Students with No Matric

S Students with no Matric

Transcript of Students with No Matric


Students with no Matric

No Matric? No problem!

No matric? Select the option that describes your situation and we shall give you the best advice and get you studying fast.

I Have Just Failed Matric – What Now?

Figure Out Why You Failed Go Back To School Get Your Papers Remarked Write A Supplementary Exam Repeat The Year Register For an Adult Based Education and Training Course Register For A Course That Does Not Need A Matric

I HAVE To Get A Matric

If you absolutely have to get a Matric the only way to do that is to go back to school.

You can approach your nearest high school and talk to the principal to find out what options they can offer you.

You can also register for an ABET (Adult Basic Education and Training) course ABET courses give you a Matric equivalent qualification. 

Does No Matric Mean No Degree?

In South Africa today there is a large gap between what skills are in demand from employers and what skills the general public has. Further Education and Training Courses were developed to address these scarce skills.

What this means is that if you have been working in a job for some time but you have managed to finish your Matric Certificate you can apply for a further education and training course. the skills you have developed over the years will be taken into consideration when you start the course. These courses can vary in duration from a short course of a few hours to formal diploma courses of three years.

I Am Struggling In My Job Because I Do Not

Have Matric

Get Qualified Just because you do not have a Matric does not

mean that you can not get a qualification. There are courses you can take to improve your skills, and the good news is that you can do these courses from home. So you can keep working while you study.  First, you will need to find a course that is relevant to your job. Check out these courses to see which one is right for you.

I Am Struggling In My Job Because I Do Not

Have Matric

Communicate With Your Manager Learn To Schedule Your Work Well Get Rid Of Distractions Be A Team Player

I Cannot Get A Promotion Because I Do

Not Have Matric

It has been weeks, months or even years since you were promised a promotion, or a raise, or any kind of recognition for all the hard work that you do.

You are working hard, you are enthusiastic and you have a great work ethic,  but you are still last in line to get chosen for promotion.

I Cannot Get A Promotion Because I Do

Not Have Matric

You Do Not Have The Right Qualifications  You do not need a Matric to study further! You can easily register for a course that does not

require a Matric. If you have work experience then there are a range

of options available to you. Why not investigate some of these courses and find

out how to level up your skills and get that promotion that you want.

I Need A Matric To Apply For A New Job

Job hunting can sometimes get you down. We have all been through it – searching endlessly

for jobs, and feeling more and more downhearted when every single advertisement says that you need to have a Matric to apply.

I Need A Matric To Apply For A New Job

In South Africa today, we all recognise that people can have different levels of expertise, knowledge, and qualifications.

Often it is simply based on the opportunities you got in your life. And the opportunities you did not get. HR Departments

recognise that people with different levels of expertise, experience, knowledge and qualifications can all potentially do a specific job.

They do not limit the applicants to JUST “people with a Matric”, or JUST “people with 5 years experience”.

I Need A Matric To Apply For A New Job

What you need to do when you apply for any new job or promotion, is to make sure you show what you DO have. What your STRENGTHS are. What real work experience you have. What courses, seminars, mentoring and training you

have completed. What courses you are CURRENTLY studying.

I Have A Matric But I Do Not have Maths

Do not panic! There are ways for you to finish your maths and catch up the studies you need to be able to enrol for the course of your dreams.

Just because you do not have maths on your Matric Certificate does not mean that you can not get a qualification. There are many courses that you can study that do require Maths.


Students with no Matric