Sun Storedge

Sun Microsystems, Inc. Submit comments about this document at: Sun St orEdge A vailability Suite 3.2 Sof tware Release Notes Part No. 817-2782-10 December 2003, Revision A

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Sun Microsystems,

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Sun StorEdge™

Availability Suite 3.2 SoftwareRelease Notes

Part No. 817-2782-10December 2003, Revision A

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Copyright© 2003Sun Microsystems,Inc.,4150 Network Circle,Santa Clara, California 95054,U.S.A. All rights reserved.

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Remote Mirror Softw are N ew Features 2

Disk-based Asynchronou s Queues 2

Multiple Asynchronous Flusher Thread s 3

Write Coalescing 3Protocol Chan ges 3

Point-in-Time Cop y Softwa re N ew Featur es 4

Caching of Bitmaps On ly 4

EBS Pow erSnap Integrat ion 4

Other New Features 4System Requirements 5

Sup ported Software and Hard ware In a Nonclustered Environment 5

Sup ported Sun Cluster Software 6

Known Issues and Bugs 7

Known Issues 7Shad ow Volum e Size 7

Accessing Statistics 8

Bitmap Volume Placement 8

Rebooting Your Server Using th e shutdown Com m an d 8

Up grad ing th e Solaris OS with th e Availability Suite 3.2 SoftwareInstalled 8

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iv Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes • December 2003

Creating and Configuring Sun StorEdge Volum e Sets 9

Fast Write Cache N ot Supp orted 9

Configura ble Maximum Nu mber of Devices That Can be Hand led byStorEdge Data Services 9

Bugs 10

Release Docum entation 10

Service Contact Informa tion 11

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Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2Software Release Notes

This docum ent contains important information abou t the Sun StorEdge™Availability Suite 3.2 software that was not available at the time the productdocum entation was pu blished. Read th is docum ent so that you are awa re of issuesor requirements that can impact the installation and operation of the Sun StorEdge

Availability Suite 3.2 software.s “Remote Mirror Software N ew Features” on page 2

s “Point-in-Time Copy Software New Features” on page 4

s “Other New Features” on page 4

s “System Requirements” on page 5

s “Known Issues and Bugs” on p age 7

s “Release Documentation” on page 10

s “Service Contact Information” on page 11

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2 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes • December 2003

Remote Mirror Softw are New FeaturesThe following features are new to the remote mirror software with the Sun StorEdgeAvailability Suite 3.2 softwa re r elease.

Disk-based Asynchronous Queu es

Data can be queu ed on disk as well as in m emory. Memory-based qu eues are thedefault. Disk-based queu es allow:

s Larger local queu es in asynchronous rep lication m ode

s Larger bursts of I/ O activity withou t imp acting ap plication response time

If a disk-based queu e fills u p, the remote m irror softwa re goes to n on-blocking, orscoreboarding mod e.

 Blocking Mode

Blocking mod e ensures w rite ordering of the p ackets to the seconda ry site. It is thedefault mode when operating in asynchronous mode.

If the asynchronous qu eue fills up wh en the software is running in blocking mod e,the response time to the ap plication can be affected adversely because the softwaremu st acknowledge each write operation before removing it from the queu e. New

wr ite opertions are blocked from the qu eue u ntil space is available.

 N on-Blocking M ode

Non -blocking m ode is optional in asynchronou s operation. In this mod e, if theasynchronous queu e fills up , software discards the queu e is discarded and goes intologging m ode.

In logging m ode, the ap plication’s w rite operations are not blocked, but w riteordering is lost because scoreboarding keeps tr ack of changed sectors, not the ord erof changes. However, the app lication sees no significant d egradation in responsetime.

To synchronize data on the primary and secondary sites after the filling of the queueand subsequent entry into logging mode, perform an update synchronization.

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Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes 3

Multiple Asynchronous Flusher Threads

The software now h as the ability to use multip le flush er thread s to increase the drain

rate from the asynchron ous qu eues. This allows multip le I/ Os per consistency groupor set on the netw ork at one time. The default num ber of queue-flushing threads istwo. If you prefer to use a remote mirror operation similar to the one in version 3.1,set the flusher threads to on e. For enhan ced performan ce in a low-latency networkenvironment, increase the num ber of threads to greater than tw o.

