SUNY Delhi Architecture Project Fall 2011

+ win·ter [win-ter] noun 1.the cold season between autumn and spring hav • ven [hey-vuh n] noun 1.a harbor or port. 2.any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylum. Winter Haven

Transcript of SUNY Delhi Architecture Project Fall 2011


win·ter  [win-ter] 


1.the cold season between autumn and spring 

hav • ven [hey-vuh n] 


1.a harbor or port.

2.any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylum.

Winter Haven


KYC (know your client)Who are Chris and Nancy


+What is important to Chris and

Nancy Sigerson?



It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.  ~Author Unknown

Why this project?

It all began with a dream…

+Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. John F. Kennedy 

+Looking for that peace we found

+And in Delhi we found 57 acres of paradise…

+2005 Plans were made, plans changed, life marched on. Delhi remained.

+Change always comes bearing gifts.  ~Price Pritchett

+Change brings challenges. Now the need for solutions.



+This is where YOU come in.

+Why not sponsor a competition and have the SUNY – Delhi students help us design a house?

+What do we need? What are the parameters? What are the possibilities?

+Whatever good things we build end up building us. Jim Rohn 

+What do we need/want? We want to build our dream house but also provide a home for our extended family.

+For years we have been a gathering place for friends and their families as well. We want to continue the tradition of being a welcoming place of fun, family, refuge, beauty, and peace.

+Nuts and Bolts

+When a man’s home is born

out of his heart and

developed through his labor

and perfected through his

sense of beauty, it is the

very cornerstone of life. ~

Gustav Stickley


+Your goal should be not to design your best house. Your goal should be to design the best house for us!


le #


+Rule #2: It’s all about the

details.“Explore some of the details that lift

a house above the ordinary, such as

thick walls, providing something

unexpected, the importance of

nostalgia, zones of retreat, flow,

light, and designing with the third

dimension.” William J. Hirsch, Jr.



+Rule # 3: Read our wish list. The wish list contains a number of items that are not relevant to the actual design of the house but which will help you understand the overall picture.

+Rule # 4: Sometimes knowing what a client does not want in their house helps you understand more fully what they do want. Here are some things we absolutely do not want in our home:

+1. No “contemporary” architecture.2. Nothing that would inspire you to mount a dead animal head on.3. We do not want a log cabin look.5. Nothing that will look dated in 20 or more years.6. No bathrooms near the dining room.7. Nothing ordinary, boring, or plain.


+Absolute must haves:

1. Use of superior walls in basement and upper floors.2. Masonry stoves in both houses. (must design foundation and floors to support these very heavy stoves)3. Wide staircases and doorways.4. Lots of light. Lots of windows.5. Thick walls. Thick arched openings.6. The design must flow from one space to the next.7. Angles, arches, architectural detail

+7. It is all about the view!!8. Handicapped/elder friendly 9. Energy efficient and as “green” as possible.10. See the handout!11. Question: Can you design a 2-story house that is elderly friendly?12. Two main floor master suites.13. PIZAZZ!!!!!!!!!!

+Now for some visuals to give you a “feel” for the styles we like:











+ Arched Cased Openings

+Interior Considerations:

Masonry Heater

















+If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go

to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up

building us. Jim Rohn

