System codes improvements for modelling passive safety ...

Sebastian Buchholz, Daniel von der Cron, Andreas Schaffrath System codes improvements for modelling passive safety systems and their validation

Transcript of System codes improvements for modelling passive safety ...

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Sebastian Buchholz, Daniel von der Cron, Andreas Schaffrath

System codes improvements for modelling passive safety systems and their validation

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Motivation – Current Situation in Germany

– Challenges

Passive Safety Systems KERENA

EC Simulations – NOKO


Current Projects, Future Tasks


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Motivation – Current Situation in Germany (1)

After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the German Federal government decided to terminate the use of nuclear energy latest by 2022

8 NPP were permanently shut down in March 2011

9 NPP (7 PWR, 2 BWR) continued operation

Permission for plant operation expires as follows:

– 2015: Grafenrheinfeld (PWR) (currently shut down)

– 2017: Gundremmingen B (BWR)

– 2019: Philipsburg 2 (PWR)

– 2021: Brokdorf, Grohnde (both PWR) Gundremmingen C (BWR)

– 2022: Emsland, Isar 2, Neckarwestheim (all three PWR)

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Motivation – Current Situation in Germany (2)

Why does Germany / GRS continue with reactor safety research in general? Why does GRS continue with the ATHLET code development in particular? The German legislation demands a precaution against damage according to the

current state of science and technology (S&T) for NPP approval and operation.

– Current: The state of science and technology is continuously developing – S&T: Advanced methods, equipment and operating modes which leading experts

(such as the German Reactor Safety Commission (RSK)) expect to be required In this connection economic considerations play no role

Common understanding is that in the remaining operating time of the German NPP (until 2022) the high safety standard shall be maintained and further improved.

The GRS codes (such as ATHLET or COCOSYS) are applied in both, the nuclear licensing and supervisory procedures. Therefore, these codes must represent the current state of science and technology.

In addition the German ministries request that GRS will be able to assess current NPP concepts and new builds abroad.

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Motivation – Challenges (1)

Features of new reactor designs

GRS reviews continuously these new builds and the reactor concepts

Most of them are innovative designs with new safety features (such as passive safety systems)

– Gen. III+: The safety concept is solely based on passive safety systems

– SMR: Concepts with an infinite decay heat removal without any need for electricity or external input Integral designs Safety concepts based on exclusion of accidents Compact components (heat exchangers with a high heat flux density)

– Gen IV: New coolants (gas, liquid metal, molten salt), fast neutron spectra

New operation modes (load-following operation, longer fuel cycles, higher burn up)

GRS tools shall be extended in such a way, that they can be applied for safety analyses for these innovative designs

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Motivation – Challenges (2)

What are the challenges for system codes for simulation of passive safety systems?

Active safety systems operate under forced convection conditions with defined operating points (such as nominal flow rates), which are achieved immediately after switching on the pumps

Passive safety systems utilize basic physical laws (such as gravity, free convection, boiling, evaporation) and operate under conditions, which set on its own, the driving forces and the (heat transfer) capacity change continuously

For code validation & qualification we need:

– component tests, important for understanding of operational behaviour of passive safety systems

– integral tests to take interactions between different passive systems into account

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Passive Safety Systems KERENA

KERENA Passive Core and Containment Cooling System

Emergency Condenser (EC)

Containment Cooling Condenser

Flooding Pool

Core Flooding Lines

Overflow Pipes

Passive Pressure Pulse Transmitter

Adapted from: AREVA Technical Brochure KERENA The 1250 MWe Boiling Water Reactor September 2010

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EC Simulations

Most important processes:

– Condensation heat transfer inside tubes (depending on local flow pattern)

– Convective boiling heat transfer at the outside of the tube bundle

– Free convection in water pool

Low operational pressure

Source: AREVA NP

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EC Simulations – NOKO (1)

NOKO Test Facility

Notkondensator (NOKO)

Single component test rig, originally sized pipes with same material like in the NPP

