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Student Welcome Guide

Page 2: Student Welcome Guide - Amazon Web · A basic entry level HEQSF aligned export qualification that can be obtained within



It is always a pleasure to welcome students to the IMM GSM at the start of a new semester. This guide is specifically focused on new students to the IMM GSM, so a very special welcome to you our first time IMM GSM student. You will quickly come to understand that post school studies are very different from what you have experienced in the past. We would like to make that change a pleasant experience and we hope that this welcome guide will help you to adapt quickly to this new way of life. You can feel secure that we have your academic development at heart and we are committed to doing whatever possible to ensure that your time with the IMM GSM is enjoyable and productive.

the first big difference you will experience in this new academic life you have chosen is that you are now considered an adult, and we therefore treat you as an adult. this is both exciting and at the same time possibly scary. As an adult you can choose what you want to do and how you want to do it. the scary part is that the final responsibility for your success rests with you. We, as an academic institution, provide you with appropriate learning material but you need to spend time to get to understand the material, and this requires hard work and commitment.

the second big difference is that the imm GSm is a distance learning institution and you will therefore not be attending classes on a daily basis. Students who travel due to their work situation find this very valuable as they are able to keep up with their studies no matter where they are. However, the demand from your side is that you need to be disciplined and keep to a study timetable no matter what the circumstances. While the core of our approach is distance learning we do hold specialised workshops so you will have the opportunity to discuss your work with academic staff.

i am sure you have all done your homework before joining the imm GSm and you would know that the imm GSm offers HeQSF aligned programmes. We also have a good reputation in the market-place for producing qualified students with appropriate workplace experience coupled with a good theoretical background. Furthermore, as a quality assured institution, by the council on Higher education (cHe) we are required to maintain high academic standards. the high standards we set require you to work hard in order to be successful. However, because of


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these high standards, once you achieve your qualification you will be immediately in a class apart and will be sought after in the work environment.

this welcome guide provides you with a quick checklist of services you can expect and how to access them, as well as a list of key personnel that you can contact for support and advice when needed. You therefore do not need to feel alone as you progress along this exciting new journey as we are always there ready to support you. We know what it is like to enter a new academic environment and more importantly we know what the challenges are in distance learning as we have been in operation for over 60 years.

We hope that this welcome guide gives you a solid understanding of your life as a student as well as the important resources and support at your disposal over the next few years of your academic journey. This document is specifically developed in a digital format so that you are able to click on the active links (they are underlined in blue). Having an internet connection is ideal when reading through this document as by clicking on the links they will take you straight to the relevant documents located online.

We wish you all a very successful year of study and we look forward to sharing your academic journey with you.

1. Your academic journeyThe IMM GSM offers a variety of programmes. From a foundation programme to higher certificates, diplomas, a BBA degree, as well as a BCom degree. At the postgraduate level we offer a postgraduate diploma, BPhil Honours and an MPhil in the marketing field. Take a look at the programmes below for more information on the programme you are currently registered for or for programmes that could be part of your future academic journey.


Foundation Programme ALL ACTIVE LINkS

designed for students who wish to study for a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing management or a Bcom in marketing and Business Science, and have met the minimum requirements for admission to a diploma programme at a higher education institution.

Higher Certificate in Marketing A basic entry level HEQSF aligned marketing qualification that can be obtained within a year to 18 months.

Higher Certificate in Export Management

A basic entry level HEQSF aligned export qualification that can be obtained within a year to 18 months.

Diploma in Marketing ManagementAn industry focused HEQSF aligned intermediate marketing qualification, offering students articulation onto the degree programmes.

Diploma in Export Management An industry focused HEQSF aligned export qualification, offering students articulation onto the degree programmes.

BBA in Marketing Management An industry focused HEQSF aligned qualification for marketing professionals.

BCom in Marketing & Management Science

An industry focused accredited qualification for supply chain management professionals.

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Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management

this HEQSF aligned qualification is aimed at students in or moving towards a senior marketing position, who already hold a recognised degree and want to enhance their marketing skills and knowledge.

BPhil Honours in Marketing Management designed for students who have a recognised bachelor’s degree with Marketing Management 3 as a major module.

Masters of Philosophy in Marketing (MPhil)

the mPhil marketing is designed for those who want to become leaders in the exciting world of marketing research. A good pass at honours level is a prerequisite.

