Student Nationals Info Pack 2012



The Info Pack for the 2012 Student National Roleplaying and Wargaming Championships to be held in Cardiff.

Transcript of Student Nationals Info Pack 2012

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What is the Student Nationals?

The Student National Roleplaying and Wargaming Championships, often known simply as ‘The Nationals’, has over 20 years of history behind it, and Cardiff RAWSoc are privileged to host the last Nationals before the Apocalypse, be it nuclear disaster, solar flares, black holes, meteors, super viruses, giant volcanoes, magnetic pole reversal, riots, famine, plague, a new Ice Age, aliens, robots, zombies or Cthulhu. Call it what you will, the End of Days, the Rapture, the Apocalypse, is coming. According to the Mayans, whatever cataclysmic event causes the Apocalypse will occur on 21st

December 2012 (beyond which it seems they couldn’t be bothered to continue their calendar). They must have known something, and we’ve got no reason not to believe them… Therefore Cardiff would like to invite you to the last Nationals before the End of the World as we know it.

The Nationals, as usual, brings together gaming societies from universities all over the UK. You do not need to be a student to compete, but should ideally be affiliated with a university team. Each team member selects a first, second and third choice category from the list provided in this welcome pack and competes in one category against players from the other universities. Choose carefully, whatever category you get put in will be what you play all weekend.

Usually the winner of the Nationals is invited to host the following year’s competition but as has already been said, there probably won’t be a next year, and if there is we’ll be too busy fighting mutant gangs of renegades on custom trikes in a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland where every day is a struggle to survive. So I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.

The 2012 Nationals are being hosted by Cardiff RAWSoc (Cardiff Roleplaying and Wargaming Society). It will be take place between Friday 13th (we know) and Sunday 15th April in Cardiff. The entry fee remains the same as last year: £20 per person. Accommodation is to be arranged by each team and information is given within on places nearby to consider.

The Nationals are a non-profit event, and all the money we raise goes to a charity. This money is raised through what is left of your entrance fee after costs, buying re-rolls during games, raffle tickets, etc. Usually the charity will receive a sum of between £2000 and £4000 (although there is something to be said for Cardiff keeping the money instead and buying a microlight so that we can rain death from above on those mutants trying to steal our drinking water in the coming End Days.)

So, we hope you’ll join us for what may be the last ever Student Nationals. The stars are right, after all.

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Provisional Event Plan

FridayNoon – 11pm: Registration in the Student Union (SU).4pm – 11pm: A chance to socialize in the bar and Union after registering, meet up

with friends from previous years, make new friends and get settled in.

Saturday9am – 10am: Opening Ceremony and announcement of groups in the SU Great Hall.

Teams split into their categories and are taken to their gaming location.

10am – 5pm: Gaming, with one hour break for lunch.5pm – 1am: Socialising in the bar, the Quiz, and a quieter room for smaller games.

General merry-making continues to the wee hours of the morning.

Sunday9am – 4pm: Gaming, with one hour break for lunch.5pm – 7pm: Awards Ceremony and Charity Raffle.

Gaming will be spread out across the Student Union and nearby University buildings. But don’t worry: there will be plenty of Minions (helpers) to help you find your way!

Pertinent Bits

Just to recap:

Who? Cardiff RAWSocWhat? The National Student Roleplaying and Wargaming Championships, 2012Where? Cardiff University Student Union, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3QNWhen? Friday 13th April – Sunday 15th April, 2012How Much? £20 per entrantHow Many? As many attendees as each team wishes to bring

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The list of categories offered this year is included below. Please note that all categories are subject to interest, i.e. they will be run if enough people register for them! Number of entrants is limited to:

2 entrants per Roleplaying category3 entrants per Wargaming category3 entrants per Open gaming category1 entrant for Leek of Steel (Brains over Brawn!)

Each member of your team should put down their first, second and third choices for categories. Please note, you will only be playing one of these categories over the weekend, so choose wisely.

