SWAGG Dallas' HOT Issue!


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SWAGG Dallas' cool hip city life Magazine!

Transcript of SWAGG Dallas' HOT Issue!

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Publisher’s Letter

Staff Box

SWAGG Fashion Tribal Fashions

Swagg Stylish Dads

5 Sexy Ways toCool Off


X Factor Season 2 Hits Texas with 2 new judges





Auto Feature �8LI�EPP�RI[�%YHM�7���7�














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As things heat up in Dallas we present to you the HOT issue of SWAGG Magazine! Our cover girl is local model Kasie Samakool and she is lookin all kinds of summer fun in her yellow bikini shot by local photographer Sterling T. Steves.

We had so much fun at the Big Brothers Big Sisters Night at the Big Easy Party! We sponsor this annually and it was such a honor to be a part of such an amazing event that raised over $273,000 from the golf XSYVREQIRX� ERH� XLI�TEVX]�� EPP� FIRIÁXMRK� XLI�OMHW��'LIGO�SYX� WSQI�SJ�the pictures from the event in this issue and you can see so many more events on Facebook.com/SwaggMagazine! If you have an event you want us to cover please let us know. We love to cover the hottest parties and let Dallas know what is going on in our city!

We are asking for your feedback! In this issue you will see a “Enter To Win” page! Email us a letter and tell us what you liked about this issue and we will be choosing 4 winners who will receive some great gifts like an overnight getaway to the Gaylord Texan Resort or a family pack of tickets to the amazing Dallas Zoo!! We will publish the winning letters in the next issue of SWAGG!


The HOT issue won’t make you sweat. But we do hope it sets your heart VEGMRK�NYWX�E�FMX�

Elizabeth HumphreysCEO



ElizabethFOLLOW US: Twitter @SwaggMag


Please let us know if you have an event, ideas or suggestions. We love to hear from you and want you to be a part of SWAGG Magazine.

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We want to show love to some of our stylish dads! With four of Hollywood’s most handsome and well-dressed fathers as our muses—namely Brad Pitt, Jay-Z, Matthew 1G'SREYKLI]��ERH�(EZMH�&IGOLEQ´[I¸ZI�GSVVEPPIH�ER�SFWIWWMSR�[SVXL]�EWWSVXQIRX�of clothing, accessories, and active essentials perfect for all manner of lifestyles. So whether the dapper dad in your life is an avid surfer, business professional, or stay-at-home poppa, our “Stylish Dads” page is chock-full of items sure to suit fashionable fellows everywhere!

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Soaring temps have you

bored, sitting in front of




to get the hell out and beat

the heat SWAGG- STYLE.




Buy a cheap kiddie pool, put on a sexy

retro swimsuit, and sip an umbrella drink

while you dip your feet in the water. Your

ankles are a pulse point, so you’ll feel

cooler instantly.




Have a wet-tee-shirt contest with your guy

in your (private) backyard. Make sure you

have on your white-tees, and use a hose,

sprinkler, or water gun to soak each other.

Peeping his pecs through his shirt might

just be hotter thank seeing him naked!



Invite your best girls over for a music

video - worthy car wash. Put on your

sexiest cutoffs, grab some sudsy water,

and give your ride a washing. Slo-mo

optional. Cars crashing when they drive

by? Probable.




Go to an indoor ice skating rink at the

Galleria or Stonebriar Shopping Centers.

They are open year round and are always

kept at a cool temperature!




Summer is the time for “Sex on the Beach.” Yes,

frosty cocktails are another way to beat the heat.

Whether you favor tropical drinks (margarita,

pina colada, etc.) or would rather stick with the

more traditional (beer), mixing a few refreshingly

icy beverages and lazing outside together in the

shade of a big tree will certainly make the sticky

air seem a little sexier.

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The faster you eat, the more air you let into your body, which puffs you out. Luckily, this summer fruit is tough to eat, slowing you down. Use a serrated spoon to dig out each delicious bite.

(IL]HVEXMSR�GER�MRÂEXI�]SYV�WXSQEGL�WMRGI�air builds up in your colon, backing up your digestive tract. Drink lots of H2O with cucumber, a natural diuretic.

At only 80 calories per cup, frozen grapes are the perfect way to satisfy a sweet tooth without packing on the pounds. Plus, the red and purple varieties are brimming with antioxidants.

