Studio 3 final

VISITOR INTERPRETATION CENTRE Design Concept To reinvegorte the state of equllibrium within Kuala Spetang by the process of allowing people and building to adjust towards each other. To absorb each other and acheive a blance in experiences and overall unity. Traffic Circulation Noise Pollution Wind Rose Left Elevation SCALE 1 : 150 Large open area that possess natural ventilation, sun- light, ease of acess as it is located in a central hub merged between residential, commercial and indusrial forms.Surrounded by different type of building styles and materiality. Interaction wish drying and preserving processes of sealife etc. To be able to bring order to Kuala Spetang, thorough breaching community gaps between building materials, poetics, sovreignity and reinvigorate the older as well as the younger generation. To attempt to cater to a different aproach of people to building and building to people concept, through familarity however tangibly differernt. Clustered buildings that lead to negative views, the messy circulation within the town itself. People are exhausted of absorbing hence pollution within the town, chaotic town plannaing and material usageon buildings, loss of sovreignity, no direct acess, way finder to the siteother than the eagle building. Seasonal flooding causing 50cm rise, use of patch work material isnt durable in the long run, could be dangerous to wards locals. Loss of sovreignnity within younger populations, grey population present. leads to decreased economic income inflow into the town.

Transcript of Studio 3 final

Page 1: Studio 3 final

VISITOR INTERPRETATION CENTRE Design ConceptTo reinvegorte the state of equllibrium within Kuala Spetang by the process of allowing people and building to adjust towards each other. To absorb each other and acheive a blance in experiences and overall unity.

Traffic CirculationNoise Pollution Wind Rose

Left ElevationSCALE 1 : 150

Large open area that possess natural ventilation, sun-light, ease of acess as it is located in a central hub merged between residential, commercial and indusrial forms.Surrounded by different type of building styles and materiality. Interaction wish drying and preserving processes of sealife etc.

To be able to bring order to Kuala Spetang, thorough breaching community gaps between building materials, poetics, sovreignity and reinvigorate the older as well as the younger generation. To attempt to cater to a different aproach of people to building and building to people concept, through familarity however tangibly differernt.

Clustered buildings that lead to negative views, the messy circulation within the town itself. People are exhausted of absorbinghence pollution within the town, chaotic town plannaing and material usageon buildings, loss of sovreignity, no direct acess, way finder to the siteother than the eagle building.

Seasonal flooding causing 50cm rise, use of patch work material isnt durable in the long run, could be dangerous to wards locals. Loss of sovreignnity within younger populations, grey population present. leads to decreased economic income inflow into the town.

Page 2: Studio 3 final

Metal Timber Concrete

Front ElevationSCALE 1 : 150






First FloorSCALE 1 : 100


Ground FloorSCALE 1 : 100










Site PlanSCALE 1 : 800

Massing Concepts were derived from offsetting the surroudning site buildings.

Hierachy in volume caters to impor-tance of space. With the largest volume to the most important space.

Allocation of first floor space considera-tions = views, optimum susent views, and overlooking the hustle, creates a sense of awe.

Acess Points districuted over 4 areas, to avoid one way in one way out confu-sion. Locals who are more familiar with the place have their own access routes,-so as to people who workin the offices,

hence a sperate building.

Defensive form feature in the foyer, office, to cut off chaos and allow sereni-

ty, so as to the end of the library as well.

Materiality in Kuala Sepetang is sho-cased in 3 main materials concrete

wood and metal, each with its unique persona. The use of conconcrete to

represent modernity and wood to repre-sent the roots, creates a sense of equl-

librium, thus introducing something familiar in terms of a building/space/in-

tention to the people and, for the people to understand the building inten-

tion in an invigorating way.

Page 3: Studio 3 final

Right ElevationSCALE 1 : 150

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Back ElevationSCALE 1 : 150

Back Section XXSCALE 1 : 150