SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Assembly of a patchy protein ...10.1038... · S1 1 SUPPLEMENTARY...

S1 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1 2 Assembly of a patchy protein into variable 2D lattices via tunable multiscale interactions 3 Shuai Zhang 1,2,† , Robert G. Alberstein 3,† , James J. De Yoreo 1,2,* , F. Akif Tezcan 3,4,* 4 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, 5 USA. 6 2 Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USA. 7 3 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 8 92093, USA. 9 4 Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, 10 USA. 11 *Correspondence to: [email protected] (F.A.T.); [email protected] (J.J.D.Y.). 12 †These authors contributed equally to this work. 13 14 15 This Supplementary Information file includes: 16 Supplementary Figures 1-16…………………………………………………. S2 S17 17 Supplementary Tables 1-2…………………………………………………… S18 S19 18 Supplementary Discussion…………………………………………………… S20 S25 19 Supplementary References…………………………………………………… S26 S26 20 21 22 23 24

Transcript of SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Assembly of a patchy protein ...10.1038... · S1 1 SUPPLEMENTARY...

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Assembly of a patchy protein into variable 2D lattices via tunable multiscale interactions 3

Shuai Zhang1,2,†, Robert G. Alberstein3,†, James J. De Yoreo1,2,*, F. Akif Tezcan3,4,* 4

1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, 5 USA. 6

2Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USA. 7

3Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 8 92093, USA. 9

4Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, 10

USA. 11

*Correspondence to: [email protected] (F.A.T.); [email protected] (J.J.D.Y.). 12

†These authors contributed equally to this work. 13 14


This Supplementary Information file includes: 16

Supplementary Figures 1-16…………………………………………………. S2 – S17 17

Supplementary Tables 1-2…………………………………………………… S18 – S19 18

Supplementary Discussion…………………………………………………… S20 – S25 19

Supplementary References…………………………………………………… S26 – S26 20





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Supplementary Figure 1 | Step-edges of p4212 crystals. a, Low-magnification image of stacked

solution-grown p4212 crystals deposited onto poly-lysine covered m-mica. b, High-magnification image

of the crystal edges, showing the stacking of layers. Dangling Nterm-up proteins are highlighted with

white dashed boxes in b and c. The solid light gray boxes in b indicate regions selected for more detailed

analysis (c and d). c, Close-up AFM image of a terminal Nterm-up protein with corresponding height

trace and cartoon to highlight the stepped geometry of the crystal edge. d, Same as c but without a

terminal Nterm-up protein, showing the expected ca. 7 nm drop in height for two stacked p4212 crystals.

The height trace from c, shifted by ca. −0.374 nm to align its starting height relative to d at 0 Å position,

is reproduced faintly to facilitate comparison. Height ranges: 140 nm (a), 35 nm (b), 12 nm (c/d).

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Supplementary Figure 2 | Lack of conformational preference of disulfide bonds. a, Close-up

rendering of one of the four disulfide bonds not connected through the periodic boundaries in the 2×2

structure. The five dihedral angles which fully define a disulfide conformation are labeled in the inset,

with the equation which relates them to their dihedral potential energy12 on the right. b, Plots of the

average dihedral potential energy for all four non-periodic disulfides over the final 2 ns of sampling

from the 3D 2×2 simulations. The time average is marked with a cyan line and boundaries of ±1 standard

deviation are delineated with dashed light grey lines. As the average energies are within error of each

other, the atomic configurations of the disulfide bonds do not appear to impart any energetic preference

towards one symmetry vs the other. These disulfide bonds are the only true connection point between

RhuA protein units, and the protein interfaces are too far apart to form traditional H-bonds, salt bridges,

or hydrophobic contacts, so the lack of any energetic bias here indicates that any forces responsible for

dictating the particular symmetry of RhuA lattices must be a long-range potential acting at several-nm


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Supplementary Figure 3 | C98RhuA nanoparticle pairwise electrostatic potential energy surfaces.

a, Reduced form of the electrostatic nanoparticle-nanoparticle interaction potential (Equation 4,

Methods) and its individual components (charge and dipolar). b, Absolute potential energy landscapes

for each component of the total potential, shifted such that the maximum energy is at 0.0 kcal/mol,

highlighting the dihedral dependence unique to the dipole-dipole potential. The global maximum and

minimum energies correspond to Δφij = 0 (parallel dipoles) and Δφij = 180 (antiparallel dipoles),

respectively, at 7 nm separation. c, 2D and 3D representations of a relative dipole-dipole potential,

shifted such that the energy at Δφij = 0 (parallel dipoles) is set to 0.0 kcal∙mol−1 for all distances,

revealing the potential energy funnel created by dipolar interactions over all rij. Black contour lines in

all plots represent decrements of 0.1 kcal∙mol−1 relative to 0.0.

