Surah naba surah fajr

SURAH AN NABAA إ ب ن ل ا ورة س

Transcript of Surah naba surah fajr

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إ� النب سورة

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Everything in this universe serves a purpose ---- Human’s life is also not purpose less.

• Day of Accountability will surely come.

• Sleep is a great gift.

• The Hell is surely an ambush.

• ق�ا س��ا س� �� س قا ي م س ---- Food and drink for people in Hell Fire.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• A complete record of sayings and doings, movements and occupations, even intentions,

thoughts and aims in life.

• Eternity of Hell ---- Punishment will not lessen neither one will be used to it.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• Blessings of Paradise --- For God fearing (Triumph)

• Islamic concept of Intercession.

• A person leading a careful and responsible life due to fear of accountability.

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• A person whom closes his eyes from reality which will be coming and live for pleasure of this life.

• Who we want to be?

• The disbeliever will say: “O Would that I had become dust” ---- regretful wish

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الن�زع�ت سورة

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Oath has been sworn by five qualities of Angels to affirm that the Resurrection is a certainty.

• The angels are subordinate to Divine Will and they conduct the affairs of the universe strictly and

precisely without any negligence or delay in the execution of His Command.

• Rebel of Pharaoh ---- Arrogance, exceeding all limits of transgression

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Advice to talk softly and wisely with Pharaoh in persuasive manner ---- After gently talk through

admonition and then imbued with fear.

• ق� س� ي� م� س� --- Great Lesson • Fear of Accountability ---- Consequence of disobedience.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• The elaborate planning of this universe --- Few examples

• Special marks of the inmates of Hell --- One who had rebelled and preferred the worldly life.

• Special marks of the inmates of Paradise --- Feared to stand before their Lord and restrained himself

from evil desires.

• The timing of the Last Hour.

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عبس سورة

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• Circumstances of Revelation ---- Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum

• An important principle of teaching and preaching --- Education of Muslims and their reform takes

priority over getting the Non Muslim to embrace the Faith.

• Admonition and advice are only beneficial to those who listen and pay heed --- Teach and preach

everybody but special attention to those who want to listen.

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• Quran is great Divine blessing --- Reminder --- Memorize it, recite it, act upon it, ponder on it & spread it.

• Blessings of Allah(SWT) on Human being.

• Human being is helpless under Allah’s command starting from his creation till death.

• Effect of rain on earth ---- Cleaving of seedling ---- Various kinds of vegetation and plants.

• On the Day when each man shall flee from his relatives.

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التكوير سورة

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• Scene of the great upheaval in the Universe ---- Scene of Qiyamah --- Takwir, Infitar & Inshiqaq(Hadith)

• Takwir means to fold up ---- On the Resurrection Day the turban will be folded up about the sun and its

radiation will fade.

• Pre Islamic tradition of Arabian society --- Girls buried alive --- Modern Infanticide

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• Attribute of Gabriel(AS)

• Quran is an Admonition for all mankind, only such a person can benefit by it, who is himself desirous of

adopting piety and righteousness. A seeker after truth and a lover of right is the foremost condition of his

gaining any benefit from it.

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إ�نفط�ر ال سورة

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Scene of the great upheaval in the Universe ---- Scene of Qiyamah

• Whatever good and evil deeds a man did in his life is “ma qaddamat” and whatever effects and

influences of his acts he left behind for human society is “ma akhkharat”.

• How man deceived himself about His Lord ---- Allah is generous and forgiving

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• Allah’s blessing on Human beings ---- Gratitude

• Main reason of sins and fearlessness ---- Denial of Here after

• Noble recorders are guardians watching over us, who know all that we do and say.

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Nالمطففين سورة

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Mutaffifin is derived from tatfif ---- curtailers --- Those who give short measure or weight.

• Faulty intentions ---- Take full measure but give others short

• The people of the Prophet Shu`aib were punished for the reason that the evil of giving short measure

and weight.

• Giving short measure in rights and responsibilities.

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• Main reason of moral corruption is lack of wariness for Akhirah

• ن�� ج�ي نس� ---- م� ي ج ج� م� ----- Place for Records of deeds/ Register ---- Destination of souls

• When a servant commits a sin, it marks a black stain on his heart.

• Instead of competing for material perishable blessings of this world compete for blessings of Paradise.

• Attitude of followers of falsehood towards the upholders of truth -- Mocking and laughing

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إ�نشق�ق ال سورة

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• Stretching of Earth and splitting up of sky.

• Working hard, suffering hardships and slowly Human being is traveling towards his death to meet

his Lord ---- Working for one desire after another

• Easy accounting for those who will get their Book in their right hand.

• Getting the record behind the back or in their left hand ---- Blazing fire and call for death

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• Reason --- lived a life free from every care and worry and helped his children and kinsfolk also to

enjoy life fully, how he had to usurp the rights of others and transgress the bounds set by Allah for

the sake of the worldly pleasures.

• Human Life ---- gradual movement from one stage to another

• Prostrating due to Recitation of Quran ---- Sadjdah Tilawat

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البروج سورة

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Around 6 kilometer south of Najran city center lies one of the most historic sites of Saudi Arabia. The site of Al-Ukhdood has traditionally been identified as the place of siege and massacre of Christians by the Jewish king Yusuf Dhu Nuwas in the 6th century AD.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• م� د ي� �د ي� د ي! ا د# ح$ ي& سا ------- Courage and power of Faith.

