90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 1 STUDY GUIDE [MOVIE POSTER]



90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 1




2 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide© 2015 Giving Films

Photographs and film graphics used by permission of Giving Films.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including storage and retrieval systems, photocopy, recording, scan-ning, or other, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

Published by Giving Films, Georgia Film Fund 35 LLC, 3355 Lenox Road, 10th Floor, Suite 750, Atlanta, GA

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Liv-ing Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by per-mission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNA-TIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked CEV are taken from the Contemporary English Version® Copyright © 1995 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked GNT are taken from the Good News Transla-tion® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition) Copyright © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-692-56146-1Written by Robert Noland and published in association with the literary agency, WTA Ser-vices, LLC, Franklin, TN.Edited by Christy DistlerDesign by Amy BalamutPrinted in the United States of America


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 3

Table of Contents

How to Use This Study ..............................................4

Introduction ................................................................5

Study 1

“That’s what it’s all about—finding your purpose.” ..............................................6

Study 2

“I know it sounds crazy, but I have to pray for him.” .....................................19

Study 3

“People are God’s hands to meet your needs and answer your prayers.” ..........................34

Study 4:

“Don’t you realize what a powerful encouragement you could be?” .............................47

Endnotes ..................................................................60


4 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

How to Use This StudyThe 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide can be a unique and powerful

resource for any Christian, delving into topics such as Heaven, hope, suf-fering, relationships, calling, ministry, and sharing your faith. The accom-panying DVD contains five scenes from the film, with one scene used in each study except for Study 4, which uses two scenes. Here are a few tips to help this study be fruitful and productive.

For Small Groups:The format is user-friendly for small-group facilitators who have lit-

tle preparation time. Sections are clearly marked with what to do: SAY, READ, DISCUSS, and WRAP-UP.

In the SAY sections, either read these or put the sections into your own words.

In the READ sections, feel free to use your own version of Scrip-ture if you prefer. Just be certain your version’s wording fits the context of the topic.

In the DISCUSS sections, either use all the questions or only the ones you feel best fit your group. You can also customize some questions of your own. The true goal of any small-group meeting is to get the members shar-ing and processing the topics.

The WRAP-UP sections are markers to let you know you are nearing the end of the study and about to close.

The CLOSING PRAYER sections provide a prayer for your conve-nience. Feel free to close your meeting as you choose.

For Self-Study:While this study has been written with direction for small-group

facilitation, it also makes a great self-study resource. The study can also be used in a one-on-one discipleship setting. The facilitation language is simple and easily understandable when approaching the study individu-ally or in a one-on-one. The space provided after each discussion question is there for you to write your own answer. Please read the small-group tips above for best use of the sections.


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 5


Don Piper died January 18, 1989, when a semi-tractor truck crushed his car. Declared dead by the first rescue workers to arrive on the scene, Don’s body lay under a tarp for the next 90 minutes. Don’s soul, mean-while, was experiencing love, joy and life like he’d never known before. Don was in Heaven.

When another pastor’s prayers helped bring Don back to life, he be-came a living miracle! Yet this is one miracle Don wished never happened. Heaven’s bliss was replaced by excruciating pain and emotional turmoil. With the support and prayers of his beloved Eva, their three kids and friends near and far, Don clings to his faith in God and fights to regain a semblance of his previous life. The Piper family’s incredible true story of perseverance and overcoming the challenges of life—and death—will bring hope and encouragement to all who see it.

Our hope and prayer is that this four-week study utilizing scenes from the motion picture 90 Minutes in Heaven will raise some fresh questions, spark inspiring discussion, and bring a timely reminder regarding pain, suffering, purpose, community, hope, and of course, Heaven. Whether you use this resource in your small group or personal study, may you sense the presence of God, as you grow closer to Him—and closer to Heaven.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)


6 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

90 Minutes in Heaven

Study One

“That’s what it’s all about—finding your purpose.”


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 7


In 1642, Anthony Van Diemen, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, commissioned Abel Tasman, a sea captain for the Dutch East In-dia Company, to launch on a voyage in search of unknown lands. The goal was to create maps of the unexplored regions south of the known world. During this long journey, Tasman discovered what is now Tasmania and New Zealand. While these two landmasses were certainly worthwhile finds, he somehow missed what could have been his biggest discovery: the largest island in the world, Australia. There is now a small national park named after Tasman in New Zealand, and in 1856 the nation he discovered was formally named Tasmania, but what greater things might he be recognized for had he been the first to find Australia?1

There is great irony in a legendary explorer being known just as much for what he missed as for what he found. When we hear the tale of Tasman, it is easy to wonder, “How in the world could he have over-looked Australia?” But today, we have resources that Tasman did not, including an exact map of the world and navigation systems to help us get anywhere and find anything.

When considering this intriguing bit of history, we are also reminded of the story about a little girl who had just learned a new phrase. As children often do, she got the words mixed up and asked her father, “Daddy, what are you doing in the world?”

She had obviously misspoken the phrase “What in the world are you doing?” but her father said it really made him stop and think. “Wow. What am I doing in the world?” he asked himself. As the old saying goes, “Out of the mouths of babes.”

Let’s ask a rhetorical question. As Christians, if we were lost but now are found, then why do so many of us today seem to live as though we don’t know our true purpose in the world? How found do we really think we are? How found do we actually feel? How found do we truly act?

Here’s a second rhetorical question, looping back to our story of Tas-man the explorer. As Christians, can we make major discoveries in life and faith as we read Scripture, commune with God, and get involved in church community, but still miss something as big as finding our own purpose? The short answer is, unfortunately, yes.


8 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

So while we may be found spiritually, we might not yet have allowed God to help us discover our unique divinely intended purpose: to know what we are doing in the world.

Don Piper was a committed man of God—a dedicated disciple and pastor with a loving and supportive family—who had a burning desire to do two things: reach people with the Gospel and populate Heaven.

Now, when you first hear those two goals, you might think they are the same, but there are many pastors, priests, and preachers who are fo-cused primarily on getting the message out, with the concept of Heaven being just an assumed far-away result. Don seemed to have a unique grasp on the end goal of the Gospel: spending eternity with the Living God, leaving this broken world and going to His perfect home.

Let’s watch this clip from 90 Minutes in Heaven where we get to hear Don’s heart, as well as witness one of his spiritual mentors challenge him on his life focus.


Scene #1 from the DVD


• Do you feel that the overall state of Christianity today has ahealthy perspective and priority on Heaven? Why or why not?

• Donsaid,“TheprizeweshallreceiveonedayisHeaven.”Howdo you think having this mind-set might help keep us better on track as Christians?


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 9

• HowdoyoufeelhavingDon’sfocusmighthelpourchurch?

• WhatdoyouthinkhismentormayhaveseeninDonthatwar-ranted the challenge to be certain about his direction in life and ministry?