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Supplementary Figure 4 | Nearest-neighbor amplification of dipole-dipole interactions. a, Reduced

form of the dipole-dipole interaction potential (Equation 4, Methods) and its extension to calculate the

total dipolar energy felt by a single monomer as it is incorporated into a lattice under experimental self-

assembly conditions (aqueous 20 mM buffer solution). b, Cartoon depicting the nucleation of both p4

and p4212 crystals around a central C98RhuA monomer (top) and its cumulative dipole potential energy

(μRhuA) as a function of crystal symmetry and number of nearest neighbors (bottom). Individual energies

for all sizes are included for the open-state crystals (10 nm protein separations), while the potential

energy difference (ΔμRhuA) is also reported for the closed state (7.071 nm protein separations) to depict

the range of magnitudes which promotes antiparallel packing during solution self-assembly. Attenuated

energies at the growing edge facilitate reorientation of newly attached monomers before being “locked

in” by nearest-neighbor interactions upon incorporation into the bulk lattice. The total potential

converges within one shell of neighbors, as shown by the negligible change in ΔμRhuA for N ≥ 4.

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Supplementary Figure 5 | Attempted self-assembly of S98RhuA on m-mica. AFM images of S98RhuA

incubated on m-mica at various concentrations of protein and KCl. Crystallization did not occur under

any conditions explored here. Scale bars: 200 nm. Height range: 16 nm.

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Supplementary Figure 6 | Effect of reductant on surface-grown lattices. a, No self-assembly was

observed after a 48h incubation on m-mica in the presence of 1 mM reduced glutathione (GSH). b,

Surface-grown crystalline networks (formed after 48h incubation on m-mica) undergo disassembly upon

the introduction of additional GSH, demonstrating that disulfide bond crosslinks are essential to

maintain the protein lattice structure. Scale bars: 200 nm. Height range: 8 nm.

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Supplementary Figure 7 | High-resolution images of Nterm-up C98RhuA proteins. AFM images of

Nterm-up C98RhuA crystals (a) and disordered monomers (b). White boxes indicate representative

individual proteins. c, Height profile along the line trace in a. The blue arrows in a and c denote the

central dip of the protein N-terminus. Scale bars: 10 nm. Height range: 3 nm.

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Supplementary Figure 8 | Absolute crystal orientation selectivity reflects mica surface charge.

Self-assembly of very low [C98RhuA] onto m-mica yields small isolated crystalline domains of identical

orientation, likely corresponding to regions of (higher) homogenous local surface charge. At 5 mM KCl,

the heterogeneous distribution of K+ ions is insufficient to prevent preferential binding of the cationic C98RhuA N-terminus to the negative surface. This is in contrast to the observed heterogeneity when the

surface is fully covered by protein (Fig. 2a). Assembly in ≥100 mM KCl exclusively yields open-state

Nterm-up crystals, as observed for higher protein concentrations. Red and blue boxes highlight

representative Cterm-up and Nterm-up crystals, respectively. Scale bars: 100 nm. Height range: 12 nm.

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Supplementary Figure 9 | Specific ion effects on C98RhuA self-assembly on m-mica. Mica-templated

self-assembly of C98RhuA at low concentrations in the presence of a, Zn2+, b, Rb+, and c, Mg2+. Zn2+

ions do not effectively bind the surface, so it remains negative and enforces exclusively Cterm-up

binding, regardless of [Zn2+]. Rb+ ions are known substitutes for K+ ions in the surface vacancies, and

thus yield analogous Nterm-up crystals at molar concentrations. c, Increasing concentrations of Mg2+

ions recapitulates the trend in bound protein/crystal orientation observed for K+ (and Rb+), but reversal

occurs at half of the monovalent concentration, suggesting that all three ions modulate the mica surface

charge upon adsorption. Red and blue arrows/boxes identify Cterm-up and Nterm-up oriented proteins,

respectively. Scale bars are 100 nm except where noted. Height ranges: 8 nm (a/b), 12 nm (c).

