Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine...

Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy Dept. Of Anatomy

Transcript of Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine...

Page 1: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Surface anatomy

Plan fascia of the neck

Dr. H.A.JaafarDr. H.A.Jaafar

Al-Nahrain University-Al-Nahrain University-

college of Medicine college of Medicine

Dept. Of AnatomyDept. Of Anatomy

Page 2: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.


we should be able to know :

1.The subcutaneous tissue nerves, veins of the neck,

2.The main anatomical potential space in the neck which lead to Spread Infections to the mediastinum.

3.Three major fascial compartments of the neck

4.Where the viscera of the neck are located.

Page 3: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

The Neck• lies between lower margin of mandible above & • suprasternal notch & upper border of clavicle below.

It is strengthened by cervical part of vertebral column, • is convex forward • supports skull.

Behind the vertebrae is ………………….a mass of extensor muscles

in front is …………………………………..a smaller group of flexor muscles .

In central region are :…………………parts of respiratory system,

larynx & trachea,

behind are parts of alimentary system, pharynx & esophagus.

At sides of these structures are vertically running :1. carotid arteries,

2. internal jugular veins,

3. vagus nerve,

4. deep cervical lymph nodes

Page 4: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Landmarks of the neck

• Sternocleidomastoid

• Suprasternal fossa

• Greater supraclaviclar fossa

Page 5: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Landmarks of the neck

• Hyoid bone

• Thyroid cartilage

• Cricoid cartilage

Page 6: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Skin of Neck

lines of cleavage of skin are constant

run …..horizontallyhorizontally …..around neck.

an incision : along a cleavage line will heal as a narrow scar,

crosses lines will heal as a wide or heaped-up scar.

Page 7: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

The natural line of cleavage of the skin cleavage of the skin are constant and run almost horizontally around the neck

Page 8: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Fascia of NeckFascia of Neck

Page 9: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

1-Superficial Fascia1-Superficial Fascia

2-deep Fascia2-deep Fascia

Page 10: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

1-Superficial Fascia1-Superficial Fascia

Page 11: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Superficial Fasciao forms a thin layer o encloses platysma muscle.

embedded in it are : cutaneous nerves, superficial veins, superficial lymph nodes.

Page 12: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Structures in neck: are surrounded by a layer of subcutaneous tissue (superficial fascia) are compartmentalized by layers of deep cervical fascia.

fascial planes determine direction in which an infection in neck may spread.

Cervical Subcutaneous Tissue Cervical Subcutaneous Tissue &PlatysmaPlatysma superficial cervical fascia is a layer of fatty connective tissue lies between dermis of skin & investing layer of deep cervical fascia It is usually thinner than in other regions, anteriorly.

It contains : cutaneous nerves, cutaneous nerves, blood & lymphatic vessels, blood & lymphatic vessels, superficial lymph nodessuperficial lymph nodes variable amounts of fat. variable amounts of fat. PlatysmaPlatysma……..Anterolaterally

Page 13: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

external jugular vein (EJV)external jugular vein (EJV)

•descending from angle of mandible to middle of clavicle

•are superficial to main cutaneous nerves of neck.

•covers anterolateral aspect of neck.

Page 14: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

PlatysmaPlatysma•flat plate is a broad, thin sheet of muscle in subcutaneous tissue of neck

•is supplied by cervical branch of CN VII.

•Its fibers arise in deep fascia covering superior parts of deltoid & pectoralis major muscles •sweep superomedially over clavicle to inferior border of mandible.

anterior borders of the two muscles decussate over chin

blend with facial muscles.

Inferiorly, fibers diverge, leaving a gap anterior to larynx & trachea

Page 15: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

• tenses skin, producing vertical skin ridges releasing pressure on superficial veins. • use in shavingin shaving

• in a grimace. grimace.

• depress the mandible and draw corners of mouth inferiorly• Acting its inferior attachment

• convey tension or stress.

