Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 ·...

Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de Reporte del Distrito Informe del Año 2011-2012

Transcript of Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 ·...

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Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno


2012-2013 Libreta de Reporte del

Distrito Informe del Año 2011-2012


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Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno

Oficina de Currículo e Instrucción

Paul E. Grube

Superintendente de Escuelas

Dr. Ronald W. Kalicki Director de Currículo e


Gayle Kendall Coordinadora de Título

III & Subvenciones Federales

Suzanne Martin Coordinadora de Título I

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Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno Junta Directiva






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Escuela Octube 1, 2010 Octubre 1, 2011 Octubre 1, 2012

Desert Elementary (K-6) 58 51 31

Desert View Elementary (K-4) 328 337 419

Farson/Eden Elementary (K-5) 72 73 57

Northpark Elementary (K-4) 318 334 324

Overland Elementary (K-4) 313 315 325

Sage Elementary (K-4) 384 442 464

Walnut Elementary (K-4) 330 339 344

Westridge Elementary (K-4) 424 449 448

Lincoln Elementary (5-6) 227 211 259 Pilot Butte Elementary (5-6) (previously White Mountain Elementary)

558 535 566

Desert Middle School (7-8) 12 19 16

Farson/Eden Middle School (6-8) 43 33 35 Rock Springs Junior High (7-8) (previously East Junior High)

764 783 790

Farson/Eden High School (9-12) 55 59 47

Independence High School (10-12) 47 38 58

Rock Springs High School (9-12) 1227 1271 1324

Total 5160 5289 5507

Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Numero Uno

Registro Histórico de Matriculas

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Iniciativas de Mejoramiento Escolar


El proceso de mejoramiento escolar del Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno sigue el modelo de acreditación AdvancED apoyado por el estado. Este modelo de mejoramiento escolar empieza con el análisis de la información del desempeño del estudiante y las necesidades de la escuela/ comunidad en el primer año, desarrollo de planes de acción para el mejoramiento en el segundo año e implementación de planes para el mejoramiento en el tercer, cuarto y quinto año. Cada escuela debe estar en capacidad de demostrar mejoramiento durante los años del proceso para ser acreditado por el estado. Las catorce escuelas están trabajando en colaboración con el distrito para mejorar el desempeño de los estudiantes. Cada uno de nuestras escuelas ha formado un activo Equipo de Mejoramiento Escolar conformado por profesores de salón de clase, personal de apoyo, administradores y en algunas instancias representación de los padres. Cada Equipo de Mejoramiento Escolar, el cual participara también en el Comité Directivo de AdvancED, es presidido por un miembro de personal no administrativo con el fin de fomentar el liderazgo, participación y compromiso de los profesores. Representantes de todos los once Equipos de Mejoramiento Escolar se reúnen para trabajar juntos en las fases del mejoramiento escolar AdvancED. Estas actividades incluyen una visión general del cambio de investigación, introducción al proceso AdvancED, análisis de datos (información) del distrito y escuelas, perfil del edificio, establecimiento de objetivos del distrito y edificios responsables de los planes de acción con un desarrollo profesional sistemático. Aunque estas son metas ambiciosas, ellos proveerán una estructura centrada, continuando con actividades efectivas de mejoramiento escolar en el Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno. Entre las fechas de las reuniones generales, los Equipos de Mejoramiento Escolar local se reunirán regularmente para analizar información escolar, actualizar el perfil de cada escuela, administrar y analizar el Instrumento de Capacidad Escolar y determinar intervenciones únicas para los estudiantes consistentes con los objetivos de mejoramiento del distrito. El Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno ha identificado dos objetivos para todos los estudiantes. Estos son:

1. Que todos los estudiantes mejorarán en comprensión de lectura; y 2. Que todos los estudiantes mejorarán sus habilidades en solución de problemas.

Estos objetivos aplican a todos los estudiantes, en todas las áreas de estudio y en todos los niveles de grado.  

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SCSD#1 Iniciativas

Funcionar como Comunidades

de Aprendizaje Profesional.

Diseño de áreas curriculares


Implementación de instrucción

sistemática de la escritura.

Implementar estrategias de

pensamiento y evaluación para el aprendizaje.

Implementación de PBIS

entrenamiento en habilidades

sociales e intervenciones

académicas. Implementar programas de

educación vocacional


Proporcionar intervenciones

de comportamiento y académicas en

la Pirámide escolar basada

en Intervenciones.

Desarrollar apoyo

académico para los estudiantes

del idioma inglés.

Adoptar evaluaciones

adicionales de comprensión de

lectura y solución de problemas.

Utilizar un esquema

alternativo para proveer

colaboración sistémica, a

nivel de escuela y grado.

Establecer desarrollo

profesional a nivel de todo el


Adoptar planes de mejoramiento escolar alineados con los planes de

mejoramiento del distrito que respondan a las

necesidades escolares

Además, el Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno ha establecido tres objetivos INTELIGENTES para guiar el proceso de mejoramiento:

1. Un 15% adicional del total de los estudiantes serán competentes o avanzados en lectura en el PAWS de los próximos dos años.

2. Cada subgrupo tendrá un porcentaje adicional del 20% de estudiantes competentes o avanzados en los dos próximos años.

3. La tasa de graduación incrementará en un 6% por año para los dos próximos años.

Para lograr estos objetivos, el Equipo de Mejoramiento Escolar AdvancED ha desarrollado planes unificados para el distrito y las escuelas. Estos planes de acción concentran recursos y actividades en doce iniciativas, las cuales llevaran a todos los estudiantes a un desempeño académico más alto en los objetivos INTELIGENTES e iniciativas del distrito. Estos planes continuarán implementándose todos los años escolares. Para implementar los planes, los equipos de nivel de grado de primaria y los equipos de áreas de contenido de secundaria están invirtiendo tiempo para trabajar colaborativamente en pro de un mejor rendimiento académico del estudiante. .

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Programa de Título III (ELL)

El mandato Federal y Estatal definido en el Título III de la Ley de No Niño Dejado Atrás, expresa claramente que el distrito escolar debe proveer educación para los Estudiantes de Idioma Inglés (ELL). El propósito de esta ley es asegurar que los niños que tienen habilidad/conocimiento limitado del Idioma Inglés, obtengan la competencia del inglés, desarrollen altos niveles de realización académica en inglés y cumplan con los contenidos académicos del Estado y los logros académicos estándares de los estudiantes. El Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno ha establecido un programa estructurado K – 12 para cumplir no solamente con el mandato de esta ley, sino también, lo más importante satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes.

Actualmente hay más de 300 Estudiantes identificados de Idioma Inglés que están recibiendo el apoyo del programa de Título III en el Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno. Inicialmente estos estudiantes son identificados a través de la información suministrada por el padre en la Encuesta de Identificación del Idioma de Origen (Home Language Survey) al momento de la matricula. Cuando la encuesta HLS indica que en la casa se habla otro idioma diferente al inglés, al distrito le es requerido por ley evaluar al estudiante individualmente usando la Prueba de Ubicación WIDA-ACCESS (W-APT). Si el estudiante obtiene un puntaje que lo ubica en los niveles 1 – 4 de la prueba W-APT, entonces el estudiante califica para recibir los servicios directos de Título III (ELL). Luego se contacta a los padres del estudiante que califica para los servicios directos de ELL, se revisan los resultados y se determina la aprobación o rechazo de los servicios. Los padres tienen el derecho legal de aceptar o rehusar matricular a sus estudiantes en el programa, solicitar en cualquier momento que sus estudiantes sean excluidos del programa o elegir otro programa o método de instrucción si hay disponibilidad de éste.

La implementación de este programa ha incluido la contratación adicional de personal certificado y clasificado, instituir material curricular apropiado K – 12, proveer desarrollo profesional para el personal del distrito y administradores y facilitar la participación de los padres. Las políticas contenidas en los Manuales del Estudiante / Padre de todos los niveles escolares han sido traducidas al español (puesto que la participación de estudiantes de este idioma es la más alta), con el fin de facilitar el entendimiento de los padres relacionado con los procedimientos del Distrito. Un idioma de origen, diferente al español, es apoyado mediante conferencia personal con traductor del idioma natal para propósitos de interpretación. Para ayuda en español, los padres pueden comunicarse con Gloria Luzmoor al (307) 352-3420 o 352-3400, Ext. 1257 o Mónica Anderson al (307) 352-3400, Ext. 1221.      

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Cada año el Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno recibe financiación federal para patrocinar una variedad de programas y proyectos, incluyendo desarrollo profesional, innovación tecnológica, mantenimiento de las escuelas seguras y libres de drogas y conexiones de educación vocacional. En los últimos años, esta financiación ha apoyado la expansión del distrito en su programa de Estudiantes de Idioma Inglés, investigaciones de salón de clase sobre cómo la integración de la tecnología mejora el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, y desarrollo profesional para mejorar la comprensión de lectura y habilidades en la solución de problemas. Todos los años el distrito busca miembros de la comunidad, incluyendo estudiantes y padres, para participar en los comités de revisión de planes de subsidio. Para informarse acerca de la participación en este proceso de planificación o para acceder a la información y contribuir con sugerencias para el uso del subsidio financiero, comuníquese con la Oficina de Currículo e Instrucción al 307- 352-3400.

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El año escolar 12-13 trae avances emocionantes para la seguridad y automatización a nuestro Distrito Escolar. A partir del verano pasado, introdujimos el producto Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine). ISE es esencialmente nuestro buldog/bedel que cuida de nuestra red y garantiza que solamente los usuarios autorizados accedan a la red y a los sistemas críticos. Con ISE, hemos sido capaces de poner en marcha el programa de BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) (Traiga su propio dispositivo) en el RSHS. A los estudiantes se les ha invitado para que traigan sus dispositivos móviles o computadores a la escuela y usarlos para sus necesidades educativas.

Nuestro enfoque en la automatización también ha traído consigo los siguientes sistemas y capacidades en el Distrito:

• AppliTrack – Nuestro nuevo sistema en línea de solicitud de empleo se desplego en febrero del 2012. Este sistema ha agilizado nuestro proceso de solicitud y proporcionado una mayor flexibilidad en el manejo de las 1000 o más solicitudes que recibimos anualmente.

• Deploy Studio – Nuestro nuevo sistema de imágenes le ha proporcionado al personal de IT la habilidad de masificar las imágenes de los equipos en una fracción del tiempo del que solía tomar.

• FileWave – Atrás han quedado los días de instalación de piezas individuales de software. Lo instalamos una vez, se construye lo que se conoce como conjunto de archivos y luego se asocian ese conjunto de archivos a los equipos que necesitan software específico. Fácil de implementar y fácil de controlar. Este sistema es muy eficiente haciendo cambios masivos para instalación de software.

• Uniflow – Introducido en el año escolar 11-12. Recientemente completamos una importante actualización para implementar AirPrint en todas nuestras redes inalámbricas.

• Textbook Tracker – Control y manejo de todo el inventario para la asignación y registro de salida de más de 400,000 libros de texto.

Los dispositivos móviles de computación serán un enfoque continuo para el año escolar 12 – 13. El Distrito ha comprado 700 iPads adicionales. Quinientos veinte de estos iPads se localizaran en el RSJH para apoyar sus iniciativas de mejoramiento escolar. Estamos trabajando hacia la meta de que los dispositivos móviles sean la principal herramienta para los estudiantes. El director de Tecnología piensa que los dispositivos tipo iPad


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eventualmente se convertirán en la herramienta computacional más usada en nuestras escuelas. Estos dispositivos eventualmente albergarán libros de textos, trabajo diario, tareas y aplicaciones necesarias para avanzar en nuestro entorno de aprendizaje del siglo 21.

Los proyectos adicionales del año escolar 12-13 incluirán:

• Cloud Computing – migración hacia la solución cloud permitiéndonos retirar nuestra base instalada de productos Microsoft Office.

• My Big Campus – Continuar con el uso e integración de nuestra plataforma de redes sociales para la educación.

• Voice System Upgrades – despliegue adicional del sistema de voz como también actualización de nuestra plataforma Cisco Unity.

• Health Office – Actualización de nuestro sistema de Oficina de Salud a una base de red, lo que permite a las enfermeras y personal escolar el acceso rápido y preciso a los registros de salud necesarios.

• Cisco Networking Upgrades – continuar nuestro programa de rotación de hardware para mantener nuestra red y sistema en óptimas condiciones de trabajo.

Nosotros exhortamos a todos los padres a que estén en contacto con el progreso educativo de sus hijos utilizando el PowerSchool para verificar la asistencia, calificaciones y balances del almuerzo. Los estudiantes también pueden acceder al PowerSchool para mantenerse al día de su progreso académico. Para acceder al PowerSchool, por favor visite http://ps2.sw1.k12.wy.us/public. Si usted no está seguro de su nombre de usuario o contraseña de PowerSchool, por favor comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo(a) y ellos le otorgarán la información necesaria.