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Supplementary Figure 10 | Validation of the C98RhuA bilayer crystal morphology via tapping

simulations. a, Expanded cartoon from Fig. 3h, highlighting the requisite 22.5° rotation of the first

layer to bring 2nd layer proteins into disulfide-bonding distance (visible underneath low-opacity 2nd layer

proteins on left) and resultant “sub-structures” arising from this geometric constraint. b, Depiction of

the contribution of each sub-structure to the final average topograph, which is consistent with the

experimental correlation average for the bilayer crystals.

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Supplementary Figure 11 | Exfoliation of bilayer crystals. a, AFM images of C98RhuA bilayer crystals

grown in the presence of 3 M KCl before (left) and after (right) exchanging buffer with 100 mM KCl

solution. Most of the second layer falls away from the underlying monolayer due to loss of the salting-

out effect from the high [KCl]. In this state these crystals resemble C98RhuA crystals grown directly in

the presence of 100 mM KCl (b). Scale bars are 200 nm. Height range: 12 nm.

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Supplementary Figure 12 | Rarity of isolated 2nd-layer monomers in kinetically-trapped

assemblies. a, AFM image of 5 μM C98RhuA assembled in the presence of 3 M KCl. Large regions of

the first protein layer are non-crystalline due to the high concentration of protein, which precludes the

formation of large bilayer domains. Only 0.35% of all 2nd layer proteins exist as monomers isolated from

any nearest neighbors. Instead, nearly all 2nd layer domains consist of at least two neighboring monomers

(i-vi; labeled regions and zoom-in images), suggesting that disulfide bonds are essential for the stability

of bilayer crystals. The image on the left is the uncropped version of Fig. 3g. Height ranges: 12 nm

(large scan area, left), 8 nm (high-magnification images, right). b, c, Relationship between total

adsorbate coverage and corresponding isolated monomer coverage determined by grand canonical

Monte Carlo simulation for random adsorption, desorption and displacement of non-interacting species

with differing solution activities onto a 2D square lattice (adapted with permission from supplementary

ref. 13. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society). b shows the spatial distribution of adsorbates and

c shows the equilibrium adsorbate coverage, as well as the coverage of isolated monomers. The dashed

line marks the total coverage of 23% obtained at 5 μM C98RhuA and 3 M KCl and the corresponding

expected monomer coverage of 7% for non-interacting particles. Were these particles (2nd layer

monomers) subject to repulsive interactions, this preference would manifest as a higher percentage of

isolated monomers across all total coverage values. The low number of isolated 2nd layer monomers

observed in our work (0.35%) thus indicates strongly favorable inter-monomer interactions (disulfide

bonding) which are essential for stability of the 2nd layer.

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Supplementary Figure 13 | Preferred binding geometry of RhuA C-terminus to m-mica in 3 M

KCl. a, Rendering of C98RhuA associated with the m-mica surface at its equilibrium position (8–9 Å

away from the surface). All residues with any atom ≤7 Å away are shown as sticks. The COM and Cα

distances are depicted on the left. b, Plot of the change in protein-mica distance over 10 ns of

equilibration; the protein reaches its equilibrium distance within 2–3 ns. c, Side and top views of a with

all K+ and Cl− ions within 7 Å of the surface depicted as purple and green spheres, respectively. The

observed double-layer ion behavior is typical of a charged surface, and mediates all protein-surface

interactions, enabling the facile movement of C98RhuA on the surface by avoiding direct contacts. All

renders are from the same snapshot at 5 ns of equilibration.

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Supplementary Figure 14 | Domain alignment along mica vectors. a, AFM image of the bare mica

surface. The hexagonal arrangement of the mica lattice can be directly visualized, and the corresponding

lattice vectors are drawn as dashed arrows. b, Nterm-up monolayer crystals imaged with the same

underlying mica orientation, showing the alignment of C98RhuA proteins relative to the mica lattice

vectors. c, d, Examples of crystal domain growth along preferred directions (indicated by arrows). e, f,

Low-magnification images of mature crystals, demonstrating that crystallite domain orientations are

preserved over thousands of unit cells. Growth directions are separated by 60°, consistent with the

influence of the underlying substrate. The insets are FFTs. Height ranges: 0.2 nm (a), 16 nm (b), 8 nm

(c/d), 12 nm (e), 10 nm (f).

