule of litH hUlband. IOn,tbat. WhOlOUt:r' beltend ouhno should gently. • You Jlrd "oro out nnd WI.''''''', Such ri! :rder, Arc the Iccnt1lllmoat dall, lar •• I :1: OUS dllWithin fauy chair .nL Mra. thaL in Lia momcnft ·o! Ilhlenty would not pt'rilh but lune 8YetrR.\lihg I!fe.' '. And r ou "ill (eel better nner you' Illll'e pllssing)l! grcnl chie" lome e,'en moto ""mppedm WAI?, colnrortnbl" bellp upon bert wrung ber hri't "lib Out I am not ot thosu thnt.are to Il ept.' . IOINYI"r,iI lbln the one WII LIl"e porlfaYlil. Bo.d." nOb.Xitt •• Ro.tl. .an or· gllwn, Iter I\\eet Cuco wUllng ,A look o( ter angUiidl, alld CHllHd the l8IIf'I o( bo 'Hyeli , I Jlnned awalth", day Meehaou:a"ytlro poor Itomnn oLeyed. flO n COSTJNl:J:u.l cbo:errullielltbatbadloogbeen.stnrDger JIOlroW&0 (.n (rom her eJe, buL 00" gnrcollndantlmtroreY'or/ "nil Iellding' ber child she aceompanled D.'''lIJ.:ll'G & UXIlI11NG tl "WOOD, "\VOGD! Luil. seem,d .. (ounlllino(berteirs wa. nvatl!al AdllllmlltlllltN:IO(,y tOlltc roomo(lfrl. Dlll.ln 1\ n \I II [J Uaow·de·dew" laid aunl Nnnel. go. dry ht!' heart hardened "ith:n ber. u.:o Monlcll!m. , .. . M ' .. , 11C(lIlrh' •• llbl. "mel in.'" to her lind tllkilw hersm"n hAlld with. A dtuu'-nrd'I' wi ", I Qh I aorrow. • Oh ! do j'ou lbink 10 l' C'lln t 'l'lle In\'altd W3J Itlll Sitting uJi lR her . f!. FAIR AN. .• 11. FAun LA.NP" IIna ""Lit. & Ii " O' d 81 k DI 4lD t. i'hU I 1 iii I 11 in her OWA; 'H'KOW dew yew (eel thil IIlce .... Iull nti '4i ry, do tbuee word. con"ey I An bo exclaimcd, clasping bis tbin band .. to· chaIr, and as ",t..1 .o3lBT'''''O "aw. morllill" idof upon wLlcb. woman bll. IIL.ced getber. ' Ob! pDy for me! pr"y that I the lad'dening intelligence lrom !or· InlUhI 8oI •• d"I1I"III.1I1 • Oh! 1 fd'!ho much better tb.t t beart. bnt affection_.to M thulCAst m:ly bo l:l .. ed !' look ". \I "l lu., " 1,, 1\ 1-

Transcript of t b.£. tn' m rt un b t -...

""'" ( ,\'


• nil'. gono I 11 .. '11 gOlln I' p"l~ionllhly THE MEDINA TRIBUNE. o .. I,;m, d ,1,0 wo,,-.n. f. lling upon. hor

•• n. CJL~bl1.h.r. ~ b.£. m + b kneclbefort· MB. Montenhn, nnd bunting ~ into a nood of tean. • My poor hush,,"d ! J>.~~::.::;rj~~·rst~~t,JJiai~n:;,.::;. th. t tn' rt un t DuL he repented herore he died, Rud is blp.

T iHtM S: ,. I , ' py I I •• ow h,;s! I f,,1 ,I,.,;,;,.o!'

"~~~l·:~~~:t:~:~~:~:; ,::::,.::::::::::::,!:: ' , .. Ii':'~:~: ~~';~~!; ;~~:.! ' o,~',":~;~,!": .. .. ~n;~':t~cJ:-;~~b;:;a;jj'iiiQ: " .. t 00 ~ lOUrcO or comfort to yo~ tl.rouJ;h lift', to

-~~··-I---·"~-=====~~===~====~~~====~~~~=~~~~~~±=~~~~~~~~~~~~~=========:~,~~~-_~~~_.~b :'E~:::':';':':';;'::'::':= : rZ::~f:·:·:·:·:: :·:·:·:'1::: I deemed of our Lord. lilly this hope chtcr

1:::::;::::::::::::'1: ::::'Il:::::::::::: ::l V L X .l\IEDINA, ORLEANS CO., N. Y, '.1·.WIJ)II.~l1J'A NO. 31: you,.nd""yyoube ••• LI.dto .. y.'Tb. ~:J::'io.i4;~i.·lill:.oorf.~:~pll .. ;;~.;;,::: •. : .. ~:g 0 t . ~ Lord gintb, and tLe. Lon! taketh ,,"ny.

",,,,,.,.,b, ... ~,,= •• 11' ..... '''',,· .... ,., ( ... 11' .. ,,, '''0 ..... T"'''',I to I,." hoI'" .nd d'g,"dcd b~ ,b. foul "'p,." ~ood old 1.<1y k .. 11 down, .nd w;,b Dlc ... d b.~ .. n.mc o:ted Lo,d.' :u: my

..... "~ •• "'cr' . a ou n try ...!!:.e 1" t i va B. whal my kind -.looL.I. held ou, '0 lh .. h; .. 0' '0 de. ,;'npl. blO' 'ouch;ng ,,0,01., olT",d up.n ~:~rfi:~~:~ ;.~~ ~:" .. ~~ :17';I:'no~r;~~~

• n .. on U"XOW •• .'fI!'.

u'Wlnohufel"t I ;;:(jpif,tron'~' •• Tnt: O~LY nl:U.lDU

J' .. " of ,',. Churdlltl·. J1 ~IJII'Cl)'. ()lId.1'rom!. Oi.

~ .;~!~~~'~':'~~j~~": {~!~ '(~~~I:~=~~~ \""..,.ITI-n.oI ~"'-1I1 1 ", ....... ,.,1 IbrT ."'Ibe MOo" ",fh;-.',·I .1.I'CI1l":""~""~ '" JODTI u, .. :t. lb •• &"1 ~~,:~I:: .!!~~.!a,~,::;'~I:~:u''w~~~:V~"~~:

:~r~t~~~;J;~~~~t'~P~':1;19;t~$::~ t.,_. "",/nr • • nd fa. ru: .. cc .. u. In 'MWQt) 1J,

A 'AlA TAlAL I' A eERTAl1 CUll' ~n[l\',\fltorl"!I ... J.'n>";lu"l .. rl ........ hr.