Además del PowerSchool, usted puede obtener información sobre el distrito y la escuela de su estudiante visitando nuestra página principal en– http://www.sweetwater1.org. Nuestra página principal le proporciona información escolar, políticas, manuales escolares y menú de las comidas. Visite nuestro sitio de red regularmente para mantenerse en contacto con los acontecimientos del distrito.

Las preguntas con respecto a las capacidades del programa de Información Tecnológica del Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno se pueden enviar a [email protected]. Esperamos sus comentarios y sugerencias.

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Estado del Progreso Anual Adecuado (AYP) 2011 - 2012

Como está estipulado en el Decreto de No Niño Dejado Atrás (NCLB siglas en inglés), el Departamento de Educación de Wyoming debe evaluar el rendimiento académico de todas las escuelas y distritos del estado utilizando los resultados anuales de las Evaluaciones de Competencia para los Estudiantes de Wyoming (PAWS siglas en inglés) y determinar si la escuela logró o no los objetivos predeterminados del estado o Progreso Anual Adecuado (AYP siglas en inglés)

Como distrito, el Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno logró el Progreso Anual Adecuado. Para el año escolar 2011-2012, las siguientes escuelas lograron el AYP: Escuela Primaria Desert –Wamsutter, Escuela Primaria Farson-Eden, Escuela Intermedia Farson-Eden, Escuela Secundaria Farson-Eden, Escuela Primaria Sage, Escuela Primaria Walnut y Rock Springs Junior High.

Las siguientes escuelas no alcanzaron el AYP para el año escolar 2011 – 2012: Desert-Wamsutter Junior High, Escuela Primaria Desert View, Escuela Primaria Lincoln, Escuela Primaria Northpark, Escuela Primaria Overland, Escuela Primaria Pilot Butte, Escuela Primaria Westridge, Independence High School y Rock Springs High School.  

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Indicador Adicional AYP

Tasa de Graduación - A Nivel de Escuelas

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Distrito: 1901000 – Sweetwater Número Uno


Farson/Eden High School

Distrito: 1901000 – Sweetwater Número Uno

Escuela: 1901055 – TODOS LOS ESTUDIANTES  


Periodo Analizado

Tasa de Graduación

2010-2011 80.00% 2009-2010 100%


Periodo Analizado

Tasa de Graduación

2010-2011 74.59% 2009-2010 76.85%


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Independence High School

Periodo Analizado

Tasa de Graduación

2010-2011 31.25% 2009-2010 35%


Distrito: 1901000 – Sweetwater Número Uno

Escuela: 1901057 – TODOS LOS ESTUDIANTES  

Rock Springs High School

Distrito: 1901000 – Sweetwater Número Uno

Escuela: 1901056 - TODOS LOS ESTUDIANTES  

Periodo Analizado

Tasa de Graduación

2010-2011 79.69% 2009-2010 78.93%


Page 15: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 3 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Asian Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

2.1%2.1% 7.5%9.6% 49.3%54.9% 41.1%33.5%4.5%5.4% 26.0%29.1% 59.1%53.4% 10.5%12.1%1.7% 18.5% 53.6% 26.2%12.5%9.7% 20.6%21.1% 50.8%57.0% 16.1%12.2%14.5%15.6% 48.8%48.1% 34.3%35.0% 2.4%1.3%4.6% 38.4% 48.1% 8.9%1.6% 8.1% 48.4% 41.9%

0.0%0.0% 26.2%17.8% 68.9%64.4% 4.9%17.8%0.0% 6.7% 44.4% 48.9%3.0%2.6% 12.1%18.2% 53.0%57.1% 31.8%22.1%7.6%14.3% 21.2%28.6% 57.6%46.8% 13.6%10.4%1.3% 29.9% 50.7% 18.2%5.2%7.3% 21.5%22.2% 56.7%59.9% 16.6%10.6%10.8%20.2% 50.2%50.0% 38.1%28.6% 0.9%1.2%4.0% 33.9% 54.7% 7.5%1.8%2.2% 7.7%10.0% 51.0%54.8% 39.6%33.0%3.4%4.5% 23.8%28.1% 61.2%54.5% 11.6%13.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

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Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 3 Female Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Math 2010-11Reading 2010-112011-12Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

1.1% 12.8% 52.0% 34.1%3.4%3.1% 11.5%13.7% 54.3%59.5% 30.9%23.7%7.1%8.2% 34.2%38.4% 53.3%46.9% 5.4%6.5%2.3% 25.5% 54.4% 17.7%3.0%3.3% 12.8%14.8% 56.8%62.0% 27.3%20.0%6.7%9.7% 37.6%40.6% 49.7%45.0% 6.0%4.8%2.3% 22.5% 57.2% 18.0%7.0%7.0% 16.5%21.4% 53.3%54.6% 23.2%17.0%17.0%20.3% 41.8%46.1% 36.9%28.9% 4.4%4.7%7.5% 37.2% 43.1% 12.2%

2.4%2.0% 7.3%9.2% 47.8%54.9% 42.4%33.9%5.4%6.2% 28.0%30.0% 57.1%52.4% 9.4%11.3%2.4% 23.8% 55.1% 18.8%18.2% 18.2% 45.5% 18.2%10.0%10.0% 10.0%40.0% 60.0%50.0% 20.0%0.0%1.4%1.9% 10.3%11.2% 49.0%59.8% 39.3%27.1%3.5%6.5% 29.7%37.4% 60.7%51.4% 6.2%4.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

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Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 3 Two or More Races Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-114 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Asian Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-112011-12

1.9% 25.2% 51.4% 21.5%1.5%1.5% 5.9%8.1% 48.1%53.5% 44.5%36.9%3.7%4.1% 23.0%26.3% 61.6%55.7% 11.7%14.0%1.5% 16.8% 53.3% 28.4%4.0%3.7% 13.8%15.2% 55.0%54.7% 27.2%26.4%1.7%1.7% 15.1%14.7% 47.4%54.6% 35.8%29.0%5.5%7.1% 31.2%38.4% 51.4%44.0% 11.9%10.5%3.3% 21.8% 49.8% 25.1%10.5%13.5% 24.0%34.4% 55.5%44.7% 10.0%7.4%5.2%9.3% 36.2%34.3% 43.5%49.1% 15.1%7.4%13.9%29.0% 56.1%54.2% 28.3%16.8% 1.7%0.0%11.2% 47.9% 34.0% 7.0%

0.0%0.0% 10.4%6.7% 43.8%48.9% 45.8%44.4%0.0%0.0% 8.5%9.1% 51.1%50.0% 40.4%40.9%2.1%2.2% 25.0%35.6% 52.1%55.6% 20.8%6.7%0.0% 11.4% 38.6% 50.0%6.1% 19.7% 65.2% 9.1%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 18: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 4 Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12

8.2%6.1% 16.4%19.7% 61.6%65.2% 13.7%9.1%2.8%1.5% 27.8%18.2% 47.2%65.2% 22.2%15.2%8.2%13.6% 46.6%51.5% 39.7%33.3% 5.5%1.5%4.6% 24.2% 51.5% 19.7%12.5%9.6% 37.1%33.2% 45.3%50.4% 5.1%6.8%7.7%7.0% 50.8%48.0% 35.9%42.6% 5.7%2.5%21.8%23.6% 58.0%58.4% 19.8%17.6% 0.4%0.4%7.4% 46.7% 41.8% 4.1%

3.9%3.5% 15.0%15.5% 55.5%56.6% 25.7%24.4%1.2%1.4% 13.7%12.2% 46.8%54.1% 38.4%32.3%5.0%6.2% 31.8%38.6% 50.5%44.7% 12.8%10.5%1.9% 15.4% 50.5% 32.2%6.2%5.5% 18.9%20.1% 56.4%56.1% 18.5%18.2%2.7%2.9% 22.1%21.2% 49.8%57.3% 25.4%18.6%8.5%10.7% 41.1%46.7% 44.0%37.4% 6.4%5.2%4.8% 27.8% 50.1% 17.3%6.0% 21.8% 55.2% 17.1%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 19: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 4 Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-12

6.2%6.0% 22.5%21.8% 57.1%55.2% 14.2%17.1%2.4%2.7% 24.3%23.5% 51.6%55.7% 21.7%18.1%9.3%10.4% 47.1%48.9% 38.8%36.5% 4.8%4.2%4.9% 25.6% 51.2% 18.3%15.2%12.7% 27.6%28.0% 44.7%48.2% 12.6%11.0%8.1%7.5% 40.9%37.4% 37.4%45.3% 13.7%9.9%14.5%15.7% 44.4%50.8% 34.2%29.6% 6.8%3.9%11.8% 40.8% 38.5% 8.9%4.2%4.0% 12.7%14.9% 54.5%52.9% 28.6%28.2%2.2%2.0% 16.5%17.1% 47.9%55.1% 33.4%25.9%6.1%7.9% 30.6%38.2% 52.3%43.3% 11.0%10.6%4.6% 27.7% 49.2% 18.5%15.4%0.0% 23.1%25.0% 46.2%50.0% 15.4%25.0%7.7%0.0% 30.8%25.0% 30.8%62.5% 30.8%12.5%

30.8%12.5% 30.8%50.0% 30.8%37.5% 7.7%0.0%0.0% 37.5% 50.0% 12.5%5.7% 19.4% 50.0% 25.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 20: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 4 Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-115 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Asian Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Black Math 2010-112011-12

8.6%5.7% 15.4%19.4% 53.0%50.0% 23.1%25.0%2.6%2.4% 16.2%15.2% 47.0%63.2% 34.2%19.2%7.7%11.3% 38.5%43.6% 41.0%37.9% 12.8%7.3%2.4% 21.0% 53.2% 23.4%3.2%2.9% 11.8%13.2% 54.7%55.0% 30.2%28.9%1.4%1.2% 12.5%12.4% 46.9%54.3% 39.2%32.1%4.4%5.5% 27.1%35.7% 54.9%46.6% 13.5%12.3%2.7% 20.1% 50.2% 27.0%4.1%4.8% 14.0%16.8% 50.9%49.0% 31.0%29.4%3.2%2.8% 17.7%20.1% 50.3%49.9% 28.8%27.2%2.1% 11.5% 74.9% 11.5%13.5%14.6% 32.1%27.2% 46.5%47.4% 7.9%10.8%10.2%9.9% 41.9%38.0% 41.9%43.7% 6.1%8.5%7.0% 23.9% 68.1% 0.9%0.0%0.0% 8.3%17.1% 37.5%34.2% 54.2%48.8%0.0%0.0% 10.4%10.0% 39.6%47.5% 50.0%42.5%9.6% 34.9% 39.8% 15.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 21: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 5 Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

5.4%9.6% 29.7%34.9% 46.0%39.8% 18.9%15.7%6.8%6.0% 24.3%36.1% 58.1%41.0% 10.8%16.9%2.4% 15.7% 72.3% 9.6%14.6%17.1% 39.9%43.9% 39.1%34.8% 6.4%4.3%12.9%9.9% 48.3%55.0% 36.2%33.0% 2.6%2.2%9.9% 28.0% 60.4% 1.7%4.0%4.5% 14.1%17.1% 50.9%50.4% 31.0%28.0%2.8%2.3% 14.6%17.5% 49.3%51.1% 33.3%29.2%1.0% 7.2% 76.6% 15.3%6.1%7.5% 20.0%23.5% 52.8%50.1% 21.0%19.0%4.9%5.0% 25.7%28.0% 50.9%49.7% 18.4%17.4%3.2% 16.5% 74.2% 6.2%7.5%8.7% 22.2%24.9% 50.7%49.7% 19.5%16.7%4.8%3.7% 27.7%30.6% 49.9%50.5% 17.5%15.1%2.8% 13.3% 77.2% 6.7%16.1%16.9% 31.7%34.4% 40.0%38.9% 12.2%9.8%14.8%13.5% 41.4%46.6% 36.2%31.9% 7.5%7.9%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 22: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 5 Individual Education Plan Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-116 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-112011-122010-11

8.0% 30.4% 58.8% 2.8%4.1%5.1% 13.9%16.5% 51.0%47.8% 31.0%30.6%3.6%3.3% 20.7%22.4% 51.2%48.9% 24.5%25.4%3.2% 15.4% 73.4% 8.1%0.0%20.0% 36.4%30.0% 45.5%30.0% 18.2%20.0%0.0%0.0% 54.6%40.0% 27.3%30.0% 18.2%30.0%10.0% 10.0% 70.0% 10.0%2.2%5.3% 16.4%15.9% 54.5%53.0% 26.9%25.8%3.7%2.3% 14.2%18.2% 54.5%56.8% 27.6%22.7%2.3% 7.6% 80.3% 9.9%3.2%3.7% 11.6%14.8% 51.2%49.2% 33.9%32.3%2.7%2.4% 15.1%17.5% 50.6%50.1% 31.7%30.0%1.8% 10.8% 74.8% 12.6%4.9%5.3% 12.7%14.0% 52.5%54.4% 29.9%26.3%1.4%2.0% 14.7%16.9% 56.0%57.2% 27.9%23.9%0.7% 18.9% 44.8% 35.6%8.1%16.1% 27.3%21.0% 52.6%53.7% 12.0%9.3%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 23: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 6 AmericanIndian/Alaska NativeMath 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Asian Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-112010-11