Page 16: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 17: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Contents • Platysma• Superficial veins

– Anterior jugular v. – External jugular v.

• Cutaneous nerves– Lesser occipital n. – Greator auricular n. – Transverse nerve of neck – Supraclavicular n.

• Cervical branch of facial n.

Page 18: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Regions of neck

• Neck – Anterior region of neck

– Sternocleidomastoid region

– Lateral region of neck

Page 19: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Triangles of posterior (lateral) region of neck

Occipital trianglesupraclavicular triangle

(greater supraclavicular fossa)

Page 20: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 21: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

2-Deep Cervical 2-Deep Cervical Fascia Fascia

Page 22: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Deep Cervical Fascia: Deep Cervical Fascia:

1.1.investing, investing,

2.2.pretracheal, & pretracheal, &

3.3.prevertebral. prevertebral.

Page 23: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

support :1. viscera (thyroid gland),

2. muscles,

3. vessels, &

4. deep lymph nodes.

condenses around : ……… to form carotid sheath carotid sheath common carotid arteries, common carotid arteries, internal jugular veins (IJVs), &internal jugular veins (IJVs), & vagus nerves vagus nerves

form natural cleavage planes tissues may be separated during surgery,

• limit the spread of abscesses (collections of pus)

afford slipperinessallows structures in neck to move and pass over one another without difficulty,

swallowing and turning the head and neck.

Page 24: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Deep Cervical Fascia: Deep Cervical Fascia:

1.1.investing, investing,

Page 25: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Investing LayerInvesting Layer most superficial deep fascial layer, surrounds entire neck deep to skin and subcutaneous tissue. splits into superficial and deep layers to enclose (invest) :

1. trapezius &

2. sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles.

Superiorly, attaches to : Superior nuchal line of occipital bone. Mastoid processes of temporal bones. Zygomatic arches. Inferior border of mandible. Hyoid bone. Spinous processes of cervical vertebrae.

also splits to enclose :submandibular gland; submandibular gland; posterior to mandible, it splits to form fibrous capsule of parotid glandparotid gland.

Page 26: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Investing LayerInvesting Layer

stylomandibular ligament stylomandibular ligament is a thickened modification

Inferiorly, attaches to : manubrium, clavicles, & acromions spines of scapulae.

continuous posteriorly continuous posteriorly

with :periosteum covering C7 spinous process, periosteum covering C7 spinous process, nuchal ligament nuchal ligament

a triangular membrane forms a median fibrous septum between muscles of two sides of neck

Page 27: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 28: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Deep Cervical Fascia: Deep Cervical Fascia:

pretracheal, pretracheal,

Page 29: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 30: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Pretracheal Layer of Deep Cervical FasciaPretracheal Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia

is limited to the anterior part of neck

It extends inferiorly from hyoid into thorax,it blends with the fibrous pericardium covering heartpericardium covering heart.

includes a thin muscular part,

encloses :infrahyoid muscles, & infrahyoid muscles, & a visceral parta visceral part,

encloses thyroid gland, trachea, &esophagus pharynx

is continuous posteriorly & superiorly with buccopharyngeal fascia of pharynx.

blends laterally with carotid sheathscarotid sheaths.

Page 31: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Pretracheal Layer of Deep Cervical FasciaPretracheal Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia

In hyoid,

a thickening of pretracheal fascia forms a pulley or trochlea through intermediate tendon of digastric digastric muscle passes,

suspending hyoidsuspending hyoid.

tethers two-bellied omohyoid muscle, redirecting course of muscle between bellies.

Page 32: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Prevertebral Layer Prevertebral Layer

Page 33: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

forms a tubular sheath for vertebral column & muscles associated with it,

such as :A. longus colli &longus capitis anteriorly,

B. scalenes laterally,

C. deep cervical muscles posteriorly

is fixed to cranial base superiorly.

