Supporting Information - PNAS · 2009. 7. 28. · Supporting Information Sun et al....

Supporting Information Sun et al. 10.1073/pnas.0906377106 SI Text Drosophila Strains and Genetics. The following strains have been described previously: nan 36a , iav 3621 , and nan-Gal4 (1); pyx 3 , pyx Df4 , pyx Df9 , and pyx Ge4 ; pyx 3 (2); pain 1 , pain Gal4 , and UAS-pain (3, 4); GFP-nompA (5); iav-Gal4 (6), and nompC-Gal4 (6, 7). In particular, the nompC-Gal4 construct contains a 2-kb genomic fragment that is 5 to the translational start site of nompC. Five nompC-Gal4 transgenic lines were analyzed for expression in Johnston’s organ; line No. 25 (described as nompC-GAL4.25 in ref. 7) showed the most extensive expression in Johnston’s organ neurons and was selected for this study. Another line showed overlapping but less extensive expression, and the rest of the lines showed no detectable expression in Johnston’s organ. The nompC f00642 strain was obtained from the Exelixis Collection at Harvard (line f00642) and backcrossed to the w 1118-WLS strain for 6 generations for the tube-climbing test. The resulting line was further backcrossed to the w 2202u strain for 6 generations with replacement of the X chromosome of Canton-S (2202u) and tested in the vertical choice maze (Note S1). The pain 1 and pain Gal4 strains congenic with Canton-S (2202u) were kindly provided by T. Kitamoto (University of Iowa). The pyx 3 strain congenic with Canton-S (2202u) was obtained by backcrossing the original pyx 3 strain to the w 2202u strain for 8 generations and then replacing the X chromosome of Canton-S (2202u). UAS- GFP, UAS-mCD8::GFP, UAS-Nuclear DsRed (RedStinger), and UAS-myr-mRFP were obtained from the Drosophila stock center at Bloomington, IN. Appl-Gal4 is a gift from R.S. Hewes (University of Oklahoma). A 1-kb genomic DNA sequence that was 5 to the translational start site of pyx was cloned into the pPTGAL vector (8) and used to make the transgenic line pyx-Gal4. A cDNA clone (AT05393) of the pyx-PA transcript was obtained from Drosophila Genome Resource Center. The N717, L718, and M719 residues encoded by this cDNA clone were changed to F717, A718 and P719 (Note S3) with the QuikChange II kit (Stratagene) and the primer pair: 5-GGTAATTTTAACCTTTGCCCCGGTGGGATTGGCC- G-3 and 5-CGGCCAATCCCACCGGGGCAAAGGTTA- AAATTACC-3. The resulting pyx FAP sequence was subcloned into the pUAST vector and used to make the transgenic line UAS-pyx FAP . Histochemistry and Microscopy. To image a whole antenna, the prefrons cuticle with the antennae attached was dissected from the head and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at room tempera- ture for 30 min. The specimens were washed in PBS and mounted on slides with Vectashield mounting medium H-1000 (Vector Laboratories). For better resolution of cell types and fine structures in Johnston’s organ, frontal sections of the antenna were cut at 10-m thickness with a cryostat equipped with the CryoJane Tape-Transfer system (Instrumedics). Specimen prep- aration before sectioning was performed according to Protocol 13.2 of ‘‘Drosophila Protocols’’ (9). Antibody staining was performed with standard techniques. Actin filaments in scolo- pale rods were stained with Alexa Fluor 633 conjugated phal- loidin (Invitrogen, Cat. No. A22284) according to manufactur- er’s instructions. The brain and thoracic ganglia were dissected and immunostained according to a standard protocol (10). All images were taken with an Olympus Fluoview FV1000 confocal microscope equipped with differential interference contrast (DIC). The entire Johnston’s organ was visualized in Z-stacks with the step size set at 0.9 m; laser intensity and signal gain were compensated for deeper Z slices with the BrightZ function of the FV10-ASW software. Z-projections and 3-D projections of Z-stacks were also accomplished with FV10- ASW. In Fig. 4 B and C, we used the volume viewer function of ImageJ to visualize the nc82 stained brain; the mCD8::GFP signal was overlaid on that image. RT-PCR and Real-Time PCR Assays. Flies were separated by gender under CO 2 and f lash frozen in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA from whole flies was extracted with RNA STAT-60 TM (TEL-TEST) according to manufacturer instructions. The resulting total RNA was further purified with an RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen) and treated with RNase-free DNase set (Qiagen) to remove residual genomic DNA. Reverse transcription (RT) was performed by using the TaqMan reverse transcription reagents (Part No. N8080234 Applied Biosystems) with 0.2 g total RNA in a 20-L reaction. PCRs were performed with the TaqDNA polymerase (Roche) in 50-L reactions and were subsequently analyzed on a 0.8% agarose gel. The primers used to check mRNA splicing around the f00642 piggyBac insertion were 5-GCAACGAAG- GACAATAAGAC-3 (forward) and 5-CATTCGTTCCGTA- ATCAACC-3 (reverse). Real-time PCR assays were performed on an ‘‘ABI7500 fast’’ machine with the PowerSybr reagent according to manufacturer instructions. The primers used to specifically detect the amplicon representing correct splicing between the exon 3 and exon 4 junction of nompC were: 5-ACCGGTGGCTCGCGTT-3 (forward) and 5-ATTAGTT- GCAGTTCCGGTTTGTC-3 (reverse). Expression levels of 18s rRNA were used as an RNA-loading control. The primers for 18s rRNA were provided in the TaqMan ribosomal RNA control reagents (Part No. 4308329, Applied Biosystems). Data were transformed according to the Ct method and are represented as relative values. Statistical Analysis. Quantitative results are presented as mean SEM. Unpaired t tests were performed for 2-group comparisons. ANOVA followed by post hoc test of Games–Howell was performed with SPSS-17 for multiple comparisons among more than 2 groups. The Games–Howell test controls for unequal variances and unequal sample sizes among the groups. Supplemental Notes. Note S1. Among the TRP mutant lines, nompC-null flies show very poor viability, and the few surviving adults are severely uncoordinated (11). These phenotypes are likely because of an overall inactivation of mechanosensory bristles. They precluded us from using nompC-null flies to assess the specific contribution of nompC to the gravity-sensing func- tion of Johnston’s organ. Therefore, we characterized a nompC mutant line which has normal viability as homozygous adults and is therefore suitable for geotaxis behavioral assays. This mutant is line f00642 in the Exelixis collection of piggyBac insertions. We named the mutant allele nompC f00642 . nompC f00642 harbors a single piggyBac insertion within the third intron of the nompC gene. By RT-PCR assays (see Materials and Methods), we found that the insertion disrupted splicing of nompC premRNA; as a result, the amount of correctly spliced mRNA is reduced by 90% (Fig. S2). Consistent with the gene expression changes, we found a remarkable hearing defect in the mutant; the amplitude of sound-evoked antennal responses was reduced by 60% in nompC f00642 flies compared with wild-type controls (Fig. 6B). The severity of this hearing deficit is comparable with published nompC null mutants (12), suggesting that nompC f00642 is a strong mutant allele in terms of affecting the mechanosensory function Sun et al. 1 of 8