2. Adjusting to student lifeMoving into a post-school student lifestyle is not easy and very often the approach taken at school does not prepare you for the change. Below are a few tips on how to adjust to student life. keep in mind we want to ease you into the transition of being an IMM GSM student and thus to make your stay at the IMM GSM a happy and fruitful one.

2.1 Giving something up

Part-time students almost always find that their time and attention is demanded in a number of places at the same time. it is almost impossible to do part-time studies and to continue with your life as you have been for the past few years, so giving up some of your current pastimes or free time activity is where you should start. Have a good look at what you are willing to part with in your social calendar and make sure that you use this freed up time for your studies.

2.2 Use a support system – a network of social support

Very few people opt for studying part-time. You are one of those few who have made the decision to do so. Accept though that you will never be able to do it alone. You will find that ‘life happens’ and things go wrong. too many matters demanding your attention, family and friends needing your help and assistance, deadlines at work, a car breaking down, all these unforeseen issues will continue to demand your focus and attention. At the same time the modules you are registered for take on a life of their own and do not wait for you to be ready for the many academic deadlines that you have to contend with. make sure that close friends and family know that you are studying part-time and that they will be there for some emotional and moral support when you need it.

2.3 Ask for help

Students can be guided to cope with their studies and the critical factor here is to not ignore the warning signals and to ask for help in time. the imm GSm is a distance learning institution where the focus is on students achieving their qualifications through self-study. We understand the stress created in a distant learning environment and are there to help you. make sure that you do make contact with us if you feel that there is something that you need to have clarified or explained. leaving the panicked phone call to the last day before you are supposed to write the examination or the night before your assignment is due may make it impossible for us to assist. in short, read the guidelines in the study

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materials, make contact with other students who are doing the same modules, find a mentor in your workplace, share what you are learning with family or people close to you but make sure that you are not isolated.

2.4 Priorities

like most successful projects in life, studying requires some planning and prioritising for it to be successful. if you know and plan for deadline dates and start working on the assessments in good time you are not only going to be successful in your studies but you are also going to enjoy the experience so much more.

2.5 Start reading and writing again

modern methods of communication are mostly built around electronic communications that allow rapid scanning, although interpretation is still required. most of us now see the use of pen and paper as an antiquated way of doing things. However, this may be a way of choice when we are learning. Being a student may challenge you to step out of this electronic frame of reference, to take up wider reading and to explore the insights gained by others in your field of study again. there is also growing evidence from research suggesting that you are more likely to remember facts if you wrote them down rather than typed them out on a keyboard. You have to remember that there is a 3 hour examination waiting at the end of almost every module. the examination will require you to wield a pen and the time constraints will make it almost impossible for you to answer all the questions if you have not practiced.

the above has hopefully provided you with insight as to how to prepare yourself internally. Below we have given you a comprehensive break-down of the tools you have available from an academic point of view to ease you into your studies.

3. Fundamental toolsIn the previous section you were introduced to possible academic avenues you can follow through registering for the different programmes at the IMM GSM. Regardless of the programme you are currently studying towards or your future plans, there are certain resources you need to be aware of that will serve as firm pillars of support throughout your studies. Below is a brief summary of the 3 main categories of tools we offer you as support, and each will be explained in detail later in this document.


learner Guide Strategic marketing magazine Online Assessments

textbook Workshop Programme Sessions Discussion Forums

Additional Reading dVds – module Specific Calendar of NB dates

tutorial letters marketing information centre Videos

eBScoHost Chat Rooms

imm GSm Yearbook

imm GSm ProspectusE-LEARN COMING SOON!

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3.1 Student Portal & IMM Website

the Student Portal [learner guides, additional reading and past examination papers (for financial modules a guideline is also included)] and the IMM GSM website (assignments and tutorial letters) are closely interlinked and therefore discussed collectively.


each module is accompanied by a comprehensive learner guide, which is a wealth of knowledge from assessment details to curriculum and exercises and feedback. upon registration you will receive a hard copy of the study guide for each module you have registered for. Soft copies will also be available on the Student Portal. the learner guide should be used hand-in-hand with the prescribed textbook. content in the learner guide in combination with the prescribed textbook will be assessed based on the learning outcomes. it is therefore imperative you incorporate the learner guides in all aspects of your studies across all modules.


textbooks have been prescribed for all modules. consult the prescribed textbook list on the imm GSm website to ensure you have the latest updated list of textbooks available. As previously mentioned the prescribed textbook and learner guide should be used hand-in-hand. All of the prescribed textbooks can be bought from imm GSm’s preferred supplier, Mindmatters. You are also welcome to purchase textbooks from past students, however, please ensure that it is in line with the latest edition the module prescribes. Some of the modules’ prescribed textbooks have e-resources available, such as quizzes, lecture slides, activities, solutions and multiple-choice questions. these are edition and publisher specific.


