SUN-STAR OF PERU REFLECTS NEW JERUSALEM & GIZA GREAT ... · aliens, as Erich von Däniken suggests...

SUN-STAR OF PERU REFLECTS NEW JERUSALEM & GIZA GREAT PYRAMID Section IV, Part 7, (B) The Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon By Doug Krieger The Largest Rhombus “behind” the 8 x 8 Square – the “Crisscrossed Square” What appears to some who have viewed the Peruvian Sun-Star are naught but mysterious ancients carving undiscernibly, astronomical hieroglyphics in the sands of time. Perhaps this Geoglyph had some cultural meaning relating to the sun for the peoples of the Andes were enamored by the sun and could have etched into the world’s most arid and windless plain these enigmatic geometric figures to communicate with the heavens in some way or better yet, they were inscribed by

Transcript of SUN-STAR OF PERU REFLECTS NEW JERUSALEM & GIZA GREAT ... · aliens, as Erich von Däniken suggests...

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Section IV, Part 7, (B)

The Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon By Doug Krieger

The Largest Rhombus – “behind” the 8 x 8 Square – the

“Crisscrossed Square”

What appears to some who have viewed the Peruvian Sun-Star are naught but

mysterious ancients carving undiscernibly, astronomical hieroglyphics in the sands

of time. Perhaps this Geoglyph had some cultural meaning relating to the sun – for

the peoples of the Andes were enamored by the sun and could have etched into the

world’s most arid and windless plain these enigmatic geometric figures to

communicate with the heavens in some way – or better yet, they were inscribed by

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aliens, as Erich von Däniken suggests – and, therefore, the Peruvian Sun-Star and

Cross are nothing more than remnants of a pre-historic landing pad for

extraterrestrial spacecraft – the Cross is somehow “X” marks the spot! Now comes

the time in history where one of Earth’s greatest treasures readies the disclosure of

what could be the belated Eighth Wonder of the World!

This particular Geoglyph has confounded the most astute archaeologists and

anthropologists since its discoveries were accorded merit in the 1930s. Now, we

affirm, for the first time, their (i.e., the Sun-Star and its satellite Sun-Cross)

mysteries may be decoded for the glory of God – “in the face of Jesus Christ!” – no

less…let us continue with this second disbursement of metrological calculations

leading us to the conclusion that what we behold here is nothing less than the most

significant archaeological discovery validating the dimensions of Paradise – the

New Jerusalem and of Messiah – His first and Second Coming.

How could this octagonal masterpiece of ancient calibration declare the merits of

the Cross and concepts so peculiar to Judeo-Christianity and monotheism in

general when it has always been assumed by most in-the-know anthropologists and

historians, such advanced and generally recognized superior religious elements

were literally millennia in-the-future discoveries by more advanced civilizations


Octagonal – wherein the number “8” suggests a time of “new beginning” – frankly,

of the First Day of Resurrection Life – the day after the Sabbath, the First Day of

the Week – and, if you would, a great time for skeptics, like Thomas, of whom it

was said that “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger

into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I WILL NOT BELIEVE.”

(John 21:25)

Interestingly enough, it was John, the same John who declared the dimensions of

Paradise in the Revelation, who wrote this next verse regarding Doubting Thomas

– but this time you’ll read something entirely different:

“And after EIGHT DAYS His disciples were again inside and Thomas with them.

Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, ‘Peace to you!’

Then he said to Thomas, ‘Reach your finger here and look at My hands, and reach

your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.’

And Thomas answered and said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Jesus said to

him, ‘Thomas, because you have seen Me you have believed. Blessed are those

who have not seen and yet have believed.’” (John 21:26-29).

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And so, the skeptic, the disbelieving, the doubter and those into scientific

observation must wait EIGHT DAYS before their skepticism, disbelief, doubt and

scientific obfuscations are exposed for what they are: unbelief! But wait a minute

– Jesus fully understood the “problem” but waited those eight days of what must

have been for Thomas, days of agonizing unbelief. What Thomas needed was an

OCTAGONAL MIRACLE and he got it!

A bit ostentatious to make such a sweeping geometric generality and then to

assume the Land of the Inca – rather before the Inca – somehow grasped such

celestial concepts (as the eighth day) to the extent they were able to leave an

indelible record of their advancement. So, is it worth the read – a read that is

strenuous in its confirmations but worthy of the effort…for if our calculations are

correct and mirror those of the New Jerusalem, as well as astronomical distances

and planetary dimensions, to say nothing of other ancient metrologies such as those

found at the Great Pyramid of Giza which bear witness to the accuracies of Peru’s

Sun-Star and Cross, then we have in these Palpa Mountains the rarest of geometric

treasures ever discovered on earth…let us continue….

The Diamond-Shaped Rhombus

The largest Rhombus (capitalized from here on out) – at its vertices – extends the

width and length (which are the same) within the Largest of the six squares – i.e.,

its points/corners extend 12 full 26.4’ x 26.4’ blocks from “north to south” and

from “east to west” – i.e., the corners/vertices of the Rhombus touch the four

center sides of the Largest of Six Squares – the “perimeter square which is 12 x 12

similar blocks in width and length and which constitute the Sun-Star’s 144 small

square “platform” upon which all six Larger Squares, all six Circles within the

Larger Squares and all six Rhombi, also enclosed within the Larger Squares are to

be found.

I have stopped the extension of the squares in the introductory drawing to highlight

what “appears” on the real-life drawing – i.e., several more Larger Squares actually

can fit into the 12 x 12 (a 10 x 10 Larger Square and, of course, a 12 x 12 Larger

Square – but they are absented from the above computerized drawing). This

colorful computerized drawing illuminates how the octagon is created by having

the 8 x 8 Larger Square ( 8 each 26.4’ x 26.4’ blocks) placed atop the 6 x 6

“diagonal” and largest of the six Rhombi; however, be it duly noted that the

squares extend their perimeters to eventually encompass the six Rhombi adding

two larger squares and, thereby forming 6 Larger Squares (adding a 10 x 10 Larger

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Square and the complete 12 x 12 Larger Square – thus, a total of 6 Larger Squares

to match the 6 Rhombi – and, eventually there would be 6 circles (all drawn within

squares) to equal the number of the Larger Squares (6) and the Rhombi (6) –

thusly, 6 Larger Squares, 6 Rhombi and 6 Circles all formed on the backdrop of the

144 smaller squares of 26.4’ x 26.4’ - an incredible geometric picture of the Sun of

Righteousness and the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, the Bride of Messiah.

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The 45° Rhombus (diamond-shaped square) is, via its “slanted degree,” as seen, 4

+ 5 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness. We will declare the numeric significance of

“9” throughout this segment and its merits in further articles.

Each point on the Rhombus may be considered a 45° “tilt” – therefore, 4 (sides

each of the largest Rhombi, the “6 x 6 Rhombus” – using, in this case, the

“diagonal” as a numeric descriptive) * 45° = 180° or “18” – in other words, the

“essence of the Rhombus” is exceedingly significant and projects the New

Jerusalem in its “tilt.” There are, however, 6 sets of such “concentric” Rhombi in

the Peruvian Sun-Star; therefore, 6 * 180° = 1,080° = “18” or “9” (1 + 8 = 9 and 9

* 9 = 81 = 9).

The “beauty” of the Rhombi in expressing the reflection of the prime measurement

of the New Jerusalem’s 18,000 miles in this manner is truly breathtaking – as a

single Rhombus (180°) and then as the entire 6 separate Rhombi (1080°).

Incidentally, the “Moon reflects the Sun” (Revelation 12) – this is duly noted in the

fact that “1080” is the radius in miles of Earth’s Moon. In astrological essence,

without the Sun the Moon would be wholly obscure to the naked eye.

The Six Squares and Six Rhombi Compliment Each Other

This, of course, is complimented by the 6 squares (larger) which are laid over the 6

Rhombi (i.e., they enclose each of the circles and each Rhombus). Each of these

six squares has 360° per square (i.e., 4 ea. 90° right angles in each square) or 6

(larger squares) * 360° = 2,160° = this number has ample ramifications:

216 = the Name of God

2160 = 2160 Miles Diameter of the Moon

21,600 Mile Circumference of the Nautical Earth

2160 Years = 1/12th

of the Great Precessional or “30” (12 * 30 = 360°)

30 = Messiah’s Ministry Commencement

2 + 1 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

The “interior” of the Rhombus has four 90° angles as well or 4 * 90° = 360° with a

comparable grand total for 6 Rhombi of 6 * 360° = 2160° - when both the 6

squares and the 6 Rhombi are added together as in 2160° + 2160° the total is:

4320° = 4 + 3 + 2 = “9” = THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS; therefore, the Sun-

Star is inescapably designed to reflect the coming Sun of Righteousness Who shall

arise with healing in His wings – having “clothed the Woman” with the Sun – for

He is her righteousness – her protector from the Dragon and her Bridegroom to be!