• Doyou suppose aChristian candecide to takeona very spiri-tual and admirable ministry goal, but not actually be pursuing the unique purpose God intended for him/her? Can we pursue a good thing, but it not necessarily be a God thing? Why or why not?

• What might the phrases “It’s all about finding your purpose”and “Remember—it’s not about you” have in common? How do these two concepts work together?

• Wouldanyoneliketoshareanythoughtsortakeawaysfromthisscene?


10 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide


In considering our time on earth compared to eternity, listen to this verse …

How short you have made my life! In your sight my lifetime seems nothing. Indeed every living being is no more than a puff of wind. (Psalm 39:5 gnt)


Why do you suppose …

• …Bibleversessuchasthisonecanmakeusuncomfortable?

• …ourcultureissobusytoday,yetmanyfeelasthoughsomethingin life is missing?

• …somanypeopleinourculturetodayseemtobedrivenandmo-tivated more by guilt of what they are not doing than by finding an actual purpose of what to do?

• …aversesuchasthisonecouldactuallyinspiremotivationforusto find our spiritual purpose in life?


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 11


In the 1981 Academy Award-winning film Chariots of Fire (the true story of Eric Lidell, the Scotsman who ran in the 1924 Olympics), there is a scene where his sister is deeply concerned because she thinks his run-ning is pulling him away from their commitment to go to China together as missionaries. He looks deep into her eyes and tells her that God has made him for a purpose but He has also made him fast. Lidell then states, “And when I run, I feel His pleasure.” He ran in the Olympics, but also went on to serve the Lord in China.2

One of the most beautiful yet amazing ways that we know we are ful-filling our purpose and tapping into the heart of God is when we “feel His pleasure,” as Lidell explained to his sister. It’s that knowing deep down that the activity you are engaged in is a gift from your Creator and why you are on this planet. It’s a part of you that just feels supernatural and “not about you.”

We have all seen the beaming face of a dad whose child just took first steps, rode a bike without training wheels, brought home the best test grade ever, kicked a first soccer goal, or graduated from high school. We know that look. That pride. That pleasure. It is magnified a zillion times with God the Father—God our Father. He shows that deep pride from His heart to ours when we take what He has uniquely placed into us and we display it to the world.

So, as Christians, asking ourselves the question, “What am I doing in the world?” is only the beginning. The most important question to seek an answer for is, “God, what do You want me to do in the world?” Another way to word this would be “What purpose did You create me to fulfill?” To put this into Eric Lidell’s words, what do you do to sense “God’s pleasure”?

One of the goals of this study is to help each person find some clarity, or maybe a fresh focus, on the answer to these questions. When we truly understand God’s calling and purpose in our lives and begin to live that out, we will most certainly change, which in turn can allow us the oppor-tunity to impact our community and our church.

One of the over-arching lessons from the film 90 Minutes in Heaven is that God may have something far bigger and wider-reaching than we would ever imagine—something that, in order to reach that place, may


12 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

even require a difficult and painful journey. While we may have our heart set on a very good thing, He has designed us to experience a God thing. And as Don’s mentor shared, “It’s not about you.”


• How could changing our perspective on our time left on thisearth help us motivate and move our lives into real purpose?

• Howmighteachofusimpactourchurchbyfindingandcommit-ting to God’s calling?

• Howmightthisaffectourcommunity?

• Howdoyouthinkthisspiritualparadigmshiftandfreshfocuscould change our own hearts for eternity?


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 13


Actually, the answer to the deeply personal question of “Why am I here?” has already been answered for each of us.

God wants to involve you in His work, for you to join Him. Today. Right now. He wants your life to make a difference in many other lives, empowering you to move His Kingdom forward and defeat the work of the Enemy.


In John 15:5–8, Jesus says, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and

I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.”


In the Greek language, the word we translate as “remain” or “abide” is a key imperative in this passage, indicating that we are connected to Christ, the Vine, by faith.3 In this relationship, He then remains in us by His very nature, just as the vine holds the branches.

Notice Jesus gives us two key end results in this passage. By remaining or abiding in Him, we “will produce much fruit” and bring “great glory to” our Heavenly “Father.” No question about it. He is wholly committed to us; we simply must stay committed to Him by faith.

Also, the last sentence in verse 5—“For apart from me, you can do nothing”—is critical in helping us understand how God works. So many people ask Christ into their lives, then go off on their own and start try-ing to do “good things” to impress Him and gain His approval.


14 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

But as a Christian, you’re not only found; you are also in His hand—forever! He will never leave you or forsake you. You can still leave Him, forsake Him, and renounce Him, but He’s all about you now just as the vine is connected and committed to the branch, its health, and its ability to bear fruit. You already have His approval and acceptance.

So, we must ask this question: How do we bear fruit—not our own brand, but that which is only from the Vine, Jesus?

In a speech where Bono, the iconic lead singer for the rock band U2, was talking about his faith and his many humanitarian works all around the world, he shared, “A wise man once told me, ‘Stop asking God to bless what you’re doing. Get involved in what God is doing, because it’s already blessed.’”4

That’s really a simple approach, is it not? It requires staying close to God in a relationship, seeking to know what He is doing and listening as He invites us to join Him.

So, as the little girl asked her father “What are you doing in the world?” what is your purpose?

You’re here to live for Christ, to remain and abide in Him, because He died for you. That is first and foremost your purpose. He loves you and now lives in you, so you and He make an amazing team that can, quite literally, change the world.


• Why do you suppose we often complicate the Christian lifewhen, in reality, following Jesus daily is quite simple?

• Howcanwe,asBonosaid,getinvolvedinwhatGodisdoingandhas already blessed?


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 15

• Howmighteachofusmakingthissimplecommitmentchangeour church?

• Ourcommunity?

Let’s revisit this key verse one more time.


“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)


Even though many of us may have read and heard this verse hundreds of times, our prayer today is to view its truth with new eyes and hear it with new ears. To truly believe that our lives will be forever changed comes from understanding these two closing points…

1 — Apart from Jesus, we can “do nothing.”

2 — With Him, we can “produce much fruit”—accomplish great works in His name.

[LEADER: Rhetorical questions.]• Hasyourfaithgottentoocomplicatedandcluttered?

• HaveyoutriedtogainHisapprovalwhenyou’vealreadyhadit?


16 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

• Haveyoubeentryingto“dogood”whenyou justneedto“letGod”?


In December of 2006, eighteen-year-old Katie Davis from Brent-wood, Tennessee, traveled to Uganda for the first time. Something eter-nal happened to her there.

In the summer of 2007, Katie went back to Uganda to teach kinder-garten at an orphanage. She was surprised by the number of children sit-ting on the side of the road or out working in the fields. There were no government-run public schools in the area where she was living. Most schools in Uganda are privately operated and require fees for attendance, making most children unable to afford an education.

