Sumaris de revistes. Setembre 2012


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Llistat d'articles de les revistes rebudes a la Biblioteca del Museu Marítim de Barcelona durant el mes de setembre de 2012

Transcript of Sumaris de revistes. Setembre 2012

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Museu Marítim. Biblioteca

Sumaris de revistes

Setembre 2012

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Revistes rebudes a la Biblioteca del Museu Marítim de Barcelona durant el mes de setembre de 2012:

Continguts dels articles

Le Chasse-marée................................................................................................................ 3

Núm 243 (août 2012) ................................................................................................. 3 Classic Boat........................................................................................................................ 3

Nº 291 (September 2012) ........................................................................................... 3 Gent del Masnou ............................................................................................................... 4

Juliol 2012 ................................................................................................................. 4 International Journal of Maritime History.......................................................................... 5

Vol. XXIV No. 1 (June 2012) ......................................................................................... 5 ARTICLES............................................................................................................... 5 RESEARCH NOTE.................................................................................................. 5 SOURCES............................................................................................................... 6 FORUM: NEW DATABASE PROJECTS IN MARITIME HISTORY ........................ 6 ROUNDTABLE........................................................................................................ 6 BOOK REVIEWS..................................................................................................... 6

International Journal of Nautical Archaeology ................................................................. 11 Vol. 41 Num. 2 (September 2012).............................................................................. 11

Marine News ................................................................................................................... 12 January 2012 ........................................................................................................... 12 February 2012 ......................................................................................................... 12

Maritime Reporter and engineering news........................................................................ 14 August 2012 ............................................................................................................ 14

The Motorship ................................................................................................................. 14 September 2012 ...................................................................................................... 14

Náutica y Yates Magazine ................................................................................................ 15 Nº 2 (Agosto-Septiembre 2012)................................................................................. 15

Pesca y acuicultura en Europa.......................................................................................... 17 Nº 57 agosto 2012 ................................................................................................... 17

Research in Maritime History........................................................................................... 17 No. 48 The Rise of the English Shipping Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries / Ralph Davis............................................................................................. 17

Ships monthly.................................................................................................................. 17 October 2012 .......................................................................................................... 17

Signals ............................................................................................................................. 19 September to November 2012. Number 100 .............................................................. 19

WoodenBoat ................................................................................................................... 19 Núm. 228 ................................................................................................................ 19 FEATURES................................................................................................................ 19 DEPARTMENTS ........................................................................................................ 20 READER SERVICES .................................................................................................... 20 TEAR-OUT SUPPLEMENT........................................................................................... 21

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Le Chasse-marée

Núm 243 (août 2012)

• Éditorial. Une double victoire • Embla, un faering sur la Loire par Erwan Crouan

Construite à l’abbaye de Daoulas, en rade de Brest, une réplique du faering mis au jour dans la tombe royale de Gokstad, en Norvège, participe aujourd’hui à des reconstitutions historiques.

• Les chasseurs de Tchoukotka par Andrey Shapran Le photographe russe Andrey Shapran nous entraîne dans la baie de Mechigmensky, en mer de Béring, où les Tchouktches survivent en chassant les baleines, morses et autres mammifères marins.

• La longue histoire des phares de l’Île de Ré par Yves Gaubert Les deux tours des Baleines, à la pointe Nord-Ouest de l’île de Ré, sont, avec Chassiron sur l’île d’Oléron, les phares les plus visités de l’Hexagone. L’Administration en a confié la gestion à une société privée.

• Jeune Ariane et son patron banquier par Xavier Gavaud Professeur de finance à Paris, armateur au Croisic: quand viennent les beaux jours Christophe Le Picard troque son attaché-case contre un sac de marin pour embarquer des passagers sur son cotre Jeune Ariane. • Patrick Schnepp, bouillant conservateur par Sandrine Pierrefeu

À la barre du musée maritime de La Rochelle depuis sa création, en 1978, Patrick Schnepp est un conservateur atypique qui a su créer, contre vents et marées, l’un des grands pôles du patrimoine maritime français.

• Ouragan par Farley Mowat Les mésaventures du Liberty ship Leicester et du remorqueur qui l’a sauvé. • Lujo, le Stradivarius des canoës canadiens par Patrick Bigand

Comment un esthète en quête d’une embarcation pour pêcher à la mouche sur un lac du Finistère déniche sur Internet un chef-d’oeuvre d’ébénisterie et s’emploie à le restaurer dans les règles de l’art.