%�RYXVMIRX�VMGL�WYTIV�JSSH��GER�ÁKLX�FIPP]�fat. Long hailed for their antioxidants ERH�ÁFIV��FPYIFIVVMIW�EVI�ER�IEW]�JVYMX�XS�incorporate into your diet in a variety of ways. Toss them into your salads, cereal SV�]SKYVX��SV�NYWX�IEX�XLIQ�F]�XLI�LERHJYP�JSV�ER�I\XVE�FSSWX�SJ�JEX�ÁKLXMRK�TS[IV�

Fish like salmon, halibut, and tuna are rich in omega-3 fats- the goods fats that speed up digestion, so food exits the stomach faster.

This green veggie is rich in calcium and magnesium, two nutrients that help your body digest food properly. It’s also a natural diuretic (which means it helps eliminate water retention).

(MXGL�XLI�WEPX��E�QENSV�FPSEXIV ��ERH�EHH�ÂEZSV�with chopped garlic. It LIPTW�]SYV�PMZIV�ÁPXIV�toxins, so your body can metabolize fat properly. (Don’t forget breath mint).









Salt causes water retention and makes your stomach swell. 'LMRIWIW�JSSH��TVSGIWWIH�QIEXW��OIXGLYT��WS]�WEYGI�

'EVFSREXIH�HVMROW�that contain sugar or carbs can cause a distended belly. 7SHE��FIIV��GLEQTEKRI�

6IÁRIH�GEVFW�may increase insulin levels, which causes fat to be stored in your gut. ;LMXI�TEWXE��VMGI��FVIEH�



2-')�%&7�FOODS FOR A



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TLI�7MQSR�'S[IPP�TVSHYGIH�XEPIRX�GSQTIXMXMSR�µ8LI�<�Factor” is set to launch season two this fall on Fox with auditions kicking off in Texas for the second time but, this year auditions were held in Austin. Also, the show

[MPP�FIKMR�[MXL�RI[�JEGIW�SR�XLI�NYHKIW�TERIP��)EVPMIV�XLMW�]IEV�MX�[EW�ERRSYRGIH�XLEX�'S[IPP�LEH�ÁVIH�NYHKIW�2MGSPI�7GLIV^MRKIV�and former American Idol partner in crime Paula Abdul as well as host Steve Jones. Speculation began to swirl about TSXIRXMEP�VITPEGIQIRXW�REQMRK�GIPIFW�WYGL�EW���1EVMEL�'EVI]��Elton John, Katy Perry and more. Then media outlets went crazy when rumors were saying that pop icon Britney Spears was in XEPOW�[MXL�XLI�WLS[¸W�TVSHYGIVW�EFSYX�NSMRMRK�XLI�TERIP��8LI�WXSVMIW�SJ�7TIEVW �̧NSMRMRK�XLI�WLS[�[EW�GSRÁVQIH�[LIR�LIV�father went to court to have the pop star’s mental health evaluated to see if she is capable of dealing with the pressure of the show due to the conservatorship he still holds with her. In the end, Spears’ contract for the show was negotiated and signed for a whopping $15 million, topping her former Mickey Mouse 'PYF�GS�WXEV��'LVMWXMRE�%KYMPIVE¸W�GSRXVEGX�EX�XLI�2&'�WLS[�µ8LI�:SMGI¶�WIX�EX�E�QIVI�����QMPPMSR�FYX�NYWX�QMWWMRK�XLI�QEVO�SJ�Latin pop diva Jennifer Lopez’ American Idol paycheck of $20 Million.������������2S[�XLEX�&VMXRI]�7TIEVW�[EW�GSRÁVQIH�XS�FI�SR�XLI�TERIP�EPSRKWMHI�7MQSR�'S[IPP�ERH�)TMG�6IGSVHW�')3��0�%��Reid, questions still loomed over who would be sitting in the fourth spot on the panel. Well, America received its answer in early May when Fox held it’s 2012 Fall Upfronts in LA and it was announced that North Texas’ own Demi Lovato was chosen EW�XLI�JSYVXL�NYHKI�XS�NSMR�µ8LI�<�*EGXSV¶��1ER]�TISTPI�[IVI�WLSGOIH�EX�XLI�HIGMWMSR�UYIWXMSRMRK�0SZEXS¸W�EFMPMX]�XS�NYHKI�

