Sub and Superquiz

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Transcript of Sub and Superquiz

  • 8/12/2019 Sub and Superquiz


    pName: __________________ #: _________ Date: _______________

    Prefixes sub- and super- Vocabulary Quiz

    Word Bank

    subway supersonic subzero superhuman

    supervisor subdued submerge supermarket

    suburb subterranean

    Directions Part 1:Write the meaning of each prefix below

    ! What does the prefix "sub$ mean% _________________________

    & What does the prefix "super$ mean% _________________________

    Directions Part :'hoose a word from the word bank to complete each sentence

    ( )arth*uakes occur when plates below the )arth+s surface shift ,hese plates are______________________

    - ,he )ast coast of the .nited /tates experiences ________________ temperaturesduring the winter

    0 1 went to the ___________________ to buy my groceries

    2 ,he captain told his crew to ____________________ the submarine

    3 4ountain 5iew is a _____________________ of /an 6rancisco7 ,hor protects the world with _____________________ powers

    8 /he ___________________ her angry feelings by 9ogging & laps around the field

    ! ; _______________________ 9et flies faster than the speed of sound

    !! 4y dad will take the ___________________ when he travels to New

  • 8/12/2019 Sub and Superquiz


    !uffixes able- and ible- Vocabulary Quiz

    Word Bank

    repairable excitable remarkable profitable

    valuable flexible visible audible

    divisible horrible

    Directions Part 1:Write the meaning of each prefix below

    ! What do the suffixes "able$ and "ible$ mean%_____________________________



    Directions Part :'hoose a word from the word bank to complete each sentence

    & ,he __________________________________ smell was coming from hisbackpack

    ( ,he carpenter decided that the old chair was _____________________________and all it needed was a new set of wheels

    - What is ___________________________________________ by 0%

    0 ,he snowboarder set a _________________________________________ recordof & 9umps when heading down the steep course

    2 ,he movie was _____________________________________ from the last row ofthe theater

    3 ,he birds were _____________________________________ from a distanceaway because 1 was using the highpowered binoculars

  • 8/12/2019 Sub and Superquiz


    7 ,he /an 6rancisco =iants game was very___________________________________ 4any people bought tickets>

    8 ?er grandmother+s wedding ring was extremely ____________________________so she will keep it in a locked safe

    ! =ymnasts+ bodies need to be __________________________________ so theycan compete successfully

    !! ,he puppy is so ______________________________ that he runs back and forthacross the carpet anytime someone enters the room>

    Name: __________________ #: _________ Date: _______________

    !uffixes er- and ful- Vocabulary Quiz

    Word Bank

  • 8/12/2019 Sub and Superquiz


    colorful 9oyful playful powerful

    beautiful louder 9uicier lazier

    smaller sadder

    Directions Part 1:Write the meaning of each prefix below

    ! What does the suffix "er$ mean% _________________________

    & What does the suffix "ful$ mean% _________________________

    Directions Part :'hoose a word from the word bank to complete each sentence

    ( ?e is finding@ that the later he stays up the _____________________ he feels thenext day

    - ?er ______________________ swing sent the tennis ball flying over the net at afast speed>

    0 ,he ________________________________________ flowers brightened up thedark room

    2 /ally+s ____________________________________ dress sparkled in the afternoonsunlight

    3 Aason+s orange was ____________________________________________ thanusual today>7 4arley the _______________________ puppy@ loves to run in circles and chasethe kittens>

    8 ?is voice is much ___________________________________________ thananyone 1 know>

    ! Ben+s ______________________________ attitude shone through during hispiano recital

    !! ?is mom noticed he was __________________________________ than his twobrothers about the game being cancelled

    !& =ary+s puppy is ____________________________________________ than/ara+s puppy