• Rubriques - Nouvelles: Le musée de Tatihou. Le destin de l’île de Sein. Jean Rolin,

prix Gens de mer. La bande du Rigolo. Reconstruire le Roscovite. - Courriers, questions, réponses - Fête: misse à l’eau de l’Hermione - Modélisme: restauration du trois-mâts barque Boieldieu. - Peinture: Eugène Isabey (1803-1886) - Plan de modélisme: Pilote de Marseille - Atelier: Les assemblages - En chantier: Les yachts de Gilbert Pasqui. Marcel Debêque à Lesconil.

Étoile Bob IV. Le chantier Marlo. - Petites annonces

Classic Boat

Nº 291 (September 2012)

• Cover Story Is Cowes the new Cannes? Solent’s big summer

• News: J-Class: Jim Clark leaves sailing and class secretary retires

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Restoration award for Pilot Cutter Campbell’s Bluebird. Original record-breaker returns • Overseas: Britanny : French Festivals Sweden : Kerma wins AF offshore race France Launch of The Hermione • Things to do in the nest few weeks: 14 October Barcolana Classic. Trieste Voiles de Saint Tropez 1-7 October Plymouth to La Rochelle race • Saleroom Memories of Aussie Olympic rower • Objects of Desire • Ed Dubois Firebrand Superyacht designer Ed Dubois heart belongs to Firebrand, his 43ft. Olin Stephens design. • Chris Gongriep : Aluminium man Sam Fortescue gets a rare glimpse into the mind of a J-Class owner, and finds the soul of a classic boat builder. • Sailing Freja

Luke Powell’s latest Pilot Cutter needed her Norse goddess namesake to organise a break in the weather.

• Speed machine In September 1952, fur trader John Cobb attempted to become the fastest man on water. • On board The River Orwell Books • Lazarette • Class Notes

International Yngling • Getting afloat

Breton fishing boat • Craftmanship • Yard News Suffolk : First boat after fire at Aldeburgh Boattyard • Boatbuilder’s Notes

Fashionning a shutter plank • JH2 To the end of the Rainbow Story of the latest J-Class replica from lines plan to launch • Letters

Secret to Sweden’s top Pageant coverage • Sternpost Thwarting confusion. Doesn’t every rope prevent something, wonders Nigel Sharp?

Gent del Masnou

Juliol 2012

• Editorial • Bústia oberta

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• In Memòriam Joan Muray • Raó d’estat per Joan Camps • Entrevista de Núria Burnat de Ple de Bo • Rio+20 per Joan Maresma Duran • Històries de la vila : S’arrien les banderes per Joan Muray • Cròniques • Els dillunaires al Montardo d’Aran • Teatre capital • Parlem de llibres • La punta de la llengua • Gent del Masnou informa • Arran de sòl • La cuina de l’Antònia • Símbols de Catalunya

International Journal of Maritime History

Vol. XXIV No. 1 (June 2012)

Contributors / xiii


Charles R. Foy, “Sewing a Safety Net: Scarborough’s Maritime Community, 1747-1765” / 1

J.N.F.M. à Campo, “Joseph Conrad’s ‘Youth:’ A Sea Story between History and Fiction” / 29

Anthony J. Arnold, “Sheffield to the Rescue of the ‘New Liverpool’? The Impact of Vickers on Shipbuilding Activities in Barrow-in-Furness” / 61

Ulises Granados, “Modernization and Regionalism in South China: Notes on Coastal Navigation in Guangdong Province during the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century” / 89

Alston Kennerley, “British Merchant Seafarers and Their Homes, 1895-1970” / 115

René Taudal Poulsen, Brian Vejrum Wæhrens and Anders Paarup Nielsen, “Global Shifts in Marine Manufacturing, 1950-2010: A Case for the Onshore Expansion of Maritime History” / 147

Chesley W. Sanger, “The Rise of Scotland to a Position of Dominance in British Northern Whaling, 1802-1840” / 173

John R. Beck, “History and Memory: Commemorations for SS Edmund Fitzgerald”/ 203


Apostolos Delis, “Shipping Finance and Risks in Sea Trade during the French Wars: Maritime Loan Operations in the Republic of Ragusa” / 229

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Christina Deggim, “Thematic Inventory: Archival Sources for Maritime Traffic and the Related Flow of Goods and Culture in Northern Germany from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century” / 243


Silvia Marzagalli, “Clio and the Machine: New Database Projects in Maritime History” / 253

David Eltis, “Some Implications from the Transatlantic Slave Trade for Maritime Databases” / 257

Stephen D. Behrendt, Carl W. Blackmun, Linda R. Gray and Robert A. Hurley, “Designing a Multi-Source Relational Database: ‘Liverpool as a Trading Port, 1700-1850’” / 265