At times you will be asked to refer to the student portal for additional reading. this is provided to give you a more comprehensive knowledge base for the topic under discussion. the additional reading can stem from newspaper articles, white papers or internet based articles.



this is an excellent place for you to peruse additional reading of your own. As an imm GSm student you have access to ebscohost from the Student Portal, which is a database of e-journals and e-books. this is an excellent tool to assist you in finding additional information for your assignments. Please note that you must reference the articles you use in your assignments. See section 4.1 for the link to the Harvard referencing document.

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these are formal letters that provide an updated view of certain topics. click on Tutorial Letters on the website or under your specific module on the student portal. Where appropriate you will also receive pre-examination tutorials, providing you with an understanding of how the examination will be structured and the important things to keep in mind when preparing for your examination. tutorials may be uploaded at any time during your studies so please log on frequently, as these letters communicate important timeous information.


Please familiarise yourself with all the imm GSm’s rules and regulations (policies and procedures) contained in the Yearbook. the imm GSm reserves the right to amend these and therefore you should check the Yearbook each year of your studies at the imm GSm.


the annual IMM GSM Prospectus is an important companion for every student. examination timetables, all important dates and the annual fee structure are contained therein.

3.2 Other Support Tools


the official publication of the imm GSm institute is the Strategic Marketing Magazine which keeps you up to date with the latest news and trends of what is happening in the industry. Another publication of the imm GSm is the Strategic Marketing Africa magazine, which addresses the unique marketing challenges and opportunities in Africa. these magazines are released quarterly and assist you in providing examples you can make use of in assessments to back up your theoretical knowledge. Both of these magazines are automatically sent to you after registration, however please ensure your email address is updated using the update contact details document mentioned later in this guide.

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At least one imm GSm run workshop is scheduled per semester. these workshops are held near the end of each semester and cover key concepts and queries as well as help you correctly structure and prepare for your upcoming examinations. Please see Tutorial Programmes on the imm GSm website for more information regarding fee structure and duration and time of the workshops. ensure you book well in advance as these tutorial sessions are popular.


the imm GSm has libraries in all regions with textbooks or additional books that could help you in your assignments when referencing additional sources. For opening times please take a look at the Marketing Information Centres section on our website.


the imm GSm provides additional support by providing module specific dVds for some modules. these summarise key concepts and walk you through important terms and models.

3.3 eLearn

elearn is an interactive and collaborative platform where students will source the different learning materials as well as interact with the imm GSm and other students. However, elearn is a tool that is still in the testing stages. We are hoping to make all modules live in 2014 and you will be well informed in advance of any changes that will apply.

You as a student will be signing into elearn with a username and password. once you have logged into elearn you will see all aspects are module specific. it will be used to store additional reading, be a platform to do quizzes, a platform to have live conversations with the lecturers to bring up any specific concerns you may be having (according to specific dates and times arranged by the imm GSm). elearn also provides a discussion platform where you are able to see what other students are particularly struggling with, and video clips explaining important aspects will be available. Your study material, being learner guides, assignments, tutorial letters, etc., will be available for each module.

For now, whilst we await the launch of elearn, everything such as learner guides, tutorial letters, additional reading, etc., is available to you on the Student Portal and imm GSm website.

the section above summarises the list of resources available to you in your years of studies here at the imm GSm. A few words on the assessment process follow in the next section.


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4. AssessmentsThe assessment process for each module is made up of two components, namely formative assessment (assignments) and summative assessment (examinations). Students must complete one assignment and one examination per module unless otherwise stated.

it is of utmost importance that you familiarise yourself with the content provided in the IMM GSM Yearbook, specifically the formalities related to completing assignments and examinations.

the majority of all assessments comprises both examinations and assignments, and generally the mark contribution is 80% and 20% towards the final mark. Following is a quick example of how you can calculate your year mark:

Examination mark = 75% Assignment mark = 65%

75 x 0.8 (as the examination contributes 80% towards your final mark) = 60 65 x 0.2 (as the assignment contributes 20% towards your final mark) = 13