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Supplementary Figure 15 | Piezoelectric behavior of p4-symmetry C98RhuA lattices. Results of all-

atom MD simulations of p4-symmetric C98RhuA crystals at different conformational states. Cartoons

and theoretical values for the hinge angle (α), unit-cell area (A), polarization density (ρμ), and electric

potential difference (ΔV) are shown at left. The trans-lattice ionic charge differentials (Δq) and resultant

voltages (gray and blue traces, respectively) over 10 ns of sampling are shown at right. Δρμ and ΔV

values within each plot are the average and s.d. of each quantity over the last 5 ns of simulation. The

dashed lines correspond to the idealized analytical value of ΔV for each conformation, and Δq = +40e

(all conformations).

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Supplementary Figure 16 | Description of tip convolution simulations. The effect of tip convolution

was modeled by looking for overlaps between protein atoms and a tip with the above geometry. Checks

were performed by first evaluating the volume encompassed by a sphere centered at ztip, then testing for

any overlaps within a cone of half-angle θ which lie tangent to the spherical tip. Upon finding a position

at which the number of overlaps met the cutoff criterion, the final height was reported as zmin. This

effectively captures the coarsening of atomic structure observed during AFM experiments.

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no KCl 3 M KCl

Window (Å) kf (kcal∙mol−1∙Å−2) Window (Å) kf (kcal∙mol−1∙Å−2)

46.5 2.0 46.5 2.0

48.5 2.0 47.5 4.0

50.5 2.0 48.5 2.0

52.5 2.0 50.5 2.0

54.5 2.0 52.5 2.0

56.5 2.0 53.0 4.0

58.5 2.0 54.5 2.0

60.5 2.0 56.5 2.0

58.5 2.0

60.5 2.0

Supplementary Table 1 | Umbrella sampling details. Window centers and force constants used for the 41 calculation of the C98RhuA dimerization PMFs. 42


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Symmetry Hinge angle () PBC xy dims. (Å) Appx. z dim. (Å) # Na+ ions # Cl− ions

p4 8.2 151.186 101.0 212 212

p4 19.5 163.299 102.0 264 264

p4 36.9 178.885 103.3 336 336

p4 90.0 200.00 104.5 448 448

p4212 90.0 200.00 104.5 448 448

Supplementary Table 2 | Piezoelectric membrane simulation details. Information regarding the 44 symmetry, crystal conformation (as hinge angle), periodic box dimensions (x = y and are fixed values, z 45 fluctuates), and total number of ions for all simulations used for the piezoelectricity response analysis. 46 Protein center-center distances between disulfide-bonded dimers are equal to half of the periodic box xy 47 dimensions (e.g., 90° angle disulfide-bonded dimers are separated by 100.00 Å). 48


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Supplementary Discussion 50

Here we analyze and critically assess our approximation of C98RhuA proteins as biological 51

nanoparticles possessing internal electric dipoles, which enables the use of rigorous analytical 52

expressions for estimating the magnitude (and thus relative importance) of anisotropic electrostatic 53

interactions in dictating the crystal packing of C98RhuA monomers within 2D lattices. Though 54

inherently approximate, this approach has been broadly applied with great success to the self-55

assembly of inorganic nanoparticles1-3, enabling a quantitative dissection of the energetic drivers 56

which impart morphological selectivity (and diversity), particularly for “patchy” nanoparticles 57

possessing multiple distinct interaction modalities that collectively define the self-assembly free-58

energy landscape. Indeed, dipole-dipole interactions have been repeatedly identified as the 59

decisive mechanism underpinning the selective formation of 1D chains2 and antiparallel 2D 60

lattices1,3 over nonspecific globular aggregates more typical of isotropic particles, and have been 61

exploited to construct crystalline materials with specified physicochemical4 and electronic 62

properties5 (e.g., COFs6, piezoelectrics7). Given this extensive precedent for the importance and 63

versatility of dipolar interactions in controlling self-assembly (and emergent materials properties), 64

the present discussion is motivated by the possibility that such effects could be applied to “patchy 65

protein” nanoparticles. 66

While the influence of dipole moments in proteins has been studied for decades8-11, these 67

interactions are frequently considered in the context of individual -helices and have been shown 68

to be relatively localized in space. Consequently, it is essential to establish whether or not the 69

global-scale electric field arising from a protein’s folded structure and particular arrangement of 70

charged residues across its surface can be approximated with sufficient accuracy using simple 71

dipoles. It is possible that for many proteins this is not the case, owing to a diffuse distribution of 72