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Indeed, the “4” is equal to the creation/creature (mankind) + the Triune God (3) –

when these “2” (i.e., 4 + 3 + 2) are brought together by the Sun of Righteousness

(9) there will descend from the “heavens” the New Jerusalem (4 + 3 + 2 = 9) –

“prepared as a Bride adorned for her beloved Bridegroom” – her Sun of

Righteousness! Please note: Though the Holy City inhabitants “originate on

Earth” – their “preparation” is “heavenly designed” – thence, the Holy City

“descends” from heaven as a Bride prepared for her Husband, the Sun of

Righteousness. Yet, as my blogging brother, Mario from Peru would remind

me…the Heavenly City “descends” to the Earth – but her heavenly character is

maintained, nevertheless!

Then, and then only, will there be “perfect societal harmony” – peace, justice

under the Sun or Righteousness and, Mario, on the Earth (i.e., the “sanctification of

the Earth) – for when we add in the 1080° of the six Rhombi we discover: 1080° +

4320° = 5400° = “54” and this is wholly based upon Him, our Sun of

Righteousness – DO YOU SEE IT? Oh, I would that you would – for this 5 + 4 =

“9” and His brilliance overwhelms – for in that Holy City: It “…had no need of

the Sun or of the Moon to shine, for the very glory of God illuminated it…The

Lamb is its light” (Revelation 21:23). As the Larger Squares are expanded out to

the 12 x 12 perimeter (2 additional Larger Squares) it would add in each square an

additional 360° to account for 4 each 90° corner of each square; thusly, 2

additional larger squares * 360° = 720°. When this number of degrees is added to

the already 5400° we arrive at 6120° which also bears the imprint of the Sun of

Righteousness in that 6 + 1 + 2 = 9.

Some have suggested that these sets of “6” concentric objects of the Sun-Star are

indicative of the approximate six millennia the Earth has experienced with

humankind – in any event, this “6” answers to Man (i.e., “Man’s Number – for he

was created on the Sixth Day”). The “fullness of humankind” is the “Number of a

Man” which in Revelation 13 is that of the Beast, which bears the “666” – the

Number of a Man; even so, “Man without the 6 concentric Larger Squares, the 6

concentric Rhombi, and the 6 concentric Circles will become a man without God

and without God’s Eternal Purpose of the New Jerusalem – he will be but a Beast!

How desperately Man (6) needs the fullness of the Sun-Star, the 666 designed

under the Almighty’s architecture, and not the Great City, Babylon, made to be

occupied by the Beast.

However, be it duly noted that the Six Circles which are formed within the

Peruvian Sun-Star are each 360° in circumference – therefore: 6 * 360° = 2160°

(interestingly enough, the diameter of the Moon in and of itself is “9” as in 2 + 1 +

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6 = 9, as the Sun of Righteousness whose light reflects off the Woman in

Revelation 12 upon the Moon, for the Moon is beneath her feet and she, of course,

is “clothed with the Sun”). Therefore, we must take all these 6 Rhombi, 6 Squares

and 6 Circles as a grand total: 6 Rhombi (interior 90° angles = 360°) * 360° =

2160° + 6 Larger Squares * 360° each (counting each squares’ four 90° corners) =

2160° + 6 Circles at 360° each = 2160° = 6,480° = 6 + 4 + 8 = “18” = The

Standard Measurement of the New Jerusalem – therefore, each 2160 (or 2 + 1 + 6

= 9) as “9” tallies to the New Jerusalem – the “Bridegroom/Sun of Righteousness”

is for His Bride (18) and this “18” is a total reflection of the Sun of Righteousness

herself for 1 + 8 = 9.

Furthermore, to this 666 (6 Rhombi, 6 Squares, 6 Circles) sum of 6480° could be

added at each pronounced 45° degree angle of the Rhombi additional degrees in its

geometric beauty – i.e., there are two 45° angles at the corner/tip of each Rhombus

or 45° + 45° = 90° and there are 4 such corners per Rhombus or 4 * 90° = 360° -

and then there are six such Rhombi or 360° * 6 = 2160°. Now when this 2160° is

added to the 6480° of the 666 (i.e., Larger Squares, Rhombi and Circles) we arrive

at: 2160° + 6480° = 8640°. This 8640° is a fractal (resemblance) of the Sun’s

actual diameter of 864,000 miles or 864 = 864 and this 8 + 6 + 4 = “18” which is

the Standard Measurement of the New Jerusalem and is likewise, 1 + 8 = 9, the

Sun of Righteousness Himself!

The large 8 x 8 square (crisscrossed at its corners) has been superimposed upon a

backdrop of 144 small squares (12 by 12 and each measuring 26.4’ by 26.4’).

Consequently, since the Rhombus extends two square lengths beyond the

“crisscrossed square”) room is easily made for two additional “large squares”

beyond the visible crisscrossed square (We’ve already discussed the largest such

square of 12 by 12). The first beyond the crisscrossed large square of 8 by 8 would

be a square 10 by 10 and, finally, at the perimeter would be the “144” square or the

largest being a square of 12 by 12 small squares.

There is another square in the center of the Sun Star which is 2 by 2; then the

second square of 4 by 4; then the third, 6 by 6; then the crisscrossed square – 8 by

8; then the two beyond it – the 10 by 10 and the 12 by 12 (six “larger squares” in


Please note the illustrations/graphics below:

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The large “crisscrossed square” is 26.4’ x 8 (small squares) = 211.2 linear feet by

211.2 linear feet and, therefore, other mathematical perspectives may be observed:

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2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = “6”

It is at this juncture, as well, we should recite Michell’s marvelous critique of “6” –

“A perfect number (i.e., “6”), as defined since ancient times, is a number that is the

sum of its factors. The factors of 6 are 1, 2, and 3, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. The next

perfect number is 28 because the sum of its factors, 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14, equals 28.

“The third such number is 496, and after that perfect numbers become even rarer,

33,550,336 being only the fifth. Six is not only the first perfect number, it is

unique in being doubly perfect because, as well as being the sum of its factors, it is

their product also, for 1 x 2 x 3 = 6.” (How the World is Made, p. 119)

All this, and the fact that the Almighty moved the perfection – the pinnacle of his

creation – unto the sixth day – thus, man was created…as in the “image of God”…

Now, before we examine the Rhombi more carefully – a review of the 45° diagonal

would be appropriate in that the Rhombi are perfectly attuned within any of the

144 squares to cross directly over the smaller 26.4’ x 26.4’ squares at their vertices

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(45° angles – from the 90° angle of the square to its opposite side 90° at a 45°


Now, we will commence our analysis from the largest Rhombus to the smallest

one which occupies the “Throne Room of God” – the “Innermost Rhombus.”

Also, let’s keep in mind that all the Rhombi and all the Larger Squares are formed

“inside” the circles.

Theoretically, an “additional circle” is “tolerated” inside the “Innermost Rhombus”

– however, because of the symmetry of the Larger Squares this would not be

permitted…notwithstanding, if “seven circles” were so formed we would be

looking at 7 each, 360° circumferences or 7 * 360° = 2520° which is 2 + 5 + 2 = 9

= Sun of Righteousness (just as 216 = 9 @ 6 * 360° circles).

This 2520, however, is remarkable in that the measurement of the Sacred Cubit as

we have shared elsewhere is equal to 25.20” – thus, the Innermost of the Innermost

Circle, if you would, confirms that all of our calculations are under “divine

measurement” – quite fascinating.

Finally, if we added this SEVENTH CIRCLE on the interior of the Innermost

Rhombus to the “grand total” of 8640° aforementioned we would arrive at a most

incredible final tally wherein the Sun of Righteousness is wholly revealed within

the final object of the Seventh Circle:

8640° + 360° (Seventh Circle) = 9000° = “9” = Sun of Righteousness

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(Dark Green in Graphic)

DIAGONAL OF THE 26.4’ x 26.4’ SQ. = 37.224’ (18) – LINEAR FEET

The 6 x 6 Rhombus – the Largest of 6 Rhombi


Largest Rhombus – Extending the perimeter of the 144 Squares

The Small 26.4’ x 26.4’ Squares

The diagonal measurement of a 26.4’ x 26.4’ square is 37.224’ = 18

3 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 18 New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

The 8 x 8 Largest Square Rhombus

The 8 x 8 Larger Square “sets over” the Largest Rhombus – 1 Edge = 6 Diagonals

Largest Rhombus = 6 Diagonals * 37.224’ = 223.344’ = 18 = New Jerusalem Std.