due to her recent rehab stint and her age being that the former Disney darling is only 19 years old. Fans and the show defended the pop star by pointing out the amount of child stars in the last season of the talent competition and how Lovato’s experience as a current child star in transition into adulthood would be helpful to the young contestants.������������;MXL�7TIEVW�ERH�0SZEXS�SR�FSEVH�XLI�PMZI�NYHKIW�auditions kicked off in late May in Austin with Spears arriving MR�E�FVMKLX�TMRO�JSVQ�ÁXXMRK�HVIWW�ERH�0SZEXS�MR�E�KVIIR�JVSGO�[MXL�E�PIEXLIV�LEPJ�NEGOIX��0�%��6IMH�EVVMZIH�HETTIV�EW�YWYEP�ERH�Simon entered in his signature wardrobe, a tiny white V-neck X�WLMVX�ERH�NIERW��;LIR�XLI]�EPP�IRXIVIH�XLI�*VERO�)V[MR�'IRXIV�on the University of Texas, Austin campus they spoke with the massive audience before taking their seats. Britney was seated in XLI�WTSX�SJ�'S[IPP¸W�JSVQIV�GSQVEHI�4EYPE�%FHYP¸W�GLEMV�[LMPI�Demi Lovato sat in the place where Nicole Scherzinger was formerly seated. Auditions began and to the audience surprise Spears and Lovato actually gave great critique of the various acts XLEX�EYHMXMSRIH��8LI�RI[�NYHKIW�IZIR�HIFEXIH�SZIV�E�GSRXIWXERXW�ability with Spears stating that the contestant could be “The next Justin Bieber”.������������8LI�RI\X�WXST�JSV�XLMW�TERIP�MW�/ERWEW�'MX]�[MXL�KYIWX�NYHKI�0SYMW�;EPWL�SJ�XLI�9/�<�*EGXSV�ÁPPMRK�MR�JSV�'S[IPP�[LMPI�he recovers from bronchitis followed by San Francisco, 'EPMJSVRME��4VSZMHIRGI��6LSHI�-WPERH�ERH��+VIIRWFSVS��2SVXL�'EVSPMRE��8LIVI�LEW�RSX�FIIR�ER�ERRSYRGIQIRX�SJ�[LS�XLI�RI[�host will be but, Simon has already stated that there will be two hosts this year. There were no hosts at the Austin auditions however, there will be at the all of the other auditions.

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Big Bros Big Sisters &IRIÁX�SWAGG Magazine was proud to sponsor The Big

Brothers Big Sisters Party at the Palladium. Our virtual trip to New Orleans through A Big Night in

XLI�&MK�)EW]�TVIWIRXIH�F]�'SSP�6MZIV�'EJq�[EW�E�LYKI�success and we partied it up Mardi Gras style. Masks and beads ruled the night as guests dined on the special Louisiana inspired gourmet dinner provided by the chefs SJ�'SSP�6MZIV�'EJq�

'IPIFVEXMRK�XLI�GLMPHVIR�[I�WIVZI�EPP�RMKLX�PSRK��SZIV�500 attendees helped raise over $100,000 through the amazing live and silent auctions. For each $20,000 raised, one child would be taken off our waiting list for eternity. The enthusiastic crowd responded with gifts totaling over $43,000 through the evening.

2SVXL�8I\EW �̧4VIWMHIRX��')3�8��'LEVPIW�4MIVWSR�[EW�EPWS�honored at the party. He is leaving Texas and has been named as the national mentoring organization’s President ERH�'LMIJ�)\IGYXMZI�3JÁGIV�

The agency staff created a tribute video that was shared during the night as guests, staff and board members all had an opportunity to share in the fun while indulging in XLIMV�JEZSVMXI�'ENYR�WTIGMEPXMIW�ERH�XIEVMRK�YT�XLI�HERGI�ÂSSV�

A big thanks goes out to everyone that contributed to the successful event!

Special Promotional Feature



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If you have been inside any sort of club space or dance establishment in the past two years, it’s probably safe to assume you have either danced to or heard the sounds of dubstep. This hugely popular brand of electronic music originally from London, is taking over the world and it’s presence in Dallas is no exception. If you’re an old school music enthusiast you better prepare for a long ride home because dubstep is here to stay. Arlington natives, Carl Becker and Josh Lenhart want to make sure Dallas gets a proper dose of the electronic concoction and are making waves by bringing us some of the most prestigious names in the business. Afterdark Dallas Entertainment was started in 2010 by amind. Since the duo began they have successfully promoted E.D.M. acts such as Steve Aoki with LMFAO, Nicky Romero, Mt Eden, DJ Bl3nd, Designer Drugs, Showtek and native dubstep artists/producers such as Crizzly, Run DMT, Team Awesome and Exceed. Becker and Lenhart’s first show together featured Datsik, one of today’s top

dubstep producers and nearly sold out the Lizard Lounge. Not too bad for their first try. Right? I remember when local boys Flickerstick sold out Deep Ellum Live in the fall of 2001. Ten years later it’s dubstep that brings out the masses. Even though Afterdark Dallas mostly deals with event headliners in the Electronic Dance Music (EDM) world, they also cater to small private events and parties.

