Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis. INI Waves Symposium Thursday july 17 Julian Hunt UCL. ASU, TUD, Cambridge Thanks Sajjadi, Klettner Grimshaw,Chow


Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis. INI Waves Symposium Thursday july 17 Julian Hunt UCL. ASU, TUD, Cambridge Thanks Sajjadi, Klettner Grimshaw,Chow. Sajjadi S G, Hunt JCR , Drullion F (2013) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Page 1: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and


INI Waves Symposium Thursday july 17

Julian Hunt

UCL. ASU, TUD, Cambridge

Thanks Sajjadi, Klettner Grimshaw,Chow

Page 2: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.
Page 3: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Note critical layer at zc where U(z)= cr , wave speed. In above profile zc is in shear stress layer (zc < l s) . Also shown is where (zc > l s )for larger c r-as analysed for c i >0 by Miles(1957)

Sajjadi S G, Hunt JCR , Drullion F (2013) Asymptotic Multi-layer analysis of wind over unsteady monochromatic surface waves J.Eng Maths

Page 4: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Waves and Interfaces Seminar at UCLJulian Hunt

1.Wind-Wave Coupling


Physical mechanisms involved for wind over unsteady surface and wave groups.

Triple(or quadruple) deck theory for turbulent shear flows.

Combining sheltering and unsteady critical layer mechanisms.

Explain why groups are most efficient mechanism for air-sea energy exchange.

Through analytical and computational modeling.

Page 5: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.


Separated Sheltering L = O(a).

Non-separated Sheltering.

Schematic of wind over wave mechanisms for steady low amplitude waves.

Shows sheltering mechanism in the surface layer and its coupling with the outer flow.

Page 6: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Steady waves (ci=0). Benjamin, Townsend, BH, Mastenbroek… non-separated sheltering . But critical layer is important ; drag is affected for c r >u*

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Unsteady Waves

For unsteady waves where 0 < c i /U* ~ 1.

Mean streamlines of flow over the waves are shown in a frame moving with the waves. Waves closed loops are centred at the elevated critical height. Profiles of u–velocity perturbation for inviscid flow (when ν e = 0) is shown below.

Perturbations become singular as the growth rate c I -> 0 .

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Waves growing; exp (i(k (x-c rt) .exp(-k ci t) . Inviscid flowNote singular behaviour as ci ->0, near critical layer

In phase Velperturbation

Out of phaseVelperturbation

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Inviscid Mechanism for Unsteady Waves Fig of c I vs kz shows as ci 0 out-of-phase perturbation to \Delta u becomes very large.

Occurs in very thin layer of thickness of O(c_i).

Vorticity ( ωy) amplifies on lee-side and reduced on upwind-side.

Leads to mean stream lines being deflected, "lower pressure" on the lee side "higher drag". when ci > 0, wave grows; ci <0 wave decays.

But there is a net force on the wave produced by the integrated effect of the critical layer as |ci|->0. ( Miles did not calculate profiles-only the integral effect prop to U’’(at z=zc))

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Historical Conclusions

Miles (1957)/Lighthill (1962) calculate energy input/ growth for ci -> 0; a = const:; ka << 1.

Note Lighthill’s analysis with delta functions(p192) suggests importance of thin , singular critical layers –but they were not mentioned explicitly.

They conclude: there is a net inviscid force on monochromatic non-growing waves (steady waves).

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Page 12: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Computations (Steady Waves)

We adopt full realizable RSM (TCL) [Sajjadi, Craft & Feng].

We compare full Reynolds-stress model with DNS, Sullivan et al.

Also adopted semi-implicit FD solver with LRR turbulence model for comparison.

Waves closed loops are centred at the critical height.

Very similar behaviour as DNS.

Page 13: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Computational Domain

Schematic computational domain (84 x 50 x 5) mesh points.

Bulk Reynolds number Re = 8000.

Fully implicit, collocated, general curvilinear coordinates finite volume.

Coupled to water through orbital velocities.

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Page 15: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Energy Transfer from Wind to Waves (I)

Total energy transfer parameter, \beta.

Critical layer and sheltering mechanisms for unsteadywaves (ci ) ( << U*) vs wave age cr/U1.

+++++, Miles (1957) calculation (ci = 0; νe = 0)

Thick solid line, Janssen (1991) parameterization of Miles(1957) for ci = 0 ; inviscid ; zero eddy viscosity

Thin solid line, present formulation: (\beta_T + \beta_c) for

ci >0 ; finite eddy viscosity .

\circ, Numerical simulation using Reynolds-stress closuremodel for ci >0 ; finite Reynolds stress.

Page 16: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Monochromatic waves .Growth rate against wave speed / wind speed –models , and data

Note how β rises with moderate increase in crit layer thickening ofInner viscous layer. But when cr/Ui ~5, the inner viscous layer diminishes the Sheltering mechanism , and β drops.

Page 17: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Monochromatic waves .Wave growth based on Miles model , with zero and finite eddy viscosity. Note no growth in latter case

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Wave Groups (first proposed (?)by M.E.McIntyre –DAMTP )

On going project.

Above application to group of wavesIndividual waves grow within group on upwind side and decrease on downwind side (hence plus/minus inertial critical layer effects). But shear layer over wave group leads to zc higher on lee side , U’’(zc) smaller. Hypothesis is net positive effect

Study effect of non-uniform critical layer over groups (analytically & computationally).