Werner Scheltjens and Jan Willem Veluwenkamp, “Sound Toll Registers Online: Introduction and First Research Examples” / 301

Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Silvia Marzagalli, Pierrick Pourchasse and Werner Scheltjens, “Navigocorpus at Work: A Brief Overview of the Potential of a Database” / 331


John Armstrong; Clive Dewey, Paul Fontenoy; C. Knick Harley; Walter Lewis; Brian Osborne; William H. Phillips; and Robb Robinson, “Reviews of Robert Gudmestad, Steamboats and the Rise of the Cotton Kingdom” / 361

Robert Gudmestad, “Steamboats and the Rise of the Cotton Kingdom. A Roundtable Response” / 400


Lawrence C. Wroth; John B. Hattendorf (rev. & ed.), The Way of a Ship: An Essay on the Literature of Navigation Science, along with Some American Contributions to the Art of Navigation 1519-1802 by W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns / 405

Andrew Tabak, An Unimportant Ship, The Brig Pavilion 1829-1863 by Eric J. Ruff / 406

Geoff Hunt, The Sea Painter’s World: The New Marine Art of Geoff Hunt by John McKay / 407

John Delaney, Strait Through: Magellan to Cook & the Pacific / An Illustrated History by John Robson / 409

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William V. Harris and Kristine Iara (eds.), Supplement 84. Maritime Technology in the Ancient Economy: Ship Design and Navigation by Ruthy Gertwagen / 410

Rila Mukherjee (ed.), Pelagic Passageways: The Northern Bay of Bengal Before Colonialism by Himanshu Prabha Ray / 412

John Newsome Crossley, Hernando de los Ríos Coronel and the Spanish Philippines in the Golden Age by Paul D. Buell / 413

Tonio Andrade, Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China's First Great Victory over the West by Kent G. Deng / 415

Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, Dutch and Portuguese in Western Africa: Empires, Merchants and the Atlantic System, 1580-1674 by Robin Law / 416

Henk den Heijer and Ben Teensma, Nederlands-Brazilië in kaart. Nederlanders in het Atlantisch gebied, 1600-1650 by Leo M. Akveld / 418

Michel Fontenay, La Méditerranée entre la Croix et le Croissant: Navigation, commerce, course et piraterie (xvie-xixe siècle) by Colin Heywood / 419

Paul Auchterlonie (ed.), Encountering Islam: Joseph Pitts – An English Slave in 17th-century Algiers and Mecca by Alan G. Jamieson / 421

Junko Thérèse Takeda, Between Crown and Commerce: Marseille and the Early Modern Mediterranean by Silvia Marzagalli / 423

Susan Rose, The Wine Trade in Medieval Europe, 1000-1500 by Wendy R. Childs / 426

Leos Müller, Philipp Rössner, Toshiaki Tamaki (eds.), The Rise of the Atlantic Economy and the North Sea/Baltic Trades, 1500-1800. Proceedings of the XVth World Economic History Congress (Utrecht, Netherlands 2009) by G. Alan Metters / 427

Christian J. Koot, Empire at the Periphery: British Colonists, Anglo-Dutch Trade, and the Development of the British Atlantic, 1621-1713 by Noah L. Gelfand / 429

Kevin Costello, The Court of Admiralty of Ireland, 1575-1893 by Edda Frankot / 430

Elaine Murphy (ed.), A Calendar of Material Relating to Ireland from the High Court of Admiralty 1641-1660 by John Mannion / 432

Sebastian I. Sobecki (ed.), The Sea and Englishness in the Middle Ages: Maritime Narratives, Identity and Culture by Bernhard Klein / 434

Fabio López Lázaro, The Misfortunes of Alonso Ramírez: The True Adventures of a Spanish American with 17th-Century Pirates by Raymond John Howgego / 435

Cheryl A. Fury (ed.), The Social History of English Seamen, 1485-1649 by Thierry Drapeau / 437

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Mushirul Hasan and Nishat Zaidi (trans. & ed.), A Voyage to Modernism: Syed Ahmed Khan by Michael H. Fisher / 439

Vanessa Smith, Intimate Strangers: Friendship, Exchange and Pacific Encounters and Nicholas Thomas, Islanders: The Pacific in the Age of Empire by Chris Ballard / 440

Peggy Brock, The Many Voyages of Arthur Wellington Clah: A Tsimshian Man on the Pacific Northwest Coast by Robin Fisher / 443

Rebecca Shumway, The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave Trade by Ralph A. Austen / 444

James Walvin, The Zong: A Massacre, the Law, and the End of Slavery by Ty M. Reese / 445

John Newton; Vincent McInerney (ed. & intro.), Slaver Captain by Trevor Burnard / 446