Katie began a child sponsorship program matching orphaned chil-dren with sponsors in the States, providing education, school supplies, daily hot meals, spiritual discipleship, and medical care. By January of 2008, Katie had 150 children in the program. To date, the program spon-sors over 600 children.

Katie established a non-profit organization called Amazima Minis-tries International that seeks to meet the physical, emotional, and spiri-tual needs of orphaned children in Uganda. In the Lugandan language, Amazima means “truth.”

She also started a feeding program in the Karimojong community, with over 1,200 children being fed Monday through Friday. This allows them to attend school and stay off the streets, also providing medical care, Bible study, and health training.

Katie wanted to help the women in the village provide for their fami-lies too, so she initiated a program for them to make Ugandan bead neck-laces. The jewelry made by the Karimojong women are then purchased and sold in the United States.

In January of 2008, Katie became the adopted mother of three or-phaned girls. She is now the mother of thirteen daughters, and says, “People tell me I am brave. People tell me I am strong. People tell me ‘good job.’ Well, here is the truth of it. I am really not that brave, I am not really that strong, and I am not doing anything spectacular. I am


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 17

just doing what God called me to do as a follower of Him. Feed His sheep, do unto the least of His people.”5


Katie is fully focused on “what it’s all about,” or her purpose in the world. And she has learned to live out the most important truth of all—that it’s not about her, but about Jesus and the kids she serves daily. She knows exactly what she is doing in the world. She has discovered her purpose for being on the earth, even at such a young age. Katie knows that apart from Jesus, she can do nothing, yet with Him, she is a branch that produces much fruit. It all began, when she was just eighteen, with a simple surrender to Jesus. She found what God was already blessing and joined Him.

Why are we closing with Katie Davis’ story and words? Because God wants to give each of us our own story of how He can do something we could never do on our own without Him.

In John 8:28–29, Jesus gave us yet another glimpse into the vast depth of His love and commitment to the Father.


So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man on the cross, then you will understand that I am he. I do nothing on my own but say only what the Father taught me. And the one who sent me is with me—he has not deserted me. For I always do what pleases him.”


Jesus could most certainly say, “When I live, I feel His pleasure.”Wouldn’t it be amazing to declare, “I only say what God tells me to

say and I only do what pleases the Father.” The great news for each of us is that the One Who made that declaration is living inside us.


18 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide


Closing questions for each of us to consider are …

• WhatamIfocusedoninlife?

• WhatamIdoingthatIknowis“notaboutme”?

• WhatstepsmustItaketoknowGod’spurposeformylife?

• WhatamIdoingintheworldthatonlyabranchofJesuscoulddo, by His fruit?


Father in Heaven, if we truly believe You are the Vine and we are Your branches, then provide us with the strength and the courage to give up our lives and step up to Your purpose for each of us. Help us know today what we are doing in the world, so we can discover and declare as Katie Davis did: “I am just doing what God has called me to do.” Teach us how to change—in You. For it is in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 19

90 Minutes in Heaven

Study Two

“I know it sounds crazy, but I have to pray for him.”


20 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide


A couple getting ready to move into their $680,000 vacation dream home in Daytona Beach, Florida, was shocked to find out their house had been built on the wrong lot. The construction company, as well as the surveyors, completely missed the fact—from the foundation to the finish-out—they were working on the wrong property. The news feed re-ported that all parties were trying to figure out the best solution without tearing it down and rebuilding—on the very next lot.6

A frequently quoted saying about the search for significance states, “Many people spend their lives trying to climb the ladder of success only to find when they reach the top, their ladder was leaning on the wrong building.”7

Today, more than anytime in history, people are frantically busy, stressed out, distracted, and exhausted. Many are building their lives and making the climb to success in the wrong places for the wrong reasons. Far too many will learn soon enough that wealth and power won’t satisfy the soul, and countless people will find their journey did not lead them to hap-piness and contentment.

Even as Christians, moving through life too fast in this crazy culture, we can still find ourselves asking, “Where in the world am I going?”


• Whatdo you feel is causing somuchof the cultural chaosweexperience in our lives today?

• Whydoyouthinksomanypeopleinoursocietystrugglewithdiscontentment and disillusionment?


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 21

• Howmightallthesefactorsactuallycreatemoreopportunitiesfor Christians to minister and for the church to provide answers?


Once, world-renowned physicist Albert Einstein was traveling by train from Princeton. The conductor came by to check the tickets of each passenger. When he got to Einstein, the famous scientist reached into his vest pocket. He couldn’t find his ticket there, so he looked through his pants pockets. He then rifled through his briefcase and looked on the seat beside him. No ticket.

The conductor said, “Doctor, I know who you are. We all know who you are. I’m sure you bought a ticket. Don’t worry about it.” Einstein ex-pressed his appreciation.

The conductor continued down the aisle checking tickets, but just as he was about to move to the next car, he looked back to see Einstein on his hands and knees, looking under the seats for his ticket. He rushed back and said, “Sir, please don’t worry, I know who you are. You don’t need a ticket.”

Einstein looked up at him, flustered, and responded, “Young man, I, too, know who I am. What I don’t know is … where I’m going!”8

There are seasons in life when we feel like we don’t truly know who we are but we can think we know where we’re going. Then there are sea-sons when we know who we are but aren’t at all sure where we’re going, just like Einstein. As well, there can also be seasons when we aren’t sure of either one!

The great news we hold in our hearts today is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ leads us to the right place and builds on the right foundation. God knows who I am and He knows where I’m going. God knows who you are and He knows where you’re going. Our part in this relationship is to stay close to Him so we may know as well. His ladder leads to the abundant life, and His construction is always in exactly the right place.


22 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

As Christians, we believe …… God has created each of us.… God has created each of us for a purpose.Therefore, God decided …… when each of us would be born—into what era in history.… where each of us would be placed geographically.… the family in which each of us would grow up and become an adult.God decided the gifting, skills, and experience we would need to ac-

complish our purpose.When we think of our lives in these terms, we must believe each of us

is here on the earth—right now—for a calculated and strategic purpose in the Kingdom of God. No accidents. No coincidences. Not random, but intentional. Purposeful. Powerful.

Consider this well-known account from the Book of Esther. Mor-decai has learned that King Xerxes, through the coercion of Haman, has ordered the annihilation of the Jews. Hathak comes to Esther with the news and instructs her to go to the king and beg for mercy for her people. Listen to the dialogue …


Hathak went back and reported to Esther what Mordecai had said. Then she instructed him to say to Mordecai, “All the king’s officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king.”

When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this an-swer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliver-ance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 23

do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:9–16 niv)


The idea that Esther was created, blessed, and gifted by God “for such a time as this” should not be lost on us today. If God is no respecter of persons, then each of us has been placed where we are “for such a time as this” as well.