Putting only your first choice will not increase your chances of playing that category, it just means that if we can’t fit you in there we’ll put you elsewhere at our discretion. So, please try to pick all three choices, so we can get you what you want. We will try to ensure most people can play their first choice and nearly everyone their first or second.


Categories for Nationals: A Brief Overview

There is no need to create any characters beforehand, as Games Masters will generally have a selection of pre-made characters for you to choose from. Similarly, GMs will provide any rules information you may need, so there's no need to bring rulebooks (though, if you want, it may prove handy to have spare copies).

There have been a couple of changes to last year’s categories, so for our many veterans we’ve summarised those changes here:

• We’ve added a “Doctor Who” category, since it was so popular last year, and we’re in the city where the Doctor Who TV series is filmed and where Torchwood is set.

• AD&D has been removed from a separate category and placed into the “Open Fantasy” category.

• The Victoriana category has been clarified and renamed “Victoriana & Steampunk” to avoid confusion with the actual game called Victoriana.

• Warhammer 40K Roleplay (Dark Heresy, etc.) now has its own category, instead of being included in the “Dark Futures” category.

• We have split Old World of Darkness from New World of Darkness and given each its own, separate category.

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CategoriesAction and Adventure

Think Indiana Jones meets the Mummy meets Pirates of the Caribbean or something like that. Swinging on whips, dogfighting with dragons, anything with more adrenaline than common sense can be found here.

Examples: 7th Sea, Legend of the Five Rings

Call of Cthulhu

This category covers the Call of Cthulhu game, whichever time period or setting you're likely to be losing sanity as fast as a person losing sanity really fast due to eldritch horrors from beyond time.

Dark Futures

This setting covers all those post-apocalyptic settings, whether it's a Mad-Max desert wasteland or the last vestiges of humanity alone among the stars, expect fun and dark in equal measure. (Note, this year we have separated Warhammer 40K into its own category, see under W for that.)

Examples: Cyberpunk, Shadowrun

D&D 3.5/Pathfinder

This category covers a Dungeons & Dragons of the past, that of D&D 3.5 and the Pathfinder variant by Paizo (which is similar enough you don't really need much experience of it).

D&D 4th Edition

This covers 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, whether Forgotten Realms, Eberron or something borne of the DM's imagination.

Dr. Who – NEW!!!

Apparently there's this TV show about some guy called “The Doctor”, and he travels through space, time and Cardiff battling monsters and aliens. This setting is based on that, whether using the latest Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space rules by Cubicle Seven, older systems by FASA and Virgin Publishing or something else.


For those who like the truly unknown, this category covers games concocted by the GM. This can also cover “in development” systems. It's all a bit pot-luck, but some relish that.

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Scary games with scary stuff. If you're looking to cut through swathes of zombies then you should probably go Action and Adventure, this is for actual horror rather than horror-themed action. Whether the threat is real or perceived, it'll be horrific.

Examples: Chill, Kult, Dead of Night, All Flesh Must Be Eaten


Games that are funny. The source of this humour could be anything: comic characters, a ludicrous setting, zany game mechanics, you name it.

Examples: Toon, Kobolds Ate My baby


Independent games by small companies or authors, hopefully ones you've barely or never heard of. All sorts of lost gems can be found here.

Myths and Legends

Gods made flesh, Herculean demonstrations of bravery and strength or a twisted tale from the Brothers Grimm. Whatever mythology it may be, you'll be in it.

Examples: Pendragon, Grimm, In Nomino

Open Fantasy

Sword? Check. Sorcery? Check. You're ready to go then. All those fantasy settings that don't fit elsewhere. For those who shun things more technologically advanced than a really big sword.

Examples: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, GURPS, Runequest, Rolemaster, AD&D


Friend Computer requests that only those of sufficient security clearance be given details of the security clearance required to read this announcement. Have a good day-cycle citizen, and remember, if <insufficient clearance> then you must <insufficient clearance>.

But seriously, this is all about the Paranoia Roleplaying game, originally published by West End Games, later licensed by Mongoose Publishing. Backstabbing and humour in a dystopian hell-hole are the name of the game here, but we thought that was too long, so we called it Paranoia.