4 Base Edges of the 6 x 6 Rhombus (Perimeter) = 4 * 223.344’ = 893.376’ =

36 Eternal God and 3 + 6 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness

Cubed Rhombus = 12 Edges = 893.376’ * 3 = 2,680.128 Linear Ft. =

27 Messiah Revealed

18 + 36 + 27 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9 or 9 * 9 = 81

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“9” = Sun of Righteousness

“81” = the precise number of DOTS on the Sun-Star’s Crisscrossed Squares

In Inches:

37.224’ * 12” = 446.688” = 36 = Eternal God (1 small sq. diagonal)

446.688” * 6 (one edge of Rhombus) = 2,680.128” = 27 Messiah Revealed

2,680.128” * 4 (four-square base edges of Rhombus) = 10,720.512” = 18

18 = the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

Cubed = 12 Edges = 10,720.512” * 3 = 32,161.536” = 27 = Messiah Revealed

All four of these linear inch measurements have a conclusive response:

One Small 26.4’ x 26.4’ Square Diagonal = 37.224’ * 12” = 446.688” = “36”

One Base Edge of the Largest Rhombus = 6 Diagonals = 2,680.128” = “27”

Four Base Edges of the Largest Rhombus = 10,720.512” = “18”

Cubed or 12 Edges of the Largest Rhombus = 32,161.536” = “27”

36 + 27 + 18 + 27 = 108 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


One Face of Largest Rhombus – as 4-square

223.344’ (6 diagonals of largest Rhombus) * 223.344’ = 49,882.542336 sq. ft.

49882542336 = 54 = Perfect Societal Harmony

5 + 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Six Faces of a Cubed/Largest Rhombus (the 6 x 6 Rhombus)

49,882,542336 sq. ft. * 6 = 299,295.254016 sq. ft. = 54 = Perfect Harmony

5 + 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

54 + 54 = 108 = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement or 9 + 9 = “18”


299,295.254016 sq. ft./43,560 sq. ft. = 6.8708736 Acres = 45

45 = the “45 Days of Blessedness” – “unto the 1,335th

Day” Daniel 12 and is

The Second Coming of Messiah to Earth – for 4 + 5 = 9 = Arising of

The Sun of Righteousness with “Healing in His Wings”

Area in Inches

1 face = 49,882.542336 sq. ft. * 144 = 7,183,086.096384 sq. in. = 63 = 6 + 3 = 9

9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed = 299,295.254016 sq. ft. * 144 = 43,098,516.578304 sq. inches =

63 = 6 + 3 = 9

9 = Sun of Righteousness

9 + 9 = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

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223.334’ * 223.334’ * 223.334’ = 11,139,470.1262237 cubic feet = “49”

49 = the Work of the Spirit of God as in 7 * 7 = 49

(Zechariah 4 = 49 “lamps” = “Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit”)

7 Lamps and 7 Conduits to Each Lamp = 7 x 7 = 49

In Cubic Inches

7,183,086.096384 sq. in. * 7183086.096384 * 7183086.096384 =

370623724201835318068.844076607 cubic inches = 124 = 1 + 2 + 4 = “7”

“7” = Perfection/Completion

7 * 7 = 49

The Largest Rhombus extends between its vertices 12 blocks of 26.4” x 26.4”

squares or 12 * 26.4” = 316.8’ which not only is “18” but is, likewise, a fractal of

the 4-square perimeter of the New Jerusalem herself as in 12,000 furlongs * 660’

(1 furlong) = 7,920,000’ * 4 (edges or the “four-square”) = 31,680,000’ or 3168 as

in the 316.8’ – therefore, 3168 = 3168. (Ref. Revelation 21:16-17)

When the 6 x 6 Rhombus is “crisscrossed” so that an identical measurement

between its other two vertices is placed into the equation we arrive at this

calculation: 316.8’ * 2 = 633.6’ which is “18” as is the 316.8’; however, this

633.6’ is “designed in this manner: 6 – 33 – 6 so that the very intersection of the

two lines connecting each of the two sets of vertices, crisscrosses in the very midst

of the Sun-Star, thereby accentuating the centrality of Messiah’s sacrifice at 33

years of age, and on either side was a man (6) – two thieves – yet, in the eternal

purposes of the Almighty, what was initially 6 = 33 = 6 or even 6 = 6 = 6 (i.e., the

“number of a man” as 666) – this One, as Messiah, was “cut off” but NOT for

Himself but to transform this 666 into “18” – the New Jerusalem. Herein is

unrelenting love, boundless love, if you would, “immeasurable” love – though the

Sixth Rhombus attempts to do so!

Later on, we will discover that the Innermost Rhombus – which occupies the

“Throne Room of God” in the Peruvian Sun Star – has a measurement at its

vertices of 2 ea. (2 small 26.4’ blocks) or 26.4’ * 2 = 52.8’. This measurement is

likewise the same for the diameter of the Innermost Circle and is the diameter, if

you would, of the Innermost Square – in other words, the Rhombus, Circle and

Innermost Square all share the same measurement/width which is 52.8’ and this

measurement in inches is: 52.8’ * 12” = 633.6” or, again, 6 – 33 – 6. Therefore,

the measurement of the Largest Rhombus at its vertices – vertices whose lines

from corner to corner intersect in a perpendicular fashion at the very heart of the

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Throne Room of God of the Peruvian Sun-Star measure 633.5’ and the

measurement of the innermost Rhombus vertices (1 each) is equal to 633.5” –

astonishing; even so – at the very center of the Throne Room of God we read this


“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from

the throne of God and of the Lamb” (Revelation 22:1) … and “I looked and

behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst

of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and

seven eyes, which are the seven Spirit of God sent out into all the earth . . .

Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne and to

the Lamb, forever and ever!” (Revelation 5:6, 13) . . . “And the kings of the earth,

the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and

every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains and

said to the mountains, and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who

sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!’ …(Revelation 6:15-16);..”for

the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to

living fountains of waters” (Revelation 7:17).

This exceedingly power imagery see in the Apocalypse is NOT playing games

with humanity – never has. But the image of a “Lamb slain from the foundation of

the world” (Revelation 13:8), is a “cosmic vision” of the “eternal redemption” – of

the “suffering Servant” Whose eternal plan and purpose from the very “foundation

of the world” demanded a redemptive sacrifice – an imputed righteousness be

given to humanity. The Father loved the Son – and as Abraham offered up Isaac,

even so, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that

whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Forever there will be a LAMB UPON THE THRONE – the eternal sign which has

always been in the plan of God. He knew we would fail and would fall – but God

has always had a plan and that plan demanded a Throne Room wherein upon that

Throne would be the CENTRALITY OF THE CROSS OF MESSIAH – and the

Almighty forever knew this in eternity past that “right standing before God

Almighty” would come through God’s “perfect sacrifice” to suffice all

righteousness – even so, the Sun of Righteousness.

We cannot comprehend such cosmic wonderment – but it was always there –

therefore, a thousand-plus years before He was “cut off” – before He was slain as

the “Lamb of God” – etched in the craggy soils of the most barren land was the

Plan of God Almighty and the Cross wherein the Lamb slain from the foundations

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of the Earth could be seen by all – and see so clearly that its appearance simply

cannot be denied! Though we will speak of this later – I simply must show you

this most astounding geometric design now:

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Cubed Vertices/Diagonals of the Largest Rhombus

i.e., Facing the 2 Large Crisscrossing (in red below) = 633.6’ (2 lines)

663.6’ * 6 (faces of a cube) = 3,801.6’ = “18” = New Jerusalem Standard of

Measurement and 1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


A quick word about “12” would be helpful at this time in that the parameters of the

Largest Rhombus extends 12 by 12 – here, I defer to John Michell’s brilliance on

the matter:

“In the field of number, Twelve is the ruler of all. The entire structure of number

is basically duodecimal, and so is the cosmological diagram that depicts, through

the paradigm of number, the entire universe. Twelve is above all the number of

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order. It is the root number in the code of proportions that governs the solar

system, and it therefore plays the leading part in all aspects of cosmologically

ordered societies, wherever they arise. It may be called the framework number. In

three-dimensional geometry the number Twelve reigns supreme.” (How the World

is Made, John Michell, p. 150)

The number “12” finds itself extensively involved in the measurements and tallies

of the New Jerusalem; to wit:

*12/12s of Each Tribe of Israel – Revelation 7:5-8

12 Stars on the Woman’s Head (garland) – Revelation 12:1

Holy City’s =12 Gates – Rev. 21:12

12 Tribes of Israel/Patriarchs – Rev. 21:12

12 Angels at the Gates – Rev. 21:12

12 Foundations of the City – Rev. 21:14

12 Apostles of the Lamb – Rev. 21:14

12,000 Furlong/Reed – Rev. 21:16

12 Pearls (at 12 Gates) – Rev. 21:21

12 Manner of Fruit from the Tree of Life – Rev. 22:2

Four and Twenty Elders – 12 + 12 = 24 – Rev. 4:4, 10; 5:8, 14: 11:16; 19:4

144,000 of Revelation 14 or 12,000 * 12,000 = 144,000

(*Note: These are the “12 sets” of “12” mentioned in the Apocalypse with the

mentioning of the 12,000 – 12 times – in Rev. 7 – therefore: 12 * 12 = 144)

Likewise, and prior to moving on to the measurements of the other five Rhombi,

we are impressed that the 8 x 8 Square atop the Largest Rhombus has visually

created 8 separate pyramidion which extend beyond both the four tips of the

Largest Rhombus, as well as exposes at the four corners of the Largest Square 4

additional pyramidion for a total of 8 Pyramidion (four revealed at the points of the

Largest Rhombus and four at the corners of the 8 x 8 Larger Square).


