Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public...

Viewer Services ITV Plc, Gas Street Birmingham B1 2JT Dear ITV, On Monday the 3 rd of September, you re-broadcasted a programme entitled Super Tiny Animals, which depicted a globally threatened species, the pygmy slow loris Nycticebus pygmaeus as a pet. This species is listed as Vulnerable A2CD on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and all international trade is prohibited under CITES Appendix 1 since 2007; prior to that trade was heavily restricted under CITES Appendix II. The IUCN report that the species is “heavily exploited for traditional medicine as well as for the pet trade, including international trade, at levels that are not sustainable.” In this letter, I and 519 supporters who signed a petition within just one week of your show being aired, kindly implore you to consider the following information, which we believe your researchers should have discovered before broadcasting the show, which may have encouraged the pet trade in a highly threatened species. Although the ‘owners’ of the loris you showed on your show claim it is legal, a simple glance at the CITES database shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific purposes’, 2 in 1989 for a zoo, in 1991 3 more for a zoo. In 1998 and 1999, 6 and 11 pygmy slow lorises were illegally imported into Russia from Vietnam, and reported as such by the authorities. Normally such individuals are handed over to zoos, and if they were not, they would still be illegal as pets. We are aware of many other cases of illegal imports that were not reported to the authorities (e.g. reported via internet etc). As such, no loris was EVER legally imported into Russia for pets, and no animal has ever left the zoo collections to go into a pet nursery, according to the European studbook keeper for pygmy slow loris. Even if it is legal to have a pet loris in Russia, under CITES, if the parents were not legally imported, the offspring are thus ILLEGAL. We should also note, at any rate that breeding of pygmy slow loris even in the best zoos, is very low, and certainly could not succeed at a commercial scale. This situation was highlighted further in January 2012 when BBC2 (and subsequently many other stations across Europe & Australia) broadcasted a 1-hour programme entitled Jungle Gremlins of Java. This programme had revealed to the public the illegal and cruel nature of the loris pet trade, and highlighted in particular the video that you portray as ‘cute.’ Indeed, the broadcast met with a public outcry about what could be done, that led my very small online research group, the Little Fireface Project, to become an open forum about where issues regarding all forms of illegal trade about lorises could be discussed. We are aware that if more people know of an Endangered species’ plight this can be a positive thing. Of the 519 supporters who signed the petition, many left comments, and I have selected some below that highlight the issue. We very much hope that ITV will take action on this by one of the following ways: removing the offensive show from your i- player and no longer broadcasting it; accompany the show with conservation messages and information about the illegal nature of keeping the loris as a pet; providing information and links on your web site where people can learn more. There are no loris nurseries, so people who would want a loris pet after seeing your show would be forced to go to the black market. We would hate to see this happen. We are grateful for your attention, happy to provide more information, and hope that you will act upon this letter, which has been made publicly available at Yours Sincerely, Professor Anna Nekaris Professor in Primate Conservation and Anthropology Oxford Brookes University Nocturnal Primate Research Group

Transcript of Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public...

Page 1: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Viewer Services

ITV Plc, Gas Street


B1 2JT

Dear ITV,

On Monday the 3rd

of September, you re-broadcasted a programme entitled Super Tiny Animals, which depicted a

globally threatened species, the pygmy slow loris Nycticebus pygmaeus as a pet. This species is listed as Vulnerable

A2CD on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and all international trade is prohibited under CITES Appendix 1 since

2007; prior to that trade was heavily restricted under CITES Appendix II. The IUCN report that the species is “heavily

exploited for traditional medicine as well as for the pet trade, including international trade, at levels that are not

sustainable.” In this letter, I and 519 supporters who signed a petition within just one week of your show being aired,

kindly implore you to consider the following information, which we believe your researchers should have discovered

before broadcasting the show, which may have encouraged the pet trade in a highly threatened species.

Although the ‘owners’ of the loris you showed on your show claim it is legal, a simple glance at the CITES database

shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the

Soviet Union for ‘scientific purposes’, 2 in 1989 for a zoo, in 1991 3 more for a zoo. In 1998 and 1999, 6 and 11 pygmy

slow lorises were illegally imported into Russia from Vietnam, and reported as such by the authorities. Normally such

individuals are handed over to zoos, and if they were not, they would still be illegal as pets. We are aware of many

other cases of illegal imports that were not reported to the authorities (e.g. reported via internet etc). As such, no loris

was EVER legally imported into Russia for pets, and no animal has ever left the zoo collections to go into a pet nursery,

according to the European studbook keeper for pygmy slow loris. Even if it is legal to have a pet loris in Russia, under

CITES, if the parents were not legally imported, the offspring are thus ILLEGAL. We should also note, at any rate that

breeding of pygmy slow loris even in the best zoos, is very low, and certainly could not succeed at a commercial scale.

This situation was highlighted further in January 2012 when BBC2 (and subsequently many other stations across Europe

& Australia) broadcasted a 1-hour programme entitled Jungle Gremlins of Java. This programme had revealed to the

public the illegal and cruel nature of the loris pet trade, and highlighted in particular the video that you portray as

‘cute.’ Indeed, the broadcast met with a public outcry about what could be done, that led my very small online

research group, the Little Fireface Project, to become an open forum about where issues regarding all forms of illegal

trade about lorises could be discussed.

We are aware that if more people know of an Endangered species’ plight this can be a positive thing. Of the 519

supporters who signed the petition, many left comments, and I have selected some below that highlight the issue. We

very much hope that ITV will take action on this by one of the following ways: removing the offensive show from your i-

player and no longer broadcasting it; accompany the show with conservation messages and information about the

illegal nature of keeping the loris as a pet; providing information and links on your web site where people can learn

more. There are no loris nurseries, so people who would want a loris pet after seeing your show would be forced to go

to the black market. We would hate to see this happen.