Inferiorly, it blends with endothoracic fascia endothoracic fascia peripherally

fuses with anterior longitudinal ligament anterior longitudinal ligament centrally at approximately T3 vertebra

extends laterally as axillary sheath surrounds axillary vessels & brachial plexus. surrounds axillary vessels & brachial plexus.

sympathetic trunks cervical parts cervical parts are embedded in it

Page 34: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Carotid Sheath

Page 35: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

is a tubular fascial investment

extends from cranial base to root of neck.

blends :anteriorly with investing and pretracheal layers posteriorly with prevertebral layer

contains :(1)(1) common and internal carotid arteries, common and internal carotid arteries,

(2)(2) internal jugular vein, internal jugular vein,

(3)(3) vagus nerve (CN X), vagus nerve (CN X),

(4)(4) deep cervical lymph nodes, deep cervical lymph nodes,

(5)(5) carotid sinus nerve, carotid sinus nerve,

(6)(6) sympathetic nerve fibers (carotid periarterial plexuses). sympathetic nerve fibers (carotid periarterial plexuses).

carotid sheath and pretracheal fascia communicate freely with: mediastinum of thorax inferiorly & cranial cavity superiorly.

represent potential pathways for spread of infection and extravasated blood.

Page 36: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Retropharyngeal Retropharyngeal SpaceSpace

Page 37: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

is largest and most important interfascial space in neck

It is a potential space

consists of loose connective tissue between visceral part of prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia & buccopharyngeal fascia surrounding pharynx superficially.

Inferiorly, buccopharyngeal fascia is continuous with pretracheal layer

alar fascia :alar fascia :• forms a further subdivision of retropharyngeal space. • is attached along midline of buccopharyngeal fascia from cranium to level of the C7 C7

vertebra. • it extends laterally and terminates in carotid sheath.

permits movement of pharynx, esophagus, larynx, and trachea relative to vertebral column during swallowing.

is closed : superiorly by cranial base and on each side by carotid sheath.

It opens inferiorly into superior mediastinum


TrapeziusDeep Cervical Fascia

Investing layer of deep cervical fascia

Prevertebral fascia

Pretracheal fascia(visceral part)Caro

tid sheath

Buccopharyngeal fascia

Alar fascia

Pretracheal fascia(muscular part)


Page 38: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.



Posterior cervical trianglePosterior cervical triangle Anterior trianglesAnterior triangles


Trapezius Deep Cervical Fascia

Investing layer of deep cervical fascia

Prevertebral fascia

Pretracheal fascia(visceral part)

Carotid sheath

Buccopharyngeal fascia

Alar fascia

Pretracheal fascia(muscular part)



Prevertebral musclesScalene muscles



Page 39: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Trace the pathways for venous drainage from the neck into the brachial veins.

Ext. jugularInt. jugular

Ant. jugular

Sup. thyroid

Middle thyroid

Inf. thyroid

Page 40: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.


Page 41: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 42: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Cutaneous nerves and superficial veins

External jugular vein

Anterior jugular vein

Lesser occipital n.

Greet auricular n.Transverse nerve of neck

Supraclavicular n.

Page 43: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.

Submendibular gland



Superior thyroid a.

Cervical plexus

Phrenic n.

Ansa cervicalis

Vagus n.

Hypoglossal n.

Accessory n.Digastric

Page 44: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 45: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 46: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 47: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 48: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 49: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 50: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 51: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 52: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 53: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 54: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 55: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 56: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 57: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 58: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 59: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 60: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 61: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 62: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 63: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 64: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 65: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 66: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 67: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 68: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 69: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 70: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 71: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 72: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 73: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 74: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 75: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 76: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 77: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 78: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 79: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 80: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 81: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 82: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 83: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 84: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 85: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 86: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 87: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 88: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 89: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 90: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 91: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 92: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 93: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 94: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.
Page 95: Surface anatomy Plan fascia of the neck Dr. H.A.Jaafar Al-Nahrain University- college of Medicine Dept. Of Anatomy.