~?!p;.'~V:~~t~t,~~~;;~~::~~i~~~i£Y:~k~~~};~r;: Dr. Clillrd:!Il', ~r(Ath~ 011 Co::atuopUOIl,

• :~ ~~i-IT~~'nl'I~~~ f:l:;:,~'m~:;,J~:.a:.,' J·:·tcrn.III" ..... t;lt.oc.1: .. u· ..... , .. ", r:r u.&b.­

:!.o«I":'.or.;a' ''''': lr..,.t'~ 1I':1I.o .. ",I:.t. u. 1oolil ,be t.."" I.n4 C':I.IC:oW ... pPf~.

HO OT!lt:t1. II G:'HUrNr.. D;- !'I""""Cl:JCOUI"l lh""t~II""!r "lIh tb ... ,...ulkd

;;~,~'~~~:\!;':'if;~N~':blt~,: \~It~!~u!~" .. ~a:~r~~ . i/.wllltlllu,..,n· ... T1ll1:rIll'l Ul"'.II"." ". 'b~"J~I~~ ~~I~~r~~~·t~~~~dl~=I! .J\11 1"'UI1'\ l batl'II~I'I IOcPOI'lIlb.l·aILtdIllalH.bJ'

I. WDaKDTEB. S8 lob Street. If. Y.


In tho Dool "" l!ihou Trndc.


n~lr~rer,~a:.t':::I.r::;. ~f.'.r~I~IIJ ·rr;t.~· DENTON'! n.\L.>IAN

clI,...1I ann.... a-- lao Ib. drab, Duru.nd nMlI_ •• ........ ndbMat. D'~N'8 n.U.3AW

nrf(O Chnb ....... ru'",ra'UtllI, I~~ ........... 111 II .ar f'II1 ollhbM,<>CmIllClfIoNlI.

DE."iTflS'I BAl.", .. CIItH lIammer CompltJolI., " ·arm. III ehlldlu. ud CI.an_lblnlood.

m iNTON'S MUll" ... "" ...... JlOIIllt.IontTbI"OllI, Wb"""ln,.ooulb,Croi"

LoN ot A.pptm" enm. 011 lCIM,. nEN1'ON'8 BU.!!UI .. t~:.r;.~ul":~ l~itOllr:I::'1 bfn ~:.~ fl~t:t!~~I' hO~

'"SOITHwarm, Jl.t,..meclT (or bn •• III bO""1 tI." II In f..&. Thrn II. tMnf', ~".lbr tbt 11'11,11 t~ntltr 18IMI

_1I,I .... rld'N ~rtl'torlb_.,r .. dCiiln.DlI.lolrI.,.. k'nll l liJ.tnmI'fl711

J)EJm)Jr" VEGETABLE RUJ.DlO lIAU1AK, .. llIdl for m.1I7 Tnn .... "un b .... · lIo t.n ,hla, .... od .. lJ>hrtloll l lll.n .. lto.f'IU.III ... LL,.aolbe_ Inn!~tr. ':,~~~:'Jtl~:~.~ld~'~I~·r~I':'.~ IIId .. d Mtal.lI.bfd uU e! ..... 4tb.,."'. alfr\a4.lofU,ID&:ff" d,_orltatln_,.

l'UIUliloboUI".,"I.Mentl_b. Or .... Impo.IUoa 1111111. ",," •• 1

Ca.Uoon 10' Pnreha .. ,.. Be Inn Iht",. Aun. of 8. Dtlltml'l 1I.lIa, 0.1_

\J I.JII"" 1ft Ul. botUro,IIII1 bllllh_""tht l"sonf.u" bottlr,u71111 In ... ,18111,., I'un~_" l'aml,lIt", ... ,",

.. ,UJI,..I..,,,, L JJ.","",,',


and she pointed Ilruction by Ili.~ (ellow mnn I Aye! Ihillk enrn@lit prayer (ur 'be IAlvalion o( him wbo ment" , I.

which Iho .. at, and of ii, lhuu rllm-cUer I 'rJ.ink or. tlll'l milll: ry Iny d)'iTlg be(oro ber. 'Uo, oh! no! I Cllnnot t'At " Tnontl (ul,' CIU.PTla u~JII· that en\''')opm her tlJOU 11Iu t cau,t(1 ; nnd n cn .. , tho "i1ot I AIIII nnw will you ",nil to me " \Ie re'pood"d th~ .,w0man, !hNking ,bn h('~, 1

Tho rcruler mAy imHKlne tho dllmllY o( 'A d tb ... " ' f' tpenLlhllt pe~uAded Eve to di .obt!Y the IRhl, "fter .be hnd ti. cn to her (eet. 'Ru.d IRdly:'1 feel as though t n~ycr wHoted.to AugLl~La V'dnllyke I\t Ihe agnin eotered th e n. Divine commnud, &0 th'lll hnlit the l ins (rom tI."t Holy Dook ."I.ich I hare to 11Id· eat .~, moro a. long n. I Ii"e.' pArlor. when IIhe heard (rom her moLIJer'. many W .1l5\\er rurl Murdtrcra "IC ye 1, neglected; thAL book whicb WIL~ my mo- 'Del" try and go 10'" IIlter.' Jaid aunt. lips lin Recount or whnt had tranllJir'(id.- nil. dr tile Mackesl die; (or not onl, do ye ihu', con.olatlon. Mary, whele isit?' NHncy, ~e!ltly lending Ibo unresisting W(o' Bhe haJ lJI~eo uD.:1IUltl P'JIlS to make her killth~ iAAly, iiut lhe501'L. lhe immoltlll Mr~. 1~lulIleft tl!o bcd_Id., nrd ~king a mAn tu tlJ O bed; • h 'II de\., yew .. fil lip or toUe. ulelKbol'llte al p, •• lbl.. ['he pAle. lilii,a luul I Ye tako the cruat from- mlt"y n 00011, ... 1,11:11 WIU tluckly coverd IVlth dU!!I, good .. I kf!o~.'