Transcript of Supporting Information - PNAS · 2009. 7. 28. · Supporting Information Sun et al....

  • Supporting InformationSun et al. 10.1073/pnas.0906377106SI TextDrosophila Strains and Genetics. The following strains have beendescribed previously: nan36a, iav3621, and nan-Gal4 (1); pyx3,pyxDf4, pyxDf9, and pyxGe4; pyx3 (2); pain1, painGal4, and UAS-pain(3, 4); GFP-nompA (5); iav-Gal4 (6), and nompC-Gal4 (6, 7). Inparticular, the nompC-Gal4 construct contains a 2-kb genomicfragment that is 5� to the translational start site of nompC. FivenompC-Gal4 transgenic lines were analyzed for expression inJohnston’s organ; line No. 25 (described as nompC-GAL4.25 inref. 7) showed the most extensive expression in Johnston’s organneurons and was selected for this study. Another line showedoverlapping but less extensive expression, and the rest of the linesshowed no detectable expression in Johnston’s organ. ThenompCf00642 strain was obtained from the Exelixis Collection atHarvard (line f00642) and backcrossed to the w1118-WLS strain for6 generations for the tube-climbing test. The resulting line wasfurther backcrossed to the w2202u strain for 6 generations withreplacement of the X chromosome of Canton-S (2202u) andtested in the vertical choice maze (Note S1). The pain1 andpainGal4 strains congenic with Canton-S (2202u) were kindlyprovided by T. Kitamoto (University of Iowa). The pyx3 straincongenic with Canton-S (2202u) was obtained by backcrossingthe original pyx3 strain to the w2202u strain for 8 generations andthen replacing the X chromosome of Canton-S (2202u). UAS-GFP, UAS-mCD8::GFP, UAS-Nuclear DsRed (RedStinger), andUAS-myr-mRFP were obtained from the Drosophila stock centerat Bloomington, IN. Appl-Gal4 is a gift from R.S. Hewes(University of Oklahoma).

