Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018€¦ · Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century...

View this email in your browser Swedenborg House Newsletter April 2018... Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018 Swedenborg Film Festival 2018 guest judge announced; Swedenborg House on Vimeo; New book! Malcolm Peet's, Medicine, Mysticism and Mythology: Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century Esoteric Culture; Henry Corbin Discussion Group; a Spanish review of Iain Sinclair's Swimming to Heaven; TheaurauJohn Tany, English Radicalism and Swedenborgians: Ariel Hessayon in conversation with John Rees; news of Tomas Tranströmer archive book... and a change of date for the Arcana Caelestia Reading Group (Today's meeting cancelled)... Swedenborg Film Festival 2018 guest judge: Susan Hiller Film by Jacob Cartwright Swedenborg House on Vimeo! As part of The Swedenborg Society's evolving educational programme, we delivered a free drawing workshop on 14th Subscribe Past Issues Translate

Transcript of Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018€¦ · Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century...

Page 1: Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018€¦ · Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century Esoteric Culture; Henry ... Festival 2018 guest judge: Susan Hiller Film by Jacob

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Swedenborg House Newsletter April 2018...

Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018

Swedenborg Film Festival 2018 guest judge announced; Swedenborg Houseon Vimeo; New book! Malcolm Peet's, Medicine, Mysticism and Mythology:Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century Esoteric Culture; HenryCorbin Discussion Group; a Spanish review of Iain Sinclair's Swimming toHeaven; TheaurauJohn Tany, English Radicalism and Swedenborgians: ArielHessayon in conversation with John Rees; news of Tomas Tranströmer archivebook... and a change of date for the Arcana Caelestia Reading Group (Today'smeeting cancelled)...

Swedenborg FilmFestival 2018 guestjudge: Susan Hiller

Film by Jacob Cartwright

Swedenborg Houseon Vimeo!As part of The Swedenborg Society'sevolving educational programme, wedelivered a free drawing workshop on 14th

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Page 2: Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018€¦ · Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century Esoteric Culture; Henry ... Festival 2018 guest judge: Susan Hiller Film by Jacob

Swedenborg Hall | 20 BloomsburyWay, London, WC1A 2TH | 24November (competitionscreening) 2018 | full programme tbc


Featuring new films of 20 minutes or less and co-

curated by Gareth Evans (Whitechapel Gallery)

and Nora Foster (Frieze), the Swedenborg Film

Festival invites entries from the latest emerging

and established talent of experimental and artist

film, exploring the theme of 'Correspondences'

– symbols, metaphor, hidden meanings.

Selected films will be screened on Saturday 24

November 2018 at Swedenborg Hall, ‘one of

London’s most atmospheric venues’ (The


The artist SUSAN HILLER will choose and

announce the winner at the close of the festival,

as well as present a curated programme

exploring the theme of 'Correspondences'. Artists

and writers including Ali Smith, Bridget Smith,

Andrew Kötting, Jeremy Millar and Lech

Majewski have judged and shown work at SFF.

Filmmakers are invited to explore the concept of

'Correspondences' – a theme encountered in

the work of scientist, philosopher, theologian and

visionary, Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) as

well as those he influenced, from William Blake to

Jorge Luis Borges. A foundation of the Romantic,

Symbolist and Surrealist artistic traditions,

Swedenborg was a seminal influence on

generations of radical thinkers.


February 2018. The workshop wasdesigned and led by artist and authorSally Kindberg, who was assisted byartist and teacher Kylie McManus.Swedenborg House was the setting for alively and creative afternoon's activity, withboth comic book and quill pen drawingsessions on offer to the workshopparticipants. The workshop also offered anopportunity to explore the building and seesome of the fascinating items from ourfabulous archive. It was a very successfulevent and the excellent feedback wereceived was both positive andencouraging.

You can watch Jacob Cartwright's shortfilm about the day on Vimeo here.

Henry Corbin DiscussionGroup

Page 3: Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018€¦ · Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century Esoteric Culture; Henry ... Festival 2018 guest judge: Susan Hiller Film by Jacob

The closing date for submissionsto the competition is 30 June2018.

TheaurauJohn Tany,English Radicalism andSwedenborgiansAriel Hessayon in conversationwith John Rees

WEDNESDAY 25 APRIL 2018 | 7.00 -8.30 pm | Swedenborg Hall, 20-21Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2TH| FREE ADMISSION

A book launch and conversation incollaboration with Goldsmiths,


Swedenborg and Esoteric Islam

Session 2: Spiritual Imagination, orImaginal Worlds | Wednesday 4 April |2.00 - 4.00 pm | Swedenborg House

FREE | Refreshments served | Discussions

will be led by Max Phillips and Stephen


The discussions will be based on thepublication Swedenborg and EsotericIslam by the late Islamic scholar andperennial philosopher Henry Corbin. Wewill begin with the first essay titled'Mundus imaginalis, or The Imaginary andthe Imaginal', which addresses the topic of‘spiritual imagination’ in both mysticalIslam and the thought and experiences ofEmanuel Swedenborg.

Henry Corbin (1903-78) was aphilosopher, theologian and Professor ofIslamic Studies at the École pratique deshautes études in Paris. His work has hada lasting impact with, amongst others,poet Kathleen Raine and critic HaroldBloom citing him as significant influences.


