Sustainable Drainage: Proprietary SuDS components

Sustainable Drainage: Proprietary SuDS components


We look at some of the components that make up a SuDS system which is vital for sustainable drainage

Transcript of Sustainable Drainage: Proprietary SuDS components

Page 1: Sustainable Drainage: Proprietary SuDS components

Sustainable Drainage:Proprietary SuDS components

Page 2: Sustainable Drainage: Proprietary SuDS components

A sustainable drainage system (SuDs) isdesigned to reduce the potential impact of new

and existing developments with respect tosurface water drainage discharges.

Here we list just a few of the components thatcan be used in a SuDs System.

SuDs Components

Page 3: Sustainable Drainage: Proprietary SuDS components

Circular Pipe

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Rigid pipeline system withflexible joints for conveyanceof stormwater and storage /attenuation, available withoptional dry weather flowchannel and side entrymanhole access. Perforatedversion enables stormwaterto percolate into the ground.

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Perforated chamber whichmay be open void (providingstorage) or contain filtermedium (providingtreatment) to facilitatepercolation of stormwaterinto the ground.

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Off-site, watertight solutionpre-benched and configuredto required inlet/outletorientation.

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Box Culvert

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Range of sizes. Availablewith optional dry weatherflow channel.

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Inlets and Outlets, availablewith flap valves and grills,connecting swales, ponds,detention basins, etc tounderground pipes.