    A 1-kb genomic DNA sequence that was 5� to the translationalstart site of pyx was cloned into the pPTGAL vector (8) and usedto make the transgenic line pyx-Gal4. A cDNA clone (AT05393)of the pyx-PA transcript was obtained from Drosophila GenomeResource Center. The N717, L718, and M719 residues encodedby this cDNA clone were changed to F717, A718 and P719 (NoteS3) with the QuikChange II kit (Stratagene) and the primer pair:5�-GGTAATTTTAACCTTTGCCCCGGTGGGATTGGCC-G-3� and 5�-CGGCCAATCCCACCGGGGCAAAGGTTA-AAATTACC-3�. The resulting pyxFAP sequence was subclonedinto the pUAST vector and used to make the transgenic lineUAS-pyxFAP.

    Histochemistry and Microscopy. To image a whole antenna, theprefrons cuticle with the antennae attached was dissected fromthe head and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at room tempera-ture for 30 min. The specimens were washed in PBS and mountedon slides with Vectashield mounting medium H-1000 (VectorLaboratories). For better resolution of cell types and finestructures in Johnston’s organ, frontal sections of the antennawere cut at 10-�m thickness with a cryostat equipped with theCryoJane Tape-Transfer system (Instrumedics). Specimen prep-aration before sectioning was performed according to Protocol13.2 of ‘‘Drosophila Protocols’’ (9). Antibody staining wasperformed with standard techniques. Actin filaments in scolo-pale rods were stained with Alexa Fluor 633 conjugated phal-loidin (Invitrogen, Cat. No. A22284) according to manufactur-er’s instructions. The brain and thoracic ganglia were dissectedand immunostained according to a standard protocol (10).

    All images were taken with an Olympus Fluoview FV1000confocal microscope equipped with differential interferencecontrast (DIC). The entire Johnston’s organ was visualized inZ-stacks with the step size set at 0.9 �m; laser intensity and signalgain were compensated for deeper Z slices with the BrightZ

    function of the FV10-ASW software. Z-projections and 3-Dprojections of Z-stacks were also accomplished with FV10-ASW. In Fig. 4 B and C, we used the volume viewer function ofImageJ to visualize the nc82 stained brain; the mCD8::GFPsignal was overlaid on that image.

    RT-PCR and Real-Time PCR Assays. Flies were separated by genderunder CO2 and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA fromwhole flies was extracted with RNA STAT-60TM (TEL-TEST)according to manufacturer instructions. The resulting total RNAwas further purified with an RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen) andtreated with RNase-free DNase set (Qiagen) to remove residualgenomic DNA. Reverse transcription (RT) was performed byusing the TaqMan reverse transcription reagents (Part No.N8080234 Applied Biosystems) with 0.2 �g total RNA in a 20-�Lreaction. PCRs were performed with the TaqDNA polymerase(Roche) in 50-�L reactions and were subsequently analyzed ona 0.8% agarose gel. The primers used to check mRNA splicingaround the f00642 piggyBac insertion were 5�-GCAACGAAG-GACAATAAGAC-3� (forward) and 5�-CATTCGTTCCGTA-ATCAACC-3� (reverse). Real-time PCR assays were performedon an ‘‘ABI7500 fast’’ machine with the PowerSybr reagentaccording to manufacturer instructions. The primers used tospecifically detect the amplicon representing correct splicingbetween the exon 3 and exon 4 junction of nompC were:5�-ACCGGTGGCTCGCGTT-3� (forward) and 5�-ATTAGTT-GCAGTTCCGGTTTGTC-3� (reverse). Expression levels of18s rRNA were used as an RNA-loading control. The primers for18s rRNA were provided in the TaqMan ribosomal RNA controlreagents (Part No. 4308329, Applied Biosystems). Data weretransformed according to the � � Ct method and are representedas relative values.