We are grateful for your attention, happy to provide more information, and hope that you will act upon this letter,

which has been made publicly available at

Yours Sincerely,

Professor Anna Nekaris

Professor in Primate Conservation and Anthropology

Oxford Brookes University

Nocturnal Primate Research Group

Page 2: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Name Country Comment

Wendy Dirks



Nonhuman primates should NEVER be kept as pets. Many are highly

endangered and the pet trade is one of the culprits.

Ben Garrod



As a primate biologist, I have seen first-hand both how individual species

need specific conservation attention AND the hugely negative impacts poor,

bad and often ignorant advertising has on the success for these conservation

efforts! In researching this piece, the production crew at ITV would have been

wholly aware of the issues surrounding the slow loris (and if they were

unaware, they need to speak with their Production Researchers). It is not

enough that this sort of irresponsible advertising is not repeated - ITV should

help contribute towards conservation efforts.





Primates should never be kept as pets. Nor should any endangered animal.

Stop supporting the illegal and destructive "exotic pet" trade.





Glorifying the illegal wildlife trade for the sake of TV ratings is phenomenally






ITV really must send a memo to all producers to stop featuring items that

promote primates as pets! Last week it was a monkey on Jonathan Ross

Show, now this... ITV, please help educate the public, not misinform them.

Patrick Ball Japan

Your actions are irresponsible. You quite clearly do not care about the state of

endangered species around the world. By showing them as "cute pets" you

are 1) worsening their conditions and survivability by encouraging the

internationally illegal pet trade and 2) throwing away a chance to educate

people about the nature of the on-going extinction event facing almost all

large bodied mammals on the planet.





It is clearly dangerously irresponsible to show ANY exotic pets without first

stressing the conservation issues inherent in this situation. ITV needs to

address this immediately.





Primates are not pets, simple as that no matter how "cute" they are. I just

visited Edinburgh Zoo which has an amazing enclosure for pygmy marmosets

(small and cute) - most other visitors discussed how to get some of those as

pets - and this was in the educative environment of a scientific zoo with many

explanations about the endangerment status of primates. If this represents

general sentiment towards primates as pets, then ITV is really doing their bit

to propagate such sentiments rather than helping making people aware of

illegal pet trade and its consequences and I utterly condemn such actions.





This is an important matter both in terms of primate conservation and the

welfare of those primates in captivity. itv should be more careful about what

it seemingly encourages.





Your researchers should be aware of the threat to extinction many species

face and how powerful media messages are to the masses. There is an

editorial policy issue here. I understand that low budget programming works

too a very tight timescale but researchers should be aware of the law

concerning the subject. Thanks

Kat Scott



We need to stop glamourising the exotic pet/entertainment trade and TV

companies need to shoulder some of the responsibility for educating the

ignorant public who want one as a pet. We owe it to the species that WE have

endangered to protect them from further threats.

Ian Cattell



The slow loris has its teeth clipped to stop them biting. They live the rest of

their lives in pain. This is disgusting and has to stop. Wild animals should not

be kept as pets. This program should be taken off air immediately.

Page 3: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific





Not nearly enough time is taken to talk about the horrific impacts of the

illegal pet trade. Lorises have their teeth broken so they cannot bite. its not a

'cute pet' it’s a very rare animal and the loris being tickled is actually showing

a threat posture because it is scared. Get your facts right. Your researchers

should be ashamed.





I worked with rescued slow lorises in Indonesia, many of them having had

their teeth smashed out to prevent them prevent them from biting, resulting

in horrendous infections and causing untold suffering. Shame on ITV for their

lack of responsible research into these subjects.





I think it's disgusting a program in the united kingdom is promoting this kind

of thing you would usually see in Indonesia!!





More controls are required when televising these programmes especially

were owning exotic animals. Personally I don't agree with animals being bred

to make fashion statements. Doing this brings health issues into question and

all people are interested in is financial gain!!





The media have a huge influence on people's perceptions of the world and

should act accordingly. One program like this can ruin the hard work and

dedication of thousands of conservationists around the world who are trying

to abolish this terrible trade in exotic species. These animals belong in their

natural habitat, they are not toys for our own amusement!

Dai Wynne-




Endangered wildlife has already got massive problem simply to keep existing.

Why are you encouraging people to have Slow Loris, and other Small Wild

Animals as pets in your programme Super Tiny Animals? This situation is

untenable and should be ceased immediately. I shall be contacting my MP

asap with regard to this abhorrent programme. Take responsibility above

your viewing figures and sponsor/commercials. ITV is off my TV. Utterly





Kingdom I want my children to be able to see these wonderful creatures alive.





Promoting Lorises as cute only encourages the brutal pet trade. TV channels

must act more responsibly.





As a primatology student with a special interest in the loris I am outraged that

ITV2, an influential medium, would promote these endangered animals as

pets to an audience who will not know better. It is utterly inappropriate to

keep or promote slow lorises as pets - they are wild animals and need to be

respected as such.





The media have an obligation to help the protection of wildlife, not glorify

rare and endangered species as pets or creatures that anyone should be able

to do as they wish. The actions of ITV have been insensitive to nature and

wildlife and misappropriate.

Ted Hill



for these creatures to become 'cute pets', they must first be taken from the

wild, illegally. whether an animal is endangered or not (all the more

prevalent if it is), it is cruel and immoral to take a wild animal from its home

and claim it as our own.

laura martin Cape Verde

ITV is promoting these endangered primates as 'cute pets' and directly

supporting the illegal pet trade in the process.....



Virey France

Many people will just see a cute animal and want it, without thinking of the

consequences for the animal or the species. They need to be educated by

television, which is already doing a bad job by encouraging mindless,

impulsive consumption.

