Student Loans: Advice For Students And Parents

Student Loans: Advice For Students And Parents Getting a better education is not always easy, especially when it comes to paying for it. Schools of all types cost great amounts of money. What should you do if you do not have the money needed to attend school? That is the purpose behind student loans. Below you will see many good tips on how to apply for one. If you have any student loans, it's important to pay attention to what the pay back grace period is. The grace period is the period between when you graduate and when you have to start paying back your loans. Knowing this allows you to make sure your payments are made on time so you can avoid penalties. Be aware of the terms of any loans you take out. Stay on top of what your balance is and know which lender you borrowed from, plus what your repayment status is. These facts will determine your loan repayment and forgiveness options. This information is necessary to plan your budget accordingly. Don't eschew private student loans for financing a college education. Student loans through the government are available, but there is a lot of competition. Private student loans will have less people getting them, and there will be small funds that go unclaimed because they're small and people aren't aware of them. A private student loan from a community source may be just what you need to buy textbooks or manage some other specific expense. Utilize a methodical process to repay loans. First, make sure you are at least paying the minimum amount required on each loan. The second step is applying any extra money you have to your highest-interest-rate loan and not the one with the biggest balance. That way, you will end up spending a lesser amount overall. Focus initially on the high interest loans. Basing payments on the highest and lowest amounts can make you end up paying more money later. Know how much time you have in your grace period from the time you leave school until you must begin paying back your loans. For example, you must begin paying on a Stafford loan six months after you graduate. Others, like the Perkins Loan, allot you nine months. Other types of loans may vary. Be aware of exactly when you must start making payments, and be sure to make those payments on time! When you're trying to pay off a student loan, be sure you pay them in order of interest rates. Try to pay the highest interest loans to begin with. By concentrating on high interest loans first, you can get them paid off quickly. There will be no penalty because you have paid them off quicker.

Transcript of Student Loans: Advice For Students And Parents

Page 1: Student Loans: Advice For Students And Parents

Student Loans: Advice For Students And Parents

Getting a better education is not always easy, especially when it comes to paying for it. Schools of alltypes cost great amounts of money. What should you do if you do not have the money needed toattend school? That is the purpose behind student loans. Below you will see many good tips on howto apply for one.

If you have any student loans, it's important to pay attention to what the pay back grace period is.The grace period is the period between when you graduate and when you have to start paying backyour loans. Knowing this allows you to make sure your payments are made on time so you can avoidpenalties.

Be aware of the terms of any loans you takeout. Stay on top of what your balance is andknow which lender you borrowed from, pluswhat your repayment status is. These factswill determine your loan repayment andforgiveness options. This information isnecessary to plan your budget accordingly.

Don't eschew private student loans forfinancing a college education. Student loansthrough the government are available, butthere is a lot of competition. Private studentloans will have less people getting them, and

there will be small funds that go unclaimed because they're small and people aren't aware of them.A private student loan from a community source may be just what you need to buy textbooks ormanage some other specific expense.

Utilize a methodical process to repay loans. First, make sure you are at least paying the minimumamount required on each loan. The second step is applying any extra money you have to yourhighest-interest-rate loan and not the one with the biggest balance. That way, you will end upspending a lesser amount overall.

Focus initially on the high interest loans. Basing payments on the highest and lowest amounts canmake you end up paying more money later.

Know how much time you have in your grace period from the time you leave school until you mustbegin paying back your loans. For example, you must begin paying on a Stafford loan six monthsafter you graduate. Others, like the Perkins Loan, allot you nine months. Other types of loans mayvary. Be aware of exactly when you must start making payments, and be sure to make thosepayments on time!

When you're trying to pay off a student loan, be sure you pay them in order of interest rates. Try topay the highest interest loans to begin with. By concentrating on high interest loans first, you canget them paid off quickly. There will be no penalty because you have paid them off quicker.

Page 2: Student Loans: Advice For Students And Parents

Pay off larger loans as soon as possible. A lower principal means you will pay less interest on it. Paythe larger loans off to prevent this from happening. After you have paid off the largest loan, beginpaying larger payments to the second largest debt. If you make at least the minimum payment on allloans and large payments on the biggest loan, your student loan balances will disappear.

You may feel overburdened by your student loan payment on top of the bills you pay simply tosurvive. There are frequently reward programs that may benefit you. For instance, check outSmarterBucks and LoanLink, both of which are offered by Upromise. These are similar to cash backprograms in which you earn rewards for each dollar you spend, and you can apply those rewardstoward your loan.

Many people will apply for their student loans without reading what they are signing. Ask to getclarification on anything you don't understand. This is one way that lenders use to get more thanthey should.

One type of student loan that is available to parents and graduate students is the PLUS loans. Theirinterest rate does not exceed 8.5%. Although this is greater than Perkins loans and Stafford loans,it's much better than the private loan rates. For this reason, this is a good loan option for moremature and established students.

Defaulting on your loans is not an easy way out. Unfortunately if you do this, the federal governmentwill use all means necessary to recover this debt. For example, it can step in and claim a portion ofyour tax return or Social Security payments. They can also claim up to fifteen percent of yourincome that is disposable. You could end up worse off that you were before in some cases.

Stay in contact with your lender. You have to understand everything about the loan you owe and howyou need to pay it back. He or she may have useful information for you.

Getting and repaying a student loan doesn't have to be an overwhelming process. This advice canhelp diminish your fears when it comes to affording school costs. Use the tips wisely when you go fillout those student loan forms when applying for school.