What should also not be lost on us is Esther’s response: “I will go to the king … and if I perish, I perish.” Full-on obedience. Total commit-ment. Complete acceptance of the assignment and the consequences.


• WhatmightbesomefactorstodaythatcoulddistractanEstherfrom being obedient?

• WhataresomeexcuseswecangiveGodwhenHeasksustodosomething, especially when what He asks may be difficult, un-comfortable, or even risky?

• WhydowesometimesstrugglewithhearingGodandknowingHis will?


24 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

• HowcrucialisaChristianworldviewinbelievingGodmadeyou“for such a time as this”? How so?


In the film 90 Minutes in Heaven, after the horrendous car accident in which Don Piper is involved, we see highway patrol and emergency vehicles arrive at the scene. The paramedics reach through the smashed car and check for a pulse on Don. When none is found, firemen cover the car with a tarp due to the heavy rain.

Dick Onarecker, a minister who had attended the same conference where Don had spoken, came upon the accident, unaware of who was in the covered car. In that moment, God spoke to him. Incredibly, Dick didn’t ignore or argue with Him, but listened. Let’s watch this clip from the film to see what happened when human obedience met an Almighty God.


Scene #2 from the DVD


• Wouldanyoneliketoshareyourthoughtsorfeelingsaboutthisclip?


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 25

• DoyoubelieveGodwasgoingtobringDonbackregardlessofDick’s prayer? Why or why not?

• WhydoyouthinkGodwouldconnecttheunusuallevelofobe-dience of one man to an impossible situation?

• Whataresometakeawayswecanlearnfromthisscene,which—may I remind you—is completely true?


Let’s look at some factors that can become roadblocks on our journey of trusting and knowing where God is taking us and what He is building, and can hinder our obedience to Him.

We can all think of the many responses Dick Onarecker could have had to God telling Him to go pray for a dead man. So, knowing those, let’s take a few minutes to look at the spiritual, emotional, and intellec-tual roadblocks we can put up when God asks us to do difficult things.

Roadblock #1 — FearAuthor and teacher Dr. Neil Anderson says, “Fear can cause us to hang

onto the trunk, while the fruit is found out on the limb.”9 There may have been other ministers in that line of cars at the bridge

that day, and there were certainly some Christians, but only one decided to crawl out on the limb.

This is a great reference back to our last study on the fruit Jesus pro-duces in us. Fear can keep us from producing fruit.


26 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

Many people would rather suffer in mediocrity and anonymity than face their fear of what God might have them do. Too many would rather risk disobedience than express faith and fail.


I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4)


How many fears does this verse say God can free us from? … Yes, all of them.


Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. (1 John 4:18)


Once again, we see His love expels “all fear.”We get our English word “phobia” from the Greek word “phobos.”

The word meaning is “panic flight, fear, the causing of fear, or terror.”10 But just as the presence of a loving father can end a young child’s ter-

ror when he/she feels certain a monster is in the closet, God can drive out our fears with His loving kindness. We can overcome our “phobia” of doing God’s will by focusing on His great love, which is more powerful than any outcome or consequence His work might bring into our lives.

Listen to the Contemporary English Bible’s rendering of 2 Timothy 1:7 …


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 27


God’s Spirit doesn’t make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.


• WhataresomefearsthatcanhurtourrelationshipwithGod?

• Whataresomefearsthatcanhurtourwitnessandrelationshipwith other people?

• Does anyonewant to share a fear you have that tends to be aroadblock in your relationship with God?

• Whataresomepracticalwayswecanbegintoreplacefearwithlove and courage?

• WhatfearsdidDickOnareckerovercomeonthatfatefuldayatDon’s car accident?


28 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide


Roadblock #2 — DoubtFear is often overt and obvious, while doubt can appear in subtle

ways. Fear consumes, while doubt creeps in. Fear rushes over us, while doubt slowly seeps inside.

Often, we may not feel we actually doubt God as much as we doubt ourselves. We question our ability to hear Him correctly, handle His will properly, and carry out what He asks.

But when we place the focus on our own self-doubt, we actually are doubting God, because we have once again placed the focus complete-ly on ourselves and our inabilities, rather than on God and His ability. What was one of our key phrases from the last study? “It’s not about you.”

God is not limited by our capacity to believe Him.


Abraham’s faith never became weak, not even when he was nearly a hun-dred years old. He knew that he was almost dead and that his wife Sarah could not have children. But Abraham never doubted or questioned God’s promise. His faith made him strong, and he gave all the credit to God. Abraham was certain that God could do what he had promised. (Romans 4:19–21 cev)

We all know and feel doubt, so what an inspirational Scripture on which to focus! Wouldn’t it be amazing for people to say of us, “He/she never doubted or questioned God’s promise”?

Two key words listed in this verse are …

1 — FaithFaith is contrasted as being the opposite of doubt.

2 — CreditAbraham gave the credit to God, which took the focus off him and

placed the emphasis where it always should be: on the One Who made the promise to begin with.

Abraham was certain. We can also be certain. Why? We serve the same God.


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• Howcan,orwhyis,doubtmoresubtlethanfear?

• Whataresomewayswedeflectpersonalresponsibilitybyfocus-ing on what we can’t do rather than on what God can do?

• Discussthisstatement:Godisnotlimitedbyourcapacitytobe-lieve Him.

• HowmightconsistentlygivingGodthecredit for thegood inour lives actually grow our faith and decrease our doubt?


Roadblock #3 — SinLet’s put a simple definition on the word “sin” as any disobedience

to God.There are two ways that we disobey Him …1 — Commit Sin


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We know the thing we should not do, yet we do it anyway.2 — Omit RighteousnessWe know the right thing to do, yet we do not do it.Let’s read Paul’s confession of his own dilemma …


So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? (Romans 7:14–24)


For our purposes here, we already know we are all sinners, missing the mark and never hitting perfection. We must zoom in on our hearts and be honest about ongoing, habitual sin, which is a constant clog in our relationship with God.

Habitual sin is a roadblock when it consistently creates a barrier on our pathway to God. We begin to care more about satisfying our own desires and wants than about pleasing God.

All of us know without any pressing questions or convicting words the areas in our lives where disobedience is dominant and hurting us. We know where we are committing sin. We also know the places where God


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is asking us to do certain things and we are telling Him no. We know the areas where we are omitting God’s ways and will.

For us to truly walk with God, habitual sin must be dealt with. Again, we aren’t talking perfection. The Bible is clear that this is not possible for humans. But the practice of starting afresh each day in full and total for-giveness and grace, clean of all known sin, is crucial to truly experiencing God’s freedom.