Page 4: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific





Slow Lorises are an endangered species, and there are laws in place that

prohibit the trade of lorises.





The pet trade is cruel and should not be not be encouraged and depicted as

cute, cuddly and comforting to the public. Please can we have more truth so

we can make informed decisions?

Jules Powis



CITES is undermined and animal cruelty increased, by poorly-researched and

irresponsible television like this.





Even cats, dogs, rabbits, etc., are often completely inappropriately looked

after, so wild animals don't stand a chance. TV companies should not be

allowed to show programmes about people keeping 'exotic' animals as pets,

unless it is to make it absolutely clear this should NOT happen.

Nicola Crabb



Cruelty to animals should not be abided and research into these creatures

should have been done and the public made aware of this creatures threats!

Regina King



This is important to me because NO wild animal should be forced to become

a domestic or exotic pet. This practice is a threat to the species and also to

humans. In addition, once wild animals lose their "cuteness," they are often

thrown out into the environment to which they are not native, which causes

harm to the existing ecosystem (i.e., snakes).


Dechaineux Australia I've seen little loris' sold on the street 'like birds in a cage'




States Saving endangered species and their habitat is critical.

lydia smith



i work in wildlife conservation and have seen first-hand the devastating

effects of the illegal trade in loris.





Exotic animals are not meant to be pets. They belong in the wild and suffer

through horrible poaching practices and many die in the process.

David Jay



Broadcasters like ITV have a huge responsibility for the activities that they

encourage and shows like this abuse their position and cause huge damage

for which the broadcasters should really be held to account.





I have worked in Indonesia and have seen first-hand the consequences of the

illegal pet trade.





The illegal pet trade is a massive issue across the world; it is cruel and also

plays a big part in the extinction of animals in the wild. Slow lorises are a

prime example of just how bad the illegal pet trade can get and any TV

program which encourages this is wrong.





Because these animals along with countless other species need protecting

from human exploitation.





Lorises are severely endangered and difficult to keep. These facts need to be

emphasised before people consider keeping them as pets.


Schenk Netherlands

I want the ignorance to stop. I hate it that people have lorises as pets and put

them on youtube to brag




Kingdom People need to learn to leave creatures alone in their natural habitat.

Page 5: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific


Name City Zip Code Country Signed On

Emily Emmott London N7 6QR United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Oliver Allon London N8 8PP United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Anna Barros London NW1 0XH United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Wendy Dirks Oxford 30054 United States 04/09/2012

Gemma Price London


2NH United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Ben Garrod Bristol BS6 7EE United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Myrtille Guillon London N19 5SE United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Katharine Balolia London


0BW United Kingdom 04/09/2012

gentiane Pg santiago de chile 75689 Chile 04/09/2012

Caroline Deimel Bloomington 47403 United States 04/09/2012

James Hansford London N7 0EX United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Harriet haskins Evesham wr11 2tw United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Ian Redmond Stroud GL5 1BG United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Helen Moore Great Yarmouth NR31 9NS United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Helen Jordan Great Yarmouth NR31 0AS United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Stuart Drake London se21 8jp United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Carol Lamond by Tarbert PA29 6XT United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Darren Matthews Nottingham ng4 2fx United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Aquaea Marshall Milton keynes mk14 5hd United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Josefine Stångberg Värsås 541 98 Sweden 04/09/2012

Bob Dickson Macclesfield SK11 7EB United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Vincent Bell Telford TF2 8DT United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Anthony Hallam Treherbert CF42 5NS United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Mark Thomas Waterlooville PO88QF United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Stephen Henstridge Reading RG6 4EF United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Jon Hulbert Weymouth DT3 4AN United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Laura Buck London SW19 6SF United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Pascal Klein Cardiff Cardiff United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Darryl Spittle Newport NP11 5AJ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Nigel Moss Buxton SK17 6JY United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Mike Clark Cambridge CB2 1QP United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Phil Lamb Guisborough TS14 6HY United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Jayne White Sheffield S8 8PG United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Matthew Thomas Chelmsford CM1 4AW United Kingdom 04/09/2012

David Morris London SW6 7DA United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Sheena Bartlett Westcott RH4 3NX United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Sarah Bain

Prince Albert's

Road GY1 1EZ Guernsey 04/09/2012

Nick Winter Valence sur baise 32310 France 04/09/2012

Alfred Dupree Norton IP31 3LE United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Kate Glyn-Jones Bristol BS6 6AJ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Page 6: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Patrick Ball Sagamihara 190-2111 Japan 04/09/2012

Philip Brownlow Wolverhampton WV14TF United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Karen Lynn Bristol BS32 4DU United Kingdom 04/09/2012

mike mizzi Sydney 2039 Australia 04/09/2012

Lisa garrodLisaGarrod Great Yarmouth nr29 3nh United Kingdom 04/09/2012

stacey jayne lincoln ng347pn United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Tony Hitchcock Bath BA2 2ST United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Thomas Taylor Rossendale OL13 8LP United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Sandra Martelli Gravesend DA12 2AX United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Sian Waters Tredegar NP22 4RP United States 04/09/2012

Sam Turvey Bristol BS9 1AF United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Bridget Garrod Great Yarmouth Nr29 3nh United Kingdom 04/09/2012

dave murphy Anguilla rg73ng United States 04/09/2012

Nicholas Y London SW United Kingdom 04/09/2012

magdalena svensson oxford ox4 7qb United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Meg Walsg East Setauket 11733 United States 04/09/2012

Mike McTigue Coventry cv6 1jd United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Norman Sutherland Bonnyrigg EH19 2EL United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Kathleen Blake Oswego 13126 United States 04/09/2012