When u sing multiple threads, write operations often arr ive at the secondar y site outof sequence. To prevent any p roblems at the secondary site, sequence num bers areadd ed to all data w rite operations at the primary site. The seconda ry site manages

the incoming data based on the sequence num bers, essentially restoring the w riteorder. Write operations that arrive out of order a re stored in mem ory un til previouswr ite operations arrive.

The use of multiple asynchronous flusher thread s on the p rimary site requires moremem ory at the secondar y site. Each set can result in a m aximu m of 64 pend ingrequests in memory at the secondar y site. The memory requ irements for thesecondar y site dep end on the num ber of group s or sets tracked, the number of requests, and the size of the wr ite operations.

When th e nu mber of requests for a group or set reaches 64, the second ary siteprevents the p rimary site from issuing any m ore requests for that grou p or set. If mem ory is not available w hen a packet arrives, the pa cket is rejected a nd all groupsand sets go into logging mod e at the secondary site.

Write Coalescing

If possible, the remote mirror software combines, or coalesces, multiple sequentialwr ite operations to the pr imary volum e into a single network wr ite operation. Thesize of the w rite operations and the netw ork p acket size affect the rem ote mirrorsoftware’s ability to coalesce the write operations. Write coalescing provides twoimportant ad vantages:

s Improves the asynchronous queu e’s drain rate


Improves network bandwidth utilization

Protocol Changes

The protocol now takes advan tage of the software’s imp roved asynchronou sflushing rate an d its improved usage of network ban dw idth. The protocol has beenenhanced to w ork efficiently with the n ew d isk-based asynchronous qu eues and theassociated m ultiple flusher threads.

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4 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes • December 2003

Point-in-Time Cop y Softw are NewFeaturesThe following features are new to the p oint-in-time copy software w ith the SunStorEd ge Availability Suite 3.2 software release.

Caching of Bitmap s On lyIn Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 point-in-time copy software, d ata is no long ercached. Bitmaps are cached. To simplify the data path, the read cache is availableonly for bitmap volumes. The ability to use the read cache on data volumes is nolonger provided . Because many disk arrays, app lications, and file systems p rovideread an d wr ite caching, this change d oes not ad versely affect produ ct performance.

EBS PowerSnap IntegrationThe point-in-time copy software is now integrated with the Sun StorEdge EBS(Legato NetWorker) 7.1 PowerSnap module.

Other New FeaturesThe following featu res are also in th e Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 softw are:

s dsstat utility: The following comm and s provided in previous versions have beenremoved and are replaced with the /usr/opt/SUNWesm/sbin/dsstat utility:

s /usr/opt/SUNWesm/sbin/sndrstat

s /usr/opt/SUNWesm/sbin/scmadm -S

s HA StoragePlus: This resource type in Sun™ Cluster 3.n environments is nowsupported.

s Increased Storage Volume Limit: The default limit for storage volumes in use isincreased from 1024 in the earlier versions of the softwa re to 4096 storagevolumes in the current version. To increase the n um ber of storage volumes, seeth e Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Installation Guide.

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Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes 5

System Requirements

Supported Software and Hardw are In aNonclustered Environment

TABLE 1 shows the supported software in a nonclustered environment.

TABLE 2 shows the supported hardware in a nonclustered environment.

If you have a SunSolveSM service subscription, patches are available at

TABLE 1 Supported Software, Nonclustered Environments

Operating Environment and Software Patches Required

Solaris™ 8 Operating System(Solaris OS)


Sola ris 9 OS (u p d at e 3 or h ig her ) No ne

Sun StorEdg e Availability Suite 3.2remote mirror software


TCP/ IP network transp ort such asSunATM™ or Gigabit Ethernet



Sun StorEdg e Availability Suite 3.2point-in-time copy software


Volu me ma na ger so ft war e • Su n So lst ice D isk Su it e™ so ft war e

• Solaris Volume Mana ger

• VERITAS Volum e Manag er

The Sun StorEdge software d oes not supp ort

metatran s devices created by u sing the SunSolstice DiskSuite a nd Solaris Volum e Man ager.

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6 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes • December 2003

Supported Sun Cluster Software

The Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 software is comp atible with the followingversions of Sun Cluster software:

s Sun Cluster 3.0 Upd ate 3

s Sun Cluster 3.1

Note – If you are using any version of the Solaris 8 operating system with SunCluster 2.2, you cann ot install Sun StorEdg e Availability Suite 3.2 softw are. Theprod ucts are incompatible.