3.8%6.3% 25.2%29.6% 61.4%56.3% 9.5%7.8%2.0% 34.6% 45.4% 18.1%2.2%3.8% 4.4%7.6% 44.4%43.4% 48.9%45.3%2.3%3.9% 11.4%9.6% 43.2%57.7% 43.2%28.9%0.0% 7.7% 46.2% 46.2%11.0%16.4% 22.0%17.8% 53.9%57.5% 13.2%8.2%2.2%1.4% 20.9%30.1% 60.4%60.3% 16.5%8.2%1.4% 21.9% 56.2% 20.6%20.6%18.4% 30.9%29.1% 45.7%46.1% 2.9%6.4%

6.7%12.4% 53.7%45.3% 36.6%40.9% 3.1%1.5%3.7% 34.3% 56.2% 5.8%4.7%5.2% 12.3%13.6% 53.7%53.8% 29.3%27.4%0.8%1.2% 12.1%12.9% 55.3%57.0% 31.9%28.9%0.4% 9.8% 40.9% 48.9%7.6%8.2% 18.9%19.3% 55.9%55.6% 17.7%16.9%2.1%3.1% 22.1%23.9% 58.9%58.3% 16.9%14.8%0.9% 25.5% 48.1% 25.5%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 24: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 6 Free/ReducedLunch Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Native Hawaiian/Pa..Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-117 All Students Math 2010-112011-12

7.0%8.5% 18.7%19.6% 56.8%56.0% 17.6%15.9%1.9%3.6% 21.4%22.8% 58.6%58.0% 18.2%15.6%1.1% 20.6% 49.6% 28.7%17.6%18.2% 29.9%28.6% 44.4%45.7% 8.2%7.6%7.2%8.9% 45.0%48.2% 41.2%37.1% 6.7%5.8%4.2% 46.3% 40.1% 9.4%5.1%5.5% 13.1%14.3% 51.4%54.8% 30.4%25.4%2.0%2.6% 17.2%20.6% 56.6%57.3% 24.3%19.5%1.1% 26.9% 48.3% 23.7%0.0% 22.2% 66.7% 11.1%0.0% 33.3% 55.6% 11.1%6.5%8.0% 11.5%14.0% 59.0%56.0% 23.0%22.0%0.0%3.0% 18.0%19.0% 53.2%59.0% 28.8%19.0%1.0% 22.0% 44.0% 33.0%4.3%4.3% 11.1%12.9% 51.7%54.1% 32.9%28.7%1.3%1.5% 13.1%15.4% 55.5%57.0% 30.2%26.1%0.6% 18.0% 44.0% 37.4%8.5% 17.5% 45.7% 28.4%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 25: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 7 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Asian Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

6.3%8.5% 17.6%17.5% 48.9%45.7% 27.1%28.4%3.2%3.1% 21.8%26.5% 64.7%62.0% 10.3%8.3%2.0% 25.7% 41.7% 30.7%14.5%21.9% 32.6%29.8% 44.6%37.3% 8.3%11.0%8.3%7.9% 37.6%43.2% 51.0%45.4% 3.1%3.5%4.9% 41.9% 41.0% 12.3%2.0%4.4% 17.7%4.4% 33.3%43.5% 47.1%47.8%4.0%2.3% 16.0%22.7% 66.0%68.2% 14.0%6.8%0.0% 18.2% 34.1% 47.7%16.4%8.0% 28.8%26.7% 43.8%46.7% 11.0%18.7%

2.7%2.7% 34.3%28.0% 60.3%65.3% 2.7%4.0%4.0% 29.3% 33.3% 33.3%18.6%31.4% 42.1%24.8% 31.7%37.3% 7.6%6.5%18.6%13.7% 47.9%58.9% 32.9%26.0% 0.7%1.4%6.9% 47.3% 39.0% 6.9%

5.9%7.9% 17.4%17.2% 49.8%47.4% 27.0%27.5%1.9%2.4% 18.1%22.8% 66.8%64.0% 13.3%10.9%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 26: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 7 Female Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-122010-11

0.7% 16.5% 41.5% 41.3%10.2%14.0% 24.5%23.0% 48.7%45.7% 16.7%17.3%5.0%5.9% 30.2%35.7% 59.8%54.3% 5.1%4.1%3.7% 33.9% 42.5% 19.9%11.1%15.3% 25.6%22.9% 47.8%45.9% 15.5%16.0%5.6%5.6% 29.1%36.7% 61.0%53.5% 4.3%4.3%2.3% 29.2% 46.1% 22.5%26.2%33.5% 34.5%32.9% 31.1%27.0% 8.2%6.6%15.0%14.8% 47.0%57.1% 33.8%26.4% 4.2%1.7%10.2% 56.4% 28.3% 5.1%6.7%9.1% 17.8%17.7% 48.2%44.0% 27.2%29.2%4.4%3.9% 25.2%30.1% 62.8%60.2% 7.6%5.9%3.2% 34.5% 41.9% 20.5%0.0%20.0% 44.4%20.0% 33.3%50.0% 22.2%10.0%11.1%10.0% 22.2%60.0% 55.6%20.0% 11.1%10.0%0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 40.0%3.7%10.3% 23.4%17.2% 44.9%51.7% 28.0%20.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 27: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 7 Two or More Races Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-118 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Asian Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

3.7%4.3% 23.4%31.0% 57.0%59.5% 15.9%5.2%5.2% 31.0% 38.8% 25.0%5.3%6.8% 15.6%16.1% 49.6%45.8% 29.6%31.2%2.6%2.5% 20.0%24.1% 66.0%64.1% 11.5%9.3%1.8% 24.3% 41.3% 32.6%9.5%9.1% 17.9%20.0% 51.8%50.5% 20.9%20.4%3.3%3.3% 19.3%19.6% 61.7%63.2% 15.8%14.0%12.1%11.4% 36.8%37.9% 41.0%41.4% 10.2%9.3%1.8% 14.9% 50.1% 33.2%18.8%20.6% 30.4%36.6% 44.2%39.2% 6.7%3.6%7.1%9.8% 31.3%37.3% 57.1%49.2% 4.5%3.6%25.0%29.2% 46.0%49.5% 26.8%20.3% 2.2%1.0%3.6% 25.4% 54.9% 16.1%

6.0%5.8% 10.0%13.5% 48.0%44.2% 36.0%36.5%2.0%1.9% 10.2%11.5% 67.4%63.5% 20.4%23.1%8.0%13.5% 30.0%30.8% 48.0%40.4% 14.0%15.4%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 28: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 8 Asian Science 2011-12Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

0.0% 15.4% 28.9% 55.8%11.8%22.5% 29.4%38.0% 47.1%33.8% 11.8%5.6%2.9%7.1% 26.5%34.3% 64.7%55.7% 5.9%2.9%22.1%25.7% 45.6%48.6% 26.5%22.9% 5.9%2.9%

4.3% 27.1% 45.7% 22.9%28.8%30.1% 33.8%45.1% 33.1%22.6% 4.3%2.3%

11.8%20.5% 47.1%45.5% 41.2%31.8% 0.0%2.3%31.7%42.4% 51.8%47.0% 14.4%9.9% 2.2%0.8%

10.6% 34.1% 49.2% 6.1%8.8%8.9% 16.4%19.6% 52.9%52.6% 22.0%18.9%2.0%2.1% 16.4%16.7% 61.8%65.8% 19.8%15.5%10.8%10.5% 36.1%38.0% 42.0%42.9% 11.1%8.7%0.8% 8.4% 47.7% 43.2%15.1%14.7% 23.7%27.5% 49.4%45.7% 11.8%12.2%5.2%5.7% 28.6%27.3% 58.1%59.2% 8.1%7.8%18.7%17.6% 43.5%44.3% 32.9%33.1% 5.0%4.9%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 29: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 8 Free/ReducedLunch Science 2011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Math 2011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-122010-11

3.5% 21.2% 51.3% 24.1%13.2%15.8% 26.2%30.2% 49.8%44.4% 10.7%9.6%4.0%8.1% 27.3%29.7% 60.2%54.5% 8.5%7.7%19.7%23.0% 43.9%44.1% 32.3%28.7% 4.1%4.2%3.0% 19.6% 54.1% 23.3%39.4%34.8% 30.6%34.7% 27.0%25.2% 3.0%5.3%

16.7%14.4% 46.9%49.8% 33.2%32.5% 3.2%3.4%34.3%36.4% 47.8%46.1% 15.9%13.8% 2.0%3.6%9.7% 42.2% 40.7% 7.4%

10.2%9.3% 19.3%20.4% 50.7%48.4% 19.8%21.8%4.5%4.4% 22.0%22.4% 61.5%60.7% 12.0%12.5%13.3%12.4% 37.4%37.8% 40.0%39.9% 9.3%9.9%2.9% 21.2% 52.4% 23.5%10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 10.0%10.0% 30.0% 60.0% 0.0%20.0%0.0% 40.0%33.3% 40.0%50.0% 0.0%16.7%9.4%11.0% 20.5%21.0% 52.1%53.0% 18.0%15.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 30: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 8 Two or More Races Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-1111 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Asian Math 2010-112011-122010-11

2.6%3.0% 26.5%23.0% 59.8%64.0% 11.1%10.0%18.1%9.0% 37.9%41.0% 32.8%44.0% 11.2%6.0%

2.0% 17.0% 46.0% 35.0%8.5%7.6% 15.9%17.8% 52.5%52.0% 23.1%22.7%3.0%2.3% 17.3%17.4% 62.0%65.0% 17.6%15.4%10.1%9.0% 35.2%36.5% 43.2%44.1% 11.5%10.4%1.6% 13.7% 49.7% 35.1%4.1%5.2% 29.7%30.6% 51.4%46.6% 14.8%17.6%5.5%8.2% 18.0%19.0% 55.9%51.1% 20.7%21.7%15.3%16.2% 33.7%34.9% 36.0%36.6% 15.1%12.3%

2.4% 17.8% 55.4% 24.5%7.9%10.5% 50.0%43.6% 37.7%35.5% 4.4%10.5%11.4%12.9% 22.8%30.7% 57.9%44.4% 7.9%12.1%25.5%35.3% 48.2%41.8% 21.8%14.8% 4.6%8.2%3.2% 24.6% 56.4% 15.9%

1.9%2.0% 19.2%20.4% 40.4%51.0% 38.5%26.5%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 31: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 11 Asian Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12

7.7%4.1% 11.5%28.6% 46.2%46.9% 34.6%20.4%11.5%10.2% 25.0%36.7% 38.5%38.8% 25.0%14.3%4.1% 8.2% 61.2% 26.5%9.7%11.9% 53.2%44.1% 35.5%39.0% 1.6%5.1%24.2%12.1% 14.5%31.0% 50.0%48.3% 11.3%8.6%28.3%32.8% 40.0%46.6% 28.3%19.0% 3.3%1.7%

1.7% 27.6% 62.1% 8.6%25.5%28.4% 61.8%55.2% 10.9%13.4% 1.8%3.0%37.0%28.8% 42.6%54.6% 20.4%15.2% 0.0%1.5%59.3% 35.2% 5.6% 0.0%22.7% 47.0% 30.3% 0.0%

4.3%4.6% 30.9%32.1% 52.1%47.8% 12.7%15.5%4.0%4.9% 15.6%16.8% 57.3%52.1% 23.2%26.3%15.1%14.7% 34.8%36.4% 36.5%37.3% 13.5%11.7%

1.4% 11.8% 55.9% 30.9%7.1%9.5% 40.8%40.9% 45.0%40.0% 7.1%9.7%13.5% 24.8% 48.1% 13.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 32: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 11 Free/ReducedLunch Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Science 2010-112011-12

10.1%13.5% 25.7%24.8% 52.8%48.1% 11.4%13.7%24.3%25.9% 39.5%39.5% 29.1%29.1% 7.1%5.5%

3.4% 24.9% 55.5% 16.3%7.0%11.2% 40.6%42.8% 44.4%37.4% 8.0%8.6%9.5%17.5% 23.2%24.8% 53.0%46.6% 14.2%11.1%26.4%29.9% 37.7%42.6% 27.6%21.9% 8.3%5.6%

4.7% 24.8% 58.0% 12.4%19.6%20.9% 57.3%54.3% 19.4%20.5% 3.7%4.3%23.7%31.9% 39.9%35.0% 29.7%28.0% 6.7%5.2%44.7%47.8% 34.5%37.6% 12.8%12.5% 8.1%2.1%

