download STUDENT SUCCESS TEAM TRAINING WE CHOOSE SUCCESS Rationale, Procedures and Support.

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Table of Contents pp. 4-6 ……… District Rationale, Procedures and Timeline District Rationale, Procedures and Timeline District Rationale, Procedures and Timeline pp. 7-8 ……… Union Position/Collaboration on SSTs Union Position/Collaboration on SSTs Union Position/Collaboration on SSTs pp. 9-12……... Considerations for Referrals/Links to Milestones Considerations for Referrals/Links to Milestones Considerations for Referrals/Links to Milestones pp …….. Community Resources/Links Community Resources/Links Community Resources/Links pp ……. Accommodations Vs. Modifications/Links Accommodations Vs. Modifications/Links Accommodations Vs. Modifications/Links pp. 19 ………… Clara Barton Elementary School’s 2012 RtI Pyramid Clara Barton Elementary School’s 2012 RtI Pyramid Clara Barton Elementary School’s 2012 RtI Pyramid pp. 22 ………… Additional Resources/On-site Consultants Additional Resources/On-site Consultants Additional Resources/On-site Consultants 3

Transcript of STUDENT SUCCESS TEAM TRAINING WE CHOOSE SUCCESS Rationale, Procedures and Support.

STUDENT SUCCESS TEAM TRAINING WE CHOOSE SUCCESS Rationale, Procedures and Support STUDENT SUCCESS TEAM Jennifer Garcia Third Grade Teacher/Committee Chair Dave Cammarato Assistant Principal/Intervention/Scheduling Cydney Ford Fourth Grade Teacher/CNTA Representative/Engagement Cube Margaret Darby Third Grade Teacher/Community Resources Erin Monroe Second Grade Teacher/Early Childhood Development Brenna Brown Parent and PTA Liaison/Parent Webinars Tara Manley First Grade Teacher/Engagement Cube Teresa Moya Bilingual/RSP Aide and Parent Liaison Alison Bever School Psychologist/Assessments/Interventions Bonnie Young Resource Specialist/Accommodations and Modifications 2 Table of Contents pp. 4-6 District Rationale, Procedures and Timeline District Rationale, Procedures and Timeline District Rationale, Procedures and Timeline pp. 7-8 Union Position/Collaboration on SSTs Union Position/Collaboration on SSTs Union Position/Collaboration on SSTs pp. 9-12... Considerations for Referrals/Links to Milestones Considerations for Referrals/Links to Milestones Considerations for Referrals/Links to Milestones pp .. Community Resources/Links Community Resources/Links Community Resources/Links pp . Accommodations Vs. Modifications/Links Accommodations Vs. Modifications/Links Accommodations Vs. Modifications/Links pp. 19 Clara Barton Elementary Schools 2012 RtI Pyramid Clara Barton Elementary Schools 2012 RtI Pyramid Clara Barton Elementary Schools 2012 RtI Pyramid pp. 22 Additional Resources/On-site Consultants Additional Resources/On-site Consultants Additional Resources/On-site Consultants 3 District Rationale In 2011, CNUSD was found disproportionate in the number of Hispanic students identified for special education under the eligibility of Specific Learning Disability. The district also entered its first year Of Program Improvement. These two findings led to the development of the new Student Success Team(SST) procedures and forms. 4 Old vs. New Procedure Old Process Parent conference held Strategies put into place. SST Meeting Held Additional strategies may be developed. No ongoing documentation used. Follow up meeting held. -If, through interview, strategies are not successful, then a referral for Psycho-educational Evaluation may be presented. New Process Face-to-Face Parent Interview Form to be completed. Strategies developed Student Intervention Form Started If unsuccessful, then additional strategies are developed with a grade- level SST Chair/Mentor If unsuccessful, then the Referral to SST Form is used. SST Meeting(s) are held. Additional Strategies are put into place If those are unsuccessful, then a referral for Psycho- educational Testing may be completed. 5 6 Union Position on SSTs Scheduling Criteria: SST meetings can be scheduled on Early Release days after PTT time: 2:30 pm. *Classroom teachers do not need to be in agreement in scheduling a SST meeting after PTT time. 7 SST and Teacher Collaboration Can Teacher Collaboration Time(PTT) be utilized for discussing individual students? Teachers are encouraged to plan PTT time to discuss concerns with individual students. The referring teacher will present the concerns (academic, and or social) to the team, and mention any strategies or resources that have been used to address the concerns. The team is encouraged to consider and suggest any additional methods, and or resources that can be implemented by the teacher. Teacher will follow-up with the team to briefly discuss students status. If progress is not evident, then the team will suggest a SST referral. 