Symposium on Parent Engagement - Session 2 "Using Real-Time Communications to Reach Parents"

Symposium on parent engagement: Using real-time communications to reach parents Bernie Rhinerson, former Chief of Staff: San Diego Unified School District


Find out why it’s critical to implement a mobile strategy in your district today, and how to use social media and other real-time communication tools to optimize your community outreach efforts. Speaker: Bernie Rhinerson - Former Chief of Staff, San Diego Unified School District

Transcript of Symposium on Parent Engagement - Session 2 "Using Real-Time Communications to Reach Parents"

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Symposium on parent engagement:

Using real-time communications to reach parentsBernie Rhinerson,

former Chief of Staff: San Diego Unified School District

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Websites Alone Are NOT Enough!

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School Information Needs to Go Mobile!

63% of adult cell owners now use their phones to go online, a figure that has doubled since 2009

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Mobile Device Communications

91% of American adults own a cell phone and many use the devices for much more than phone calls

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Going Mobile At San Diego Unified



• Website updated to adapt to smartphonescreens– Responsive Web Design

• Join the App world– The SD Unified App is in iPhone and

Android app stores for free

• Marketing the Mobile App

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Responsive Web Design for Mobile

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San Diego Unified - Mobile App

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News to the App with Website Integration

Website news links feed directly to Mobile App

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San Diego Unified –Mobile App Adoption

• Steady pace of downloads

• 2,847 – iPhone

• 836 – Android

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Mobile App Steps 1, 2, 3

• STEP #1 - Find the right Mobile App– Search the App stores– Look at other schools’ apps– Consider the Schoolwires Mobile Solutions

• Step # 2 – Integrate the App with your website– At San Diego Unified School District, we integrated the mobile app with

the district website on the Centricity 2 platform– This integration brought all of the real-time information from the website

to the mobile app• district calendar• contact information for staff• school directory with map feature• constant feed of district news that is continually updated

• Step # 3 - Launch & market your Mobile App– iTunes and Google Play app stores

• With a responsively designed website, your app will be promoted on smartphones

– Make it free and market the launch!

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Mobile App Marketing: Key to Adoption Success

• Marketing Challenge - User Attention Span and App Competition– On-Going Marketing Is A Must to Break Through and Increase Adoption

• Marketing Tips:– Parent meetings

• Educate your school principals to promote the app• Enlist some early parent fans to speak up at meetings about why they like the

app– Counter cards at schools

• Design a card to place on school counters and hand out at meetings• An eye catching card can provide easy-to-follow instructions for downloading

– Social media• Set up a Facebook Fan Page for your mobile app and promote it • Set up a contest to promote Likes on the page• Use your Twitter feed to promote the launch and post frequent updates

– Promo video• Make your own promo video and post it on your Web page and share it on

You Tube • Play it at parent meetings to start the conversation about the many uses for

your app– Email marketing

• Your launch email is just a start. Follow up with a series of emails that highlight different features of your app.

– Staff meetings• Don’t forget your district staff

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Social Media Communications Keeping it Fresh!

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Social Media Challenge: Constant Information Flow

• Social Media requires engagement

• Engagement requires constant feeding

• Constant feeding requires news

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Constant News Content

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District eNewsletter: Friday Notes

• Weekly eNewsletter

• 69,000 emails

– Parents

– Staff

– Community

• Advertising Supported

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News Fed To All School Websites

• Content Management System (CMS)

• New stories to district news via the Headlines & Features app

• News headlines appear on school homepages

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Scheduling Headlines

Each Headline is given a date and time to appear on the website

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Specific Web Page Feeds

• Headline feeds to specific pages

• With Tags and separate RSS feed

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San Diego Unified - Social Media

• Fed daily for best results

• Twitter


• Facebook


– Weekly reach 3,444

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Metrics: How Is It Working?

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Facebook Metrics Page

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Concluding Comments

• Going Mobile is a MUST for school-to-home communications

• Mobile transforms school communications

– Increased Parent Engagement

– Increased Community Engagement

– Increased Public Support for Education

• Social Media delivers information and engages parents

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