SUSL - Organizational Behaviour presentation

Presentation 1 (OB) Department of Marketing Management

Transcript of SUSL - Organizational Behaviour presentation

Presentation 1 (OB)Department of Marketing Management

Learning outcomes

Define values

Importance of values

Type of values



Values & ethics are central to any organization.

Both are extremely broad terms.

We need to focus in on the aspects most

relevant for strategic leaders & decision makers.

Define values

Basic conviction about what is right &


Values represent basic convictions that

“a specific mode of conduct or end state of

existence is personally or socially preferable to

an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end

– state of existence”

(Stephen Robbins)

Importance of values

Values generally influence attitudes & behavior.

It is importance to study of organization

behavior . Because they lay foundation of

people attitudes & motivation.

It contain interpretation right & wrong.

They imply that certain behavior or out comes

are prefer over others.

Types of values

Terminal Instrumental

Value Values

Values in the

Rokeach Survey

Values in the

Rokeach Survey

Mean Value Rankings of Executives, Union

Members, and Activists


Tomas Paul and Linda Elder define ethics as

“a set of concepts and principles that guide us

in determining what behavior helps or harms

sentient creatures”

The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy

states that the word ethics is "commonly used

interchangeably with ‘morality’.

Difference Between Values



Values Ethics They are the basic beliefs.

Every individual has a set of values.

will never deviate from their values.

The values can be said to be the guiding principles in one’s life.

Ethics is guidelines or rules.

mainly based on moral values.

Ethics has also been built on loyalty, honesty, and compassion.

Group Members

10/MS/004 M.P.D.S.Ananda

10/MS/189 K.M.C.M.Konara

10/MS/175 R.G.H.D.K.Jayarathne