Siân Rees, Sweet Water and Bitter: The Ships That Stopped the Slave Trade by James Davey / 447

Farley Grubb, German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709-1920 by Marianne S. Wokeck / 449

Donna R. Gabaccia and Dirk Hoerder (eds.), Connecting Seas and Connected Ocean Rims: Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans and China Seas Migrations from the 1830s to the 1930s by Raymond L. Cohn / 451

Frances Steel, Oceania Under Steam: Sea Transport and the Cultures of Colonialism, c.1870-1914 by Matt K. Matsuda / 453

Paul A. Van Dyke, Merchants of Canton and Macao: Politics and Strategies in Eighteenth-Century Trade by Dian Murray / 455

Jonathan Goldstein, Stephen Girard’s Trade with China, 1787-1824: The Norms versus the Profits of Trade by Paul E. Fontenoy / 457

Andrew Hopper (ed.), The World of John Secker (1716-95), Quaker Mariner by David J. Starkey / 458

David Jenkins, From Ship’s Cook to Baronet: Sir William Reardon Smith’s Life in Shipping 1856-1935 by Gordon Boyce / 459

Kevin Cullinane (ed.), International Handbook of Maritime Economics by Michael Roe / 461

Alex Kemp, The Official History of North Sea Oil and Gas. Volume I: The Growing Dominance of the State; Volume 2: Moderating the State’s Role by René Taudal Poulsen / 462

Brunot Marnot, Les grands ports de commerce français et la mondialisation au XIXe siècle by Hubert Bonin / 465

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Andreas Kunz, Lars U. Scholl (eds.), Die Deutsche Seeschiffahrt 1821-1989: Ein Datenhandbuch by Lewis R. Fischer / 466

Kenneth Blume, Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Maritime Industry by Arthur Donovan / 468

Hermann Sandmann; Ursula Feldkamp and Karl-Wilhelm Wedel (eds.), Lebenserinnerungen eines alten Seefahrers; oder Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen von frühester Jugen bis zum 78. Lebensjahreby Jann M. Witt / 469

Uwe Hansen, Dirk Poppinga, 100 Jahre Viermastbark Passat: Leben und Lehrnen an Bord. Ein Bilddokumentation der Reisen 1956 und 1957 by Alston Kennerley / 470

David J. Stewart, The Sea Their Graves: An Archaeology of Death and Remembrance in Maritime Culture by Morgiana P. Halley / 471

Linda Maria Koldau, Titanic: Das Schiff, der Untergang, die Legenden by Michael L. Hadley / 473

Kale Bantigue Fajardo, Filipino Crosscurrents: Oceanographies of Seafaring, Masculinities, and Globalization by Jo Stanley / 474

Henry Trotter, Sugar Girls and Seamen: A Journey into the World of Dockside Prostitution in South Africa by Rachel Mulhearn / 476

Ludger Müller-Wille and Bernd Gieseking; William Barr (trans.), Inuit and Whalers on Baffin Island Through German Eyes: Wilhelm Weike’s Arctic Journal and Letters (1883-84) by Ingo Heidbrink / 477

Nelson Cole Haley; Vincent McInerney (ed. & intro.), Whale Hunter by Glenn M. Grasso / 479

Brian Joseph Payne, Fishing a Borderless Sea: Environmental Territorialism in the North Atlantic, 1818-1910 by Sean T. Cadigan / 480

Jeremy B.C. Jackson, Karen Alexander, and Enric Sala (eds.), Shifting Baselines: The Past and the Future of Ocean Fisheries by Trevor Kenchington / 482

Nathan Young and Ralph Matthews, The Aquaculture Controversy in Canada: Activism, Policy, and Contested Science by Miriam Wright / 483

Katrin Rupprecht, Der deutsch-isländische Fischereizonenstreit 1972-1976: Krisenfall für die NATO? Anhand der Akten des Auswärtigen Amtes by Katharina Jantzen / 485

Mahon Hayes, The Law of the Sea: The Role of the Irish Delegation at the Third UN Conference by Ted L. McDorman / 486

Paul Arthur Berkman, Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean: Promoting Co-operation and Preventing Conflict by Raymond Snook / 488

Richard Gorski (ed.), Roles of the Sea in Medieval England by David Beougher / 489

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C.S. Knighton and David Loades (eds.), The Navy of Edward VI and Mary I by Ian Friel / 491

Alexzandra Hildred (ed.), Weapons of Warre: The Armaments of the Mary Rose by Brad Loewen / 493

David S.T. Blackmore, Warfare on the Mediterranean in the Age of Sail: A History, 1571-1866 by William Henry Flayhart III / 495