Preliminary results shown below.

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Wave group -3 -5 waves; concept of double effect of sheltering +Inertial critical layer ; numerical simulations

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Physical growth mechanism is NOT soley due to steady Critical layer CL.

Critical layer is unsteady problem.

Growing/decaying wave amplitude in the groups increases CL on the downside of group where wave shape changes.

CL plays an important role on sheltering.

Asymmetrical sheltering leads to reduction in wind speed.

Page 21: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

2. Tsunami waves

The problem of negative tsunami waves travelling over long distances , being transformed into positive waves and impacting on beaches , before or after the transition.

Ref .Klettner, C.A., Balasubramanian, S., Hunt, J.C.R., Fernando, H.J.S., Voropayev, S.I. and Eames, I., 2012

Draw down and run-up of tsunami waves on sloping beaches. Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers-Engineering and Computational Mechanics 165,119-129 . 

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Page 23: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Earthquake off jap

March 2011

Note depression to north

Page 24: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Measured data around the Pacific coast of Japan. Red and blue color bars indicate inundation height and run-up height. (a) Japan view, (b) Sendai Plain.

Japan Tsunami(Neg wave to North of Sendai)

Note maximum near Sendai Opposite

Centre of EarthQuake.

Note blue Inundation inland..

Page 25: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Negative Tsunami wave arriving at japan coast 2011

Page 26: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

• quaasi steady shallow water analysis

• c = sqrt (gh (x))(1 +/- ½ a(x.t) /h(x))• h(x)= ho –zs. (local water depth)• Δc = ½ ([-/+ α w(x.t) – α b] sqrt(g/ho)

• α b = dzs /dx. Let dzs/dt =+/- α w(x.t) Sloping water surface ;

• a(x,t)=+/-| α w(x.t) |( x f – x)

• -d| α w(x.t) |/dt =

• ½ ( +/- | α w(x.t) | - α b ) sqrt(g/ho)

Page 27: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

SRI LANKA 2004—very large negative tsunami waves on beaches

Caused very sudden and large loadings on buildings-

Page 28: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Backward Tsunami slope• on the slope • Where x< xmx , alpaw <0 • Leading slope where alphaw <0 • Surface slope ~ bottom slope .• On trailing V shaped slop Wave slope |

alphaw| tends to increase • -> rapid change in rear wave shape• -> shortening of wave dL/dt <0-> • Larger amplitude wave , and force

momentum at beach

Page 29: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Negative tsunami on a beach,tested in ASU hyd. lab

• Note the sharp rise on the downstream end behind the deepening depression-same n-l process as for + waves.

• Depression leads to shore line retreat

• large wave up the beach .











0 50 100 150

xF - x (cm)


) (cm

















0 50 100 150

xF - x (cm)


) (cm










0 50 100 150 200

xF - x (cm)

a(-) (




Page 30: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Asu Lab expt for negative tsunami

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Page 34: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

How to explqain this in a single picture/notice ?

Page 35: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Up=down solitary wave moving to right t1 -modelled by non-linear mod.KdV eqn

KWChow, R.GrimshawUt+6UUUx+Uxxx=0 -> exact soln (~num results)


Page 36: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Up-down solitary wave moving to right (t2)

Note amplitude rises faster –but length scaleReduces

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Up-down solitary wave at critical time tc-large amplitude

Hypothesis of S Day-may be cause Of exceptional tsunami events on mid ocean islands?

X ->

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up-down wave to right -after critical moment –lower Amplitude t4>tc

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Up-down wave long after critical time. Note equal amplitude up=down.-note moving to right

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Page 41: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Note warming and less ice in Arctic ocean affects

Wind driven Waves , which break up ice and leads toFurther warming (Wadhams) , and Less ice , plus seismic activity , is likely to

Lead to tsunamis on very flat arctic coastline

Concetn to local communities and to extractive industries

And to possible transport dangers -

Page 42: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

(a) Mean wind speed profiles at Delat Island tower in tropical cyclone Nuri

(a) Mean wind speed profiles at Zhizai tower in tropical cyclone Hagupit

Fig. 6 Mean wind speed profiles at the different radial positions (defined in Fig. 5) for the tropical

cyclones Nuri and Hagupit. Note the pronounced low level wind speed maxima for the positions

near the eyewall regions (FEW, BEW), and less pronounced in the outer regions (FOV, BOV)

Up-down wave long after critical time. Note equal amplitude up=down.-note moving to right

Wind structure 0f tropical cyclones using new data from met towers on south china coast.Liu, Kareem, Hunt

Page 43: Surface waves –wind , groups, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Mean wind profiles

(a) Mean wind speed profiles at Delat Island tower in tropical cyclone Nuri

(a) Mean wind speed profiles at Zhizai tower in tropical cyclone Hagupit

Fig. 6 Mean wind speed profiles at the different radial positions (defined in Fig. 5) for the tropical

cyclones Nuri and Hagupit. Note the pronounced low level wind speed maxima for the positions

near the eyewall regions (FEW, BEW), and less pronounced in the outer regions (FOV, BOV)

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Spectra at outer radius

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Near eye of vortex