10.8% 47.0% 38.1% 4.1%4.0%5.8% 28.5%29.2% 50.8%45.4% 16.8%19.7%7.1%11.3% 20.3%21.0% 54.5%50.3% 18.2%17.4%15.5%17.6% 32.6%33.6% 35.4%35.9% 16.5%13.0%

3.2% 23.5% 54.9% 18.4%0.0% 25.0% 75.0% 0.0%25.0% 12.5% 62.5% 0.0%25.0% 37.5% 37.5% 0.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 33: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

State 11 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Science 2010-112011-12Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Sweetwater #1 3 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Black Reading 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-122010-11

0.0%25.0% 42.9%37.5% 14.3%37.5% 42.9%0.0%2.6%5.6% 24.4%25.0% 57.7%54.2% 15.4%15.3%2.6%5.6% 11.5%8.3% 62.8%56.9% 23.1%29.2%9.1%15.3% 31.2%27.8% 39.0%47.2% 20.8%9.7%0.0% 18.1% 52.8% 29.2%3.7%4.3% 27.8%28.8% 52.8%47.9% 15.7%19.1%4.7%6.9% 17.4%17.9% 56.2%51.9% 21.7%23.4%13.7%13.8% 32.9%33.7% 37.4%39.0% 16.0%13.4%2.1% 16.7% 54.9% 26.3%1.2%1.1% 11.1%9.7% 48.7%57.9% 39.0%31.3%5.1%7.3% 32.1%29.6% 56.7%50.9% 6.1%12.2%3.2% 19.5% 52.8% 24.5%0.0%0.0% 33.3%33.3% 50.0%33.3% 16.7%33.3%16.7%16.7% 33.3%33.3% 33.3%50.0% 16.7%0.0%

0.0% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3%10.0% 10.0% 80.0% 0.0%0.0%5.7% 27.8%25.7% 61.1%57.1% 11.1%11.4%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 34: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 3 English LanguageLearnerMath 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-112010-11

14.3%26.5% 57.1%38.2% 28.6%35.3% 0.0%0.0%8.8% 35.3% 50.0% 5.9%2.0%0.0% 8.7%6.2% 55.6%60.2% 33.7%33.7%5.6%6.2% 29.6%25.6% 57.7%53.6% 7.1%14.7%2.4% 12.3% 50.2% 35.1%1.2%1.5% 14.8%12.6% 57.4%61.4% 26.6%24.6%8.3%10.7% 39.3%35.4% 50.0%46.1% 2.4%7.8%3.9% 23.3% 55.8% 17.0%1.2%1.9% 18.1%12.5% 57.8%63.5% 22.9%22.1%7.3%10.7% 37.8%33.0% 52.4%48.5% 2.4%7.8%4.9% 19.4% 53.4% 22.3%3.2%4.0% 29.0%18.4% 53.2%61.8% 14.5%15.8%16.1%20.8% 48.4%42.9% 33.9%33.8% 1.6%2.6%7.8% 36.4% 44.2% 11.7%

0.4%2.0% 13.2%12.6% 43.0%56.1% 43.4%29.4%4.7%8.2% 34.2%32.9% 56.0%48.6% 5.1%10.2%3.9% 25.5% 54.9% 15.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 35: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 3 Male Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-114 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Black Math 2011-12Science 2011-12English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-122010-11

14.3%0.0% 28.6%57.1% 42.9%28.6% 14.3%14.3%0.0% 28.6% 71.4% 0.0%1.2%0.9% 9.0%8.7% 46.4%56.0% 43.3%34.4%4.0%6.3% 30.7%29.0% 58.5%51.0% 6.8%13.7%3.0% 19.7% 52.2% 25.1%4.6%3.8% 20.1%15.8% 54.1%51.9% 21.2%28.5%1.1%0.5% 16.9%17.8% 50.1%55.5% 32.0%26.2%6.4%6.4% 40.9%41.5% 45.3%41.7% 7.4%10.4%2.0% 17.1% 56.7% 24.2%0.0% 20.0% 60.0% 20.0%0.0% 40.0% 50.0% 10.0%23.1%11.8% 57.7%29.4% 15.4%52.9% 3.9%5.9%

11.5%5.9% 65.4%35.3% 19.2%58.8% 3.9%0.0%30.8%23.5% 61.5%41.2% 7.7%35.3% 0.0%0.0%5.9% 11.8% 82.4% 0.0%

3.7%3.1% 21.9%18.7% 52.6%49.2% 21.9%29.0%1.4%0.5% 16.3%14.5% 45.1%56.0% 37.2%29.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 36: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 4 Female Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-122010-11

5.1%5.2% 41.4%44.6% 45.6%38.9% 7.9%11.4%1.6% 13.0% 51.3% 34.2%6.7%5.2% 26.9%13.6% 53.4%58.4% 13.0%22.7%2.6%0.7% 22.8%20.1% 50.8%57.8% 23.8%21.4%9.8%9.1% 49.2%44.2% 35.2%41.6% 5.7%5.2%3.3% 14.9% 62.3% 19.5%8.7%3.5% 26.2%16.3% 57.3%58.1% 7.8%22.1%2.9%1.2% 30.1%18.6% 51.5%69.8% 15.5%10.5%12.6%9.3% 54.4%47.7% 32.0%40.7% 1.0%2.3%2.3% 11.6% 72.1% 14.0%13.9%8.2% 32.9%31.2% 43.0%42.6% 10.1%18.0%3.8%3.3% 40.5%42.6% 45.6%42.6% 10.1%11.5%15.2%16.4% 49.4%45.9% 29.1%32.8% 6.3%4.9%11.5% 37.7% 45.9% 4.9%5.4%4.5% 18.6%13.0% 55.4%54.5% 20.7%28.0%0.8%0.5% 17.4%21.0% 54.6%55.0% 27.3%23.5%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 37: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 4 Male Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2011-12Reading 2011-12White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-115 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-11Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-122010-11

7.4%7.5% 40.5%38.5% 45.0%44.5% 7.0%9.5%2.5% 21.0% 62.0% 14.5%0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%0.0% 33.3% 66.7% 0.0%3.7%3.8% 18.0%15.5% 53.4%51.4% 25.0%29.3%0.6%0.3% 13.1%17.6% 49.1%51.7% 37.2%30.3%4.3%5.2% 35.7%40.7% 50.9%41.4% 9.2%12.8%2.1% 19.3% 52.8% 25.9%4.2%6.2% 17.8%20.4% 50.4%49.9% 27.7%23.6%5.9%3.5% 23.0%28.3% 47.7%50.8% 23.5%17.5%3.0% 17.3% 73.0% 6.8%23.1%16.7% 61.5%38.9% 15.4%44.4% 0.0%0.0%5.9% 64.7% 29.4% 0.0%5.9% 52.9% 41.2% 0.0%

3.5%6.4% 21.8%22.2% 46.0%48.3% 28.7%23.2%6.4%3.0% 18.8%24.9% 47.5%55.7% 27.2%16.4%2.0% 11.4% 79.1% 7.5%5.5%10.3% 20.9%26.3% 53.4%51.4% 20.3%12.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 38: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 5 Free/ReducedLunch Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-116 All Students Math 2010-112011-122010-11

7.4%5.8% 27.0%33.5% 46.0%54.3% 19.6%6.4%2.3% 24.3% 70.5% 2.9%6.3%10.8% 25.0%25.8% 55.0%50.5% 13.8%12.9%6.3%3.3% 30.0%31.9% 50.0%53.9% 13.8%11.0%3.3% 20.9% 69.2% 6.6%16.4%20.4% 39.3%42.9% 32.8%36.7% 11.5%0.0%29.5%12.2% 41.0%59.2% 21.3%26.5% 8.2%2.0%

6.1% 42.9% 49.0% 2.0%4.9%6.0% 13.8%18.5% 54.7%51.5% 26.6%24.0%5.4%4.0% 27.1%31.7% 47.8%45.7% 19.7%18.6%4.0% 23.1% 66.8% 6.0%0.0% 15.4% 38.5% 46.2%0.0%0.0% 23.1%22.2% 46.2%66.7% 30.8%11.1%3.7%5.2% 16.0%18.9% 51.0%48.8% 29.3%27.2%6.3%3.8% 21.7%27.6% 47.0%49.0% 25.0%19.7%3.1% 16.6% 73.8% 6.6%6.2%5.7% 16.2%18.7% 51.0%57.9% 26.6%17.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 39: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 6 All Students Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-112010-11

2.0%3.6% 20.4%24.4% 56.0%58.4% 21.6%13.6%1.7% 29.4% 47.9% 21.1%17.7%8.3% 41.2%25.0% 41.2%66.7% 0.0%0.0%7.1%18.2% 57.1%63.6% 35.7%18.2% 0.0%0.0%9.1% 18.2% 72.7% 0.0%7.9%4.5% 15.4%18.0% 51.5%61.8% 25.3%15.7%1.0%1.7% 21.4%18.0% 51.7%61.8% 25.9%18.5%1.1% 12.4% 56.2% 30.3%9.5%7.5% 24.9%24.5% 52.7%57.8% 13.0%10.2%2.4%2.7% 29.7%32.9% 54.6%56.2% 13.3%8.2%1.4% 34.9% 46.6% 17.1%8.3%5.9% 21.9%25.9% 49.0%61.2% 20.8%7.1%2.2%4.8% 19.6%32.1% 63.0%54.8% 15.2%8.3%2.4% 27.4% 53.6% 16.7%19.2%12.1% 36.2%41.4% 40.4%39.7% 4.3%6.9%12.8%13.8% 53.2%56.9% 31.9%27.6% 2.1%1.7%10.3% 63.8% 24.1% 1.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 40: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 6Individual Education Plan Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2010-11Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-117 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-11Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2011-12Female Math 2010-112011-12

4.5%6.7% 17.0%19.2% 50.5%55.0% 28.0%19.2%3.1%5.0% 19.3%29.2% 60.4%55.8% 17.3%10.0%2.1% 42.1% 41.7% 14.2%7.7% 7.7% 53.9% 30.8%0.0%0.0% 16.7%15.4% 58.3%69.2% 25.0%15.4%0.0% 30.8% 61.5% 7.7%6.0%5.1% 14.2%17.6% 50.7%57.4% 29.1%19.9%1.8%3.5% 20.9%22.4% 53.9%59.4% 23.4%14.7%1.6% 30.0% 45.7% 22.7%10.4%12.2% 22.0%21.4% 46.5%43.6% 21.1%22.9%3.6%2.9% 27.1%36.3% 60.5%56.1% 8.7%4.7%3.4% 29.0% 43.5% 24.1%33.3% 0.0% 66.7% 0.0%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%14.3% 42.9% 28.6% 14.3%0.0% 57.1% 28.6% 14.3%20.0%33.3% 33.3%33.3% 46.7%33.3% 0.0%0.0%13.3% 40.0% 46.7% 0.0%11.0% 22.5% 44.0% 22.5%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 41: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 7 Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

8.6%11.0% 21.1%22.5% 51.4%44.0% 18.9%22.5%1.7%3.5% 18.3%33.2% 70.3%55.8% 9.7%7.5%3.0% 19.7% 43.4% 33.8%17.1%15.7% 22.6%25.7% 45.9%43.6% 14.4%15.0%

5.5%4.4% 34.9%44.9% 54.8%49.3% 4.8%1.5%5.8% 37.2% 40.9% 16.1%14.5%18.8% 27.7%23.8% 49.4%37.5% 8.4%20.0%3.6%6.4% 39.8%42.3% 54.2%46.2% 2.4%5.1%5.1% 23.1% 48.7% 23.1%

36.0%36.9% 34.0%43.1% 24.0%18.5% 6.0%1.5%22.0%10.6% 52.0%72.7% 22.0%16.7% 4.0%0.0%16.7% 65.2% 18.2% 0.0%11.8%13.3% 22.7%20.4% 42.9%43.1% 22.7%23.2%5.0%2.4% 33.6%39.2% 53.4%56.5% 8.0%1.9%3.8% 37.8% 43.5% 14.8%0.0%0.0% 16.7%33.3% 41.7%66.7% 41.7%0.0%0.0%0.0% 16.7% 66.7% 83.3%33.3% 0.0%0.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 42: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 7 Two or More Races Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-118 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alask..Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-11Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12

33.3% 33.3% 16.7% 16.7%9.4%10.4% 21.0%20.5% 45.8%44.8% 23.9%24.4%3.9%2.0% 24.5%34.4% 60.7%59.1% 11.0%4.6%2.6% 29.0% 43.7% 24.8%12.8%14.7% 20.3%24.6% 48.1%45.7% 18.8%15.0%3.9%6.4% 21.0%27.7% 62.1%55.5% 13.0%10.4%18.5%16.3% 43.0%49.9% 31.7%28.0% 6.7%5.9%1.9% 19.0% 53.2% 25.9%42.9% 14.3% 42.9% 0.0%14.3% 14.3% 57.1% 14.3%14.3%14.3% 42.9%42.9% 42.9%42.9% 0.0%0.0%14.3%28.6% 14.3%28.6% 71.4%42.9% 0.0%0.0%14.3% 57.1% 28.6% 0.0%0.0% 28.6% 42.9% 28.6%25.0% 58.3% 16.7% 0.0%30.0%33.3% 50.0%50.0% 20.0%16.7% 0.0%0.0%25.0% 33.3% 33.3% 8.3%