See th e Sun Cluster 3.0/3.1 and Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Integration

Guide for more information.

TABLE 2 Sup ported Hard ware, Nonclustered Environments

Hardware A CD-ROM drive connected to th e host server w here the Availability Suitesoftware is to be installed.

If you plan to export shadow volumes, you must store the shadow volume on adu al-ported drive.

The Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 software is supported on any Sun serveror w orkstation that has an UltraSparc II or later processor and tha t is runn ing asup ported version of the Solaris OS. Hosts includ e but are n ot limited to:

• Sun Enter pr ise™ 220R, 250, 420R, and 450 servers• Sun Ent erp rise 3500, 4500, 5500, 6500, and 10000 servers

• Sun Fire™ 3800, 4800, 4810, and 6800 serv ers

• Sun Fire 15K server

• Sun Ultra ™ 60 and 80 workstations

• Sun Blade™ 100 and 1000 wor kstations

• Sun N etra™ t 1400/ 1405 and 1120/ 1125 servers

Disk Space

Allocate ap proximately 15 Mbytes for the installation.• The remote mirror software requires approximately 1.7 Mbytes.

• The point-in-time copy software requires app roximately 1.9 Mbytes.

• The Sun StorEdge configuration location requ ires 5.5 Mbytes.

• Sup porting packages require app roximately 5.4 Mbytes.


The remote mirror software is storage-hardware independent.

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Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes 7

Known Issues and BugsThis section discusses issues that affect how you can use the software effectively.

Known Issues

This section d escribes issues w hen using the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2


Shadow Volume Size

The software returns th e following error m essage in several circumstances wh en theshad ow volu me of a point -in-time copy volum e set is not the sam e size as the mastervolume.

Whenever a point-in-time copy snapshot is taken, the volum e that is used to createthe snap shot, the shadow volume, is mad e to look exactly like the master volum e,including matching the num ber of blocks. If the m aster volume is larger or smallerthan th e shadow volume’s physical size, the shad ow volum e app ears to be resized at

the m oment th e snapshot is taken. Physically, the shadow volume h as not changedsize, but the point-in-time copy kernel mod ule always rep orts its size to be the samesize as the master volum e. This can present several problems with th e remote mirrorsoftware, w hich does not expect the size of the volum e to change:

s If you p lan to use a remote mirror primar y or secondar y volume as a point-in-time copy shad ow volum e, the master and the shadow of that volume set must beexactly the same size. If they are different, you get an error wh en attemp ting toenable the point-in-time copy v olume set w ith the iiadm -e command.

s You might also see this error during a disable iiadm -d command. If theshadow volume of the existing point-in-time copy volume set is not the same sizeas the master volume and a remote mirror volume set was enabled using thatshadow volume as the p rimary or secondary, the point-in-time copy softwarestops you from p erforming the disable operation.

Another package would not allow target to be changed at this moment

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8 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes • December 2003

Accessing Statistics

The dsstat utility is now the only source of statistics for the operation of thesoftware. The u tility, sndrstat, is no longer sup ported . See the Sun StorEdge

 Availability Suite 3.2 Administration and Operations Guid e for details of the dsstat


Bitmap Volume Placement

Due to the read -modify-wr ite behavior of point-in-time bitmap volumes, placingmany of them on a single RAID-5 volume introduces high I/ O contention involvingthe disks associated with the RAID-5 volume. This I/ O contention is noticeable atvolume u nm ounting time, as seen w hen an app lication suite or system is beingshutdown. Place bitmap volumes on RAID-1 sets, multiple RAID-5 sets, or on acached-array disk controller.

Rebooting Your Server Using the shutdown Command

When you install, remove, or reinstall the software, shutdow n the system a nd restartin single-user mod e. This provides the following p rotection wh ile you are w orking:

s Prevents other u sers from getting access to data volumes

s Prevents the volum es from u nm ounting au tomatically

When you have completed these procedures, shut down and restart in multi-usermode.

Caution – Do not use the reboot command. Always use the shutdown command.The shutdown command ensures that any shutdown scripts in the /etc/init.d

directory are executed .