Graham Laskey Kings Lynn Pe322qp United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Kirsten MacPhail Tonbridge TN9 2NQ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Chris Webb London sw191hs United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Anne Williamson Aberdeen AB10 6JN United Kingdom 04/09/2012

marcus ferguson london SW13 0JX United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Peter Green LEICESTER LE6 0YW United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Bram van Leeuwen London NW6 3AU United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Debby Barrett Stevenage SG2 0HJ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

sharon eyre peterborough pe2 5yq United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Laurence DUTHU Grenoble 38100 France 04/09/2012

Ruth Hendry Bristol BS59HW United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Karen Christley Petersfield GU32 2JB United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Richard Blayney Winterton NR294BE United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Charlotte Brand Melton Mowbray LE14 2AN United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Jennifer Pastorini Rajagiriya NA Sri Lanka 04/09/2012

Alan Austin Cardiff CF15 8AP United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Jane Hollingsworth Coventry CV3 United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Andrew Smith Cambridge CB 1PT United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Paula Sheppard London N10 1NJ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

simon Bradley Romford RM7 7JR United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Russell Waldron Cambridge CB1 3AX United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Lee Thompson Carlisle CA1 1JP United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Victor Halksworth Chesterfield S44 5UZ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Christina Gallivan Cardiff Cf14 5ps United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Brooke Aldrich Falmouth 2540 United States 04/09/2012

Dillon White village blvd south 13027 United States 04/09/2012

Keirah Bartlett Westcott RH4 3NX United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Page 7: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Andy andyMaidlow Brighton BN41 2HF United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Ana Francisca Navarrete

Rodriguez St Andrews KY16 9TL United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Emma Kinna oswego 13326 United States 04/09/2012

Samantha Becker Hauppauge 11788 United States 04/09/2012

Jade Wintrip Braintree CM7 1XZ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Lauren Usick Winnipeg R3T 4X2 Canada 04/09/2012

Damien Silva San Rafael 94901 United States 04/09/2012

Val Fraser Gateshead NE9 5BE United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Lauren Marshall Great Yarmouth Nr31 0hn United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Fiona Cary Rochdale OL16 2XB United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Kera Davison

Newcastle Upon

Tyne NE2 2HR United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Jess Middleton hobe sound 33475 United States 04/09/2012

Dave Pratt


Mare BS22 7YG United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Anna-Karin Strobel

Lando Halmstad 302 46 Sweden 04/09/2012

Jennifer Fassett Edgewater 21037 United States 04/09/2012

Rosalind Lawrence Newmarket CB8 8RT United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Heather Battles Hamilton L8N 4E7 Canada 04/09/2012

Ines Hoffmann Bielefeld 33501 Germany 04/09/2012

Alexa Lucera Oswego 13126 United States 04/09/2012

Maik Schaffer Berlin 10245 Germany 04/09/2012

kim bottomley westward ho ex39 1hd United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Thorsten Kassebeer Eime 31036 Germany 04/09/2012

Ginamarie Colorio Minneapolis 55410 United States 04/09/2012

Anne Hobson GREAT YARMOUTH NR31 6EJ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

chris popham Great Yarmouth nr31 0hn United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Kat Scott Bristol bs35 4ju United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Leena Wilson Hersham KT12 4LD United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Inna Trotsai Vinnitsa 21037 Ukraine 04/09/2012

Jasmine Patterson London E179RF United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Jolanda Putri Hertford SG14 2AT United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Ian Cattell Wolverhampton WV3 0DS United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Mandy Malone Oxford OX3 0BP United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Lauren Noblet Darwen BB3 3PY United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Adam See Brooklyn 11223 United States 04/09/2012

Elena Repullo Torrelodones 28250 Spain 04/09/2012

Marlies Heesen Goettingen 37073 Germany 04/09/2012

angela dames Whiting 51063 United States 04/09/2012

D Stirpe Portland 97214 United States 04/09/2012

Katherine Dettwyler Newark 19711 United States 04/09/2012

Hannah Rose Bristol BS419FP United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Lisa Barnett epsom kt17 3pg United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Chris Wiggs Berkshire SL5 8BA United Kingdom 04/09/2012

amy Fitzmaurice bristol bs6 7rh United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Page 8: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

tas adcock combemartin ex340jr United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Philip Reeks Dartford DA1 1ST United Kingdom 04/09/2012

paul withers nottingham ng16 1ew United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Melanie Wilson Oak Park 60304 United States 04/09/2012

Esther Juhl Berlin 13627 Germany 04/09/2012

Ramos Pérez Puebla 72160 Mexico 04/09/2012

simon reeves Westbury ba13 4st United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Amy Tattersall Hampshire SO42 7XE United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Julia Lindsay-Smith Leicester le1 7tj United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Jennifer Aundrews Southampton SO19 8GF United States 04/09/2012

Natalia Palacios Houston 77002 United States 04/09/2012

Mark Smallman London N7 0RB United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Ali reinhart Calgary t2s 1h1 Canada 04/09/2012

Barry Dean Liverpool L36 4QG United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Richard Moore Oxford ox3 8lw United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Christina Faull Melton 3337 Australia 04/09/2012

Christopher Kavanagh Oxford OX1 2DD United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Steve Hawkins Luton lu2 8ba United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Ian Johnson Saltburn TS12 3DG United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Tim Bolitho-Jones Southampton SO15 2LH United Kingdom 04/09/2012

sk miller lymington so41 8an United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Bridget Alex Cambridge 2138 United States 04/09/2012

Achim Westenberger Berlin 13591 Germany 04/09/2012

Helen den Hartog Bicester OX26 4HB United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Amanda Fallan Southend-on-Sea SS2 6HW United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Amy Howell 1 1 Ireland 04/09/2012