Max. power of electrical heater for steam supply: 4 MW

Experiments carried out under quasistationary conditions

Nodalization scheme in ATHLET (condenser vessel only schematic)

Pressure vessel Condenser tube bundle

Condenser vessel (heat sink)

Steam supply

Condensate drainage

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EC Simulations – NOKO (2)

Objective of the experiments: Determination of the condenser power dependent on the following parameters:

– Primary side pressure

– Secondary side pressure

– Secondary side temperature

– Liquid level in pressure vessel

– Liquid level in condenser vessel










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EC Simulations – NOKO (3)


P EC [



(TSat,prim - TSat,sec) [K]


Tsat,prim - Tsat,sec

PEC (~ Tsat,prim - Tsat,sec)

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EC Simulations – NOKO (4)


P EC [



(TSat,prim - TSat,sec) [K]



Tsat,prim - Tsat,sec

PEC (~ Tsat,prim - Tsat,sec)

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EC Simulations – NOKO (5)

Model Adaptations

ATHLET 3.0A underestimates the transferred heat approximately by the factor 2 Need for new/improved heat transfer models

Implemented changes to the code: – Secondary side (subcooled/saturated nucleate boiling):

Suppression factor in Chen-equation for convective boiling has been set to 1.0 for flow outside of horizontal tubes

Thom-equation for estimation of Δ𝑇 = 𝑇𝑊𝑎𝑙𝑙 − 𝑇𝑆𝑎𝑡 has been replaced by the current

temperature difference of the last time step

– Primary side (condensation in horizontal pipes):

Model of Dobson & Chato (based on flow patterns)

ℎ𝑡𝑐𝐶𝐵 = 𝑆 ⋅ ℎ𝑡𝑐𝑃𝐵 + 𝐹 ⋅ ℎ𝑡𝑐𝐹𝐶

Convective boiling Pool boiling Forced convection

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EC Simulations – NOKO (6)


P EC [



(TSat,prim - TSat,sec) [K]



modifizierter ATHLETATHLET 3.0B

Tsat,prim - Tsat,sec

PEC (~ Tsat,prim - Tsat,sec)

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EC Simulations – NOKO (7)


Revision of models is reasonable and backed by empirical observations

Calculated EC power considerably closer to experimental results than before

At higher primary pressures apparently increasing deviations from the experimental data

Thermal conductivity of the condenser pipe material not exactly known (main heat flow resistance: approximately 40% - 70% of total resistance)

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EC Simulations – INKA NOKO (1)


Integral Test Stand Karlstein (Integral test facility Karlstein)

Drescher et al.: Passive BWR Integral LOCA Testing at the Karlstein Test Facility INKA. atw Vol. 59 (2014)

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EC Simulations – INKA NOKO (2)


1:1 height scaling, 1:24 volume scaling

1:4 component scaling

22 MW Benson boiler for steam production (less than EC power)

No true steady state experiments at high pressures

GRS simulated 5 experiments

– 3 stationary cases with different

water levels

primary pressures and temperatures

– 2 transient cases with different

primary pressure decreases

secondary temperatures (subcooled and saturated)

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EC Simulations – INKA NOKO (3)

ATHLET Modelling Leyer, Wich: The Integral Test Facility Karlstein. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Volume 2012, Article ID 439374. 2012

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EC Simulations – INKA NOKO (4)

Used ATHLET Versions


– Suppression factor outside horizontal bundles = 1

– Substitution of Thom equation for ΔT calculation

– HTC for condensation in horizontal tubes

ATHLET 3.0B mod 1

– In addition to that: �̇� used instead of 𝑥ℎ

ATHLET 3.0B mod 2

– In addition to that: ESDU correlation


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EC Simulations – INKA NOKO (5)