12.4%14.1% 18.9%21.5% 48.8%46.3% 19.9%18.1%3.4% 26.6% 55.4% 14.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 43: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 8 Female Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12

2.0%3.4% 18.8%26.6% 62.4%55.4% 16.8%14.7%15.4%17.5% 44.1%45.2% 32.2%29.9% 8.4%7.3%1.1% 10.2% 50.9% 37.9%18.4%21.8% 24.1%32.3% 46.8%36.8% 10.6%9.0%

5.7%10.5% 27.9%36.8% 58.6%43.6% 7.9%9.0%21.8%24.8% 45.1%49.6% 27.5%19.6% 5.6%6.0%3.8% 20.3% 57.1% 18.8%20.5%27.8% 20.5%27.8% 43.2%36.1% 15.9%8.3%

6.9%11.1% 28.7%43.1% 52.9%38.9% 11.5%6.9%27.3%31.9% 40.9%47.2% 28.4%18.1% 3.4%2.8%5.6% 19.4% 55.6% 19.4%

54.0%36.0% 25.4%46.0% 19.1%14.0% 1.6%4.0%17.2%26.0% 51.6%44.0% 29.7%24.0% 1.6%6.0%

51.6%32.0% 37.5%60.0% 7.8%2.0% 3.1%6.0%12.0% 50.0% 36.0% 2.0%13.2%15.2% 21.6%27.4% 47.4%45.2% 17.8%12.2%9.1% 28.8% 55.6% 6.6%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 44: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 8 Male Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2011-12White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-1111 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-112010-11

5.7%9.1% 23.1%28.8% 61.8%55.6% 9.4%6.6%21.5%15.2% 42.1%54.0% 31.3%26.3% 5.1%4.6%2.5% 26.9% 55.3% 15.2%10.0% 10.0% 80.0% 0.0%0.0% 30.0% 70.0% 0.0%10.0% 50.0% 40.0% 0.0%10.6%11.2% 19.9%23.7% 48.8%48.9% 20.6%16.2%2.3%4.3% 18.9%24.4% 64.6%59.9% 14.2%11.5%15.8%11.8% 43.2%50.5% 33.0%30.8% 7.9%6.8%1.1% 19.1% 53.2% 26.6%6.6%8.1% 40.5%40.7% 40.1%36.1% 12.8%15.1%7.0%13.3% 27.8%27.7% 54.0%45.2% 11.3%13.9%

31.1%22.5% 30.5%35.4% 28.5%29.7% 9.9%12.3%5.2% 20.6% 51.5% 22.7%4.9%4.7% 42.0%45.0% 45.1%37.3% 8.0%13.0%5.0%4.8% 24.2%29.8% 60.3%50.6% 10.6%14.9%

34.8%20.7% 28.0%37.3% 27.3%32.0% 9.9%10.1%1.8% 13.7% 57.7% 26.8%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 45: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 11 Female Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-112010-11

9.1%15.7% 45.5%49.4% 35.2%26.5% 10.2%8.4%14.8%23.8% 27.3%33.3% 48.9%34.5% 9.1%8.3%

37.9%38.1% 33.3%34.5% 24.1%21.4% 4.6%6.0%7.2% 30.1% 54.2% 8.4%7.8%16.1% 49.0%48.4% 35.3%22.6% 7.8%12.9%17.7%23.8% 29.4%31.8% 43.1%38.1% 9.8%6.4%

44.0%44.4% 28.0%31.8% 24.0%15.9% 4.0%7.9%15.9% 33.3% 36.5% 14.3%30.4%29.4% 52.2%58.8% 13.0%8.8% 4.4%2.9%36.4%41.2% 36.4%41.2% 27.3%17.7% 0.0%0.0%

68.2%58.8% 13.6%35.3% 18.2%5.9% 0.0%0.0%20.6% 50.0% 29.4% 0.0%8.5%11.7% 38.7%36.2% 34.5%35.0% 18.3%17.2%9.2%22.0% 31.9%25.6% 46.8%39.6% 12.1%12.8%27.0%24.4% 33.3%33.5% 29.8%27.4% 9.9%14.6%8.6% 27.8% 45.1% 18.5%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 46: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Sweetwater #1 11 Male Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11DesertElementary 3 All Students Math 2010-11Reading 2011-124 All Students Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-115 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-11Male Math 2010-11White Math 2010-116 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-11Writing 2010-11Desert Middle School 7 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12

6.2%6.2% 39.4%39.2% 41.5%38.8% 12.9%15.9%3.8%10.5% 28.9%27.2% 56.5%46.3% 10.9%16.0%

29.6%17.8% 31.3%35.7% 28.8%33.3% 10.4%13.2%2.8% 17.7% 54.5% 25.1%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%16.7% 33.3% 50.0% 0.0%22.2% 33.3% 44.4% 0.0%0.0% 44.4% 44.4% 11.1%33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0%0.0% 77.8% 22.2% 0.0%0.0%7.7% 37.5%61.5% 50.0%30.8% 12.5%0.0%0.0%8.3% 62.5%16.7% 37.5%66.7% 0.0%8.3%0.0% 41.7% 58.3% 0.0%14.3% 57.1% 28.6% 0.0%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%0.0% 57.1% 42.9% 0.0%12.5%0.0% 50.0%50.0% 37.5%50.0% 0.0%0.0%10.0% 60.0% 30.0% 0.0%10.0% 50.0% 40.0% 0.0%12.5%0.0% 25.0%28.6% 62.5%71.4% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 47: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Desert Middle School 7 All Students Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Reading 2010-11Writing 2010-118 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Desert View Elementary 3 All Students Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English Language L.. Reading 2010-112011-12Female Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

0.0%0.0% 50.0%66.7% 50.0%33.3% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 66.7% 0.0% 33.3%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%0.0% 66.7% 0.0% 33.3%33.3%28.6% 44.4%28.6% 11.1%42.9% 11.1%0.0%

12.5%0.0% 37.5%28.6% 37.5%57.1% 12.5%14.3%44.4%14.3% 33.3%42.9% 22.2%42.9% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 28.6% 57.1% 14.3%2.0% 10.2% 55.1% 32.7%

2.0%0.0% 42.9%27.2% 55.1%64.2% 0.0%8.6%0.0% 6.2% 69.1% 24.7%14.3%0.0% 57.1%27.3% 28.6%72.7% 0.0%0.0%3.9% 3.9% 61.5% 30.8%

0.0%0.0% 50.0%28.1% 50.0%68.8% 0.0%3.1%0.0% 6.3% 65.6% 28.1%2.9% 14.7% 58.8% 23.5%2.9%0.0% 47.1%32.7% 50.0%63.3% 0.0%4.1%0.0% 8.2% 65.3% 26.5%0.0% 15.4% 69.2% 15.4%7.7%0.0% 53.9%27.6% 38.5%65.5% 0.0%6.9%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 48: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Desert View Elementary 3 Hispanic Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-114 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12

0.0% 6.9% 65.5% 27.6%0.0%7.7% 30.0%23.1% 60.0%46.2% 10.0%23.1%0.0%0.0% 60.0%46.2% 40.0%53.9% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 15.4% 61.5% 23.1%0.0%2.0% 17.4%6.1% 47.8%57.1% 34.8%34.7%4.4%0.0% 34.8%26.5% 60.9%61.2% 0.0%12.2%0.0% 6.1% 71.4% 22.5%3.2%2.1% 9.7%6.4% 45.2%55.3% 41.9%36.2%0.0%0.0% 38.7%27.7% 61.3%63.8% 0.0%8.5%0.0% 6.4% 68.1% 25.5%5.2%0.0% 19.0%14.3% 65.5%69.6% 10.3%16.1%0.0%0.0% 22.4%12.5% 60.3%67.9% 17.2%19.6%8.6%1.8% 43.1%53.6% 43.1%42.9% 5.2%1.8%0.0% 14.3% 80.4% 5.4%0.0%0.0% 57.1%22.2% 28.6%66.7% 14.3%11.1%0.0%0.0% 57.1%33.3% 28.6%66.7% 14.3%0.0%0.0% 33.3% 66.7% 0.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 49: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Desert View Elementary 4 English LanguageLearner Science 2010-112011-12Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-122010-11

14.3%0.0% 57.1%33.3% 28.6%66.7% 0.0%0.0%4.8%0.0% 23.8%12.0% 61.9%72.0% 9.5%16.0%0.0% 33.3% 47.6% 19.1%4.8%0.0% 38.1%60.0% 52.4%40.0% 4.8%0.0%0.0% 16.0% 76.0% 8.0%2.8% 22.2% 69.4% 5.6%0.0%0.0% 22.2%9.7% 61.1%71.0% 16.7%19.4%8.3%0.0% 52.8%48.4% 38.9%51.6% 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% 16.0%12.0% 76.0%72.0% 8.0%16.0%0.0%0.0% 24.0%20.0% 60.0%68.0% 16.0%12.0%4.0%0.0% 52.0%60.0% 44.0%40.0% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 8.0% 92.0% 0.0%20.0%0.0% 30.0%30.0% 40.0%70.0% 10.0%0.0%

0.0% 30.0% 70.0% 0.0%10.0%0.0% 50.0%60.0% 30.0%40.0% 10.0%0.0%5.4%0.0% 16.2%16.1% 67.6%67.7% 10.8%16.1%0.0%0.0% 16.2%19.4% 67.6%54.8% 16.2%25.8%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 50: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Desert View Elementary 4 Male Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Farson-Eden Elementary 3 All Students Reading 2011-12White Reading 2011-124 All Students Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-11Female Science 2010-11Free/Reduce..Science 2010-11Male Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-11White Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-115 All Students Reading 2010-11Farson-Eden High School 11 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12

10.8%3.2% 46.0%48.4% 37.8%45.2% 5.4%3.2%0.0% 12.9% 83.9% 3.2%10.0%0.0% 16.7%14.3% 60.0%71.4% 13.3%14.3%0.0% 16.7% 63.3% 20.0%6.7%0.0% 36.7%53.6% 46.7%42.9% 10.0%3.6%0.0% 21.4% 75.0% 3.6%0.0% 37.5% 62.5% 0.0%0.0% 37.5% 62.5% 0.0%6.3% 6.3% 75.0% 12.5%0.0% 56.3% 37.5% 6.3%0.0% 12.5% 62.5% 25.0%0.0% 71.4% 28.6% 0.0%0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%11.1% 11.1% 55.6% 22.2%0.0% 44.4% 44.4% 11.1%0.0% 22.2% 77.8% 0.0%6.3% 6.3% 75.0% 12.5%0.0% 56.3% 37.5% 6.3%0.0% 12.5% 62.5% 25.0%0.0% 30.0% 50.0% 20.0%12.5%10.5% 37.5%42.1% 37.5%26.3% 12.5%21.1%12.5%10.5% 37.5%21.1% 50.0%42.1% 0.0%26.3%5.3% 31.6% 36.8% 26.3%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 51: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Farson-Eden High School 11 All Students Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Male Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-11Farson-Eden Middle School6 All Students Reading 2010-11White Reading 2010-117 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2011-12Reading 2011-12White Math 2011-12Reading 2011-128 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12

0.0%5.3% 37.5%31.6% 50.0%36.8% 12.5%26.3%0.0% 15.8% 47.4% 36.8%0.0% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3%0.0% 25.0% 33.3% 41.7%8.3% 16.7% 33.3% 41.7%28.6% 14.3% 57.1% 0.0%0.0% 57.1% 42.9% 0.0%0.0% 28.6% 57.1% 14.3%10.5% 42.1% 26.3% 21.1%10.5% 21.1% 42.1% 26.3%5.3% 31.6% 36.8% 26.3%0.0% 15.8% 47.4% 36.8%0.0% 21.4% 50.0% 28.6%0.0% 21.4% 50.0% 28.6%6.7%30.0% 20.0%10.0% 40.0%30.0% 33.3%30.0%6.7%10.0% 20.0%40.0% 53.3%30.0% 20.0%20.0%20.0% 20.0% 30.0% 30.0%14.3% 28.6% 28.6% 28.6%0.0% 42.9% 42.9% 14.3%6.7% 20.0% 40.0% 33.3%6.7% 20.0% 53.3% 20.0%30.0%0.0% 10.0%22.2% 50.0%66.7% 10.0%11.1%

10.0%5.3% 30.0%5.3% 30.0%73.7% 30.0%15.8%0.0% 52.6% 42.1% 5.3%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 52: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Farson-Eden Middle School8 All Students Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Science 2010-11Male Math 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-11Independence High School 11 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-11Male Writing 2010-11White Math 2011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2011-12Lincoln Elementary 5 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-122010-11

