Survivor's Guide Sept 2010 Issue

September Welcome Back Newsletter Science One Survivors Club The Survivor’s Guide 10/11 September Issue MESSAGE FROM THE SOS PRESIDENT As I'm sure you know, Science One is a particularly prestigious and selective program at UBC. Congratulations on your acceptance! The real work lies ahead of you in the coming year. You will be challenged academically, but once you 'survive' you will be fantastically well-prepared for your remaining years of university. We have a jam-packed year planned for you. SOS will host social, academic, and sports events exclusively for Science One, beginning with our Welcome- Back BBQ on September 10. Make sure to attend! Keep your eyes open for our emails you updating you with SOS events and other opportunities on campus! Lastly, I want to offer you a piece of advice: get involved! This could mean joining us as the irst-year SOS representative, the SUS Science One repre- sentative, or taking advantage of one of the myriad opportunities on campus! Science One Survivors are here to help you out and answer your questions. We've been through everything that you will encounter. Best of luck! TRACEY HINDER WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: 1. Come out to the SOS Welcome-Back BBQ!! Meet Science One alumni over free burgers and drinks at a ield near Thunderbird Arena on Friday, Sep- tember 10th from 1PM-3PM. 2. Join SOS! Pick up a sign-up sheet from an executive after class in IBLC 361 (the lounge). Fill out the form and pay the $10 life-time membership fee by Friday, September 17th. SOS executives will be around IBLC 361 after class to collect the forms and money. 3. SOS + SUS leadership position elections!! If you are interested in repre- senting your Science One class at SOS and/or SUS council meetings, please visit or for more infor- mation. Elections for SUS take place later this month, and elections for SOS occur in October. 4. Visit the SOS website for updates on events! scienceonesurvi- has the latest SOS news! INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message from SOS Pres ....... 1 What YOU need to do........... 1 Meet your SOS Execs ........... 2 SOS Mentorship Program .... 3 SOS Sports!........................... 3 SOS Fun and Games............. 4 How to be successful in Sci- ence One ............................... 4 Calendar of Events...................5 Contact Us ............................ 5

Transcript of Survivor's Guide Sept 2010 Issue

Page 1: Survivor's Guide Sept 2010 Issue

September Welcome Back


Science One Survivors Club

The Survivor’s Guide 10/11 September Issue


As I'm sure you know, Science One is a particularly prestigious and selective

program at UBC. Congratulations on your acceptance! The real work lies

ahead of you in the coming year. You will be challenged academically, but

once you 'survive' you will be fantastically well-prepared for your remaining

years of university.

We have a jam-packed year planned for you. SOS will host social, academic,

and sports events exclusively for Science One, beginning with our Welcome-

Back BBQ on September 10. Make sure to attend! Keep your eyes open for

our emails you updating you with SOS events and other opportunities on


Lastly, I want to offer you a piece of advice: get involved! This could mean

joining us as the 0irst-year SOS representative, the SUS Science One repre-

sentative, or taking advantage of one of the myriad opportunities on campus!

Science One Survivors are here to help you out and answer your questions.

We've been through everything that you will encounter.

Best of luck!



1. Come out to the SOS Welcome-Back BBQ!! Meet Science One alumni over

free burgers and drinks at a 0ield near Thunderbird Arena on Friday, Sep-

tember 10th from 1PM-3PM.

2. Join SOS! Pick up a sign-up sheet from an executive after class in IBLC

361 (the lounge). Fill out the form and pay the $10 life-time membership fee

by Friday, September 17th. SOS executives will be around IBLC 361 after

class to collect the forms and money.

3. SOS + SUS leadership position elections!! If you are interested in repre-

senting your Science One class at SOS and/or SUS council meetings, please

visit or for more infor-

mation. Elections for SUS take place later this month, and elections for SOS

occur in October.

4. Visit the SOS website for updates on events! scienceonesurvi- has the latest SOS news!


Message from SOS Pres ....... 1

What YOU need to do........... 1

Meet your SOS Execs ........... 2

SOS Mentorship Program .... 3

SOS Sports! ........................... 3

SOS Fun and Games ............. 4

How to be successful in Sci-

ence One ............................... 4

Calendar of Events ...................5

Contact Us ............................ 5

Page 2: Survivor's Guide Sept 2010 Issue





Hey Science One 2011!