Code modifications ATHLET 3.0B 3.0B mod 1

In ATHLET, 𝑥ℎ = ℎ −ℎ′

𝑟 is frequently used instead of 𝑥𝑚 = 𝑚𝐷

𝑚𝑔𝑔𝑔 or �̇� = �̇�𝐷


– Error when not in thermal equilibrium

– Error when steam and water have different flow velocities (relevant e.g. for heat transfer correlations)

Therefore modification: Usage of

Has an effect on:

– Reynolds number 𝑅𝑅 = 𝑓 �̇� Dittus-Boelter correlation ℎ𝑡𝑐𝐹𝐶 in Chen equation

– Lockhart-Martinelli-Parameter Factors 𝑆 and 𝐹 in Chen equation

�̇� = �̇�𝐷�̇�𝑔𝑔𝑔

instead of 𝑥ℎ = ℎ −ℎ′


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EC Simulations – INKA NOKO (6)

Code modifications ATHLET 3.0B mod 1 3.0B mod 2

Usage of ESDU (Engineering Science Data Unit) correlation for tube bundles in cross flow instead of Dittus-Boelter correlation for convective heat transfer and thus for ℎ𝑡𝑐𝐹𝐶 in Chen equation

Increased heat transfer coefficient at the outside of the emergency condenser

RELAP5-3D uses ESDU correlation for the calculation of heat transfer in horizontal bundles in crossflow

HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) applied ESDU correlation in own INKA simulations

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0 100 200 300 400 500 600


er (M


Time (s)

NOKO Power



ATHLET3.0B mod 1

ATHLET3.0B mod 2


EC Simulations – INKA NOKO (7)

Valve opening

Results pprim = 85 bar (300°C) 20 bar (212°C); psec= 1 bar (30°C)

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EC Simulations – INKA NOKO (8)


Further modifications (usage of �̇� instead of 𝑥ℎ, ESDU correlation) give rise to minor improvements They will not be included in ATHLET for code-internal reasons

However, results are not yet satisfying Need for further development

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Current Projects, Future Tasks (1)

German Research Project EASY (since March 2015):

– Integral experimental and analytical investigations regarding the controllability of design accidents with passive systems

– Simulation of integral tests regarding leakages and transients

– Mainly INKA experiments are used for ATHLET validation

– Components considered:

Containment Cooling Condenser

Passive Pressure Pulse Transmitter

Vent-Pipe and Overflow-Pipe


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Current Projects, Future Tasks (2)

German Research Project PANAS (since July 2015):

– Passive Nachzerfallswärme-Abfuhrsysteme (Passive decay heat removal systems)

– Focus on heat transfer processes in passive residual heat removal systems

– Various experiments with high time/spatial resolution (GENEVA, TOPFLOW,…)

– Development and validation of evaporation/condensation models for ATHLET

– Components considered:

Emergency Condenser

Containment Cooling Condenser

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Current Projects, Future Tasks (3)

EU Research Project NuSMoR – Preparation of consortium on first safety assessment of European reference SMR

design for proposal participating in next EURATOM work programme

– About 20 partners from 8 European countries, coordinated by GRS as TSO and including all leading European nuclear stakeholders

– International industrial advisory board

– Topics:

(Pre-normative) research on passive safety and their experimental validation

Code improvement, validation and benchmarking

Harmonisation of (European) codes and standards

Evaluation of the results with view to integration into European NPP sector

– This project will

develop an advanced safety concept with (infinite/long) decay heat removal without any need for electricity of external input and

address and solve currently open regulatory issues of supervisory procedures by early involvement of regulators and TSO

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Although Germany terminates the use of nuclear energy it will continue to per- form reactor safety research

– National approach: to maintain and ensure the high safety standard for the remaining operation time

– International approach: assess current NPP concepts and new builds abroad

GRS nuclear simulation chain will be further improved and validated

Important topics are innovative reactor concepts with passive safety systems

Examples of model development were presented

GRS tries to establish a further research project on this topic for SMR on a EU level

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The work shown in this presentation and the corresponding paper was sponsored

by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the

projects RS1507 and RS1519.

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