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charges on a typical protein’s surface. However, the localization of charged residues primarily to 73

the RhuA protein termini surfaces gives rise to a highly polarized atomic structure (and 74

corresponding electric field; Fig. 1c), which is considerably more reminiscent of an electric dipole. 75

Therefore, to validate the use of such an approximation for this system, we compare the predicted 76

electrochemical properties of RhuA crystals—calculated from analytical expressions—directly to 77

results obtained numerically from all-atom MD simulations. As outlined below, we find near-78

quantitative agreement across all methods. Finally, we note that while the validity of analytical 79

dipole approximations likely holds only for proteins with polarized surfaces, such structures are in 80

principle simple to rationally engineer or design de novo into other protein building blocks, 81

facilitating the ability to estimate the magnitude of inter-protein dipolar potentials with reasonable 82

accuracy. 83

Oriented-dipole electret materials possess a permanent electric field owing to the alignment 84

of polarized units within their structure, and the magnitude of this field will be determined by the 85

magnitude and density of these dipoles. We have reported here trans-lattice ion distributions and 86

calculated electrostatic potential differences across open-state p4 and p4212 C98RhuA crystals (Fig. 87

5a), as well as for multiple conformations of p4 crystals (Fig. 5c, Supplemental Fig 15). These 88

results clearly show that the field is present exclusively for the polar p4 crystal symmetry, so we 89

next ask whether or not the results are in agreement with expectations based purely on simple 90

dipoles. By doing so, we can critically evaluate whether the magnitude of such dipole-dipole 91

interactions (as calculated from analytical dipoles) are sufficiently accurate to explain the observed 92

antiparallel packing of solution-grown C98RhuA crystals. 93


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First, let us compare the observed ion distribution across p4 crystals from all-atom 95

simulations to expected values calculated using analytical dipoles. To perhaps the most trivial 96

approximation, we can estimate the trans-lattice ion differential expected to arise from dipolar 97

particles simply by converting the 1200 D C98RhuA macrodipole moment to an equivalent charge 98

× distance “discrete” dipole (0.02082 e·nm·D−1) of 24.983 e·nm. Taken to run the 5 nm height of 99

the protein, we obtain our “discrete dipole” approximation of a +5.0e and −5.0e charge pair 100

separated by a distance of 5 nm. Now applying this to the set of 4 proteins in a 2×2 unit cell which 101

comprise our in silico model (Fig. 5), we expect an accumulation of four +5e charges on one side 102

and four −5.0e charges on the other, for a net ionic charge differential (q) of 40e across the lattice. 103

Indeed, we find that for all conformations of p4 crystals subjected to all-atom MD 104

simulations, q asymptotically approaches 40e (Supplementary Figure 15), indicating that the 105

predicted distribution of counterions simply equalizes the net charge of these “discrete dipoles”, 106

which remains the same regardless of crystal conformation (open vs. closed). We observe in our 107

simulations that as the lattices become more compact, this value becomes more exactly correct 108

(Supplementary Figure 15), likely correlating with changes in total pore area through which the 109

ions can exchange freely (suppressing fluctuations when more compact). This analysis suggests 110

that the treatment of C98RhuA proteins as analytical dipoles accurately approximates the bulk-scale 111

materials properties similarly predicted by expensive all-atom numerical simulations, indicating 112

that RhuA’s electric field may be well-represented quite generally even by this extremely simple 113

model. 114

Next, we compare the numerically and analytically determined values for the potential drop 115

across p4 lattices. The consequence of maintaining a constant trans-lattice ion differential (i.e., 116

independent of the xy unit cell dimensions) is that the charge density on each side of the crystal 117

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must change as the lattice undergoes changes in packing density as a result of in-plane dynamics 118

(Supplementary Figure 15). This modulation of the ionic charge density (while the crystal 119

thickness remains constant) necessarily generates corresponding changes to the electrostatic 120

potential difference, and is the fundamental mechanism through which p4-symmetry C98RhuA 121

crystals are predicted to be piezoelectric. With this property directly confirmed by numerical 122

calculations, we can estimate the electrostatic potential expected analytically for a polar crystal 123

through three distinct (though conceptually similar) methods, using the open-state conformation 124

as an example. 125

Method 1: Analytical potential predicted by trans-lattice ion distribution. Gauss’s law 126

enables calculation of the electric field arising from a given distribution of electric charge. In the 127

presence of a static electric field (generated by the polarized crystal), the distribution of mobile 128

solution ions (free charges) should generate an equivalent field of opposite magnitude at 129

