Survey monkey findings and analysis

Survey Monkey Findings and Analysis



Transcript of Survey monkey findings and analysis

Page 1: Survey monkey findings and analysis

Survey Monkey Findings and Analysis

Page 2: Survey monkey findings and analysis

Question 1 This shows me that compared to other sources magazines themselves aren’t as dominant in providing music news, and this could be due to magazines not providing the right music news as other sources or just advances in technology.

As the internet is the main source here, it tells me that I should perhaps let my audience know that my magazine has a website, thus branching out to different medias and attracting a wider audience.

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Question 2 I asked this question in order for me to later compare singular answers and so I can determine what the people who like my magazine's genre would like in a magazine.

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Question 3

Identifying the age of the participants was important so I can link it to my target audience ensuring I’m giving them what they want.

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Question 4 This question is important because I can perhaps link what my target audience do into my magazine in order to make it more appealing, e.g. adverts, sub stories and ensuring I incorporate the music elements throughout. This can also help me when writing my article, by making sure I'm taking to my target audience in a friendly way, including their interests and them in articles.

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Question 5

The answers tell me that online versions are popular and that I should somewhat include that in my magazine, similarly with subscription, its also apparent that I could offer that in my magazine too as I would attract more of an audience.

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Question 6

Theses results tell me I may need to increase the appeal of my magazine in order for people to buy every issue. It also helps me think about how regularly my magazine should be produced, ensuring my readers get the news from my magazine first.

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Question 7Relating to the previous question, this helps further as I can see how often my specific target audience would prefer my magazine to be produced, and once a month is most popular, meaning it works out cheaper for the reader, but enables the magazine to have more news and to be produced at a high quality as more time will be spent on each issue than if it were weekly.

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Question 8Obviously from the start I know the front cover of a magazine is quite important, but I wanted to see how important it was to other people.

From my responses its clear that it’s highly important as it can draw you to a magazine or push you away from a magazine, it doesn’t always matter if it’s a magazine that you buy continuously or not. Meaning I will make my magazine front cover as noticeable as possible and eye catching.

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Question 9 This question very much helps me as I can see what is most important for my target audience. My results show that freebies are a main drawing in point when buying a magazine which is something I shall incorporate in my magazine, e.g. free poster/cd.

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Question 10 Most music magazines vary in price, for example KERRANG! Is about £2.20 an issue, RockSound is about £4 an issue and Top of the Pops is around £.3.50 and issue.

It seems most people are willing to pay around £2/£3 so I will probably base the pricing of my magazine around that.

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Further analysis

GenreParticipant A: Rock, Pop, Alternative Participant B: Rock, Pop, IndieParticipant C: Alternative, Metal, RockParticipant D: Rock, Pop, IndieParticipant E: RnB, Rap, Hip HopParticipant F: Pop, RnB, Classical (opera)Participant G: Rock, Blues, folk, Participant H: Pop, Alternative Indie

Further analyseFurther analyseFurther analyseFurther analyseNot relevant Not relevantNot relevantNot relevant

As participants E-H don’t have an interest in rock, I will not further analyse their answers because they aren’t my target audience and the genres they like are less similar to the

genre that my magazine is going to be (rock pop). As for participants A-D I will further analyse their results because they are my target

audience in terms of audience, although participant C doesn’t have an interest in pop as the rest of them do, this participant still likes rock and the other genres they like are very

similar to rock so my magazine is still aimed at them.

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Further analysisAgeParticipant A: 17Participant B: 18Participant C: 18Participant D: 17

The ages of each participant work for my target audience, as my target audience is around 14 – 25 year olds. Age is important because as a generalisation people in the same age range will have similar interests because they’ll lead similar life's, e.g. still being in education, and other things that influence them making them somewhat

similar. Meaning they’ll share ideals and norms, and expect magazines to be presented in a certain way, expect artists to be portrayed in a certain way and read articles in the

same way, so the style and language of the article is aimed at them.

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Further analysisFront cover effect on purchaseParticipant A: Yes, unless I buy it all the time Participant B: YesParticipant C: Yes, if the images interest meParticipant D: Yes, it needs to eye-catching and look interesting

Draws in when buying magazine

Freebies, cover story, inside information



Cover story

This shows that the appeal of my magazine depends highly on the front cover, its what draws the reader in and it needs to stand out against the others. I want to make

it a magazine where if you look at it from a far you know its that magazine, you can tell that from the masthead, colours and the representation of the artist(s) on the

cover. It is apparent that freebies entice the reader, especially if they’re not a regular reader. So on my front cover I will make it known that there is something free in the

magazine, be it a selection of posters, a calendar or a cd.