SVA - Spring Summer 2020 - Final #3...Saanichton Village Associaon PO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M...

CELEBRATING 13 YEARS SVA - Mission Statement: SVA Envisioned by the residents of the community who are commied to showcasing local tourism, farm gate and retail opportunies, while enhancing the beauty of the area through the establishment of a neighbourly village where residents can walk and cycle in a healthy and welcoming environment. On February 12th the SVA Annual General Meeng was held at the Pioneer Museum. What made this such a successful meeng were the number of aendees. Several new residenal members and exisng residenal and business members turned out to hear about the Annual General Meeng Saanichton Village Associaon PO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3 Village News AGM, Spaghe Supper & Bike n’ Ride Project Spring/Summer 2020 Saanichton Village Design Plan. Norma Sealey provided us with stories of her family who were pioneers in Saanichton, and reports on SVA iniaves were given. A huge “thank you” to Fresh Cup for providing the coffee and goodies! The evening was a huge success, and a big “THANKS” to the volunteers: Council members Girl Guides & Path Finders SVA volunteers St. Mary’s Church members Spaghe Supper The SVA held their Annual Spaghe Supper on March 11th to a nearly sold out crowd at St. Mary’s Church hall. The evening brought old and new friends together over a delicious dinner, and great music from “Paradise Street”. l l l l

Transcript of SVA - Spring Summer 2020 - Final #3...Saanichton Village Associaon PO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M...

Page 1: SVA - Spring Summer 2020 - Final #3...Saanichton Village Associaon PO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3 Village News - Spring/Summer 2020 Newsleer printed by: Monk Office Sidney The


SVA - Mission Statement:


Envisioned by the residents of the community who are commi�ed to showcasing local tourism, farm gate and reta i l opportuni�es , whi le enhancing the beauty of the area through the establishment of a neighbourly village where residents can walk and cycle in a healthy and welcoming environment.

On February 12th the SVA Annual General Mee�ng was held at the Pioneer Museum. What made this such a successful mee�ng were the number of a�endees. Several new residen�al members and exis�ng residen�al and business members t u r n e d o u t t o h e a r a b o u t t h e

Annual General Mee�ng

Saanichton Village Associa�onPO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3

Village NewsAGM, Spaghe� Supper& Bike n’ Ride Project

Spring/Summer 2020

Saanichton Village Design Plan. Norma Sealey provided us with stories of her f a m i l y w h o w e r e p i o n e e r s i n Saanichton, and reports on SVA ini�a�ves were given. A huge “thank you” to Fresh Cup for providing the coffee and goodies!

The evening was a huge success, and a big “THANKS” to the volunteers:

Council members Girl Guides & Path Finders

SVA volunteers

St. Mary’s Church members

Spaghe� Supper

The SVA held their Annual Spaghe� Supper on March 11th to a nearly sold out crowd at St. Mary’s Church hall. The evening brought old and new friends together over a delicious dinner, and great music from “Paradise Street”.





Page 2: SVA - Spring Summer 2020 - Final #3...Saanichton Village Associaon PO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3 Village News - Spring/Summer 2020 Newsleer printed by: Monk Office Sidney The

108 - 1931 Mt Newton X Rd. SaanichtonPh: (778) 351-2280

Fraser Orr’s Butcher & Deli

Please join us in welcoming our newest business members, Fraser & Lori Orr! They have a famous reputa�on for their quality meat, homemade sausages, meat pies, and haggis, along with their classics: Orr’s beef and pork sausages, bratwurst, Sco�sh slice sausage and a variety of meat pies.

Saanichton Village Associa�onPO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3

Village News - Spring/Summer 2020

Firm Management Corpora�on

We welcome back past members, Firm Management Corpora�on. Grown from family roots, Firm Management serves Vancouver Island by providing a common sense approach to property management, where suppor�ng the community and doing good business go hand in hand.

200 - 1931 Mt Newton X Rd.Saanichton

Ph: (250) 544-2300

Bike n’ Ride Project

The planning phase for the Bike n’ Ride Project is in the final stages. Many m e m b e rs o f o u r co m m u n i t y, t h e municipality, and service clubs are working behind the scenes to ensure this project is completed in the most efficient and cost-effec�ve manner. It wil l undoubtedly be the best well-built bike shelter in the area, complete with benches, bike storage lockers, repair sta�on including an air pump, and solar powered LED ligh�ng.

Community Spotlight

Thank you to the Central Saanich Lions Club for their $1,500 dona�on, as well as an anonymous dona�on of $1,000. So very appreciated! Approximately $8,000 more is needed. If you would like to support this amazing project, please contact:

We expect the project may possibly be delayed due to COVID 19.

saanichtonvillageassocia�[email protected]


Page 3: SVA - Spring Summer 2020 - Final #3...Saanichton Village Associaon PO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3 Village News - Spring/Summer 2020 Newsleer printed by: Monk Office Sidney The

Did you know?

The house on the corner of East Saanich Road and Cultra Avenue is celebra�ng 100 years this year.

We’d love to share your historical stories about the Saanich Peninsula in our newsle�er.

This beau�ful home was built in 1920 for original owner, Charles Marlow White. It was designed by Charles Elwood Watkins, a successful architect in the area. The 1 1/2 storey home had an exterior of white siding and dressed stone, along with some Moorish detailing around the front porch. A truly beau�ful home with 100 years of history and stories!

Our Great History

PO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3Saanichton Village Associa�on

Village News - Spring/Summer 2020

Michael Moore - Director

Judy Beinder - President & Secretary

Your Current SVA Board Members

Jim Townley - Director

Mar�na Redman - Treasurer (& brochure)

Saanichton, BCPO Box 19

V8M 2C3


Through this community literacy ini�a�ve, gently-used children’s picture books are collected through dona�on. Our goal is to increase the possibility that children on the Peninsula will have at least one thousand books read to them by the �me they are 5 years old.

If you have ques�ons or would like more informa�on, please contact:

Peninsula “1000 X 5"

Daphne Macnaughton [email protected]

Children’s Book Recycling Project

Page 4: SVA - Spring Summer 2020 - Final #3...Saanichton Village Associaon PO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3 Village News - Spring/Summer 2020 Newsleer printed by: Monk Office Sidney The

Saanichton Village Associa�onPO Box 19, Saanichton, BC, V8M 2C3

Village News - Spring/Summer 2020

Newsle�er printed by: Monk Office Sidney

The SVA welcomes our newest Board Member, Michael Moore.

Dona�on drop box at the Shell gas s ta� o n fo r a l l re c yc l a b l e j u i c e containers - money raised goes to the Bike n’ Ride Project.

Our very best wishes to Jamie Day of the Prairie Inn for a speedy recovery.

In and around our community




City: Postal Code:



Residen�al membership is just $10 a year E-mail addresses are kept confiden�al and are used for SVA newsle�ers and no�ces only.

Please make your cheque payable to: Saanichton Village Associa�on and mail to the address below.

We have no�ced on more than one occasion, a gentleman picking up garbage in and around the bus stop on East Saanich Road. A very big



All SVA group ac�vi�es are currently on hold. We look forward to resuming our regularly scheduled ac�vi�es very soon, once we get the okay from Dr. Bonnie Henry and the government.

Stay safe and healthy!