Systemic organizational constellations and risk riskope seminars


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A new type of seminars where a facilitator of systemic oranizational constellations and risk manager experts will guide your Team towards new goals, success. You Team will develop new awareness, new energies and your organization will prosper thanks to this approach that aims at solving internal blocks and reluctance to embrace proper risk prioritization techniques.

Transcript of Systemic organizational constellations and risk riskope seminars

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Riskope International SA Vancouver Office [email protected]

[email protected]

+1-604-341 4485

Systemic Organizational Constellations (SOC)Strengthen Your Organization/Project

From Within As a man/woman of great experience you know from history, compelling studies (Harvard School of Business, etc.) and recent events (stock market, financial crashes, BP pollution, various political debacles) that lack of preparation in terms of risk and crisis management can lead to critical, sometimes intolerable situations. Those events and studies have also shown that prepared organizations survive more successfully and maintain leadership and control(See if you want to know more on this subject).

Being prepared means having a clear(er) idea of your risk priorities, having in place the right impact prevention and reduction plans. Prioritization based on sound scientific basis and the resulting robust planning costs a fraction of the insurance premiums you pay year after year without blinking an eye, and certainly less than biased, intuitive prioritizations, based on approximate concepts, that we encounter by clients entrusting their future in commercial software, or following advice from obsolete “specialists”. (See if you want to know more on this subject)

Riskope's courses, books, blog, consulting and other available resources bring to you and to your organization/project scientifically sound risk prioritization and thereby strengthen your organization/project from within.

However, the path to rational, prioritized risk and crisis management is often complicated, precisely “from within”, by systemic obstacles, by somewhat erroneous perceptions of the complexity of the endeavor, or any of the recognized biases (19 social, 8 memory, 42 decisions making and 36 probability/belief).(See if you wanbt to know more on this subject, but please note that there are many more sources of “obstacles/blocks from within”!)

For these reasons Riskope has teamed up with an international expert in the systemic organizations' approach and is pleased to introduce you to Gilles Placet. Together, we can now offer a course designed to make you and your organization/project reach new highs toward organizing a serene, well-balanced, sustainable and profitable future.

Your team will be able to simultaneously acquire the basis for a rational and scientific approach to risk prioritization and management, while becoming aware of any systemic obstacles that would render implementation difficult, how to solve them, develop new dynamics within the organization . (See

© Oboni Riskope Associates Inc. 2012

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jobs-we-notice-a-number-of-pitfalls-in-risk-management-approaches/ if you want to see some examples of common pitfalls that could be mitigated by following our courses).The approach by Systemic Organizational Constellations (SOC) is a practical tool for analyzing and checking your organization/project systems. Avatar based stagings/simulations of “difficult” situations are used to bring out the dynamics, strengths, resistances and interactions within your organization/project system with the objective of developing long lasting, durable solutions. SOCs begin with the staging/simulation of various parameters and players in the system/constellation and the definition of the objective(s) by the participants(s). For example: "how can we ensure support for the initiative to prioritize risks within our company? " and develops in accordance to the points below:

1. Clarification of the situation: with the facilitator help, the participants clarify what are the elements involved in the objective, purpose of the project, key stakeholders, officers, principals .2. Setting the situation and purpose constellation: the staging of the key stakeholders, using volunteering participants/representatives can expose the situation's dynamics, barriers, opportunities and resources .3. Solutions Research: with the help of the facilitator/consultant adapted solutions emerge, by altering the simulated system, by aligning values, goals, etc... Good solutions become indeed evident as they bring, force, energy, vitality in the system. The participants can change their views and furthermore find the best solutions for their purpose.

Practical benefits of SOC are:• Understanding what reinforces vs. weakens the organization/project.• Fulfillment of participants' inner needs. • Developing solutions and ways towards solutions.• Confronting different orientations, analyzing impacts.• Creating a new and powerful team cohesion within your organization/project.