“We have a love for the music scene and crowd that’s involved. We strive in bringing talent that the people in this scene haven’t yet experienced in Dallas. The best parties are always ….Afterdark”

-Carl Becker

London Calling.... Afterdark!


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rk O





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Events Hosted by Afterdark Dallas.

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The legendary Hilton Anatole in Dallas is pleased to announce the creation of its new, contemporary WXIEOLSYWI��7ŦV��TVSRSYRGIH�µWIEV¶ ��7GLIHYPIH�XS�

STIR�SR�3GXSFIV����������7ŦV�[MPP�VITPEGI�XLI�MGSRMG�2ERE�EW�the premier dining destination in the landmark convention hotel. Boasting some of the most incredible views of the TMGXYVIWUYI�(EPPEW�WO]PMRI��7ŦV�[MPP�SJJIV�TVMQI�GYXW�SJ�XLI�ÁRIWX�FIIJ��XLI�JVIWLIWX�SJ�WIEJSSH��ERH�YRMUYI�ETTIXM^IVW�and side dishes that will clearly differentiate it as a new style of Dallas steakhouse.

*VSQ�E�HIWMKR�WXERHTSMRX��7ŦV�[MPP�FI�ER�STIR��EMV]�PE]SYX�that is both casual and sophisticated. Warm cognac and whiskey leathers, locally sourced end-grain mesquite walls ERH�GSQQYRMX]�XEFPIW��VMGL�QIWUYMXI�ÂSSVW�ERH�WSPMH�[EPRYX�tabletops create a masculine, yet hip and urban feel. A chef’s table and wine display will be an intimate destination EHNEGIRX�XS�XLI�I\LMFMXMSR�OMXGLIR��%RH��SJ�GSYVWI��MXW�stunning views make it unique among its competitors. 8LI�GYPMREV]�SJJIVMRKW�SJ�7ŦV�[MPP�LMKLPMKLX�E�[SSH�KVMPPMRK�XIGLRMUYI�XLEX�[MPP�TVSHYGI�EQE^MRKP]�ÂEZSVJYP�WXIEOW��-R�addition, the distinctive side dishes, appetizers and desserts will include many one-of-a-kind offerings in all of Dallas. ,IEHMRK�YT�XLI�GYPMREV]�XIEQ�SJ�7ŦV�MW�'LIJ�%RXLSR]�:ER�'EQT��E�KMJXIH�]SYRK�8I\EW�REXMZI��[LSWI�QIRXSV�MW�XLI�legendary Anthony Bombaci, the critically-acclaimed executive chef of Nana, who was recently promoted to hotel chef de cuisine. Having worked with Bombaci for the PEWX�WM\�]IEVW�EW�I\IGYXMZI�WSYW�GLIJ��:ER�'EQT�MW�YT�XS�the challenge. “We look forward to elevating the steakhouse

GSRGITX�XS�E�[LSPI�RI[�PIZIP�EX�7ŦV�¶�WEMH�'LIJ�:ER�'EQT��“In a community of wonderful steakhouses, we are positioned to distinguish ourselves with an array of outstanding and unique cuisine.”

Nana will close its doors on June 9, 2012, and construction [MPP�FIKMR�MQQIHMEXIP]�SR�7ŦV��PEWXMRK�ETTVS\MQEXIP]����HE]W��in time for an October 1 opening date. “The Anatole has an honored tradition of culinary excel-PIRGI��ERH�7ŦV�[MPP�GSRXMRYI�XLEX�[IPP�MRXS�XLI�JYXYVI�¶�WEMH�Rapoza. “In the same way that Nana became part of the social JEFVMG�SJ�(EPPEW��WS�[MPP�7ŦV�FIGSQI�NYWX�EW�FIPSZIH��ERH�[MPP�attract a diverse blend of hotel guests and local residents.”

“Visitors to Texas, whether here for EXVLQHVV�RU�OHLVXUH��FRQWLQXH�WR�ÁRFN�WR�its popular steakhouses. We intend to create a unique steakhouse different from all others in Dallas.”

Harold Rapoza, GM, Hilton Anatole.

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&EGO�MR�%TVMP�SJ������'S[FS]W�S[RIV�.IVV]�.SRIW�XSSO�a leap of faith in drafting Oklahoma State’s headline darling Dez Bryant in the NFL Draft. The thought was to team Bryant up with Miles Austin, Jason Witten ERH�8SR]�6SQS�XS�KMZI�XLI�'S[FS]W�SRI�SJ�XLI�QSWX�dynamic passing attacks in the game.