Here’s an example. A spouse occasionally struggles with a selfish or impure thought, yet asks for forgiveness and moves back into actively lov-ing his/her spouse versus carrying on an adulterous affair week in and week out. We must draw the line and distinguish sin in our lives as either the occasional action for which to ask forgiveness or an ongoing activity that demands repentance.


• Let’s talk about thedifferencebetweendoing thewrong thingand not doing the right thing. How do both miss God?

• Discuss Paul’s transparent frustration with himself in Romans7:14–24. How can you relate?

• Howisitwecanknowtheaddictiveandrestrictingareasofourown sin and yet ignore and deny them for years?


32 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

• Howmightlivingintruefreedomfromsinaffect…

… our relationship with God?

… our impact on non-Christians?

… our church?



Many years ago author and communicator Henry Blackaby coined the phrase “crisis of belief ” in his Experiencing God resources. He defined this as the turning point where a Christian decides to express faith and believe God, and stop doubting and fearing.11

This is a put-up-or-shut-up moment of “are you going to believe or not?”Everyone listed in the “Faith Hall of Fame” in Hebrews 11 had to

come to a personal crisis of belief. Each one had a moment in time that changed his or her eternity—and, in turn, many others’ eternities as well.

At the scene of Don’s crash, there is no question everyone standing on that bridge that day in southeast Texas encountered a crisis-of-belief mo-ment, even if they were only a by-standing witness. But two people were forever impacted by the God of miracles: Dick Onarecker and Don Piper. Their lives would never be the same. Faith went to a deeper level and took on a new paradigm.


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There is a strong possibility that in the areas of doubt, fear, or sin, you have been brought to your own crisis of belief, just as all the amazing people in the Bible were.

[LEADER: Rhetorical questions.]Is there an action you need to take today to obey God?

To change your life?

To change your family?

To change your church?

The apostle Paul did not allow his frustration with his own sin to stop him from changing the world through the power of Christ. And neither can we. God wants to use us in the same way, by the same Spirit, through the same power. We have that choice today—to join Him and move for-ward or to shrink back in doubt and fear.

We have the power through Christ to know exactly where we are go-ing and what He is building in us.

This week’s study was titled using Onarecker’s words to the officer: “I know it sounds crazy, but I have to pray for him.” What if we began to live out our walk with God so we, too, would be able to say, “I know it sounds crazy, but I have to …”? Why would we do that? Because God has spoken and we must obey.

Let’s close with God’s words that Moses shared with Israel in Deuter-onomy 31:6 niv. These are just as true for us today.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”


Heavenly Father, we want to believe. Help us with our unbelief. Forgive us of our sin. Give us strength and courage to pursue You with all that is within us. For it is in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.


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90 Minutes in Heaven

Study Three

“People are God’s hands to meet your needs and answer your prayers.”


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In an interesting paradox of human nature, one of the most effective methods for us to get our own issues in perspective is to focus on some-one else’s problems. Nothing ends a personal pity party faster than seeing someone in much worse circumstances than we are in.

But the other side of this coin is there are times when we must also allow someone to help and minister to us. Reciprocation is humbling, especially in the I-can-take-care-of-myself, pull-myself-up-by-my-own-bootstraps, every-man-for-himself mentality that pervades our culture today. Ministering to others, and allowing others to minister to us, is a major component of the Christian life.

Following Jesus’ ascension into Heaven on the Day of Pentecost, Pe-ter preached the message about Jesus and three thousand people respond-ed. A new community was born—one unlike the world had ever seen. God’s Spirit moved among the people, changing minds and behavior.


All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and pos-sessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity—all the while praising God and enjoy-ing the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fel-lowship those who were being saved. (Acts 2:42–47)


Let’s take a look at today’s passage in greater detail.

1 — Sound Teaching


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This would have been a coupling of Christ’s words and some of the books of the Old Testament available to them at that time. The focus would have been on understanding God’s Word and applying the prin-ciples to daily life. Evidence proves this was a reality for them, as they literally changed the known world.

2 — FellowshipGathering together regularly in community kept them strong and

strategic. Our busy culture is rapidly losing the ability to truly commune with one another. A knee-to-knee, heart-to-heart will never be replaced by a text, a tweet, or a “like.”

3 — Sharing MealsWhile we may view this as an optional part of fellowship today, their

culture saw this activity as a necessary aspect of friendship, hospitality, and intimacy. Sharing food with each other was also practical and some-times necessary for everyone to eat. The early church’s inner circle was any fellow believer, as they ministered outwardly to all.

4 — PrayerTalking to, listening for, and resting in God’s presence together be-

came as vital to the early church as breathing is to humans. These people literally had no direction without God speaking. We could certainly learn from this level of dependence and desperation today.

5 — Sharing Life and PossessionsThere was a deep sense of love, joy, and peace that came from help-

ing each other. Christ had taken good care of His disciples, so His ex-ample continued on in their everyday life. This was a community in action and service.

6 — Worshiping TogetherNote they worshipped in the Temple every day, not just on Sunday.

Worshiping God and expressing gratitude for all Jesus had done was an active part of life for the believers. The focus wasn’t on musical styles, catchy choruses, instruments, choir size, the color of the carpet, or who was leading; it was solely on expressing love and praise to Jesus—together.


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Let’s discuss these different aspects of Acts 2.

• Howmightsoundteachingbecrucialtoacommunityofpeoplelearning about a new paradigm of living? Do you believe this is still an important focus of the church today?

• Whataboutfellowship?Howdoyouthinkthiselementofcom-munity helps grow any body of people?

• Onsharingmeals,whatdoyouthinkwecanlearnfromthis,evenas busy families?

• Onthedisciplineofprayer:First,whydoyouthinkthiscanoftenbecome a weak area for any body of believers? Second, how can interceding for one another, as well as others, grow us in faith?


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• Inregardstosharingmaterialpossessions,howdoyouthinkre-introducing this activity into our Christian communities today might transform and change us?

• Whileweallunderstandtheimportanceofgatheringforwor-ship, how might we improve this in our small groups and with each other, even aside from being connected to music as we of-ten think?

• Finally,doesanyonehaveanytakeawaysyou’dliketosharefromthese six elements of the early church?


As the church took part in all these daily activities, this passage says that four distinct elements were produced:

1 — AweGod’s work was being seen and experienced in their midst every day.

This produced an almost indescribable response from the people of God. This unexplainable activity also drew more people to the faith.

2 — MiraclesAlthough Jesus had ascended to Heaven, the apostles had taken on

His ministry to the people, seeing His Spirit do the same work He had done, now through them.


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3 — Goodwill of the People (the Watching World)A community of unselfish, giving, and joyful people who genuinely

love each other and everyone around them is going to draw attention, as well as intrigue and appreciation. This certainly became the case for the early believers, particularly those who were suffering or hurting and were ministered to regardless.

