Survivor: Venezuela Mapoyo Immunity Challenge

What to do when stranded on a deserted island #S.O.S. 101

Transcript of Survivor: Venezuela Mapoyo Immunity Challenge

Page 1: Survivor: Venezuela Mapoyo Immunity Challenge

What to do when stranded on a deserted island

#S.O.S. 101

Page 2: Survivor: Venezuela Mapoyo Immunity Challenge

Seven castaways... stranded on a deserted island in the middle of Nowhere, Venezuela…. What do we do?

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Step #1 Create a plan to signal nearby ships and helicopters.

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Step #2 Gather materials and supplies to construct the signal message and survive

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Step #3 Starting multiple large bonfires incase of nighttime.

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Step #4 Assembling the S.O.S message.

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The first thing that we made was three very smoky fires in order to catch the attention of the overhead planes. Then, during low tide we went to our beach to write the message. We decided that it would look more visible if we made it look unnatural, and used colors. So, we used the green palm frons that we got from the jungle to write the message, as they would stick out on the white beach. We also used the rocks in order to draw attention to our symbol, because of the unnatural alignment they were in. Finally, we used large piles and stumps in further increase the notability of our signal, because of their contrast to the calm beach, meaning they were more visible. We also have our tribe members spread out through the beach waving palm frons and our brightly colored buffs in order to attempt to point the plane in the direction of our SOS signal.