I cI,eek ... mnL we ... w b~t a Ib~rt time hungry mOdLh;),f' Itril' tlit' littlu!.ivering rrd~ " __ I" .. If, hAnded it to Aunt Nanc~, who , ~ubmi.iivu IlS a ';'It'nril:!1 cbiltl,1toof Mr,. a~o. h .. bean "oodil rCully. transCormed by "Irlll nud leu\'o ),our \'ictiDJ' hou~e l~s lind lIaklng lit tnrnl:d over tho leuve. nnll\ .hl!! Hun •• ht': \l1""n tlut ~tl : Itnd '.000 11~r. Lhe "pplicdion o( A liUlo c'Irmlne. And the BIAtlin .... and pt!ri~l,ing I J\nd (or clime to the 1:lIh chnpter o( SI • .L,;,kt. lind tI,e great fth!ntl o( mahkind, cau~ .. d lll::rlo hRi~I' .nic!:!l, Rrmn.rcli in dAr~ glol.y "'r"id. !ruge cakc, with (ro41lng wt\'ltlild oYer it ",lilt? Gold! Atcurscd bo goid wlwn it hrtnding it~, Adrt bndo h~r rend tl~ t! pAr". (orgl.t for Po "hilu IItt truuLIe!!. enclrchng ber I~"II hltt .11V~lc bp",d: She like R snow dri(t.: I,ickld . prtl~})'ee. nnd" il Ihn price o( l!Io lll~ I .Antl hore. upon llli_. ble o( tho lost .lireJ! t1~crelR co.nt.'\lned.. ActA relntpd to ~e, ",olher th~ c\'"nb WM adorned Wllh a pro(tI!uon o( JlJwel~. plNle o( the nlce.t, lighlesL ~u.k that 8,'cr benutiful Chri. tm,,1 morning. hf'Corc the In n IW .. ct, Ivw rOlce t!IO y?ung gl

lrl thM hod tmnsl)ired. in fO n!fecling" nil"' ,

"nd the hen\'y (oldl o( her velvet rolks hung cn me out of the IIvell. I e}'tB o( good nuot Nancy, IV", tile ~",ork ~ommtnc?t!.1Il1 teAd the com(ortmrr won s nero th~t tLe tears s1:llted to dlla eJcll .pf in C"llIlleIIl symmetry Aroum' ber (orm'-I • I decIA~I' anid Ihe oltllaAy I thillook.t the rum.ellcr......:.hf.t miierablb victim. 1- to tht dYlRg mltn. !Irs. Monlcalm. I

O"ercome Wil~ palliun "nd diellppointment. like Clrrj,.tm". nn1"1I0" I" Here ""-1\ trembling, Ihivering (orm, ju.t '~\nd he IflAko UJi .. parllble. unlo them • How thll nk(III w'" .Lb'uld be,' .he Illur' ahe Rung 1,, ·I1 .. lf lipon tbe lo(a, and Cor a 'I long to leo Mnl. DeLi e. tn thAnk the brink o( II,e rA,'e i berPj the i Aying, ~ WIrAt IIIAIi or you . hnnn,; an Ilun· mured ,thought(ullJ',' tb"t we are f10t pIa. whll" ~"pt bitt" rl" . . A I ~'I d . g.~ I dred l!teell if"e lou oneo( tirt'm dotlt Ml Cfd in fuch circumdanctl, e,'en though wo

, Wh .. OAK I" "'tAn-to ,,,,l me in 'h~ ~I:: ::~,.~~;:d:~;:';~~:rI' ';0 ~I':~:I:;' chnd ~b .. ' c::dl~'~' ~~ ;;:.~~'~:y 'Ly ~.;::;~. : ;:;:;r '~I:,,;i;;,;~~ ;'.bcI05:;~:~~; :::;~."bOlOgb ,,' Hmo. ,b., cur 10' w~' very WilY" ~he laid "I ongth. a(ter her grl.. (ur 01,1 da., by Iha CllnlCl or her (Ather, until h!;r . ~ Ada nfJ W nuticl!J tl.nt little Cllhie WOA hlld IInmt'''I~" t lIuhli.le,1. ' It i. re~lIylt,o 'S",e here wh~t old &n~ la~" ,bronght 'I)~ng heart hnd Illmo4t Io.t. the puritr lultl ha.~\n!I~·hen he hnlh (Ilund i~ Ite III eth it looking ~j,tfully lit her ., ill lvr Lilla "ho b"d I I bel.levo b

lre IMa .~~t nil p~~~e lI~t: u~.' .nill liule ~III" , advancIR timidly (or· innocel'ce o( childhood ; hert'. the gloomy on Iii! shouMer<t rrjoici n"" • : ii WM ellting nil IIrplc, nnd ~ectniu" to enjoy

• to 6' .. 011" Ingaro WI wardnndholdlnguphert11! Ilrelto"unt lurroun,lings o(pmocrtyiu its worst (orm, Ad h I tbh h Iltb the appnr t! nt longillgs ortlt (! p:iotchi ld. tbal 011 worn 'n I o~ Chri~ttlllls dlil ~ I Nanoy'l ,.i~ .... , Like a gillutly corpte looked the dyinlZ • n .... co, lit come omp, e CI ~ wilen e.,,,rybody il uut: The mOlt morh· • My IHk"a I a palro(atoak na nnd Ihoesl man upon Itillllud bed o( atraw: aO(I liS togdher , I~" ItI ~~dl a~d ttclCllbors, IIlYI~g 'Why, l.ilIal· IlIi.l Adn rcrroYin:; I,I' • (yiug thing o( all ill, to 1I"to the ",rirll, wbo Why how good fJld Bllnty CJaus iI litlie Runt Nnncy f~pt .urtly to hil side "nd Inid un l.O ;11I.!rt!.}. ,eJ"I~. ~Itb I;le, (or [ ,"IIIe :i:a; you nut di\'itlc )'I/ur III'E,I .. wilh ell.,.' would have giv n w,,",11 to bKvtl be!;n In dt ar 'ie'n\ he" .- her hllnd upon the ,It brown 1oc"'". 1I0lV (OUll '"1 · e~p fl' IC w~~ Of.". I II '1 wOllld ir .h(! \\'n5 XcII), Dlotl'n, C


my plnce. think thltt D..,LI.le hAl de.ert. 'Ye~ 'm"'am' lilpell th" 'cItrti!:-- t1 l1 mp with the cnld a"eat or deuth. Ilrq irl ' '! lI;\y unto you, tlrat 1.1 OWIIO JOy. 111 Nelly";1 R'lOtl blr l