equilibrium. From the “discrete dipoles” (and all-atom MD) we can anticipate q = 40e for all 130

conformations of a 2×2 unit cell. In the case of an open-state crystal, the cell dimensions are 20×20 131

nm2, resulting in a surface charge density of free charges (𝜎𝑓) = ±0.05𝑒

𝑛𝑚2 = ±8.01 ×132

10−21 𝐶

𝑛𝑚2 on each face of the crystal. Such a configuration allows the system to be modeled as 133

an idealized parallel-plate capacitor of surface charge density ±f, separated by a distance d = 5 134

nm (the thickness of a p4 RhuA crystal), and mean-field dielectric with permittivity . Under these 135

assumptions, the electric field between the plates is constant, and the voltage (from “free charges”; 136

ΔVf) between the plates can be calculated as ∆𝑉𝑓 = 𝐄𝒇 × 𝑑 =𝜎𝑓

𝜀𝜀0× 𝑑. Conservatively assuming a 137

permittivity corresponding to pure water ( = 78), we obtain the electric field 𝐄𝒇 =𝜎𝑓


11.60 𝑚𝑉

𝑛𝑚 and corresponding voltage: ∆𝑉𝑓 = 𝐄𝒇 × 5 𝑛𝑚 = 57.99 𝑚𝑉. 139

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Method 2: Analytical potential predicted from bound surface charge density. The 140

generalized formulation of Gauss’s law in Maxwell’s equations relates the electric displacement 141

field D (arising from both “free” and “bound” charges) to the electric field E and density of dipole 142

moments P (polarization density) within a material as: 𝐃 = 𝜀𝜀0𝐄 + 𝐏. Above, we neglected P (no 143

bound charges) to calculate Ef from the free charge displacement field Df (= f). Here, we instead 144

consider only the C98RhuA macrodipole polarization density P for a 2×2 open-state crystal (four 145

proteins in a 20×20×5 nm3 volume) as 𝐏 =𝑁𝜇


4 × 1200 𝐷

20×20×5 𝑛𝑚3 ×3.33564−30



10−27 𝑚3


= 0.008𝐶

𝑚2. We can 146

then write an expression for the bound surface charge density (b) of on each side of the crystal as 147

the dot product of the polarization density and z axis. As all C98RhuA dipoles within the lattice are 148

oriented perpendicular to the surface normal we obtain the “bound” surface charge density 𝜎𝑏 =149

𝐏 ∙ �̂� = ±0.008𝐶

𝑚2 on each face of the crystal, identical to value obtained from the trans-lattice ion 150

distribution (f). We then apply the same parallel-plate capacitor model to calculate the “bound” 151

surface charge potential: ∆𝑉𝑏 = 𝐄𝒃 × 𝑑 =𝜎𝑏

𝜀𝜀0× 5 𝑛𝑚 = −57.99 𝑚𝑉. The bound potential Vb is 152

of equal magnitude to Vf, but opposite sign, due to the opposing orientations of the dipolar bound 153

charge density relative to the free charges (see below). 154

Method 3: Analytical potential predicted from volumetric polarization density. We can 155

alternatively obtain Vb directly from the volumetric polarization density P. Now neglecting free 156

charges (D = 0) to calculate the field arising from the bound protein dipoles (Eb), we rearrange 157

Gauss’s law as 𝜀𝜀0𝐄𝒃 = −𝐏. Under the same assumptions as above, the “bound charge” voltage 158

is: ∆𝑉𝑏 = 𝐄𝒃 × 𝑑 = −𝐏

𝜀𝜀0= −57.99 𝑚𝑉. 159

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The very close agreement between the values for Δq and ΔV determined analytically (40e, 160

−57.99 mV) and numerically from all-atom MD (37.63 ± 9.22e, −56.10 ± 5.71 mV) for open-state 161

p4 crystals (Supplementary Figure 15) strongly suggests that the predicted macroscale 162

electrochemical properties of C98RhuA crystals can be effectively estimated from the polarization 163

induced by the oriented macrodipoles of individual RhuA proteins. Importantly, this close 164

agreement is observed for all conformations simulated, demonstrating clear predictive ability from 165

analytical expressions for electric dipoles. We also note that the values provided here 166

conservatively assume a uniform dielectric constant corresponding to pure water. These values 167

could be larger were an effective dielectric constant (e.g., a statistical average of protein and 168

solvent) utilized instead.12,13 169


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