Student engagement and wellbeing

Technical Leadership – Thinking and Planning Strategically Strategic Planning Project Louise Holley Acting Assistant Principal/Primary Welfare Officer Debney Meadows Primary School Victoria Street Flemington 3031 [email protected] Mentor: Peter Cowell This project aims to develop a strategic and sustainable approach towards school improvement in the area of student engagement and wellbeing.



Transcript of Student engagement and wellbeing

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Technical Leadership – Thinking and Planning Strategically

Strategic Planning Project

Louise HolleyActing Assistant Principal/Primary Welfare Officer

Debney Meadows Primary SchoolVictoria Street Flemington 3031

[email protected]

Mentor: Peter Cowell

This project aims to develop a strategic and sustainable approach towards school improvement in the area of student engagement and wellbeing.

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As a part of the School Accountability and Improvement Framework; enhanced student engagement and wellbeing, Debney Meadows four-year school strategic plan has as its focus:

Student Engagement and Wellbeing“To continue to provide high levels of care and welfare in response to the students’ individual needs”

“Developing strategic thinking as well as operational competence is an ability that we should develop in all staff in a school.” Brent Davies

This project aims to develop a strategic and sustainable approach towards school improvement in the area of student engagement and wellbeing.


Debney Meadows Primary School is a small, inner city school located on the edge of Debney Park and close to the Flemington Ministry of Housing Estate. Debney Meadows Primary School is a “like 9” school with 93% of families on a Health Care Card and 97% of students from Language Backgrounds Other Than English. Equally important to note is the degree of economic disadvantage experienced by our students and families. The majority of our families have one parent with often 4 to 6 children living in a 2 bedroom Office of Housing unit. The majority of families come from the Horn of Africa. Language groups in the school include Somali, Vietnamese, Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese, Hakka), Tigrinya, Turkish, Spanish and Amharic. There is high mobility in and out of the area.

Debney Meadows Primary School has undergone considerable changes over the last two years with changes in leadership (three principals, an acting assistant principal, three primary welfare officers). Last year began with a $400,000 fire in January which resulted in three physical shifts for the school community. Temporary classes were held in neighbouring schools, then we moved into one floor of the school building and then into the whole building. In 2007 the school began a CASS Foundation project “Increasing Student Engagement through the Developmental Curriculum”. The project timetable is three years. Educational consultant Kathy Walker works with teams of teachers on a weekly basis. Play and project based learning; alongside explicit instructions are the major pedagogical tools for literacy development and learning in the Developmental Curriculum.

In December 2007 Debney Meadows was selected as a Western Metropolitan Region Focus School. We were appointed a Teaching and Learning Coach, Olivea Chellew, who works with teachers on strategies and practices to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students.

In 2008 Debney Meadows Primary School commenced the year with a newly appointed substantive Principal Christine Nash. My acting Assistant Principal role was modified to incorporate a .6 Primary Welfare Officer role. The 2008 school year commenced with an enrolment of 30 students less than expected which resulted in an excess of teachers, a projected financial deficit of over $100,000 and classes averaging around 16 students. The school restructured at the end of term two 2008 changing from seven classes to six. An excess process to decrease the teaching staff by one EFT position in term four was achieved.


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Clarify Strategic intent – strategic plan, annual implementation plan Establish student wellbeing team Develop Primary Welfare Officer action plan Identify needs – students, school, community Identify student wellbeing practices at Debney Meadows Primary School Engage community – staff, students, families, wider community To provide high levels of care and welfare in response to the students’ individual needs



Christine Nash PrincipalLouise Holley Acting Assistant Principal/Primary Welfare OfficerOlivea Chellew WMR Teaching and Learning Coach

Student Wellbeing Team comprising of the Principal, Assistant Principal/Primary Welfare Officer, Integration teacher, SSO representative, After School Care Coordinator, Speech Pathologist, School Psychologist, School Nurse, RCH Paediatric fellow and RMIT Social Work Students.

Staff – MEAs, SSOs




Reflecting: where are we?