Jaap Bruijn, Ronald Prud’homme van Reine, Rolof van Hövell tot Westerflier (eds.), De Ruyter, Dutch Admiral by Michiel A.G. de Jong / 497

Donald Stoker, Kenneth J. Hagan, Michael T. McMaster (eds.), Strategy in the American War of Independence: A Global Approach by Stephen Conway / 498

Sam Willis, The Glorious First of June: Fleet Battle in the Reign of Terror by Edward M. Furgol / 500

Ann Coats and Philip MacDougall (eds.), The Naval Mutinies of 1797: Unity and Perseverance by Martin Hubley / 501

Brian Arthur, How Britain Won the War of 1812: The Royal Navy’s Blockades of the United States, 1812-1815 by Barry Gough / 503

Kevin D. McCranie, Utmost Gallantry: The U.S. and Royal Navies at Sea in the War of 1812 by Andrew Lambert / 505

George C. Daughan, 1812: The Navy’s War by Michael J. Crawford / 507

Jason R. Musteen, Nelson’s Refuge: Gibraltar in the Age of Napoleon by Janet Macdonald / 508

James McCarthy, That Curious Fellow, Captain Basil Hall, RN by Jane Samson / 509

Andrew Lambert, The Crimean War-British Grand Strategy against Russia, 1853-56 by Nicholas Tracy / 511

David A. Mindell, Iron Coffin: War, Technology, and Experience aboard the USS Monitor by William H. Roberts / 512

Nicholas Papastratigakis, Russian Imperialism and Naval Power: Military Strategy and the Build-Up to the Russo-Japanese War by M. Stephen Salmon / 514

Shawn T. Grimes, Strategy and War Planning in the British Navy, 1887-1918 by Jon Sumida / 516

Robert L. Davison, The Challenges of Command: The Royal Navy’s Executive Branch Officers, 1880-1919 by C.I. Hamilton / 518

Nicholas A. Lambert, Planning Armageddon: British Economic Warfare and the First World War by N.A.M. Rodger / 519

Paul Halpern (ed.), The Mediterranean Fleet, 1919-1929 by Keith Neilson / 521

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Spencer C. Tucker (ed.), World War II at Sea: An Encyclopedia by Jeff Reardon / 523

Niklas Zetterling and Michael Tamelander, Bismarck: The Final Days of Germany’s Greatest Battleship by Eric C. Rust / 524

Peter Mauch, Sailor Diplomat: Nomura Kichisaburō and the Japanese-American War by Robert Hellyer / 526

Geoffrey Till and Patrick Bratton (eds.), Sea Power and the Asia-Pacific: The Triumph of Neptune? by Dennis Rumley / 527

James C. Bussert and Bruce A. Elleman, People’s Liberation Army Navy: Combat Systems Technology, 1949-2010 by Bernard D. Cole / 529

James Kraska, Contemporary Maritime Piracy: International Law, Strategy, and Diplomacy at Sea by Christopher Spearin / 531

Andrew Forbes (ed.), Australia’s Response to Piracy: A Legal Response and Stuart Kaye and Lowell Bautista, The Naval Protection of Shipping in the 21st Century: An Australian Perspective by Angus Topshee / 532

Claude Berube and Patrick Cullen (eds.), Maritime Private Security: Market Responses to Piracy, Terrorism and Waterborne Security Risks in the Twenty-First Century by Brian Wilson / 533

International Journal of Nautical Archaeology

Vol. 41 Num. 2 (September 2012)

• Transition from Shell to Skeleton in Ancient Mediterranean Ship-Construction: analysis, problems, and future research Patrice Pomey, Yaacov Kahanov, Eric Rieth

• New Evidence for the Submerged Ancient Harbour Structures at Tolmetha and Leptis Magna, Libya Carlo Beltrame

• Water and the Urban Fabric : a study of towns and waterscapes in the Roman period in Britain Adam Rogers

• A Late Iron Age Boat-Grave from Petersdal, Denmark Ole Thirup Kastholm • The Gost Ship. An Intact Fluyt from c.1650 in the Middle of the Baltic Sea