SOCs are a diagnostic tool that enables companies and their executives to create and change by:• Discovering and analyzing organizational obstacles and resources. • Make the organization more incisive. • Working on conflicts and behaviors impacting the system. • Helping in decision making.• Setting up winning strategies.• Finding and treating interference sources to regain momentum needed for the

achievement of corporate goals, to support those changes that are dynamic and vital in any business system/project.

Riskope's SOCs courses are delivered world-wide as three days seminars/workshops as follows:

Day 1) Risks' perception, prioritization, tolerability and discussions' simulations using various avatars, «character cards» impersonating various typical organizational and corporate behaviors.

Day 2) More prioritization exercises and simulations performed on real case studies, scenarios.

Day 3) Systemic Constellations (SOCs) of real situations/issues brought to the seminar/workshop by the participants, with volunteering participants and representatives selected within the group.

© Oboni Riskope Associates Inc. 2012

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Participants: SOCs require a critical mass of participants/representatives to optimize results. Ideally volunteering representatives should not be directly related to participants' matters under discussions, and it would be even better if they are not informed of the issues surrounding those matters. So, if a participant per «department» or operation, group of interest, etc. is present it could be envisioned that representatives (which might be selected at random for each constellation) might come from those departments, but not be engaged in the issue(s), or come from other departments. For example, if the SOC has to facilitate the resolution of various departments' reluctance to buy in the idea of scientific and robust risk prioritization, it would be good to have one participant per department, and representatives to act as management, departments' heads and key stakeholders, etc...

As SOCs create strong cohesion and sense of purpose within the system, all participants, representatives and therefore the organization as a whole, will benefit form their participation.

SOC Facilitator, Systemic Approaches Specialist, Gilles Placet:Gilles Placet, born in 1955 in southern France, major in communication at CAREL in Royan, began a corporate career in a group specializing in the safety of goods and people, followed by an American reprographics company where he became sales manager in 1991. Because of health problems he decided to go back to school in humanities, and after Freudian Institute psychoanalysis studies, he took hypnosis and NLP European and North American certified courses, as well as additional studies in psychobiology and cognitive sciences.

Gilles works and gives lecture, conducts systemic constellations in the context of family and business systems. He has more than a decade of specific experience with organizations, large employers/institutions, the Center for Young Business Leaders, the Business Forum of Nice, and has conducted courses of systemic organizational constellations for SMEs and professionals.After completing further training at the Institute Hellinger in France, he created a curriculum for teaching Systemic Constellations and taught in France, Italy and Canada, where he trained professional practitioners in these techniques.

Gilles is the author of a book edited in French and Italian languages (Le courage de s'aimer , Éditions Si).

Risk Prioritization, Tolerability and Risk and Crisis Management specialists: Riskope International, Franco Oboni, César Oboni:Riskope has been active for over twenty years in corporate risks and crises consulting, education, coaching, with "in house" courses and/or public venues seminars (Europe, North and South America, Australia, SE Asia, Japan and China). Nowadays, these activities are also performed via on-line and web-casts.

The standard text book is “Improving Sustainability through Reasonable Risk and Crisis Management (2007, C. & F. Oboni, ISBN 978-0-9784462-0-8).

Riskope's concepts and methodologies have been used to date at large and prestigious companies in the world, UNDP, etc.. in various areas of risks pertaining to transportation/logistics, go/no-go decisions, alternative transport systems, humanitarian demining, operational risks, risks associated with information warfare and many others. Among the innovations proposed by Riskope: defining and using objective tolerability criteria, using risk as discriminant in making decisions between alternatives (RBDM), using modern metrics for assessing projects' cost and performance (CDA / ESM ) in replacement of NPV, but also introducing risk analysis at pre-feasibility level of project, transforming Risk Assessments forecasting and planning tool for project management.


Cohen, Dan Booth (2005), “Begin with the work: Constellations in large group systems.”, in E.J. Lynch & S. Tucker, Messengers of healing: The family constellations of Bert Hellinger through the eyes of a new generation of practitioners., Phoenix: Zeig, Tucker & Theisen.

Payne, John L. (2005), “The Healing of Individuals, Families, and Nations: Trans-generational healing & family constellations”, Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Press.

© Oboni Riskope Associates Inc. 2012