Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness...


Transcript of Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness...

Page 1: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.
Page 2: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Summer ills and aches

Broken bones

Stings and bites

Otitis externa

Jet lag

Motion sickness


Food poisoning


Cold sores

Altitude sickness

Contact dermatitis

Summer viruses

Page 3: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Fractures Arnica ASAP to ease pain,

swelling and bruising. 200C or 30C every 4 hours times three

Hypericum if nerve injury/pain 30C tid as needed

Symphytum after bones are set. 6C twice a day

Calcarea phosphoricum 6C or 6X twice a day

Foods and herbs to aid new bone formation

Bone broths Osteoherb

Page 4: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Bites and stings Ledum – area around bit is

hard, blanched and cool to touch. Better cold compresses. (Hornet, mosquito, wasp, tick)

Apis – area around bite is puffy and warm. Stinging and/or itching. Possible swelling around eyes. (bees and jelly fish)

Hypericum – shooting pains from bite

Calendula lotion - mosquito

Carbolicum acidum – patients with anaphylactic reactions. Give 30C every ten minutes while seeking medical attention.

Vespa crabro – erythematous wheal-like cellulitis develops and gradually spreads. Pains like being pierced with red-hot needles (yellow jacket)

Dose: 30C repeated as needed

Page 5: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Otitis externa Hepar sulphuris calcareum –

most commonly indicated. Extremely sensitive to air and touch. Pain at night. Better covering.

Belladonna – throbbing pain with red swollen ear canal. Worse jarring. Sudden onset

Ferrum – nondescript inflammation without pus

Aconite – sudden onset. Restlessness, fear, increased thirst

Mercurius vivus or solubilis – offensive green exudate. Possible swelling of periauricular glands. Worse night.

Pulsatilla – general symptoms of Pulsatilla with weepiness, desire for open air, thirtlessness

Chamomilla – intense sensitivity to pain, irritibility, desire to be carried.

Tellurium – meatus itches, swells throbs. Possible offensive discharge with odor of pickled fish

Page 6: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Otitis externa 30C twice a day until

resolved (one week) Vinegar:water 1:1

instill several drops in ear 3 – 4 times a day.

Otherwise keep ear dry.

Page 7: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Jet lag Arnica 30C as needed

Cocculus 30C if can’t sleep and feel like you’re still in motion

Follow schedule of your destination time

Stay up until destination bedtime

Get up in morning and get out in sun to reset biologic clock

Energy medicine – massage acupuncture points of organs on Chinese clock (Donna Eden Energy Medicine)

Page 8: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Motion sickness Cocculus – much nausea

and dizzyness and strong desire to lie down. Worse watching moving objects, seeing or smelling food. May crave beer. Worse exposure to cold, open air, touch noise, jar, stooping, exertion, eating, pain or anxiety. Rarely vomit.

Petroleum – persistent nausea with excessive salivation. Sinking sensation. Worse light, noise or sitting up. May

have stiffness back of head or neck

Tabacum – severe nausea worse slightest motion. Person may look pale or green. Better uncovering abdomen. Worse on opening the eyes, evening, extremes of hot/cold. Better cold compresses, fresh open air, twilight, weeping, vomiting, sitting, lying on side. Do vomit.

Page 9: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Motion sickness Nux vomica – severe

nausea with difficulty vomiting and intense headache back of head or over one eye. Chilly. Worse smell of food, tobacco, coffee

Rhus tox – airsickness with nausea and vomiting. Dry mouth and throat. Thirsty.

Borax – fear downward motion. Worse when plane landing or boat lurches down.

Try out remedy on a short trip first to see what works for you.

Magnetic bracelets can also be helpful.

Page 10: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Gastroenteritis Arsenicum album –

diarrhea is acrid, burning. Patient is anxious and restless. Marked nausea and vomiting may be present. Thirst for small sips of cold water. Worse midnight to 2 am. Worse cold food/drinks. Better heat and warm applications.

Podophyllum – explosive watery diarrhea with much gas and sputtering. Stool soils entire toilet bowl. Person feels weak and may faint.

Veratrum album – profuse, odorless, “rice water” stool. Simultaneous forceful vomiting. Black and/or bloody stool. Cold sweat. Forehead and abdomen are cold.

Aloe – much flatus and sputtering with diarrhea. Involuntary stool. Diarrhea driving person out of bed in am. Better lying on abdomen. Worse heat, standing beer, oysters, fruit

Page 11: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Food poisoning Arsenicum – most food

poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea. Bad meat.

Pulsatilla – bad fish

Urtica urens – shellfish poisoning

Nux vomica – overindulgence in rich fatty foods or hangover

Belladonna – reaction to MSG

Prevention Avoid potentially

contaminated water (eating, drinking, brushing teeth, ice, swimming)

Avoid fruit unless it can be peeled

Avoid raw food unless it’s washed in clean water

Take pepto bismal or apple cider vinegar daily

Page 12: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Sunstroke Belladonna – face is hot and

flushed red. Hands and feet are cold. Pulsating headache. May be delirious. Better bending head back. Sudden onset.

Glonoine – violent, pulsating headache with visible pulsation of carotid artery. Face is flushed. Worse from bending head back. Worse from applying cold water. Sensitive to heat.

Carbo vegetalis – person is weak and faints. Need to be fanned.

Person needs to stay in bed and rest for 24 hours even if they feel back to normal after remedy. Attend to hydration.

Page 13: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

Contact dermatitis Anacardium – very intense

itching. May scratch to point of bleeding. Itching is worse from scratching. Blistering eruptions, especially on face, hands and fingers, inner thighs. Worse left side. Better hot bath or eating.

Ledum – better cold applications. Eruptions surrounded by bluish skin.

Rhus toxicodendron – similar to Anacardium. Patient is very restless. Linear distribution of rash. Better scalding hot water, scratching. Worse night and open air.

Croton tiglium – better from light scratching or rubbing. Skin feels hidebound. Better sleep. Gushing diarrhea along with rash.

Topical herbs can help - plantain

Page 14: Summer ills and aches Broken bones Stings and bites Otitis externa Jet lag Motion sickness Gastroenteritis Food poisoning Sunstroke Cold sores Altitude.

And the living is easy . . . .