• Patience of Believers and their trials.

• Punishment of Hell and Punishment of burning for those who torment believing men and women.

• Allah’s unique Attributes --- ---- 'د ي) د( س* ي� د�ا د ي� د� س) ي� م+ ---- ا ي� س� ي� ا د- ---- د,� �د م�ي س ي� ا ---- the Executor of what He wills

• The writ of the Qur'an is unchangeable and imperishable.

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الط�رق سورة

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• م. د م' س�/ا Night visitor, stars, path ------ ا�

• A Guardian": Allah Almighty Himself, Who is looking after and watching over every creature, big or small,

in the earth and heavens

• The procreative fluid in both man and woman is discharged from that part of the body which is between

the back bone and the breast bone.

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"Sulb" is the backbone and "tara'ib"the breast- bones, i.e. the ribs. Since the procreative fluid in both man and woman is discharged from that part of the body which is between the back and the breast, it is said that man has been created from the fluid issuing out froth between the back and the breast. This fluid is produced even in case the hands and feet are cut off.

In embryonic stages, the reproductive organs of the male and female, ie. the testicles and the ovaries, begin their development near the kidney exactly between the spinal column and the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Later they descend; the female gonads (ovaries) stop in the pelvis while the male gonads continue their decent before birth to reach the scrotum outside the body through the inguinal canal. Even after the embryonic stage after the decent of the reproductive organ, these organs receive their nerve supply and blood supply (from the Aorta) and lymphatic drainage which is in the area between the backbone (spinal column) and the ribs. Even the lymphatic drainage and the venous return goes to the same area.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• On the Resurrection Day not only will the acts and deeds of every person be examined but his motive

and intention and object of so acting will be examined too.

• Quran is surely a decisive Word ---- It is a book which describes the stories of the past communities and

it contains injunctions for the future generation. Decide between Truth and Falsehood.

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أ�على ال سورة

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Pronounce the purity of our Most Exalted Lord ---- Tasbeehat, Remembrance of Allah --- 99 Attributes of

Allah(SWT) --- Tasbeeh of Sujood

• The Perfection of God’s creation ---- Subtle and profound wisdom in creation of this universe.

• Everything has a special purpose --- Allah guided everything how to perform and given them suitable

nature to function for which it was created --- Destiny

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• Allah’s promise to ease us to follow the way of Ease --- A Life characterized by Ease --- Allah has given

us a simple code of law, which is easy to practice and act upon.

• Admonish people, continue preaching and never abandoned it.

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• One who has fear of God and of evil consequences, will consider whether or not he is following a

wrong way, and he only will heed the admonition.

• Behavior of those who will prosper ---- 1) Purifies themselves ( Tazkiyah of Faith, wealth and

character) 2) Establish prayers --- Remembrance of Allah

• Preferring the worldly blessings and comforts over the Hereafter is the main disease.

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الغ�شية سورة

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• نم0 س م1 س*ا ي� The over-shadowing/over whelming calamity--- ا

• Description of the faces on The day of Resurrection ---- fearful and down, radiant with joy

• Food and drink of Hell Fire --- , ض�یع ، ز�)م یم ، ���ی�• Blessings of Paradise --- Decorations ---- No absurd and vain talk

• Miracle of Camel ---- Storage of Water(7 to 8 days), folding its legs in three fold, two knees, laborious,

accustomed of walking the whole night

Camels Miracle of Creation

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• Signs of Allah(SWT) ---- Heavens and Earth and Mountains

• Responsibility of a Da’ee ---- To deliver The message.

• Allah is the one who is The Reckoner, who will account us.

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الفجر سورة

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Importance of Fajr ---- When the light from the darkness of the night

• م� د ي: س) ي� س�ا مع ي( س�; ��ا� س ----- Even and Odd ---- Every ten days of a month and shapes of moon

• The balanced & harmonized system of this universe created by Allah(SWT) for the benefits of Mankind.

• Ad, Thamud and Pharaoh ---- Resourceful and equipped with latest technology, super powers of their

time but when they spread corruption in the world, Allah destroys them.

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• The general moral state of the people ---- Man's materialistic view of life, he regards the wealth and

position and power of this world alone as everything.

• Adversity and prosperity both are trials --- Human behavior at both times

• Four evil deeds which leads to corruption in the world --- 1) not treating the orphan honorably 2) do

not even urge one another to feed the poor 3) greedily devour the entire inheritance 4) Excessive

love of wealth

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• Scene of The Day of Judgment --- despondency of Humans

• د0 <� س م<= س ي/ د ي� ا د? ي( <� س Last 4 Ayahs(Memorize) ---- Courteousness towards the soul who will ------ ا�

be peaceful and satisfied(serene soul)

• Types of Souls and How can we become serene soul?

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• By adopted the Islamic Way of Life with full satisfaction of the heart, and without the

least doubt about it. Withheld ourselves from whatever is forbidden by Allah's Religion,

not unwillingly but with perfect conviction that it was really an evil thing, offer sacrifice

required for the sake of the truth. Endured with full peace of mind whatever difficulties,

troubles and hardships we met on this way and felt no remorse on being deprived of the

gains and benefits and pleasures in the world.