While there have certainly been moments of greatness FIX[IIR�&V]ERX�ERH�6SQS�SR�XLI�JSSXFEPP�ÁIPH�XLI�duo has yet to reach their full potential due to a string SJ�MRNYVMIW�XS�FSXL�TPE]IVW��6SQS�LEH�LMW������WIEWSR�cut short due to a broken collarbone suffered in Week 7IZIR�EKEMRWX�XLI�+MERXW��'SQFMRI�XLEX�[MXL�&V]ERX�missing most of the 2010 training camp with an ankle MRNYV]�ERH�XLI�X[S�NYWX�RIZIV�KSX�MR�W]RG�HYVMRK�XLIMV�playing time together. The hope was that in 2011 the teammates would light up the league.

As luck would have it a similar situation arose in the �����WIEWSR�IZIR�XLSYKL�XLI�TEMV�TPE]IH�MR�ÁJXIIR�games together. Against the Jets in Week One Bryant sustained a bruised thigh. This turned him into a decoy SR�XLI�ÁIPH�JSV�E�RYQFIV�SJ�[IIOW�IZIR�EJXIV�LI�WEX�SYX�Week Two. Every now and again Bryant would disappear in games.“I don’t think I was ever where I [ERXIH�XS�FI�¶�&V]ERX�WEMH�EJXIV�E�VIGIRX�'S[FS]W�practice. “It was very frustrating,” Bryant said. “But ]SY¸ZI�NYWX�KSX�XS�KIX�XLVSYKL�XLMRKW��KIX�XS�XLI�IRH�the best way you can and try your best to get back on XLI�ÁIPH��7SQI�SJ�XLI�KEQI�XETI�XLEX�-�[EXGLIH�JVSQ�last year, I really wasn’t too proud of myself [because LI�[EW�LMRHIVIH�F]�XLI�MRNYV]A��-�ORS[�MX¸W�FIGEYWI�SJ�XLI�MRNYVMIW��FYX�-�JIIP�PMOI�XLMW�]IEV��-¸Q�WTIRHMRK�QSVI�time focusing on my body and making sure everything is right.”

Guess who picked up some cracked ribs and a punctured lung playing against the 49ers in that Week 8[S�KEQI�XLEX�&V]ERX�QMWWIH#�6SQS�[EW�E�[EVVMSV�JSV�IZIR�ÁRMWLMRK�XLEX�KEQI��FYX�LI�[EW�RIZIV�JYPP]�LIEPXL]�again until about Week Ten. The passing attack was even more riddled when Miles Austin missed a number of games during the season.

The key to Romo and Bryant having a monster 2012 season which would most likely wind up leading the 'S[FS]W�XS�E�TPE]SJJ�FIVXL�QE]�FI�XLI�LIEPXL�SJ�XLIWI�X[S��)ZIR�[MXL�XLI�REKKMRK�MRNYVMIW�WPS[MRK�LMQ�HS[R�in 2012 Bryant still had 63 receptions for 928 yards and nine touchdowns. So imagine what this duo can accomplish is they are both healthy for a full 16 games.

µ,I��&V]ERX �NYWX�OIITW�MQTVSZMRK�ERH�MQTVSZMRK�¶�6SQS�XSPH�'&7����MR�(EPPEW��µ,I¸W�EP[E]W�EWOMRK��·,I]�8SR]��[LEX�GER�-�HS�FIXXIV# �̧-�PSZI�TPE]MRK�[MXL�KY]W�like him, Miles and these guys. They want to be better themselves and they are trying to do anything they can to get better.

“The guys that really want to be great and have that ability to be great, you can’t have enough of those guys. %RH�[I�KSX�E�JI[�SJ�XLIQ��(I^�MW�NYWX�E�KVIEX�OMH�PMOI�that. He’s getting better and better every week.”

Romo has seen how much Bryant has improved his UYMGORIWW�ERH�WTIIH�SR�E�HEMP]�FEWMW�EX�XLI�'S[FS]¸W�practices this Spring. He knows this tandem could become of the most unstoppable combinations in recent memory. And even if Bryant becomes Romo’s big play target he still has plenty of other weapons that opposing defenses have to concern themselves with on Sundays.



