SuperFoods! Pt. 1

® © DW GROUP, LLC 2010 Superfoods & Super Powers Presented to Optiver May 2012 by Alton Baird & Dynamic Wellness

Transcript of SuperFoods! Pt. 1


© DW GROUP, LLC 2010

Superfoods & Super Powers

Presented to Optiver May 2012 by Alton Baird & Dynamic Wellness



We as humans don’t actually age, we do not get sick and we don’t get diseases - our cells do. Cells are made up of many atoms. What makes an atom healthy is that it has “paired electrons”. This gives the atom a stable orbit. Atoms missing an electrons are not just “bad” - They actually destroy surrounding atoms by stealing their electrons. An atom missing an electron is called a Free Radical and Free Radicals alter or destroy cells. Cells that die, and cells that replicate in a damaged state are the cause or contribute to premature aging, sickness and disease.


Vitamins & Minerals Antioxidants Weight


Balance Blood Sugar


LycopeneFound in foods like Tomatoes.

Powerful preventer of prostate cancer

CarotenoidsPowerful compounds that support liver function and

reduce risk of chronic diseases

FlavonoidsPowerful natural chemicals

found in Dark Chocolate and other foods

CatechinsPlant based Anti Inflammatory and antioxidant found in many different fruits and vegetables

Some Types of Antioxidants

Super Anti-Oxidants

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Anti-Inflammatory

All Berries have Anthocyanins- A potent anti inflammatory

Strengthen our “Internal” Filtration system

Empower the Liver!Green leafy vegetables are powerful Liver

tonicsDrink plenty of water

Drink Green Tea—full of Carotenoids, special anti oxidants that help liver function

Milk Thistle is an herb that helps strengthen liver function

Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 give a big boost to immune systems and the Liver



Antioxidant – Vitamins A & C, Folate – protects against heart disease, cancer and stroke, offers memory protection

Romaine Lettuce

Excellent source of vitamin A and lutein, vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, manganese, and chromium

Very good source of dietary fiber and 6 vitamins and minerals


High in Fiber, Antioxidant, memory protector


Antioxidants, many Phyto-nutrients and Vitamins as well as Enzymes


"Slow-digesting" Carbs are High-Fiber

Benefits of Fiber:• Slows the digestive process• Helps stabilize blood sugar levels• Helps cleanse digestive tract

The amount of fiber in a product generally indicates how healthy it is

– a good “Whole Grain” Bread should have at least 3 grams of fiber per slice 

Slow carb foods also have Vitamins and powerful Phytonutrients that have significant Anti-Oxidant properties that help protect our cells from damage and disease

There’s a way to test how well a food or nutrient protects against cell damage. It’s called ORAC – Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The higher than ORAC value, the greater the antioxidant power.

The USDA recommends we consume 3,000 to 6,000 ORAC units daily. 80% of the population is consuming less than 1,000 ORAC units a day. The USDA recommended "5-a-day" fruit and vegetable servings will give you an ORAC score of about 1,750 units.

ORAC Defined Anti Oxidants

Powerful Produce

Blueberries (1/2 cup) 3,210Blackberries (1/2 cup) 2,685Raspberries (1/2 cup) 2,236Fuji Apple (1/2 cup) 2,156Strawberries (1/2 cup) 1,784Raisins (1/4 cup) 1,426Oranges (1/2 cup) 675Red grapes (1/2 cup) 663Cherries (1/2 cup) 516

ORAC: Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity

ORAC: Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity

Source: Tufts University Center for Aging

Fruits – “Nature’s Candy”Fruits – “Nature’s Candy”

Anti Oxidants

Powerful Vegetables

Vegetables ORAC Content

Broccoli (1/2 cup) 1193Beets (1/2 cup) 850Red bell peppers (1/2 cup) 894Brussels sprouts (1/2 cup) 866Yellow corn (1/2 cup) 855Spinach (1 cup) 840Onions (1/2 cup) 783 ORAC:

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity

Source: Tufts University Center for Aging

Anti Oxidants


The Fight against “Obesogens”

One of the big issues with Xenoestrogens/ Obesogens is they trigger abdominal fat accumulation

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, etc. contain very specific and unique phytonutrients such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that help to fight against these estrogenic compounds.


Obesogens Defined


Obesegons is a name recently given to chemicals that can inappropriately stimulate either the development of fat cells or the storage of more fat in pre-existing fat cells. This is a finding first published in 2006, and it is starting to catch attention. We show that a class of chemicals called organotins are Obesogens. Other labs have shown that Bisphenol-A ( BPA--a chemical present in many plastics and packaging materials) are Obesogens.

We encounter Obesogens in a lot of different ways. They leach out of plastic food and beverage containers (things like plastic bottles that contain bottled water). So they enter our food supply.—Gary Robbins, "Scientists explore whether plastics can make us fatter," Orange County Register, November 8, 2009

 In 2006 he fed pregnant mice Estrogen-like compounds (Xenoestrogens) "The offspring were born with more fat already stored, more fat cells, and became 5 to 20 percent fatter by adulthood," Blumberg says. The tributyltin activated a receptor called PPAR gamma, which acts like a switch for cells' fate: in one position it allows cells to remain fibroblasts, in another it guides them to become fat cells... The effect was so strong and so reliable that Blumberg thought compounds that reprogram cells' fate like this deserved a name of their own: Obesogens.—Sharon Begley, "Born to be Big," Newsweek, September 21, 2009


Categories of Endocrine Disruptors/Xenoestrogens

Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides

Plastics (Water bottles, food containers, plastic wrap, disposable items

Water contaminants

Household cleaners and products

Food Additives HFC MSG Preservatives

Synthetic hormones (Growth hormones for cattle and food production i.e. BVG)

HRT—Synthetic Estrogen-- opt for paraben-free progesterone cream

Obesogens are chemicals that disrupt the function of hormonal systems; many researchers believe they lead to weight gain and, in turn, numerous diseases that curse the American populace.