. Bll t (,lvnt like lI£n,

ed,m,e.' . ' , ; ; bn,ught Fann; Ind Rosa twJ pretty ~ed "!lrd!y murmured: 'poor man-poor m'aro'. ~1~IfII1~e::v~t~::e~\~~:e ~:J:I~erA~~a~~~~~:!~ ahe '\\8:1"'1' " • 1m lI \lre my chll,I, laid M",. V!lndyko, dreSoiound me one,too. TI."y'Y8 got theu'l nil will llOOn be. ovc~, ' . • r'..olls which need no re e!t"nclt! J 'Fvr .baOlo T.illa! \\'hAl 11 nnuglttylit. I do~t kilO ..... wh"~ we can do no" but to on, and Ilte,."·o gono III Mrs. oro .... n·A Adn kindly inqUired oflhe "omll~ I( ahe p Adrt reau tbrou b tho e~Ja ter,and "hen 11 0 girl YOIl nrc! D:j.l 1t)\1 know thnl poor

let thlll~' ~~e t!'elr c~une. You kno.w room a little whil.·, to see Nelly. Do you do "nything (Of there, anu I( ft ho IIad conclud~d Ihe .a~ II hoI calm Carr:o. hns s ot 110 fa ~he r nn", l' ~w .. n! al'iulmg a., well .L' I do. th~t he I. know N .. Uv' Bhtl 's Nelh' Drown.' I take a liule nouri~hmen t, atlh~ . . 1 • Ne, I, IIA'II L ",he 'l Poor Jiu l.: drl l' lin I 100 pltilKnthrop;c-JllwAY· rl!RI', to Ii.len to • Nu. I gil!!" nol, dell'.'" removing lbe tbingllbo illd res,l;ns !lrnn lit e [ll~e O~~bo dJ'n~o m;n~o the I.C:l rt u( tho cI,ilt1 wa. luucltl'd with

" begg ~r'lI ~ t :r.\' But I' ll Wllrrllnt J:ou 'Nelly'!! a good lillie ~irl or m:l ",rmld'nt f~om tho baakot. lind placing them ~ati:,n~~ ~~~it vellr::I: '. ~nwiII'nI:: An~ Vity. I \\ III b ' Ick or It berore he g"ts throu).:b I let UI go to le(; her. She dOll'L clunrrel n. shel( "bich anlwcred thtf purposo r g • You .hnll IU1" u 1111 n( my :rppl~ ,' Jl.1 ,O

dont gi.,e ~p ,. 11 ""pe AnS'lIs~, (ur orlWCRr. liko the r~t ·of till' liule I-{irh Il llIblo. g.o unto m~ rathff IntI lay, FnlLer, I Lln'o uid, hAl)ding it to Iler, 't.\'I! IY Lit. Alln I nov"r tbink v( marrying Ada Mvnl· ",hat lives in tldllwUS6. There', C"rriu 'No, no I' rcplied the womlln, "hile her Iluned ,RI:Hlml heaven and bt(ure thet.nnd 'II give me another billie bye, I gut'u.'

I know I • , Uull,Ihe ... ,ellT'S re,,1 hlltl. bUll .'poeo . h6 ("CII bure Ihe trHcM or ... tlled dO!lpAir; JIm II~ :'nore "ort~y to ~e c~l1e~ thy Ion i' With 1\ cry or Iloli!;lll the Hlmolll (aul' 'Out lie i_, mAking a pt'r(ect rool o( Ihat c"n't. h II) it. 'caute be-; (athn'. Il wicked • Ite'U ne\'er need Ilny more, neYer, never! and .lIke ~he returoed prod'gllt Isball be ished child tonk thu npple, lind CVmnWR'

0111. '''Ollllln I:, ' . tJ ld dru".Ard.' It'" 100 IlIto, Ad" Moutcalm I too late I' (ur.g~ven.. . ,, ' . I) ce!1 lhll'ouril1S' it greedi ly. • Yel. to bo lure he" I but weeant hf'lp 'Lill" LiII,\!' lAid ber molh"r, repro. . 'Ihu rocked hl:~l( to Rnd rro in her Yes, )OW wlll--) ew \\111 . I[lid nunt

it ~r cO~lIle r .11 •. ,1'111 do nl bo is" m~nd inlll,. ; (ihl'lIt 1011 ,1'"uw it "'nl\ wrollg to with hllnds clll.Apo{1 ill her Infl' a Ilic . NnncyenrnCll tiy, I CIIAPTt:n I:t. 10, an~ Ifhe tlunk, tlillt Wf' OPll(lla 111m, tRlk 10 1 YOII ahould·ut. cltn nmnl!ll ;'t\len tllre 01 tfll rles, agony. • • Mary,' he continueJ, turlling his eye' Pour :\lflI. lIull nwvku (et: lillG' Ilime"h:lt why i.t "i lllllRke IIfTllirs 110 mue~ tl,a vtofta turnini! to AdlL, sl", continued : AI th e 80rt blind o(aunt Nnncy touchcd wL:ch werc (Ml(becoming gl:r.l'n in dcnth: n (rl'llttd. Tilt tllhl" \\' 111 111r~l(l y ,pr,. .. ,I , (or us. The?f1.ore, although IL. ma.v ~o • Du~ 'yu k. now how r. 'IJ:~I '1. hrow or the dying mAn. 11\11 lip" tnO'/tJ '~f:lr'y-n\y w;i.,-cI'n Y'.I" rO I\;.h·o ma 't~ Ind EU" :1TI1. D o.: L~\ ... , 'tho hud nrri\' et!lJu~ Jlltll\r;II:' ollr (lIul",,,, III .10 .ol .,. .. t. it .. m ite oAt.jDJtr .... " ~ · '~f ·""-" hI) utk,6J the ~ tt'OI"d>! ·":mot.bl!r: Ob t how 1 b.ve w~~ed you I KI' I • shorltilne=~orfO. hRd ", en 1i.11',,:n:; to tiit~ (orii'!<, pre,:nd to (1111111 with. J.I~ m-'!lio. f"CJ~ n:t; ·,t abt gofnk CUlllu her",' 'Hid &.be old lad,. beckon· me-Unr1-wl(e. There--good bJo- the account (rolll A!la's iii'S urtlrc nff. cling view$, ot~erw~.e I (Illlr you m"~ I~e 111m. to k e. prdly aoon. }Je _"" T'lry I..,w yt'" -lilli-going.' &(ene nnrntt. d in nllr IAot cllnpter. Ft'I.' lin:;