The Sun-Star is remarkable in that it projects two distinct Rhombi (Rhombus is

singular – diamond shaped). Below are a variety of graphics – the top-right shows

the gold in the center surrounded by the red-shaped Rhombus and then the green

Rhombus extends to the perimeter of the 144 squares comprising the Sun-Star’s

“platform” and appears to extend on all four of its points over the visible square

which is 8 x 8 of the 26.4’ x 26.4’ 144 squares, like smaller pyramids (i.e., in the

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top left quadrant the large blue square is superimposed over the top of the indigo

(dark purple) Rhombus).

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The four “pyramids” so created by this imposition of the square over the Rhombus

designs these pyramids at the Largest Rhombus’ vertices as follows:

Four Largest Rhombus Pyramidion

(Note: We speak of the 4 Pyramidion of the Rhombus; however, there are 4

additional Pyramidion on the Larger Square for a total of 8 Pyramidion)

Rhombus Pyramidion Base Edge = 4 squares in Length or 26.4’ * 4 = 105.6’

Two Squares in Height or 26.4’ * 2 = 52.8’

105.6’ (base) + 52.8’ (elevation) = 158.4’ = 1 + 5 + 8 + 4 = “18”

In Inches: 158.4’ * 12” = 1,900.8” = “18”

The Small Pyramidion Created at the Tips Equals

The New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement of 18 * 4 Pyramidion = 72

72 = The Name of God and 1° of the Great Precessional or 72 years

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness and 7 + 2 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

18 + 72 = 90 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Or 158.4’ * 4 (Pyramidion base and elevation measurements – all 4) =

633.6’ or 6 + 3 + 3 + 6 = “18” New Jerusalem

And: 6 – 33 – 6 Demonstrates that Messiah (33) brings together Man (6) and that

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“666” is brought under the Messianic Insignia in this Manner as “18”

“Edges” of the “Rhombus Pyramidion” (45° Edges)

Four Diagonals of the Small Squares per Pyramid Edge or 37.224’ (one diagonal)

* 4 = 148.896’ (both edges of the pyramidion) = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Perimeters of Each Rhombus Pyramidion:

105.6’ (base) + 148.896’ (two slant edges) = 254.496’ = 30 = Commencement of

Messiah’s Ministry / Levitical Priesthood Commencement – 30 Years of Age

254.496’ * 12” = 3,053.952” = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 + Sun of Righteousness

30 * 27 = 810 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9 or 9 * 9 = 81 = “9” Sun of Righteousness

“81” Dots of the Sun-Star – “Sign of the Sun-Star’s Sun of Righteousness”

Combined Perimeters of Four Pyramidion:

254.496’ * 4 = 1,017.984’ = 30 = Commencement of Messiah’s Ministry /

Levitical Priesthood Commencement – 30 Years of Age

In Inches: 1,017.984’ * 12” = 12,215.808” = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

30 * 27 = 810 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

The Crisscrossed Square Pyramidion

Four Smaller Pyramidion are Created by the Crisscrossed Square

Sizes: Base/2 Diagonals or 2 * 37.224’ = 74.448’ = 27 = Messiah Revealed

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2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

4 Edges (legs) of 26.4’ = 105.6’

Perimeter of One Crisscrossed Pyramidion = 74.448’ + 105.6’ = 180.048’

(Note: the “18” and the “48” are significant in that the “18” bears witness to the

New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement and the “48” to 4 + 8 = “12”

In Inches: 108.048’ * 12” = 2,160.576” = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Likewise: 18 + 12 = 30 = Messiah’s Ministerial Commencement

Four “Crisscrossed” Pyramidion Perimeters = 108.048’ * 4 = 432.192’ * 12” =

5,186.304” = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

SUM of all 8 Sun-Star Pyramidion Perimeters:

In Feet:

4 Rhombus Pyramidion: 1,017.984’ + 4 Crisscrossed Pyramidion: 432.192’ =

1,450.176’ = 24 = Divine Governance – Israel and the Church – 24 Elders

In Inches:

1,450.176’ * 12” = 17,402.112” = 18

18 = the Standard of Measurement for the New Jerusalem

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

24 * 18 = 432 = 4 + 3 + 2 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Triangles Created on the Four Sun-Star Rhombus Pyramidion

Each Pyramidion: 8 Triangles * 180° = 1,440° = 144 Cubit Wall of the New

Jerusalem and 1 + 4 + 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Four Pyramidion * 8 = 32 Triangles * 180° = 5,760° = “18” =

New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement and 1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Triangles Created on the Four Sun-Star Crisscrossed Pyramidion

Each Pyramidion: 8 Triangles * 180° = 1,440° = 144 Cubit Wall of the New

Jerusalem and 1 _ 4 _ 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Four Pyramidion * 8 = 32 Triangles * 180° = 5,760° = “18” = New Jerusalem

Standard of Measurement and 1 _ 8 – 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Combined: Rhombus Pyramidion = 1,440° + Crisscrossed Pyramidion = 1,440° =

2,880° = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

ALSO: These 2 Groups may be compared to the Two Sets of 144,000 of

Revelation Chapters 7 and 14 Connoting both Israel (Rev. 7) and

the Church (Rev. 14) and bespeak of the TWO WITNESSES

To discover the Pyramidion created by combining the Largest Rhombus of the

Sun-Star atop the 144 platform of 26.4’ x 26.4’ smaller squares atop the

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“Crisscrossed Larger Square” – both clearly observed by the naked eye – and

realize their measurements not only attest to the New Jerusalem’s “18” and the Sun

of Righteousness but also confirm the “24” Elders and the two groups of 144,000 =

all within the Revelation and all confirming these measurements are wholly in

accord with those of the most spiritual expression in heaven or earth!


8 Pyramidion Occupy a Total of 24 ea. 26.4’ x 26.4’ Squares/w-Triangles

26.4’ x 26.4 = 696.96 sq. ft. * 24 = 16,727.04 sq. ft. = 27

27 = Messiah Revealed and 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches: 16,727.04 sq. ft. * 144 sq. in. = 2,408,693.76 sq. in. = 45

45 = Second Coming of Messiah and 4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

27 + 45 = 72 = the Name of God & 7 + 2 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Acres: 16,727.04 sq. ft./43,560 sq. ft. = .384 Acres = “15” = Edge of the New

Jerusalem’s 1,500 miles

Total “Exterior Perimeter” of All 8 Rhombus-Created Pyramidion

16 * 37.224’ = 595.584’ + 16 * 26.4’ = 422.4’

595.584’ + 422.4’ = 1,017.984’ = 30 = Commencement of Messiah’s Ministry

In Inches: 1,017.984’ * 12” = 12,215.808” = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Measurements of Sun-Star’s Pyramidion as an Octahedron

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The octahedron – and its geometric extrapolations – is chosen here in that

“markings” of the Great Pyramid of Giza “seem” to resonate with the dimensions

of the Sun-Star and ipso facto with the New Jerusalem and the Sun of

Righteousness. The initial impression is that the Sun-Star has four pyramidion

akin to the “faces” of the Great Pyramid of Giza – and even an additional 4 smaller

pyramidion attesting to the GPG’s “concave” indentations on each of its four faces,

making, literally, 8 triangles; therefore, we can say that its four pyramidion equate

to that of the GPG in that it is really a “half-octahedron” with the underside

measurements “invisible” – hidden underneath (i.e., a “full” octahedron has 8 faces

or “triangles” above and beneath – even so, there are 8 pyramidion created on the

Sun-Star as a result of the “Crisscrossed” Larger Square atop the Largest Rhombus

– 4 larger Pyramidion at the points of the Rhombus and 4 at the Crisscross corners

of the Larger Square.

The octahedron – and its geometric extrapolations – is chosen here in that

“markings” of the Great Pyramid of Giza “seem” to resonate with the dimensions

of the Sun-Star and ipso facto with the New Jerusalem and the Sun of

Righteousness. The initial impression is that the Sun-Star has four pyramidion

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akin to the “faces” of the Great Pyramid of Giza – and even an additional 4 smaller

pyramidion attesting to the GPG’s “concave” indentations on each of its four faces,

literally making 8 triangles; therefore, we can say that its four pyramidion equate

to that of the GPG in that it is really a “half-octahedron” with the underside

measurements “invisible” – hidden underneath (i.e., a “full” octahedron has 8 faces

or “triangles” above and beneath) – even so, there are 8 pyramidion created on the

Sun-Star as a result of the “Crisscrossed” Larger Square atop the Largest Rhombus

– 4 larger Pyramidion at the points of the Rhombus and 4 at the Crisscross corners

of the Larger Square.

As the GPG has four “sides” - although those sides have minor indentations,

giving its “top side” actually 8 separate triangles – notwithstanding, we will take

its observed four sides as a half-octahedron and compare them with the “four

sides” of the Sun-Star’s four pyramidion, which has four distinct triangles so

created by the Rhombus over the “crisscrossed corner square.”