4 — Numerical and Nurturing GrowthAll of these factors became a magnet for the common man. It would

be an understatement to say that in the years following Christ the church exploded in growth. In fact, the reason we know the Gospel today is be-cause of the commitment of those early followers.


Let’s discuss these four evidences of God produced in the early church.

• Whataboutawe?Doyouthinkwetrulyunderstandthissensa-tion today? Why or why not?

• Whilewewouldallagreethatanysoulbeingsavedisamira-cle, here we are referring to wonders that only God could do through the obedience of the people, just as we saw last week as Dick Onarecker obeyed God and prayed for Don Piper. How might we today find ourselves engaged in miracles, showing God’s limitless power?


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• There is certainlyadirect connectionbetween thegoodwillofthe people and numerical growth. While we might all agree the size of a church today doesn’t necessarily reflect the direct activ-ity and blessing of God, how do these two evidences impact the ministry opportunities a church may have?

• BeforeweleavethispassageinActs2,doesanyonehaveanyfinalthoughts or other questions?


Our Western culture has long held a pride about not needing any-thing from anyone, sometimes to the point that people will suffer in si-lence until a situation is too late for intervention. For us to truly be like the Acts 2 Christians, we must learn to receive.

Don Piper was holding a secret all to himself. In the time during which he was pronounced dead, he had gone to Heaven, but he had not yet told anyone. As he was enduring severe pain and suffering, he had firsthand knowledge of another dimension with only joy and peace. In short, Don lost his will to live and, although many of his church com-munity, family, and friends were trying to do all they could to show him love and care, he rejected everyone’s help on any level—even that of his wife and nurses.

Let’s watch this scene from the movie where the interim pastor from Don’s church, Jay B. Perkins, comes to visit him after hearing about his in-ner struggle.


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Scene #3 from the DVD


• Would anyone like to share your thoughts regarding Don’s re-sponses when Perkins was offering him various things?

• WhataboutDon’sreactiontothepastor’srebuke?

• Whywouldsayingthose things toDonbequitedifficult forapastor to do?

• Howdoyouthinkourchurchculturetodayaffectsusin“speak-ing the truth in love” as Paul stated and Perkins displayed? What factors affect this powerful dynamic of Christian relationships?

• WouldanyoneliketoshareasituationwhenyouwereeitherinDon’s position to receive or the pastor’s place to speak?


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• Arethereanyfinalthoughtsonthisscenefromthefilm?


At one time all the people of the world spoke the same language and used the same words. As the people migrated to the east, they found a plain in the land of Babylonia and settled there. They began saying to each other, “Let’s make bricks and harden them with fire.” (In this region bricks were used instead of stone, and tar was used for mortar.) Then they said, “Come, let’s build a great city for ourselves with a tower that reaches into the sky. This will make us famous and keep us from being scattered all over the world.” But the Lord came down to look at the city and the tower the people were building. “Look!” he said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them! Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.” In that way, the Lord scattered them all over the world, and they stopped building the city. That is why the city was called Babel, because that is where the Lord confused the people with different languages. In this way he scattered them all over the world. (Genesis 11:1–9)


At the Tower of Babel, God scattered the people by confusing their language. In Acts 2, He did the very opposite.

While the Holy Spirit did come upon the disciples gathered in Jeru-salem, an important point to understand is that people had traveled there from all over the known world for the Jewish harvest festival called Pen-tecost, where people brought gifts and offerings before the Lord. There


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were not only people present who spoke different languages, but also dif-ferent dialects of the same language. Let’s look at Acts 2:7–12.

They were completely amazed. “How can this be?” they exclaimed. “These people are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking in our own native languages! Here we are—Parthians, Medes, Elamites, people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, the province of Asia, Phry-gia, Pamphylia, Egypt, and the areas of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism), Cretans, and Arabs. And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!” They stood there amazed and perplexed. “What can this mean?” they asked each other.

Whereas God confused languages at Babel, here He united the spe-cific languages needed for all to hear the Gospel in one place. Each dialect spoke of one message: the Gospel to unite God’s people.

Today, does it often feel like we are reliving Babel or Pentecost?The great news of the Gospel is that we can share, as well as receive,

this same message with others. But, even more specifically, we can speak each other’s language and understand each other’s heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. We can speak the language of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. All of our words flow through the dialect of the truth of Christ.

Think for a moment about the “language” that Jay B. Perkins had to speak to Don when he was in that hospital bed. First, many people would have told him he should never talk to a man enduring such suffering in that manner. But Perkins knew what Don needed to hear most to survive and find his hope once again.

Next, consider the “language” that Don had to hear to understand the truth Perkins was speaking to him. The world would have told Don he had every right to be angry and tell the pastor to get out, but he was hear-ing the Spirit of God drawing him to truth through the pastor’s words.

As Christians in our politically correct and don’t-offend-anyone culture, we must remember the language we are called to speak and hear is that which is spoken by Jesus. We must speak and hear His truth above all other voices. The unity and community the early church expe-rienced was not of this world, so the communication will be supernatu-ral for us as well.


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• ThereissomuchdiscussiontodayregardingChristianitybeingdi-visive in the culture. How is the Gospel and its message unifying?

• Doyouthinktoday’slostworldhasdifficultyunderstandingthelanguage of Christians? Why or why not?

• HowcanwetakepeoplefromBabeltoPentecost—fromdividedto unified?


The title for today’s study is Perkins’ words, “People are God’s hands to meet your needs and answer your prayers.” We’ve looked in detail at how the early church did an amazing job of accomplishing this goal.

I’m sure, however, that many of us relate to Don’s attitude in his hospi-tal bed, even though we are healthy and walking around. Something in our past has hurt us, burned us, or created a need for isolation in one or many areas of our heart. We may distrust, so we withdraw from others who get


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too close. We protect ourselves at all costs, even at the expense of others who may just want to help us, the way Don’s church wanted to help him.

A major goal of any small group is to learn how to speak the language of Jesus, to move into an understanding of two things:

1 — Our limitations individually

2 — Our strengths together

This will then offer opportunity for:

1 — Personal humility (not relying on yourself )

2 — Interdependence on biblical community (relying on other be-lievers)


• Whataresomewayswecanlearntogivemoretoeachother?

• Howcouldwebetterlearntoreceivefromeachother—to“meeteach other’s needs and answer each other’s prayers”?

• Anyfinalthoughts,comments,orquestionsoncommunity,unity,orany of the topics we’ve touched on in this study?


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Let’s close with the words of Paul, a man who gave much but also had to learn to receive as he ministered the Gospel to so many.

And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiri-tual truths. (1 Corinthians 2:12–13)


Heavenly Father, teach us to become more and more dependent on You while becoming more interdependent on each other. May we be Your hands and feet to people, meeting needs and answering prayers. For it is in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.