I I "gl~e Wtt~1 you, mother, &aId Au- lerolly ,t;nnmiug. In t~. enjoymeot o(our 'Oil! Harry!' "nd no,., Iha te~ra wbich thllt it IMIIIUl li.:;hl (or I,im 10 1xI li n iltlru . gU!!tll. brlghlf'~mg ~p; I I cannot heur ~Ite own goud furlunJti JIIlIY" (orgo tten to look hnd '1.1 long refu aed to flow, slrtameu (rom dtr nt lIuc h n time, lie ,., ry cum iderMtely Ihuught o( 10lmg lu:u i and 1Il00.t "ltiPCloJ. artpr lhe comfort oC othcflJ i "tut l"IOOr Mf1I. the Iw,mnn'l

i .ye~, nl ILo bent Ol'cr li nd took hil len I'e rromi~i n; to rei urn (or aUllt

Iy •. tlte ~aut~(111 'I' me hft clln)~l\'e m". I Hllllnel!dll ~1r.lIlIlCO very mucl,. 1 will presfed h .. r ]i1)S 10 his in an agon, o( Nnncy I .. (ort! Iligl,l . IrA~ almOflt .mAd~) up .my mind rwt &., ~Ik n"t let. dli!! blell'ed dlty ~o "",,,r my hend g'rief. ,. I. l' • Mrs. Hull w:, ~ "t fj ;'AL Ix:wilJercd nl liud. him to our Nllw rCAr. p"rlt, bUl I 1IIIIIk whltollt Ibaring 'ullle of our gift I with tbal Wilh A (eehla effort ho railed hu !lmll in:; heuelr in" Jo ltal1l{e plnct', hut ClnllulIl. I hlld better dter all, lint! pe~hllplI bia.ma~. ~r (Hnrllt- ' And tried to.plnee lli t'm around her neck; Iy the !tOrrulv ful realilY dlll\Jll-d upon Itt'r nets may cllllnge towuJ me If I talk In .111" • Thllt ill right, AlII" (or .urely 'it is ht-ut belp~CJ,! I, ItIl'Y (d.lI,1i'.c~. !lod \vith 000 minll. lIer dc('p Righ c., n'lI l AJ~ 10 Lurn own Ityle KooUt poor (olb. lind helpmg more hles~ell to give lhall to receive," "1\1 lori~drawn !igh 110 uIJired. . ,'1 ' Ler cy.,! IOWAUlll ~hll I;(.,!, who, Jl tl r('t:i.,iu,.:' our fellOl., l'r· Hluro ' . &0. It i. "IWR}'S her molher'1 teply. AUlit N"ncy clo~ed the eyt., Cvld,J ~he Lh:.L ~he Imd IIwnlo" r e.J, g"luly itlltuitell il dRrkHt bc(orednwn you know, m,oL,bt'r, 1I0d Ad" lelecled one of thtl pi~ /lnd a I when ho ,..t\-, all tenJtrnen, oil duo IlilI hont.llucrclt (It. Pl\II~Ie.. Lrll:Yc, nnd 11,0 hud ~I l' f't 11' .. 11. ~ mu!C not dt'lpllir IIt'CHUI~ A Iittld cloud or 6i~ liyht brel&d, Jlod flluchtg tltem io n vuLion' whcn nona hut kind '¥\Jrd~ t:! \'cr ~hp n .lto nnt! AUfl mingled their terln whh '0'". r ell !' \f/iS til e su rrOll (iii rt l'l~--hA~p ... nl.1n c~me o,er th e bright I~y o(my C?;ere.d blL~kd Ihtl a...ktld auut Nnncy it pl\!ll.'d ilis lipl; .... 1,1.'11 t\ woru or thlJ5 t' or tlte Itrickon wi(IJ and chilJ. Poor I tTuuld to 11(':\\'I'n 111111.1 IIHrr "w/lLl'nld ! 1I1I1I(,ll'ollonA. Ih, did not wilh to Dccoml ,.ny her. The " '" nlwllp reHd, (or thmo who'tt.k. I~UI \l CUlrie! it ",.~ welqur ~hee, perbnJl~. Out I IUU ' !' gv to IIMrty 1I0\f;' alill ~h "

As ~IIWII~d DeLi- Ie drove up be(ort:! the old 'H,I, of CQul'!le ac;reed t.Q t"~ IJropolnl holYlulm u in l'nin.' But intempt! rBnce IJtw thal ho Iwd g'11IIt'. (or hence rurlL II put er "rQSO (rom tin! bllt!. h?UHl m \\,~lleh Mil. Mu, tcalm Ih:ed, AUI.! and wt'nL whh Ada upon ~I.lr erraud o( IlIiJ lu'" I,ii OIlW mllnly (urm,ltlld IJoiJQnet.l nn~ 1 betl(~ 1 lire b to he lltit,e I . "Vait. UftC mom,.."t,' ~ nj,l A.I,,; • yuu llulcJ; nOTIced U.e Irncko( a IIClgb thut merc,. ~urinl by tho d'!ll~( twu or Iii. well.h.'dal1ced miod. un~iI at III,t ho 'I'll ttf.i !!etmed to r .. lic,·e the .poo~ ~ .. omau, lIIu,L I",va n cup or tel"it "'ilI dll YOIII ;;uul.' had IU' !! fO.1 up elt"''' to th! gate. t1Jfee rot mi, they,.t lenglh - C.1R1e to olle lOll ,ht. l!Hught but. til e "orkcN o( il.iflUi. burBting JIt:II' ~, (or nft~r a "hlle alt~ ~~~tno • No, no! I du o .t wallt nny.'

'1 gU(!JlR lomebody hilt! bt-en here ahead upon which Ad" ml,ped gtlntly. t1 ,!:Innd millgltd in their midnight revel" more clllm', aut! belldmg onr ~ntl' L:1$~~ I\!l • Htil r ahuli in~bt upon it !' snitl Atl l\ 011 u~ ,' .111' remnrked .to Ed",.,d. It wnl oloenid by A wom"n wi th disor· "ililll CUNCI not! b1 1l111hf' my poured (rum ~ho child ~' lro slood hy her lid!'. gftllli:c ~entlr .• Sit dvwlI In lha t:11J1 .. \ljdl U~ .