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Science meets Fiction in this: Sci-Fi. Whether you want ray guns, teleporters, spaceships, anti-matter drives or just a good old fashion laser-sword, this is where you'll satisfy all your crazy future science needs.

Examples: Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica, Stargate, most other “Star” related things.

Star Wars

Whether using West End Games' 2nd Edition D6 system, or Wizards of the Coast's D20 system, it'll be set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


For all those people who really like wearing skin-tight spandex and jumping off buildings, here's a category about just that. For all your Marvel/DC needs.

Examples: Champions, Heroes Unlimited, Golden Heroes


For those who wish to do away with them, here's a category that has no dice, system or stats. Instead the game progresses through collaborative storytelling.

True Random

For a game that really didn't fit anywhere else or maybe it did and we just thought it'd be more random to put it here. You can't really prepare for this, but no-one really expects you to, so everyone wins.

Urban Fantasy

If you like your fantasy with more buildings, but still a bucket of supernatural then this is for you. A modern setting just like the real world, but with more vampires, werewolves, goblins or whatever else may be lurking in the shadows.

Examples: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Dresden Files

Victoriana & Steampunk

Ah, the Victorians, with their Zeppelins, impeccable politeness and steam powered aeroplanes or some-such. This is for those wishing to play in a Victorian or alternate reality Victorian setting, full of cups of tea and jolly good fun.

Examples: Victoriana (unsurprisingly), Castle Falkenstein, Airship Pirates

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Warhammer 40k Roleplay – NEW!!!

In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only this. Whether inquisitorial agents, profiteering space-farers, the elite Adeptus Arbites of the Emperor or maybe something weirder, you'll be battling foul xenos and heretical mutants, for the Emperor!

Examples: Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch

Weird and Wibbly

The truly strange fits here. Maybe talking involves the use of a hand puppet or your personality is reflected by wearing a particular hat, or something even odder. Who knows?

(Old) World of Darkness

Old World of Darkness, or oWoD, is a favourite among many, and so we have split the World of Darkness in two this year. This category contains all the various systems in the oWoD universe, not to be confused with those in that new-fangled world the kids are playing.

Examples: Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension

(New) World of Darkness

For those who love the new setting of World of Darkness we have this. With more dark mystery and less impending apocalypse.

Examples: Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening

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This year we’re offering the following wargames with 3 places available per team for each category. Each category will be a tournament, where players battle each other and the winner will be decided based on gaming merit, painting and sportsmanship. Details on scoring, missions and point totals will follow, but the rules to be used will be the latest available.

Warhammer Fantasy Battles – 2,000 pts

Warhammer is the game of fantasy battles, where the forces of Order and Destruction meet each other on the battlefield. It is a test of tactical skill and strategy where great armies of miniatures clash in conflict and magic reigns supreme. Fantasy this year will be using the 8th edition rules. This is one of the bigger categories and we’re expecting around 40 participants.

Warhammer 40K – 1,500 pts

40K is a game set in the dark 41st millennium, where mankind must battle for survival in a galaxy beset by aliens, daemons, mutants and heretics. Players wage war with armies of futuristic miniatures in the ultimate contest of strategy and skill. As expected, this year 40K will be using the 5th edition ruleset, and as one of the bigger categories we’re expecting around 40 participants.

Battlefleet Gothic – 1,500 pts

Battlefleet Gothic (BFG) is the game of spaceship combat, set in the dark future of the 41st millennium, where the Imperium of Mankind battles for survival against aliens, daemons and traitors. Players command fleets of warships in deadly battles among the stars. This year BFG will be using the latest rules from Games Workshop ( This is one of the smaller categories and has in previous years attracted around 10 participants.

Warmachine/Hordes (Warmahordes) – 50 pts

Warmahordes is a fast-paced and aggressive 30mm tabletop miniatures game set in the Iron Kingdoms, a steam powered fantasy world where iron constructs and monstrous beasts battle for supremacy and victory favours the bold. Players take the roles of either warcasters or warlocks and control armies of warriors, machines and creatures. As expected, this year warmahordes will be using the Mark II rules. This is normally one of the smaller categories, and in past years has attracted around 10 participants.