Using the “Imperial Measurements” (mile, foot, inch, etc.) of both the GPG and the

Sun-Star’s Pyramidion – we can extrapolate these measurements:

Great Pyramid of Giza: Base = 756’ (inches: 9,072” or 756’ * 12” = 9,072”)

Edge/Slant: Edge (legs of triangle) = 718.2’ * 2 (legs) = 1,436.4’ (inches:

17,236.8”). Each Face/Triangle of the GPG – Triangle Perimeter: 756’ + 1,436.4’

= 2,192.4’.

NOTE: Each face of the GPG bears the measurement of the New Jerusalem: “18”

as in 21924 = 2 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 4 = “18.” Also, 2,192.4’ * 12” = 26,308.8” = 27 =

Messiah Revealed and both “18” and “27” equal to “9” as in 1 + 8 = 9 and 2 + 7 =

9, and, consequently, the Sun of Righteousness is revealed. Likewise, 18 + 27 =

45 = the Second Coming of Messiah and 4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness.

Four such “faces” of the GPG: 2,192.4’ * 4 = 8,769.6’ (Perimeters of 4 faces of

the GPG, not considering its indentations/concave appearance) = “36” – the

Eternal God without beginning or ending and 3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness;

therefore, the combined total of the Perimeters of the GPG in feet amplify the Sun

of Righteousness (9) and attest to the One True God – the Eternal One (36).

In inches – the “four faces of the GPG” = 8,769.6’ * 12” = 105,235.2” = 18 = the

Standard of Measurement of the New Jerusalem’s 18,000 mile perimeter; and the

18 is 1 + 8 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness.

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Insofar as comparisons to the Sun-Star’s Pyramidion concern:

The 4 Rhombi Pyramidion + 4 Crisscrossed Pyramidion (perimeters) =

1,450.176’ (24) or 17,402.112” (18)

The 4 Faces of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Perimeters only)

8,769.6’ (36) or 105,235.2” (18)

The 756’ base of the GPG if cubed = 9,072’ (18) or 108,864” (18 New Jerusalem

and 864 = 864,000 mile diameter of the Sun and both equal to “9” as in 1 + 8 = 9

and 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9. Please note: 108,864” = “27” – The Full

Revelation of Messiah and 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness…

The Base of the “Rhombus Pyramidion” = 105.6’ * 4 = 422.4’ (if you were to

count all four together + the base of the smaller “Crisscross Pyramidion” = 74.448’

* 4 = 297.792’ – Combined (all base measurements) = 422.4’ + 297.792’ =

720.192’ or 8,642.304” = “27” – using the “combined base” of the 8

Rhombus/Crisscross Sun-Star Pyramidion as a cube: 720.192’ * 12 = 8,642.304’

which is, as well “27” again; however, please note the “composition” of this series

of numbers: “864” and then 2 _ 3 _ 4 = 9 – here we have both the SUN’s Diameter

of 864,000 miles and the “9” of the Sun of Righteousness; whereas in the 12-

Edged GPG in inches you have 108 or “9” and 864, the Sun’s diameter or


In Inches – as in the 9,072’ of the GPG’s 12-edged extrapolation as a cube – we

discover that the 108864 is compared to the Sun-Star’s 8 Combined Pyramidion

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measurements as 8642304 – both measurements in inches as a 12-edged cube – in

digits – equal to “27.” However, when we take the combined base measurement of

the 8 pyramidion of the Sun-Star in feet as 8,642.304’ * 12” (to secure the same

inch configuration as the GPG) we arrive at: 103,707.648” (12 cubed edges of the

combined base edges of the eight Sun-Star Pyramidion).

This 103,707.648” in digits equals: 36 = the Eternal God and 3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of

Righteousness. However, a closer look at this number set and we notice: 1377 =

“18” and 648 = “18” or two sets of “18” – just as in inches the GPG reflects a

similar discovery wherein 108,864 (its Cubed/12 Edge measurement in inches

based on one base edge of the GPG at 756’) gives us “18” (as in 108) and “18” (as

in 864); therefore, one could conclude that the two sets of “18” in inches of the

perimeters of the 8 Pyramidion of the Sun-Star reflect the two sets of “18”

discovered in the GPG’s 12-edged cube as is the Dimensions of Paradise, the New

Jerusalem – for in the New Jerusalem when extrapolated in feet she measures: 792

on one side * 12 edges of a cube = 9,504 or “18” and her “simplistic measurement”

of 12,000 furlongs when dropping its zero comes to 12 and 12 x 12 upon one

“face” of a six-faced cube = 144 * 6 faces = 864 which is the measurement of the

Sun (fractal thereof of the Sun’s 864,000 mile diameter) or 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 –

therefore, we see in the New Jerusalem these same two sets of “18.”

Insofar as the octahedron concerns – the GPG (omitting the indentations on the

each of its faces) would have a total of 8 triangles and two base platforms which

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are one in the same but with separate 360° formed from its composite 90° base

angles; therefore if we do the math we arrive at an octahedron of 8 * 180° = 1,440°

which is the measurement of the “Wall” of the New Jerusalem’s 144 cubits

(Revelation 21:17). Also, if we add in the two 360° “up and down” or “top and

bottom” bases of this octahedron we would add an additional 720° to the existing

1,440° and arrive at 2,160° which also adds to “9” as in 2 + 1 + 6 = 9 = the Sun of


Now, if the GPG’s “indentations” (concave sides) were taken into consideration, it

would double the above measurements at least on its “faces” – thereby giving us

instead of 8 octahedron triangles (top and bottom) there would be 16 such triangles

and the 4-square bases (top and bottom) or 2,880° + 720° = 3,600° which is a

fractal of 360° as in a circle and connotes the One Eternal God without Beginning

or Ending and certainly gives ample reason why the sides of the GPG are concave,

giving it this absolutely unique distinction of a top and bottom octahedron with

actually 8 distinct triangulated sides on top and 8 on the bottom – most unique –

and, let us not forget that 3 + 6 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness.

Now, looking at the 8 very distinct Pyramidion on the Sun-Star of Peru, we

observe that the “Rhombus Pyramidion” creates, due to the “background

Rhombus” effect, a total of 8 triangles at each of its corners or 8 * 4 = 32 triangles

* 180° = 5,760° + the smaller “Crisscross Pyramidion” due to the “crisscrosses”

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create a similar number of triangles – i.e., 8 on each corner which form the

Pyramidion; therefore 8 * 4 = 32 triangles * 180° = 5,760° or 5,760 = “18” and

5,760 = “18” and these two sets of “18” are a testimony to the “18” of the New

Jerusalem Standard of Measurement. When added together 5,760 + 5,760 =

11,520 degrees which is 1 + 1 + 5 + 2 = “9” and, of course, this “9” is the Sun of

Righteousness – therefore, the Pyramidion of the Sun-Star are wholly committed to

the Sun of Righteousness and to His New Jerusalem, the Bride of Messiah.

I have done a brief summary of the Pyramidion Triangles below:

Pyramidion Triangles

8 Triangles are created on each Pyramidion (see colorations above graphic )

(Note: Concentric Rhombi Permit the Creation of these Triangles) =

8 * 180° (per triangle) = 1,440° or 144

144 = Wall of the New Jerusalem

1,440° * 4 Pyramidion = 5,760°

5,760 = 5 + 7 + 6 = “18”

18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

8 * 4 (Pyramidion) = 32 Triangles * 180° = 5,760° = “18”

18 * 144 = 2592

2592 is a fractal of the 25,920 Year Great Precessional and both = “18”


Pyramidion Triangle in Half

1 Leg/Side = 74.67’

Elevation = 52.8’

Base (1/2) = 52.8’

Total: 18.07’

Presents: “18” and “7”

18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

7 = Perfection – 7th day – (7 and 12 are dominant Numbers of the New Jerusalem)

View: As one can clearly see – there are 8 Pyramidion (triangles) created by the

8 by 8 Crisscrossed Square overlaid atop the largest Rhombus

8 * 180° = 1,440°

144 = Wall of New Jerusalem and 144,000 of Rev. 7 and Rev. 14 (2 Groups)

Two Groups of 144,000 = Israel (Rev. 7) and the Church (Rev. 14)

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Total Number of Triangles within the 4 “Crisscrossed Pyramidion” = 8

4 Such Crisscrossed Pyramidion = 4 * 8 = 32 Triangles * 180° = 5,760° =

5 + 7 + 6 = 18

18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


Total Number of Triangles each of the 4 “Non-crisscrossed Pyramidion” = 4

4 Non-crisscrossed Pyramidion = 4 * 4 = 16 Triangles * 180° = 2880°

Total Number of 360° Squares in Non-crisscrossed Pyramidion = 8

8 * 360° = 2880° (2 + 8 + 8 = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard)

Total Degrees in Non-crisscrossed Pyramidion = 2880° + 2880° = 5,760° 288 = 18 and 576 = 18

288 + 576 = 864 = Sun of Righteousness

(864,000 Miles is the Diameter of the Sun)

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5760° (4 Crisscrossed Pyramidion) + 5760° (4 Non-crisscrossed Pyramidion) =