• Yea, I Icnt Julin a.I .ong l'arl1tlllll Dlorn· Jt'rt'd gAlmonts and ullcum\)(!d 1'lIil·. who bis Iii>!!' And nJ Ihu thought. tlru Leart III Ivu~'llermeut upon the lunt'. l ite IUllr· Ilnd by nlhl byc I will So with YOIl. ' rl1f~ " ith Ivrne I,ro,'i~ie nll, II "J IJch com- I dd '.. . ,( enlot- red Two lIlu reu' , . I I • ,. \' L " Lo I

a I h b mere y no . eu U wy • o( tho pnlo aad woman I\'II! &tineu ,¥itltin • Pu~r liltlu Cllrrid I you nr'e nil i haye II p Ih.'e 01 sen .. •• ~ utl Au re"l(!u H loT'.

:~t.: ~;ee~~.~.hcr~~~~ t~):::~~ I~~:e t c~~! broken ltooll ~ete offered ~o ~I~~:na~~ her, lind (or Ihe fi t I' time i.n OlAny. Inllny io 101'0 no,,", Ood Iteip muto dU.IY1 duty.' upon" cvul']O o( IitoolA which nl1l~· erI(J "'Nm. '.,'" "'" . ! f . lellt·. E~t',.,. tln~ I~\td Imat weHry mUlItlr5 B tear stood 111 IJer eye Ilud A nolV 'piriL \'rOls dawuing in tI,e wo. the p"rrosoJ ,cry ~ el l. " ' ithoul (urthcr

!., " If::~~~:I~:~;~'~;~ ir~~~,~~~~~:'~ ~~:;~~,~!:,~!,_ ::';.'~i;:,~::; ;;;',:; i,;v.;;;;;;:;:i, It0

~ Ih .. w"" ,hi . <lr !lhl" ,lrllel, hllotOClu Ii I n<lrlb IIr !I'o M.dh .. "'1 Cb'tr~h, ell! bl l '~I~hlmo b~t ~hc ~lpcc~lI~ma ~endll: uncomru.rljlbr',~n6I1gh. The "';,111 were a 8Gb libook ber from!!. Slowly tlte "'i1J IlIAII', heAr~ ' 1\ ddi re to live for lomething, lH!rsuMion, lin. lIall IAt d01\'11 willt tltlt

"~:~I:~;":~ re~~ei~~I~:o a~\· ;JOIII:,.un er t e din~y a~)d :i~Il?W'. Hnd ~i! .. d witb .moke dHrk ep:!a o( tho .inc~rillte opencd all~ miugled wi:b .eIC'r{'proach . (ur., bor mi.. rnf. l\1'ti. if~nlcnlm'lI ' ch llir wa. I\OW II). g 'f' anJ tnbacco JUice. tho wtodow, wblch Wtu gnte,l, firsL upon 1111 ,ur" nlld then Illcut lif' And ther" o"er thc .t ill (urm "hcele.1 up Le fun! lile Cui Ie, "lltl c1nLpit,~ ... ,.h w ... III 1I' .\ICII .\~ 'r "I Ihe b"al ",.~ ~ r1. : . 11.1

:~~:'!I~r~,:/:i:~~r;~:I:;}~~i'I;:~;:~',~~~I;~::'~~,rJ~~ i;;;':~:::1~,t:~:;~~;;f:;:~iiii,,,· ~~'ib"'''"i' , ... ed 'York nn "~n . l. III 1·,lee.l ... ult e"""m .. ra.

• !:II h~e Ie'" h~vd!Jer come fj~»l r: e •. I tlt e only olle in lhe room, uncuttai~ed ex· aunt Noncy nn.1 Atl :l, who were o( her lu;~band she n:entlllly "o\ted tbllt hcr I.Alllb <I",·ou1IS , tLe in\'"lid Lle,,!cd • r .·". you .lloul gti t ncql1lunll'( ".It I Cl!pt fry e·obnb4.whlch h~lIg .110 10 eY~,y pityingly upun IJim. heren(tt r ahe ~oulJ try to Ih'e (or gOfKi, 10 Goo (or tho boulltiful su pply leL bdvrtl

P.nryll' w"nu"C II,"'~' an<1 :th .. ~. wlll.l" well 1" la, ·~K·r'.L'{n~~ l;r~~Tt'\!'~~~nlf ::'lel::,b:~:; I I'I II U ' II... $·rl:.\·!'TON.t CO.

l"oIll1.,Jutr,ISGtI. if

T. lb. OUlz,: u. ar:tlf'dlnn.nd (lauUI"J' ,

.A. r!~.~~h~: ~:!0.JII7~~ ro!\;~H~:~~~~';ln~~~~ ••• ba bOIl.bl. l'lIu .~" 11''' 1U,lblnl' I" Ibl

BOOT ANI> SIIOJ.; LINE ! Yr,'"' ...... <1 1l .lfll(Nt 1u"".l1I CbUd·. tibnOIrl.ol" .1o" ...... !U"",h.llt1

,,.OIlK ,,,.'URANTIID. "ou,.. n . M. ODU)l~nN,

III'T ~'d.ll1l . A •• nl. "II'" itllLLINlCllW lI1'I'QlllU

ANO NE'IV 000081

~!:'~~r::~~:~:~~7' L:~o;:~~~ ~, ""blla .... 11

my 1II0thl't, (or I .know you wlluld Irke corot'r, 1'htl fluor WH, we!1 CovereJ WI\,"I 'Hlwl' you come l~ Ill',ck me" itc ",:rid. tim' .he 00\1 lillie Ctlrri~ might entcr 1lu'm, rmd A"O Mkedl hi. bl r~. ill:; to fe. L.