10.0%0.0% 40.0%52.6% 30.0%42.1% 20.0%5.3%0.0% 22.2% 50.0% 27.8%0.0% 33.3% 50.0% 16.7%0.0% 25.0% 75.0% 0.0%0.0% 61.5% 38.5% 0.0%0.0% 33.3% 58.3% 8.3%

33.3%14.3% 41.7%61.9% 25.0%23.8% 0.0%0.0%0.0%23.8% 66.7%42.9% 33.3%28.6% 0.0%4.8%

58.3%47.6% 25.0%38.1% 16.7%14.3% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 38.1% 57.1% 4.8%7.1% 64.3% 28.6% 0.0%14.3% 42.9% 35.7% 7.1%50.0% 35.7% 14.3% 0.0%0.0% 21.4% 78.6% 0.0%0.0% 71.4% 14.3% 14.3%33.3% 41.7% 25.0% 0.0%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%58.3% 25.0% 16.7% 0.0%3.6%10.0% 15.2%15.5% 52.7%49.1% 28.6%25.5%5.4%5.5% 17.9%27.3% 50.0%50.9% 26.8%16.4%2.7% 16.4% 73.6% 7.3%1.8%10.2% 17.5%17.0% 47.4%52.5% 33.3%20.3%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 53: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Lincoln Elementary 5 Female Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-11Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-116 All Students Math 2010-112011-12

5.3%3.4% 10.5%23.7% 47.4%55.9% 36.8%17.0%1.7% 10.2% 79.7% 8.5%4.6%11.6% 15.9%16.3% 61.4%60.5% 18.2%11.6%6.8%9.3% 22.7%23.3% 54.6%58.1% 15.9%9.3%2.3% 20.9% 74.4% 2.3%14.3% 14.3% 64.3% 7.1%8.3%0.0% 16.7%21.4% 58.3%64.3% 16.7%14.3%0.0% 14.3% 85.7% 0.0%21.4%41.7% 57.1%25.0% 21.4%33.3% 0.0%0.0%42.9%25.0% 42.9%50.0% 7.1%25.0% 7.1%0.0%

16.7% 41.7% 41.7% 0.0%5.5%9.8% 12.7%13.7% 58.2%45.1% 23.6%31.4%5.5%7.8% 25.5%31.4% 52.7%45.1% 16.4%15.7%3.9% 23.5% 66.7% 5.9%3.2%9.6% 17.0%16.0% 51.1%46.8% 28.7%27.7%5.3%6.4% 19.2%28.7% 47.9%48.9% 27.7%16.0%3.2% 17.0% 71.3% 8.5%2.6% 13.8% 65.5% 18.1%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 54: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Lincoln Elementary 6 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

8.7%2.6% 15.7%13.8% 53.0%65.5% 22.6%18.1%3.5%0.0% 17.4%14.7% 59.1%69.8% 20.0%15.5%0.0% 26.7% 44.8% 28.5%10.9%2.0% 15.6%18.4% 53.1%63.3% 20.3%16.3%1.6%0.0% 18.8%6.1% 60.9%71.4% 18.8%22.5%0.0% 8.2% 57.1% 34.7%11.4%2.6% 18.2%18.4% 61.4%63.2% 9.1%15.8%4.6%0.0% 22.7%13.2% 56.8%81.6% 15.9%5.3%0.0% 29.0% 42.1% 29.0%10.5%5.6% 10.5%11.1% 52.6%72.2% 26.3%11.1%0.0%0.0% 10.5%11.1% 68.4%77.8% 21.1%11.1%0.0% 27.8% 38.9% 33.3%

40.0%10.0% 30.0%20.0% 30.0%70.0% 0.0%0.0%30.0%0.0% 50.0%80.0% 20.0%20.0% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 80.0% 20.0% 0.0%

5.9%3.0% 15.7%10.5% 52.9%67.2% 25.5%19.4%5.9%0.0% 15.7%20.9% 56.9%68.7% 21.6%10.5%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 55: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Lincoln Elementary 6 Male Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Northpark Elementary 3 All Students Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Free/ReducedLunch Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-114 All Students Math 2010-112011-122010-11

0.0% 40.3% 35.8% 23.9%8.8%2.1% 16.5%14.6% 53.9%64.6% 20.9%18.8%3.3%0.0% 19.8%15.6% 58.2%68.8% 18.7%15.6%0.0% 27.1% 44.8% 28.1%0.0% 10.9% 46.9% 42.2%1.6%4.5% 32.8%22.4% 60.9%55.2% 4.7%17.9%1.5% 9.0% 43.3% 46.3%0.0% 12.0% 60.0% 28.0%0.0%3.0% 32.0%21.2% 64.0%54.6% 4.0%21.2%0.0%4.6% 21.1%36.4% 73.7%36.4% 5.3%22.7%0.0% 18.2% 63.6% 18.2%0.0%13.3% 29.4%6.7% 52.9%53.3% 17.7%26.7%5.9%20.0% 52.9%33.3% 35.3%33.3% 5.9%13.3%6.7% 33.3% 46.7% 13.3%0.0%5.9% 10.3%2.9% 38.5%38.2% 51.3%52.9%2.6%5.9% 33.3%23.5% 59.0%55.9% 5.1%14.7%2.9% 14.7% 47.1% 35.3%4.1%0.0% 18.9%16.7% 52.7%62.1% 24.3%21.2%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 56: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Northpark Elementary 4 All Students Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-122010-11

1.4%0.0% 18.9%21.2% 50.0%57.6% 29.7%21.2%5.4%6.1% 36.5%43.9% 44.6%42.4% 13.5%7.6%1.5% 12.1% 63.6% 22.7%2.6%0.0% 23.7%18.2% 47.4%69.7% 26.3%12.1%0.0%0.0% 18.4%24.2% 52.6%54.6% 29.0%21.2%7.9%6.1% 34.2%54.6% 42.1%36.4% 15.8%3.0%0.0% 9.1% 66.7% 24.2%3.9%0.0% 26.9%14.8% 50.0%66.7% 19.2%18.5%3.9%0.0% 19.2%14.8% 53.9%63.0% 23.1%22.2%7.7%7.4% 38.5%33.3% 42.3%51.9% 11.5%7.4%0.0% 14.8% 74.1% 11.1%

23.1%0.0% 30.8%33.3% 30.8%33.3% 15.4%33.3%7.7%0.0% 46.2%46.7% 30.8%33.3% 15.4%20.0%15.4%20.0% 46.2%40.0% 15.4%20.0% 23.1%20.0%6.7% 33.3% 60.0% 0.0%5.6%0.0% 13.9%15.2% 58.3%54.6% 22.2%30.3%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 57: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Northpark Elementary 4 Male Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Science 2010-11Writing 2010-11Overland Elementary 3 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

2.8%0.0% 19.4%18.2% 47.2%60.6% 30.6%21.2%2.8%6.1% 38.9%33.3% 47.2%48.5% 11.1%12.1%3.0% 15.2% 60.6% 21.2%0.0% 18.3% 60.0% 21.7%0.0% 21.7% 56.7% 21.7%3.3% 45.0% 43.3% 8.3%0.0% 13.3% 63.3% 23.3%0.0%1.5% 11.7%13.9% 55.0%66.2% 33.3%18.5%3.3%9.4% 30.0%37.5% 61.7%46.9% 5.0%6.3%0.0% 28.1% 60.9% 10.9%0.0%6.7% 27.3%26.7% 54.6%66.7% 18.2%0.0%9.1%21.4% 54.6%50.0% 36.4%28.6% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 7.4%11.1% 63.0%66.7% 29.6%22.2%3.7%11.1% 29.6%25.9% 59.3%51.9% 7.4%11.1%0.0% 22.2% 59.3% 18.5%0.0%2.4% 13.3%9.8% 53.3%73.2% 33.3%14.6%6.7%12.5% 30.0%37.5% 60.0%50.0% 3.3%0.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 58: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Overland Elementary 3 Free/ReducedLunch Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-114 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-122010-11

0.0% 30.0% 67.5% 2.5%0.0%3.5% 19.2%17.2% 65.4%69.0% 15.4%10.3%7.7%10.7% 38.5%39.3% 53.9%50.0% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 32.1% 67.9% 0.0%0.0% 18.8% 62.5% 18.8%25.0% 31.3% 43.8% 0.0%0.0% 37.5% 50.0% 12.5%0.0%2.6% 15.2%15.8% 48.5%65.8% 36.4%15.8%3.0%8.1% 30.3%46.0% 63.6%43.2% 3.0%2.7%0.0% 32.4% 62.2% 5.4%0.0%0.0% 7.4%12.1% 51.9%60.6% 40.7%27.3%0.0%9.1% 25.9%33.3% 70.4%48.5% 3.7%9.1%0.0% 27.3% 54.6% 18.2%4.4%5.4% 29.0%23.2% 44.9%39.3% 21.7%32.1%0.0%0.0% 18.8%25.0% 50.7%58.9% 30.4%16.1%2.9%7.1% 43.5%50.0% 46.4%33.9% 7.3%8.9%1.8% 25.0% 51.8% 21.4%3.3%7.7% 30.0%15.4% 36.7%42.3% 30.0%34.6%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 59: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Overland Elementary 4 Female Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-122010-11

0.0%0.0% 20.0%23.1% 46.7%50.0% 33.3%26.9%0.0%3.9% 36.7%46.2% 53.3%34.6% 10.0%15.4%0.0% 19.2% 46.2% 34.6%5.7%0.0% 37.1%13.8% 42.9%51.7% 14.3%34.5%0.0%0.0% 28.6%17.2% 51.4%65.5% 20.0%17.2%5.7%6.9% 40.0%51.7% 45.7%31.0% 8.6%10.3%0.0% 17.2% 62.1% 20.7%6.9%0.0% 37.9%15.8% 48.3%42.1% 6.9% 42.1%0.0%0.0% 37.9%10.5% 48.3%79.0% 13.8%10.5%6.9%5.3% 55.2%52.6% 37.9%31.6% 0.0%10.5%11.1%10.0% 33.3%30.0% 44.4%50.0% 11.1%10.0%0.0%0.0% 44.4%50.0% 44.4%50.0% 11.1%0.0%11.1%10.0% 66.7%50.0% 16.7%40.0% 5.6%0.0%5.1%3.3% 28.2%30.0% 51.3%36.7% 15.4%30.0%0.0%0.0% 18.0%26.7% 53.9%66.7% 28.2%6.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 60: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Overland Elementary 4 Male Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Pilot ButteElementary 5 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-11Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

5.1%10.0% 48.7%53.3% 41.0%33.3% 5.1%3.3%3.3% 30.0% 56.7% 10.0%2.7%8.6% 21.6%28.6% 43.2%37.1% 32.4%25.7%0.0%0.0% 5.4%34.3% 51.4%45.7% 43.2%20.0%0.0%8.6% 32.4%48.6% 54.1%34.3% 13.5%8.6%2.9% 37.1% 40.0% 20.0%4.8%4.8% 19.2%20.7% 49.1%51.5% 26.9%23.0%6.3%2.6% 25.1%29.1% 46.9%50.0% 21.8%18.3%3.4% 16.8% 73.5% 6.3%23.1%16.7% 61.5%38.9% 15.4%44.4% 0.0%0.0%5.9% 64.7% 29.4% 0.0%5.9% 52.9% 41.2% 0.0%

4.4%4.6% 23.5%22.7% 44.9%48.5% 27.2%24.2%7.4%2.3% 20.6%25.4% 48.5%55.4% 23.5%16.9%2.3% 11.5% 79.2% 6.9%6.4%9.9% 22.9%28.1% 51.4%49.6% 19.3%12.4%8.3%4.2% 27.5%37.5% 45.0%53.3% 19.3%5.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 61: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Pilot ButteElementary 5 Free/ReducedLunch Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-116 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

2.5% 23.3% 70.8% 3.3%6.1%9.7% 27.3%25.0% 51.5%50.0% 15.2%15.3%6.1%2.8% 30.3%32.4% 50.0%53.5% 13.6%11.3%4.2% 18.3% 69.0% 8.5%15.2%14.3% 34.8%51.4% 34.8%34.3% 15.2%0.0%23.9%8.6% 41.3%65.7% 26.1%22.9% 8.7%2.9%

2.9% 42.9% 51.4% 2.9%5.2%5.1% 14.8%18.8% 53.3%54.4% 26.7%21.7%5.2%2.9% 29.6%32.6% 45.2%44.9% 20.0%19.6%4.4% 21.7% 68.1% 5.8%0.0% 15.4% 38.5% 46.2%0.0%0.0% 23.1%25.0% 46.2%75.0% 30.8%0.0%4.3%3.3% 16.7%19.8% 50.0%50.6% 29.0%26.4%7.0%2.8% 23.7%28.2% 46.2%47.5% 23.1%21.6%3.3% 17.1% 74.6% 5.0%5.2%7.5% 15.4%20.1% 51.1%56.3% 28.3%16.1%1.1%5.0% 22.7%27.3% 55.0%55.0% 21.2%12.6%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 62: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Pilot ButteElementary 6 All Students Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-122010-11