11,520° = 1 + 1 + 5 + 2 = “9” = Sun of Righteousness Total degrees on One Rhombus Pyramidion = 8 Triangles * 180° = 1,440°

144 = Wall of New Jerusalem or 144,000 of Rev. 7 and Rev. 14

1 + 4 + 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

9 = Sun of Righteousness – the Ninth Ray

4 * 1,440° (four such triangulations) = 5,760° = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Total Actual Triangles Created in 8 Square/Rhombus Pyramidion =

32 (4 crisscrossed large square Pyramidion) + 16 (on 4 Rhombus Pyramidion) = 48

48 (clearly-defined triangles on 8 pyramidion) * 180° = 8,640°

864 = Sun of Righteousness as in 864,000 Mile is the Diameter of the Sun

Therefore: 11,520° (total of all degrees on 8 pyramidion) - 8,640° = 2,880°

2 + 8 + 8 = 18 = Standard of the New Jerusalem

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In summary – the eight Pyramidion of the Sun-Star, as so described; and the

external measurement of the Great Pyramid of Giza, as well as the primary

measurements of the New Jerusalem as described in the Apocalypse, all as “initial”

measurement and as extrapolated as cubed measurements – i.e., twelve edges,

using the 756’ base of the GPG (12 edges = 972 = 18 = 9); the 720.192’ “combined

base” of the 8 Sun-Star Pyramidion (12 edges = 8642.304 = 27 = 9); and the 792 of

the New Jerusalem’s one edge (dropping zero as in 7,920,000’ one edge) or 792 *

12 edges = 954 = 18 = 9) – all are wholly given over to the New Jerusalem’s

Standard of Measurement or Messiah Revealed – the “18” and this “18” is, as well,

1 + 8 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness, as does the 27 as 2 + 7 = 9.

Finally, let me assure you, there are a myriad of metrologies comparing these

earthly and heavenly realities which simply boggle the mind once the “code” is

sufficiently broken; however, in that without equivocation, the same “Imperial

Measurements” which built the GPG and inscribed the world’s most fascinating

geometric configuration in Peru – did so because of their ancient familiarization of

such measurement – and these metrologies were based upon those that are

recorded in the heavens: the Dimensions of Paradise, the New Jerusalem.

Of some fascination is the sum of the differences in these calculations – as in 792

(New Jerusalem) less 756 (GPG) = 36; whereas, if the sum of all the eight bases of

the 8 Sun-Star Pyramidion were subtracted from the 792 of the New Jerusalem we

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would arrive at: 792 – 720.192’ =71.808’ * 12” = 861.696” = 36; therefore, in feet

the difference between the “base edge” of the New Jerusalem and the GPG is “36”

and the difference between the combined “base edges” of the Sun-Star’s

Pyramidion and the edge of the New Jerusalem’s 792 in inches is likewise “36.”

Both “36s” are equal to “9” as in 3 + 6 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness.

The conclusion reached on these geometric extrapolations is so overwhelming that

to contend with their repetitious nature discloses the blindness of the skeptic to the

brilliance of the light that this most glorious Peruvian Sun-Star possesses.

“However you cut it,” the geometric, mathematical splendor extends “herself” –

from the smallest square to the diagonal of the square to the interrelationship

between the 8 by 8 square which sets atop the largest Rhombus. Again and again

the Sun of Righteousness cries out for His Bride – the Woman, the Holy City,


When we view the linear measurements of each Rhombus, their areas – both flat

and cubed – their cubic measurements – all in feet and inches – and even their

acreage – all measurements repeatedly confirm what began as suspicion is

inexorably advanced to insurmountable confirmation – this mysterious inscription

in the Palpa Mountains of Peru is fraught through and through with the Dimensions

of Paradise and has awaited until this day to disclose herself to us all!

Indeed, by the time we arrive at her most unusual octagonal design and the eight

pyramidion created by the 8 by 8 square atop the largest 6 x 6 (diagonals)

Rhombus – then the overwhelming view of the New Jerusalem becomes staggering

in her proportions – only the Almighty could have given us such a clarity of vision.

Thank God for Maria Reiche and those who by neglect or on purpose, preserved

this earthly treasure with heavenly ramifications – giving all upon its arid

landscape unquenchable Waters of Life and Light forevermore.

May the people of Peru with great pride and admiration view its geometry with

awe and wisdom that its secrets will be revealed to them and cause them to rejoice

that this oldest Geoglyph stands out amongst the zoomorphic, phytomorphic and

geometric figures (lines, triangles, trapezoids, circles, spirals, birds, a spider, a

monkey, and flowers). Yes, it is a world treasure pal excellence! Truly, the Sun

shines more upon this piece of Earth than upon any on the globe – and now we

know why!

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Let us now continue our analysis of each of the Rhombus after this interlude with

the Pyramidion that was created by the “Crisscrossed” Square atop the Largest



The 5 x 5 Rhombus

One Edge in Feet: 5 * 37.224’ = 186.12’ = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard =

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Perimeter (4 edges of 5 x 5 Rhombus) = 4 * 186.12’ = 744.48’ =

27 = Messiah Revealed and 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed (12 Edges) = 744.48’ * 3 = 2,233.44’ = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches: 186.12’ * 12” = 2,233.44” = “18” (see immediately above)

4-square in inches: 2,233.44” * 4 = 8,933.76” = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed in Inches Perimeter of the 5 x 5 Rhombus = 8,933.76” * 3 =

26,801.28” = 27 = Messiah Revealed = 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Crisscrossing Measurements:

5 ea. 37.224’ Lengths = 5 * 37.224’ = 186.12 * 2 (Lines) = 372.24’ = 18

18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Adding the Vertices 2 Lines at 20 * 26.4’ = 528’ = “15” = Edge of New Jerusalem

Total of 8 Parts or 4 Lines crisscrossing (see below) =

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(Note: By dissecting into 8 parts it yields to the 144,000 of the New Jerusalem as

in 8 Triangles are created * 180° = 1,440° = 144 Wall of the New Jerusalem

528’ + 372.24’ = 900.24’ = “15” = Edge of the New Jerusalem

Note: The “9” + the “24” – Signaling both the Sun of Righteousness in

Divine Governance within the New Jerusalem

9 + 24 = 33 = Messiah Cut Off at Age of 33

In Inches: 528’ * 12” = 6,336” = “18” = New Jerusalem Standard

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness and “6 – 33 – 6” = Messiah “Cut Off” between

two Thieves (6 and 6) and 666 converted to “18” by Messiah’s “Cutting Off”

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372.24’ * 12” = 4,466.88” = 36 = the Eternal God and

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Combined (528’ + 372.24’ = 900.24’)

900.24’ * 12” = 10,802.88” = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


186.12’ * 186.12’ = 34,640.6544’ = 36 = Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed (6 faces) = 34,640.6544 sq. ft. * 6 = 207,843.926 sq. ft. = 27 = Messiah


2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches: 34,640.6544’ sq. ft. * 144 = 4,988,254.23 sq. inches =

45 = Coming of the Sun of Righteousness

4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed (6 faces in inches) = 4,988,254.23 sq. inches * 6 = 29,929,525.4016 sq.

inches = 54 = Plato’s Optimal Number of Societal Harmony

5 + 4 = 9 = Through the Sun of Righteousness


207,843.926 sq. ft./43,560 = 4.77 Acres = “18” = New Jerusalem Standard

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


In Feet

186.12’ * 186.12’ * 186.12’ = 6,447,318.596928 Cubic Feet = 72 =

The Name of God (72) and 7 + 2 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Cubic Inches:

6,447,318.596928 Cu. Ft. * 1728 = 11140966535491584 = 72

The Name of God (72) and 7 + 2 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

72 + 72 = 144 = Wall of the New Jerusalem

1 + 4 + 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

The conclusion of these dimensions is altogether satisfactory in that they

repeatedly, in that they are predicated upon the duodecimal system of “12” wholly

committed to the Sun of Righteousness and to His ultimate intention in the

preparing the Bride of Messiah at His Coming as the Sun of Righteousness with

healing in His wings. The final chapter of the Hebrew Sacred Text is replete with

this prediction and the Peruvian Sun-Star attests thereto.