    Statistical Analysis. Quantitative results are presented as mean �SEM. Unpaired t tests were performed for 2-group comparisons.ANOVA followed by post hoc test of Games–Howell wasperformed with SPSS-17 for multiple comparisons among morethan 2 groups. The Games–Howell test controls for unequalvariances and unequal sample sizes among the groups.

    Supplemental Notes. Note S1. Among the TRP mutant lines,nompC-null f lies show very poor viability, and the few survivingadults are severely uncoordinated (11). These phenotypes arelikely because of an overall inactivation of mechanosensorybristles. They precluded us from using nompC-null f lies to assessthe specific contribution of nompC to the gravity-sensing func-tion of Johnston’s organ. Therefore, we characterized a nompCmutant line which has normal viability as homozygous adults andis therefore suitable for geotaxis behavioral assays. This mutantis line f00642 in the Exelixis collection of piggyBac insertions. Wenamed the mutant allele nompCf00642. nompCf00642 harbors asingle piggyBac insertion within the third intron of the nompCgene. By RT-PCR assays (see Materials and Methods), we foundthat the insertion disrupted splicing of nompC premRNA; as aresult, the amount of correctly spliced mRNA is reduced by�90% (Fig. S2). Consistent with the gene expression changes, wefound a remarkable hearing defect in the mutant; the amplitudeof sound-evoked antennal responses was reduced by �60% innompCf00642 f lies compared with wild-type controls (Fig. 6B).The severity of this hearing deficit is comparable with publishednompC null mutants (12), suggesting that nompCf00642 is a strongmutant allele in terms of affecting the mechanosensory function

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  • of Johnston’s organ. One limitation for the use of this line is thatour RT-PCR assays were done using total RNA from whole flies.Thus, we do not know whether the f00642 insertion affectsnompC splicing equally in all subpopulations of Johnston’s organneurons, i.e., those involved in geotaxis as opposed to hearing (7,13).

    Initially, we found that the isogenic w1118 control (14) (Bloom-ington stock # 6326) and the nompCf00642 mutant were bothdefective in the anti-gravity climbing assay (Fig. S3). Tworandomly picked Exelixis piggyBac insertion lines (f06539 ande02329, isogenic with stock #6326) were also defective in the test(Fig. S3). However, a different w1118 stock maintained in our lab,which we refer to as w1118-WLS, is normal in the tube-climbing test(Fig. 3 A and B and Fig. S3). The w1118-WLS stock was originallyacquired from Dr. Wayne A. Johnson (University of Iowa). Inthe name w1118-WLS, ‘‘WLS’’ stands for Welsh Lab Strain. Ourobservations indicate that variations in genetic background mayhave a significant impact on negative geotaxis, even if thevariations are between 2 lab stocks designated the same. Toresolve the genetic background issue, we backcrossed the orig-inal nompCf00642 line to the w1118-WLS line for 6 generations. Thechange in nompC mRNA splicing is retained in backcrossednompCf00642 f lies (Fig. S2), but their behavior in the tube-climbing test is normal and indistinguishable from w1118-WLS f lies.We also examined the behavioral effect of nompCf00642 in thevertical choice maze assay. Because the w- mutation in thew1118-WLS background may result in aberrant behavior in thisassay (15), we further backcrossed nompCf00642 to Canton-S(2202u) with replacement of the w� X chromosome. In thisgenetic background, nompCf00642 did not affect behavior in thechoice maze (Fig. S1). These results, together with the hearingdefects we found with the nompCf00642 mutation, suggest that inJohnston’s organ the NompC channel mediates sound detection,but not gravity sensing.Note S2. nompCf00642, pain1, painGal4 and pyx3 mutants had normalscores in the Light condition of the climbing assay (Fig. 3A),indicating that their general locomotion capability was intact. Incontrast, nan36a and iav3621 mutants had reduced scores in the