Bonnie Griffin Bristol BS6 5 LU United Kingdom 04/09/2012

paul cooke bristol BS5 9AG United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Julie Kortegas Haywards Heath Rh163qd United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Hannah Barlow Burford OX18 4JH United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Julie Matthews Devon ex7 0je United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Eleanor Miller Stockport SK6 4DN United Kingdom 04/09/2012

David Owenson Claypole Ng235bd United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Ellie Harper blandford dt110nx United Kingdom 04/09/2012

laura edgeley wool bh20 6na United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Sam Hardman Leicester LE2 8BE United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Jess Vogel Adelaide 5045 Australia 04/09/2012

Raine Leary Reading RG4 8LS United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Susie Schaffnit London N6 4EJ United Kingdom 04/09/2012

T Lee London Ec1v 3pa United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Sonnaz Nooranvary blandford dt11 7bp United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Rita Schroeter Aachen 52074 Germany 04/09/2012

Chrissie Bye Romsey SO51 6fl United Kingdom 04/09/2012

richard williams bristol bs3 1dh United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Katie McHenry Glasgow G72 0RU United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Nicholas Austin Weston-super- BS24 United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Page 9: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Mare 9UW

Hilary Baker Broadstone bh188nl United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Andrew Walmsley Oxford OX3 7BG United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Thiago Pereira São Paulo 3170000 Brazil 04/09/2012

Brittanny Prince King George 22485 United States 04/09/2012

stephen humberstone Christchurch bh232ep United Kingdom 04/09/2012

Ruby Brewer Gibsonville 27249 United States 04/09/2012

Tabita Cortés Santiago 7600622 Chile 05/09/2012

Ariane Thomas Cromwell 6416 United States 05/09/2012

Sandy Huynh Los Angeles 90031 United States 05/09/2012

Margarida Medeiros Toronto M4E 2V4 Canada 05/09/2012

Raymond Vagell Kew Gardens 11415 United States 05/09/2012

Lissa Ruben Malindi 80200 Kenya 05/09/2012

Marco Wunsch Kuching 93450 Malaysia 05/09/2012

Ellis Hinchley Great Yarmouth Nr29 3pw United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Renee Yee Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia 05/09/2012

Anna Nekaris Oxford OX3 0BP United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Ileana Diaz Victoria, BC V8P3R2 Canada 05/09/2012

Andrew McGilvray Motherwell ML1 2LQ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Eloise Street Farnborough gu14 8ph United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Camille Coudrat Oxford OX3 7PN United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Kerry Hughes Hayes UB4 0PH United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Lea-Anne Richards Runcorn wa7 5jw United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Stephen Woollands Ilkeston De76gz United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Michael Dooley West Malling


5HW United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Simon Withers Nottingham NG5 2ES United Kingdom 05/09/2012

amanda ward Grimsby dn32 9nw United Kingdom 05/09/2012

chris knowles bluntisham pe283ll United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Chris Malkin Tamworth B79 8HU United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Ben Phalan Cambridge CB2 3EJ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Chris Green Oxford OX4 1HP United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Sylvia Leitch Edinburgh Eh7 5pw United Kingdom 05/09/2012

luca viola Kota Kinabalu 883300 Malaysia 05/09/2012

N Nahai London NW4 1AE United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Charles Parham Bristol BS6 6HZ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Paul Owenson Nottingham ng3 6hn United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Lindsey Hines London SW9 9DQ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Peter Gregory London se145pp United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Christine Cooper Bern 3013 Switzerland 05/09/2012

Julia Thompson Hove BN3 1AH United Kingdom 05/09/2012

kate scorey harleston ip20 9ha United Kingdom 05/09/2012

janet smithers norwich nr18 9pl United Kingdom 05/09/2012

deb beattie leeds ls15 4nn United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Kerry Maksymiw Peterborough PE7 3SU United Kingdom 05/09/2012

val norris bedfordshire sg191pq United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Page 10: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Michelle Salmon Loughton IG10 3NN United Kingdom 05/09/2012

sharon cumberland portadown BT62 1PT United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Kim Lee Worcester WR5 1PW United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Mark L Strathalbyn 5255 Australia 05/09/2012

Amanda Hinchley Gt Yarmouth


3PW United Kingdom 05/09/2012

charlotte wallington bristol bs1 6HG United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Teri psn Lisbon 1900 Portugal 05/09/2012

Nick Cockayne Nanyuki 10-400 Kenya 05/09/2012

Michelle Hayward Kempston mk42 7dp United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Claire Hughes london ub4 0ph United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Jess Bewley Lincoln LN5 United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Colette Roberts Liverpool L22 9QW United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Dave lusby Birmingham B30 2EH United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Daisy Lewis Swindon SN6 7NH United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Marianne Matthews Amesbury SP4 7LX United Kingdom 05/09/2012

em wise Manchester M21 8TZ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Lisa Burtenshaw bath ba2 4pa United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Louise Rowan Skipton BD23 4RF United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Rachel Morrison Billingham ts23 2tg United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Christina Hespe Sheffield S87BG United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Rebecca White Northampton NN7 3AJ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Paul Lahood

2000 Australia 05/09/2012

Melanie Bradley Manchester M46 9TW United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Claire Turnbull Cornwall PL131NZ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Julie Barker Leeds Ls15 0hb United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Tracy Marotta Brooklyn