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4x4 (diagonals cross 4 squares or 4 * 4 = 16 squares crossed)

37.224’ * 4 (one edge) = 148.896’ = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

36 * 4 (one side/edge or 4 each of 37.224’) = 144 (One Edge of this Rhombus)

144 = the Wall of the New Jerusalem

1 + 4 + 4 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness

Perimeter of the 4 x 4 Rhombus = 148.896’ * 4 = 595.584’ = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed Perimeter (12 Edges) = 595.584’ * 3 = 1,786.752’ = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches:

1 Edge of the 4x4 Rhombus = 148.896’ * 12” = 1,786.752” = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

4 Edges (4 square) of the 4x4 Rhombus = 1,786.752” * 4 = 7,147.008” = 27 =

Messiah Revealed & 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed Perimeter (12 Edges) in inches = 7,147.008” * 3 = 21,441.024” = 18 =

18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


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148.896’ (one edge) * 148.896’ = 22,170.018816 sq. ft. = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

6 Faces of the 4 x 4 Rhombus (cubed) = 22,170.018816 sf. * 6 =

133,020.112896 sf. = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Sq. Inches:

22,170.018816 sq. ft. (one face) * 144 = 3,192,482,709,504 sq. inches = 49

49 = 7 * 7 = 49 = the Work of the Spirit of God (see Zech. 4)

Six Faces of a Cubed (in inches) = 3,192,482,709.504 * 6 =

19,154,896,257,024 Sq. Inches = 63 = 6 + 3 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Acres: 133,020.112896 sf./43,560 = 3.0537216 Acres = 27 =

Messiah Revealed = 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


148.896’ * 148.896’ * 148.896’ = 3,301,027.121627136 Cubic Feet =

45 = Second Coming of Messiah = the “45” Days of Daniel 12:12

4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Cubic Inches: 3,301,027.121627136 Cu. Ft. * 1728 =

5,704174866171691008 Cubic Inches = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9 or 9 * 9 = 81

80 * 1 Dot in the Peruvian Sun Star Special Crisscross Squares + 1 in the Middle =

81 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

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3x3 (diagonals cross 3 squares or 3 * 4 (sides) = 12 squares crossed—perimeter)

12 * 37.224’ = 446.688’ = “36” = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches: 446.688’ * 12” = 5,360.256” = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed as New Jerusalem Measurements:

446.688’ * 3 = 1,340.064’ = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches/Cubed (12 Edges) = 1,340.064’ * 12 = 16,080.768” = 36 = the Eternal

God and 3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

NOTE: This Sun-Star Octagon Demonstrates the Solar System

There are 8 Planets + Sun

(Mercury + Venus + Earth + Mars + Jupiter + Saturn + Uranus + Neptune -

NOTE: A more comprehensive study is done on the planets and the New

Jerusalem earlier in this series.)


3 * 37.224’ = 111.672’ * 111.672’ (one face if cubed) = 12,470.635584 = 45

45 = Arising of the Sun of Righteousness – 2nd

Coming of Messiah

45 Days of Daniel 12 – 1335th day or 45 days from the 1,290 Days of Desolation

4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

12,470.635584 * 6 (faces of a cubed Rhombus) = 74,823.813504 = 45

45 = Second Coming of Messiah & 4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

45 + 45 = 90 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness – the NINTH RAY

In Sq. Inches:

74,823.813504 * 144 sq. in. = 10,774,629.144576 sq. inches = 63 =

6 + 3 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Acres: 74,823.813504 Sq. Ft./43,560 Sq. Ft. = 1.7177184 Acres = 36

36 = Eternal God = 3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


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111.672’ * 111.672’ * 111.672’ = 1,392,620.816936448 Cubic Feet = 72 –

72 = The Name of God and 7 + 2 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Cubic Inches:

1,392,620.816936448 Cubic Feet * 1728 Cu. Inches (in one Cu. Ft.) =

2.406448771.666182144 Cu. Inches = 81 =

The “81” Dots of the Peruvian Sun-Star Connote the Sun of Righteousness

8 + 1 = 9 and 9 * 9 = 81 and 9 = the Sun of Righteousness


The 2x2 Diagonal Rhombus


2 * 37.224’ = 74.448’ = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Perimeter 4 square = 74.448’ * 4 = 297.792’ = 36 = The Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

297 = “18” and 792 = “18” – 2 Sets of “18” or 1 + 8 = 9 and 1 + 8 = 9

The New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement “18” and Two Sets of “9” or

9 + 9 = 18 or 9 * 9 = 81 as in 8 + 1 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Perimeter Measurements in Inches:

74.448’ (one edge) * 12” = 893.376” = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

4 Square (4 edges) in inches: 893.376” (one edge) * 4 = 3,573.504” =

27 = Messiah Revealed and 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

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Cubed Measurements/Cf. New Jerusalem

In Feet:

74.448’ * 12 (Edges of a Cube) = 893.376 Linear Feet = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches:

893.376 Linear Feet * 12” = 10,720.512 Linear Inches = 18

18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


74.448’ * 74.448’ = 5,542.504704 sq. feet (one face) = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed or 6 faces = 5,542.504704 sq. feet * 6 = 33,255.028224 sq. ft. = 36 = the

Eternal God & 3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Acres: 33,255.028224 sq. ft./43,560 = .7634304 Acres = 27 = Messiah Revealed

2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches:

5,542.504704 sq. feet * 144 = 798,120.677376 sq. in. = 63

63 = 6 + 3 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed 6 Faces in Sq. Inches: 798,120.677376 sq. in. * 6 = 4,788,724.064256

= 63 = 6 + 3 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


74.448’ * 74.448’ * 74.448’ = 412,628.390203392 Cubic Feet = 54 =

54 = Plato’s Number for Societal Harmony (we add – through Messiah)

5 + 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Cubic Inches: 412,628.390203392 Cu. Ft. * 1728 =

713021858.271461376 Cu. Inches = 72 = the Name of God

7 + 2 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


(Note: Rhombi can in all cases be measured from “side across side” juxtaposed

from the perimeter measurements above which are measured from its vertices

(corners) – in the 2x2 Diagonal Rhombus its perimeter measurement is:

8 * 37.224’ = 297.792’ (which we have pointed out)

The 2x2 Rhombus “Side across Side” and “Across Vertices” - See Graphic Below:

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The 2x2 Rhombus

The essential need for appropriate graphics simply cannot be underestimated. The

“color spectrum” is highlighted in that there is a “rainbow about the throne” and, if

we consider the Mighty Angel is the “Glorified Christ” found in Revelation 10:1,

then likewise, a “rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun.” Little doubt

abides; the architects of the Peruvian Sun-Star sought to portray a 16-rayed Sun-

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Burst at the heart of the Sun-Star – not only to highlight the Octagonal but the

Solar System’s eight primary planets and the eight primary colors of the spectrum.

Geometrically, the 16-rays are but 8-rays whose diagonals cut through the heart of

the Sun-Star – the graphic below helps to highlight aspects of the Sun-Star:

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The chart below illustrates the dominance of the “8” in the configurations of the

Solar System – its eight planets and its Sun and of “9” with Sun, Earth and Moon:

The Dominance of “8” in the Solar System

Planet – Sun – Moon Diameter – in Miles Total Sum of Digits

Mercury 3,030 Miles 6 (i.e., 3 + 3 = 6)

Venue 7,521 15

Earth 7,920 18

Mars 4,190 14

Jupiter 88,800 24

Saturn 74,898 36

Uranus 31,800 12

Neptune 30,690 18

Total Planets 143 = 1 + 4 + 3 = 8

Adding in the Sun 864,000 18

Total Planets/Sun Digits 143 + 18 = 161 = 1

+ 6 + 1 = 8

Adding in the Moon’s


2160 9 + 161 = 170 = 1 +

7 = 8

Dominance of “9” when Calculating Sun – Earth – Moon Diameters

Sun 864,000 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

Earth 7,920 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

Sun/Earth Combined 864 + 792 = 1656 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

Moon 2,160 9

Sun/Moon 864 + 216 = 1080 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

Earth/Moon 792 + 216 = 1008 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

Combined –


864 + 792 + 216 = 1872 1 + 8 + 7 + 2 = 18

1 + 8 = 9

Further attention will be given later regarding the colors of the innermost square,

circle and rhombus. Please note that the Innermost Square (2x2) encloses the

innermost circle and within that circle there is the Innermost Rhombus – the sixth

concentric Rhombus. Therefore, the diameter of the circle equates to the side of

the Innermost Square (diameter) and the vertices of the Golden Rhombus – if a line

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were stretched between them, it would equal to the diameter of the circle and, of

course, to the side of the square – all the same…see illustration below:


The Golden Rhombus is at the very Heart of the Sun-Star

1x1 (there are 4 diagonals which cross 4 small squares)

Perimeter of the Sixth Rhombus…37.224’ * 4 = 148.896’ = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches: 148.896’ * 12” = 1,786.752” = 36 = the Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed in Feet (12 Edges) = 148.896’ * 12 (edges) = 1,786.752’ = 36 = the Eternal

God = 3 + 6 = 9 =Sun of Righteousness

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Cubed in Inches: 1,786.752’ * 12” = 21,441.024” = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Note: 36 + 18 = 54 = Perfect Societal Harmony … through…

5 + 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


37.224’ * 37.224’ = 1,385.626176 Sq. Ft. = 45 = Second Coming of Messiah

4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubed Sq. Footage:

1,385,626176 Sq. Ft. * 6 (Faces of a Cube) = 8,313.757056 Sq. Ft. = 45 = Second

Coming of Messiah

4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

45 + 45 = 90 = “9” = Sun of Righteousness

Acres: 8,313.757056 Sq. Ft./43,560 Sq. Ft. = 0.1908576 Acres = 36 = Eternal God

= 3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

45 + 36 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness and 9 * 9 = 81

The “81 Dots” of the Sun-Star are Reflected in this “81”