Niklas Eriksson and Johan Rönnby • The Problem of the Missing Harbour of Evagoras at Salamis, Cyprus: a review

of the evidence and pointers to a solution E. Malcolm Davies • The Möllo Cog Re-Examined and Re-Evaluated Staffan von Arbin, Aiofe Daly • The Carpow Bronze Age Logboat: excavation, conservation and display • The Anchor of the 3rd-Century-BC Ship from Kyrenia, Cyprus: a one-armed

wooden anchor with a lead-filled stock • A Stone Anchor from the Farasan Islands, Saudi Arabia • A Roman Type IVB Wooden Anchor Found in the Corfu Channel, Albania • A Roman Nautical Lead Brazier: its decoration and origin, and comparable

coastal finds. • Sydney Wignall, 1922-2012, a Personal Memoir • Reviews • Índexs

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Marine News

January 2012

• News from the WSS Library and Archive • Worldwide news on tugs and towage • Fifty years ago • Puzzle corner no. 19 • HNLMS Tonijn • Naval Notes • Royal New Zealand Navy 70th Anniversary and Fleet Review • Naval Deployments Month: 01/12 • Short Sea Shipping • Branch Notes • Kanmon Straits Shipping Dragon Ball • Books reviews • Diary for January and February 2012 • Sales, transfers & renamings • Member’s Reports • Casualties • Demolitions • New Ships (completed 2011)

February 2012

• Do you have difficult reading Marine News? • Merchant Ship Meeting 31st March 2012 • Branch notes • Naval Notes • Naval Deployments Month: 02/12 • Fifty years ago • Flags and funnels: Odds and Ends • Kanmon Straits Shipping Kaiyo • Wind Float 1 • Diary for February 2012 • Sales, transfers & renamings • Member’s Reports • Casualties • Demolitions • Supplementary information • New Ships (completed 2011) • Worldwide news on tugs and towage • Steamships of yesteryear Cynthia • Japanese Ferries Akatsuki 2

May 2012

• Survey of members’ intentions for Jaunuary 2013 • Marine News for life members • Naval Notes • Naval Deployments Month: 05/12 • Bahia Buen Suceso James Pottinger • Collico • Branch Notes

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• Diary for May and June 2012 • Book reviews • Fifty years ago • World Ship Photo Library. Naval offer May 2012 • Sales, transfers & renamings • Member’s Reports • Casualties • Demolitions • Supplementary information

June 2012

• Naval Notes • Naval Deployments Month: 06/12 • Fifty years ago • Short Sea Shipping • HMS Gloucester’s Crest • Branch Notes • From Heiresses to hussars : A brief nostalgic look at Royal Mail Steamer

Strathnaver • Steamships of yesteryear Vercors • Cynthia Olson • Toronto City • Book reviews • Diary for May and July 2012 • Sales, transfers & renamings • Members’ Reports • Casualties • Demolitions • New Ships

September 2012

• The Departing chairman Dr. Richard Osborne • Report to 2012 AGM on Chatham Library and archive management committee • Report to the 2012 AGM on the merchant ship committee • Cruise Ship and Passenger Liner News • Naval Notes • Naval Deployments Month: 09/12 • Branch Notes • WSPL Slide Archive Showcase • Diary for September and October 2012 • Book reviews • Sales, transfers & renamings • Members’ Reports • Casualties • Demolitions • Key to the New Ships Section • New Ships • World Ship photo Library Naval offer september 2012

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Maritime Reporter and engineering news

August 2012

• Editorial • Interview: Andrew Mak, Coo, Triyards

With yards in Vietnam and Houston, Triyards is a specialist in a broad spectrum of engineering and fabrication solutions.

• Shipping & Sanctions Economic sanctions, imposed by national and international governments for a variety of political reasons, can be snare traps for unsuspecting maritime enterprises • LNG market prospects to 2016 Douglas-Westwood’s new LNG Market report examines new prospects for liquefaction & regasification (import) terminals and LNG carriers • Export control reform Inter-agency effort to reform the U.S. export control regime has resulted in specific proposals to transfer oversight to the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) • Maritime ... or not? What constitutes a Maritime Contract under U.S. Law & why you should care • Shake, rattle & roll Study of effects of whole body vibration on crew and passengers aboard fast craft • Wave added resistance Marin unveils some secrets of wave added resistance • Marine insurance: ready for the worst Marine insurance and making effective catastrophe plans for hurricane zones. • Torque marine IPSrazil’s upstream logistic challenges While many view investments in new technology as an expense, rules regarding emission reduction can actually pay back via fuel consumption reductions. • The Corvus Power Play Corvus energy has created a revolutionary battery for the maritime market a power source with power density, longevity and durability that has led to the company’s rapid ascension. • Bunker fuel Management • Marine electronics • People & Company News • Products • Buyer’s Guide • Classifieds • Advertiser’s index

The Motorship

September 2012

• News Review • Medium vessel propulsion:

- MAN boosts dual fuel marine offering - Propulsors target speed and manoeuvrability - MAN unveils latest cruise technology - No-loss electric drive for Korean green ship - LNG fuel for Norwegian cruise ferries