    Light condition, a sign of impaired general locomotion (Fig. 3A).nan36a and iav3621 f lies were also uncoordinated when passing theT-shaped choice points in the vertical maze. These observationsare consistent with previous descriptions of nan and iav mutants(1, 16) and may be due to disrupted function of femoralchordotonal organs thought to mediate proprioception (17).Defective femoral chordotonal organ function may also explainwhy nan36a and iav3621 mutants performed worse in the behav-ioral tests than flies with the glue treatment that selectivelyaffects Johnston’s organ.Note S3. The transgene pyxFAP contains the full-length cDNA ofpyx-RA and carries the following mutations introduced by site-directed mutagenesis: N717F, L718A, and M719P. The 3 aminoacids are located in the sixth transmembrane domain of Pyx andare conserved among all 4 Drosophila TRPA proteins. Previouswork on mammalian TRP channels showed that mutating con-served residues in the sixth transmembrane domain yields dom-inant-negative channel subunits (18, 19).Note S4. To rotate the fly body during electrophysiologicalrecordings, the experimenter moves a handle on the edge of theapparatus by hand. Pushing or pulling the handle results in asmooth rotation without noise. The only audible sound occurs atthe end of each rotation when the wires associated with the headstage contact the supporting platform of the apparatus. This softsound is unlikely to have a significant effect on the fly antennafor several reasons. First, the fly antenna is only sensitive tonear-field sound, that is, bulk movement of air particles close tothe sound source. Away from the source, energy of the movingair particles is inversely correlated with square of the distance(20). The sound of a wire tinkling several inches away from thefly would have essentially no near-field energy at the fly. Second,the sound is transient and occurs only at the end of the rotationand not at the beginning. In contrast, the train of spikes typicallyinitiates when the rotation starts and lasts until the end of therotation. Third, in control experiments we shielded the fly witha Plexiglas cage. Any significant source of near-field soundshould have also been blocked by the cage. Because the antennaresponded the same with or without the cage, there is likely nosignificant auditory component involved in the recording.

    1. Kim J, et al. (2003) A TRPV family ion channel required for hearing in Drosophila.Nature 424:81–84.

    2. Lee Y, et al. (2005) Pyrexia is a new thermal transient receptor potential channelendowing tolerance to high temperatures in Drosophila melanogaster. Nat Genet37:305–310.

    3. Al-Anzi B, Tracey WD, Jr, Benzer S (2006) Response of Drosophila to wasabi is mediatedby painless, the fly homolog of mammalian TRPA1/ANKTM1. Curr Biol 16:1034–1040.

    4. Tracey WD, Jr, Wilson RI, Laurent G, Benzer S (2003) painless, a Drosophila geneessential for nociception. Cell 113:261–273.

    5. Chung YD, Zhu J, Han Y, Kernan MJ (2001) nompA encodes a PNS-specific, ZP domainprotein required to connect mechanosensory dendrites to sensory structures. Neuron29:415–428.

    6. Liu L, et al. (2007) Drosophila hygrosensation requires the TRP channels water witchand nanchung. Nature 450:294–298.

    7. Kamikouchi A, et al. (2009) The neural basis of Drosophila gravity-sensing and hearing.Nature 458:165–171.

    8. Sharma Y, Cheung U, Larsen EW, Eberl DF (2002) PPTGAL, a convenient Gal4 P-elementvector for testing expression of enhancer fragments in Drosophila. Genesis 34:115–118.

    9. Sullivan W, Ashburner M, Hawley RS (2000) in Drosophila Protocols (Cold Spring HarborLaboratory Press, Plainview, NY), p 697.

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    11. Kernan M, Cowan D, Zuker C (1994) Genetic dissection of mechanosensory transduc-tion: Mechanoreception-defective mutations of Drosophila. Neuron 12:1195–1206.

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    13. Yorozu S, et al. (2009) Distinct sensory representations of wind and near-field sound inthe Drosophila brain. Nature 458:201–205.

