Studio journal




Transcript of Studio journal

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Table of Contents

Introduction A Design Futuring

A.1 Design Computation

A.2 Composition/ Generation

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Hi, my name is Christopher Dunkley I am currently a third year student studying Bachelor of Environments at the University of Melbourne. Currently, I am also working as a draftsman at Rudds Engineering to further extend my expertise in the building industry while studying.

I was born and raised in Canberra, Australia where I attained an Advanced Diploma of Building Design at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) in 2013. Through this study as well as others I am capable in many drafting and 3D modelling soft wears such as Auto CAD, Revit, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks and others. This has allowed me to be involved in some of my very first building design plans with small scale projects.

Digital Architecture is something that is new for me to be learning. I am not completely familiar with Rhino and it is my first time using Grasshopper however I am hoping my previous skills and quick learning will help me to overcome the challenges and learn to take full advantage of digital designing.


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The Spanish Pavilion project is one of the most striking architectural designs in my opinion. There is no one spot where the eye is focused to directly but rather draws the eye to capture the design as a ‘whole’ object.

Tagliabue has created the design from using a simple material called wicker, a type of willow wood, and forms them into woven panels that then clad the steel structural frame and shape of the building. This technique aims to bridge both traditional eras of design as well as connections between the involved countries, Spain (the designer), Germany (the producer) and China (the host) as well as many others which give connection between all.(ref)

This design has been set to focus on the idea of the future and moving towards a low and high tech combined process of building as well as looking at sustainable applications.(ref) It draws on the idea of studying the old traditional methods of Spanish basket making and applies them to a modern, new, creative building form located in Singapore. By this concept the design actually won the prize for the top future project at the world architecture festival in 2009.


THE SPANISH PAVILION Bendetta Tagilabue- Miralles Tagliabue Architects

The notable different shades and colours of the wicker panels are formed from the natural changes brought about by the manufacturing and manipulation of each panel. (ref)

These ideas behind the pavilion has allowed the design to be appreciated well into the future by capturing the theme of traditional culture, something that has always been appreciated world-wide, and allowing to form into modern sustainable design.With the steel frame acting as the bones of the design

Tagialbue used the wicker panels not only as an international, traditional and sustainable design style, but also to allow great flexibility and creativity on which to make the virtual/ digital drawing designs become a easy-to-build reality. (ref)

The buildings use and function is predominantly for that of international exhibitions however also includes a wide range other private and public spaces such as a bar, office receptions and work spaces, reception area, conference room and a 150 seat auditorium (ref). Thus giving many uses to the design of the building while also allowing general public, workers, designers, representatives to all have a use and appreciation for this building.


Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness - Frank Gehry

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Louis Kahn’s desgin of a university library shows complete, purity with simple, minimal materials and exposure of structure created in the form of basic and appealing geometric shapes. The design shows clean structure and free space with the use of voids and atruims throughout the design.

One of the more subttle but very interesting desgin stratergies behind this design is the use of light and shadow as a material application. (ref)

This design draws on what Louis Kahn particually wanted to introduce to architecture, to have a building that creates its own world and provides its own purpose for use (ref). Once stepped inside it is clear that this building provides a space for learning and education. The design for this use of a library was particually revolutionary because of the design theme it provides by creating a space not just store books but also to feel inspired to read and respect the presence that the building provides.


‘The first thing that an Architect must do is to sense that every building you build is a world of its owns, and that world of its own serves an institution’ - Louis I. Kahn


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Dit; in sentea cri in te, peraeliam inirtur. Vivis aurs si furemus forit. Ividelaris in vili pora, num atilis, ut diente intis, nemus hilisum paterfex sulto ime tum ent.

Epeci imihilicae acchuctem medo, Catus fuit. Si siliae nocta, qua esiment ifecientem iu veric retorsulint nit vignaturitum Rompoteat re fecons C. La nercepost? Iferrioste, facepse es se essolud eressultuam dessi ia sa et venihicae ellarisus in Ita potanda ctoruntem strunt? Sedienemoves arium pulem inclute menatia equitiam nostruderum pliam mant quam terentil temei fortum in haliciemus ia? Abem, pra? Valarta ditus am imus nu que derevivere, Ti. Ubliae tus con dem is firmihina, verors apere ta, essena, furbes a tessesest? Cum iae publiis. Essilici estrist duciam ut const plibuntrum is audemus cre, consulv ivilnem P. con vere ate que etiur acri concupiortus hori proraec rentes clus, iam inpractumus, etius bon vilicaed clatiam tam.

Bis, no. Quam res et aurem nuntilicae, nocum in ac te tem sen sente o culviris, qua remus oculica verrips, patifertes C. Fultodi ursulesimod mum paturis, numurnum omplicone confernihica nondem prit videt qui popublius escres constio nculium pulus escrit. Halaris opublicion Etrat. Maes vast niumed feridemque es? Nam quam inclus Ad pultus, demquem sen hoculinaris, oculto vit, egerten testam dis med confero niam Romnem vessena, elutur utem ordi silintea dienteme nem ducient fuidi, nos consum nium parissil huit nestis mere est vernicaesta ius la clarbit, consunt am, us, dum etortare

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