I am Dominic, I'm in Engineering Physics, and I'll

be your Social Coordinator (along with Jason) for

this year! Our role is to make sure that you man-

age to get out and enjoy your 0irst year here at

UBC! We'll be doing a lot of social events (dances,

sports events, games nights) to make Science One

as memorable an experience you will ever have at

UBC. This is a pretty broad role, so if you have

anything you want to talk about or need help with,

talk to me and I'll do my best (via Facebook

or [email protected]).

Hey Sci 1ers! I'm a pharmacology student do-

ing a 2nd major in economics. My hobbies in-

clude watching lots of sports (Go Canucks

and Barcelona!), eating yummy food, and wast-

ing time online instead of doing work. I'm real-

ly excited to get to meet all of you guys and I'd

be happy to answer any questions by email, FB,

or in person that you have throughout the year

about Sci 1 or UBC in general. We at SOS are

going to do our best to make this year memo-

rable for all of you!







A Yo, whats crackin science one? I’m Joe the

spo-co. I am best known for my good looks

(uh huh) and funny joekes by consensus

(that’s right). That being said, I’m interested

in women, and looking for friendship, dating,

a relationship, and networking. I enjoy sports,

reading, listening to classical music, watching

documentaries, and stuff people do. I look not

backward to meet y’all. Peace out.




Hey everyone! I'm a Sci-One alumnus from

last year. This year I'm studying biochemistry

and chemistry. I had a blast in Science One

last year! As your SOS president I want to help

your school year go smoothly for you. The

best advice I have for you this year is: a) don't

procrastinate, and b) involved on campus.

Feel free to talk to me anytime about

academics, music, dancing or anything

that's on your mind.



Helloo, I’m the one who’ll be bombarding send-

ing you emails throughout the year, updating

you on SOS events. My hobbies include eating,

sleeping, eating, graphics design, eating and

badminton. I look forward to meeting you

guys. Remember to sleep lots, eat healthy, and

never fall asleep in class (consequences may be

dire and involve 0lying chalk, pencils, and



Hello science one-ers! My

name is Cathy and I’m your

treasurer for 2010-2011. I’m

in charge of balancing the

budget and making sure that

events are well funded. As a

Science One Survivor, my

biggest piece of advice is to

manage you time so that sleep,

study, and social life are well balanced. This could mean going to

sleep instead of staying on Facebook, or asking for help from a

professor when you need it, or joining SOS to get to know your

future best friends. Speaking of a social life, I’m super excited for

this year; we have a ton of awesome events for you to partici-

pate in. So come out and enjoy the fun while it lasts!


Hi Science One Class of 2011!

My name is Jason and I will be your social coordinator

(along with Dominic) for this upcoming year. My role

is to make your 0irst year entertaining, as well as to

help you make many new friends. Overall, just helping

you guys enjoy your year in Science One as much as

possible, because after this year you are back to being

regular normal UBC students like me =( . Now, my

position is pretty generic so if you have any questions

regarding almost any topics you can 0ind me and I will

do my best to help out. If you have any ideas or sug-

gestions that you like, I can be reached

at [email protected].


What's going on Sci1? I am very enthused to

meet and serve you all this coming year. I am

starting my 0irst year in pharmacy and can't wait

to meet everyone in your class. This year marks

your toughest year yet. That being said, every

one of us on the exec has been there and done

that, so don't be afraid to ask us questions.

Page 3: Survivor's Guide Sept 2010 Issue

We know that your 0irst year of university and Science One in particular can be a daunting idea. As part

of your SOS membership, we'll pair you up with a past Science One student mentor who'll pass along

some of his/her experience to ease the stress of 1st year. Whether it's help with a tough Calculus assign-

ment or tips about the exams of a certain prof, having a SOS mentor will no doubt improve your overall

experience in Science One. We'll also do our best to pair you up with a mentor with similar degree or

career interests to help you with the dif0icult process of planning for and choosing your degree. The sig-

nup for the SOS mentorship program is included with your registration form for the club. If you have

any questions feel free to talk to Roger or Dominic, or send us an email at [email protected].



As a part of Science One you have many opportunities to be-

coming athletically involved at UBC! That's right, drop those

books (for an hour or two) and get your heart pumping - it'll

keep your stress low and your health high.