• Regulation & Classification: - The old makes way for the new - Shipping faces new safety challenges - Green issues impact on machinery insurance • Paints & Coatings • Gas Fuelled Ships Conference Preview

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• German Shipyard Review • Russian Industry Review • Short Sea Shipping • SMM Preview - SMM Takes an Optimistic Stance - SMM Products and Services • Machinery matters • Fuels & Emissions Review - Asian ECAs may drive up LNG demand - Emissions measurements back to future - Bridging the environtment gap - Are single oil solutions the future? - ECA compliance needs wise choices • Design for Performance • Ship Description • 50 Years Ago

Náutica y Yates Magazine

Nº 2 (Agosto-Septiembre 2012) ACTUALIDAD • Festival del mar. Cinco ferias para 2013 • Panerai Classic Yacht Challenge • Salones. Las novedades llegan al final del verano • Webs • Libros ASTILLEROS • Bavaria Vision 44 • Quicksilver Activ 505 y 605 Open, y 705 Cruiser SECTOR NÁUTICO • Caída sostenida de las matriculaciones EQUIPO • Novedades • LSS-2 StructureScan HD. Para ver el fondo como nunca A FONDO • Sistema multifunción Genonav G12. Una opción completa ESPECIAL EQUIPO • Balizas de seguimiento. Siempre bajo control / A. Brel MERCADO • Radioteléfonos VHF. Indispensables a bordo MOTOR

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• Suzuki. Los fuerabordas del futuro • Volvo Penta 2013. Líder en innovación INFORMÁTICA A BORDO • APPS para embarcar (I) COMPRA • Adquirir un barco. Acierte a la primera PRUEBAS MOTOR

• Minorchino 42 • Bavaria Sport 39 • Rodman Spirit 31 • Cap Ferret 652 Open Club • Zodiac N-Z0 600 y 680 Comfort Cruising • Seajet 280. PRUEBA VELA • Oceanis 45 / C. Serra REGATAS • Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona • Copa del Rey Audi Mapfre OCÉANOS • Europa Warm’Up • Acciona 100% Ecopowered • Volvo Ocean Race. El Groupama claro vencedor • Nuevo monotipo para la Volvo. Solitaire du Figaro. MOD 70 • Tecnología. Vela oceánica e investigación científica / S. Serrat CRUCERO PRÁCTICO • Al timón. Salir con tripulación reducida / I. Martí • Trimado de velas / J. Mª Ferrer • Mayor en ceñida • Trucos / A. Puerto • Padelsurf. El placer de caminar sobre el agua SUPERYATES • Noticias. Monte Carlo Yachts 70 • Eventos. Nueva ctia de CNB Yachts en Bonifacio • Segunda mano. Sanlorenzo Experienced Yachts CHÁRTER

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• Islas Baleares (II). Sant Antoni, Sant Josep, Santa Eulàlia / M. Capdevila EMPRESAS

Pesca y acuicultura en Europa

Nº 57 agosto 2012

• Editorial: Deterner el dumping social a nivel mundial • Hacia una mejora de la legislación social para la pesca • Salón Seafood: el lugar de los primeros pasos • FEMP y los objetivos 2020 • Día europeo del mar: Gotemburgo explora el crecimiento azul • Conocimiento del medio marino 2020: ¿y ahora qué? • TAC 2013: la situación mejora

Research in Maritime History

No. 48 The Rise of the English Shipping Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries / Ralph Davis Introduction to the 2012 Edition / iii Series Editor’s Foreword / xiii Introduction / xv Preface / xvii Chapter 1: The Widening of Horizons, 1560-1689 / 1 Chapter 2: Consolidation, 1689-1775 / 21 Chapter 3: Ships and Shipbuilders in the Seventeenth Century / 41 Chapter 4: Ships and Shipbuilders in the Eighteenth Century / 55 Chapter 5: The Shipowners / 77 Chapter 6: The Merchant Seamen / 105 Chapter 7: The Pay and Conditions of Merchant Seamen / 127 Chapter 8: Shipping Management and the Role of the Master / 153 Chapter 9: Shipping and Trade / 169 Chapter 10: The Nearby and Northern European Trades / 195 Chapter 11: The Southern European and Mediterranean Trades / 219 Chapter 12: The East Indian Trade / 247 Chapter 13: The American and West Indian Trades / 257 Chapter 14: The Government and the Shipping Industry / 289 Chapter 15: War and the Shipping Industry / 303 Chapter 16: Four Ships and Their Fortunes / 327 Chapter 17: Was It a Profitable Business? / 349 Chapter 18: Conclusion / 373 Appendix A: A Note on the Shipping Statistics, 1686-1788 / 379 Appendix B: Sources for the History of the Shipping Industry / 391 Index / 397

