Summary of SuperSelf

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  • 7/28/2019 Summary of SuperSelf


    This outline emphasizes the book's two major components and their relationship to each other:

    A. SUCCESS PRINCIPLES are outlined as letters and are written in standard

    text. They represent the underlying principles of nature that make the Success Strategies

    work, work all the time, and work for everyone.

    1. SUCCESS STRATEGIES are outlined as numbers and are written in

    bold italics text. They represent the actions necessary to achieve a desired result, regardless

    of who you are.

    I. Introduction

    A. Doing more of what doesn't work won't make it work any better.

    B. Live your life as most people do and you will be forced to settle for what

    most people settle for.

    1. Learn from the experiences of others, rather than your own.


    1. Where You Is, Is Where You Is

    A. Your only point of power is in the present moment.

    2. To design and control your future, you must first let go of your past.

    3. To go where you want, firmly plant your feet on ground where you


    4. Use losses and failures of the past as a reason for action, not


    2. Playing to Win: The Ballpark Principle

    A. Being right is often in conflict with winning.

    5. To win in other people's ballparks, play by their rules.

    6. Accept the rules or change ballparks.

    3. Trying Is Lying

    A. Failure is the refusal to establish a plan and work toward its accomplishment

    regardless of the obstacles.

    B. When striving to achieve your goals, there is no such thing as trying.

    C. You never fail until you quit, make excuses, or die.

    D. Cut your losses short and run your wins long.

    7. Use near misses as sign you're off course, not sign that you have


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    8. Use negative feedback to make positive course corrections.


    4. Developing Your Blueprint

    9. Organize your blueprint into a three-ring notebook.

    10. Use the Givenizer for the ultimate in planning and control.

    5. Discovering Your Dreams

    11. Begin your life's blueprint with a Dreams List.

    12. Prepare your Dreams List as if there were no limits to your life.

    13. Crystallize your dreams by writing them down.

    14. Allow your Dreams List to expand to form framework for your entire


    6. Generating Goals

    A. Don't confuse your goals with your expectations.

    B. Defining what you are after is 50 percent of the battle in getting there.

    C. Make choices, not excuses.

    D. Accelerating your life by setting goals also accelerates but does not create

    the problems and setbacks you'll encounter.

    E. The difference between dreams and goals is in commitment and the length

    of time required to achieve them.

    F. Success is the progressive, timely achievement of your stated goals.

    G. The more specific and measurable your goal, the more quickly you will be

    able to identify, locate, create, and implement the use of the necessary resources for its


    H. The more specific and measurable your goal, the more quickly it can be


    I. The impact of doubt is directly proportional to both the level of difficulty in

    achieving a goal and the intensity of the doubt.

    J. Increased clarity equals increased opportunity.

    15. Set goals to organize and structure your mind for maximum


    16. Make your goals specific and measurable.

    17. Make your goals believable.

    18. Overcome doubt with positive, present-tense affirmations.

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    19. Commit your goals to a written list.

    20. State your goals as single, concise sentences beginning with action


    21. Set a realistic target date for the completion of each goal.

    22. Keep a copy of your top ten goals where you will see it every day.

    7. Seeing Success

    23. Visualize your goals clearly to achieve them more quickly.

    24. Make visualizing your goals a regular habit.

    25. Add momentum to your visualizations with some high-powered


    26. Visualize your goals just before you go to sleep.

    27. Visualize your goals as if you have already achieved them.

    8. Aligning Your Goals with Your Values

    A. Conflict inevitably occurs when your goals and values are out of alignment.

    B. The only thing more destructive to your life than setting goals that are out of

    alignment with your values is setting no goals at all.

    28. For maximum enjoyment of success, first determine your top ten


    29. For maximum satisfaction and effectiveness, align goals with top


    9. Operating with Objectives: Your Action Plans

    A. You activate opportunity by getting into action.

    B. By the yard, it's hard, but by the inch, it's a cinch.

    30. Complete one Action Plan for each goal on your list.

    31. Specify a first step as the first objective on your Action Plan.

    32. Break each goal down into a set of manageable objectives.

    10. Prioritizing Your Activities

    A. The mind tends to take the path of least resistance.

    B. You become effective by working smart instead of working hard.

    33. To double your effectiveness, apply the 20/80 rule.

    34. Transform efficiency into effectiveness w/ prioritized activities list.

    35. Divide your activities list into four sections.

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    36. Record, prioritize on activities lists all important phone calls and


    37. Review, revise blueprint at year's end to assess past, chart future.


    1. Doing Discipline

    A. Discipline is a choice, not a legacy.

    B. Focus is the process of keeping your thoughts, attention, and energy totally

    on the task at hand.