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    16. Gong Z, et al. (2004) Two interdependent TRPV channel subunits, inactive and Nan-chung, mediate hearing in Drosophila. J Neurosci 24:9059–9066.

    17. Kernan MJ (2007) Mechanotransduction and auditory transduction in Drosophila.Pflugers Arch 454:703–720.

    18. Kuzhikandathil EV, et al. (2001) Functional analysis of capsaicin receptor (vanilloidreceptor subtype 1) multimerization and agonist responsiveness using a dominantnegative mutation. J Neurosci 21:8697–8706.

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    20. Eberl DF, Boekhoff-Falk G (2007) Development of Johnston’s organ in Drosophila. IntJ Dev Biol 51:679–687.

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  • Fig. S1. The vertical choice maze assay. (A) The geotaxis choice maze. The red arrow indicates direction of gravity. The white arrow points to the maze entrance.The yellow arrows indicate direction of light. Exit positions are numbered 1–9 with 1 at the bottom and 9 at the top. (B) Distribution of control CS flies (n � 137,n refers to the total number of flies that finished the maze) and CS flies (n � 155) with glued antennae at the exits of the maze. Values on y axis indicate percentageof flies at each exit. MMEV is mean maze exit value (15). *, P � 0.05 by unpaired t test. (C) nompCf00642 (backcrossed to CS, n � 203) and CS control (n � 217) weretested in parallel in the vertical choice maze. P � 0.54 by unpaired t test for MMEV. (D) pain1 (backcrossed to CS, n � 226) and CS control (n � 235) were testedin parallel in the vertical choice maze. *, significant difference from the control, P � 0.05 by unpaired t test of MMEV. (E) pyx3 (in its original genetic background,n � 116) and a control strain expressing the pyxGe transgene that rescues pyx3 (n � 135) were tested in parallel in the choice maze. *, the mutant was significantlydifferent from the genetic rescue group, P � 0.05 by unpaired t test of MMEV. (F) nan36a (n � 103) and iav3621 (n � 93) were tested in parallel in the choice maze.The exit of these mutants at the bottom of the choice maze is likely due to their mobility defect - poor coordination when passing the T-shaped intersections.The vertical choice maze method. Flies were raised and collected into groups of 25 in the same conditions as described for the tube-climbing test. The choicemaze was built with T-shaped and Y-shaped connectors and segments of polypropylene tubing, according to the specifics described in ref. 15 except that theconnector arms were not shortened. Two choice mazes were set vertically and in parallel in a box made of cardboard. The box had 2 openings. The small openingon the back side allowed access to the maze entrance. The slit on the front side allowed all collection tubes of both mazes to protrude out of the box. A 63.5-mm,34-W fluorescent strip lamp was set vertically facing the collection tubes. Flies were transferred and released into the maze 1 by 1. The number of flies in eachcollection tube was counted 2 h later. For most genotypes, a 2-h test period allowed �80% of flies to exit the maze. Because nan36a and iav3621 flies had reducedmobility (Note S2), we extended the test period to 3 h.

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  • Fig. S2. Abnormal splicing of nompC mRNA in nompCf00642 flies. (A) Three transcripts annotated in FlyBase (version R5.11 for Drosophila melanogaster). ThepiggyBac insertion f00642 is located in the third intron which is shared by all 3 transcripts. (B) RT-PCR around the insertion site of f00642. The location of theprimer pair with respect to nompC transcripts is shown by red half arrows in A. m/m refers to homozygous nompCf00642 flies, m/� refers to heterozygousnompCf00642 flies, and �/� refers to wild-type w1118 controls. The size of Band I is �850 bp, Band II is �780 bp, and Band III is �480 bp, which represents the productexpected in wild-type flies. N.S. refers to a nonspecific PCR product. (C) Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) experiments to assess the amount of correctly splicednompC mRNA in nompCf00642 flies relative to that in wild-type controls. Each row in the table represents an independent experiment. #6326 refers to Bloomingtonstock #6326, a w1118 strain. WLS refers to Welsh Lab Strain of w1118. iso indicates isogenic. (D) Fragments A–C are the parts of the piggyBac transposon that areaberrantly spliced into nompC mRNA. These fragments were identified by cloning the aberrant PCR products shown in B and DNA sequencing. Numbers inparentheses denote the boundaries of each fragment with respect to the full sequence of the piggyBac construct (GenBank Accession No. AY515148). SA indicatessplice acceptor-like sequence and SD indicates splice donor-like sequence. Band I in B contains fragments A and B, Band II in B contains just Fragment B, and BandIII in B is wild-type containing none of the piggyBac fragments. The combination of Fragments A and C also exists in aberrantly spliced nompC RNA, but it doesnot show up as a specific band in B probably because of low abundance. The table shows that the 3 types of aberrant splicing events introduce a premature stopcodon in the mRNA.