2.2% 30.9% 50.0% 16.9%18.8%8.3% 37.5%25.0% 43.8%66.7% 0.0%0.0%7.1%18.2% 57.1%63.6% 35.7%18.2% 0.0%0.0%9.1% 18.2% 72.7% 0.0%6.1%6.0% 15.3%19.0% 51.9%62.9% 26.7%12.1%0.8%2.6% 23.9%22.4% 48.5%58.6% 26.9%16.4%1.7% 13.8% 58.6% 25.9%8.3%9.6% 26.7%26.0% 50.0%56.7% 15.0%7.7%1.7%3.9% 33.3%38.8% 53.0%47.6% 12.0%9.7%1.9% 36.9% 48.5% 12.6%6.9%6.2% 24.7%27.7% 48.0%60.0% 20.6%6.2%1.4%6.3% 22.9%35.9% 61.4%50.0% 14.3%7.8%3.1% 26.6% 57.8% 12.5%13.9%14.3% 38.9%45.2% 41.7%31.0% 5.6%9.5%8.3%16.7% 55.6%47.6% 33.3%33.3% 2.8%2.4%11.9% 61.9% 23.8% 2.4%4.3%8.6% 15.6%20.9% 50.4%51.5% 29.8%19.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 63: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Pilot ButteElementary 6 Male Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2010-11Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Rock Springs High School 11 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-122010-11

1.4%6.8% 21.6%30.9% 61.2%52.5% 15.8%9.9%2.5% 43.2% 43.8% 10.5%9.1% 9.1% 45.5% 36.4%0.0%0.0% 20.0%18.2% 60.0%63.6% 20.0%18.2%0.0% 36.4% 54.6% 9.1%5.0%7.1% 12.2%18.9% 50.3%55.6% 32.6%18.4%1.1%5.1% 22.7%24.5% 52.5%56.6% 23.8%13.8%2.0% 32.1% 47.5% 18.4%5.3%7.5% 40.5%39.0% 40.9%37.7% 13.4%15.8%7.1%12.7% 25.9%27.1% 55.0%46.6% 12.1%13.7%

30.9%21.8% 30.5%35.5% 28.4%30.4% 10.3%12.3%5.9% 19.7% 51.4% 23.1%3.4%4.9% 42.9%44.1% 45.6%38.5% 8.2%12.6%5.5%4.2% 21.9%28.9% 61.0%53.5% 11.6%13.4%

35.6%18.9% 28.1%39.2% 26.0%33.6% 10.3%8.4%2.1% 13.4% 57.0% 27.5%8.4%16.4% 45.8%48.0% 36.1%26.0% 9.6%9.6%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 64: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Rock Springs High School 11 Free/ReducedLunch Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-122010-11

14.5%25.7% 26.5%32.4% 49.4%33.8% 9.6%8.1%37.8%39.2% 32.9%33.8% 25.6%20.3% 3.7%6.8%8.2% 31.5% 53.4% 6.9%

7.8%13.8% 49.0%51.7% 35.3%20.7% 7.8%13.8%17.7%23.7% 29.4%32.2% 43.1%39.0% 9.8%5.1%

44.0%45.8% 28.0%32.2% 24.0%13.6% 4.0%8.5%17.0% 32.2% 35.6% 15.3%25.0%32.3% 60.0%54.8% 10.0%9.7% 5.0%3.2%36.8%41.9% 36.8%38.7% 26.3%19.4% 0.0%0.0%

68.4%58.1% 10.5%35.5% 21.1%6.5% 0.0%0.0%22.6% 51.6% 25.8% 0.0%7.3%10.1% 38.0%34.2% 35.8%36.9% 19.0%18.8%8.8%20.7% 30.2%25.3% 48.5%40.0% 12.5%14.0%25.7%24.7% 33.1%32.0% 30.9%27.3% 10.3%16.0%9.5% 25.7% 46.0% 18.9%

5.0%5.9% 39.2%36.0% 42.3%41.4% 13.5%16.7%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 65: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Rock Springs High School 11 White Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Rock Springs Junior High 7 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11AmericanIndian/Alaska Native Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-11Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2011-12Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-112010-11

4.1%9.5% 26.4%26.2% 57.7%48.0% 11.8%16.3%29.0%16.2% 31.7%35.6% 28.5%35.1% 10.9%13.1%

3.2% 16.4% 54.8% 25.6%10.5%11.9% 22.1%21.6% 46.4%43.4% 21.0%23.1%3.6%2.8% 26.9%35.7% 61.0%57.1% 8.5%4.3%3.1% 28.6% 44.5% 23.8%33.3% 0.0% 66.7% 0.0%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%0.0% 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%14.3% 42.9% 28.6% 14.3%0.0% 57.1% 28.6% 14.3%20.0%33.3% 33.3%33.3% 46.7%33.3% 0.0%0.0%13.3% 40.0% 46.7% 0.0%9.2%10.9% 22.0%23.4% 50.6%43.2% 18.3%22.4%1.2%3.1% 19.5%33.3% 70.1%56.8% 9.2%6.8%2.6% 19.9% 44.5% 33.0%16.8%16.4% 22.4%26.1% 46.2%42.5% 14.7%14.9%5.6%4.5% 34.3%44.4% 55.9%50.4% 4.2%0.8%6.1% 36.4% 41.7% 15.9%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 66: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Rock Springs Junior High 7 Free/ReducedLunch Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-118 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12

13.4%16.9% 28.1%24.7% 50.0%37.7% 8.5%20.8%3.7%5.3% 39.0%42.1% 54.9%47.4% 2.4%5.3%4.0% 22.4% 50.0% 23.7%

36.4%36.7% 31.8%43.3% 25.0%20.0% 6.8%0.0%22.7%9.8% 47.7%73.8% 25.0%16.4% 4.6%0.0%16.4% 65.6% 18.0% 0.0%11.5%12.9% 22.1%19.8% 43.4%43.6% 23.0%23.8%5.3%2.5% 32.3%38.0% 54.4%57.5% 8.0%2.0%3.5% 37.0% 44.5% 15.0%0.0%0.0% 18.2%33.3% 36.4%66.7% 45.5%0.0%0.0%0.0% 18.2% 66.7% 81.8%33.3% 0.0%0.0%33.3% 33.3% 16.7% 16.7%9.7%10.5% 20.8%20.4% 45.7%44.6% 23.9%24.5%3.8%2.0% 24.2%33.7% 61.3%60.2% 10.7%4.1%2.4% 28.7% 44.7% 24.2%11.9%15.2% 20.0%24.6% 48.9%44.7% 19.2%15.5%6.6% 28.9% 54.4% 10.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 67: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Rock Springs Junior High 8 All Students Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Black Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-11Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-112010-11

3.5%6.6% 20.5%28.9% 63.4%54.4% 12.6%10.0%18.1%17.2% 43.3%49.9% 32.0%26.9% 6.6%6.0%2.0% 18.6% 53.3% 26.1%14.3%14.3% 42.9%42.9% 42.9%42.9% 0.0%0.0%14.3%28.6% 14.3%28.6% 71.4%42.9% 0.0%0.0%14.3% 57.1% 28.6% 0.0%0.0% 28.6% 42.9% 28.6%25.0% 58.3% 16.7% 0.0%30.0%33.3% 50.0%50.0% 20.0%16.7% 0.0%0.0%25.0% 33.3% 33.3% 8.3%

11.9%14.8% 18.7%21.9% 49.2%45.6% 20.2%17.8%1.6%3.6% 18.6%27.2% 63.4%55.0% 16.5%14.2%15.0%18.3% 44.3%46.2% 32.5%28.4% 8.3%7.1%1.2% 10.7% 51.5% 36.7%17.7%23.2% 24.3%32.8% 47.1%35.2% 11.0%8.8%

5.9%11.2% 27.9%39.2% 58.8%40.8% 7.4%8.8%21.9%25.6% 45.3%52.0% 27.7%16.0% 5.1%6.4%4.0% 21.6% 56.0% 18.4%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 68: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Rock Springs Junior High 8 Free/ReducedLunch Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Two or More Races Math 2011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2011-12White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-122010-11

16.9%29.0% 20.5%24.6% 45.8%37.7% 16.9%8.7%6.0%10.1% 26.5%44.9% 55.4%37.7% 12.1%7.3%25.3%33.3% 41.0%46.4% 30.1%17.4% 3.6%2.9%5.8% 18.8% 55.1% 20.3%

51.7%34.0% 27.6%46.8% 19.0%14.9% 1.7%4.3%15.3%25.5% 52.5%42.6% 30.5%25.5% 1.7%6.4%

52.5%34.0% 37.3%57.5% 6.8%2.1% 3.4%6.4%12.8% 46.8% 38.3% 2.1%11.9%15.6% 21.3%27.2% 48.5%43.9% 18.3%13.3%5.5%9.4% 22.3%30.6% 63.4%53.9% 8.9%6.1%21.2%16.1% 42.4%53.3% 31.5%25.6% 4.9%5.0%2.8% 26.1% 55.0% 16.1%10.0% 10.0% 80.0% 0.0%0.0% 30.0% 70.0% 0.0%10.0% 50.0% 40.0% 0.0%10.5%11.2% 19.5%24.4% 49.1%47.7% 20.9%16.7%2.1%4.7% 18.8%25.2% 65.6%58.9% 13.5%11.2%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 69: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Rock Springs Junior High 8 White Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11SageElementary 3 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12

15.9%12.8% 43.6%50.4% 32.9%29.8% 7.6%7.0%1.2% 18.6% 53.9% 26.4%2.3%1.1% 15.7%18.0% 56.2%64.0% 25.8%16.9%10.2%14.6% 37.5%36.0% 47.7%38.2% 4.6%11.2%7.9% 33.7% 41.6% 16.9%0.0%11.1% 33.3%55.6% 61.1%33.3% 5.6%0.0%17.7% 58.8% 23.5% 0.0%33.3% 44.4% 22.2% 0.0%

2.4%0.0% 9.5%11.1% 59.5%61.1% 28.6%27.8%9.5%17.1% 21.4%17.1% 61.9%48.6% 7.1%17.1%5.7% 25.7% 34.3% 34.3%2.8%2.9% 22.2%26.5% 69.4%64.7% 5.6%5.9%17.1%26.5% 48.6%44.1% 34.3%26.5% 0.0%2.9%11.8% 41.2% 38.2% 8.8%

3.7%4.6% 22.2%22.7% 55.6%63.6% 18.5%9.1%11.5%27.3% 42.3%40.9% 42.3%22.7% 3.9%9.1%13.6% 31.8% 40.9% 13.6%0.0% 25.0% 75.0% 0.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 70: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

SageElementary 3 Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-114 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11English LanguageLearner Math 2010-11Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12

14.3%0.0% 35.7%25.0% 42.9%75.0% 7.1%0.0%35.7%30.8% 50.0%38.5% 14.3%30.8% 0.0%0.0%23.1% 46.2% 23.1% 7.7%

2.1%1.9% 21.3%22.6% 53.2%66.0% 23.4%9.4%10.9%13.0% 52.2%48.2% 34.8%31.5% 2.2%7.4%9.3% 38.9% 46.3% 5.6%1.6%0.0% 11.5%16.7% 57.4%65.2% 29.5%18.2%8.2%10.6% 36.1%34.9% 50.8%43.9% 4.9%10.6%6.1% 34.9% 42.4% 16.7%6.4%8.5% 24.5%23.4% 54.3%48.9% 14.9%19.2%3.2%2.1% 16.0%27.7% 51.1%57.5% 29.8%12.8%8.5%19.2% 44.7%36.2% 42.6%34.0% 4.3%10.6%8.5% 14.9% 63.8% 12.8%33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0%25.0%16.7% 58.3%50.0% 16.7%33.3% 0.0%0.0%16.7% 16.7% 66.7% 0.0%

5.1%11.1% 23.1%40.7% 53.9%37.0% 18.0%11.1%3.7% 33.3% 55.6% 7.4%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 71: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

SageElementary 4 Female Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Male Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12

5.1%3.7% 12.8%33.3% 41.0%55.6% 41.0%7.4%7.7%22.2% 43.6%44.4% 43.6%25.9% 5.1%7.4%11.1% 11.1% 63.0% 14.8%13.5%23.5% 37.8%35.3% 43.2%41.2% 5.4%0.0%8.1%5.9% 32.4%47.1% 46.0%47.1% 13.5%0.0%16.2%41.2% 59.5%47.1% 21.6%11.8% 2.7%0.0%23.5% 11.8% 58.8% 5.9%21.7%10.5% 30.4%36.8% 47.8%42.1% 0.0%10.5%13.0%5.3% 30.4%26.3% 52.2%63.2% 4.4%5.3%26.1%21.1% 60.9%52.6% 13.0%26.3% 0.0%0.0%5.3% 15.8% 73.7% 5.3%