TONY ROMO toDEZ BRYANT COMBO.WILL IT LEAD COWBOYS TO PLAYOFFS IN 2012? To say Josh Hamilton is having a good or even great

season would be an understatement. About halfway through this season, Josh Hamilton seems to be the frontrunner for his second American League MVP, has joined a club more rare than a perfect game by hitting four home runs in a game, and is in contention for the ÀUVW�WULSOH�FURZQ�VLQFH��������7KH�5DQJHUV�DUH�LQ�ÀUVW�place and ahead of the Angels who made all of the noise last offseason by signing former Ranger C.J. Wilson and perennial All-Star Albert Pujols. So what could Rangers fans ever have anything to worry about? Josh Hamilton has a very well documented past with drug and alcohol addiction, and stole summer headlines when he relapsed weeks before spring training. Although many believed that this was an isolated incident, it worried the Rangers, which is why they cut off contract talks with the Rangers slugger for a period of time. Fair or not, Hamilton has become the redeeming image of hope and recovery for former addicts and is viewed as a role model within not only the team but the community as well. For any typical athlete to go through the same night Hamilton did, it wouldn’t have even made local news, but for someone who has come back from so much like Hamilton, it was a breaking story for every Dallas media outlet as well as one of the leading stories for nearly every sports channel. Many speculate whether the relapse had to do with the lack of a contract extension at that point of the off season, or the failure to win the world series for a second straight year, but the event that may have had the strongest emotional trigger could have been when Shannon Stone passed away from falling out of the stands after reaching over the railing for a ball Hamilton tossed into the RXWÀHOG���(YHQ�GXULQJ�ODVW�VHDVRQ��+DPLOWRQ�VKRZHG�D�ORW�RI�HPRWLRQDO�UHDFWLRQ�DIWHU�WKH�incident and seemed to be affected by it for quite some time. But whatever caused his relapse, whether it should have been a big deal or not, Hamilton has, at least temporarily, put his long term future with the Rangers in limbo. Previous to his relapse, the Rangers had just completed deals to extend the contracts of Nelson Cruz and Elvis Andrus, locking up their two of their youthful and talented core players. Also during the offseason the Rangers opened talks with Mike Napoli about an extension and H[WHQGHG�,DQ�.LQVOHU�ZLWK�D�ÀYH�\HDU�H[WHQVLRQ�ULJKW�DIWHU�RSHQLQJ�GD\���%XW�DIWHU�+DPLOWRQ·V�relapse, the progress that the Rangers and Hamilton and his representatives had made WRZDUGV�H[WHQGLQJ�KLV�GHDO�DQG�SUHYHQWLQJ�KLP�IURP�KLWWLQJ�IUHH�DJHQF\�IRU�WKH�ÀUVW�WLPH�LQ�KLV�career went right out the window. Not that it ever looked like the Rangers were quitting on Hamilton, but the thought around the league was that he had become a risk to himself and his organization again, so the Rangers, like any team in their position would, were hoping Hamilton would produce this year and would come back to the place he feels most comfortable at for a discounted price for “damaged goods.” What no one but Hamilton expected though was for him to start off this season at such a torrid SDFH���7KURXJK�WKH�ÀUVW����JDPHV�RI�WKLV�VHDVRQ��+DPLOWRQ�KDG����KRPHUXQV�����5%,·V��UXQV�EDWWHG�LQ��DQG�D�EDWWLQJ�DYHUDJH�RI������DQG�ZDV�OHDGLQJ�DOO�WULSOH�FURZQ�FDWHJRULHV���+DPLOWRQ�has now won American league player of the month in both the months of April and May and has Rangers fan excited for a potential record breaking season out of Hamilton as he has yet to hit the Disabled List and has looked the healthiest he has in years. Even though Hamilton has cooled off considerably (in at least his own right), he is still very much in contention for a triple crown and has seemed to pick up steam again. Although Hamilton has openly expressed that he wants to return to the Rangers, he has also said he is not going to give them a hometown discount and that he is behind his relapse so he should not receive a discount for that either. Jon Daniels, the Rangers General Manager along with Nolan Ryan, the Rangers owner, have always seemed to make the right moves in both free agency and in trades by bringing in dynamic players such as Mike Napoli and Yu Darvish, and have helped orchestrate the Rangers to two straight World Series appearances, so they know what to look for in players and know how to put together a championship level team, but as they proved last offseason by not signing Prince Fielder, they aren’t going to break the bank and conform into the new New York Yankees. The bad news for Rangers fans is that Hamilton is going to ask for what he should deserve based on his numbers this season and in previous seasons. The good news is that the Rangers seem to want to bring him back and that Hamilton strongly desires to come back as well. And who knows, maybe bringing home a World Series ring will make everything a little easier on both sides of the negotiations. In the meantime all Rangers fans can do is trust in the ownership and continue watching Hamilton attempt to break records and keep putting on a power show that the fans in Arlington have never seen before.

-Chris McEnaney

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It’s no secret by now, Dallas HOTTEST celebrity couple is Deion Sanders and Tracey Edmonds.