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  • Fig. S3. The genetic background of the Bloomington #6326 line (w1118) causes defective negative geotaxis. The #6326 strain (w1118) in the Bloomington StockCenter was impaired in anti-gravity climbing in the Dark condition. The nompCf00642 line (n � 11 trials) plus 2 randomly chosen lines [f06539 (n � 16 trials) ande02329 (n � 14 trials)] of the Exelixis collection are isogenic to #6326 (n � 9 trials) and showed similar impairment. ANOVA showed no significant differenceamong the 4 isogenic lines (P � 0.20). The w1118-WLS line (n � 14 trials) showed negative geotaxis and the nompCf00642 mutation (n � 27 trials) did not impairnegative geotaxis when it was placed in the w1118-WLS background through 6 generations of backcrossing. Parts of the results in Fig. 3 are displayed here againfor comparison.

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  • Fig. S4. The experimental setup for recording the electrophysiological response of Johnston’s organ to body rotations. (A) Picture of the setup. Key elementsare labeled with numbers: 1, axis of rotation (dashed line); 2, aluminum platform; 3, micromanipulator; 4, head stage of amplifier; 5, recording electrode; 6,mounting of fly in plastic pipette; 7, reference electrode and wire; and 8, handle. (B) Demonstration of a 90° pitch.

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  • Table S1. The TRP family genes and mutations in this study

    TRP gene (abbreviation) TRP subfamily Mutation name Mutation type

    no mechanoreceptorpotential C (nompC)

    TRPN nompCf00642 mRNA splicing disrupted by piggyBac transposon(Note S1 and Fig. S2 and Fig.S3)

    painless (pain) TRPA pain1 Transcription and mRNA splicing disrupted by P-element in 5�UTR (1)painGal4 A modified P-element replacing the P-element in pain1 (1)

    pyrexia (pyx) TRPA pyx3 Loss of mRNA and protein caused by P-element insertion in exon (2)pyxDf9 Loss of Transcript RA (long form) caused by imprecise excision

    of P-element (2)pyxDf4 Loss of Transcript RB (short form) caused by imprecise excision

    of P-element (2)nanchung (nan) TRPV nan36a Loss of mRNA and protein caused by P-element local hopping (3)inactive (iav) TRPV iav3621 Loss of protein caused by chemically induced genomic deletion (4)

    1. Tracey WD, Jr., Wilson RI, Laurent G, Benzer S (2003) Painless, a Drosophila gene essential for nociception. Cell 113:261–273.2. Lee Y, et al. (2005) Pyrexia is a new thermal transient receptor potential channel endowing tolerance to high temperatures in Drosophila melanogaster. Nat Genet 37:305–310.3. Kim J, et al. (2003) A TRPV family ion channel required for hearing in Drosophila. Nature 424:81–84.4. Gong Z, et al. (2004) Two interdependent TRPV channel subunits, inactive and Nanchung, mediate hearing in Drosophila. J Neurosci 24:9059–9066.

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  • Movie S1 (MOV)

    Movie S1. The 3-D animation shows that painGal4 and pyx-Gal4 drove Nuclear DsRed expression in 2 populations of nuclei in Johnston’s organ. The spatialdistribution of these nuclei resembles 2 concentric rings: the outer ring corresponded to painGal4, and the inner ring corresponded to pyx-Gal4. The green axispoints from the ventral to the dorsal side of the fly body. The blue axis points roughly from posterior to anterior. The red axis points roughly from medial to lateral.

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