Page 4: Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018€¦ · Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century Esoteric Culture; Henry ... Festival 2018 guest judge: Susan Hiller Film by Jacob

University of London and BreviaryStuff Publications.

Thomas Totney (1608-1659), born inLincolnshire and largely based in London,was a goldsmith who, following a mysticalexperience in 1649, changed his name toTheaurauJohn Tany and proclaimedhimself a herald of the restitution of theJews to Jerusalem. Travelling aroundEngland and the Low Countries issuingbroadsides and more extensive works ofprophesy, Tany was for a long timeoverlooked by historians as just anotherranter of the English Civil War period.More recently his writings and impacthave begun to be re-evaluated, in nosmall part due to the dedicatedresearches of Ariel Hessayon, and apicture has emerged of an extraordinaryfigure worthy of his place in both thehistories of Western esotericism and ofEnglish Radicalism. It has also becomeapparent that Tany was read by earlyBritish Swedenborgians, a fact that furtherelucidates the complex relationshipbetween a nascent Swedenborgianismand the radical thought of the seventeenthand eighteenth centuries.

To mark the occasion of the publicationof The Refiner’s Fire: the Collected Worksof TheaurauJohn Tany by Breviary StuffPublications, which features reproductionsof material held in the SwedenborgSociety Archive, the editor of the volume,Ariel Hessayon, Reader in the Departmentof History at Goldsmiths, and aSwedenborg Society author whoseimportant essay ‘Jacob Boehme, Emanuel

New book – Medicine,Mysticism andMythology by Malcolm Peet

Hardback, 464 pages, foreword byRobert Rix


Malcolm Peet’s Medicine, Mysticismand Mythology: Garth Wilkinson,Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century Esoteric Culture exploresthe life and cultural milieu of thenineteenth-century SwedenborgianJames John Garth Wilkinson (1812-99), whose largely forgotteninfluence touched a diverse range ofintellectual fields and social reformmovements. In the early chapters,Peet offers a brief biographicalsketch of Wilkinson and a concisehistory of Swedenborg’s reception inEngland, touching on theinvolvement of such figures as John

Page 5: Swedenborg House Newsletter | April 2018€¦ · Garth Wilkinson, Swedenborg and Nineteenth-Century Esoteric Culture; Henry ... Festival 2018 guest judge: Susan Hiller Film by Jacob

Swedenborg and their Readers’ waspublished by the Swedenborg Societyin The Arms of Morpheus (2007), will be inconversation with the journalist, historianand activist John Rees, discussing Tany,English Radicalism and their connectionsto Swedenborgianism.

NEW Swedenborg ArchiveSeries book! In Celebrationof Tomas Tranströmer

We are pleased to announce that the nextbook in our popular Swedenborg ArchiveSeries will be In Celebration ofTomas Tranströmer.

The book features contributions fromHomero Aridjis, Kjell Espmark, UlrikaFunered, Monica Lauritzen, MonicaTranströmer, Per Wästberg, and aselection of Tomas Tranströmer's poemstranslated by Robin Robertson. ThisGedenkschrift was born out of a movingday of tributes held at Swedenborg Housein 2016 in conjunction with the Swedish

Clowes, Robert Hindmarsh, ManoahSibly, Ebenezer Sibly and CharlesAugustus Tulk.

Subsequent chapters go on toexplore Wilkinson’s early role inpublishing the poetry of WilliamBlake; his dealings with ThomasCarlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson;his lifelong friendship with HenryJames, Sr; his association withDaniel Dunglas Home, Thomas LakeHarris and Andrew Jackson Davis;his homoeopathic practice and itsinfluence on James Tyler Kent; andhis engagement with such causes asutopian socialism, environmentalism,women’s suffrage, antivivisectionismand the deregulation of medicine.The book concludes with a broaderstudy of Wilkinson’s interest inmythology, psychology and Christianspiritualism.

MALCOLM PEET is a retiredConsultant Psychiatrist and anHonorary Professor in the School ofHealth and Related Research at theUniversity of Sheffield. Internationallyrecognized for his research on therelationship between nutrition andmental well-being, Malcolm alsoholds a Master’s Degree in WesternEsotericism. Since his retirementfrom clinical practice, Malcolm’sintellectual focus has been onspirituality, particularly that ofEmanuel Swedenborg and hisfollowers.

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Explore our other Archive Seriestitles here.

Spanish Review ofSwimming to Heaven

A new review (in Spanish) of IainSinclair's Swimming to Heaven: TheLost Rivers of London has recentlybeen published by the music andculture review Sonograma Magazineand can be read here. The reviewwas written by the Seville-basedauthor, poet and literature teacherJosé de María Romero Barea. Youcan read more about Swimming toHeaven on José's blog here.

Arcana CaelestiaReading Group – changeof datePlease note that today's meeting(Thursday 29th March 2018) willnot take place and has beenrescheduled for next week:

Thursday 5th April 2018 | 6.00 -8.00 pm | Gardiner Room,Swedenborg House, 20/21Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A2TH | FREE | Last Thursday ofevery month

The dates of following meetings arescheduled as planned: 26 April, 31May 2018