The ex-wife of Babyface and NFL Network EREP]WX��JSSXFEPP�,EPP�SJ�*EQI�QIQFIV�

have been seen together on the red carpet at several events.

The legendary NFL star is working on a new reality show that will focus on his post NFL career and as a coach at his school, Prime Academy, the school Deion is opening later this year.

We’re told the show will also show Deion SJJ�XLI�ÁIPH�¬�EW�E�WMRKPI�JEXLIV�VEMWMRK�LMW�kids. Our sources say Deion does not want XLI�WLS[�XS�WPERX�RIKEXMZI�SV�FEWL�ER]SRI�¬�such as his ex-wife Pilar.

The show will be executive produced by Tracey Edmonds, the ex of Babyface and Eddie Murphy, who was recently been on Deions arm at all the big events!

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SWAGG Magazine has been to her elegant runway shows here in Dallas and we are so excited to see the biggest celebrities wearing our very own Dallas designer Nha Khanh’s collection!! Everywhere we turn they are on the red carpet strutting their stuff in one of her latest pieces!! Here are &VSSOP]R�(IGOIV��/MQ�/EVHEWLMER�ERH�%LRE�3¸6IMPP]�� NYWX�E� JI[�SJ� XLI�LSXXIWX�GIPIFW�[I�GEYKLX� MR�2LE�/LERL��'LIGO�SYX�LIV�GSPPIGXMSR�EX�RLEOLERL�GSQ

Celebrities1. &VSSOP]R ����(IGOIV2. Ahna ����3¸6IMPP]3. /MQ�����/EVHEWLMER


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%�PEVKI�TEVX�SJ�XLMW�IJÁGMIRG]�GER�FI�EXXVMFYXIH�XS�G]PMRHIV�SR�HIQERH��E�RI[P]�HIZIPSTIH�G]PMRHIV�management system that deactivates four of the eight cylinders under part load. During these TLEWIW��%GXMZI�2SMWI�'SRXVSP��%2' �PEVKIP]�IPMQMREXIW�MRXVYWMZI�RSMWI�F]�FVSEHGEWXMRK�E�TVIGMWI�antiphase sound to the cabin through the sound system’s speakers. Independent of this, active engine bearings uses counterpulses to attenuate low-frequency vibrations.

8LI�IRKMRI¸W�TS[IV�ÂS[W� XLVSYKL�E� WIZIR�WTIIH�7� XVSRMG� XS� XLI�UYEXXVS�TIVQERIRX�EPP�[LIIP�drive system, which features a self-locking center differential and torque vectoring. If desired, Audi complements quattro with the optional sport differential, which actively distributes the power between the rear wheels.

The new Audi S6 and the S6 Avant are sports cars for everyday. They are powered by a four-liter, twin-turbo V8 producing 309 kW (420 hp) and delivering 550 Nm (405.66 lb-ft) of torque between 1,400 and 5,300 rpm. The innovative cylinder head concept, with the intake side on the outside and the exhaust side on the inside, provides for short gas paths with minimal ÂS[� PSWWIW� JSV� ZIV]� WTSRXERISYW� IRKMRI� VIWTSRWI��The two twin-scroll turbochargers ensure prodigious amounts of torque at low revs.

The 4.0 TFSI accelerates the S6 from 0 to 100 km/h (62.14 mph) in 4.8 seconds and the S6 Avant in 4.9 WIGSRHW��%ZIVEKI�JYIP�GSRWYQTXMSR�MR�XLI�7��MW�NYWX�9.7 liters per 100 km (24.25 US mpg) [S6 Avant: 9.8 PMXIVW�TIV�����OQ��������97�QTK A�

The Audi S8 is the new head of the Audi S model family. Its 4.0 TFSI produces 382 kW (520 hp), and a constant 650 Nm (479.42 lb-ft) of torque is available between 1,700 and 5,500 rpm. The twin-turbo V8 accelerates the luxury sedan from zero to 100 km/h (62.14 mph) in 4.2 seconds. With an average fuel consumption of 10.2 liters per 100 OQ��97�������QTK �� XLI�%YHM�7�� MW�WMKRMÁGERXP]�QSVI�JYIP�IJÁGMIRX�XLER�MXW�GSQTIXMXSVW�

The new cylinder on demand technology plays a QENSV�VSPI� MR� XLMW�SYXWXERHMRK�VIWYPX��;LIR�XLI�V8 switches into V4 mode under part load, the %GXMZI� 2SMWI� 'SRXVSP� �%2' � MW� EGXMZEXIH�� [LMGL�uses targeted antiphase noise to compensate for intrusive noise. In addition, active engine mounts dampen vibrations.