This project aims to develop a strategic and sustainable approach towards school improvement in the area of student engagement and wellbeing. To achieve this we need a whole school understanding of where we are now – what structures are in place at Debney Meadows, what our goals, needs and expectations are.

Strategic thinking: where could we be?

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As a school we need to discuss, imagine, articulate what should and could be; the Art of Possibility. We are in the process of looking at the ‘now” of school improvement at Debney Meadows while challenging and creating new ways of doing things for the future. Becoming a strategically focused school with school-wide ongoing improvement.

Analysis: what do we know?

We need to identify where the school is now, where it wants to be and how that journey can be led and managed.

We looked at our strategic intent as outlined in our strategic plan and annual implementation plan (Appendix 1). From this I used The Framework for Student Support Services in Victorian Government Schools as a structure to identify what practices are in place at Debney Meadows (Appendix 2). A Student Wellbeing Team was established with the aim of supporting and improving student wellbeing initiatives. The Student Wellbeing Team developed a Primary Welfare Officer Action plan which was presented to staff (Appendix 3).

Completing the Culture Profile Summary, as presented by Colin Pidd, highlighted the clan culture characteristics within staff evident at Debney Meadows. A core team of staff have taught at the school for a significant time. The challenging behaviours of students and their learning needs have contributed to this culture. A lot of energy and focus has been on welfare and behaviour issues at the expense of teaching and learning. Professional learning time of teachers has been expended on welfare and classroom management. Teachers thought it detrimental to leave the classroom to attend professional development due to classroom management issues.

Debney Meadows is a disadvantaged school. Our families come from lower socio economic backgrounds with 97% from Language Backgrounds Other Than English. Staff were asked to record what that disadvantage looks like for students, the school and the community. The activity was repeated by the Student Wellbeing Team (Appendix 4). Next step was to reflect, think and plan. What are our expectations? What are our assumptions? What impact does poverty and disadvantage have on our community? What do we need to put in place to redress the disadvantage?

Debney Meadows Primary School has been identified by the Western Metropolitan Region as an underperforming school and a teaching and learning coach was placed in the school for 2008. Debney Meadows has a high number of ESL students. We need to know what that means for teaching and learning. We need to know what that means for student engagement and wellbeing.

A need for data/statistics was identified. Recently, through a Melbourne University Research Project our 13 preps were screened. From this, seven students have been referred for a full assessment. The number of students with high needs appears to be disproportionate to our school enrolment of 110 students. We need data to confirm this. We are currently investigating the use of the Students at Risk Mapping System and have visited two neighbouring schools to see how they are using this system. We need to collect and analyse this data and analyse how the data can inform our teaching and learning. We need to explore how the data may assist us to get support. The data may be able to ascertain school improvement. We need to be able to identify what value has been added to students attending Debney Meadows.


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When building and developing a strategically focussed school, engaging the people within the school to be part of the process is vital.

Debney Meadows has undergone considerable change over the last two years. A new principal and leadership team in 2008 has had a significant impact on the culture and direction of the school. There has been an intentional process of fostering and developing strategic conversations, developing relationships, enhancing participation and motivation. There is a new energy and enthusiasm.

Professional learning communities with a focus on teaching and learning have replaced staff meetings that previously focused on administration and behaviour. Sharepoint is used for daily communication and morning briefings are held daily to ensure effective communication. The school has successfully achieved Performance and Development Culture accreditation. Values have been developed and we are building shared understandings of what these look like inside and outside of the classroom. Timetabling has allowed teams of teachers time to meet and plan together. A highly successful After School Care Program has been established. Restorative Justice Practices have been introduced across the school.

Engaging the community – staff, students, families and wider community has occurred through briefings, Sharepoint, newsletters, professional learning communities, after school care, parent information sessions, parenting courses and participation in community events. Most of our community have limited English. Through extensive use of interpreters and the critical role of our two Multicultural Education Aides we are able to develop strong relationships and partnerships with our community.


