Success Guru - Philip Crosby

CROSBY Philip Crosby: The FUN Uncle of the Quality Revolution

Transcript of Success Guru - Philip Crosby

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CROSBYPhilip Crosby: The FUN Uncle of the Quality Revolution

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Those who know the name “Crosby” know the significance the name holds within the rigging and lifting industry. It is a name that has been trusted for over 130 years, is rooted in tradition, and drives the industry-changing innovations of tomorrow.

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Philip Crosby

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Quality - Crosby

Quality, Crosby emphasized, is neither intangible nor immeasurable. It is a strategic imperative that can be quantified and put back to work to improve the bottom line.

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Crosby's approach to quality is unambiguous. In his view, good, bad, high and low quality are meaningless concepts

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Philip Crosby

The founder and chairman of the board of Career IV, an executive management consulting firm. Crosby also founded Philip Crosby Associates Inc. and the Quality College. He has authored many books, including Quality is free, Quality without tears, Let’s talk Quality and Leading: The art of becoming an executive. Crosby originated the concept of zero defects.

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Crosby is BEST known for:

Quality is Free His first book which made him famous. Zero Defects One of his four absolutes of quality.

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Crosby's approach to quality is unambiguous. In his view, good, bad, high and low quality are meaningless concepts

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Four Absolutes of Quality

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The First Absolute

The definition of quality is conformance to requirements (not as goodness).

Non-conforming products are ones that management has failed to specify or control. The cost of non-conformance equals the cost of not doing it right first time, and not rooting out any defects in processes.

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The Second Absolute

The system of quality is prevention (not appraisal).

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The Third Absolute

The performance standard is zero defects (not “that’s close enough”).

Zero defects does not mean that people never make mistakes, but that companies should not begin with allowances or sub-standard targets with mistakes as an in-built expectation. Instead, work should be seen as a series of activities or processes, defined by clear requirements, carried out to produce identified outcomes.

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The Fourth Absolute

The measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance

(not indexes).

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The Fourteen Steps to Quality Improvement

1. Management Commitment

2. Quality Improvement Teams

3. Measure Processes

4. Cost of Quality

5. Quality Awareness

6. Correct Problems

7. Monitor Progress

8. Train Supervisors

9. Zero Defects Day

10.Establish Improvement Goals

11.Remove Fear


13.Quality Councils

14.Repeat the Cycle

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Management commitment

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Quality Improvement Teams

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Quality Measurement

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Cost of Quality Evaluation

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Quality Awareness

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Corrective Action

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Establish an Ad-Hoc Committee for the Zero Defects Program

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Supervisor Training

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Zero Defects Day

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Goal Setting

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Error Cause Removal

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Quality Councils

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Do It Over Again

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Philip Crosby was Born in West Virginia in June 18, 1926.

 After serving in WWII and the Korean War he has worked for Crosley, Martin-Marietta and ITT where he was corporate vice president for 14 years. 

Philip Crosby Associates, Inc., founded in 1979, was his management consulting firm that served hundreds of companies.

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Since retiring in 1991 he has founded Career IV, Inc., Philip Crosby Associates II, Inc. and the Quality College.

Phil Crosby died in August, 2001, but his legacy will live on in better quality in thousands of organizations.

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It addresses the approaches of Crosby, Deming, and Juran as comprehensive management philosophies aimed at long-term improvements and customer satisfaction through leadership. This report is intended for individuals beginning their education in the field of quality.

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Philip Crosby

“Do it right the first time.” Quality is free. Philip Crosby's ideas came from his experience

on an assembly line.

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Crosby’s Philosophy

Crosby’s approach revolves around Zero Defects.

Doing things right the first time is always cheaper than trying to fix defects after they have been created. Thus, quality is free.

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According to Crosby, costs of poor quality are higher than organizations realize. Organizations should spend more effort tracking costs of quality in track the reduction is costs as quality is improved.

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How Philip Crosby Redefined Quality

In 1979, as a Vice President of the mega-conglomerate ITT, Philip Crosby turned his operating philosophy into the groundbreaking book Quality Is Free.

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How Philip Crosby Redefined Quality

In defiance of the conventional wisdom, Crosby defined quality in simple and absolute terms so anyone could quickly establish whether or not quality existed in the workplace, or even at a single workstation

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Philip Crosby Associates (PCA)

Philip B. Crosby spent his 50 year career uniting these different functional and organizational cultures.

His pragmatic philosophy has become the universal standard and business model for creating reliable, hassle-free organizations throughout the world, because his simple and powerful approach is literally the foundation on which many of today’s improvement approaches were constructed.

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The Quality College