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90 Minutes in Heaven

Study Four

“Don’t you realize what a powerfulencouragement you could be?”


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The historic story is told that by March 5, 1836, Colonel William Bar-rett Travis had known for a few days that his and his soldiers’ plight inside the old Spanish mission known as the Alamo was now hopeless. Several thousand soldiers under the command of Mexican General Antonio Lo-pez de Santa Anna had Travis and his small band of soldiers surrounded.

The twenty-six-year-old Texan was not a professional military man but a lawyer. Even so, Travis knew enough battle history to understand that the army on the outside usually prevails over the army on the inside. The sheer numbers alone created overwhelming odds.

So, as the legend goes, Travis gathered his troops that Saturday after-noon and gave them this call to arms: “We must die. Our business is not to make a fruitless effort to save our lives, but to choose the manner of our death.” Then the colonel drew his sword and slowly marked a line deep into the Texas sand. “I now want every man who is determined to stay here and die with me to come across this line.” Those who crossed that day, as history is written, stayed, fought, and died together.12

Historians still debate whether this exact scenario is true; regardless, the story of Travis’ sword gave us an amazing metaphor for making hard calls. The “line in the sand” imagery derives its power from representing an absolute truth: making a courageous decision often comes at a high price.

Jesus drew a similar line in the spiritual realm regarding eternity, one that He is still drawing today. He invites each of us to a courageous deci-sion that comes at a high price.


When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his dis-ciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the proph-ets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Pe-ter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:13–16 niv)


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Everyone who walks the earth must answer Christ’s ultimate ques-tion: “What about you? Who do you say I am?”

Simon Peter’s answer went far beyond what others had said of Jesus thus far; titles given to Him had been rabbi, teacher, prophet, healer, and miracle worker. But Peter zoomed out and declared Him the Messiah, but then also zeroed in on his own heart, declaring a personal realization. Peter may well have been the first disciple to realize Jesus was the King in the Kingdom they had all been hearing Him teach about.

Regardless of how many years you have been in church, how many sermons you have heard, and how many Bible study classes you have sat through, the central question we must all have a firm answer for is, “Who is Jesus to you?”

Is He the King in the Kingdom of God? Is He your personal Lord and Savior? Have you agreed that Jesus died in your place and took the punishment for your sin? This is the “line in the sand” Christ draws today, and, from this point forward, we can all advance together in unity as a body of believers, yielded fully and submitted completely to Him.

Today, if you don’t know Christ or just are not sure, please speak with a pastor or leader as soon as possible and make this life-changing decision in your life.

[LEADER: Depending on your group and your role, you can invite anyone with a need or question to come to you after the group study ends.]


• Whyisthe“lineinthesand”imagerysostrongandvividforpeople?


50 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

• Whydoyou thinkGodmade it soclear throughoutScripturethat people must decide if they are following Christ or not?

• Whydowe,asrebelliouspeople,strugglewithclearlydrawnlinesversus wanting blurred lines or gray areas?

• Whyshould itbe so important toyouandmethat theGospelis a deeply personal all-or-none commitment and not just an all-encompassing, generalized religious belief ?


The word “evangelism” stirs up all kinds of feelings in us as Chris-tians. As I read, find the statement with which you most identify—and no, we won’t be sharing these aloud.

— “I know I should share Christ, but I never do, so I just feel guilty.”

— “I know I should talk to people about Jesus, but I don’t know what to say.”

— “I’m so busy with so much going on in my life. Honestly, I just never think about it.”

— “I have so many questions and doubts myself that I feel hypocriti-cal talking about my faith.”


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 51

— “When I’m in situations where I know I need to share, I get scared and clam up.”

— “Whenever I sense an opportunity to share my faith, I do my best to speak up.”

— “I seek out opportunities to share the Gospel whenever and with whomever I can.”

Most likely, you relate most to one of these statements. The good news for us all is that we’re going to get rid of the guilt, admit we aren’t all Billy Grahams, and find a very personal way to share our faith.

Many Christians worry that a non-Christian will ask a question they don’t know the answer to or get them into a debate that is way over their head.

In today’s culture, just sharing the truth is the very best way to share Christ. In other words, tell your own story. No one can debate what hap-pened to you. No one can argue you out of your own experience. You have a unique story—unlike anyone else’s—of how Jesus saved you, and no one can take it away. And by sharing your story, you aren’t telling the person what he/she should do, but simply conveying an important part of your life.

Listen to 1 Peter 3:15 niv …


But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.


Consider this Q & A from our verse.When should you be prepared? [Always]To whom should you be ready to give an answer? [Everyone]What do you say? [The reason for the hope that you have in Jesus]


52 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

What might happen in our community if each of us prepared our-selves with our own story and shared the reason for our hope with anyone who asked—anytime, anywhere? It’s time for us to learn how to do that.

[Leader: This exercise is best done if each group member has a pen and paper or can type the notes on a phone or tablet. Allow time for ev-eryone to write out their answers.]


First, in three to five sentences, write out what your life was like be-fore you accepted Christ.

Next, in three to five sentences, write out how you came to know Christ. What were the circumstances around the time of your salvation? Be sure to include any key relationships that helped you come to Him.


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 53

In a few short sentences, write what your relationship with Christ has done in your life since that day or how He has changed your life.

Last, tell what God is doing in your life or teaching you right now.

The final step in your testimony will always be current and changing as you experience more and more of God and mature in Him. The awe-some aspect of always including what God is doing today is two-fold:

1 — It shows your relationship with God is an ongoing and active part of your life—not just an experience that happened in the past but a powerful present-day relationship.

2 — It shows the other person how God is actively involved daily in the lives of His followers. This one step could make a huge dif-ference in your witness.

Now think about how you would use what you have written down in a clear and concise manner to share the Gospel with someone in just a few minutes.

After you share your story, if someone asks you questions, do one of two things:

1 — If you know the answer, speak honestly from your heart about your own experience.

2 — If you don’t know the answer, tell the person you aren’t sure but will find out or lead him/her to someone who can answer. Few


54 90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide

people are going to expect you to be a spiritual expert, so just be yourself and be straightforward.

If the person asks how he/she can come to know Christ the way you did, you have two options:

1 — Lead the person through a prayer, just as you prayed when you became a believer. Remember, there’s no magic formula or spe-cial words. Salvation is a confession of the heart, not a recitation of the mind. Speak your heart and have the person speak his/hers. You can’t go wrong with that approach.

2 — If you are uncomfortable with leading the person through a prayer, ask him/her to meet with you and a pastor, priest, or other leader you trust. Again, just be honest.


Is there someone here who wouldn’t mind reading or sharing the tes-timony you just wrote?

[Leader: Allow for as many testimonies as you would like here. Hearing someone share can be a helpful teaching tool and motivation. If no one or only one person shares, then move on with the study.]