Upgrading the Solaris OS with the Availability Suite 3.2

Software InstalledIf you installed the Sun StorEdg e Availability Suite 3.2 software in one Solaris OSand now wish to u pgrad e to a new er release of the Solaris OS, follow this procedure:

1. Remove the Sun StorEdge Availability S uite 3.2 software.

2. Upgrade the operating environment.

3. Reinstall the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 software.

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Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes 9

Creating an d Configuring Sun StorEdge Volum e Sets

Caution – Only one system ad ministrator or root user at a time can create andconfigure Sun StorEdge shadow volume sets. This helps avoid inconsistency in theSun StorEdge configuration.

The operations that access the configuration includ e, but a re not limited to:

s Creating and deleting shadow volume sets

s Adding and removing shadow volume sets from I/ O groups

s Assigning new bitmap volumes to a shadow volume sets Upd ating the disk device group or resource name

s Any operation that changes the Sun StorEdge and related shad ow volum e setconfiguration

Fast Write Cache Not Sup por ted

Fast Write Cache is no longer sup por ted so wh en you use the scmadm -o command,the w rite hints, wrthru an d nowrthru, are no longer displayed. In ad dition, thewrite hints are no longer displayed when the scmadm comman d is run w ith noarguments.

Configurable Maximum Number of Devices That Can be

Hand led by StorEdge Data ServicesIn this release, the default limit of sv-enabled devices has increased to 4096 devicesfrom th e d efault limit of 1024 devices in th e Availability Suite 3.1 release. If you areusing VERITAS Volume Man ager volum es and you have m ore than app roximately2250 volumes in any one disk group, the VERITAS Volume Manager might beuna ble to start the volum es after a reboot and then report that the configurationrequ est is too large. If the VERITAS volumes fail to start , the Availability Suitesoftware is also u nable to resum e the d evices.

Resolve this problem by ad ding a second volume m anager d isk group and bydividing the volum es between the tw o disk groups. For add itional information, seeth e Sun Cluster 3.0/3.1 and Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Integration

Guide, and the Sun Cluster 3.0/3.1 and Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software

 Release Note Supplement .

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10 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes • December 2003

Bugss 4930424: The software allows you to specify a disk queue of greater than 1 TB

although this creates an error condition.

Work around: None. Do not specify a d isk queue larger than the m aximu m size,1 TB.

s 4942385: Long volume names cause warning messages to be cut off due to a

buffer limitation. If you are using long volume names, some errors may be cut

off early.

s 4942997: sndr: sndradm unkno wn host: vol printed in ds.log

diskq operations are printing “unknown” when logging to ds.log.s 4943430: Availability Suite 3.2 TNF racing panics a Solaris 8 system .

Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 TNF tracing on any system running theseoperating environments cause the system to pa nic:

s Solaris 8, FCS initial releases Solaris 8, 10/ 00 release (also known a s Up da te 1)

Work around: Do not initiate TNF tracing w ith the prex -k comm and on anysystem r unn ing an operating env ironment p rior to Solaris 8, Upd ate.

s 4943317: Availability Suite 3.2 on a Solaris 8 system outputs unnecessary error

message during shut down.

Executing /etc/shutdown on a system run ning Solaris 8 and Sun StorEdgeAvailability Suite 3.2 cau ses the following m essage to be d isplayed on th e console:

As the Solaris 8 system is shu tting dow n, this irrelevant m essage will bedisplayed. the nskernd daem on w ill be stopp ed su ccessfully and w ill notprevent a clean system shut down.

Release Docum entationThe produ ct documentation is located on the prod uct CD in Ad obe® Acrobat (PDF)format. To get access to this documentation:

1. Change to the root user.

2. Insert the product CD into the CD-ROM drive that is connected to your system.

scmadm: cache has been deconfigured

Cannot stop nskernd: 2 kernel threads still running

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Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes 11

3. If the Volume Manager daemon vold(1M) is not started, use the following

command to start it. This allows the CD to automount the /cdrom directory.

4. Change to the Docs directory.

From this location, you can view the d ocumentation u sing the free Adobe AcrobatReader software. If you do n ot have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, this CDprovides it in the /cdrom/cdrom0/Acro_Read directory. Install this to y our localmachine. The software is also available from Adobe Systems at

Service Contact Inform ationIf you need help installing or u sing this p rod uct, call 1-800-USA-4SUN , or go to:

# /etc/init.d/volmgt start

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Docs

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12 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Release Notes • December 2003