The body’s basic emergency-response system – “Friendly Fire”

Immune system sends infection-fighting cells to attack an invader

Short-term inflammation can be lifesaving


Now believed to be a central

factor in: Cardiovascular DiseaseCancerStrokeDiabetesRheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma,

Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s Disease


Chronic, low-grade inflammation is a silent predator. You can’t usually see or feel the damage, but chronic inflammation significantly increases the risk of Heart disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s. Your doctor can measure it with the “high-sensitivity C-reactive protein,” or CRP, test.

Dr. William Meggs puts it this way in his book The Inflammation Cure, “Inflammation may well turn out to be the elusive Holy Grail of medicine–the single phenomenon that holds the key to sickness and health.”

Processed sugars and other high-glycemic starches increase inflammation, just as they raise blood sugar, according to an article in the March 2002 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and many other drugs reduce inflammation, but they pose a risk of side effects and no doctor’s going to suggest taking these drugs on a regular basis because your CRP is elevated. However, many foods have anti-inflammatory benefits, and the only side effects are excellent health benefits.


Our Immune System trying to protect us from many “LIFESTYLE” assaults:

“Bad” Fats (Too many Omega 6’s too few Omega 3’s-We

consume 1/6th the amount of Omega 3’s that we did in 1850)

Too many Calories (Sugar)

Free Radicals


Lack of Exercise


So how do we put out the Fire?

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Olive oil. Olive oil is a great source of oleic acid, an anti-inflammatory oil. In addition, researchers wrote in the October 2007 Journal of the American College of Nutrition that those who consume more oleic acid have better insulin function and lower blood sugar. Tip: Opt for extra-virgin olive oil, which is the least processed, and use it instead of other cooking oils. Other “cold-pressed” or “expeller-pressed” oils can be good sources, too.

Salads. Dark-green lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, and other salad veggies are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, nutrients that dampen inflammation. Tip: Opt for olive oil-and-vinegar salad dressing (vinegar helps moderate blood sugar).

Cruciferous vegetables. These veggies, which include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale, are also loaded with antioxidants. But they provide one other ingredient — sulfur — that the body needs to make its own high-powered antioxidants, such as glutathione.


Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Cherries. A study in the April 2006 Journal of Nutrition showed that eating cherries regularly can significantly reduce inflammation. Cherries are also packed with antioxidants and relatively low on the Glycemic index Tip: Frozen cherries are available all year long and make a tasty dessert with a little yogurt or cheese.

Blueberries. These tasty fruits are chocked full of natural compounds that reduce inflammation. Blueberries may also protect the brain from many of the effects of aging. Frozen are usually less expensive than fresh—and just as good.

Turmeric. This spice is a powerful, natural anti-inflammatory compound. Turmeric has long been part of curry spice blends, used in southern Asian cuisines. Tip: Buy powdered curry spice (which contains turmeric and other spices) and use it as a seasoning when pan-frying chicken breasts in olive oil.


Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Ginger. This relative of tumeric is also known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, and some research suggests that it might also help control blood sugar.

Garlic. Garlic may have some anti-inflammatory and glucose-regulating benefits and it may also help your body fight infections. At the very least, it won’t hurt and makes for a tasty addition to food. Kitchen tip: Dice garlic 15 minutes before using to allow the Allicin to be more bio available.

Green tea. Like fruits and vegetables, green tea contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds. It may even reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Tip: Drink a cup a day — or brew it like sun tea, refrigerate, and serve.


Anti Oxidants Antioxidants help put out Inflammation

React with

body cells



Cell’s EnergySystem





PLAQUE DegenerativeDiseases


Environmental sources of Free Radicals:

• Processed Foods (especially fried foods and “charred” foods)

• Trans Fatty Acids • Ozone• Radiation• Microwave• Cell Phones• Chemical Additives• Food Preservatives• Pesticides• Hg (Mercury) fillings

It’s Easy to Add Vegetables!It’s Easy to Add Vegetables!

Frozen: As healthy as

fresh . . . Frozen: As healthy as

fresh . . . FreshFresh


Onions: Powerful antioxidants called flavonoids (Quercetin) plus other amazing health benefits Lower Blood Sugar Improve Cholesterol People consuming the most Onions, Broccoli, Tea and

Apples lowered their heart disease risk by 20%

Garlic: Antioxidant and natural anti-biotic, blood cleanser

Tomatoes: Excellent source of Lycopene which has been shown to protect against cancer, esp. prostate cancer Best when cooked, especially with olive oil

Some “new” Super foods

ACAI Berries GOJI Berries

Very high antioxidant levels and possibly multiple health benefits

Thank You!