Bloodbowl – Points TBC

Blood bowl (BB) is a game of fantasy football, set in the Warhammer fantasy world. Players take on the role of a BB coach commanding teams of different races who use skill and sharp implements to score touchdowns and win games. BB is a brutal sports

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game, with teams of hardened players and loyal cheerleaders. This year BB will be run using the latest rules from Games Workshop ( and is usually the smallest category, not being run in some years. NOTE: If you wish to play this, you can only put it as your FIRST CHOICE CATEGORY.

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Open sectionCCGs

Magic: the Gathering

Planeswalkers, the format for this category has not yet been confirmed by the judge, but we’re likely to be following previous years. Please keep an eye on the Nationals forums for updates.

On Saturday, there will be a limited event, either sealed or (more likely) draft format. You will get the cards that you draft so, to cover our costs, we will need to charge an additional fee for this category which will partly be subsidised by the event to keep down your costs. Please check the forums regularly for more details.

On Sunday, it will be a constructed event and likely to be standard format. The length of each is to be determined by the judge, but is likely to be roughly five rounds each. Generally the constructed event won't take all day, so you may want to bring along some "fun" decks to play with.

Both are subject to all usual MTG sanctioned competition rules (for further details, check Wizards of the Coast ( and the banned cards ( Our judge will determine the winner and runners up based on your performance in both events.

Legend of the Five Rings

As above details are to be confirmed. Check the Nationals forums for further information as it comes to us. The format will most likely be standard and there may be an extra charge as with MTG to cover the costs of cards for draft. Again, this cost will be subsidised by us and should be reasonable.


Attention, duellists! As above details are to be confirmed. Again, check the forums for further information as we get it. The format will very likely be standard and there may be an extra charge as above to cover the costs of cards for draft. This cost will be subsidised by us and should be reasonable.

Board Games and Card Games

Every Nationals seems to bring its own twist to this set of categories and Cardiff 2012 will be no different. We took a look at what previous years have done, got feedback from players and have also tried to include what we see as current trends in board and card gaming.

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Each category below could contain board games as well as card games. You do not need to know the rules of any games before you play but please be aware that the Strategy category is likely to contain players who know their stuff.

Co-Op Games

You as a team versus the game, put simply. Unlike some of the other categories, the scoring will involve a subjective element. We’ll be looking at how well you played in and for your team and how you did against the game. The judging will probably be similar to the judging for the roleplay categories.

Example games: Pandemic, Yggdrasil, Arkham Horror and other games where you work as a team versus "the AI".

Deck-Building Games

They’re like a CCG where you don’t have to sell your internal organs, card games that use in-game deck construction rather than buying boosters and whatnot. This category is likely to be very heavily scored on your in-game results. This category may also include similar games, such as Quarriors, that aren't technically “deck” building.

Example games: Dominion, Thunderstone, Ascension, Nightfall and so on.

Deception and Treachery Games

Basically any game involving secret roles or betrayal as a central mechanic. Chances are good that you’ll be conniving against other players or teams to achieve your secret goal. Scoring for this may contain some objectivity as well as being based on scores.

Example games: Bang!, Are You A Werewolf?, Shadow Hunters, The Resistance, Shadows Over Camelot, Ankh Morpork…

Strategy Games

For people who like their board/cardgaming like they like their pornography: hardcore and European. This category is the most likely to contain serious gamers and involves planning ahead and careful strategy. It will be judged objectively.

Example games: Agricola, Puerto Rico, Power Grid, Race for the Galaxy, etc.

Open Games

Basically anything that doesn't fit in the above too much. What we wanted was to split hardcore strategy from more casual games because we feel some players play purely for the hard thinking tactics and some can't stand that stuff. Open games is

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for more casual and light-hearted fun. Both subjective and objective methods may be used to score these.