Therefore your final mark would be 60 + 13 = 73%

4.1 Assignments (formative assessments)

Assignments are compulsory and you may consult any learning materials, (as long as they are appropriately referenced) in answering the questions (see also eBScoHost). Assignments allow students to assess their progress, before writing their examinations.

it is the students’ responsibility to ensure they submit the correct assignment, write the correct module and programme for which they have registered and to hand in the assignment before the deadline. Please ensure you read through the IMM GSM Yearbook for comprehensive instructions to keep in mind when completing an assignment. Below are just a few important documents to familiarise yourself with when preparing for an assignment

• Referencing – it is essential in your assignments, when you are using information from another source, that you reference it appropriately. Please refer to your IMM GSM Yearbook for more information. there is a document published on the imm GSm’s website which will provide you with the basics of how to reference.

• Word Limit – this is a specific document that outlines ‘what a word limit means’. Please refer to this document as there are penalties if you exceed the given word count.

• Cover Page – each assignment must be handed in with an attached cover page, otherwise your assignment will not be accepted.

• Submitting your assignment – your assignment must be submitted by the specific time documented in your assignment question paper. there are also penalties if your assignment is submitted late. certain assignments, projects and reports must be uploaded to elearn. make sure you read submission instructions carefully.

• Plagiarism – please familiarise yourself with the particular section in your IMM GSM Yearbook or on the Student Portal. Plagiarism covers a range of issues and it is important that you fully understand the implications and potential penalties that would apply.

• How to approach and answer a case study – this provides you with guidelines on how to approach a case study. this document also links you to four case studies that you can use to practice on.

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4.2 Examinations (summative assessments)

All registered students are automatically entered to write the examination as there are no prerequisite conditions for students to be able to write. You do however need to arrive at the examination venue with your personal identification as well as a copy of your examination confirmation letter which confirms to the invigilator that you are eligible to write the examination.

For more information about the rules and regulations of the examinations please refer to the IMM GSM Yearbook.

the imm GSm also provides you with additional support to help you prepare for your examination. Specific support areas and recommendations are as follows:

• Specific modules have pre-examination tutorial letters which are uploaded on the student portal. these provide you with an understanding of the structure of the examination, as well as past problem areas. these pre-examination tutorials can be found on the website and the Student Portal.

• Workshop Programme Sessions are held at a fee for specific modules near the end of the semester to provide the students the forum to present questions/areas that they are struggling with.

• it is highly recommended for students to work through their assignments again in order to prepare for the examination.

• How to approach an open book exam – this provides you with guidelines on how to approach your first open-book examination. An open-book examination is more specific to postgraduate programmes.

• examination timetable – this document provides you with all the specific details regarding your modules, examination dates and times.

5. Student supportPlease direct your query through to the relevant people in order to receive a prompt response. to confirm you are contacting the relevant people, please refer to the summarised contact list. When sending a query through please ensure you structure the email correctly by providing all your contact details, specific module name you are experiencing the problem with and a detailed explanation of your academic query.

You will regularly receive an SmS reminding you of important updates, deadlines and dates throughout your studies. it is therefore important that you constantly keep your contact details updated and ensure they are correct.

Another document that needs constant attention is the important dates document. this document provides you with a summary of important dates that you need to keep in mind throughout your studies at the imm GSm.

We hope this document will facilitate your understanding of how the imm GSm works. if there are other questions please use the summarised contact list to have these questions answered. if there are things that we have missed, we may have covered this in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section on our website.

We at the imm GSm wish you the best of luck with your studies and hope the memories of being an imm GSm student are ones never to be forgotten. We hope that you will enjoy a fruitful and exciting future of being an imm GSm graduate in the working world.


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Academic Record [email protected]

Academic assistance - Undergraduate Students (Higher Certificate, Diploma and Degree)[email protected]

Academic assistance - Postgraduate Students (Postgraduate Diploma, BPhil, MPhil)[email protected]

Portal [email protected]

Tutorial Session [email protected]


Assignment collection from IMM GSM [email protected]


Exam [email protected]

Exam [email protected]

Exam script fail report/Exam results [email protected]

Exam script viewing (after ERA or FR)[email protected]


Student account [email protected]


All general [email protected]


Updating student personal [email protected]


Private invigilation [email protected]

Exemption [email protected]

Proof of registration - Registration Confirmation [email protected]

Renewal students wishing to register online