The eight-speed tiptronic delivers the power to a quattro drivetrain with a self- locking center differential and sport differential at the rear axle. Dynamic steering, the sportily tuned adaptive air suspension and the Audi drive select dynamics system are all standard. The wheels measure 9 J x 20, and the matt black calipers up front sport S8 logos.


@ Dallas N. Tollway������������



28 www.swaggmags.com

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New Downtown Park!Dallas is getting a new Park! The Klyde Warren Park, as it’s called, will WIVZI�EW�E�GIRXVEP�KEXLIVMRK�WTEGI�JSV�(EPPEW�ERH�MXW�ZMWMXSVW�XS�IRNS]�in the heart of the city. The 5.2-acre deck park will create an urban green space over the existing Woodall Rodgers Freeway between Pearl and St. Paul streets in downtown Dallas. Plans include a performance pavilion, restaurant, walking trails, a dog park, a children’s discovery garden and playground, water features, an area for games and much more. The Park is expected to be complete in late 2012.

Sissy’s Southern Kitchen & Bar offers happy hour specials featuring select Southern cocktails. (DFK�GD\�EHWZHHQ���DQG���S�P������VHDVRQDO�drink features will be listed on the specials board. Expect weekly rotating cocktails mixed with Patron, Belvedere, Maker’s Mark, Stillhouse Moonshine, and Moet. The menu looks fabulous with features such as chicken fried silver sterling VWHDN��7H[DV�ÀVK��FKLSV���FDVW�LURQ�7H[DV�TXDLO�

Should you get hungry during happy hour, you can ask Ms. Garza to pack up a bucket RI�FKLFNHQ�WR�WDNH�KRPH��)RU�RQO\������SOXV�tax and gratuity), she’ll put 10 pieces of dark, white or mixed chicken and a side of slaw or whipped potatoes. You don’t have to drink to get the deal, you can call ahead and place an order. We heard through the grapevine that Ms. Garza will greet you on the street with the FKLFNHQ��EXW�ZH·YH�\HW�WR�FRQÀUP�WKH�UXPRU�

2929 Henderson Ave214-827-9900


He has created organic, experimental environments from sheer mesh fabric, often radiating with the scent of sensuous, aromic spices and featuring cushiony lounge areas. Now, Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto FVMRKW� LMW� JEWGMREXMRK� EIWXLIXMG� XS� XLI� 2EWLIV� MR� 'YHHPI� 3R�8LI�8MKLXVSTI��JIEXYVMRK�E�RI[�[SVO�GVIEXIH�WTIGMÁGEPP]�JSV�XLI�QYWIYQ¸W�YTWXEMVW�KEPPIV]��%VI�]SY�VIEH]�XS�IRKEKI�]SYV�WIRWIW#�

Through Sept 9th 2001 Flora St. 214-242-5100

Nasher Sculpture Center

We feel in love with Granny’s 'EOIW��8LI]� WIPP� XLIQ� EX� E� PMXXPI�pharmacy we go to and they are so sweet and delicious we had to give Granny a shoutout and tell you about her cakes!

;I�GEPPIH�XS�ÁRH�SYX�XLI�WXSV]�FILMRH�XLIWI�]YQQ]�GEOIW�ERH� MX¸W� EGXYEPP]� +VERR]¸W� KVERHWSR�� ([MKLX� 'SSTIV�� [LS�makes the cakes but it’s his Granny’s recipe. She is no longer with us and he named his cakes in her honor! Our fav is the original chess cake!

Call 972-979-3894 to place your order today.www.grannyscakes.org


Lisa Garza Offers Take-Out

Fried Chicken at Sissy’s Kitchen & Bar

Texas summers are hot and stepping out into the mid-day sun for just a few minutes can drain you of all your energy. This can make it tough to get through the day, especially when you look at your ZDWFK� WR� UHDOL]H�\RX� VWLOO� KDYH���PRUH�KRXUV� WLO�TXLWWLQ·� WLPH�� � ,I� \RX�need a ‘pick me up’ to help make it through the rest of your work day, check out this all natural energy boost drink. It may be just the extra kick you need.

Lemon-Ginger drinkIngredients: 1 quart water, juice of 1 lemon, ¼ cup freshly grated ginger, ¼ cup honey, thin slices of lemon and 1 lime for garnish (if desired)

Boil water in saucepan, add juice from squeezed lemon and ginger. Let steep about 20 mins. Stir in honey. Line a strainer with thin wet cloth and strain tea into pitcher. Chill and serve on ice.


Granny’s Cakes

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