Example games: Fluxx, Dixit, Incan Gold, Red Dragon Inn, Icehouse piece games

LARP (Live Action Roleplay)

This year we will be offering Live Action Role Play. All the games will be played at the same time as the RPGs and the games will be 'Apocalypse' themed. All the LARP games we have lined up are non-combat. If you choose LARP you will be notified of any prior information you need, such as costume, character sheets, background, ideas for props you might like to bring etc. where required. At the moment possible offerings for this category include Blood & Tears (Houses of the Blooded LARP) and Mind’s Eye Theatre Vampire LARP, though really it depends on the GMs we get. NOTE: this will only run if a minimum of 6 people sign up for it. If you wish to play in the LARP category you MUST PUT IT AS YOUR FIRST CHOICE.

Leek of Steel (Brains over Brawn!)

This category recently awoke in 2010 at Herriot-Watt, under the guise of "Irn Man". It was sighted again in 2011 at the Sheffield nationals, where it was known as "Geek of Steel". It is written in the stars that this phenomenon will reveal another facet of its being in 2012, here in Cardiff, and legend tells us that it is called “Leek of Steel.”

Over the course of the weekend this category will take you through every kind of geekery and gaming available at the Nationals. Roleplaying, wargaming, CCGing, board gaming, and LARPing will all play a part in deciding who is the Leek of Steel.

We cannot accept more than one entrant per UNIVERSITY (not per team).

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The End is Nigh! But fear naught! We have plenty to keep your fragile little minds occupied and - ahem - distracted, from your impending doom.Over the weekend, in addition to the various tabletop roleplaying games, wargames, LARP, board games and card games in the competition we have:

The Quiz: We’ve asked each of our members to put forward a question for each category, compiling the best quiz ever!

Casual Games: Quiz not your cup of radioactive tea? While the quiz is on and everyone’s busy having their brain melted, you can enjoy a nice game of Fluxx, Munchkin, Braggart, etc. Feel free to bring along your own games to play as well!

The Big Game: A new feature to the Nationals, the Big Game is an opt-in, Assassins-style game run by the Guild Master, which will run throughout the weekend and allow participants to gain prestige for their team. It’s simple: you are a hired Assassin, given targets (other Assassins) to assassinate using various methods. This is non-combat, non-contact, so the methods include Fluffy Attack Animals, “Knives” (drinking straws), “Bombs” (getting target to read a “Bomb” card, subtly!), and “Poison” (a “Poison” card placed under a target’s plate of food/drink.) Winner is the last Assassin standing.

Raffle: We will be having the usual raffle, and tickets can be bought from the Minions going around over the weekend. The draw will be held on the Sunday, before the closing ceremony.

Fancy Dress: This year the fancy dress that takes place on Saturday night will be judged, and a couple of points towards the overall score awarded to the best dressed individual and the best dressed team. Fancy dress theme is open and teams are encouraged to use all their originality to create a great-looking group of geeks.

The City: Other than the two Student Bars at the Union we are also right in the centre of Wales’ capital city. There are hundreds of bars, clubs and restaurants to enjoy if you decide to go exploring the city by night. At registration there will be a full list available of nearby bars, restaurants and clubs and what they have on over the weekend.

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The following are some possible hotels for you to stay in during the Nationals. Most of them are either within walking distance of the Student Union, or on an easy bus route/near a train station. Since Cathays train station is right behind the Student Union, you should not have a problem getting there from wherever you choose to stay! Remember, this is not an exhaustive list however!

Travelodge Cardiff Central HotelLocated in centre of town, near Cardiff Central train station. Number 35 bus should take people to the Union or a 15 minute walk away from the Union.Imperial Gate, St Mary's Street, CF10 1FA 984 6224

Travelodge Cardiff Central Queen Street Hotel10 minute walk to the Union.The Friary, off Queen Street, CF10 2RG 984 6467

Premier InnShort walk (10 minutes), but you can also catch the 35 bus.Helmont House, 10 Churchill Way, CF10 2NB 527 8196

Ibis CardiffShort walk (10 minutes), but you can also catch the 35 bus.Churchill Way, CF10 2HA 649 250