7.7% 42.9% 38.5%28.6% 53.9%14.3% 0.0%14.3%7.7%14.3% 30.8%57.1% 53.9%28.6% 7.7%0.0%7.7% 71.4% 38.5%0.0% 53.9%28.6% 0.0%0.0%7.3% 25.5% 54.6% 12.7%1.8%0.0% 18.2%20.0% 58.2%60.0% 21.8%20.0%15.0% 25.0% 45.0% 15.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 72: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

SageElementary 4 Male Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11WalnutElementary 3 All Students Reading 2010-112011-12Female Math 2010-11Reading 2010-112011-12Free/ReducedLunch Reading 2010-112011-12Hispanic Reading 2010-11Individual Ed..Reading 2011-12Male Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Reading 2010-112011-124 All Students Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

9.1%15.0% 45.5%25.0% 41.8%45.0% 3.6%15.0%5.0% 20.0% 65.0% 10.0%1.5%7.7% 23.2%15.4% 56.5%50.0% 18.8%26.9%0.0%0.0% 11.6%30.8% 50.7%53.9% 37.7%15.4%2.9%19.2% 39.1%26.9% 52.2%38.5% 5.8%15.4%11.5% 15.4% 53.9% 19.2%0.0%0.0% 24.6%23.7% 63.8%50.9% 11.6%25.4%0.0% 6.1% 45.5% 48.5%0.0%0.0% 24.1%24.2% 55.2%48.5% 20.7%27.3%0.0%0.0% 36.4%29.2% 63.6%54.2% 0.0%16.7%0.0% 20.0% 60.0% 20.0%0.0% 40.0% 60.0% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 25.0%23.1% 70.0%53.9% 5.0%23.1%0.0% 7.7% 61.5% 30.8%0.0%0.0% 24.2%26.1% 62.9%45.7% 12.9%28.3%0.0% 13.1% 49.2% 37.7%0.0%0.0% 11.5%9.0% 47.5%35.8% 41.0%55.2%3.3%0.0% 34.4%22.4% 55.7%55.2% 6.6%22.4%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 73: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

WalnutElementary 4 All Students Science 2011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Free/ReducedLunch Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Reading 2011-12Science 2011-12Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12

1.5% 4.5% 32.8% 61.2%0.0% 16.7% 52.8% 30.6%0.0% 13.9% 44.4% 41.7%2.8%0.0% 41.7%19.4% 52.8%55.6% 2.8%25.0%0.0% 20.0% 48.0% 32.0%0.0%0.0% 8.0%13.0% 56.0%26.1% 36.0%60.9%8.0%0.0% 44.0%30.4% 44.0%60.9% 4.0%8.7%4.4% 4.4% 26.1% 65.2%0.0% 25.0% 62.5% 12.5%12.5% 50.0% 37.5% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 20.0%30.0% 70.0%50.0% 10.0%20.0%0.0%0.0% 40.0%50.0% 50.0%50.0% 10.0%0.0%10.0%0.0% 60.0%70.0% 30.0%30.0% 0.0%0.0%10.0% 20.0% 50.0% 20.0%0.0%0.0% 8.0%9.7% 44.0%48.4% 48.0%41.9%0.0%0.0% 8.0%16.1% 52.0%35.5% 40.0%48.4%4.0%0.0% 24.0%25.8% 60.0%54.8% 12.0%19.4%3.2% 9.7% 45.2% 41.9%0.0% 5.2% 39.7% 55.2%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 74: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

WalnutElementary 4 White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Westridge Elementary 3 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Individual Education Plan Math 2010-11Reading 2010-11Writing 2010-112010-11

0.0%0.0% 12.2%5.2% 46.9%39.7% 40.8%55.2%0.0%0.0% 10.2%10.3% 42.9%32.8% 46.9%56.9%2.0%0.0% 28.6%24.1% 61.2%50.0% 8.2%25.9%1.7% 5.2% 36.2% 56.9%2.3%0.0% 15.1%8.0% 38.4%65.9% 44.2%26.1%9.3%7.9% 26.7%30.3% 54.7%52.8% 9.3%9.0%3.4% 28.1% 49.4% 19.1%5.3%0.0% 15.8%8.7% 50.0%63.0% 29.0%28.3%13.2%6.4% 29.0%36.2% 52.6%48.9% 5.3%8.5%6.4% 17.0% 48.9% 27.7%

0.0%0.0% 32.0%16.1% 52.0%64.5% 16.0%19.4%20.0%9.7% 40.0%35.5% 32.0%41.9% 8.0%12.9%6.5% 35.5% 45.2% 12.9%0.0% 20.0% 20.0% 60.0%

0.0%11.1% 20.0%33.3% 70.0%44.4% 10.0%11.1%11.1% 11.1% 22.2% 55.6%0.0% 16.7% 75.0% 8.3%33.3% 50.0% 16.7% 0.0%8.3% 66.7% 25.0% 0.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 75: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Westridge Elementary 3Individual Education Plan Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-114 All Students Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Female Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Free/ReducedLunch Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-122010-11

0.0%0.0% 14.6%7.1% 29.2%69.1% 56.3%23.8%6.3%9.5% 25.0%23.8% 56.3%57.1% 12.5%9.5%0.0% 40.5% 50.0% 9.5%2.9%0.0% 14.5%7.6% 37.7%65.2% 44.9%27.3%10.1%9.0% 27.5%29.9% 52.2%50.8% 10.1%10.5%3.0% 31.3% 52.2% 13.4%4.5%7.9% 14.6%15.8% 61.8%48.7% 19.1%27.6%1.1%0.0% 13.5%14.5% 46.1%55.3% 39.3%30.3%7.9%5.3% 43.8%42.1% 41.6%40.8% 6.7%11.8%1.3% 23.7% 56.6% 18.4%6.3%0.0% 18.8%25.0% 62.5%44.4% 12.5%30.6%2.1%0.0% 10.4%5.6% 43.8%52.8% 43.8%41.7%6.3%0.0% 52.1%41.7% 35.4%41.7% 6.3%16.7%0.0% 19.4% 50.0% 30.6%10.3%16.7% 10.3%22.2% 72.4%38.9% 6.9%22.2%3.5%0.0% 13.8%22.2% 44.8%66.7% 37.9%11.1%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 76: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

Location Na.. Grade Subgroup Subject School Year

0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Bel..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Basic0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Prof..0.0 0.5 1.0Avg. Percent Adv..

Westridge Elementary 4 Free/ReducedLunch Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Hispanic Math 2011-12Reading 2011-12Science 2010-112011-12Individual Education Plan Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11Male Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11White Math 2010-112011-12Reading 2010-112011-12Science 2010-112011-12Writing 2010-11

10.3%5.6% 58.6%55.6% 24.1%33.3% 6.9%5.6%0.0% 38.9% 50.0% 11.1%7.7% 23.1% 53.9% 15.4%0.0% 23.1% 38.5% 38.5%15.4%0.0% 53.9%20.0% 23.1% 80.0% 7.7%0.0%21.4%14.3% 35.7%42.9% 28.6%28.6% 14.3%14.3%

7.1%0.0% 50.0%57.1% 28.6%28.6% 14.3%14.3%35.7%14.3% 35.7%57.1% 28.6%28.6% 0.0%0.0%14.3% 28.6% 57.1% 0.0%

2.4%15.0% 9.8%7.5% 61.0%52.5% 26.8%25.0%0.0%0.0% 17.1%22.5% 48.8%57.5% 34.2%20.0%9.8%10.0% 34.2%42.5% 48.8%40.0% 7.3%7.5%2.5% 27.5% 62.5% 7.5%4.7%8.2% 14.1%16.4% 62.5%49.2% 18.8%26.2%1.6%0.0% 14.1%14.8% 43.8%52.5% 40.6%32.8%7.8%6.6% 40.6%44.3% 46.9%36.1% 4.7%13.1%1.6% 26.2% 54.1% 18.0%

Performance Levels SubjectMathReadingScienceWriting

Average of Percent Below Basic, average of Percent Basic, average of Percent Proficient and average of Percent Advanced for each School Year broken down byLocation Name, Grade, Subgroup and Subject. Color shows details about Subject. The view is filtered on Location Name, Grade, Subject, School Year, Subgroupand average of Percent Advanced. The Location Name filter has multiple members selected. The Grade filter has multiple members selected. The Subject filter hasmultiple members selected. The School Year filter keeps 2010-11 and 2011-12. The Subgroup filter has multiple members selected. The average of Percent Ad-vanced filter keeps non-Null values only.

Page 77: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:



Índice de Participación


(NCLB requiere una tasa de participación del 95% o superior)

Page 78: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupDesertElementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsReading All Students05 Math All StudentsWhiteReading All StudentsWhite06 Math All StudentsReading All StudentsDesert MiddleSchool 2011-12 07 Math All StudentsWhiteReading All StudentsWhite08 Math All StudentsWhiteReading All StudentsWhiteScience All StudentsWhiteDesert View Elementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMale

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 79: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupDesert View Elementary 2011-12 03 Reading Individual Education PlanMaleWhite04 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteScience All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteFarson-EdenElementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsWhiteReading All StudentsWhite04 Math All StudentsWhiteAll Students

100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 80: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupFarson-EdenElementary 2011-12 04 Math WhiteReading All StudentsWhiteScience All StudentsWhite05 Math All StudentsFree/Reduced LunchMaleWhiteReading All StudentsFree/Reduced LunchMaleWhiteFarson-EdenHigh School 2011-12 11 Math All StudentsFemaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleWhiteScience All StudentsFemaleWhiteFarson-EdenMiddle School 2011-12 06 Math All StudentsWhiteReading All StudentsWhite07 Math All StudentsFemaleMaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleMaleWhite

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 88.9% 87.5% 85.7% 88.9% 87.5% 85.7% 88.9% 87.5% 85.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 81: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupFarson-EdenMiddle School 2011-12 07 Reading MaleWhite08 Math All StudentsMaleWhiteReading All StudentsMaleWhiteScience All StudentsMaleWhiteIndependenceHigh School 2011-12 11 Math All StudentsFemaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleWhiteScience All StudentsFemaleWhiteLincolnElementary 2011-12 05 Math All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhite

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

92.3% 80.0% 75.0% 92.3% 80.0% 75.0% 92.3% 80.0% 75.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 82: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupLincolnElementary 2011-12 05 Reading MaleWhite06 Math All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteNorthparkElementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchIndividual Education PlanMaleWhite04 Math All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchIndividual Education PlanMaleWhite


100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 83: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupNorthparkElementary 2011-12 04 Math MaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteScience All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteOverlandElementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicMaleWhite04 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education Plan


100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 84: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupOverlandElementary 2011-12 04 Math HispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteScience All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhitePilot ButteElementary 2011-12 05 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education Plan

100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 85: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupPilot ButteElementary 2011-12 05 Reading HispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhite06 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteRock SpringsHigh School 2011-12 11 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education Plan

100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.3%

99.1% 98.8% 98.6% 90.9%

100.0% 100.0% 99.3% 98.8% 98.6%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 86: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupRock SpringsHigh School 2011-12 11 Reading HispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteScience All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteRock SpringsJunior High 2011-12 07 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhite08 Math All StudentsBlackEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanic

98.2% 97.8% 86.4%



98.6% 98.0% 97.8% 97.6% 87.5% 86.4%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.5%

99.3% 99.3% 99.1% 95.7%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.5%

99.3% 99.3% 99.1% 95.7%

100.0% 100.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.3%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 87: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupRock SpringsJunior High 2011-12 08 Math Free/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsBlackEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteScience All StudentsBlackEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteSageElementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemale

100.0% 99.5% 99.3% 98.3%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 88: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupSageElementary 2011-12 03 Reading English Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhite04 Math All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteScience All StudentsEnglish Language LearnerFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteWalnutElementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced Lunch

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 89: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupWalnutElementary 2011-12 03 Math FemaleFree/Reduced LunchIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchIndividual Education PlanMaleWhite04 Math All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteScience All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteWestridgeElementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsFemale

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%


Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 90: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupWestridgeElementary 2011-12 03 Math All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicMaleWhiteReading All StudentsFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicMaleWhite04 Math All StudentsBlackFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteReading All StudentsBlackFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhiteScience All StudentsBlackFemaleFree/Reduced LunchHispanicIndividual Education Plan

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.

Page 91: Sweetwater County Distrito Escolar Número Uno 2012-2013 Libreta de … · 2012-11-02 · sweetwater county distrito escolar número uno junta directiva nosotros lograremos esto:

School Name School Year Grade Subject SubgroupWestridgeElementary 2011-12 04 Science HispanicIndividual Education PlanMaleWhite 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%Participation Rate for Applicable Subgroups

Participation Rate broken down by School Name, School Year, Grade, Subject and Subgroup.