Switching to organic fruits and vegetables is a smarter choice for your family.


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Page 1: Switching to organic fruits and vegetables is a smarter choice for your family.

Switching to organic fruits and vegetables is a smarter

choice for your family.

In, today’s era every individual wishes for a healthier and a fit life. And

making a commitment to healthy eating habits is the best possible way to

achieve it. So, in the last few years, the sales of organic fruits and vegetables

in India have increased rapidly because organic products are free from

cancer or other disease causing pesticides and chemicals.

What is organic fruits and vegetable?

Now, before going into the benefits of organic vegetable, it is very important

to know what an organic product is?. The term “organic” in farming refers to

the method or the way in which a particular product is grown and processed

for the consumers to consume it. Some specific requirement have to be met

in order to label a product as organic which includes- crops should be grown

in a safe soil, no use of synthetic pesticide, no use of petroleum based

fertilizers & no use of gmo’s, etc.

Benefits Of Organic Vegetables-

The health benefits of organic vegetables are more based on the perception

of the people and there is a small amount of scientific evidence to prove it


Organic vegetable taste better- Many people strongly feel that organic

products taste better in comparison to non organic products. From number of

global studies done with organic vegetable it is evident that people choose

organic food over food tainted by pesticides and chemicals

Safe for the environment- As organic vegetable production does not use

harmful chemicals that cause air and water pollution. So, organic farming

makes a healthier world for our future generation to live in.

Page 2: Switching to organic fruits and vegetables is a smarter choice for your family.

High standard- Organic vegetables have to pass through a number of

quality checks to be called an organic food.

Rich nutrient content- Organically grown vegetables have more nutrients

:vitamin, enzymes, minerals and micronutrients in respect to non organically

grown vegetables.

Higher Antioxidant Value- Antioxidants are important nutrient commonly

found in vegetables, have numerous health benefits, and even prevents

cancer. Some scientific researches say that organic food has more

antioxidant compared to commercial commodities

It’s true that organic goods are expensive than non organic ones. But

opting for organic vegetables is a smarter choice for you and your

family. So, find a store near your locality, that sells organic fruits and

vegetables at Yoo shopper, an established hyper local market based in