The salvation experience we are talking about sharing has an end goal: Heaven. Once we come to Christ, His home is our new home where we will one day go.

Don Piper had yet to tell anyone about his time in Heaven until his best friend, David Gentiles, came to visit and asked him a pivotal ques-tion. Let’s watch that scene now.


Scene #4 from the DVD


90 Minutes in Heaven Study Guide 55


• WhydothinkDondecidedtokeephis“sacredsecret”?

• Whydoyouthinkapastor—amanaccustomedtofreelygivingand sharing about God—would not realize he now had a new and precious assignment, rather than a burdening secret?

• What are somewayswe sometimeskeepour relationshipwithGod a “sacred secret”?

• Whydoyousupposesomeone’sgift,message,orassignmentfromGod is not seen by him/her but is so clearly seen by others, just as David quickly saw but Don didn’t?


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The key line from today’s scene and this study title is “Don’t you real-ize what a powerful encouragement you could be?”

The truth is we all must realize what a powerful encouragement God can empower us to be in our circles of influence. He has uniquely de-signed each of us to reach people who others might never reach.

God has a calling on your life. He has a purpose planned for you. He wants you to have a “3D” life. Let me explain …

The first “D” is Discover.1 — Discover your passion.Find what fires you up, can be used to reach people, and glorifies God.The second “D” is Define.2 — Define your calling. How does God want you to use your passion, gift, or talents in the

world? Who can you reach with it? Where can you best use it? When can you best use it?

The third “D” is Develop.3 — Develop your ministry.When your gift and obedience meet God’s power and presence, the

world will be changed. And as Don’s mentor told him, “Remember—it’s not about you.”

Walking through this three-step process is very much like when you pour any liquid through a funnel. The process of pouring directs the liquid exactly where it needs to go with simple effort and no waste. It’s all in. That is exactly what the 3D life accomplishes. You pour who you are into God’s Kingdom from your created purpose, and He blesses it and wastes nothing. He’s all in! Your passion is funneled into your calling, and then your calling is funneled into your ministry. God uses you to touch people.

Now, let’s get more specific about this 3D life, while also showing how simple the process can be.

Let’s say you love to fish and even take others on your trips to the water. You decide to give your passion for fishing to God. You pray about each Saturday morning and invite non-Christians, fatherless boys, or young people in need of mentoring out with you to spend quiet and qual-ity time. What an amazing ministry fishing becomes!


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Here’s another example. Say you love to bake. You enjoy teaching others to bake and giving away your creations. Invite non-Christians, young people in need of a mentor, or stressed-out neighbors who need a break, to your home to help or hang out with you while you bake. Then take your goodies to neighbors, nursing homes, police stations, etc. with a note including Scripture. Baking can bless so many!

God can take a hobby, sport, talent, or favorite pastime and turn it into a ministry. From riding Harleys to home decorating, relationships can be built around these activities to lead others to Christ, disciple be-lievers, or simply serve in Jesus’ name.

Christ + Your Passion = MinistryGod doesn’t need the plumber who trusts Christ to work only on

Christians’ commodes and sinks. He wants that plumber to take Him to every home and every job to be a witness for Him. God doesn’t want a lawyer who comes to know Him to take on only the cases of Christians. He wants that attorney to take Him into every courtroom and deposition and make a difference in people’s lives.

You see it? The best church is not the one we go to on Sunday; it’s the one we

carry out to the world on Monday! That is the 3D life!God wants our church to tear down the walls between the commu-

nity and us, and take Him to them. Sure, let’s invite people to church, but first, let’s take the message of the church to the people.

Let’s go back to the Matthew 16 niv passage that we began with today.Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not re-

vealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Peter’s journey in Scripture took him from being a fussy fisherman to an effective evangelist. Jesus went from being Peter’s “sacred secret” in the courtyard at His trial to being a “mass message” spoken to thousands in only a matter of days.


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After Peter makes his confession to Jesus that he now knows He is Who He says He is, Christ makes a declaration about Peter’s life: that on his faith, He will build the church that will defeat Hell itself.

This is an amazing and challenging truth we must grab hold of today. Jesus wants to build His church on us right now, and in our faith, to de-feat Hell in our generation.

Jesus has done everything He promised to do. We are saved, re-deemed, and blessed. What is our response?

He is drawing the line in the sand today for each of us. Where are we going to stand?


• Wouldanyoneliketoshareyourthoughtsontheconceptofthe3D life—discover your passion, define your calling, and develop your ministry? There will never be a safer place to talk this out than right here.

• I’dliketoaskifwecouldtakeamomentandencourageeachotherin the gifts we see here among the members in our group. What do you see that needs to be encouraged in someone right here? We need to affirm one another.


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• Beforewewrapupthisfinalstudy,doesanyonehaveanyques-tions, thoughts, or anything else you’d like to share?

• Fromthisentirestudy,whatistheonetruthyoufeelyouwillnow“walk out” in your faith?


We must first be certain we truly know Jesus, then take hold of what He is individually calling us to as we discover our passion, define our calling, and develop our ministry. Finally, we must cross the “line in the sand” between God and the world, not letting anything stop us from be-ing powerful encouragers to everyone in our circles.

We will finish this study by viewing the final scene from the movie 90 Minutes in Heaven where the real Don Piper, not the actor playing him, is speaking to a church in Houston. After we hear Don’s challenge, we will close in prayer.


Scene #5 from the DVD

CLOSING PRAYER:[LEADER: Encourage all group members to pray their heart, commit-

ting to the Lord what He has shown them through the course of this study.]


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1 Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s. v. “Abel Janszoon Tasman,” accessed October 27, 2015,

2 International Movie Data Base, Chariots of Fire,, accessed October 27, 2015,

3 meno, Bible Hub,, accessed October 27, 2015,

4 Dana Roc, “Bono: On God and Faith,” Keynote Address at the 54th National Prayer Breakfast, February 2, 2006, accessed October 27, 2015,

5 “Katie’s Story,” Amazima Ministries, accessed October 27, 2015,

6 Lisa Kaplan Gordon, “Whoops! Florida House with Ocean Views Built on Wrong Lot,” AOL Real Estate, accessed October 27, 2015,

7 Joyce Meyer, I Dare You: Embrace Life with Passion (New York, NY: Hachette Book Group, 2007), 66.

8 “Billy Graham: I Know Where I’m Going,” Beliefnet News, accessed October 27, 2015,

9 Dr. Neil Anderson, sermon (Grace Chapel, Leiper’s Fork, TN, August 7, 2011).

10 phobos, Bible Hub,, accessed October 27, 2015,

11 Henry Blackaby and Claude King, Experiencing God (Nashville, TN: Life-way, 1990), 108.

12 William Corner, San Antonio de Bexar (San Antonio, TX: Bainbridge, 1890), 86.


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