Sleeperz Hotel CardiffBus number 35 will take you to the Union or a 15-20 minute walk.Station Approach, Saunders Road, CF10 1RHhttp://www.sleeperz.com02920 478 747

Bunk House CardiffIn the centre of town near Cardiff Castle, a short walk (10 minutes) will take you to the Union.93-94 St Mary's Street CF10 1DX 228 587

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The Big Sleep CardiffShort walk (10-15 minutes) to the Union; near Queen Street Station so you can also catch a train to Cathays station.Bute Terrace, CF10 2FE 636 363

Holiday InnSituated just past Cardiff Castle, this is a short (10-15 minute) walk from the Union, with plenty of bus routes nearby.Castle Street, Cardiff, CF10 1XD 942 9240

Etap HotelA bit further away than other hotels, this is a 20-25 minute walk to the Union or a 10 minute walk to Queen Street Station and then a train to Cathays station.Tyndall Street, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 4BE 458131

For more information and help, you can also contact the Tourist Information Office on 02920 873 172, and they can help find and book your room for you, whether it’s in advance or short notice. They do, however charge commission for this service. You can also email them on [email protected]

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Entry Details

Each team organizer should fill out a preliminary booking form (see below, or enclosed) giving details of the Team Name, Contact Person and their Contact Details, number of entrants for their team and each team member’s category preferences (1st to 3rd).

This form should be returned to us at the address below, along with the £20 entry fee per team member.

The deadline for this is 31st December 2011. Any entries received after this date will be considered on a basis of first come, first served, and will only be considered if there are any places left.

Our contact details are included below if you’d like any further information. Alternatively, check out the website at for updates, or our Facebook group at

Please make cheques payable to Aneirin Harrow and return the form to the following address:

Cardiff RAWSoc122 Cottrell Road


CF24 3EX

If you would prefer to pay via an online transfer or bank transfer, please contact Lianne Wilson at [email protected]

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Nationals Sign-up Forms

Here is how this works. On this form, we need the names of people attending the Nationals and wanting to play in any of the categories.

Please make sure you read the maximum number of entrants per team restrictions above and also fill out all your choices.

We will make every effort to provide people with what they want to play, and in most cases attendees will be playing in the first choice category, in nearly all cases they will be playing in their first or second choice categories.

Here are all the categories again, for your perusal:

RoleplayingAction and AdventureCall of CthulhuDark FuturesD&D 3.5/PathfinderD&D 4th Ed.Dr. WhoHomebrewHorrorHumourIndie Myths and LegendsOpen FantasyParanoiaSci-FiStar WarsSupersSystemlessTrue RandomUrban FantasyVictoriana & SteampunkWarhammer 40K RoleplayWeird and Wibbly(Old) World of Darkness(New) World of Darkness

WargamingWarhammerWarhammer 40KBattlefleet GothicWarmachine/HordesBloodbowl

Open SectionMagic: the GatheringLegend of the Five RingsYu-Gi-Oh!

Co-Op Board/CardgamesDeck-Building Board/Cardgames

Deception and Treachery Board/CardgamesStrategy Board/CardgamesOpen Board/Cardgames


Leek of Steel

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Nationals Entry Form

Team Contact Name:Team Contact Email Address:Team Contact Telephone No.:Team Contact Postal Address:University:Team Name:

Entrant Name 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice

If your team is very large, please feel free to complete more than one of these forms, and send them to us – there is no limit to number of team members!

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The Committee

Main Contact: Lianne Wilson (Communications Officer) [email protected]

El Presidenté: David Nutbourne [email protected]

Event Organisation: Nimrod Jones (Site Manager) [email protected] ; Adam Miller (Minion Master) [email protected] ; Dom Spens (Entertainments Officer) [email protected] ; Kim Huggens (“Deputy” Entertainments Officer) [email protected]

Finance and Money: Aneirin Harrow (Treasurer) [email protected]

Roleplaying Games and GMing: Kieran Harwood (RPG Co-ordinator) [email protected]

Wargames: Matthew Croad (Wargames Co-ordinator) [email protected]

Open Section: Adam Miller (Open Section Co-ordinator) [email protected]