6003 United States 05/09/2012

Jenny Holmes BIRKENHEAD ch427jr United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Louisette Durham London SW6 1LP United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Julie King Edinburgh EH7 5LL United Kingdom 05/09/2012

irene turnbull lostwithiel pl22 0ns United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Leona Hartland crawcrook ne0 4hr United Kingdom 05/09/2012

chloe larkin halifax hx5 0bg United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Gemma Standen Norwich NR5 8LN United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Alexnader Sylvester London N19 5SJ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Christine Goddard abingdon ox14 1dh United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Kerry Ewer Lincoln LN1 3EQ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Jennifer Green Nr London KT21 United Kingdom 05/09/2012

flavia bannister oxford ox1 5rn United Kingdom 05/09/2012

kevin pearce mistley co11 1lb United Kingdom 05/09/2012

f bannister oxford ox2 United Kingdom 05/09/2012

amy gillott rotherham s64 8qr United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Petra Osterberg Looe PL131NZ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Mark Camp Looe PL13 2QD United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Mark Ashcroft Ballyclare BT399JH United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Page 11: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Kate Redman Amsterdam SA459QJ Netherlands 05/09/2012

Florence Humphries oxford ox107dr United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Lauren Watts Bournemouth BH1 4EP United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Joanna Menzies Bath SN13 8NZ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Cris Iles-Wright None PL21 9UP United Kingdom 05/09/2012

jordan morrison Billingham ts23 2tg United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Laura Leslie Birmingham b45 8te United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Malget Carine hobsch 8008 Luxembourg 05/09/2012

Janice Phillips Shirley, Solihull B90 4DS United Kingdom 05/09/2012

c savage saltash pl12 United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Eileen Locatelli Peterborough PE2 5TL United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Colleen Reed wachula 33872 United States 05/09/2012

Chrissy Sims Essex CO13 9BE United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Gianna de Tisi Wallingford OX10 8LA United Kingdom 05/09/2012

sarah moller Nairobi 502 Kenya 05/09/2012

Linda Odonnell Liverpool L116LR United Kingdom 05/09/2012

S Fell Launceston PL15 8BL United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Karin Isler Küsnacht 8700 Switzerland 05/09/2012

Allison Hanes San Francisco 94122 United States 05/09/2012

Tim Northam Bristol BS8 4PB United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Michelle Desilets Derby de56 2lp United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Eddy Serenity Hilo 96721 United States 05/09/2012

Sabine Yenen Istanbul 34710 Turkey 05/09/2012

Mandi T. Saratoga 95070 United States 05/09/2012

Paola Zanin Chianni Pi 56034 Italy 05/09/2012

Jodie Neale Kettering Nn14 6lf United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Drea Scott Cheshire M29 7RF United Kingdom 05/09/2012

roberta herman hillburn 10931 United States 05/09/2012

Dafydd Wynne-Jones Staffordshire WS11 8ue United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Guenter Heinze Como 22100 Italy 05/09/2012

lene hansen Randbøl 7183 Denmark 05/09/2012

Maddy Bowman Tonbridge TN11 0RT United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Veronique Tessier Bordeaux 33000 France 05/09/2012

Keith Heald Seaton PL11 3JQ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Hope Turner East Norton, Leics LE7 9XL United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Judith Green Bellingham 98225 United States 05/09/2012

kim odonnell Elgin 60123 United States 05/09/2012

Idris Jones MACHYNLLETH SY20 8EU United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Linette Didriksen Næstved 4700 Denmark 05/09/2012

Shanti Persaud Buckingham MK18 1SE United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Kari Dyrdahl Mounds View 55112 United States 05/09/2012

Gary Simpson Aldershot GU12 4LT United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Alita Harbak Frederiksberg 2000 Denmark 05/09/2012

Isabelle Cooper Cowes


7NG United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Jacquie Lyles Fairfax 22031 United States 05/09/2012

Page 12: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Jonna Lehtinen Guildford GU2 4DP United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Becky Bevan Downderry PL11 3JP United Kingdom 05/09/2012

betty tansill Edinburg 22824 United States 05/09/2012

elizabeth davidson devon ex34 0ng United Kingdom 05/09/2012

stephen bartrup ipswich ip13sx United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Caroline McLaney Bristol BS8 4BH United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Emily Drinkwater Oxfordshire ox278us United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Eleanor Dobson Gomez Oxford OX20HH United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Kate Wing London SE1 2UD United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Lauren Lansdowne Stanley DH9 9UN United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Helen Offutt Louisville 40222 United States 05/09/2012

andrea dunbar


cumbria ca14 2nh United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Tammy Denery STAPLES 56479 United States 05/09/2012

LUISA l VALENCIA 46025 Spain 05/09/2012

brian james Southampton so17 1xs United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Casey Murtagh Mount Coolum 4573 Australia 05/09/2012

Magdalena Kulesza LEICESTER LE3 0FH United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Carina Pettersson Uppsala 75643 Sweden 05/09/2012

Penny Wallace Banbury Ox16 United Kingdom 05/09/2012

R Carson Edinburgh EH30 United Kingdom 05/09/2012

priscillia miard st romain la motte 42640 France 05/09/2012

Deborah Thomas Pontypridd CF37 4PQ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Liz Maciag Peterborough Pe2 5ej United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Jacob scott truro tr113hl United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Maria Beaumont Oxford OX£ 7HW United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Susana Castejon Valencia 46010 Spain 05/09/2012

Frankie Russ Wokingham RG41 3PQ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Lina Lehmann Gießen 35390 Germany 05/09/2012

Courtney Addison Auckland 874 New Zealand 05/09/2012

Ann Pisani Overland Park 66221 United States 05/09/2012

Thomas Martin South Shields NE332HB United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Edward Jude - - United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Kristen Diederich Fayette City 15438 United States 05/09/2012

Sarah Wadsworth Ilkley Ls29 8jw United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Sophie Bulbrook Saffron Walden CB10 United Kingdom 05/09/2012

christine olle parma 44130 United States 05/09/2012

Sarah Lawrence Liphook


7HR United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Deborah Samel Wasilla 99654 United States 05/09/2012

stephen woodham corsham sn139ha United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Tania Riseam Poole Bh15 1hj United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Jan Van Steenbergen Turnhout 2300 Belgium 05/09/2012