~{~~~~~~~jt~f~~~;~'::~'" ellch u,l hc~ I Shp. ~ II t~ry good m~~I~e~ dirL and g~".e .pols,eJ~l'cl.lly."round ~a ruldre-.o lillg them iu n hu,ky tonI'. into .tllu IIhe,. plold IIlId be clasped io the upon t"o.e whu I\lId· be .. " 10 kiml to tho . 'do'.dm:t!n· I~·,'st d u~,V~mAn""lt~;~n·er~.L.q. ;:""11 :~c· ltove-:-A. roor tulty lhmg "llIch ltood 111 'No, 1\(,11' repli~d IIUllt Nunoy, ',vc I UII~' ofilia GuoJ SI,epl:eld, She could widoll'lInd the (lIll,erld... Nor did _"u

" ' , . I ) . t • ~ Ihe mlddic o( the room, • Lew bo your (nelldl. Poor boy! poor IIOt beli~,'u bllt tlilit il l.' r hUJh.and I\'8I Ilal" forgc~.Lhe pt)(tr \1 ORlII IY 11"110 S:lt '\\ hb It.cm, , B .A.:VI7.mNS you,lloma With me '?me d~). he conlln~. A milemLle Hpolugy, (or A btd "".tIS to boy I' 1\1.,,1 with motherly tenJ"fll'"'s .. I ~e ; (ur II "wect Imila relted upon tile but.llrll)'ld I:llrlllltly tlIat III" might find

~ ~ ~ ,t, ~". ~ ~, e~, "lid tll.en yuu Will h~\e an °rportuot· one coroer, and upon 1\ I")' n ftgUft'. the ImootheJ back tbe dllrk luck, (rom l,u ~~lci.1 countennnCIl. It. h(\11 beeu aercrul thAt Il:uce whicL a'OoI ulOl!e can gh'(' . t) or kUO"lh~ I ach ottl.orl " li/.tIlL of wllich .tlnt 1\ e~~ IJJe hearts brow. , ~neL:ll sinc~ Ir u Llld Iflltl!d Il dlol' o( liquor, '1'lle I.neal W~I cattn in ftil.rncl" l'nch III~e

Anll' NHncy.felt het IrcRrtlwelhng WIth orbolh Ad,. md lunt NNII.. .0( "l~!onk , vu,' he uiJ, • . !ttul\J t' r IIn u t.o to hi" ut~er iunbilit 10 rocura it; hUi, 1~lth th~;r OW n Icl'lectl?l1s. Arter Il moth"rl, Rff.:ctlon tOl .. nnl the )'Uung man Tbi, wna Hllrry Hull, tl,e 10'" ""to, now J.O. Keel' your band upon my bro,,, i'~ I Y P I b d wnl finl.hed, Ail;\, (IccompJallt!(1 MflI, Hull who hnd l>ecn sn kind Itnd Hltontj.,e to her, lying upon hil dI:Olia: llttl, ~' iL~ no ebe!r· tire throbbing Imin ~he'r~: .. Aft poor ~:.dnLh:::'~OJN'·(;;I~IJ~h:' :~l::~e~IJ~rril~l~ :f' to It tl r lonel): dliul'rl t:'u rl.lOlil . Two ,,, ol~ell und Ih" th"tlght to IJe~e)(- lug prn.pcc, bu(u re 111m, ~o brlgh~ hop"s HuIY o(h.n·.~L\!.u .~d to IMy : I ,11""th,-delhium lrt~el,;r: ."~~ tll"ru 1i'IIO had bC"1) :It '>Iork ,lUttHlI-:'

• He II tew good-tew good for Gusly, (or lhe (uturt', but. nll.eemlll; ~~. hiS men· am pr(ouJ u( y~u~ JII\~ry. ! 1 hal;" 1_I.ell v n Nl&nc anu Ada tbou;,;ht it btlil t~ It In urt.J~r •. n .. "".1 Jill!. tLei coull.l, 1\ smltll • "or W"y, I . hould (eel lorry i( 11.(1 got tnl .itiun Ihe bhtcknef! of d'e1tplur. , .btl ditJllot \i,'u to!; lee lI",r Loy ~ de:;~<lK ', , ';0 prf' nro th u dend rur buri. 6r" WIIS·. Ld~I ' lng I~ tllf! ,to'·c. ~rnly

,.bup ••

.1Ie wIll8• 11 •• Va..,. LDW' Prler:.. '{!~::i~f;i.jfi;":i,:r:~~;i::~~:;~;~ r,nlllb.r Innl' "roe,l.nr.ln 111& bllll" .... h.l. ~

.Grlllll.,.be lin .. ,1I11L1t mOfotf .. lhU" .... 1 .• ,11""

Mm, even iC it made him my lI t'pltew.' be Ilad Lten hont'i l. itlllultlillUI nnJ 1." com· lion! Oh J my Gu~! II~ttii r. \,II~ .wletc~ tl;llrdtrr, cttlkd 'in n couJllc JIu~1 a~"lInced ~ ILe ~ Ide o( lIl t Lwwmil, .' • You may go ill aun',.,~ Inid DeLille. (ortnble circunulllnccs; huL in Hn ev:) Lour th"t I Bill, ('v(, r ml'\' IJer In tlJ,O IJllrltlund. uf NU,,1t hull,onest men, ,;bo li"~,I\dih an.d (o~. JI rtJllg'tltltt gatc:d uJlon Ihe eorl 'A"' .

after helping hlr Crom the cutter, ' ond I tha H'ml1ler hnd pLu> d thut'ntic:inll cup to Alas I I 110\ l"l":::I,~t-l~t. I" ' . their f:ruilica upon ti;e L'I tr:o floor n;' her. I~I .. I'~'~ hnd o.~n brud;ed smoothly fr(ont will be Krouod b.·Cure loog.' _ hi. lip!; nn.lno'\' .ho was going I I No. no I' ~hll; noLo 1:1117 3u. I3td aunt 101(. "~I. bru~, ~lId Illt ~J,.nds I",. fvMed cll1t~ly rtIllHJlI"lIe'.lall,.n"rnll.".lIh.ulh . .. ortl

.1!.:"~:y~::~~~?:!~I~n~\.{:~~~~h::;~:·tlCI ::: h:!~k:~~r:~~:~\~~::t' ~:~'~I:'''~;'I aad ma,l. iltdllla,"17., lsat. IT

