Study In 1 Samuel Presentation 12. Saul’s Grievous Sin Chapter 13v1-22 Presentation 12.

Study In 1 Samuel Presentation 12

Transcript of Study In 1 Samuel Presentation 12. Saul’s Grievous Sin Chapter 13v1-22 Presentation 12.

Study In1 Samuel

Presentation 12

Saul’s Grievous Sin

Chapter 13v1-22

Presentation 12

IntroductionImmediately his position as king of Israel is secure Saul sets about establishing his kingdom. There is some uncertainty about the lapse of time between his coronation and Israel's reaffirmation of his kingship after the defeat of the Ammorites and between that reaffirmation and the events recorded here.

We see something of the uncertainty of the Saul, the new king, creeping in at v2, where with the exception of a standing army of 3000 men [a modest number] he sends the rest of his army back home. And then a few verses later he recalls them again.

Presentation 12

A Rash AdvanceSaul seems unsure of his objectives or how they are to be realised. He seems to have no plan but a great deal of enthusiasm. Now enthusiasm needs to be controlled and not allowed to throw itself into every situation, that appears to promise victory.

There is clearly a need of a long term view and plan in the work of God. Not least so that all that we do makes sense to those who follow otherwise we are sending conflicting signals that undermine the confidence of the people of God.

Presentation 12

A Rash AdvanceWhy is Saul in such a hurry? Why is no time spent planning, praying, or consulting God and the spiritual leadership of the nation?

One of the most dangerous times for any work of God, or in the life of the individual Christian, is immediately after some significant victory. Was Saul intoxicated by his success over the Ammorites? Was he anxious to enhance his own reputation or, was he chaffing under the continued influence of Samuel? Hadn’t the old man, Saul, been pensioned off? Why couldn't he find an old folks home at the seaside and stay there? Whatever the reason, Saul is in a hurry to run into battle. This passage illustrates the proverb, 'act in haste, repent at your leisure'.

Presentation 12

A Rash Advance Jonathan precipitate a crisis [13v3ff] by attacking and defeating a Philistine outpost at Geba for which Saul would immediately takes the credit. The humility of 11.13ff has evaporated. Jonathan's action ignited a full scale war.

Enthusiasm and precipitate action lands Israel in a situation that they were not equipped to handle. Why?

1. Israel were a nation of farmers, while the Philistines were a warrior people, per head of population they had a vast fighting force - mercenaries!

Presentation 12

A Rash Advance2. The Philistines were in strategic control of the

advantageous military positions, that were in turn garrisoned [cf. Roman Britain]. Saul is now no longer engaged in a guerrilla war.

3. Philistia had the equipment of a superpower v5.

4. She kept an economic and technological stranglehold on Israel v 19-21.

5. People can become enthusiastic after one of two encouraging successes but when it becomes clear that long term commitment to God’s work is required, many make plain that they have no heart for that kind of confrontation, this is what happens in v6-7

Presentation 12

A Foolish ActIsrael are told to rally at Gilgal. Samuel sent word that he would arrive there in 7 days to sacrifice before God's people began to engage in battle. [this was the established pattern cf. 10.8 ].

Waiting upon God to speak, to lead and guide does not come easy to any of us. Saul recognised that Israel's morale was low, saw that desertion was endemic and feared the army might dissolve away and so he was panicked into conducting the sacrifice himself .

Presentation 12

A Foolish ActGod and God's man are left out of the equation. Saul had lost sight of a clear spiritual truth that God can give victory with few or with many. Cf. Gideon. Saul lost sight of dependence upon God. To go forward without the assurance of God's blessing was folly of the highest order.

Saul also seems to have viewed sacrifice as a slot machine operation, a means of securing God's help v9. It was a pagan notion that God's co-operation could be secured provided he was fed the right sacrifices. Saul assumes the priestly role in a similar manner to that of the priest kings of Egypt, Crete, and Philistia.

Presentation 12

A Foolish ActNote the timing of Samuel's arrival in v10 [immediately after Saul had sacrificed]. How does Saul respond to his folly? Everyone is blamed except himself; the army, the Philistines and even Samuel - a pattern established from the fall cf Gen.3.12ff.

How refreshing it is when someone takes the blame for something they have done wrong rather than try to justify their failure. Our justification, like Saul's, can sound so plausible; “I just had to do it the people were in danger". Saul’s disobedience came at a price: he forfeited the prospect of establishing a dynasty v14. This punishment may seem severe but remember that rebellion at this early stage in the monarchy if left unchecked would set the tone for future rulers.

Presentation 12

A Foolish ActConsider too, that Saul was not acting as a private person but as a leader, as such he would be judged more severely. Cf. Jas. 3. 1.

Saul was not immediately dismissed and removed from office. There was still much work for him to do but another man was already marked out v14 - a man after God's heart. For many years to come Saul would be in the thick of the work of God and win victories but his will would remain unbroken. The basic impulse of his personality was never controlled by God. He would do exploits for God but he would never submit his heart to him. He was to big in his own eyes for that!

Presentation 12

A Foolish ActAt the end of this passage the Israelites are hemmed in around Geba. Saul is sulking because he considers God has been too hard on him. Here is a man who is asking, "Why should I take my leadership responsibilities seriously since God does not appear to treat me as I deserve".

Compare Saul's sulky refusal to accept God's judgement with David's response to the exposure of his adultery – it was one of confession, repentance and acceptance of God's chastening cf. 2 Sam. 12.13,19 23, Ps 51. Saul's wrong attitude, paralysed him.

Presentation 12