8 9 What to Consider When Looking at a Child's Development What to Consider When Looking at a Child's Development 1. Maternal Prenatal Issues -proper nutrition (food and vitamins) -stress (work or home related) -mother's age -diseases and drugs that potentially cause developmental and cognitive issues -AIDS, Rubella, and Syphilis -marijuana, nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol 2. Birthing Issues -Premature Birth (born at less than 38 weeks) -Small-for-Date Birth -Anoxia (lack of oxygen during birthing process) *Premature babies tend to developmentally "catch up" by 2 to 3 yrs old -Apgar Score (8 reflexes and nervous systems tested at birth) 10 11 3. Child's Development Milestones 1-2 months: Chin-up and/or chest up in the tummy position 3-4 months: reaching and missing, and sitting with support 5-6 months: Babbling, sitting on laps and in the highchair, and grasping 7 months: Sitting alone, Babbling with intonation 8-11 months: Standing with/without help, crawling (creeping), and walking when helped *More babies are beginning to skip crawling due to lack of "tummy time" 12 months: Typically saying first words, feeding themselves with a spoon 15 months: Walking alone 12 Helpful Links For Staff/Parents Early Childhood Developmental Milestones Early Childhood Developmental Milestones Speech/Language Development to Age 8 Curricular Standards Community Resources Changes in services offered: Previously elementary school counselors might have been part of the SST process. Now they are only available in crisis situations, such as the death of a school member. That means we will need to refer parents for other services. What resources are available to parents in the community? There is a community resource book available in the Principal/Assistant Principals Office. Resources in the Community may include, but are not limited to: Sliding scale counseling services Government Programs such as Child Protective Services, unemployment, Healthy Kids, and WIC Planning Ahead You might make copies of the pages you are considering offering to parents before the meeting. Then offer them if the meeting tone feels right! MODIFICATIONS ARE CHANGES THAT DO FUNDAMENTALLY LOWER OR ALTER THE STANDARD OR EXPECTATION OF THE COURSE. MODIFICATIONS= WHAT Accommodations Versus Modifications Accommodations DO NOT fundamentally alter the standard or what the student is expected to master. The objectives of the course/activity remain intact. Accommodations= How INPUT Visuals, hands on activities, cooperative groups OUTPUT Adapt how the student will respond to instruction PARTICIPATION Adapt the extent that the student is actively involved in the task Types of Accommodations Quantity # of items Time Extra time Level of Support Peer tutors, teacher small group More Accommodation Ideas DIFFICULTY Scaffold the assignment to lower grade level ALTERNATE GOALS Same assignment with a adapted goal SUBSTITUTE CURRICULUM Different instruction or material Types of Modifications Clara Barton Elementary Schools 2012 RtI Pyramid Special Education/504 Assessment Plan Student Success Team(SST) Referral. Documentation and Follow-up on Agreed Upon Interventions. Parent Interviews and Intervention Logs In-school Intervention Before/After School Tutoring Health Action Plans Behavior contracts Cross-age Tutoring Outside Tutoring Targeted Intervention/Learning Communities Common Assessments Pacing Guides PTTs ELD SDAIE Standards-based Instruction First Best Instruction Thinking Maps Eight Engaging Qualities Discovery Learning Universal Access Students not meeting grade level expectancies following their participation in documented interventions are recommended to the SST team. The SST team will meet to determine specific learning and/or behavioral goals for the student. A follow-up meeting date is set to discuss the results of the intervention(s). Students not meeting grade level expectancies in documented interventions. These interventions must have a measurable component.. Level 2 Level 1 Building Blocks Whats in Place For the School Year Before/Afterschool Tutoring in Library Voyagers Khan Academy Pearson SuccessNet Cross age High School Tutors Targeted Interventions PIQE Flip Teaching Parent Webinars Parent Webinars Grade Level Activity Where we are now with Level One Intervention? In our classroom In our grade-levels In our school Where do we go in a perfect, but penniless, world? How can we provide the biggest bang for the buck? How can we use the resources we have available to provide interventions for kids? How can we make Barton a 24/7 school? What do we need training in so we can create that perfect world? What do you feel, you are an expert in? Are you willing to provide training for others? Names/Expertise, please!! WHEN I NEED INSPIRATION Additional Information and On-Site Consultants Links: On-Site Consultants: Staff Success Team What is a Student Success Team - Detailed Information