Jennifer Law Whitby YO22 4ND United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Mary Graham Edinburgh EH6 6DR United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Anna Davis eastleigh SO53 2JX United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Page 13: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Catherine Law Whitby YO22 4ND United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Nicholas Freeman lowestoft Nr322dj United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Yulia Fabrisova MAdrid 28022 Spain 05/09/2012

Ann bateman Middlesbrough Ts6 0ez United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Ted Hill Chinnor OX39 4HB United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Bronwynne Brent Dripping Springs 78620 United States 05/09/2012

Vanessa Giannini Los Angeles 90031 United States 05/09/2012

Alex Vincett Aylesbury HP22 5HS United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Lynsey Dunne Norwich Nr148gl United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Rachel Bogan Austin 78704 United States 05/09/2012

natalie coates Plymouth PL3 5HQ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Elisa Panjang Sandakan 90000 Malaysia 05/09/2012

Adam Cutts lancashire fy55ls United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Wild Education Romford Rm2 5ar United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Nicole Whippey Bristol BS6 6HZ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Sheree Mathison Plymouth Pl51np United Kingdom 05/09/2012

David Burbidge Stockton-on-Tees ts17 8jb United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Robert Bateman Middlesbrough Ts60ez United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Alex Regueiro Loughton, Essex IG10 4NZ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Anna Riera avià 8610 Spain 05/09/2012

Claire Fitzpatrick Perth 6018 Australia 05/09/2012

Janet Horsman Sheffield S35 0J United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Gemma Bignell Newport


5HG United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Caroline Roberts Northampton 1060 United States 05/09/2012

Jan Vidar Pedersen MALM 7790 Norway 05/09/2012

Martin Fahy Birr None Ireland 05/09/2012

Shirley Delaney Wicklow none Ireland 05/09/2012

Jason DeGrauwe STAPLES 56479 United States 05/09/2012

Pam Dennis Chagrin Falls 44022 United States 05/09/2012

Innis Lother West Palm Beach 33404 United States 05/09/2012

anita trimarchi marion bay 5575 Australia 05/09/2012

kate hancock Salt Lake City 84111 United States 05/09/2012

Laura Cleveland San Francisco 94121 United States 05/09/2012

neely bryan New York 10033 United States 05/09/2012

Jennifer Johnstone Glasgow G69 OAJ United Kingdom 05/09/2012

Joel Kempson Bierton HP22 5DE United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Sarah Booley Bristol BS8 2SH United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Robbie Vaughn Douglasville 30135 United States 06/09/2012

Al Davies Hereford HR2 9SF United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Sue Littleton Australia 6112 United States 06/09/2012

marc Ancrenaz Kota Kinabalu 88300 Malaysia 06/09/2012

Virginia Keulen Sacramento 95819 United States 06/09/2012

Mark Harrison Paignton TQ3 3RP United Kingdom 06/09/2012

andrew gunn Melbourne 3043 Australia 06/09/2012

Aileen Ormesher WA 6055 Australia 06/09/2012

Page 14: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Johanna Rode Wehretal 37287 Germany 06/09/2012

dominic kelundek McFarland 93250 United States 06/09/2012

Jeanette Uhle Bietigheim 74321 Germany 06/09/2012

Sheree Kidziak Corlette 2315 Australia 06/09/2012

Astrid Innes

5085 Australia 06/09/2012

laura martin

2025 Australia 06/09/2012

Jean-Francois Virey Douai 59500 France 06/09/2012

Rikke Jensen Viby 178 Denmark 06/09/2012

Clare Radbourne Christchurch 8051 New Zealand 06/09/2012

Corinne Rice Beaverton 97007 United States 06/09/2012

Thomas Roberts London N6 4EJ United Kingdom 06/09/2012

vivienne wright london tw14 9sl United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Maureen Killip Bristol BS4 4PR United Kingdom 06/09/2012

callum turner perth ph1 5af United Kingdom 06/09/2012

de nis


Bissingen 74321 Germany 06/09/2012

Natalie Ordynski MILDURA 3502 Australia 06/09/2012

Jennifer Chambler Polegate Bn26 5bj United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Jules Powis Falmouth NW3 United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Ane Zabaleta Zuloaga Madrid 28010 Spain 06/09/2012

Jo Gamble Hebden Bridge HX7 5HL United Kingdom 06/09/2012

joanny franco Norresundby 9400 Denmark 06/09/2012

Andrew Fallan Southend-on-Sea SS2 6HW United Kingdom 06/09/2012

David Herod Looe PL131Nz United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Leeta Cornish North Perth 6006 Australia 06/09/2012

connor wyton 2QZ SY11 United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Concetta Natalello Stoke on Trent ST2 9AG United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Marlane Newbury Evesham


2LW United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Kim Van der Kiste South Brent TQ10 9AS United Kingdom 06/09/2012

kayleigh williams Cardiff CF3 1 United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Fiona Thwaites Glasgow G23 5JL United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Rowland Hunt Llandtsul SA44 5HT United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Lauren Roden St Andrews KY16 9HG United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Anne-Marie Hewitt Bromsgrove B61 9JE United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Cristina Seica Anadia 3780 Portugal 06/09/2012

Nicola Crabb Plymouth PL4 7BN United Kingdom 06/09/2012

E Woods Abdn AB1 6AY United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Emma-Jane Rogers High Wycombe HP10 9RN United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Regina King Cottage City 20722 United States 06/09/2012

diane sobel escazu 10210 Costa Rica 06/09/2012

James O'Hanlon Barry Cf62 8sg United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Tim van Berkel Falmouth TR11 2AD United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Peter Hornsby London N20 0SR United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Brigitte Marolf Egg 8132 Switzerland 06/09/2012