Ships monthly

October 2012

• Waterfront

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News of vessels at the Olympics in London and Weymouth. Fire on board MSC Flaminia. RFA Bayleaf goes for scrpa. Are European shipyards in crisis? • Ferry New engines for south coast cats. My Ferry Link starts operations in the Channel. P&O seek offshore work. • Cruise Saga Rose set to retire. French operator becomes British. Will Titanic II be built? • Naval End for submarine Turbulent. HMS Defender delivered. HMS Visby completes successful test firing • Cargo Graig takes new bulk carrier. Sanko files for receivership. Solent debut for latest newbuild • Preservation Forceful is safe. USS Slater designated National Historic Landmark. Gary Archer at Southampton show • News feature A look at some designs currently being produced for ships of the future • Competition Win prizes in our latest competition • Ships pictorial A selection of ships pictured around the world • Ships mail A Selection of letters form readers • Ports of call Cruise ships calls around the UK in October • Mystery ship Can you cast any light on the mistery ship? • Ships library Reviews and details of some new books • Joint Warriors Pictorial report on the Joint Warrior naval exercises showing a selection of foreign and RN vessels on the Clyde • Colour me orange History of some conventional cargo ships that adopted the orange hull of Barber Lines in the late 1960s • Ship of the month: Seven Havila Behind the scenes of the new highly sophisticated Dive Support Vessel Seven Havila, which was voted Support Vessel of the Year 2011 • Strick Line and the French connection Strick Line, founded in 1887, adopted the distinctive funnel colours of red, white and blue chevrons and a ran cargo services to the Persian Gulf • Sealink survivors For 25 years Sealink was synonymous with ferry travel around the UK but now many of their ships survive? • Before the big ships A look at the early years of Carnival Cruise Lines and its modest beginnings • The sunken navy

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Recalling the extraordinary events in Scapa Flow at the end of World War I when the German fleet was interned


September to November 2012. Number 100

• Bearings From the director Kevin Sumption

• Nawi – exploring Indigenous watercraft The museum’s ground-breaking national conference drew together communities and scholars

• Boorun’s canoe Collaborative arts project revives Gippsland canoe-making

• Seeing the land from an Aboriginal canoe Indigenous watercraft carried explorers and settlers

• Barquentine Buster, an archaeologist’s dream NSW shipwreck uncovered by winter storms

• The glamour of a naval visit A Depression-era parade of high fashion unearthed from the museum’s Sam Hood Studio Collection

• Seaworthy and Seachange Wharf 7 foyer’s spectacular new exhibition unveiled

• Members message and events • Spring exhibitions and attractions • A boat called Freedom

Vietnamese refugee boat Tu Do has been researched, restored and reinterpreted

• Polly Woodside survives and thrives Melbourne’s famous barquentine reberthed

• Tales from the Welcome Wall Charmed life of a £10 Pom

• Australian Register of Historic Vessels New additions to this important national database

• Collections – Hands on heirlooms Higham shipwright tools collection

• Readings The last crusade; P&O 175th anniversary cruise history

• Viewings Maritime art exhibitions around town

• Currents Transit of Venus; Halvorsen milestone


Núm. 228

FEATURES • Parson’s Escape

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Remembering the Concordia yawl Halcyon • Revisiting the Classics The San Juan Islands Sharpie Schooners • Reinventing Gyre From offshore cruiser to family daysailer • A Folding Saloon Table An elegant dining solution for a small cabin • The Adaptable Sam Devlin Economy and good looks in plywood powerboats • Holland’s Botters Distinctive and able shoal-draft boats for an inland sea • A Structural Exoskeleton How Vaitses-method fiberglass sheating saved Carib II • The Construction Model as a Tool Artist’s mannequins help get the ergonomics right • Where are they now? A rundown on 100 classics • Contact Cruising Along the New England and Fundy coasts in a $400 yacht

DEPARTMENTS • Editor’s Page Salvation or Sacrilege? • Letters • Currents • Fo’c’s’le A Change for the Worse • In Focus The Working Sailboats of Madagascar • Designs The Controversy 36: True Confessions • Wood Technology Void Space in Wood- A magnet for water • Launchings... and Relaunchings • The WoodenBoat Review Aida The New York Yacht Club Books Received • Save a Classic Jeanne: A Concordia Sloop

READER SERVICES • How to Reach Us • Vintage Boats and Services • Boatbrokers • Boatbuilders • Kits and Plans • Classified • Index to Advertisers

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TEAR-OUT SUPPLEMENT • Getting Started in Boats: Workbenches for Boatbuilding