What is in the best interests of the students? Leadership have begun engaging staff, students and the community in thinking and talking about current practice and the future. This has been through conversations, professional learning communities, presentations, sharing and analysis of data. We are developing school-wide expectations and agreed understandings.

Student engagement and wellbeing is one of the three key student outcomes within the School Accountability and Improvement Framework. Effective Schools focus on the development of student social competencies, by embedding social competency learning opportunities into their pedagogy, curriculum, behaviour management systems and expectations.

It is recognised that the intent is beyond this project, it is a work in progress. Processes are being put in place to ensure that everyone is on board. We are aiming to build capacity and capability, to move the school from its present position to its desired future state. Continuous reflection, strategic approaches and modification will lead to ongoing improvement. This project will inform our Annual Implementation Plan for 2009, a key improvement area.


Strategic thinking is a process where we build understanding and meaning about where we are and where we are going.

We need to build strategic capability within the school in order to ensure long term success and a culture of continuous improvement.

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An outline of the way/s in which the project made use of the principles and techniques of strategic planning

1) Conceptualisation

Clarify Strategic intent; to provide high levels of care and welfare in response to the students’ individual needs. Refer to strategic plan and annual implementation plan. What processes are needed to identify student wellbeing practices at Debney Meadows Primary School.? What processes are needed to identify needs – students, school and community?

2) Engaging people

Establish student wellbeing team.Engage community – staff, students, families, wider community.Establish processes to gather data to identify needs.

3) Articulation

Develop school-wide expectations and agreed understandingsVisionValuesConversationsEvidence walksAnnual Implementation Plan 2009

4) Implementation

Structures and processes in place to ensure sustained student wellbeing practices.

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Goals Targets One Year Targets

Student Engagement and Wellbeing

To continue to provide high levels of care and welfare in response to the students’ individual needs.

By the end of the strategic plan period:

Student behaviour – for the Staff Opinion Survey variables; Student motivation, Student decision making, student misbehaviour and classroom misbehaviour to all be above the 25th percentile

The percentage of children arriving late to school will reduce by 10%

The Parent Opinion Survey criteria of Approachability and General Satisfaction will fall in the “excellent” range

Staff opinion survey variables will indicate an improvement by at least 5%. Student motivation at or above 38.5, Student decision making at or above 21.0, Student misbehaviour at or above 66, Classroom misbehaviour at or above 36.5

The Attitudes to Schools Survey to show a 10% improvement in student safety with a school mean of 4.04 or above.

The percentage of students arriving late to school will have decreased by 5%

Key Improvement Strategies and Significant Projects


the activities and programs required to progress the key improvement strategies


the budget, equipment, IT, learning time, learning space


the individuals or teams responsible for implementation


the date, week, month or term for completion

Achievement Milestones

changes in practice or behaviours

Student Engagement and Wellbeing

Review behaviour management policy

Implementation of Restorative Justice as the approach to student behaviour management

PD staff not yet trained in Restorative Justice

PLC refresher sessionPurchase resources

Carol Guthrie Term 1 By the end of semester 1 & 2, progress indicated on SSRS on the social behaviours of students, such as cooperation, empathy, assertion, self control and responsibility

By term 4 there is a 10% decrease in all behaviour incidents as evidenced by

Staff develop a framework and shared language to talk with students about their behaviour

PLC meeting. Share examples

Review and revisit strategies regularly

Whole staff and PWO Ongoing

Term 2

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the behaviour record book compared to 2006 data

Staff opinion survey variables will indicate an improvement by at least 5%. Student misbehaviour at or above 66, Classroom misbehaviour at or above36.5

By term 4, a new draft Student Safety Policy document is completed.

The Attitudes to Schools Survey to show a 10% improvement in student safety with a school mean of 4.04 or above.

Visit schools which have implemented Restorative Justice.

Expressions of interestCRT budgetStaff report back to PLC

Co-ordinated by AP Term 1

AP trained as Restorative Justice Community Conference Facilitator

PL budgetCRT budget

Carol Guthrie Term 1

Parent Information Session Restorative Justice

Meeting timeFor consultant

Carol Guthrie Term 2

Develop draft policy documents

Education Committee Term 4

Investigate Positive Behaviour Intervention Support.