Karen Thompson Gloucester GL1 5PS United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Page 15: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Rachel Dechaineux Sydney 2216 Australia 06/09/2012

porscha juwa melbourne 3797 Australia 06/09/2012

Karen Lutomierski London N4 4HJ United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Steve Long Blackwater GU17 0DT United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Vanessa Rogier San Jose 95121 United States 06/09/2012

Zann Butt Walthamstow E17 8QR United Kingdom 06/09/2012

denise spaan enkhuizen 1602 hc Netherlands 06/09/2012

Stephen Coombs Durham 27707 United States 06/09/2012

Nessa Morriss Moneyrea BT23 6BY United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Chris Brown Harrow HA3 5TJ United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Nicola Ramsden Bristol BS7 8QH United Kingdom 06/09/2012

lydia smith norwich NR16 1BA United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Kay Anderson Nelson 7096 New Zealand 06/09/2012

Gemma Boyd Ilford IG6 2RW United Kingdom 06/09/2012

Marcia Douthwaite Seattle 98105 United States 07/09/2012

Nicky Parazzi wtm 8200 Kenya 07/09/2012

jonah fransson Gothenburg 41661 Sweden 07/09/2012

Lisa Clow Cwmbran NP44 3AE United Kingdom 07/09/2012

C Cullen Teignmouth TQ14 8BN United Kingdom 07/09/2012

David Jay Hove BN3 3PA United Kingdom 07/09/2012

Nicola O'Brien Nottingham ng7 7fb

United Arab

Emirates 07/09/2012

Danielle Boobyer Fife KY16 8SB United Kingdom 07/09/2012

Helen Pearson Grange-over-Sands La11 7nf United Kingdom 07/09/2012

Miranda Birt Sevenoaks TN13 3AQ United Kingdom 07/09/2012

Maria T Los Angeles

United States 07/09/2012

Kathryn Woodroffe Walsall Ws90pb United Kingdom 07/09/2012

Elizabeth O'Halloran Kettering


0DA United Kingdom 07/09/2012


keebleAngelaKeeble Stafford St16 United Kingdom 07/09/2012

billie tokins hove bn3 1qa United Kingdom 07/09/2012

maeva moissonnier bath ba2 4qq United Kingdom 07/09/2012

Ellie Wilson Peterborough PE1 3JX United Kingdom 08/09/2012

peter kikic oshawa l1g2p2 Canada 08/09/2012

Sally Goldsmith Canterbury Ct28dy United Kingdom 08/09/2012

Marilyn Sanneh Glos GL34TZ United Kingdom 08/09/2012

Dan Bramwell Bristol BS30 8QD United Kingdom 08/09/2012

Amy Clanin Washington 20009 United States 08/09/2012

Tallulah Parsons Stockport sk39pa United Kingdom 08/09/2012

Zoe Hill Doddington PE150TN United Kingdom 08/09/2012

Matthew Lumb Sheffield s8 7ty United Kingdom 08/09/2012

Alice Miles Sherborne DT9 4HN United Kingdom 08/09/2012

Monika Papoušková Trhové Sviny 37401 Czech Republic 08/09/2012

Sophia Harcourt Cary 27511 United States 08/09/2012

E Till Wednesbury Ws10 7re United Kingdom 09/09/2012

M Cash Bridgend CF32 8HG United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Page 16: Super Tiny Animals, Nycticebus pygmaeus · shows that it is very likely otherwise. The public records show that in 1985, 2 pygmy lorises were imported into the Soviet Union for ‘scientific

Judy Sale Bromsgrove B60 4EU United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Matt Cash Pontycymer

CF 32

8HG United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Imogen Birt Sevenoaks TN13 3AQ United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Marie Hamard Oxford OX4 6AZ United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Maria Carpelan Turku 20700 Finland 09/09/2012

Laura Deeming Warwickshire


0NW United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Sharon Little Sydney 2113 Australia 09/09/2012

Kate Rodway Basingstoke RG24 United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Lindsay Wilson Isle of Mull PA65 6AY United Kingdom 09/09/2012

rob smith Palm Coast 32137 United States 09/09/2012

Simon Stringer Plymouth PL3 4HP United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Tatiana Iseborn Kidlington OX5 1AZ United Kingdom 09/09/2012

laura wilson inverness IV3 8AG United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Fernando Pinzon Montreal H1P1B6 Canada 09/09/2012

Chris Hunt Bristol BS3 5QJ United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Helen Simmons Glasgow G1 3LB United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Tracey Y Frome Sh192pu United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Kitty Autumn Catopia ba14 7aa United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Guy Weston London SW20 9HL United Kingdom 09/09/2012

sarah deeming warwickshire cv13 0nw United Kingdom 09/09/2012

vicki kate orton barnsley s755jn United Kingdom 09/09/2012

jeroen smaers London


0BW United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Jen Seltzer Oceanside 92056 United States 09/09/2012

Greg Philip Toronto M6H 1X2 Canada 09/09/2012

Emma Castle-Smith Ladybank KY15 7LZ United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Nessie Van Loam Oak Park 60302 United States 09/09/2012

Naomi Hawkes-

Southern Newton Abbot TQ12 2QR United Kingdom 09/09/2012

Marieke Schenk eindhoven 5621BA Netherlands 09/09/2012

andrea giangreco Kansas City 64114 United States 10/09/2012

Irene Verduin O Savinao 27540 Spain 10/09/2012

Davina Divine England ______ United Kingdom 10/09/2012

Nancy Gibson Bangkok 10120 Thailand 10/09/2012

Denise Broooker bou bh9 1ru United Kingdom 10/09/2012

Catherine Caminade Saint Jean de Védas 34430 France 10/09/2012

Beth Walker Plymouth PL5 3LG United Kingdom 10/09/2012