A great opportunity that's fast approaching is Day of the Long-

boat on October 2-3. It's a time-honoured UBC tradition in

which 8-10 students row a large boat around obstacles and

strike a gong- much tomfoolery and ridiculousness all around!

Science One entered

two full teams last

year! The deadline is

September 22; contact

us if you'd like to get involved.

Another way to have some fun and bond with your peers is by

forming a UBC REC team. Sports available include ultimate,

dodgeball, football, ball hockey, volleyball, futsal, basketball,

and soccer. Even if you can't 0ind enough students from within

Science One, we can 0ind you a team to join through SUS or UBC


As a member of SUS (which you all are), you actually get a 40%

rebate on any sports team or event that's composed mainly of

science students. Check out the UBC REC website ( for more details about their sports

leagues or special events.

Finally, we'll also host some minigames and small competitions throughout the year - within Science

One or with your CSP rivals. If you have any suggestions or requests for certain activities/sports feel

free to let us know!

Have an awesome year and stay 0it and active!

SOS MENTORSHIP PROGRAM By Roger Zhang, Vice President– Internal

By Tracey Hinder, President

Photos from the Annual SOS Welcome Back BBQ 2009.

Photo of Science One Longboat 2009 team members.

Photo of the Longboat competition 2009

Page 4: Survivor's Guide Sept 2010 Issue

Science One Attendees at the Science One + CSP Semiformal 2010


By now, you are probably tired of

reading this newsletter and on the

verge of trashing this piece of paper.

BUT WAIT! As mentioned above, we

have planned many sports events for

you to make your 0irst year enjoyable.

Don't worry if you're not big on

sports! We have other social events

planned, during the long tedious

months of Science One! We are going

to have get-togethers at the Ladha

building. We will play Mahjong, Texas

Hold'em, Monopoly, Charades, etc, etc.

You name it; we got it. On top of all

the games, we will also be hosting

talent show(s), you can show off your

special skills in front of your fellow

Science One students or just watch

with everyone else and have a good

time. Or just impress everyone, cause

you know you're that awesome!

Last but not least, congrats

for choosing science one, the

best program at UBC, and

joining SOS, the best club of

all time!


I hope you all had a very relaxing summer because there is going to be a

lot of work involved in Sci1. Here are some tips to help you. :)

� You will be assigned an insane amount of reading. DO NOT read word

-for-word for your pre-reading. Learn to skim and pick out important

words and topics. Read the confusing parts more carefully.

� Try your darnest to review the lecture material everyday after classes

are 0inished for the day, even if for just 10 or 15 minutes. It helps

with long term memory.

� Your professors (especially Sci1 profs) are your friends. Get to know

them personally; you've earned it! Chat with them after class or go to

their of0ice hours.

� Enjoy Bam0ield to the fullest. Stay up all night with newly made

friends, take in the beautiful scenery, [insert your own activity

here]. It will most likely be the highlight of your year.

� Speaking of Bam0ield, raingear is mandatory. No questions asked.

� Designate one person learn to control the light switches in IBLC

261. That room has around 10 light switches that are a pain for the

professors who give PowerPoint lectures over the projectors.

Last but most, participate in SOS events. We have a smorgasbord of

events lined up for the year and we worked our butts off planning them

for you. Besides, it'll be fun!


[Above+Below] Bamfield 2009


SOS Halloween Party


Page 5: Survivor's Guide Sept 2010 Issue

Here is a list of events that we are planning for you this year! All of the

events are free for SOS members unless stated otherwise. Come and hang

out with us at our events!

Welcome Back BBQ: 1PM-3PM on 10th @ Thunderbird Park

SUS Rep. Elections

Day of the Longboat: Register by the 23rd.

Calendar of Events for 2010-2011


Calculus Crash Course

Meet Your Mentor Night: 5PM-7PM on 7th @ SUB 207/209

Pre-Midterm Study Session

Halloween Party + Talent Show

SOS Rep. Elections

NOVEMBER Games Night

Lace Up for Kids


Bonfire + Secret Santa


UBC Science Week

Sports Events


MARCH SOS Elections

Beyond SciOne

SciOne vs. CSP

Storm the Wall


Science One + CSP Semiformal Ball



Feel free to ask our executives for any

help/information about Science One,

SOS, and what we do!

Science One Survivors Club


[email protected]



Science One Survivors

Newsletter brought to you by: SOS Execs

Editor: Jessica Zhang, Secretary.