PL budgetCRT budget

Assistant Principal Term 1

Enhancing Relationships in School Communities expression of interest.

Principal Term 1




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To continue to provide high levels of care and welfare in response to the students’ individual needs.

By the end of the strategic plan period:

Student behaviour – for the Staff Opinion Survey variables; Student motivation, Student decision making, student misbehaviour and classroom misbehaviour to all be above the 25th percentile

The percentage of children arriving late to school will reduce by 10% The Parent Opinion Survey criteria of Approachability and General Satisfaction will fall in the “excellent” range


The Primary Welfare Officer will:

contribute to the development of a whole school approach to encourage student engagement, learning and wellbeing; promote a positive and secure environment through evidence based learning and wellbeing programs; develop community partnerships to strengthen student wellbeing; work within the whole school community to support students and their families; promote greater student and family engagement with schools; and develop and support the school’s approach to effective student case coordination.

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The Framework for Student Support Services in Victorian Government Schools



Build belonging and promote wellbeing.

Primary prevention refers to population-based strategies for whole groups, such as a school or a year level, that aim to strengthen protective factors and minimize the impact of risk factors in students.

Promoting resilience through:

a sense of belonging a one to one relationship with a

caring adult positive social behaviours and

problem solving skills a sense of spiritual and communal

belonging strong family relationships and

minimal family stress peer connectedness


build mutual respect and promote safety at school

implement comprehensive curriculum to engage all students

enhance school attendance practice inclusive teaching and

learning encourage supportive relationships ease transitions involve parents / families and


Primary Welfare Officer Establish Student Wellbeing Team ( meet once per term)

Primary Welfare Officer action plan

Draft Student Wellbeing policy

Values Publish school values Review Student Code of

ConductCurriculum Implement developmental

curriculum P-6 to engage all students

School Attendance Student Attendance Forum (PWO)

Student Attendance Network (Business Manager)

It’s Not OK To Be Away parent session

ERIS Enhancing Relationships in Schools

ERIS Core Team Whole School PD Implement cultural diversity

curriculum years 3-6Restorative Justice Restorative Justice practices

implemented Whole School PD Parent PD Review Student Code of

Conduct Draft Student Code of Conduct

Parents/Families/Community Parent information sessions Parenting course “Tuning Into

Kids” After School Care Program Social work students Transition

Student Health Referral to agencies, eg; State Schools Relief, MacKillop

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Family Services Headlice management Anaphylaxis management Asthma Friendly Schools

program School nursing Kids Go For Your Life CASEA Drug Education Student welfare data base Melbourne University Prep

assessment programStudent Safety Review Student Code of

Conduct Draft Student Code of Conduct KAP room open recess and

lunch Lunchtime clubs; ICT, Art Sport


Strengthen coping skills and reduce risk factors

Early intervention strategies are targeted at students displaying general disorganisation in coping skills and other personal and social vulnerabilities that place them at risk of not reaching their educational potential.

Developing resilience through:

implementing appropriate support programs


assess risks and identify needs provide school based counselling

Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD)

Identification of “at risk” students

Referral procedures Integration teacher Integrations Aides (SSOs) School Support Groups (SSG) Individual Learning Plans WMR Integration Network Professional Development Student Wellbeing Team

Language Support Program Implement Language Support


Emergency Management DMPS Emergency

Management Plan

CASEA Staff briefing

Team training Whole school PD Student program Parent program Classroom program

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providing effective interventions reinforcing students’ positive

achievements promoting a sense of safety and


and support develop programs to improve skills monitor and evaluate student

support programs

SSSOs Student Wellbeing Team


Provide access to support information and treatment

Intervention strategies are aimed at smaller numbers of students who experience serious or persistent difficulties, and who may need either short-term or ongoing access to additional professional intervention services and support. Intervention strategies are most effective when they are embedded in the school’s existing wellbeing programs.