Sq. Inches:

1,385.626176 Sq. Ft. * 144 = 199,530.169344 Sq. Ins. = 54 = Perfect Societal

Harmony = 5 + 4 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Six-Faces in Inches: 8,313.757056 Sq. Ft. * 144 = 1,197,181.016064 = 45 =

Second Coming of Messiah = 4 + 5 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

54 + 45 = 99 = 9 + 9 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement as is 9 and 9 Amplifies Sun of



37.224’ * 37.224’ * 37.224’ = 51578.548775424 Cu. Ft. = 72 = the Name of God

7 + 2 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Cubic Inches: 51578.548775424 Cu. Ft. * 1728 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9

9 = Sun of Righteousness and the “81” Dots of the Sun Star or 9 * 9 = 81

72 + 81 = 153 = 1 + 5 + 3 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

153 = the 153 Fish in John 21 and Connotes the Sun of Righteousness “Fishing”

Among the Gentiles

Note: 153 is Used in the Giza Pi as in 480.69/153 = 3.141764

480.69’ (Elevation – Petrie – of Great Pyramid of Giza Elevation)


“Side to Side” = 26.4’ * 2 = 52.8’ or 633.6”

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(Note: 6 – 33 – 6 = “18” New Jerusalem…and Messiah “Cut Off” at 33 Years of

Age between Two Men (6 and 6)…Cut Off…”But not for Himself”

Vertices: 4 * 26.4’ = 105.6’ or 1,267.2” = “18” New Jerusalem Std.

Combined: 52.8’ + 105.6’ = 158.4’ or 1,900.8”

158.4’ = “18” = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

1,900.8” = “18” = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Perimeter of Rhombus = 4 * 37.224’ = 148.896’ or 1,786.752” = 36 = Eternal God

3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

Aggregate Feet Measurements of All Dimensions:

Side to Side = 52.8’ + Vertices = 105.6’ + Perimeter = 148.896’ = 307.296’

307.296’ = “27” = Messiah Revealed and 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

In Inches: 633.6” + 1,267.2” + 1,786.752” = 3,687.552” = 36 = the Eternal God

3 +_ 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

27 + 36 = 63 = 6 + 3 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness


(Note: Main Objects of Square, Circle, Rhombus)

360° = Degrees in the Circle

1,440° = 8 Triangles Created by the Rhombus within the Square and Upon the

26.4” x 26.4” Platform Squares

360° + 1440° = 1800°

1800 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

1 + 8 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness





4-Sided Perimeter-Ins. Digit


First – Largest

6x6 Rhombus

893.376’ 36 10,720.512” 18

Second Rhombus


744.48’ 27 8,933.76” 36

Third Rhombus –


595.584’ 36 7,147,008” 27

Fourth Rhombus


446.688’ 36 5,360,256” 27

Fifth Rhombus


297.792’ 36 3,573,504” 27

Golden Rhombus


148.896’ 36 1,786.752 36

Totals 3,126.816’ 27 37,521.792” 36

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In summary, the Rhombi of the Sun-Star – “digit-wise” – total in feet (5 * 36 = 180

+ 27) = 207’ and in inches total “171” for a combined calculation of 207 + 171 =

378 or 3 + 7 + 8 = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement or 1 + 8 = 9 =

sun of Righteousness. When adding the foot and inch digits of 27 and 36

respectively, we arrive at 63 or 6 + 3 = 9 or 6 * 3 = 18 wherein both the New

Jerusalem Standard of Measurement (18) and the Sun of Righteousness (9) are

once again emphasized.

Indeed, by taking the “digit sum” in feet of the Rhombi (27) and the digit sum in

inches of the Rhombi (36) and using them as factors in multiplication as in 27 * 36

= 972. Not only does this equal to “18” as in 9 + 7 + 2 = 18 but 972/18 = 54 which

is Society’s Optimal Number of Harmony through Messiah in that 5 + 4 = 9 = Sun

of Righteousness.

Finally, adding the sums of the Rhombi in feet and inches provides this calculation

of interest: 3,126.816 + 37,521.792 = 40,648.608 (mixing apples and oranges) or 4

+ 6 + 4 + 8 + 6 + 8 = “36” = the Eternal God or 3 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness.

As a further “proof” that the Sun-Star of Peru is “somehow” connected to the Great

Pyramid of Giza in her measurements – we immediately notice that the 972 is a

fractal of the 9072’ cubed-12-edged perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza as in

756’ (base length) * 12 cubed edges = 9,072’ or 972 with zero removed.

Triangles Created by the 6 Rhombi

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Each of the Six Rhombi create additional triangles over the 144 each, 26.4’ x 26.4’

smaller squares in that their edges crisscross or are the diagonals of the little

squares – therefore, the first concentric Rhombus ….

First/Largest Concentric Rhombus = 11 (triangles) * 4 (sides) = 44 Triangles

Second Concentric Rhombus = 9 * 4 = 36 Triangles

Third Concentric Rhombus = 7 * 4 = 28 Triangles

Fourth Concentric Rhombus = 5 * 4 = 20 Triangles

Fifth Concentric Rhombus = 3 * 4 = 12 Triangles

Sixth Concentric Rhombus (Core) = 1 * 4 = 4 Triangles

Triangle Ramifications/Reflections

First Rhombus = 44 * 180° = 7,920°

7,920 = The Diameter of the Earth in Miles

7,920 = the Edge of the New Jerusalem in Feet @ 7,920,000

Second Rhombus = 36 * 180° = 6,480°

6 + 4 + 8 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard

Third Rhombus = 28 * 180° = 5,040°

5 + 4 = “9” Sun of Righteousness & Perfect Harmony as in 5040

Fourth Rhombus = 20 * 180° = 3,600°

3 + 6 = “9” = Sun of Righteousness and 36 = the Eternal God/Circle 360° Fifth Rhombus = 12 * 180° = 2,160°

2 + 1 + 6 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness

2160 = Diameter of Moon in Miles

216 = Name of God in Gematria

21600 = Circumference of the Earth in Nautical Miles

2160 = Number of Years is 3° of the Great Precessional

Sixth Rhombus = 4 * 180° = 720°

7 + 2 = “9” the Sun of Righteousness

“72” = the Name of God – therefore – God and the Sun of Righteousness

Occupy the Throne of God and the Lamb


44 + 36 + 28 + 20 + 12 + 4 = 144

144 = Wall of the New Jerusalem

144 * 180° = 25,920 = “18” as in New Jerusalem

25,920 = Number of Years in the Great Precessional – Mazzaroth/Zodiac

Page 49: SUN-STAR OF PERU REFLECTS NEW JERUSALEM & GIZA GREAT ... · aliens, as Erich von Däniken suggests – and, therefore, the Peruvian Sun-Star and Cross are nothing more than remnants

The Six Rhombi so revealed in the Peruvian Sun-Star are perhaps one of the most

remarkable geometric designs ever devised upon the face of the Earth. Just who

put them there we do not know – but WHY they are there seems unequivocal – to

be for us to discern the dimensions of Paradise – the New Jerusalem, which shall

one day, when the Sun of Righteousness shall arise – the NINTH RAY – with

healing in His wings, bringing peace, harmony and justice to the human race.

This ends the first half of SECTION IV – PART 7 (B). It is our express intention

to broaden your understanding of the “Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon.” We

will continue our study of this most riveting topic which uncovers a wealth of

calculations taken from perhaps the most baffling of antiquity’s most mesmerizing

objects – the massive and enigmatic Sun-Star found in the Palpa Mountains near

Nazca, Peru…and its obvious satellite seen below – yet, does the Sun of

Righteousness extend His beam to this circular object “in the heavens” – we shall

see what this is shortly….

Repeatedly, we have found the “18” of the New Jerusalem in our calculations and

those astounding set of numbers which express themselves in simple mathematics

taken from the simplest measurements – as is the case of the several verses in the

Christian Sacred Text from the Apocalypse, Chapter 21:16-17 in which the 9, 12,

24, 54, 66, 144, 792, 864, 954, and 3168 are derived.

We have also, with utter abandoned, integrated the 27 (Messiah Revealed), 30

(Messiah’s first coming and commencement of ministry), 33 (Messiah being “cut

off” at the age of 33) and 45 (Messiah’s return as the Sun of Righteousness).

Page 50: SUN-STAR OF PERU REFLECTS NEW JERUSALEM & GIZA GREAT ... · aliens, as Erich von Däniken suggests – and, therefore, the Peruvian Sun-Star and Cross are nothing more than remnants

There can be no greater delight than to attest to these “divine number sets” as

overwhelming in their proliferation in Holy Writ – and all bringing us unto God

(36) and the Lamb (45) (the Sun of Righteousness as in 36 + 45 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9) –

knowing this, the Sun of Righteousness (864 / 81 / 45 / 9) is coming for His

beloved Bride – the New Jerusalem (18) – the drama continues as we probe the

depths of the Sun-Star of Peru….

Doug Krieger