    C. The loyalty and trust of other people generate the cooperation necessary for

    achieving your dreams and goals.

    D. Excuses are only made for failure, never success.

    38. Increase your level of effectiveness by learning to maintain focus.

    39. Increase effectiveness, earn confidence and trust of others by

    keeping agreements.

    40. Promise only what you can deliver, and deliver what you promise.

    2. Controlling Your Time Line

    A. Leave your life to chance and chances are you won't like the way you live

    your life.

    41. Take control of your time or time will control you.

    42. Avoid triggering the no-slack principle by making, sticking to your


    43. Arrive on time, every time.

    44. Arrive early, but never late.

    45. Don't make getting ready the last thing you do before leaving the


    46. Leave your car keys in the same place every time you arrive home.

    47. Combine all frequently used keys into complete duplicate sets.

    48. Change door locks so that one key fits all.

    49. Ignore the telephone and doorbell when getting ready.

    50. Plan ahead for dual use of the shower or bathroom.

    51. Practice effective time management on yourself, not those around


    52. Fill up your tank on your time--not at stress time.

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    53. Add a ten-minute fudge factor to your travel time.

    54. Carry a local map in the glove compartment of your car.

    55. Allow an extra five minutes to find the correct address or office.

    3. Prioritizing Your Personal Time

    A. It's what you accomplish, not how long it takes, that determines your level of


    56. Schedule personal time w/ same priority, attention to detail as

    business time.

    57. Schedule personal activities as if appointments that cannot be


    58. Don't allow job-related problems to interrupt scheduled personal


    59. Stop treating your family as second-class citizens.

    4. Managing the Mundane

    60. Increase your effectiveness by eliminating mundane maintenance


    61. Think of cost of hiring out mundane maintenance as investment,

    not expense.

    62. If cost is less than your per-hour value, hire someone else to do the


    63. When in doubt, let someone else do it.

    64. Begin giving up mundane maintenance now.

    5. Eliminating Interruptions

    65. Take back control of your time by eliminating interruptions.

    66. Break telephone interruption habit; ignore telephone for an entire


    67. Become the caller instead of the callee.

    68. Let an answering device screen and record your incoming calls.

    69. Check your incoming messages no more than twice a day.

    70. Make all callbacks at the same time.

    71. Use built-in speaker on answering machine to monitor for "must

    take" calls.

    72. Keep unwanted guests out of your bedroom.

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    73. Unlist your phone numbers.

    74. Install separate personal and business lines at home.

    75. Don't give business number to personal acquaintances; don't give

    personal number to business contacts.

    76. Stop playing switchboard for other family members.

    77. Don't allow thought of emergency to compel you to answer phone

    at all times.

    78. Install phones in your cars and use them for "callbacks".

    79. Install a personal fax machine in your home.

    6. Intercepting Office Interruptions

    80. Install voice mail on your business telephone system.

    81. Install fax machines in each department.

    82. Write all letters, memos at same time during your Peak

    Performance Period.

    83. Install select code security locks on departmental doors.

    84. Keep customer service people in their seats w/ research support.

    85. If you work in an office, create a controlled open-door policy.

    86. To be successful in your own business, hire the best people.

    7. Handling Talkers and Dumpers

    A. Dumpers are drainers.

    B. Don't get caught in someone else's problems, or they become your


    87. Screen talkers and dumpers with your telephone-answering


    88. Immediately set a limit for the time you will spend with a talker.

    89. Listen, listen to the whole story, listen only once.

    90. Ask the dumper, "What can I do to help?"

    8. Cutting the Commute

    91. Cut your one-way commuting time to twenty minutes or less.

    92. Use commuting time to increase your knowledge by listening to


    93. Use your commuting time to make necessary phone calls from your


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    112. Create a mind-movie to experience the event you fear in a non-

    threatening environment.

    12. Handling Stress

    A. The intensity of emotion experienced by an unmet demand is directly

    proportional to the intensity of the demand.

    113. Exercise for twenty minutes to one hour every other day to help

    drain stress.

    114. Eliminate negativity from your life.

    115. Continuously affirm to yourself, "It's just an event".

    116. To reduce stress, don't make value judgments about people or


    117. To cut stress, disconnect your emotions from the outcome of


    118. State preferences instead of expectations or demands.