Improving resilience through:

activating effective partnerships coordinating services well judged responses, being

sensitive to students’ feelings and needs

accurate identification


clarify referral procedures link to counselling services ensure continuity of care monitor and evaluate progress

Referral procedures Student welfare data base Student Wellbeing Team Case management (social

work student program) School Support Group

meetings Individual Learning Plans Behaviour management plans Risk management plans



Manage trauma and limit impact

Restoring wellbeing strategies are aimed at students affected by critical incidences or potentially traumatic

Student Wellbeing Team DMPS Emergency

Management Plan

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situations. These strategies also focus on re-connecting students who are disengaged from the school system.

Rebuilding resilience through:

restoring a sense of normality responding appropriately with

recovery activities having effective prevention and

preparedness supporting psychological safety


increase awareness of trauma impact

plan for emergency response provide counselling and support monitor recovery and evaluate


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Debney Meadows Primary School

Primary Welfare Officer Action Plan

Year Curriculum Prevention/Early


Policy Parents &


2008 - 2009 ERIS Core Team Whole School PD Implement cultural

diversity curriculum years 3-6

Establish Student Wellbeing Team (meet once per term)

Primary Welfare Officer action plan

CASEA program Restorative Justice

practices implemented

Whole School PD Parent PD Review Student

Code of Conduct

Draft Student Wellbeing policy

Draft Student Code of Conduct

Anaphylaxis management Policy

Asthma Policy Sunsmart Policy

Parent information sessions

Social work students

Successful Targets (completed towards end of year): ERIS introduced, Student Wellbeing Team established, Restorative justice practices implemented across school, Student Code of Conduct reviewed, Parent information sessions regularly provided

Forward Planning (completed towards end of year): CASEA program implemented, Draft Student Wellbeing policy published, Draft Student Code of Conduct published, Primary Welfare Officer Action plan implemented,


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ESL High number of special needs –

social/behavioural, educational High number of PSD funded students Challenging behaviours Welfare needs – absenteeism, lateness,

food, clothing Social isolation Large families lead to lack of support and

attention Not one of the preps fell into the normal

range of the language assessment High number of borderline assessments Lack of kindergarten or preschool

experience Children concerned for safety at times on

surrounding estate Limited access to SSSO’s Poverty Sibling stress Holistic welfare needs taken care of by

school MEA needed on regular basis

*ESL, below-age literacy skills, limited problem solving skills, limited play opportunities outside of school, lack of resources at home to supplement learning (e.g. educational games).

Isolated from wider community Teachers have to cater for high needs Limited access to speech pathologists,

psychologists, nurse, (SSSOs) Constant referrals Limited resources – integration aides Strong need for MEA’s Teachers and school staff required to

provide extra one on one attention to kids Responsibility at first point of call often

for health and speech difficulties No real connections to other primary

schools and community of primary schools for children

Holistic welfare Lack of understanding from surrounding

middle class community Funding Facilities Resources Cross cultural communication Social isolation – class isolation,

community isolation Lack of proper communication with

DEECDAllocation of SSSO time grossly below level school requires, sense that Region does not realise the high needs of the DMPS cohort, language barriers to interventions at the parent/family level, high per-capita rate of learning diffs.

Poverty Single parent families/high number of children, Sibling support Welfare benefits Refugee backgrounds – residual trauma in families,

stress LBOTE Housing issues Community outreach – first contact for assistance

and referral Need strong support for lots of things Lack of kindergarten or preschool experience Lack of communication/understanding between

Muslim community and services e.g. child protection Big drug problem in surrounding community –

people entering estate from other community Welfare – poverty/welfare cycles Cross cultural communication Community isolation Public housing issues Limited access to SSSO’s Strong support for families always needed Systemic disadvantage harder to use wider system

for needs Lack of family support

Low SES & corresponding lack of resources, difficulties interacting with broader community due to language barrier, struggle with behaviour management in large families, language barriers to involvement in community-run parenting programs etc

Cross cultural differences and tensions – e.g. homework issues, generational differences, influences from older siblings Constant reliance on interpreters