.A(kr "unt Nallc)~ Iltltl AlCenue,1 til,. down unwl'ptAnd uohonored.lnto adruck· Ntlncr. " prill,..' . • \nd n01'l" lui I she gellt". to lltt! Le. upon h:s Lilcn· t. no tWQ women havlOg' l il.ir.-. "lie wmll lItet in thu IJAli by AJa nrd' .. ~m,·e. • A~ld dll YU.II think l~ere i.i hOfe ~or suc.II rea:'cd \\'om~n •• ;.ou mUll t I!~' tTith u, 10 prolnlllN t~ rl!lIMiu with Mrs. llull unl il who, with A bri;.:h

f • • mile o( welcllme, blld,. Hi. wi( .. hnll. once bee~:I gay, thooght. as I ,. he c,ngerly .questloncd: turnm;;- "" our room Alld lio dowlI. (or you need relt: dnrk , Ada '001\'1, Ct, LiJJing MI l. Hull t'J

~;:;';'::;;~·"'!.':·';;:;~~";';;"'~;';;,;:i'.;~'i,;;r:~;: her ~OtJd ,"o.rulng. nnt! a' Mt'lry Cltri.-l. lesl girl: indulent "nd • II!. no en ergy to 1 •• f)C~; dark t1yt!-' uporr her. ,Db! tel! mil 'OllllOw ron Ilea.ve hiill'?' sbo murmur. ~om~, in :md pas.., thu Idgl,t ill her lUulhet'. __ Orleans Nursery. ~~~~i~~~~~~~\fi~~~r~iif~~~~~:1.~~ /111111. A bngllt chl:t:r(ul 6re wa. blalin.t: withltaud tlte lturm o( boublo Ih"t IUld wbat .h"n I du to ,be! BaTed '1 • ed. • 'T"m lIuL bo lo~g t:lat J' (,AII!I~ room~ upon tlto beRrth fli Ihe eoteh!d ~ the little come upon ber. She WI" nu'" n btok~n· ''flu!' good 6001f'lt),, :- • God 10 loved ,., • • f. wi!1 d ~) 10,' J..uiJ tho IlOOr \\'OIlIA". 'b •

0",1/_. O.un. GO'llllT't',N. Y. room, "nd ll,ings lookt!d (nr more cum(or· do"n womA.n-pale. liknt aDd sad. At the world ~hut I~ gil!? lJii olll~ bc1:otlen l1I~llut IOU inUit go , .. ilb us I' uf~l:d Adtl aOO'ri as" it:il d"tk.'

WT~I,,~~T'1Del·~lIlI.?,!l~II'~!~?I~~: tublu tllAn Lh ey hnd dune upon tho preyi. Iirl1the cunes alld abule of litH hUlband. IOn,tbat. WhOlOUt:r' beltend ouhno should gently. • You Jlrd "oro out nnd WI.''''''', Such ri! :rder, Arc the Iccnt1lllmoat dall, lar •• I :1: l;'b~~:I.:rl ~'tio~ ~~I~:"~ OUS dllY· Within I\~I fauy chair .nL Mra. thaL in Lia momcnft ·o! Ilhlenty L~ would not pt'rilh but lune 8YetrR.\lihg I!fe. ' '. And r ou "ill (eel better nner you' Illll'e pllssing)l! ~ur grcnl chie" lome e,'en moto :r!d~' 1~"~1~~ tl~~'J!ll~rn~~;; ~lontct\IIII, ""mppedm • WAI?, colnrortnbl" bellp upon bert wrung ber hri't "lib • Out I am not OI~O ot thosu thnt. are to Ilept.' . IOINYI"r,iI lbln the one WII LIl"e porlfaYlil. Bo.d. " nOb.Xitt •• Ro.tl. .an or· gllwn, Iter I\\eet Cuco wUllng ,A look o( ter angUiidl, alld CHllHd the l8IIf'I o( bo 'Hyeli, I ~Iue Jlnned awalth", day Meehaou:a"ytlro poor Itomnn oLeyed. flO n COSTJNl:J:u.l

4'17.!~III11PI17.lte"dldll' A.II.COLTO~. ;lli~~~m~~~~~~ cbo:errullielltbatbadloogbeen.stnrDger JIOlroW&0 (.n (rom her eJe, buL 00" gnrcollndantlmtroreY'or/ • "nil Iellding' ber child she aceompanled D.'''lIJ.:ll'G llUIISI~ & UXIlI11NGtl

• "WOOD, "\VOGD! Luil. seem,d .. lf~be (ounlllino(berteirs wa. "h:,cll','I'''I:'',,~m''nhatbcomclo nvatl!al AdllllmlltlllltN:IO(,y tOlltc roomo(lfrl. Dlll.ln 1\ UO~ n \I II [J

A~r':~;!l1::'J~nU:';lfltlt:~~e~':~~~ ~~~r"p:~u~~~: • Uaow·de·dew" laid aunl Nnnel. go. dry a~d ht!' heart hardened "ith:n ber. u.:o • Monlcll!m. , .. • . M ' .. , 11C(lIlrh' •• llbl. "mel in.'" to her lind tllkilw hersm"n hAlld with. A dtuu'-nrd'I 'wi", I Qh I \, IUI ~ aorrow. • Oh ! do j'ou lbink 10 l ' C'lln t 'l'lle In\'altd W3J Itlll Sitting uJi lR her . f!. FAIR AN. 1I~11l',P.brIlU),u,liH .• 11. FAun LA.NP" IIna ""Lit. & Ii " O' d 81 k DI 4lD

~ t. i'hU I 1 iii I 11 in her OWA; 'H'KOW dew yew (eel thil IIlce .... Iull nti '4iry, do tbuee word. con"ey I An bo exclaimcd, clasping bis tbin band .. to· chaIr, and as tl~e th~cu enl~red .I~e, te~d ! r-.:ft~,TsI;II~;"C:b.:I'~ b:De'bhllll~ ",t..1 ~CIJII ' ''' .o3lBT'''''O "aw. 'rIU~;~i.;·~~~,~llh:Y!'d."","I~'h~.I:'a:d~~ morllill" idof upon wLlcb. woman bll. IIL.ced getber. ' Ob! pDy for me! pr"y that I the lad'dening intelligence lrom tll~l r !or· ~wl~II:IIm.~~:I~~ .~::a~~:~ oObt ~;lll n l '" InlUhI !,I[:f:II'!f~N~;ftr.!.1r~~;.:6~~iw~ :t1~~~!1:,,~ItUI.tltlbttJlkllt. 8oI •• d"I1I"III.1I1 • Oh! 1 fd'!ho much better tb.t t ~gio beart. bnt affection_.to M thulCAst m:ly bo l:l .. ed !' look". \I"llu., " 1,, 1\ H.I~61
